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Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:28:18 PM EDT
That smoke you smell isn't the libs/GOPe melting down it's DJT's brain cells working.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:29:15 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:29:27 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:29:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:30:10 PM EDT
Yep MSNBC and CNN are already fully on the unless Trump proves a negative and has evidence that he did not commit obstruction (evidence that does not exist because how do you have evidence of something that never happened) he is still a traitor.

There is no length too far for the liberals to travel to continue this
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:30:37 PM EDT
Non-exoneration is cope candy for media brainwashed lefties.

also, /r/the_mueller is LOCKED FOR SUBMISSIONS

Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:30:49 PM EDT
Their achieving stratospheric levels of anal chafing over at the DU...

Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:30:55 PM EDT
You want Mueller to draw a conclusion the will cost another $25 million and 2 more years to say Trump did nothing illegal. We also know that too.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:30:57 PM EDT
How long until the snowflakes riot?
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:31:10 PM EDT
Now_the_co-conspirators_can_be_indicted_tried_and_convicted. Some_need_to_meet_the_gallows.

Except that it will never happen. Justice is a sick joke at the federal level, and will forever remain so.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:31:44 PM EDT
I have the perfect flask for tonight

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:31:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:32:21 PM EDT
Lol DU is exploding. People who think GD is an echo chamber haven’t seen anything compared to DU.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:32:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:32:39 PM EDT
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Fox has Brazile on and she's spouting off about how is Trump going to protect the country and constitution.....Hey, fucking bitch, it was your asshole cuck metro cock gobbling downlow boy that was in charge when all this was going on.
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...so they did hire her?  I really hoped it was just a rumor.  Although, they did not have much credibility with me at this point. :|
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:32:58 PM EDT
Sorry mods that was stupid to lock a four page thread that was already going about today's announcement and kick it back all into this one.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:33:17 PM EDT
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Saw that and was wondering why not one person on the show mentioned that oblowme and his minions were in charge when all this russian shit she was whining about was going on.

oblowme even said the russians could hack the elections if they wanted to, if I'm not mistaken.

ETA:  Maybe the _s should have forwarded all their evidence to mueller?  
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Fox has Brazile on and she's spouting off about how is Trump going to protect the country and constitution.....Hey, fucking bitch, it was your asshole cuck metro cock gobbling downlow boy that was in charge when all this was going on.
Saw that and was wondering why not one person on the show mentioned that oblowme and his minions were in charge when all this russian shit she was whining about was going on.

oblowme even said the russians could hack the elections if they wanted to, if I'm not mistaken.

ETA:  Maybe the _s should have forwarded all their evidence to mueller?  
is it a coincidence that we haven't heard much from old cock gobbler recently? I think not.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:33:52 PM EDT
Trump is going to respond before he heads back to the WH.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:34:27 PM EDT
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Watched him on Fox this morning along with clips from other shows he appeared on today. He speaks as bad as Pelosi and comes off as lost.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:35:42 PM EDT
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Saw that and was wondering why not one person on the show mentioned that oblowme and his minions were in charge when all this russian shit she was whining about was going on.

oblowme even said the russians could hack the elections if they wanted to, if I'm not mistaken.

ETA:  Maybe the _s should have forwarded all their evidence to mueller?  
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Fox has Brazile on and she's spouting off about how is Trump going to protect the country and constitution.....Hey, fucking bitch, it was your asshole cuck metro cock gobbling downlow boy that was in charge when all this was going on.
Saw that and was wondering why not one person on the show mentioned that oblowme and his minions were in charge when all this russian shit she was whining about was going on.

oblowme even said the russians could hack the elections if they wanted to, if I'm not mistaken.

ETA:  Maybe the _s should have forwarded all their evidence to mueller?  
Actually, if you remember, the Halfrican totally threw down the gauntlet.
Iirc, he asked Putin to "Cut it out".
Fire and fuckin brimstone from Mocha Jesus.

Obama tells Putin to cut it out
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:36:40 PM EDT
Muh Russia was fake?

Who would have thought
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:37:36 PM EDT
Mueller owes an explanation for his BS. WTF was is he trying to say by it "does not exonerate". Is he trying to say that the firing of Comey was questionable which we all know is BS as it is his right to do so, Comey said it, and said his firing would not stop any investigation. Rosenstein was on board with it as was Sessions. Was it that he went on the news and said he fired Comey because of the Russian investigation. The reality Comey told him three times he was not under investigation and we now know that was a lie and Comey was part of this entire conspiracy to take him down with FISA abuse etc. Is it some BS about asking for Flynn to be let go. Is it some BS that Trump tweeted and kept openly saying that the entire investigation was BS. After all he does not lose his 1st amendment rights.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:37:46 PM EDT
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Sorry mods that was stupid to lock a four page thread that was already going about today's announcement and kick it back all into this one.
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Yep, that thread was about the report that was released today and not all the other minutia. But we can have 5 different threads about the bump stock case.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:43:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:43:58 PM EDT

Possibly an important distinction being made.

