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Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:18:31 PM EDT
Do it. Let's get this fucking party started!
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:18:56 PM EDT
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She needs to first take a government class
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She couldn't find her ass with both hands.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:20:18 PM EDT
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The law of unitended consequences leads me to believe that this will push the majority of dems to the middle. A show of force by the commies is a big motivator for allot of people. Couple that with the fact that these useful idiots cannot debate their way out of a paper bag will provide a target rich environment to display the illogic and danger of socialism. She may be the best thing to happen to the conservatives in decades and, I suspect, she will rue the day she threw her beret in the ring.
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Moderate Dems would vote for Stalin if we was on the ticket. #orangemanbad.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:20:26 PM EDT
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Why are people on our side cheering this?

Look at Krysten Sinema in Arizona.  She is a radical leftist who was not hiding her true positions and won a state-wide election in AZ.

Be careful what you wish for....
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Listen with care to this. The next election will be Repubs against Dem Socialists. Your Daddy's Dem party is dead and voting from its grave.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:20:32 PM EDT
"Leftist Revolt"?, In America??....Pinch Me.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:21:46 PM EDT
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They will divide the moderate democrats
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No, they won't. "Moderate" democrats will pivot to become Dem Socialists. The realignment is well on its way.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:22:54 PM EDT
Democrat party

Not Democratic Party
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:23:39 PM EDT
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I'm expecting the opposite.  I think it will force what passes for middle of the road Ds to the left as they try to make up for the popularity of the commies in their midst.
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The law of unitended consequences leads me to believe that this will push the majority of dems to the middle. A show of force by the commies is a big motivator for allot of people. Couple that with the fact that these useful idiots cannot debate their way out of a paper bag will provide a target rich environment to display the illogic and danger of socialism. She may be the best thing to happen to the conservatives in decades and, I suspect, she will rue the day she threw her beret in the ring.
I'm expecting the opposite.  I think it will force what passes for middle of the road Ds to the left as they try to make up for the popularity of the commies in their midst.
He sees the realignment that is already a fait accompli.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:25:27 PM EDT
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Why are people on our side cheering this?

Look at Krysten Sinema in Arizona.  She is a radical leftist who was not hiding her true positions and won a state-wide election in AZ.

Be careful what you wish for....
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I'm cheering because of two of the three possible outcomes:

1. Old school Dems win a party civil war (least likely).
2. Civil war splits the ranks during election, leading to Republican gains.
3. Far leftist's win the civil war, alienating moderates. If by some chance, lefties win elections, it'll be go time.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:28:46 PM EDT
Her in the debates is going to be magnificent.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:28:59 PM EDT
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I'm cheering because of two of the three possible outcomes:

1. Old school Dems win a party civil war (least likely).
2. Civil war splits the ranks during election, leading to Republican gains.
3. Far leftist's win the civil war, alienating moderates. If by some chance, lefties win elections, it'll be go time.
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4. So-called moderate Dems embrace their inner socialist and fully support their party's realignment.

This is the most likely outcome.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:31:28 PM EDT
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4. So-called moderate Dems embrace their inner socialist and fully support their party's realignment.

This is the most likely outcome.
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Then we know what time it is. I ain't getting any younger.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:32:55 PM EDT
We’re going to need more helicopters.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:34:07 PM EDT
We're already there, folks. Things aren't going back to the 70's, 80's or 90's politically. Snowball gathering moss downhill and whatnot.

De Blasio channels his inner commie publicly.

Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:34:51 PM EDT
I can think of SO many different ways that this will turn out totally awesome!!!
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:36:18 PM EDT
If they ever get into power we are in deep shit.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:39:22 PM EDT
Good, let the left devour itself and push more people to the right.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:40:11 PM EDT
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If they ever get into power we are in deep shit.
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If they ever get into power we are in deep shit.
Meh. It has to happen sometime. Cycle of civilization and all of that:

From bondage to spiritual faith;
From spiritual faith to great courage;
From courage to liberty;
From liberty to abundance;
From abundance to complacency;
From complacency to apathy;
From apathy to dependence;
From dependence back into bondage.
Why push it on our great-great-grandkids?
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:42:00 PM EDT
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Because people like to entertain thought that Cortez is some bafoon and not the start of the new Left and all that comes with it
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Why are people on our side cheering this?

