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Link Posted: 9/8/2011 2:33:09 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Banjaxed:
I moonlight as a paramedic and working EMS you will see all kinds of creepy and fucked up things. Every shift I go in I do so with the knowledge that there is a good chance my face will be the last or first thing a person sees as they leave or enter this world. The one that sends a chill up my spine though happened last year while I was still doing clinicals. We received a call to a nursing home for a unresponsive 87 year old woman. When we picked her up it was obvious she was not long for this world. She coded three times on us before we got her to the ER. What freaked me out though was when she became responsive briefly during transport. I was starting an IV and she just sprang to life, grabbed my arm with a strength unholy for a frail old woman, looked me square in the eye and in a raspy, guttural way quietly screamed my name. The look in her eyes was unlike anything I had seen before or since. It felt like she was starring straight into my soul.

What is so disturbing about that is that during no point had I introduced myself to her as she was unresponsive. Also being a dumb student I had forgotten my ID badge that day as well. I had never worked her before as a patient, nor meet her that I can recall in any capacity. Could be she mistook me for somebody else by the same name but it sure seemed meant for me. She died less than an hour after admission. To this day I still remember everything about that call like it just happened and it makes my blood run cold to remember her face and the way she called to me. Sometimes I close my eyes and still see that face.

Fuck me, stories like this are why I love these threads.  They're also what keep me looking under my bed at night.  

Link Posted: 9/8/2011 3:19:24 AM EDT
[Last Edit: duckdog] [#2]
When I was 13, my grandmother was sick and doing poorly in the hospital.  I was sleeping in my bedroom and woke up to an overwhelming INTENSE Knowledge that she had passed away.  I cried myself to sleep.  When I woke up the next morning, my parents told me that she had passed away.   It was the same time I woke up, etc.  
I've seen many times that if a person, who's very sick / terminal has a great day,  ....watch out, they may be dead w/in 24 hrs.  In other words, if they have TOO good of a day,  it's usu over.  

As an RN that worked home health and hospice, I've run across more than a few cases of unexplainable things

This HH nurse went to the pts house to do a routine visit.  As the patient was talking to the nurse, she suddenly collapsed.  Faint, weak, dizzy, felt BAD.   The patient then told the nurse, " my brother just died."  The nurse said, " no, mrs patient, he's in the hospital but improving and scheduled for d/c etc.  The patient insisted, so the nurse called the hospital.  Sure enough, her brother had just died, and she knew.  

Scary :  While doing an ICU rotation in nsg school at a charity teaching hospital, I saw an ECG scan, I think (can't remember exactly what type as it was 20 yrs ago), of a prisoner that was in the hospital,. He was a bad guy, etc under guard, thathad killed someone and was then shot, whatever.  Doing poorly.  His ECG scan looked exactly like the face of the devil.   Detailed unmistakeable picture of a devil.   Before the next day, that patient had died.

Edit:  An old small hospital that i worked at, had a ghost of a little boy.  Many people had seen him.  

On the video cameras, shadows going across halls- but usu in the same place as.. patient call bells going off with no one in the room.
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 3:32:31 AM EDT
Originally Posted By RaisedByWolves:

Now that shit creeped me out.
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 3:32:37 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Eukatae:
Originally Posted By DDoleiden:
Why do I always read these threads before going to sleep?

Yeah.....it's like we are stupid or something. Funny thing is I used to live in a new house and was such the last time I read one of these thread. No way that house was haunted. Now I live in a house that was built in 1912, generations have lived and died here.... and it is making all sorts of sounds tonight!

The house I live in was built in 1840. The cellar scares the shit out of me. I had to go down there to reset a popped circuit at 2am a couple weeks ago and my ass was clenched pretty tight.
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 3:40:46 AM EDT
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 4:37:56 AM EDT
I got one. I'm usually pretty skeptical about paranormal stuff, but am totally open to the concept of another realm being out there somewhere. There is definitely more out there than just what we see with our eyes.

We sometimes go walking down by the ocean at an abandoned children's MR complex, Seaside is it's name. It's history goes back to a TB facility from the 30's, switched to a kids facility at some point, and closed its doors in 1996. I have found articles in the local paper having to do with children dying there due to neglect. Anyone who wants to can look them up.

About 2 years ago, my gf, daughter, and i were walking on the beach there. Nobody around but us. Locals visit it often, but we hadn't seen anyone else that day. The gf and I were sitting on the seawall bullshitting and my daughter, who was 2 at the time, had taken her shoes off and was playing in the sand near the water.

After some time passes, I go to get her, put her shoes back on, etc. She had found a yellow sand shovel and had been digging with it. I tell her to put the shovel down because we have to go home. She tells me no.

"Sarah, you have to leave the shovel here."

"No I don't, the boy told me I could have it."

"What boy?"

"The blue boy. He said i could have it."

"What blue boy?"

"The blue boy who was here with me."

At this point the hair on my neck was standing up and my gf and I were just looking at each other. My daughter didn't make things up when she was that young. We had passed nobody on the grounds getting to the beach, and there had been nobody on the beach with us. Alone the entire trip.

I let her keep the shovel. It's sitting in her toybox in the family room. Nothing spooky or paranormal has happened at my house. Every time I see the shovel I remember that trip to the beach, and it still kinda gives me the willies thinking about it.
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 4:38:59 AM EDT

Originally Posted By Flathead9:

Originally Posted By Eukatae:

Originally Posted By DDoleiden:

Why do I always read these threads before going to sleep?

Yeah.....it's like we are stupid or something. Funny thing is I used to live in a new house and was such the last time I read one of these thread. No way that house was haunted. Now I live in a house that was built in 1912, generations have lived and died here.... and it is making all sorts of sounds tonight!