It states that they looked into whether ANY American, including individuals associated with the Trump campaign, joined the Russian conspiracies to influence the election.

It then states that, they did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia.

However that does not state that NO Americans conspired with Russia to influence the election.

We need an investigation into how this investigation all started. Clinton campaign, DNC, Fusion GPS, Steele, McCain, the people at the FBI, CIA, DOJ, FISC, Obama administration Etc.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:44:09 PM EDT
Help....there's a Kleenex run at the grocery store, OMG.  Blah Blah Blah the left lost again. It's not fair... Boohoo
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:44:11 PM EDT
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Sorry mods that was stupid to lock a four page thread that was already going about today's announcement and kick it back all into this one.
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Have to agree with you.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:45:03 PM EDT
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You just can't please some people. When he tweets, it drives them insane. When he doesn't tweet, it drives them insane
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I think he is deliberately not tweeting to drive the left insane.
You just can't please some people. When he tweets, it drives them insane. When he doesn't tweet, it drives them insane
What's the common denominator?
They're Insane......  
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:45:13 PM EDT
The Don Tweets.

Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:45:32 PM EDT
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Actually, if you remember, the Halfrican totally threw down the gauntlet.
Iirc, he asked Putin to "Cut it out".
Fire and fuckin brimstone from Mocha Jesus.

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Fox has Brazile on and she's spouting off about how is Trump going to protect the country and constitution.....Hey, fucking bitch, it was your asshole cuck metro cock gobbling downlow boy that was in charge when all this was going on.
Saw that and was wondering why not one person on the show mentioned that oblowme and his minions were in charge when all this russian shit she was whining about was going on.

oblowme even said the russians could hack the elections if they wanted to, if I'm not mistaken.

ETA:  Maybe the _s should have forwarded all their evidence to mueller?  
Actually, if you remember, the Halfrican totally threw down the gauntlet.
Iirc, he asked Putin to "Cut it out".
Fire and fuckin brimstone from Mocha Jesus.

what did that mean, if Putin ignored him he'd hit him with his purse? If there is any justice in the universe that asshole cock gobbler will go down in history as the most corrupt POTUS ever.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:45:40 PM EDT
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Lol DU is exploding. People who think GD is an echo chamber haven’t seen anything compared to DU.
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Its the most beautiful thing i've seen since 2016.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:45:52 PM EDT
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Awesome, completely exonerated as expected.
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The MSM is claiming that it doesn't absolve him of obstruction....................even though it basically found nothing at all
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:46:19 PM EDT
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Mueller owes an explanation for his BS. WTF was is he trying to say by it "does not exonerate". Is he trying to say that the firing of Comey was questionable which we all know is BS as it is his right to do so, Comey said it, and said his firing would not stop any investigation. Rosenstein was on board with it as was Sessions. Was it that he went on the news and said he fired Comey because of the Russian investigation. The reality Comey told him three times he was not under investigation and we now know that was a lie and Comey was part of this entire conspiracy to take him down with FISA abuse etc. Is it some BS about asking for Flynn to be let go. Is it some BS that Trump tweeted and kept openly saying that the entire investigation was BS. After all he does not lose his 1st amendment rights.
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He's pulling a Comey, he's editorializing.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:46:40 PM EDT
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Actually, if you remember, the Halfrican totally threw down the gauntlet.
Iirc, he asked Putin to "Cut it out".
Fire and fuckin brimstone from Mocha Jesus.

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After the election was over? I knew guys like that, pretty tough once they knew they weren't gonna have to fight.

oblowme spread his cheeks wide open for putin and the entire islamic controlled middle east.  He didn't do shit when putin was annexing Crimea.  Pretty sure he even joked on national TV about the 80's wanting their foreign policy back?
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:47:47 PM EDT
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The Don Tweets.

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Perfectly crafted for maximum butthurt and reeing from the usual suspects. Everything else aside, he does do a good job at pissing some people off.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:48:13 PM EDT
Trump speaking now
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:48:40 PM EDT

Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:50:18 PM EDT
Trump is pissed. Look out.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:53:17 PM EDT
Reeeeeeeeeeeee, this is a rehatican scam!!!! Reeeeeeeeeee the reshiticans should hang from lamps!!!!

_ post out of the way, I hope trump fucks the Democraps shit in royally.

Now would be the best time, or in 2 weeks, for Clarence Thomas to retire, or better yet Ruth. The American people are getting sick of the Dems shit, and likely were waiting to see what this investigation turned up. Now that Trump is exonerated And the economy is balls deep, the dems have no excuses.