Look at Krysten Sinema in Arizona.  She is a radical leftist who was not hiding her true positions and won a state-wide election in AZ.

Be careful what you wish for....
Because people like to entertain thought that Cortez is some bafoon and not the start of the new Left and all that comes with it
This.  It is not entertaining to me.  It is horrifying.

This will come down to either shooting or us living in slavery.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:42:31 PM EDT
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She just proved that you CAN actually divide by zero...

Mind... Blown...
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I wanna divide that ass.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:42:37 PM EDT
Good.  Let them fight among themselves and distance themselves from everyday America.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:42:55 PM EDT
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This.  It is not entertaining to me.  It is horrifying.

This will come down to either shooting or us living in slavery.
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I know which way I'm going.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:43:02 PM EDT
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This.  It is not entertaining to me.  It is horrifying.

This will come down to either shooting or us living in slavery.
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This.  It is not entertaining to me.  It is horrifying.

This will come down to either shooting or us living in slavery.
You're right about that.


I wanna divide that ass.
Why are so many people wanting that ass? She's average at best. Now she is above average as far as an elected Congressman (look who you're comparing her to), but I see better than that multiple times daily.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:43:09 PM EDT
Yet another Soros and Bloomberg front group where loyal socialists can launder their payoffs.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:43:44 PM EDT
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We’re going to need more helicopters.
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And woodchippers to drop them in to from the helicopters.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:45:50 PM EDT
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Look at Krysten Sinema in Arizona.  She is a radical leftist who was not hiding her true positions and won a state-wide election in AZ.
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Actually, you are DEAD WRONG.

Sinema did a very good job of ignoring/disguising her radical past.  Even when her oppostion would bring it up in campaign ads, Sinema's reponse was to ignore it.

By doing so, she managed to avoid being well understood for the fruitcake she really is, and this helped her win the election.  It will be interesting to see how much of her REAL agenda/leanings shows up once she takes office.  Even better, it will be interesting to see the reaction of some of the AZ voters who thought she was a good choice.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:46:59 PM EDT
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I know which way I'm going.
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Better sooner than later. I can't move and scoot as well with a walker.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:48:13 PM EDT
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No, they won't. "Moderate" democrats will pivot to become Dem Socialists. The realignment is well on its way.
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They will divide the moderate democrats
No, they won't. "Moderate" democrats will pivot to become Dem Socialists. The realignment is well on its way.
Yep, the midterms showed it
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:52:16 PM EDT
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Hopefully by 2020 the democrats are in a civil war amongst themselves
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Probably won't happen.

Democrat Deep State Swamp Dwellers are very rich and very powerful and have much support from rich and powerful globalists like Soros, Bloomberg, Bezos, et al.

If Ocasio-Crazy gets too difficult to manage, they will shut her down and shut her up real quick and real hard.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:54:19 PM EDT
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Uh, minority party doesn't vote for speaker
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All Republicans in the House should vote fojr her to be Speaker of the House, and encourage Democrats to do the same.

It would be awesome.
Uh, minority party doesn't vote for speaker
Wrong. Per wikipedia:

The House of Representatives elects the Speaker of the House on the first day of every new Congress and in the event of the death, resignation or removal from the Chair of an incumbent Speaker. The Clerk of the House of Representatives requests nominations: there are normally two, one from each major party (each party having previously met to decide on its nominee). The Clerk then calls the roll of the Representatives, each Representative indicating the surname of the candidate the Representative is supporting. Representatives are not restricted to voting for one of the nominated candidates and may vote for any person, even for someone who is not a member of the House at all. They may also abstain by voting "present".[9]

Although no rule exists, based on tradition and practice from the earliest days of the nation, to be elected speaker a candidate must receive an absolute majority of all votes cast for individuals, i.e. excluding those who abstain. If no candidate wins such a majority, then the roll call is repeated until a speaker is elected. The last time repeated votes were required was in 1923, when the Speaker was elected on the ninth ballot.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:56:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 5:56:22 PM EDT
Hah!  Called it months ago.

