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Link Posted: 9/3/2013 1:30:37 PM EDT

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Wonder how many children will be killed if we lob a couple hundred cruise missiles into Syria.

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A better question is :How many children were killed in Shitcago since Obama took office?" and "Why isn't the UN doing a fucking thing about it?"
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 2:22:24 PM EDT
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Because he killed 400 children with poison gas.
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Because he killed 400 children with poison gas.

He has been accused of doing so. I haven't seen any evidence. Though the people who told me about the "terribly offensive" youtube video that caused a protest to get out of control in Benghazi resulting in the death of our Ambassador, now say they have a undeniable "circumstantial" case against him.

I have learned not to take things coming from the Middle East at face value. I have also learned not to believe the current presidential administration. Taking their word on something that happened in the Middle East during a conflict between Middle Easterners..... I think I will do as Mr. Obama has warned us in the past when we were attacked by Islamic militants,
“But when a tragedy like this happens … it’s important that we do this right,” he claimed.
“That’s why we have investigations … That’s why we have courts.  And that’s why we take care not to rush to judgment."

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/04/20/obama-dont-form-opinions-on-boston-attacks-until-government-decides/#ixzz2dtmWs1FJ
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 2:49:26 PM EDT
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Because he killed 400 children with poison gas.
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Maybe, maybe not ...............
Just cuz BHO and Kerry said so doesn't make it so ...........................
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 3:08:50 PM EDT
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Not anymore. Even if he manages to tamp this down and regain control over most of the country it'll never be stable under an Assad regime again. It'll be a jihadi magnet and rallying cry, and the sectarian fighting will continue to spread thru Lebanon and through-out the ME. Cat's out of the bag.

If he were really that stable in the first place we wouldn't be having this conversation.
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  • Sent jihadis and weapons to kill us in Iraq.
  • Supports Hezbollah, which has killed a lot of Americans (including the 241 Marines, Sailors, and Soldiers in the '83 barracks bombing)
  • Is a strong ally of Iran

It's not a zero sum game. Everyone can be an asshole here.

Yes, but when one enemy is busily exterminating another enemy, should you not cheer his progress?

I'm fine with that, but we are getting some posters on here that seem to think Assad is a good guy.


No one over there is a good guy. He is a "stable" guy.

Not anymore. Even if he manages to tamp this down and regain control over most of the country it'll never be stable under an Assad regime again. It'll be a jihadi magnet and rallying cry, and the sectarian fighting will continue to spread thru Lebanon and through-out the ME. Cat's out of the bag.

If he were really that stable in the first place we wouldn't be having this conversation.

You mean the ME could become unstable, violent, and inhospitable to secular government?
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 3:15:07 PM EDT
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True, but so has the opposition. This is two bad guys going to town on one another, and Assad is currently in the lead. If our airstrikes are truly "limited" then it should even the playing field and prolong the conflict... which is kinda what most of GD wants isn't it? ...

ETA: Forgot to put the quote in.
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Is he so bad because our government says so? I mean it seems as though he has kept the peace for a long time until our foreign policies in the middle east and N Africa were revamped by our government; and the governments of Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt collapsed.

He gassed his own people.  

True, but so has the opposition. This is two bad guys going to town on one another, and Assad is currently in the lead. If our airstrikes are truly "limited" then it should even the playing field and prolong the conflict... which is kinda what most of GD wants isn't it? ...

ETA: Forgot to put the quote in.

I think you are generalizing gd a little too much.  Calling a brutal dictator a bad guy doesn't equate interfering.
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 3:16:51 PM EDT
He can be wasted, now as for Mrs.Assad, nothing is off limits....

Link Posted: 9/3/2013 3:24:47 PM EDT
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MB membership in Syria was punishable by death prior to the revolution. It was destroyed by Assad's father and was not a coherent political movement in Syria in 2011. There's no evidence that they played any role in the early stages of the uprising. It was pretty much a secular movement. We fucked up by not getting out in front of it then.

In any case, the Syrian MB is not the Egyptian MB. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_Brotherhood_of_Syria
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He's running an Iranian proxy state. We've been involved in a proxy conflict with Iran for the last 35 years that has taken the lives of hundreds of American military and civilians. He's been a longtime supporter and facilitator of terrorism against Israel. Under his and his father's regime Syria occupied and destabilized Lebanon for decades. The majority of the foreign fighters in Iraq entered via the Syrian border: he was complicit, and they killed a lot of American troops. He's brutally repressed what began as a secular uprising against his government during the Arab Spring and he's used nerve gas against his own civilians. Regardless of what you think of intervention he's not some goddamned hero holding the tide against the jihadis.