The house I live in was built in 1840. The cellar scares the shit out of me. I had to go down there to reset a popped circuit at 2am a couple weeks ago and my ass was clenched pretty tight.

What were you afraid of? Ghost rape?

Link Posted: 9/8/2011 5:22:09 AM EDT

I fucking hate you all!

Please post more.

Link Posted: 9/8/2011 5:31:40 AM EDT
Originally Posted By Banjaxed:
I moonlight as a paramedic and working EMS you will see all kinds of creepy and fucked up things. Every shift I go in I do so with the knowledge that there is a good chance my face will be the last or first thing a person sees as they leave or enter this world. The one that sends a chill up my spine though happened last year while I was still doing clinicals. We received a call to a nursing home for a unresponsive 87 year old woman. When we picked her up it was obvious she was not long for this world. She coded three times on us before we got her to the ER. What freaked me out though was when she became responsive briefly during transport. I was starting an IV and she just sprang to life, grabbed my arm with a strength unholy for a frail old woman, looked me square in the eye and in a raspy, guttural way quietly screamed my name. The look in her eyes was unlike anything I had seen before or since. It felt like she was starring straight into my soul.

What is so disturbing about that is that during no point had I introduced myself to her as she was unresponsive. Also being a dumb student I had forgotten my ID badge that day as well. I had never worked her before as a patient, nor meet her that I can recall in any capacity. Could be she mistook me for somebody else by the same name but it sure seemed meant for me. She died less than an hour after admission. To this day I still remember everything about that call like it just happened and it makes my blood run cold to remember her face and the way she called to me. Sometimes I close my eyes and still see that face.

lol when you have a code you shouldn't assume they can't hear you.
in EMT basic I was taught that you must watch what you say because when the patient comes back to they can at times recite what you said while they were out.  my instructor once said "I don't think this ones going to make it" when a patient coded on her and when she saw him months later after he made a full recovery he told her he made it and he had heard what she said.
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 6:21:42 AM EDT
>Be about 12
>Getting ready for school
>Still dark inside the house
>Walking downstairs
>Stop about halfway
>Glass chandelier hangs in front of staircase partially obscuring portion of upstairs hallway
>See shadowy human figure walking down hallway
>Think it's my dad
>Silhouette walks behind glass chandelier
>Never comes out the other side
>Call to my father
>He comes out of another room
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 8:03:53 AM EDT
Originally Posted By FP2000H:
Here's a doozy for you.

In my freshman year of high school, I developed a keen fascination with the occult. I moved in circles beyond my years and a practicing occultist took me in under his wing. It was interesting.

Need a photo of you in said phase
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 9:17:54 AM EDT
[Last Edit: THR-Thumper] [#12]
Originally Posted By eternal24k:
Originally Posted By FP2000H:
Here's a doozy for you.

In my freshman year of high school, I developed a keen fascination with the occult. I moved in circles beyond my years and a practicing occultist took me in under his wing. It was interesting.

Need a photo of you in said phase

Heheh...he had a "benefactor." I'll bet there are a LOT of photos of him in said phase.

Link Posted: 9/8/2011 10:20:18 AM EDT
I don't have any to compare to some of the ones you guys have, but I'll share a couple things.  I might have added these to the other thirty-something-page CREEPY thread, I don't remember.
My parents used to have prayer meetings in our trailer, before I was born.  They would supposedly rebuke lots of spirits, and once during one of these meetings, all the people who were there claimed that they heard a loud BOOM, like somebody took a sledgehammer to the back of their window unit air conditioner.
My sister, father, nephew and brother-in-law have all claimed to have seen a "shadow" in my parents' living room.  When we were kids, my sister once fell asleep on the floor right in front of the sofa in our living room.  In the middle of the night, she wakes up, and says that a bright light jumped into her chest.  My parents attest to this, as they rushed downstairs after hearing her scream bloody murder at 3AM.
My father has a very similar experience, at roughly the same place.  He says that he was awoken in the middle of the night by a light of some kind jump into or onto him.  He stood up, almost still asleep, and tried desperately to brush whatever it was off of him.  I believe this story especially, because he is quite the skeptic, and wastes no time in trying to debunk any ghostly claims of anyone else.
Lastly, my brother-in-law told me, without knowing about any of this, told me a similar story.  During a rough patch, my sister, her husband, and their kids moved back in with my parents while I was a teenager.  One night, they were sleeping in the middle of the living room floor, and he wakes up (in the middle of the night, presumably) and claims to have seen a large, black, generally evil-looking shadow hovering over in the corner of the room.
This one happened to my mother quite recently.  She woke up (once again, in the middle of the night.  Apparently nothing happens around here during the day) and saw the shadowy outline of a large man standing near the foot of her bed.  As soon as she saw it, it kind of darted/disappeared toward the bathroom.  She told me, "Immediately, in my mind I kept thinking, 'You weren't supposed to see that.'"  
I was talking to the same brother-in-law a couple months ago.  He told me a story about when he was a kid.  He had a pretty crappy childhood, and lived in the ghetto part of town.  Not far from this area there is a middle school, but it used to be an elementary school.  He claims that he and a bunch of kids were out late at night, playing hide and seek in the playground of this school.  He said that he hid behind a bush, right under a window, and looked in.  It was the library, and there was a rocking chair in the library, to read stories to the little kindergarteners.  When he told me the story, he was getting goosebumps all over his arms, seriously freaked out just telling me.  He looked in the window, and there was... something sitting in the rocking chair.  He said it was a huge, dark, red-faced creature with long, straight horns, and that it "smiled" at him and beckoned him to come closer.  He said ran straight home and didn't talk to any of the other kids.  I have no idea whether to believe him, he seemed to be quite in earnest about that one.
My sister says that she was awoken once by the voice of a little girl at the foot of her bed, saying "Come play with me".  She always did see a lot more things than anyone else.  When she was a little girl, she ran through the trailer screaming, claiming that a hand was coming out at her from under our parents' bed.  A lot of other things that I can't remember off-hand.
Most of the stories I have are from other people, as the things I've experienced were quite minor.  I heard someone whisper into my ear once, when nobody else could be around.  I've seen the usual things out of the corner of my eye.  I've heard weird noises in the walls, and in the ceiling, it sounded like somebody dragging a body across the attic (which isn't big enough to stand up in).  
When I was a teenager I had a couple times where I was absolutely certain that I was being followed through the woods (armed with my handy-dandy Red Ryder).  There is a graveyard back there that my friends and I found once.  It was fenced in and in amazingly good shape.  Right in the middle of the woods.  Some of the graves dated back to the 1820's and a few earlier.     Oddly enough, we tried to find it several times afterwards and never could.  That woods was always very disorienting.  It's less than a mile from my house, but once you're back there, it seems like it's in the middle of the wilderness.
I've come downstairs in the middle of the night to find the front door wide open.  Also, when I try to go to sleep, sometimes I will hear what sounds very much like people whispering quietly.
I'm sure most of this stuff is easily explainable, so I don't put a huge amount of stock in it, but this is the CREEPY thread.

