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Posted: 9/21/2016 9:52:41 PM EDT
I am an Episcopalian who feels deep communion with God through the liturgy of the church (the way we worship) and through Communion (the Lord's Supper). I am a Bible believer. If some part of scripture doesn't make to sense to me, I assume irrevocably that the problem is with me, not with God's word. I can either study and reason until I understand it, or I can accept that it is for me a mystery to be contemplated.

The last 2 Wednesday evenings we've been studying Genesis. The pastor didn't say this himself, but he read from a commentary that said the creation accounts of Gen. 1 & 2 and the Temptation of Eve in Gen. 3 are "fairy tales," and would have been understood as such by the ancient Hebrews. I am befuddled by the idea that a person would call himself a Christian while disbelieving the Bible. I am more befuddled that a person could believe in an entity (God) capable of creating all things ex nihilo but balk at His special creation of earthly life (and especially man) and find His creation of a talking snake entirely out of bounds. I mean, He made stars; he invented water; He summoned all the colors into being, and some people say, well, there are some things He just couldn't possibly have done.

I know that I will keep going as long as I am fed by what the church has to offer, keep offering correctives to apostasy when I can, and keep my nose (too little of the time) in my own Bible. I just wanted to get this off my chest.
Link Posted: 9/22/2016 7:20:16 AM EDT
I hear you.  I grew up Episcopal also.  Heard the same thing and more from my priest.  My whole family has left the Episcopal church.  Years ago.  My parents now attend a Reformed Episcopal church.  Much more conservative.  Same litergy, old prayer book.just an idea.
Link Posted: 9/22/2016 12:29:08 PM EDT
You'd think that an Episcopalian pastor would've read St. Augustine at some point.
Link Posted: 9/22/2016 7:28:25 PM EDT
What about a Continuing Anglican parish?
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