All the "disaffected democrats" aren't going to magically turn into republicans, they're going to go further left.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 6:00:47 PM EDT

I find her quite pretty.

Would smash.

If she promised not to smile and show those donkey teeth
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 6:02:37 PM EDT
She sure is parading her snazz
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 6:03:33 PM EDT
I just love to see them fighting each other.  Great days.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 6:08:12 PM EDT
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He sees the realignment that is already a fait accompli.
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The law of unitended consequences leads me to believe that this will push the majority of dems to the middle. A show of force by the commies is a big motivator for allot of people. Couple that with the fact that these useful idiots cannot debate their way out of a paper bag will provide a target rich environment to display the illogic and danger of socialism. She may be the best thing to happen to the conservatives in decades and, I suspect, she will rue the day she threw her beret in the ring.
I'm expecting the opposite.  I think it will force what passes for middle of the road Ds to the left as they try to make up for the popularity of the commies in their midst.
He sees the realignment that is already a fait accompli.
I see it happening but I think she'll force it farther and faster.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 6:12:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 6:14:05 PM EDT
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Im starting to think shes a righty plant to disrupt the democratic party from the inside
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I was just going to say that. She is the gift that keeps on giving.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 6:14:57 PM EDT
Laugh all you want GD, but underestimate her and her comrades at your own peril.

She won the primary in her district against an establishment democrat.  She got voted in being an open socialist.  This is what her voters want, and they don't want less of it.

They don't care if she is a dumbass. They don't care if she doesn't know the three branches of government. To them, the three branches of government should be the Mao branch, the Stalin branch, and the Marx branch. They are going to do everything in their power (and themn some) to make it happen.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 6:20:28 PM EDT
We could only be so lucky.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 6:20:34 PM EDT
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I was just going to say that. She is the gift that keeps on giving.
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Im starting to think shes a righty plant to disrupt the democratic party from the inside
I was just going to say that. She is the gift that keeps on giving.
I think you're under estimating her and her voter base.    She could be, but I think she's part of the front wave of commies coming to reform our country in their image.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 6:21:54 PM EDT
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Yup. They're both extremely dangerous politicians.
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Why are people on our side cheering this?

Look at Krysten Sinema in Arizona.  She is a radical leftist who was not hiding her true positions and won a state-wide election in AZ.

Be careful what you wish for....
Because people like to entertain thought that Cortez is some bafoon and not the start of the new Left and all that comes with it
Yup. They're both extremely dangerous politicians.
They are -- but only in the sense that they match the proper identity tickets that the hardcore left believes is required to assuage their guilt.

A takeover of the party from the hard left like this is the destruction of the party.  Communism is an unsustainable world view, and there are enough of us around who know that...
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 6:31:00 PM EDT
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I honestly don’t believe she’s going to be “reeled in.”  They’ll try, but I don’t think it’s going to be successful.
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We are just starting to scratch the surface of that woman's insanity.

She is going to be VERY fun to watch in the upcoming months until they reel her in!
I honestly don’t believe she’s going to be “reeled in.”  They’ll try, but I don’t think it’s going to be successful.
everyone has a price... only time will tell if 'they' will find the 'price' and she will 'buy'..

it doesnt look good for her in the short term, but folks need to be aware of demographics and how things are changing and how things like shackling younger folks with mortgage level college loans will have a long term impact on the political layout in this country. she's too outfront now. will be interesting to see how she does in the long term. they almost elected a communist as governor in my state.

things are changing.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 6:35:57 PM EDT
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This might be the beginning of the end for two party system. Its interesting that within a few years, both parties have begun to transform radically. I foresee you will eventually have at least four parties.