Link Posted: 9/8/2011 10:28:57 AM EDT
Tag for later
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 10:29:43 AM EDT
A buddy of mine related to me a story of something he experienced right after moving into a house he and his future wife rented for a time. It was shortly after they moved in. He and his girl were relaxing in the late evening when they thoughtthey heard some noises coming from the garage. Without a second thought, my buddy goes to look and there is nothing. It happens a couple more times that evening and on one of the occasions my buddy isjust standing there in the dark listening for if the noise is maybe outside or something. Nothing. As he turns to make his way back into the house he hears very clearly something which ordinarily might be cause for alarm but is so out of place here that he said it literally made the hair on his next stand up. It was the sound of a dog's growl. They did not own a dog.

Needless to say, there was no dog in the garage. He had a dream not long after that of being menaced by a large black dog tied to a chain in his backyard.

He found out some time after that, from a neighbor,'that the homeowner before him had owned such a dog and had always kept the poor beast chained. The homeowner tied the dog up in a storage room in the garage once and basically left the dog to starve which it did. That storage room in the garage was in a corner behind some minor detritus. My buddy's curiosity got the best of him and he looked in that room. He said there were claw marks all over the walls and it was obvious the starving, frightened animal had frantically tried to escape at one point during it's captivity.

When I first heard the story, I was chilled to the bone. Retelling it now, it comes across as more sad than anything.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 10:41:57 AM EDT
Originally Posted By PhatForrest:

Originally Posted By Flathead9:
Originally Posted By Eukatae:
Originally Posted By DDoleiden:
Why do I always read these threads before going to sleep?

Yeah.....it's like we are stupid or something. Funny thing is I used to live in a new house and was such the last time I read one of these thread. No way that house was haunted. Now I live in a house that was built in 1912, generations have lived and died here.... and it is making all sorts of sounds tonight!

The house I live in was built in 1840. The cellar scares the shit out of me. I had to go down there to reset a popped circuit at 2am a couple weeks ago and my ass was clenched pretty tight.

What were you afraid of? Ghost rape?


Ghost rape!

Isn't it funny how someone, like myself, can be fairly certain there is no such thing as ET, ghosts, etc. but upon reading these threads I get mighty jumpy.
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 10:46:50 AM EDT
Originally Posted By MrMojoRising:
Originally Posted By scorpion12:
...the best we could figure out is that she was reincarnated... .

Yeah, that must have been it.

I'll be honest and say we don't know what the hell it was or what she was talking about.
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 12:24:48 PM EDT
[Last Edit: BushBoar] [#18]

Originally Posted By Eukatae:
Originally Posted By PhatForrest:
Originally Posted By Flathead9:

Originally Posted By Eukatae:

Originally Posted By DDoleiden:

Why do I always read these threads before going to sleep?

Yeah.....it's like we are stupid or something. Funny thing is I used to live in a new house and was such the last time I read one of these thread. No way that house was haunted. Now I live in a house that was built in 1912, generations have lived and died here.... and it is making all sorts of sounds tonight!

The house I live in was built in 1840. The cellar scares the shit out of me. I had to go down there to reset a popped circuit at 2am a couple weeks ago and my ass was clenched pretty tight.

What were you afraid of? Ghost rape?

Ghost rape!
Isn't it funny how someone, like myself, can be fairly certain there is no such thing as ET, ghosts, etc. but upon reading these threads I get mighty jumpy.

Same for me.  I don't believe in ghosts or the paranormal.
But my wife does.  She claims to have seen a mustached man in her mother's house several times, as do her siblings.  They all say they saw the same guy in her father's house, where the whole family lived before their parents divorced.
My mother in law also tells me the following story.  My wife's grandfather was not a kind man; he had been very abusive to her father and her uncles, but apparently he absolutely loved my wife and always brought her candy and toys when he saw her.  He died when she was 4 or so; shortly before his death they'd amputated one of his legs below the knee and this information was not relayed to my wife because she was so young.  Apparently, one night shortly after he died, my wife was asleep on the couch in the living room, and my MIL was in the kitchen when she heard my wife giggling.  She came into the living room and said "What's so funny?"  My wife was looking over at her grandfather's favorite chair, where he always sat, and said "Grandpa's making me laugh.  What's wrong with his foot?"