This is my understanding as well.

Very true, only thing I might quibble with is the secular uprising.  The arab spring is largly a MB uprising.  Helped in Syria by the ruling Shia/majority sunni situation.

MB membership in Syria was punishable by death prior to the revolution. It was destroyed by Assad's father and was not a coherent political movement in Syria in 2011. There's no evidence that they played any role in the early stages of the uprising. It was pretty much a secular movement. We fucked up by not getting out in front of it then.

In any case, the Syrian MB is not the Egyptian MB. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muslim_Brotherhood_of_Syria

Link Posted: 9/3/2013 7:12:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 7:16:15 PM EDT

-Barak Hussein Obama
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 7:16:46 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 7:18:49 PM EDT
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Not anymore. Even if he manages to tamp this down and regain control over most of the country it'll never be stable under an Assad regime again. It'll be a jihadi magnet and rallying cry, and the sectarian fighting will continue to spread thru Lebanon and through-out the ME. Cat's out of the bag.

If he were really that stable in the first place we wouldn't be having this conversation.
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This is the only justification Obama has got...he botched the situation so badly to this point, he has to remediate somehow.
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 7:20:59 PM EDT
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He was in charge of a stable country.

Those are not allowed to exist in the new world order.
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Syria wasn't stable.

It was a sham built on force, and the population discovered the Emperor had No clothes.
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 7:22:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 7:44:19 PM EDT
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Because he killed 400 children with poison gas.
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I figured it was pretty straight forward and didn't require this.  Guess on GD it's not.
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 7:45:39 PM EDT
It seems to be Hussein redux.
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 7:47:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 7:48:27 PM EDT
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It seems to be Hussein redux.
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And isn't it funny how now the libs aren't hating on Obama like they did with bush.  It's okay for their leader to do whatever he wants.
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 8:38:19 PM EDT
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And isn't it funny how now the libs aren't hating on Obama like they did with bush.  It's okay for their leader to do whatever he wants.
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It seems to be Hussein redux.

And isn't it funny how now the libs aren't hating on Obama like they did with bush.  It's okay for their leader to do whatever he wants.

Yea I thought the same thing, fucking candy ass hypocrites. I think we should arm both sides, and then whatever side wins we bomb them back to the pre stone age.
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 8:46:18 PM EDT
Is he so bad because our government says so? I mean it seems as though he has kept the peace for a long time until our foreign policies in the middle east and N Africa were revamped by our government; and the governments of Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt collapsed.
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He was a stabilizing influence in the Middle East.  Obama doesn't like stabilizing influences that stand in the way of his ideology.
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 8:50:30 PM EDT

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He was a stabilizing influence in the Middle East.

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Rafic Hariri is now perfectly stable, thanks to Assad.

Link Posted: 9/3/2013 8:53:10 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 8:55:32 PM EDT

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at least isn't part of an organization that's been waging war against us for twenty goddamn years.
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Hezbollah is a Syrian proxy.

Granted they are not in exactly the same category as AQ, but they have a lot of American blood on their hands.

ETA: Might be better to say that Assad and Hezbollah are both Iranian proxies.
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 8:58:18 PM EDT
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Assad had chemical weapon equipped troops in the area, there are communications intercepts from his people about it and the chem rockets were launched from an area his troops controlled into an area the rebels were trying to maintain control over.  

So the FSA snuck into enemy territory and fired rockets back at one of their own positions that they were trying to keep to frame Assad?

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Because he killed 400 children with poison gas.

being sarcastic...or do have info no one else has?
Assad had chemical weapon equipped troops in the area, there are communications intercepts from his people about it and the chem rockets were launched from an area his troops controlled into an area the rebels were trying to maintain control over.  

So the FSA snuck into enemy territory and fired rockets back at one of their own positions that they were trying to keep to frame Assad?

