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Posted: 8/18/2022 7:05:34 PM EDT
Read the bolded part at the end of post.
This is supported by the Canadian banks and the WEF.
This is leading to a CBDC. Central Bank Digital Currency.
This is bad.

The Canadian government has quietly announced plans to pursue a digital ID program at the national level.

The announcement came by way of a document announcing the Government of Canada’s “Digital Ambition”. Announced by Mona Fortier, the President of the Treasury Board, the document is credited to the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat, and is aimed at fulfilling the Chief Information Officer of Canada’s responsibility to lay out an annual plan laying out an information technology and cybersecurity trajectory across a three-year time horizon.

As such, it is a broad-reaching document, touching on range of topics including pertaining to digital government services. But a central theme is the need for a unified digital identity program.

“The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for government services to be accessible and flexible in the digital age,” the document explains. “The next step in making services more convenient to access is a federal Digital Identity Program, integrated with pre-existing provincial platforms. Digital identity is the electronic equivalent of a recognized proof-of-identity document (for example, a driver’s license or passport) and confirms that ‘you are who you say you are’ in a digital context.”

To that end, the document notes that the Government of Canada is taking a number of steps including the development of a “Digital Identity Program” to facilitate online transactions with the government. The document also states that the government “will use an information-centric security model that is supported by a trusted digital identity” to guard Government of Canada devices and systems against cyberthreats.

Multiple Canadian provinces have already begun exploring their own digital ID programs, though it has also started to become a politically contentious issue among some groups that perceive digital ID as a sign of government overreach and intrusion into citizens’ privacy.

The Canadian Bankers Association, meanwhile, called for the creation of a federated digital identity program earlier this year, echoing the World Economic Forum.

Link Posted: 8/18/2022 7:07:18 PM EDT
To be honest, something like the DoD CAC would be awesome on the civilian side.  I just don’t trust the feds if they were to do such a thing.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 7:17:01 PM EDT
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To be honest, something like the DoD CAC would be awesome on the civilian side.  I just don’t trust the feds if they were to do such a thing.
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I don’t want the government controlling my money / account and a CBDC would do that. Total control over our finances is the end goal.

The end goal here is a social credit score system like China has in place. Then they monitor EVERYTHING you purchase.

Too much red meat? Purchase denied.
Too much ammo? Purchase denied.
Provocative social media post? No vacation plane tickets for you.

See where this leads?
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 7:18:01 PM EDT

Topic of interest
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 7:19:48 PM EDT
This level of totalitarianism near our border makes me feel very uneasy.

Link Posted: 8/18/2022 7:27:31 PM EDT
Their moves and intentions are very fragile. That is why they are rushing things. We still have a chance but the door is closing.
RINOS aren't the fix either.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 7:30:06 PM EDT
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This level of totalitarianism near our border makes me feel very uneasy.
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Trudeau is all in on the Great Reset
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 7:32:33 PM EDT
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Their moves and intentions are very fragile. That is why they are rushing things. We still have a chance but the door is closing.
RINOS aren't the fix either.
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Rinos are complicit
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 7:33:03 PM EDT
The globalists are pushing hard and fast because there is no going back to the way things were before. They have massive amounts of political power and capital but are operating in the open and have committed to their plans. FJT, FChrystia Freeland, and others in the Canadian cabinet are WEF members.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 7:33:39 PM EDT
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Their moves and intentions are very fragile. That is why they are rushing things. We still have a chance but the door is closing.
RINOS aren't the fix either.
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You can't stop what's coming

As long as they let me keep my guns to shoot paper targets, I'm good. And if not, I guess I'll just deal without them
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 7:41:19 PM EDT
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You can't stop what's coming

As long as they let me keep my guns to shoot paper targets, I'm good. And if not, I guess I'll just deal without them
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So you’d turn your guns in to the government if they banned them?
Because with a CBDC they could leverage you by turning off your finances.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 7:48:15 PM EDT
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Topic of interest
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Thank you!!!
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 7:50:06 PM EDT
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Topic of interest
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Looks like Canada told Australia to put down that Foster’s and hold my Molson.  Australia isn’t that far behind, though, as several states issue a digital driver’s license.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 8:16:03 PM EDT
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I don't want the government controlling my money / account and a CBDC would do that. Total control over our finances is the end goal.