Link Posted: 9/8/2011 12:30:35 PM EDT
[Last Edit: _DR] [#19]
Originally Posted By Eukatae:
Originally Posted By PhatForrest:

Originally Posted By Flathead9:
Originally Posted By Eukatae:
Originally Posted By DDoleiden:
Why do I always read these threads before going to sleep?

Yeah.....it's like we are stupid or something. Funny thing is I used to live in a new house and was such the last time I read one of these thread. No way that house was haunted. Now I live in a house that was built in 1912, generations have lived and died here.... and it is making all sorts of sounds tonight!

The house I live in was built in 1840. The cellar scares the shit out of me. I had to go down there to reset a popped circuit at 2am a couple weeks ago and my ass was clenched pretty tight.

What were you afraid of? Ghost rape?


Ghost rape!

Isn't it funny how someone, like myself, can be fairly certain there is no such thing as ET, ghosts, etc. but upon reading these threads I get mighty jumpy.

Human nature.
Just wear a .45 next time, if that can't kill anything that's might be down there, it can't hurt you.
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 12:34:31 PM EDT
The valley near Dover, Arkansas where the "ghost lights" are is already creepy enough, but this story is creepier.

My friend told me that one day he woke up with some voice mails on his phone of his friend begging him to come pick him up and that his car had died.

He called him and this is the story he was told.

He said is friend makes fun of people who believe in ghosts, UFO's, etc., and tries to think of rational explanations, so it makes his story more valid.

His friend told him he was driving down the dirt road that leads to the valley where the lights are around  2 AM when he saw an old woman walking down the road.

He started to slow down because he was miles from any houses, so he figured her car had broke down. When he got close to her, he said she outstretched her palm

towards him and his car died. He kept trying to fire it up, but nothing happened, it was completely dead. He started calling everyone he could think of to come get him

and started freaking out, he refused to get out of the car. He got anther buddy to come get him, and his friend started making fun of him pretty bad when he got there.

but when they got in his vehicle to leave it wouldn't start. Now they were both freaking out, and they called his dad to come get them. The told him not

to turn his truck off because it wouldn't start if he did. When he showed up, they drove the rest of the way into the valley and turned around, and then

all the way back out. They didn't see any vehicles broken down or anyone walking down the road. They asked around town and heard that this exact thing

had happened to at least 2 other people. Also, a store owner told them that once he took his family to see the lights and his 2 youngest sons kept saying

they saw an old lady staring at them from the woods behind the lookout point, and begged to leave and started crying. No one else could see anything, but they left anyways.

Keep these stories coming
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 12:49:57 PM EDT
I've been woken up by the sound of my 4 year old daughter kind of giggling twice lately, between 3 and 4 a.m. each time. I get out of bed, go to her room, open the door, and there she is, standing in the corner.

She's just standing there with a blank stare, laughing kind of shallow. Freaks me out so I pick up a pair of her socks and toss them at her. Both times she just turns around, smiles and goes back to bed. I hate going back to sleep after that.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 12:56:06 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Captain_Morgan] [#22]
ETA: ^^^^Whoa, fuck that, too!  I'd never be able to sleep.

Originally Posted By RaisedByWolves:

The guy found the matching child's shoe in the back of his truck that morning while unpacking.


*clears throat*  FFFFUUUUCCCKKKK That!


Link Posted: 9/8/2011 1:03:26 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Chadthirty:
I've been woken up by the sound of my 4 year old daughter kind of giggling twice lately, between 3 and 4 a.m. each time. I get out of bed, go to her room, open the door, and there she is, standing in the corner.

She's just standing there with a blank stare, laughing kind of shallow. Freaks me out so I pick up a pair of her socks and toss them at her. Both times she just turns around, smiles and goes back to bed. I hate going back to sleep after that.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Be careful. She may be a somnambulist! Sell the house & move.
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 1:10:03 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Chadthirty:
. Freaks me out so I pick up a pair of her socks and toss them at her...

Link Posted: 9/8/2011 1:13:46 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Chadthirty:
I've been woken up by the sound of my 4 year old daughter kind of giggling twice lately, between 3 and 4 a.m. each time. I get out of bed, go to her room, open the door, and there she is, standing in the corner.

She's just standing there with a blank stare, laughing kind of shallow. Freaks me out so I pick up a pair of her socks and toss them at her. Both times she just turns around, smiles and goes back to bed. I hate going back to sleep after that.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Okay, that's just fucked up.
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 1:17:07 PM EDT
Originally Posted By THR-Thumper:
Originally Posted By eternal24k:
Originally Posted By FP2000H:
Here's a doozy for you.

In my freshman year of high school, I developed a keen fascination with the occult. I moved in circles beyond my years and a practicing occultist took me in under his wing. It was interesting.

Need a photo of you in said phase

Heheh...he had a "benefactor." I'll bet there are a LOT of photos of him in said phase.

i lol'd
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 1:24:59 PM EDT
when I was a child I lived in a very old neighborhood that was a busy place during the California Gold Rush, our house was very old dating back to the 1870's, the house next door was also from that era but was unoccupied for many years there was also an old well right next to the house that was boarded up , since the town had a sewer system and water now, our house also had an old well that was removed and buried all that remained was a brick structure where it use to be

one night while sleeping I was awoken by voices coming from the abandoned house next door, it sounded like people having a conversation, talking laughing , etc, sounded like old black men by the sound of the voices talking and having a card game or something?

I slowly looked out the window towards the old house next door and it was pitch dark, no signs of anybody over there?

