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Posted: 10/6/2019 8:54:26 PM EDT
Ok - the set up...

Public range w/ no RSO

Rifle bay with about six shooting stations, with targets set from 50 to 200 yards.

I was there working on my muzzleloader.  Cold range - you are supposed to behind the red line while people are down range.  I was sitting on a bench behind the line - measuring and loading tubes of black powder - Blackhorn 209 is some awesome stuff.

I look over and see a guy at the bench wrapped around his gun looking thru the scope wile people are down range - I cam unglued and yelled at the person - kid to get off of the gun and behind the line.  Freaked out the kid and the people down range....

The good news is that the dad had removed the bolt from the gun - I feel like I over reacted, but feel like I did the right thing.

I can not wait till my boys are out of the house - will rent out this HOA House and buy me some acreage and get away from the BS....

Link Posted: 10/6/2019 8:56:20 PM EDT
Babcock web?
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 8:57:23 PM EDT
A range day rant that turns into an HOA bash, unique.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 8:59:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:00:25 PM EDT
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Babcock web?
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No - North Central part of the state...I am sure it is that way at all the free public shooting ranges....

A few years back - had a young girl flag the that Shit out of me - when I called her it her POS father - did not think she did anything wrong....

Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:00:29 PM EDT
I trained my neice (for the archery line) to take an active role in pushing safety.  She'll verbally check the whole line (max of 8, at most usually 2 or none) to confirm a cold range before crossing the line.
Also taught her to leave at the second unsafe act.

Good yell.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:00:30 PM EDT
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A range day rant that turns into an HOA bash, unique.
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Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:01:35 PM EDT
Your intent was correct but maybe your delivery was overboard.

I have found a simple “you need to be behind the line when the range is cold” works almost every time.

The one time it didn’t, I packed up and left.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:03:08 PM EDT
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A range day rant that turns into an HOA bash, unique.
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Been in the same house for 21 years - only here for the boys....

They are in collage - so it will not be long.

Great neighborhood - just not for me any more...and it is a pain in the ass to pack my stuff and drive to my regular gun range or this publix range...

The only sad part about my regular gun range is that they only have a 75 yard rifle range...

All good,

Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:03:28 PM EDT
Sounds perfectly fine to me.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:04:16 PM EDT
NO hands on guns when the line is cold.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:05:54 PM EDT
Want to get red flagged? Cause that's how you get red flagged.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:06:19 PM EDT
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Babcock web?
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LOL - first place I thought too - I lost it on a gang banger in a wheel chair with an AK pistol there during a cold range call.  How'd a 20 something white gang banger get in a wheel chair - drive by.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:07:31 PM EDT
I would have yelled to..fuck idiots that can't be safe around firearms...
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:07:31 PM EDT
You didnt lay down cover fire? Pffft.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:08:10 PM EDT
When Fudds collide....
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:13:18 PM EDT
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When Fudds collide....
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Well it is two weeks to Muzzleloader....When it gets closer to gun season I will work on the Grendel....

Is that tier I enough for you?  Might just stick to the 243 - I am a wussy when it comes to recoil - was working on a load of 80 grains Blackhorn with a 170 gr bullet - sweet shooting...


Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:13:38 PM EDT
Would it have been possible to correct the behavior without losing your cool?
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:19:44 PM EDT
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Would it have been possible to correct the behavior without losing your cool?
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yes - I reacted so fast...having people down range and to see this guy like he was ready to light on off....I did kind of loose it..

I apologized to the kid and to the dad - think that it caught the whole line off guard.

All good.....

Not too long ago at a range in St. Augustine - an older father son team was shooting...the son was down range hanging targets...the dad thought the son was using the restroom...the dad shot a target - hit the son further down range....

kind of a rant and a FYI all in one...

Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:19:56 PM EDT
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Babcock web?
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My money says Osceola in Lake City.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:21:07 PM EDT
One time I was at an uncontrolled public range shooting my Garand. Some older guy pulled in. I unloaded my rifle and talked with him a bit and stood behind my bench while he went downrange and set up his target at about 20 yards.

