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Posted: 11/11/2018 3:45:26 PM EDT
Unsettling news from the UK

Dog owner jailed after his pitbull ‘scalped’ baby in a playground

"A dangerous dog owner has been jailed for two years after his banned pitbull cross ‘scalped’ a 18-month-old baby. Michael Thornton, 27, and his girlfriend Hayley Eldridge’s dog Max mauled the infant in a children’s park where dogs were not allowed.

Police shot Max, who was a banned breed, dead

The pair admitted paying a 15-year-old girl cannabis to walk him but only Eldridge, 29, appeared for sentencing last month.

Max the police-perforated pit.

"Thornton was jailed for two years for dangerous dog offence with a consecutive four weeks for his breach of bail. John Fitzgerald, defending, said Thornton did not have the courage to attend for sentence after he was arrested over the dog attack

"His girlfriend Eldridge, however, admitted and was jailed for 21 months for owning Max and 16 weeks consecutive for perjury at the hearing on October 10. Prosecutor Catherine Donnelly said the child’s scalp could not be replaced and left her skull exposed."

"Judge David Griffith-Jones QC said when sentencing Eldridge: ‘Frankly, an idiot in a hurry would know such a dog should be looked after with the greatest care and circumspection because of the forseeability of such a dog running amok. ‘It was utter folly, and showed reckless disregard, to the public to place such a dog in the charge of a child, aged only 15.’"
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 3:47:56 PM EDT
That second picture was the dog at his best.
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 3:49:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 3:51:17 PM EDT
Fake news.

UK doesn't have any guns.
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 3:51:43 PM EDT
You can have muh pitt when you pry it from YOUR COLD DEAD BABY!!!
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 3:52:03 PM EDT
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That second picture was the dog at his best.
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Max the misunderstood mutt is now free, free at last...

Best pit ever...
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 3:53:08 PM EDT
Good riddance of a dangerous animal.
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 3:55:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 3:55:39 PM EDT
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You can have muh pitt when you pry it from YOUR COLD DEAD BABY!!!
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Jesus. A little over the top.
Sometimes I love/hate/lol this place
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 3:55:55 PM EDT
OP should move to the UK with his poodle and google skills
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 3:59:47 PM EDT
I bet no one read about this hero Pit Bull !  

Link Posted: 11/11/2018 4:00:20 PM EDT
How’s that gun ban and dog Ban working for you, UK?
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 4:00:36 PM EDT
With all these pit threads in GD, one question.

Has any US owners actually gotten time when their little fluffy cuddle baby nibbled on another? For some reason I really can't recall seeing anything about that
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 4:00:46 PM EDT
This headline brought to you by Mad Libs.  
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 4:01:33 PM EDT
No doubt he has the millions in liability insurance coverage to take care of the medical bills and rehab and special needs for the next 50 yrs of his victim.
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 4:02:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 4:03:00 PM EDT
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You can have muh pitt when you pry it from YOUR COLD DEAD BABY!!!
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I love this place.
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 4:04:17 PM EDT
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No doubt he has the millions in liability insurance coverage to take care of the medical bills and rehab and special needs for the next 50 yrs of his victim.
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And hats.. lots of hats.
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 4:06:09 PM EDT
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Jesus. A little over the top.
Sometimes I love/hate/lol this place
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Link Posted: 11/11/2018 4:09:30 PM EDT
Hey look a garbage person was doing garbage things with their garbage dog!

in before the pit bull apologist!
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 4:21:53 PM EDT
They could not replace the kids scalp so they left the skull exposed? Yeah bullshit.
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 4:24:30 PM EDT
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They could not replace the kids scalp so they left the skull exposed? Yeah bullshit.
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Gun Ban + Dog Ban + Socialized Medicine = UK.

A grand success.
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 4:33:47 PM EDT
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Gun Ban + Dog Ban + Socialized Medicine = UK.

A grand success.
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How long until it looks like Venezuela?
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 4:36:14 PM EDT
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How long until it looks like Venezuela?
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Gun Ban + Dog Ban + Socialized Medicine = UK.

A grand success.
How long until it looks like Venezuela?
Depends on what shape the scalp ripped.
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 4:38:26 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 4:40:10 PM EDT
Quite possibly the best thread title of 2018.

I though only limited numbers of UK police had firearms, so one would wonder how long it takes to get a guy with a gun.
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 4:42:05 PM EDT
Toddler prolly made a move on the pot, pit had to get it on.
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 4:44:52 PM EDT
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Max the misunderstood mutt is now free, free at last...


Best pit ever...
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Should be a picture of it biting off satans greasy cock in hell
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 4:52:22 PM EDT
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They could not replace the kids scalp so they left the skull exposed? Yeah bullshit.
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Yeah I'm sure the doctors did that for the anti-pit bull propaganda points
Link Posted: 11/11/2018 5:08:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/12/2018 9:22:25 PM EDT
More meme material...

Pitbull eating raw beef trachea
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