I think this happened a few times and it was always really late like 2 - 3 am

never figured out who those voices were?
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 1:32:34 PM EDT
Originally Posted By eternal24k:
Originally Posted By THR-Thumper:
Originally Posted By eternal24k:
Originally Posted By FP2000H:
Here's a doozy for you.

In my freshman year of high school, I developed a keen fascination with the occult. I moved in circles beyond my years and a practicing occultist took me in under his wing. It was interesting.

Need a photo of you in said phase

Heheh...he had a "benefactor." I'll bet there are a LOT of photos of him in said phase.

i lol'd

No photos - as in, there aren't any. Pervs.

How about this but without the makeup. Or the black leather. With short hair. And Mexican.

Link Posted: 9/8/2011 1:38:48 PM EDT
Originally Posted By MrMojoRising:
Originally Posted By Chadthirty:
. Freaks me out so I pick up a pair of her socks and toss them at her...

I don't scare easily but that shit scared the hell out of me. No fucking way I was going to just walk up on her and get my soul or brains eaten. My wife found the sock thing to be hilarious though, I tried calling her name first, she didn't answer so I did what any grown man would do.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 1:59:05 PM EDT
[Last Edit: _DR] [#30]
Originally Posted By Chadthirty:
Originally Posted By MrMojoRising:
Originally Posted By Chadthirty:
. Freaks me out so I pick up a pair of her socks and toss them at her...

I don't scare easily but that shit scared the hell out of me. No fucking way I was going to just walk up on her and get my soul or brains eaten. My wife found the sock thing to be hilarious though, I tried calling her name first, she didn't answer so I did what any grown man would do.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Kids do funny stuff. I bet you did too.

My 4 year old son scared the crap out of me last week. I went in his room to turn his lamp off, but he wasn't in bed. I checked his closet, not in there. Went over the entire house, he was nowhere to be found. All exterior doors locked, started to get concerned, then looked under his bed, and there he was, sleeping under the bed.

Link Posted: 9/8/2011 2:06:05 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Chadthirty:
I've been woken up by the sound of my 4 year old daughter kind of giggling twice lately, between 3 and 4 a.m. each time. I get out of bed, go to her room, open the door, and there she is, standing in the corner.

She's just standing there with a blank stare, laughing kind of shallow. Freaks me out so I pick up a pair of her socks and toss them at her. Both times she just turns around, smiles and goes back to bed. I hate going back to sleep after that.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

My 6 year-old nephew does the same sort of thing.  If you awaken him from a deep sleep, he will start laughing hysterically.  

It's somewhat unsettling.  He sleepwalks, too.
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 2:12:34 PM EDT
Just check the bed next time, what's the worst it could be?

Link Posted: 9/8/2011 2:16:13 PM EDT
Originally Posted By MrMojoRising:
Just check the bed next time, what's the worst it could be?


What movie is that from. Seems familiar but can't place it.
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 2:16:14 PM EDT

Originally Posted By Chadthirty:

Originally Posted By MrMojoRising:

Originally Posted By Chadthirty:

. Freaks me out so I pick up a pair of her socks and toss them at her...

I don't scare easily but that shit scared the hell out of me. No fucking way I was going to just walk up on her and get my soul or brains eaten. My wife found the sock thing to be hilarious though, I tried calling her name first, she didn't answer so I did what any grown man would do.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

I am laughing so hard cause this is so fucking true.

Link Posted: 9/8/2011 2:20:44 PM EDT
[Last Edit: MrMojoRising] [#35]
Originally Posted By _DR:
Originally Posted By MrMojoRising:
Just check the bed next time, what's the worst it could be?


What movie is that from. Seems familiar but can't place it.

Link Posted: 9/8/2011 2:40:27 PM EDT
When I was around 11 we used to go my great granparents house in Taswell, TN. I knew my great grandmother before she died, never met my great grandfather...just saw pictures. They lived on a massive property up in the mountains that had a creek running through it. My "uncle" had a trailer he lived on near the front of the property and that's where family stayed when we came up to visit.

The house was built forever and a half ago, had no electricity or running water. There was a manual water pump thing and buckets outside and a wood burning stove if you got cold. They used candles for light. (Not kidding)

Everytime I would visit you could see my great grandfathers "ghost" on the porch in his rocking chair outside, just rocking. My great grandmother when she was alive would sit in the other chair and talk to him. If you approached the house my great grandfathers "ghost" would calmly stand up and go inside. Search the house and there is no one in there. If we asked my great grandmother about it she would just smile and talk about when they were young. When she passed my mom went up there to visit and said that now they both rock out on the porch. She said if you walk up there they get up and go inside still. When we visited my dad always dared me to spend a night in the house....never even tried. Now that I'm older I would kill to spend a night there.

3 (maybe 4) years ago my uncle demolished the house and started building a new house on the spot. He's crazy so I don't trust much he says but apparently it's noticeably cooler (10 degree difference) on the spot where the house was.

I haven't been back since I was 11 but to this day I remember everything I saw vividly.
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 2:46:37 PM EDT
Originally Posted By aimforthemedic:
When I was around 11 we used to go my great granparents house in Taswell, TN. I knew my great grandmother before she died, never met my great grandfather...just saw pictures. They lived on a massive property up in the mountains that had a creek running through it. My "uncle" had a trailer he lived on near the front of the property and that's where family stayed when we came up to visit.

The house was built forever and a half ago, had no electricity or running water. There was a manual water pump thing and buckets outside and a wood burning stove if you got cold. They used candles for light. (Not kidding)

Everytime I would visit you could see my great grandfathers "ghost" on the porch in his rocking chair outside, just rocking. My great grandmother when she was alive would sit in the other chair and talk to him. If you approached the house my great grandfathers "ghost" would calmly stand up and go inside. Search the house and there is no one in there. If we asked my great grandmother about it she would just smile and talk about when they were young. When she passed my mom went up there to visit and said that now they both rock out on the porch. She said if you walk up there they get up and go inside still. When we visited my dad always dared me to spend a night in the house....never even tried. Now that I'm older I would kill to spend a night there.