After checking with him I started firing again. As I reached for the next clip I looked at the other side of the range and he was standing at his target checking his "grouping."

Shooting buckshot from a single shot shotgun

Of course I immediately safed my rifle and went over to talk with him. He seemed to think it wasn't a concern. I told him not to do that again and talked about range safety. He seemed offended that some "young whelp" had the gall to tell him not to do things. I started shooting again- keeping a close eye on dipshit on the other side of the range- and sure enough he fired a shot and wandered downrange once again without calling for the range to go cold.

I guess he couldn't figure out why his "grouping" sucked. I packed my gear and waited. After his buddy got there I waited until he stepped off the range, pulled my targets, and got the hell out of there.

TL;DR- CSB and people are 'tarded.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:31:34 PM EDT
Was at an uncontrolled range once when someone went downrange. Another fellow and I were standing behind the benches waiting. I looked over and saw that his rifle, a beat-up British Enfield, was pointed downrange with the action closed.

I told him that standard procedure at any range was to unload and leave actions open when someone was downrange.

Before I could react, he picked up his rifle AND FIRED A ROUND.

I just stood there, gobsmacked, and with my ears ringing. He told me that it was the only way he could "get the bullets out".
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:36:13 PM EDT
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One time I was at an uncontrolled public range shooting my Garand. Some older guy pulled in. I unloaded my rifle and talked with him a bit and stood behind my bench while he went downrange and set up his target at about 20 yards.

After checking with him I started firing again. As I reached for the next clip I looked at the other side of the range and he was standing at his target checking his "grouping."

Shooting buckshot from a single shot shotgun

Of course I immediately safed my rifle and went over to talk with him. He seemed to think it wasn't a concern. I told him not to do that again and talked about range safety. He seemed offended that some "young whelp" had the gall to tell him not to do things. I started shooting again- keeping a close eye on dipshit on the other side of the range- and sure enough he fired a shot and wandered downrange once again without calling for the range to go cold.

I guess he couldn't figure out why his "grouping" sucked. I packed my gear and waited. After his buddy got there I waited until he stepped off the range, pulled my targets, and got the hell out of there.

TL;DR- CSB and people are 'tarded.
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Old guys are the fucking worst.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:38:55 PM EDT
Pushing safety is not a bad thing, as long as you’re not going all gestapo and being stupid about it.

You couldn’t have known the bolt was out. It was a good pickup.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:40:20 PM EDT
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NO hands on guns when the line is cold.
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Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:42:23 PM EDT
Fuck that I would have pulled out the cell phone and started filming just in case. Would love to have a video
go viral on LiveLeak
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:42:45 PM EDT
I know which range you are talking about, and I was at that same range from 0930-1030 with my son. Many people don't respect the red line when the range is cold. I have no issues with what you did, maybe the delivery could've been better.

But to be honest the RSO there is a jackass and I'm glad when he's not there. Guy threatened me for firing faster than one shot every two seconds. Not a "hey don't do that" but an actual "I have a gun and will use it if you do that again" threat. I hate that range but it's the only free range around here.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:45:12 PM EDT
After the fact, your reaction may seem excessive.  During the moment, and the kid looking like he was about ready to cut loose I can find no fault in what you did.  I've been an RO and instructor for some time and completely understand.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:45:20 PM EDT
A buddy and I were at a WMA range round here a few years ago and had a similar event. This guy wasn’t watching his kid who was about to start shooting down a cold range with people walking around. We both yelled at him then told everyone what happened and packed our shit and left. It doesn’t matter if the guy in your story had removed the bolt. ALWAYS TREAT ANY GUN AS IF ITS LOADED. NEVER POINT THE GUN AT ANYTHING THAT YOU DONT WANT TO DESTROY. You did the right thing.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:45:41 PM EDT
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When Fudds collide....
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So what is it called when the exact opposite of a "Fudd" (that I can only presume is a Tier 1 actual operator, operating tactically, in a highly operationally tactical environment) who at 10-12 posts a day for the last 10 years pops off and demonstrates zero concern for range safety. I'm kinda suprised you have any time in your busy schedule to actually do any shooting.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:46:47 PM EDT
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NO hands on guns when the line is cold.
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Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:50:08 PM EDT
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I know which range you are talking about, and I was at that same range from 0930-1030 with my son. Many people don't respect the red line when the range is cold. I have no issues with what you did, maybe the delivery could've been better.

