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Link Posted: 4/14/2022 5:31:43 AM EDT
Pronounced Dead for 20 Minutes - What He Saw and How it Changed His Life Forever
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 5:37:07 AM EDT
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I would do the same thing and I retired last year, still hate the way I was treated.
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I would probably end up thinking about work and die pissed off.

I would do the same thing and I retired last year, still hate the way I was treated.

We’ll get over it. I own my own business and I hate the way I have been treated and how I have pushed myself.  I wish I could do more for those I employed.  But it’s not easy.
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 6:47:17 AM EDT
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I can't help but see a dystopian future movie right there, Blade Runner and Altered Carbon style.

I die, I'll see a sign saying "Delete Browser History?"
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Someday we will be able to synthesize that reaction and induce it. Imagine the possibilities. Then after that you will be able to recall significant memories and experiences and experience them all over again.

Then that service will be commercialized and only the rich will be able to afford it.

Then they will find a way to record those memories. Then after that companies will offer to buy your memories and them use them for marketing. Maybe even before that the same tech will be used to catch criminals and/or prosecute them/prove guilt (or innocence)

Then, remember the fappening? Imagine that but with millions of peoples memories.

Science -> commercialized for the rich -> harvested from the poors for marketing purposes -> Porn

I can't help but see a dystopian future movie right there, Blade Runner and Altered Carbon style.

I die, I'll see a sign saying "Delete Browser History?"

Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 6:49:55 AM EDT
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I had a patient die on the OR table many years ago.

That patient was wearing a two lead EEG called a BIS monitor.

We took the time to clean the patient up after pronunciation of death, and I kept that brain wave monitor on for probably 25 minutes.

There was still brain activity for at least 25 minutes after death, when I removed the monitor.  

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Technically you’re not dead until you’re brain-dead.
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 8:47:10 AM EDT
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Technically you’re not dead until you’re brain-dead.

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Tell that to your heart when it stops beating.

eta: after the heart stops, the brain will follow suit.
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 12:57:14 PM EDT
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Who says you arent living in the flash right now?
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So I have to live through this again?

Who says you arent living in the flash right now?
2022 Internet Winner award goes to  atavistic.

Congrats, fucker.
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 3:35:17 PM EDT
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Geeez I hope like hell I dont have to deal with 30 more seconds with my ex-wife....
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That would be like going to hell.
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 5:13:45 PM EDT
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Quoted:Do you remember anything from the flashes or just the experience?  I remember it was profound but can’t remember specifics.
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It's like the van going off the bridge in Inception.  The event only takes a couple seconds, or a couple milliseconds. But your mind is a level or 2 or 3 down, running twice, or exponentially faster. Yes, I remember specifics.
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 5:45:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 5:46:54 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 5:52:05 PM EDT
I've talked to quite a few patients that have coded and nearly all of them have agreed that you see certain moments of life while you're dying and unconscious. I've also had people on EEG monitoring that coded and have seen it spike, but then drops in amplitude and widens out usually.
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 6:29:27 PM EDT
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Mind blown. Kind of reminds me of the guy here that said you won't know if you are dead just like you don't recall life before you were born.
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This. Fade to black. Hopefully it's like getting anesthesia at the hospital. And hopefully you wake up in some new place surrounded by people that you loved. Not some sort of freaky wormhole ride through a fiery eternity.
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 6:34:20 PM EDT
Slightly different topic, but how close are we to having something like your iphone, log everything you say everyday, and put it in a database that people could interact with after you're dead.

It would be very scripted, but would that not be the first step to an AI version of you living forever? Kinda like Alexa is now. Hell,  you could even recreate the voice and image.

I wish my grandfather was still alive, I could ask him about this. You download the "grandpa" file off the web and start asking.

Link Posted: 4/14/2022 6:39:38 PM EDT
Dear God, that cum sock from 1977 which I hind behind the water heater it's going to flash again before my eyes.
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 7:52:32 PM EDT
I am going to choke my chicken so I can be coming and going at the same time.
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 8:23:01 PM EDT
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If you accept the premise -

What would be the evolutionary advantage of that?

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Dealing with fear, pain and shock while the saber tooth tiger eats you.
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 8:52:47 PM EDT
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I still have dreams about working in my previous career field from 9 years ago. I always wake up mad.
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I would probably end up thinking about work and die pissed off.

I still have dreams about working in my previous career field from 9 years ago. I always wake up mad.

I have been out of the USAF for longer than I was in it- served just under 8 years, got out in March 2012- but I dream about being back on active duty almost monthly.  