3 (maybe 4) years ago my uncle demolished the house and started building a new house on the spot. He's crazy so I don't trust much he says but apparently it's noticeably cooler (10 degree difference) on the spot where the house was.

I haven't been back since I was 11 but to this day I remember everything I saw vividly.

So up until 4 years ago you could have gotten incontrovertable evidence of paranormal activity on video and it just slipped your mind?

That's a shame.

Link Posted: 9/8/2011 3:00:21 PM EDT

Originally Posted By 70satvert:

Originally Posted By RaisedByWolves:



Now that shit creeped me out.

I was talking to my brother about this thread last night and he jogged my memory about a few things I had forgotten over the years.

When you know the history of the people who lived near there its even stranger.

There was/is a family in that area named Cutterman that has a shady past and are generally thought of as  in-breads, thieves and degenerates That dates back to the 1800's. This family made their fortune in timber in this area around 1850 or so and bought huge tracts of land. They were the Rockefellers of the region. Sometime around 1870 they tried to purchase a parcel of land near where our cabin sits but the owners didnt want to sell as the cabins here had been part of the underground rail road.

And as every family has a family tree, so did the Cutterman.

One enterprising branch of the timber tycoon's family got the big idea that he would get drunk and go burn down all the shacks on the parcel and gain his relative access to the land, as a sort of favor. Well, he set fire to all the shacks, but he got hit over the head for his troubles and was left to burn with the shacks.

Long story short: The Tycoon guy got pegged for the shacks burning and the murders. He was accused of conspiracy to commit arson and 22 counts of murder even though he had nothing to do with it nor even had any knowledge and was hanged.

The family wealth was seized and they were chased out of most of their homes by Vandals and politicians looking for revenge. At this point the family had lost all faith in Government and could not trust even friends so they pooled their resources and set up a sort of family commune in a Y shaped valley that they had left from a non timber related land deal.

This valley didn't even have a road going in to it, so the family built one with picks and shovels that lead to the intersection of the valleys. It was not uncommon to be shot at if you happened to go down this road and very few people ever tried including the local police.
It is alleged that these people have been inbreeding for generations and still live up there with no modern amenities save for a few vehicles and some long guns. A local gun shop in the area used to get a visitor from the family every few months who would come in with a gun and demand to chamber the ammo in his gun before paying as he had bought the wrong gauge once and couldnt return it.

The last time the were seen en mass was during a 1980's census and the census taker took a guess at 60-70 people as he could get no closer as the stench and sight was too bad.
Some of the more normal ones have been said to have bought houses outside of the valley from the proceeds of drug dealing and working for the Mob in some fashion related to contraband. Not many roads up there, but a hell of a lot of trails.

To this day no one even speaks the name Cutterman in that area.

Their afraid they might insult a family member.


Link Posted: 9/8/2011 3:04:46 PM EDT
Originally Posted By RaisedByWolves:

The last time the were seen en mass was during a 1980's census and the census taker took a guess at 60-70 people as he could get no closer as the stench and sight was too bad.

Some of the more normal ones have been said to have bought houses outside of the valley from the proceeds of drug dealing and working for the Mob in some fashion related to contraband. Not many roads up there, but a hell of a lot of trails.


Google maps coordinates?
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 3:08:34 PM EDT
[Last Edit: blackdeek2006] [#40]
Originally Posted By WanderingOisin:
I was talking to the same brother-in-law a couple months ago.  He told me a story about when he was a kid.  He had a pretty crappy childhood, and lived in the ghetto part of town.  Not far from this area there is a middle school, but it used to be an elementary school.  He claims that he and a bunch of kids were out late at night, playing hide and seek in the playground of this school.  He said that he hid behind a bush, right under a window, and looked in.  It was the library, and there was a rocking chair in the library, to read stories to the little kindergarteners.  When he told me the story, he was getting goosebumps all over his arms, seriously freaked out just telling me.  He looked in the window, and there was... something sitting in the rocking chair.  He said it was a huge, dark, red-faced creature with long, straight horns, and that it "smiled" at him and beckoned him to come closer.  He said ran straight home and didn't talk to any of the other kids.  I have no idea whether to believe him, he seemed to be quite in earnest about that one.  

Ok, that was friggin creepy because very easy to picture.  I bush in front of a low window and you can imagine from an outside viewer similar to a movie, the kid hiding slowly standing up and looking over his should and a "thing" just glaring through the glass.

Originally Posted By MrMojoRising:
Just check the bed next time, what's the worst it could be?

Not cool!  Lol
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 3:17:10 PM EDT

Originally Posted By blackdeek2006:

Not cool!  Lol


Link Posted: 9/8/2011 3:19:09 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Evil_ATF] [#42]








     "The Cowman of Copalis Beach!”

   by S. D. Baker



dad worked in the timber industry his whole life. His father was a
logger, and he grew up in and around the woods. My dad started his own
logging company when he was eighteen, and has owned and operated shake
and shingle mills from Oregon clear up to Thorn Bay, Alaska.


       He is an intelligent man and holds over a dozen patents for
various pieces of equipment he has designed and built over the years. He
has employed dozens of people over the years, all of them spending
extensive time in the wilderness.