The end goal here is a social credit score system like China has in place. Then they monitor EVERYTHING you purchase.

Too much red meat? Purchase denied.
Too much ammo? Purchase denied.
Provocative social media post? No vacation plane tickets for you.

See where this leads?
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This IS their goal.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 8:21:00 PM EDT
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So you’d turn your guns in to the government if they banned them?
Because with a CBDC they could leverage you by turning off your finances.
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Like most people, even on this site? Ya, I probably would.

What other options really are there? Don't turn them in and go to prison,  or even worse be shutoff from society?  Nobody is going HAM and anyone who does will be quickly delt with along with .gov hammering down on anyone else they think might cause them trouble.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 8:26:55 PM EDT
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This level of totalitarianism near our border makes me feel very uneasy.

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Don’t feel left out it will come to the US very soon.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 8:36:31 PM EDT
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This level of totalitarianism near our border makes me feel very uneasy.

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We're probably going to have to bring freedom to canada.  Soon as we bring it to ourselves.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 8:51:12 PM EDT
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You can't stop what's coming

As long as they let me keep my guns to shoot paper targets, I'm good. And if not, I guess I'll just deal without them
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Your post doesn’t surprise me.

My advice to you is to get out of the way of those not willing to see their children live as slaves.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 8:53:49 PM EDT
Newb dbltap.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 8:55:02 PM EDT
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Like most people, even on this site? Ya, I probably would.

What other options really are there? Don't turn them in and go to prison,  or even worse be shutoff from society?  Nobody is going HAM and anyone who does will be quickly delt with along with .gov hammering down on anyone else they think might cause them trouble.
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Instead of handing them in like a cuck, it would be time to put your big boy pants on and do freedom loving things.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 8:57:51 PM EDT
And yet, the same people who scream and yell about not having to show an Id to vote will be told by their political masters to be in favor of this.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 8:58:46 PM EDT
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Your post doesn’t surprise me.

My advice to you is to get out of the way of those not willing to see their children live as slaves.
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I'm already 87 feet to your left, have fun
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:09:13 PM EDT
Some on this site have no concern for the WEF.  They're so wrong.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:11:46 PM EDT
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I don’t want the government controlling my money / account and a CBDC would do that. Total control over our finances is the end goal.

The end goal here is a social credit score system like China has in place. Then they monitor EVERYTHING you purchase.

Too much red meat? Purchase denied.
Too much ammo? Purchase denied.
Provocative social media post? No vacation plane tickets for you.

See where this leads?
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To be honest, something like the DoD CAC would be awesome on the civilian side.  I just don’t trust the feds if they were to do such a thing.

I don’t want the government controlling my money / account and a CBDC would do that. Total control over our finances is the end goal.

The end goal here is a social credit score system like China has in place. Then they monitor EVERYTHING you purchase.

Too much red meat? Purchase denied.
Too much ammo? Purchase denied.
Provocative social media post? No vacation plane tickets for you.

See where this leads?

A mark of loyalty...............
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:12:02 PM EDT
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You can't stop what's coming

As long as they let me keep my guns to shoot paper targets, I'm good. And if not, I guess I'll just deal without them
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Their moves and intentions are very fragile. That is why they are rushing things. We still have a chance but the door is closing.
RINOS aren't the fix either.

You can't stop what's coming

As long as they let me keep my guns to shoot paper targets, I'm good. And if not, I guess I'll just deal without them

Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:12:36 PM EDT
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We're probably going to have to bring freedom to canada.  Soon as we bring it to ourselves.
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This level of totalitarianism near our border makes me feel very uneasy.