Have you watched any of the FSA "fun with weapons" videos?  A Wile E. Coyote style mishap with a captured 152mm Sarin shell or rocket is not out of the question.
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 9:06:00 PM EDT
Someone please show me the proof that he gassed his people, look at who had the most to gain.
It was the insurgents, that's who. I would think that gassing their own, or accidentally setting off their own chemical weapons was the cause of this. Not even Assad is crazy enough to let the gas fly with the UN there. there are reports just as credible as those in our own media that it was mishandled chemical weapons supplied by the Saudis that went off and not a military op of Assads
If the proof you have is what obummer is supplying, its as suspect as most of the intel before the Iraq war. As someone who has extensive training in NBC warfare , and in real life chemical disasters of the organophosphate kind, the videos appear to be total bullshit. also chemical inspectors going in cotton clothes to a suspected chem site attack, and not even using good precautions reeks of BS.
If you doubt it, look up persistency of chemical weapons, esp organophosphates. that shit is ridiculously easy to make, and just as easy to fuck up and release.

Would people who routinely behead people, butcher families in front of four year olds etc. be willing to do something like that, you bet. Plus what about all the liveleak videos showing the rebels launching their own chemical weapons at the Syrian army.

I have no love for Assad and his regime, but there doing a great job of killing each other without wasting American lives, Hell half our country is on welfare and we want to do the bidding of the ruling elite in the middle east. Let them solve their own problems, If Saudi Arabia wants something done, they can use all the military gear weve already sent them, they have the troops, and the money. we don't. there is not one thing there that is worth a drop of American blood.

And who cares if Qatar just discovered huge deposits of natural Gas. we don't need it. we don't need anything from them. Except for them all to repay the billions weve spent the last 12 years fighting their fight. they can never replace the lost American lives. and heres a clue for some of you, they already hate us, so fuck them
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 9:10:40 PM EDT

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Assad is a scumbag who threatens Israel and is cooperating with Iran and Russia to do stuff that isn't in our interests.

He's an asshole and deserves to die in a fire.

The problem is that the motherfuckers who want to take over from him are basically Al Quaeda, and while Assad is no friend he at least isn't part of an organization that's been waging war against us for twenty goddamn years.

Assad's a shithead perfectly capable of murdering any number of people with any number of methods. His forces are shitheads who do all sorts of horrific shit on a regular basis. But the other side isn't really any better, and may in fact be marginally worse for our interests. So helping them is fucking stupid.
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Is he so bad because our government says so? I mean it seems as though he has kept the peace for a long time until our foreign policies in the middle east and N Africa were revamped by our government; and the governments of Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt collapsed.

Assad is a scumbag who threatens Israel and is cooperating with Iran and Russia to do stuff that isn't in our interests.

He's an asshole and deserves to die in a fire.

The problem is that the motherfuckers who want to take over from him are basically Al Quaeda, and while Assad is no friend he at least isn't part of an organization that's been waging war against us for twenty goddamn years.

Assad's a shithead perfectly capable of murdering any number of people with any number of methods. His forces are shitheads who do all sorts of horrific shit on a regular basis. But the other side isn't really any better, and may in fact be marginally worse for our interests. So helping them is fucking stupid.

And there it is.

Well said.

Link Posted: 9/3/2013 9:11:29 PM EDT
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Assad had chemical weapon equipped troops in the area, there are communications intercepts from his people about it and the chem rockets were launched from an area his troops controlled into an area the rebels were trying to maintain control over.  

So the FSA snuck into enemy territory and fired rockets back at one of their own positions that they were trying to keep to frame Assad?

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Because he killed 400 children with poison gas.

being sarcastic...or do have info no one else has?
Assad had chemical weapon equipped troops in the area, there are communications intercepts from his people about it and the chem rockets were launched from an area his troops controlled into an area the rebels were trying to maintain control over.  

So the FSA snuck into enemy territory and fired rockets back at one of their own positions that they were trying to keep to frame Assad?

IF those numbers are accurate (which I still highly doubt, given the source), would you really put that past some of the extremists in the FSA?  They have already lost tens of thousands in this war and they are losing.  Successfully framing Assad and bringing down the might of the US military on him would likely win the war for the FSA.  This is a brutal civil war, the rebels know what Assad's going to do to them if he wins, so what do they have to lose?

Not to sound too tin-foiley here, but this whole series of events sure is playing well into the hands of the FSA.  If they win it will be Egypt all over again, except they won't get thrown out of power after trying a hostile takeover.

Link Posted: 9/3/2013 9:13:32 PM EDT
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Assad's a shithead perfectly capable of murdering any number of people with any number of methods. His forces are shitheads who do all sorts of horrific shit on a regular basis. But the other side isn't really any better, and may in fact be marginally worse for our interests. So helping them is fucking stupid.
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Link Posted: 9/3/2013 9:13:51 PM EDT
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He can be wasted, now as for Mrs.Assad, nothing is off limits....