       When I was a boy, I remember hearing bits and pieces of
conversations among some of the men at the mill. Although nobody would
tell me directly, I understood that something had gone on before I was
born, and it involved one of the foremen, ‘Jon’. They weren’t joking
around, they were genuinely afraid, and wouldn’t talk about it with a


I was young, my dad wouldn’t tell me about it because I would often go
out into the woods cutting blocks with him on the weekends, and he
didn’t want me to be afraid of the woods. While I was speaking with him
last weekend, I told him of a couple of strange events that happened to
me later in the wilderness, and that reminded me of the hints at a story
I heard when I was a boy. After some prodding he told me the following


the mid 1960’s, my dad owned a large roofing product mill in Aberdeen,
WA. He had teams of men that would cut the fallen old growth cedar
salvage left after a logging operation. He had permits to salvage a
large amount of wood in the coastal areas of Grays Harbor County,
primarily in the area around Copalis Beach. Several of the men on his
cutting crews lived in and around Copalis Beach. His foreman, a man I
will call Jon for the story, was a bright, down to earth hard worker. My
dad trusted him with thousands of dollars of vehicles and equipment, as
well as the safety of his crews. He was not the kind of man to make up


a Monday morning sometime in July, Jon was several hours late for work.
This was highly unusual as he was always there early, getting the saws
and trucks ready for the day. My dad said he was visibly shaken up, and
when he asked him what was wrong, he asked my dad to go in the office so
the others wouldn’t hear them. They went in and sat down, and Jon
simply said "Something destroyed our house this weekend.” My dad thought
he said "someone” broke into the house, and asked Jon if it was someone
he knew. Jon said, "You don’t understand, this wasn’t a person. It was
a… I don’t know what it was, but it completely trashed the house. The
family is going to stay with my brother in Elma for a while.”


dad asked him to explain what had happened. Jon said that when he got
home from work Friday evening, his youngest son Tim, who was around four
at the time, told him he saw a big "Cowman” walking at the edge of
their field that afternoon. He thought the boy meant "Cowboy”, because
some of his neighbors wore cowboy hats when they were out in the sun. He
asked him if the man was wearing a cowboy hat, and the boy said, "No
daddy, he was a Cowman, furry and stinky like the cows.” He asked his
wife if she knew what he was talking about, and she said Tim was playing
on the porch that afternoon, when he came running in and said the
cowman was stuck on the fence. He was very excited, so she went out to
see what he was talking about. She said as she opened the door, she was
hit by a horrible smell, like wet dogs and garbage. Tim was pointing
across to the field opposite their house and said, "He got loose!” She
looked where he was gesturing and could see the top strand of barb wire
bouncing up and down, as if somebody had just pulled on it really hard
and let it go. She didn’t see the "Cowman”, and noticed nothing out of
the ordinary except for the smell.


told Tim to come inside to play for rest of the day, she felt uneasy
and a little scared. Their older son, Jon Jr. who was twelve at the
time, was at a friend’s house and walked home a short while after Tim
saw his "Cowman”. He told her somebody had followed him home, walking in
the woods off the right side of the road. He never seen who it was,
they never left the woods, but he said it had to be a really big man. He
would hear large sticks cracking, and the footsteps were very heavy.
Once he got to the driveway of their house where the woods stopped at
the field where his brother had his sighting, the footsteps stopped and
Jon Jr. never saw anything. He was pretty shaken up by the event, and
wanted his Dad to go out to the woods and check it out with him.


that evening, Jon strapped on his .357 and took his older son out into
the field to have a look. They first walked to the area where the
"Cowman” was supposedly stuck on the fence, and walked down the fence
line looking for anything. They came upon a large clump of long, reddish
brown hair tangled in the top strand of barbed wire. He tried to pull
it off but it was really tangled up, so he pulled out his buck knife and
sawed it off. He said the hair was over a foot long, real coarse and
stringy. There appeared to be a bit of flesh matted in the clump, and
the top wire was pulled loose from one of the posts. Whatever was hung
up on the fence was very big. He handed the hair to his son to hold, and
they climbed through the fence and walked toward the woods. He said he
was looking for any sign of tracks on the ground; the hair kind of
looked like it was from a horse’s mane or tail. The ground was a solid
grassy field, and there were no hoof prints or any other tracks he could


edge of the woods began about ten feet from the fence line, and they
entered on a small game trail that deer frequented. It was around eight
at night, and in the woods it was getting to be fairly dark. They walked
for a ways, and soon began to smell the rotting garbage/wet dog odor
his wife reported earlier. Jon said he got the feeling they were being
watched; the hair on the back of his neck was standing up. He told his
son they should head back before it got dark, and the boy didn’t argue.
As they began walking back out, they could hear heavy footsteps off to
their left. They stopped, and the footsteps stopped. They walked on
nearly to the clearing, and Jon whispered to his son to run like Hell to
the house on the count of three. Jon Jr. nodded, and Jon whispered,
"One, two…Three!” and gave his son a push in the back to get him
started, then spun around and raced off the trail in the opposite
direction, toward the footsteps with his gun drawn.


the trail, the underbrush was dense with ferns and bushes; he had a
hard time making headway. But as he got closer, he could hear it moving
away from him, deeper into the woods. At this time, he told my Dad that
he thought it was a vagrant camping out in the woods and possibly
scoping houses out to rob at night. Jon was a big man and capable of
taking care of himself in most any situation and he had a large caliber
handgun so he wasn’t too worried about confronting a vagrant in the
woods. He was a few yards off the trail in deep brush when he heard the
movement stop just ahead of him. He stopped to look and listen, and
thought he saw movement by a large tree, like someone was trying to hide
there. He leveled his gun and said "Come out nice and slow, or I swear
to God I’ll come back there and shoot you!”