We're probably going to have to bring freedom to canada.  Soon as we bring it to ourselves.

Jfc....Fallout is real....
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:20:04 PM EDT
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Like most people, even on this site? Ya, I probably would.

What other options really are there? Don't turn them in and go to prison,  or even worse be shutoff from society?  Nobody is going HAM and anyone who does will be quickly delt with along with .gov hammering down on anyone else they think might cause them trouble.
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Lol, I don’t doubt it. A lot of people won’t though. Going to be interesting, but this is mark of the beast stuff right here.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:23:46 PM EDT
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Some on this site have no concern for the WEF.  They're so wrong.
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But fortunately many are waking up and seeing what’s happening here and around the world. These type of threads even 6 short months ago were mainly laughed at.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:24:57 PM EDT

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:26:49 PM EDT
Not digging how fast Canada is going down hill.......
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:31:39 PM EDT
Only a matter of time before they push it here.

Whoops! I mean the world economic forum is just a talking shop and just because it has all kinds of powerful people in it and its ideas end up being adopted by various countries throughout the world regardless of the alleged political affiliation of their governments doesn't mean that the WEF actually has any influence.

You have to think critically and reject data from unapproved sources. It's just a conspiracy theory.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:34:20 PM EDT
Lot of you are going to take hits to your social credit scores. I see where CPT_CAVEMAN is headed with this and I'm right there with him.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:36:08 PM EDT
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Quoted:I don’t want the government controlling my money / account and a CBDC would do that. Total control over our finances is the end goal.
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So whose money do you use if not our government's?

Crypto just ain't ready enough for the majority of people.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:39:51 PM EDT
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Trudeau is all in on the Great Reset
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This level of totalitarianism near our border makes me feel very uneasy.

Trudeau is all in on the Great Reset

Then it is up to the Candian People how they wish to live.

Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:45:50 PM EDT
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So whose money do you use if not our government's?

Crypto just ain't ready enough for the majority of people.
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Quoted:I don’t want the government controlling my money / account and a CBDC would do that. Total control over our finances is the end goal.

So whose money do you use if not our government's?

Crypto just ain't ready enough for the majority of people.

I’m fine with US currency. I just don’t want everything to be digital and in 1 central bank. That makes it too easy for the government to track EVERY purchase and control any purchase. Right now we can put our money in financial institutions of our choice, write checks, use debit and credit cards or withdraw and pay cash. All those options are what they want to do away with.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:46:36 PM EDT
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Lot of you are going to take hits to your social credit scores. I see where CPT_CAVEMAN is headed with this and I'm right there with him.
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We cannot let it get to that point.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:47:31 PM EDT
In before Castreau tells resisting Canadians that they are a fringe minority with unacceptable views.

Bastards are testing their prototype meant for us.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:47:44 PM EDT
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You can't stop what's coming

As long as they let me keep my guns to shoot paper targets, I'm good. And if not, I guess I'll just deal without them
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Lol pathetic
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:47:51 PM EDT
Oh Canada!!!
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:48:32 PM EDT
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Then it is up to the Candian People how they wish to live.

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This level of totalitarianism near our border makes me feel very uneasy.

Trudeau is all in on the Great Reset

Then it is up to the Candian People how they wish to live.

The Canadian truckers tried pushing back and he crushed them. Wasn’t a bit interested in any type of negotiations or dialogue.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:49:05 PM EDT
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You can't stop what's coming

As long as they let me keep my guns to shoot paper targets, I'm good. And if not, I guess I'll just deal without them
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Their moves and intentions are very fragile. That is why they are rushing things. We still have a chance but the door is closing.
RINOS aren't the fix either.

You can't stop what's coming

As long as they let me keep my guns to shoot paper targets, I'm good. And if not, I guess I'll just deal without them

The time is quickly coming where you choose how you want to live as well as how you want to die - free, standing on your feet or enslaved, kneeling in a ditch.

Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:52:58 PM EDT
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In before Castreau tells resisting Canadians that they are a fringe minority with unacceptable views.

Bastards are testing their prototype meant for us.
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Keep your eyes on Canada and Australia. Australia has really run off the rails.

@Alacran keeps a well updated thread on Australian happenings.

Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:53:22 PM EDT
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The time is quickly coming where you choose how you want to live as well as how you want to die - free, standing on your feet or enslaved, kneeling in a ditch.

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Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:57:57 PM EDT
Trudeau is low key one of the most vile dictators in the world. I don’t understand how he gets away with it.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 9:59:04 PM EDT
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The time is quickly coming where you choose how you want to live as well as how you want to die - free, standing on your feet or enslaved, kneeling in a ditch.

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Their moves and intentions are very fragile. That is why they are rushing things. We still have a chance but the door is closing.
RINOS aren't the fix either.

You can't stop what's coming

As long as they let me keep my guns to shoot paper targets, I'm good. And if not, I guess I'll just deal without them

The time is quickly coming where you choose how you want to live as well as how you want to die - free, standing on your feet or enslaved, kneeling in a ditch.

Link Posted: 8/18/2022 10:19:23 PM EDT
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Trudeau is low key one of the most vile dictators in the world. I don't understand how he gets away with it.
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"Democracy" is how he gets away with it and why the Electoral College is a superior system.

Any American that uses the words "To save our democracy" is a dirty commie.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 10:30:07 PM EDT
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Like most people, even on this site? Ya, I probably would.

What other options really are there? Don't turn them in and go to prison,  or even worse be shutoff from society?  Nobody is going HAM and anyone who does will be quickly delt with along with .gov hammering down on anyone else they think might cause them trouble.
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So you’d turn your guns in to the government if they banned them?
Because with a CBDC they could leverage you by turning off your finances.

Like most people, even on this site? Ya, I probably would.

What other options really are there? Don't turn them in and go to prison,  or even worse be shutoff from society?  Nobody is going HAM and anyone who does will be quickly delt with along with .gov hammering down on anyone else they think might cause them trouble.

You're so weak
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 10:38:21 PM EDT

After spending last weekend with my liberal in-laws and sister-in-law in Canada, it’s easy to see why they have fallen so far.  They live in south-eastern Ontario.  They are French who are intrinsically socialists.  The liberal English Canadians outnumber the conservatives.  The unrestricted immigration from Third World shitholes since the late 1980’s was the last nail in the coffin.  They are also heavily liberal.
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 10:58:05 PM EDT
The WEF press release and other documents don’t explain why the use of physical passports is now apparently burdensome and don’t specify whether the “identity data” that would be digitally stored would include vaccine credentials — in effect, an extension of vaccine passports.

Andrew Bud, CEO of biometric ID company iProove, a U.S. Department of Homeland Security contractor, recently described vaccine certificates as driving “the whole field of digital ID in the future,” adding they are “not just about COVID [but] about something even bigger” and that “once adopted for COVID [they] will be rapidly used for everything else.”

I wonder what they mean by “everything else”
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 10:58:37 PM EDT
The WEF press release and other documents don’t explain why the use of physical passports is now apparently burdensome and don’t specify whether the “identity data” that would be digitally stored would include vaccine credentials — in effect, an extension of vaccine passports.

Andrew Bud, CEO of biometric ID company iProove, a U.S. Department of Homeland Security contractor, recently described vaccine certificates as driving “the whole field of digital ID in the future,” adding they are “not just about COVID [but] about something even bigger” and that “once adopted for COVID [they] will be rapidly used for everything else.”


I wonder what they mean by “everything else”
Link Posted: 8/18/2022 11:26:16 PM EDT
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This level of totalitarianism near our border makes me feel very uneasy.

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There really needs to be an ongoing thread on this and this is an excellent thread for that!  No Canuck seemed interested in starting one after all that has happened.  If they did, I totally missed it and obviously faded away.

Unfortunately, it will come to America at some point.

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