Most times I wake up from the dream with "so glad I'm out" on my lips.
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 9:08:18 PM EDT
A friend I grew up almost got squashed by a Mack truck many years ago, but it barely missed him; and he said his life flashed before his eyes.
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 9:20:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 9:31:02 PM EDT
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Who says you arent living in the flash right now?
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 cf. "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge"
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 9:39:50 PM EDT
God knows each of us, but not all of us will seek him. I am trying to be better myself.
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 9:50:23 PM EDT
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My uncle was brought back after a heart attack. We asked him if he saw anything. Bright light,tunnel, life memories
He’s was like no,just blackness.
My aunt tried to make a joke about that probably not being a good sign on where he may have been heading and he was just like yeah, maybe kind of quiet like.

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I died before and that’s not true. Stopped breathing and no pulse. Fade to black, no bs.

My uncle was brought back after a heart attack. We asked him if he saw anything. Bright light,tunnel, life memories
He’s was like no,just blackness.
My aunt tried to make a joke about that probably not being a good sign on where he may have been heading and he was just like yeah, maybe kind of quiet like.

A co-worker's dad experienced the same thing.  He said it was like a light switch.  Dead then alive again.  Nothing else.
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 10:43:05 PM EDT
Only thing I remember thinking when I had my heart attack was "Shit this HURTS" then the next thing I remember I was in the ER and it was two hours later.
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 10:58:52 PM EDT
My theory has always been that your brain cells give up their memories as you die.  That's why the come back to the 'top',' so to speak.
Link Posted: 4/14/2022 11:26:49 PM EDT
I was in a bad car wreck when I was 6 with my grandma.  Went off road in rural mo. Hit tree and tree fell on truck.  Grandma died and I was pinned to the window door handle impaled up where my jaw bone used to be.  Broken shoulder,  arm,  jaw,  almost every rib in right side with multiple lung punctures.  

Took a while before we were found,  my brain blocks most of it out still today.  I coded in hospital and all I remember was light.  Light everywhere but no memories.  Light snapped back into reality of intense pain.  More light the more pain of my ribs as they brought me back,  pain of my broken jaw and face...

Other experience was with my wife's grandmother when she was passing.  She did in home hospice and the whole clarity thing right before passing is true.  She popped up and was like why are you trying to kill me... She also kept saying she saw her brothers and sisters who were all deceased and even talked to them right before she entered the death rattle stage... my God if i never have to watch a loved one go through that again I'll be a lucky man.
Link Posted: 4/15/2022 12:46:24 AM EDT
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Time is a flat circle.
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Aren't all circles flat?
Link Posted: 4/15/2022 3:09:43 AM EDT
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If you accept the premise -

What would be the evolutionary advantage of that?

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It's probably a failure mode of some other system, like hypoxia response or REM sleep or memory processing.
Link Posted: 4/15/2022 5:00:36 AM EDT
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As I said, it's an upload.

If you die violently where your brain is involved, you become a ghost, a disembodied spirit.  You didn't finish uploading.  You have to wait on retrieval.  That's why you see no ghosts more than a few thousand years old.  The rest were already retrieved during an earlier sweep.
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A friend I grew up almost got squashed by a Mack truck many years ago, but it barely missed him; and he said his life flashed before his eyes.

As I said, it's an upload.

If you die violently where your brain is involved, you become a ghost, a disembodied spirit.  You didn't finish uploading.  You have to wait on retrieval.  That's why you see no ghosts more than a few thousand years old.  The rest were already retrieved during an earlier sweep.

You are going through a cash of save points. Important points in life that created "core" memories that function to help you define who you are in this life. These are also turning point in life. I think this is why people say they were saved by X, Y, or Z. It is a way to not die in death.
Link Posted: 4/15/2022 5:42:26 AM EDT

When an 87-year-old epilepsy patient unexpectedly passed away during a brain scan, the scan found that his brain seemed to replay memories in the 30 seconds before and after his heart stopped beating, according to a recent study published in Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.

The patient, whose name was kept private, suffered a heart attack, and due to his do-not-resuscitate status, the scientists were able to track his brain waves throughout the final moments of his life. The scan was conducted by an international team of 13 neuroscientists led by Raul Vicente of the University of Tartu in Estonia.

The scientists were originally conducting electroencephalography (EEG) scans on the patient to detect and treat seizures. When he unexpectedly died, the EEG machine kept running, providing the scientists a first-of-its-kind glimpse into the brain activity of a dying human.

“This is why it’s so rare, because you can’t plan this,” Ajmal Zemmar, one of the co-authors of the study, told Insider. “No healthy human is gonna go and have an EEG before they die, and in no sick patient are we going to know when they’re gonna die to record these signals.”