4 more years
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:53:19 PM EDT
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After the election was over? I knew guys like that, pretty tough once they knew they weren't gonna have to fight.

oblowme spread his cheeks wide open for putin and the entire islamic controlled middle east.  He didn't do shit when putin was annexing Crimea.  Pretty sure he even joked on national TV about the 80's wanting their foreign policy back?
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Actually, if you remember, the Halfrican totally threw down the gauntlet.
Iirc, he asked Putin to "Cut it out".
Fire and fuckin brimstone from Mocha Jesus.

After the election was over? I knew guys like that, pretty tough once they knew they weren't gonna have to fight.

oblowme spread his cheeks wide open for putin and the entire islamic controlled middle east.  He didn't do shit when putin was annexing Crimea.  Pretty sure he even joked on national TV about the 80's wanting their foreign policy back?
all the collusion, all the treason has been done by the Dems, and their Rino handmaidens, the sales of our Uranium, the sales of our technology, the graft, corruption, the aid to our enemies has been their bailiwick.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:55:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:55:37 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:56:02 PM EDT
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Possibly an important distinction being made.

It states that they looked into whether ANY American, including individuals associated with the Trump campaign, joined the Russian conspiracies to influence the election.

It then states that, they did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia.

However that does not state that NO Americans conspired with Russia to influence the election.

We need an investigation into how this investigation all started. Clinton campaign, DNC, Fusion GPS, Steele, McCain, the people at the FBI, CIA, DOJ, FISC, Obama administration Etc.
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Possibly an important distinction being made.

In the first paragraph it states that they looked into whether ANY American, including individuals associated with the Trump campaign, joined the Russian conspiracies to influence the election. It then states that, they did not find that the Trump campaign or anyone associated with it conspired or coordinated with Russia.

However that does not state that NO Americans conspired with Russia to influence the election.

In the Second paragraph it states that they did not find that any U.S. person or anyone associated with Trump conspired with Russia in their IRA disinformation campaign.

However again in the Third paragraph, it only states that no one associated with Trump was involved in the supposed Russian hacking operations. But DOES NOT state that no U.S. persons were involved.

We need an investigation into how this investigation all started. Clinton campaign, DNC, Fusion GPS, Steele, McCain, the people at the FBI, CIA, DOJ, FISC, Obama administration Etc.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:56:21 PM EDT
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what did that mean, if Putin ignored him he'd hit him with his purse? If there is any justice in the universe that asshole cock gobbler will go down in history as the most corrupt POTUS ever.
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Fox has Brazile on and she's spouting off about how is Trump going to protect the country and constitution.....Hey, fucking bitch, it was your asshole cuck metro cock gobbling downlow boy that was in charge when all this was going on.
Saw that and was wondering why not one person on the show mentioned that oblowme and his minions were in charge when all this russian shit she was whining about was going on.

oblowme even said the russians could hack the elections if they wanted to, if I'm not mistaken.

ETA:  Maybe the _s should have forwarded all their evidence to mueller?  
Actually, if you remember, the Halfrican totally threw down the gauntlet.
Iirc, he asked Putin to "Cut it out".
Fire and fuckin brimstone from Mocha Jesus.

what did that mean, if Putin ignored him he'd hit him with his purse? If there is any justice in the universe that asshole cock gobbler will go down in history as the most corrupt POTUS ever.
Come on. You know other world leaders cowered to bath house barry!

Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:57:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:57:32 PM EDT
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The MSM is claiming that it doesn't absolve him of obstruction....................even though it basically found nothing at all
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The MSM is claiming that it doesn't absolve him of obstruction....................even though it basically found nothing at all
No one believes the main stream media anymore except commie democraps.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 4:57:56 PM EDT
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All of the Dems are calling for full release. It would great if there was enough info on HRC to indict.
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The Dems voted to keep reports like this confidential, after the Clinton/ Starr Report.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:01:27 PM EDT
Rosenstein, the useless fuckface who started this mess, AGREED there is NO OBSTRUCTION. This is being downplayed by Dems and the media.
Link Posted: 3/24/2019 5:04:06 PM EDT
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The Dems voted to keep reports like this confidential, after the Clinton/ Starr Report.
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All of the Dems are calling for full release. It would great if there was enough info on HRC to indict.
The Dems voted to keep reports like this confidential, after the Clinton/ Starr Report.
like others have said I want it all to be exposed, all the documents on the FBI scandal, every interoffice mailing/email on Fast and Furious, every shred of paper/document on the IRS and their misuse of power, everything on Benghazi, everything on HRC's home baked servers, every email from/to every investigator on this steaming pile of crap.
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