Trumpians - Populist, protectionist, hawkish, anti-immigration. Might be willing to dump pro-life and war on drugs.

GOP(e) - Pro Business, possibly the party of "morality". They'll have to cater to the Christian Right to survive.

Democrats - Basically what we have now. They will throw crumbs at their constituents while basically staying pro-business in many ways. Will cater unions, private and public.

Socialists - Unabashed, full retard, european styled socialism.
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this is very unlikely to happen. this is not a parliamentary system where alliances can be made and broken and governments can fall to require an election and reform the government. a multi-party congress and senate with the president elected in a separate national election cannot function like a european parliamentary system. it requires no more than two parties and cant function any other way.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 6:38:02 PM EDT
It's Mensheviks v Bolsheviks. She's the Bolshevik side. It's going to rock.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 6:39:30 PM EDT
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She'll be found with a gun and a suicide note and 4 bullets in the back of her head.
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Hillary knows no bounds.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 6:41:03 PM EDT
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Why are people on our side cheering this?

Look at Krysten Sinema in Arizona.  She is a radical leftist who was not hiding her true positions and won a state-wide election in AZ.

Be careful what you wish for....
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I think of them more as plants to make the other dems look reasonable. Then they will all turn at the right moment.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 6:52:06 PM EDT
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They are -- but only in the sense that they match the proper identity tickets that the hardcore left believes is required to assuage their guilt.

A takeover of the party from the hard left like this is the destruction of the party.  Communism is an unsustainable world view, and there are enough of us around who know that...
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Why are people on our side cheering this?

Look at Krysten Sinema in Arizona.  She is a radical leftist who was not hiding her true positions and won a state-wide election in AZ.

Be careful what you wish for....
Because people like to entertain thought that Cortez is some bafoon and not the start of the new Left and all that comes with it
Yup. They're both extremely dangerous politicians.
They are -- but only in the sense that they match the proper identity tickets that the hardcore left believes is required to assuage their guilt.

A takeover of the party from the hard left like this is the destruction of the party.  Communism is an unsustainable world view, and there are enough of us around who know that...
Yeah, "communism is unsustainable".

Maybe it's just me,  but knowing "communism is unsustainable" really doesn't make up for the generations-long lost of freedoms and (likely) life.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 6:52:23 PM EDT
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Many democrats aren’t raging socialists. They’re just regular people that are just to the left of what a moderate republican is. The crap that will come out of her mouth will keep them away from voting.
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Good. We want a fractured dem party in 2020 just like 2016.
Unlike the Right, the Left will unify. Their base is Leftist anyway. The upcoming Democrats don't want the old not commie enough old guard anymore. They are entirely moving in a  terrible direction, and its not good to the nation one bit.
This is correct. The media will unite them.
Many democrats aren’t raging socialists. They’re just regular people that are just to the left of what a moderate republican is. The crap that will come out of her mouth will keep them away from voting.
Hugo Chavez was full of shit, too. It doesn't matter when they have a marketing firm on every station. The media will package it cleanly and market it to them as something they need.. and they'll contrast it against Trump, the reincarnation of Satan's earthly form who eats babies like Cheerios and blah blah blah. Faced with that, they'll choose the lesser of 2 evils.
Link Posted: 11/19/2018 6:52:40 PM EDT
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She should probably start with a 6th grade civics class.....I'd be willing to bet she couldn't pass one of their tests right now.
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She needs to first take a government class
She should probably start with a 6th grade civics class.....I'd be willing to bet she couldn't pass one of their tests right now.
Why should she?

She got elected to Congress without it.  Who needs a civics class?

Besides, all she would learn of that "old people" stuff...you know...Founding Fathers, Constitution, Declaration of something-or-other.  None of the new stuff like More Taxes to pay for all this free shit we're going to be giving away.

If these kind of people start taking over, maybe the best decision would be to get on the gov't tit and milk that bitch for all it's worth.
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