The EEG brain scan found an oscillatory brain wave pattern in which activity in the brain’s alpha, beta, and theta bands relatively decreased and activity in the gamma band relatively increased. It’s thought that these oscillatory patterns, and an increase in gamma waves, suggest memory recall (the gamma band decreases external interference, allowing for deep inward concentration like recalling memories). Similar brain oscillations occur during meditation and dreaming.

This is the first time this has been proven in a human, although the concept looms large in our collective imagination. It comes back to us from people who have experienced near-death experiences, defined as when the brain has transitioned into preparing for death. Research into these experiences has reported intense memory recall and a panoramic review of one’s life. They have also reported a hallucinatory and meditative state and a sense of transcendence and bliss. These accounts cross cultures and religions.
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Link to study referenced in the article

Kind of fascinating.
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Pretty cool, never experienced it. I have had everything go into slow motion in stressful events. It's a trip.
Link Posted: 4/15/2022 11:18:09 AM EDT
A friend of mine coded twice and he said that both times he saw a bright light, as is often described in Near Death Experiences.
Link Posted: 4/15/2022 2:49:24 PM EDT
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Pretty cool, never experienced it. I have had everything go into slow motion in stressful events. It's a trip.
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I've had this happen and it IS cool, like I have
a super fast brain.
Link Posted: 4/15/2022 2:59:03 PM EDT
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Wait... a DNR applies to having a heart attack...
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I used to be amazed at what people though a DNR was.  Very few really understood it.
Link Posted: 4/15/2022 3:19:18 PM EDT
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I have been out of the USAF for longer than I was in it- served just under 8 years, got out in March 2012- but I dream about being back on active duty almost monthly.  

Most times I wake up from the dream with "so glad I'm out" on my lips.
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For years after I got out, I had a recurring dream that I was in a 141 flying somewhere. I was just looking around thinking “WTF was I thinking doing this again”
Link Posted: 4/15/2022 3:41:45 PM EDT
The brain dump imo.

I died in a mc wreck. Didn't see anything.
But i went out quick.

Woke up a month later ...
Thought i was a prisoner being tortured for weeks.
Came out of it and suffered miserably for over a year.
Link Posted: 4/15/2022 3:52:11 PM EDT
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I used to be amazed at what people though a DNR was.  Very few really understood it.
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Wait... a DNR applies to having a heart attack...

I used to be amazed at what people though a DNR was.  Very few really understood it.

Simple way to explain it might be this:

A DNR (do not resuscitate) order allows for full medical treatment up to the point of cardiac or respiratory arrest.

A DNI (do not intubate) order allows for full medical treatment except for intubation (insertion of a breathing tube).
Link Posted: 4/15/2022 4:25:04 PM EDT
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I had a patient die on the OR table many years ago.

That patient was wearing a two lead EEG called a BIS monitor.

We took the time to clean the patient up after pronunciation of death, and I kept that brain wave monitor on for probably 25 minutes.

There was still brain activity for at least 25 minutes after death, when I removed the monitor.  

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Well, that’s a bit terrifying.
Link Posted: 4/15/2022 10:53:56 PM EDT
When I was about 10 or 11 I was attacked by a large dog.
The dog came at me head on.
I distinctly remember my life flash before my eyes.
It was literally a slide show of my life.
How long did it last? Maybe 1 second, maybe only a few milliseconds, hard to say.
Almost all memories fade, but not this one.

Link Posted: 4/15/2022 11:21:21 PM EDT
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Do you remember anything from the flashes or just the experience?  I remember it was profound but can’t remember specifics.

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Same thing happened to me twice, 13 years apart. I've told people that the brain is the most powerful computer known to man.  And when people say your life flashes before your eyes, they are right. But the things, or type of things, or centralized theme of things that flash the first time, aren't necessarily the same type of things that you might see the 2nd time.

Also, it might be what you've experienced in the past. Or, it might be your mind acting out, or playing out, or showing what might happen in the future. Sort of like a Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, or the results of  whatever event is currently causing the life flash.

Do you remember anything from the flashes or just the experience?  I remember it was profound but can’t remember specifics.