But to be honest the RSO there is a jackass and I'm glad when he's not there. Guy threatened me for firing faster than one shot every two seconds. Not a "hey don't do that" but an actual "I have a gun and will use it if you do that again" threat. I hate that range but it's the only free range around here.
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Should have told him to get fucked.

Threaten me with assault with a deadly weapon for not observing range rules?

You better be a good shot.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:50:17 PM EDT
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So what is it called when the exact opposite of a "Fudd" (that I can only presume is a Tier 1 actual operator, operating tactically, in a highly operationally tactical environment) who at 10-12 posts a day for the last 10 years pops off and demonstrates zero concern for range safety. I'm kinda suprised you have any time in your busy schedule to actually do any shooting.
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It is all good - I do consider myself a Refined Redneck - If I could change my username I would...it was who I was when I was going thru my divorce many many years ago...

Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:50:41 PM EDT
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So what is it called when the exact opposite of a "Fudd" (that I can only presume is a Tier 1 actual operator, operating tactically, in a highly operationally tactical environment) who at 10-12 posts a day for the last 10 years pops off and demonstrates zero concern for range safety. I'm kinda suprised you have any time in your busy schedule to actually do any shooting.
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‘No touching guns on a cold line” doesn’t do a damn thing for range safety.  It’s a baby-proofing rule.  Which is why public common-line shooting ranges are just terrible.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:53:25 PM EDT
Good yell. Its a serious issue.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:54:30 PM EDT
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But to be honest the RSO there is a jackass and I'm glad when he's not there. Guy threatened me for firing faster than one shot every two seconds. Not a "hey don't do that" but an actual "I have a gun and will use it if you do that again" threat. I hate that range but it's the only free range around here.
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I was there when the boy scouts were on one 50 yard range...I was out in the bay of the next 50 yard range - with a Ruger Mark II - and the RSO came running over saying that I was shooting way to fast and I could not shoot in front of the benches...

He was ready to throw me out.  A lady Game Warden allowed me to stay....

Most of the time it is a great place to shoot w/ some great people.

Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:55:00 PM EDT
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Should have told him to get fucked.

Threaten me with assault with a deadly weapon for not observing range rules?

You better be a good shot.
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I know which range you are talking about, and I was at that same range from 0930-1030 with my son. Many people don't respect the red line when the range is cold. I have no issues with what you did, maybe the delivery could've been better.

But to be honest the RSO there is a jackass and I'm glad when he's not there. Guy threatened me for firing faster than one shot every two seconds. Not a "hey don't do that" but an actual "I have a gun and will use it if you do that again" threat. I hate that range but it's the only free range around here.
Should have told him to get fucked.

Threaten me with assault with a deadly weapon for not observing range rules?

You better be a good shot.
I told him to fuck off with a big smile on my face. Dude can skin his smoke wagon if he wants, I learned long ago the people that make threats don't follow through. My glock is ready if he did decide to however.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:56:00 PM EDT
"Fuckin' Delta."
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:56:08 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:57:10 PM EDT
Yeah, yelling and potentially startling someone in that situation is a good idea.

Saying something isn’t out of line. Yelling is.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:57:23 PM EDT
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‘No touching guns on a cold line” doesn’t do a damn thing for range safety.  It’s a baby-proofing rule.  Which is why public common-line shooting ranges are just terrible.
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Yup.  I dont go to them.  Those rules keep the windowlickers safe.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 9:59:11 PM EDT
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A range day rant that turns into an HOA bash, unique.
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An unexpected twist...
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 10:00:20 PM EDT
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I was there when the boy scouts were on one 50 yard range...I was out in the bay of the next 50 yard range - with a Ruger Mark II - and the RSO came running over saying that I was shooting way to fast and I could not shoot in front of the benches...

He was ready to throw me out.  A lady Game Warden allowed me to stay....

Most of the time it is a great place to shoot w/ some great people.