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That poor woman has been through hell. I volunteer to provide her with shelter and to comfort her in so many special, special ways.
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 9:15:24 PM EDT
if the rebels win, Egypt will look like a preschool compared to the coming Sharia law, and ungodly religious shit they will pull. The rebels are truly depraved and have no souls, they are worse than the ruling scumbags by far. let them kill each other till none are left to fight. we don't have to do anything but wait and watch.
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 9:19:46 PM EDT

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assad made zero look like a weak asshole.  May fuck be upon both of them.
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Zero makes Zero look like a weak asshole.  

Link Posted: 9/3/2013 9:29:43 PM EDT
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He's running an Iranian proxy state. We've been involved in a proxy conflict with Iran for the last 35 years that has taken the lives of hundreds of American military and civilians. Why? He's been a longtime supporter and facilitator of terrorism against Israel. Under his and his father's regime Syria occupied and destabilized Lebanon for decades. The majority of the foreign fighters in Iraq entered via the Syrian border: he was complicit, and they killed a lot of American troops. He's brutally repressed what began as a secular uprising against his government during the Arab Spring and he's used nerve gas against his own civilians. Regardless of what you think of intervention he's not some goddamned hero holding the tide against the jihadis.
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Right. he is a certified asshole at war with certified assholes. Got it.

Based on the history that you have presented we had  more of a reason to attack Syria during the Iraq War than we do now and although he is no good he happens to hate the Muslim Brotherhood and the various extremist groups supporting the rebels.

Both groups are certainly only ever going to be enemies of the United States, both groups will will certainly cost american lives in the future, why would we hinder the abitliy for either of them to continue lkilling each  other?

Future killers of Americans are killing each other and we're going to interfer with that.

While they are currently doing our work without risk to american lives we are going to serve americans up for them to target? we are going to destroy relationships with other nations and renew the vigor of islamic hated against the US. Because alledgedly Bashar gas a couple of hundred people with weapons he's had for 30+ years, we are going to kill far more than that.

Link Posted: 9/3/2013 9:33:32 PM EDT
Secular government (by ME standards) appear to be obama's target.  Egypt, Libya, Syria.  

Can't imagine what he's up to.

Also, it helps to remind ourselves that these ME countries don't operate according to our normal, they have always had, and will always have heir own definition of normal.  That's why democracy will never work for them,
Link Posted: 9/3/2013 9:59:24 PM EDT
I think he is bad because his name is the same as the bad guy in that Call of Duty game.
Link Posted: 9/4/2013 1:30:28 AM EDT
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Obama painted himself into a corner by saying he would do something if there were gas attacks when he was bluffing and by basically rooting for the rebels without thinking that Hezbollah, and other Jihadists would not only take the reigns but be more successful than the more "moderate" factions within the rebels.  
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Not anymore. Even if he manages to tamp this down and regain control over most of the country it'll never be stable under an Assad regime again. It'll be a jihadi magnet and rallying cry, and the sectarian fighting will continue to spread thru Lebanon and through-out the ME. Cat's out of the bag.

If he were really that stable in the first place we wouldn't be having this conversation.

This is the only justification Obama has got...he botched the situation so badly to this point, he has to remediate somehow.
Obama painted himself into a corner by saying he would do something if there were gas attacks when he was bluffing and by basically rooting for the rebels without thinking that Hezbollah, and other Jihadists would not only take the reigns but be more successful than the more "moderate" factions within the rebels.  

Blew your own argument out of the water......who stands to gain and lose from the use of  NBC weapons in Syria...especially after Obama's ill advised ultimatum?
Link Posted: 9/4/2013 2:16:45 AM EDT
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Because his country currently prints their own money.

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Did the world bank get their claws in there yet?
Link Posted: 9/4/2013 2:39:21 AM EDT
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Syria wasn't stable.

It was a sham built on force, and the population discovered the Emperor had No clothes.
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He was in charge of a stable country.

Those are not allowed to exist in the new world order.

Syria wasn't stable.

It was a sham built on force, and the population discovered the Emperor had No clothes.

clearly syria was the shining example of stability, hence the civil war.

syria=hez b'allah=iran.  

the alawites take their orders from tehran.

beruit bombing?  iran
khobar towers?  iran
EFPs?  iran.

sadr army?  iran?

iran and its proxies should be spanked early and often.

and if we want to keep an endless civil war going, good.
Link Posted: 9/4/2013 2:54:44 AM EDT
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Assad is a scumbag who threatens Israel and is cooperating with Iran and Russia to do stuff that isn't in our interests.