I had the same experience.
I was young, 10 or 11 maybe. I distinctly remembering it happening, but I don't remember any specific images.
Link Posted: 4/15/2022 11:32:07 PM EDT
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 cf. "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge"
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Who says you arent living in the flash right now?

 cf. "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge"

Wow, great analogy.
The one difference is he was looking to the future, the rest of us saw the past.
Link Posted: 4/15/2022 11:33:39 PM EDT
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When I was in ICU for a few months, I had instances where I felt like I lived out entire lifetimes.  It happened when I was given medicine, passed out during pain, etc.
Not the same thing obviously but probably similar
It felt like Inception.  It was terrifying to come out of those.
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That is the most terrifying post in here. I saw my grandfather suffer for months on the ICU. One night, I paid him a visit, and he was motioning to me that he wanted to go (putting his hands together as if to pray, then extending them toward the sky as if flying upward). He was not a religious man that I ever knew about, but after watching him suffer for months, i understood him. The sad thing was he couldn't write on the whiteboard they gave him, though he scribbled trying.
Link Posted: 4/15/2022 11:56:51 PM EDT
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A friend of mine coded twice and he said that both times he saw a bright light, as is often described in Near Death Experiences.
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When my brother in law was in his 20's his appendix burst, during emergency surgery he went into cardiac arrest.
He was drawn to "the light", but his childhood friend, who had drown years prior, told him it wasn't his time.
Told him to go back.
Your brain's last defense for survival, or Heavenly event?

Link Posted: 4/16/2022 12:02:51 AM EDT
When my dad died he said he appeared in a room with all his dead friends and family. Someone gave him three choices.
1. Stay in the room with everyone and have a good time for eternity.
2. Go back to the start of his life and do it all over again with no recollection
3. Come back to life, but for the last time.

He said he picked number 3. his reason was life was too painful to do again, but he wanted to see me. He had been fighting cancer from radiation exposure for 7 years and had pulled through things Drs found unimaginable. He passed in November 2019 from a "flu".

Not really related to the OP. Weird things do happen when you die, though.
Link Posted: 4/16/2022 12:26:53 AM EDT
When my dad coded from his first heart attack he felt warmth and saw a red light.  He passed away from another one last year, about 12 years later.
Link Posted: 4/16/2022 3:23:56 PM EDT
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Pretty cool, never experienced it. I have had everything go into slow motion in stressful events. It's a trip.
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I've experienced matrix slow down before that movie was even made! And you're corr, it was pretty cool.
Link Posted: 4/16/2022 3:31:21 PM EDT
You will probably feel like you did before you were born.
Link Posted: 4/16/2022 3:58:35 PM EDT
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Dear God, that cum sock from 1977 which I hind behind the water heater it's going to flash again before my eyes.
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uncle kcolg and the dream catcher
Link Posted: 4/18/2022 9:07:14 PM EDT
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As I said, it's an upload.

If you die violently where your brain is involved, you become a ghost, a disembodied spirit.  You didn't finish uploading.  You have to wait on retrieval.  That's why you see no ghosts more than a few thousand years old.  The rest were already retrieved during an earlier sweep.
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Funny note, I was deeply into the paranormal and ghost hunting stuff about 15 years ago; I've read several books including those from Lloyd Auerbach, pretty much the father of modern paranormal studies and one of the few with an actual university background.
I no longer hold much belief in any of it, seeing the BS on all the TV shows and never experiencing anything conclusive myself. There were a number of theories floated by various researchers, but one thing almost everyone agreed on was that there were two types of ghosts, let's say Type A and Type B, and Type B was much more rare.  The Type A ghost isn't a lost soul or disembodied personality, but merely an imprint on the environment, like a recording.  It has no intelligence, can't answer you, won't ever change it's behavior, it just plays on a loop, until it's energy dissipates to nothing over the years.  Type B would be a genuine "soul" that got stuck behind, an interactive intelligence.
How regular to you reckon these sweeps occur, and why that particular interval?
Link Posted: 4/18/2022 9:12:42 PM EDT
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Who says you arent living in the flash right now?
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So I have to live through this again?

Who says you arent living in the flash right now?
Holy shit
Link Posted: 4/18/2022 9:45:39 PM EDT
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Simple way to explain it might be this:

A DNR (do not resuscitate) order allows for full medical treatment up to the point of cardiac or respiratory arrest.

A DNI (do not intubate) order allows for full medical treatment except for intubation (insertion of a breathing tube).
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Wait... a DNR applies to having a heart attack...

I used to be amazed at what people though a DNR was.  Very few really understood it.

Simple way to explain it might be this:

A DNR (do not resuscitate) order allows for full medical treatment up to the point of cardiac or respiratory arrest.

A DNI (do not intubate) order allows for full medical treatment except for intubation (insertion of a breathing tube).

I've explained this for many years.
Until you speak to hundreds of patients and get them to tell you what they think advanced directives mean, you have no idea.
A large percentage believe either one has to do with being permanently left on a ventilator.
Don't get me started on advanced directives and POAs as that would start a shit show and a derail.
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