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But to be honest the RSO there is a jackass and I'm glad when he's not there. Guy threatened me for firing faster than one shot every two seconds. Not a "hey don't do that" but an actual "I have a gun and will use it if you do that again" threat. I hate that range but it's the only free range around here.
I was there when the boy scouts were on one 50 yard range...I was out in the bay of the next 50 yard range - with a Ruger Mark II - and the RSO came running over saying that I was shooting way to fast and I could not shoot in front of the benches...

He was ready to throw me out.  A lady Game Warden allowed me to stay....

Most of the time it is a great place to shoot w/ some great people.

Yep that's the guy. I can't tell you how many people I've seen just pack up and leave becuase of that guys attitude. I also wish there was a way to check and see if they're open and not closed for some class or hunter safety courses. It's an hour drive to that range for me and I never know until I show up.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 10:00:21 PM EDT
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My money says Osceola in Lake City.
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Babcock web?
My money says Osceola in Lake City.
Yep sounds just like Lake City.  My home area range.  Great combo of Fudds, newbies, and asshole RSOs.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 10:00:42 PM EDT
Bay County Range? Or up near De Funiak?
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 10:01:13 PM EDT
Scaring the crap out of people when they have a gun in their hand is not the right approach, you should have walked over to the individual and had him set the gun down and explain what he was doing is wrong and people get hurt and killed by practicing stupids acts as he was.  Never holler when at the range, walk to a person calmly and get the handle under control and the gun out of the persons hands.  Then use the rest of your time educating the individual who was in the wrong.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 10:01:41 PM EDT
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‘No touching guns on a cold line” doesn’t do a damn thing for range safety.  It’s a baby-proofing rule.  Which is why public common-line shooting ranges are just terrible.
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Well I don't know about you but I've never seen an unattended firearm go off by itself. Oh wait, there was that one time when Plaxico Burress, up on the roof of that building.............If a firearm is not being touched in any way I don't see it being a threat. OP's response was ok by me. I too am an RSO, and would have acted in a similar fashion. Nitpicking and second guessing over the exact words used, or tone of voice is of no relevance, getting the massage across is all that matters.
Its too fucking late to be feeling sorry about whether or not I, or OP may have hurt someone's feelings, if you're now all standing around waiting for the EMTs because someone is laying on the ground with a bullet in them.

Not sure I want to share a firing line with you DeltaElite. And the easy part for you is, since you don't like common public ranges, is to go elsewhere. Problem solved.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 10:02:10 PM EDT
Almost sounds like the range in the Ocala National Forest.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 10:04:11 PM EDT
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Well I don't know about you but I've never seen an unattended firearm go off by itself. Oh wait, there was that one time when Plaxico Burress, up on the roof of that building.............If a firearm is not being touched in any way I don't see it being a threat. OP's response was ok by me. I too am an RSO, and would have acted in a similar fashion. Nitpicking and second guessing over the exact words used, or tone of voice is of no relevance, getting the massage across is all that matters.
Its too fucking late to be feeling sorry about whether or not I, or OP may have hurt someone's feelings, if you're now all standing around waiting for the EMTs because someone is laying on the ground with a bullet in them.

Not sure I want to share a firing line with you DeltaElite. And the easy part for you is, since you don't like common public ranges, is to go elsewhere. Problem solved.
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If you can’t adjust a cheekpiece or replace a scope cap without somehow loading and firing a round, I don’t want to share a firing line with you either.

Again... “no touching guns on a cold line” is a rule for people who come to the range on the short bus.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 10:04:56 PM EDT
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Almost sounds like the range in the Ocala National Forest.
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Ha that one is actually even worse. That's difficult to do but fuck the Ocala range.
Link Posted: 10/6/2019 10:06:16 PM EDT
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Yep sounds just like Lake City.  My home area range.  Great combo of Fudds, newbies, and asshole RSOs.  
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Babcock web?
My money says Osceola in Lake City.
Yep sounds just like Lake City.  My home area range.  Great combo of Fudds, newbies, and asshole RSOs.  
Yes. I wasn't going to say it but that's the one OP is talking about.
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