He's an asshole and deserves to die in a fire.

The problem is that the motherfuckers who want to take over from him are basically Al Quaeda, and while Assad is no friend he at least isn't part of an organization that's been waging war against us for twenty goddamn years.

Assad's a shithead perfectly capable of murdering any number of people with any number of methods. His forces are shitheads who do all sorts of horrific shit on a regular basis. But the other side isn't really any better, and may in fact be marginally worse for our interests. So helping them is fucking stupid.
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Is he so bad because our government says so? I mean it seems as though he has kept the peace for a long time until our foreign policies in the middle east and N Africa were revamped by our government; and the governments of Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt collapsed.

Assad is a scumbag who threatens Israel and is cooperating with Iran and Russia to do stuff that isn't in our interests.

He's an asshole and deserves to die in a fire.

The problem is that the motherfuckers who want to take over from him are basically Al Quaeda, and while Assad is no friend he at least isn't part of an organization that's been waging war against us for twenty goddamn years.

Assad's a shithead perfectly capable of murdering any number of people with any number of methods. His forces are shitheads who do all sorts of horrific shit on a regular basis. But the other side isn't really any better, and may in fact be marginally worse for our interests. So helping them is fucking stupid.

So our enemies are killing each other with great vigor.  I still fail to see the down side for us.  By all means Syria, continue.
Link Posted: 9/4/2013 2:56:40 AM EDT

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He is a dictator, he's running and Arab country, he's killed a lot of Arabs,he's killed a lot of his own citizens who are muslim,  he's secular, he hasn't attacked Israel.
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And apparently he finally found where Saddam buried all those chemical weapons that were moved to his country.

Link Posted: 9/4/2013 3:16:47 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/4/2013 3:27:33 AM EDT
It's really very simple.  A Democrat does not like him.
Link Posted: 9/4/2013 3:36:23 AM EDT
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He's running an Iranian proxy state. We've been involved in a proxy conflict with Iran for the last 35 years that has taken the lives of hundreds of American military and civilians. He's been a longtime supporter and facilitator of terrorism against Israel. Under his and his father's regime Syria occupied and destabilized Lebanon for decades. The majority of the foreign fighters in Iraq entered via the Syrian border: he was complicit, and they killed a lot of American troops. He's brutally repressed what began as a secular uprising against his government during the Arab Spring and he's used nerve gas against his own civilians. Regardless of what you think of intervention he's not some goddamned hero holding the tide against the jihadis.
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Pretty much this.  Zero was talking him up early in his administration as an olive branch to Iran.  You see how persuaded they were to be civilized.  

In government terms, there are no good guys in that neighborhood there who aren't wearing yarmulkes.
Link Posted: 9/4/2013 9:58:42 AM EDT
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Because he killed 400 children with poison gas.
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Someone's got to do it.

What difference does it make anyway?.


This "woman" (and I use the term loosely) has a good answer for everything....and it's the SAME answer...
Link Posted: 9/4/2013 10:36:15 AM EDT
Because he is a bloodthirsty dictator, an ally of Iran and a suporter of hezbollah terrorists perhaps?
Link Posted: 9/4/2013 10:39:45 AM EDT
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Because he is a bloodthirsty dictator, an ally of Iran and a suporter of hezbollah terrorists perhaps?
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Who is killing AQ, an organization that would if in power, become a bloodthirsty dictator, and ally of our worst enemies, and would continue to actively field terrorists.  

In my experience, it is often wise to think of one enemy killing another enemy as a good thing.
Link Posted: 9/4/2013 11:40:31 AM EDT
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Who is killing AQ, an organization that would if in power, become a bloodthirsty dictator, and ally of our worst enemies, and would continue to actively field terrorists.  

In my experience, it is often wise to think of one enemy killing another enemy as a good thing.
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Because he is a bloodthirsty dictator, an ally of Iran and a suporter of hezbollah terrorists perhaps?

Who is killing AQ, an organization that would if in power, become a bloodthirsty dictator, and ally of our worst enemies, and would continue to actively field terrorists.  

In my experience, it is often wise to think of one enemy killing another enemy as a good thing.

He's toxic but he isnt alone among other state and non state actors in the region. The OP asked why is he so bad.

He's certainly bad; but he's definitely[div style='text-align: left;']
not our problem at the moment.

Edited to make it clear I am in agreement with you.
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