was silent for a moment, and then he caught movement out the corner of
his eye and spun around to his right for a better look. He said it
looked like a huge bear moving through the brush, he could only see bits
of it through the dense ferns, but it was moving quietly away from the
tree on four legs. It was about fifteen feet away from him. At first he
thought it was a bear, and then suddenly he saw a huge hairy arm with a
human like hand reach out of the brush and grab a small alder tree. The
tree was about four inches in diameter, and it grabbed hold about five
feet up. He said it happened so fast it was a blur, but the thing pulled
itself upright out of the brush by holding the tree. It stood on two
legs and turned its upper body to glare at Jon. It was enormous; he
couldn’t believe how bulky it was. He said it was well over seven feet
tall, and at least half that big through the chest. It was too dark to
make out many features, but its eyes seemed to glow a deep red, and he
thought he could see teeth, like it was curling its lips back.


stood for just a brief moment, and then lunged ahead, pushing back on
the tree with tremendous force. The tree snapped loudly and crashed into
the trees around it, getting hung up in the branches and not falling to
the ground. It then disappeared into the deep brush with frightening
speed, sounding like a bulldozer with no engine sounds. Jon stood there
in shock, his gun temporally forgotten, and then he realized it was
heading toward the house, the way his son had went. He turned and ran to
the trail, hoping to gain ground on it and cut it off before it reached
the clearing. He hit the trail and ran as fast as he could toward the
clearing, all the while hearing the creature thrash through the brush on
his side.


burst into the clearing and looked franticly about for his son. Jon Jr.
was standing just inside of the fenced field, waiting for his Dad. Jon
screamed at him to run to the house, then he saw the thing crash out of
the woods about fifty feet to his left. It crossed the ten foot clearing
and stepped over the fence in two strides, and was running through the
field parallel to his son in a matter of seconds. Jon screamed at his
son to run faster, and took aim at the creature. He didn’t fire because
he was afraid to hit his son or his house, so he vaulted over the fence
and ran in pursuit of them. He could see it angling toward his son, and
knew there was no way his boy would make it to the gate before it cut
him off. In desperation, he pointed the gun to the ground at his side
and fired as he ran, hoping to scare it. It veered more sharply toward
his son, and put on an enormous burst of speed. He heard his boy scream
as they seemed to collide, he saw the creature dip its shoulder down a
little bit and suddenly Jon Jr. was airborne, he flew about ten feet
then hit the ground rolling.


creature never paused; it continued to run at an amazing speed in a
loop back towards the woods. Once the line of fire was clear, Jon
stopped and squeezed off the remaining five rounds at the retreating
creature. He was pretty sure all the shots went wild; the creature never
made a sound or slowed down, and was soon over the fence and back in
the woods. He reached his son, who was shaken up but not physically
hurt. He asked his Dad

     if it was a bear. Apparently, little Jon was so busy running for
the house that he didn’t see the creature running after him, he said
something big and black suddenly ran into him, and he felt a huge paw
hit his bottom and he said he felt like he was falling.


pulled his son to his feet and they ran through the gate and into the
house locking the door behind him. They were both out of breath and
white as ghosts, his wife was screaming at him, demanding to know what
the gunshots were for and if they were all right. When he could catch
his breath, he told her to make sure the back door was locked, he was
going to call the Sheriff. He went to the phone and began to dial the
number; this was before 911, then stopped and wondered what exactly he
was going to say. He hung up the phone, realizing what an idiot he would
look like if he told the Sheriff the boogie man just chased them out of
the woods.


told his wife that it was a large animal, possibly a bear. He didn’t
know how to begin to tell her their four year old was right, his Cowman
was real and it was more frightening than anything he could imagine. He
told them all to keep the doors locked, and stay away from the windows.
Around ten o’clock that night, both boys were in bed and Jon and his
wife sat down to watch the news. They soon heard a loud moaning cry,
kind of like the siren on the volunteer fire department. It would
stretch out for a long time, and then end with a "whoop whoop” sound. It
was coming from the woods opposite the house.


         His wife asked "What the Hell is that?”

         Jon answered truthfully; "That is Tim’s Cowman.”


then described to her the full details of what had happened, and she
immediately wanted to call the Sheriff. He persuaded her that they would
sound crazy, and that he would handle it himself. She reluctantly
agreed, and told him she didn’t want either of the kids to go outside
until this thing was gone. The howling went on until around midnight,
when it got quiet again. Jon wanted to stay up through the night and
watch over the house, but he had a long day at work and the excitement
earlier had worn him out. They went to bed around one in the morning,
and had no further problems that night.


slept in that morning, and the boys were already up and watching
cartoons when they got out of bed. The first thing little Jon said was
that he had heard the bear rubbing against the house last night. He said
he was too scared to get up and tell his parents, and fell back asleep
soon after.


         Then Tim said "The Cowman talks funny.”

         This stopped Jon cold. He asked his son "When did you talk to the Cowman?”

         Tim replied "Last night, in my room.” Jon asked: "The Cowman was in your room?”


Daddy, he’s too big for my room, he talked to my window.” Tim said, and
turned back to the cartoons. "What did the Cowman say, Tim?” Jon asked.

"He talks funny; I don’t know what he said. He talks like this…OOH AHH
AHH OOH!” Tim said, and started making strange monkey like noises. "Did
the Cowman try to get in your window?” Jon asked, breaking out in a cold

"He’s too big for that. He made funny faces, he has Lincoln Log teeth!” Tim said with a smile.


later learned Tim meant it had square teeth that looked the same size
as the small blocks in a Lincoln log set. It apparently spent quite a
while "talking” and making faces outside the boy’s window. Tim said it
lay down and went to sleep outside, and he could hear it snoring. Jon
walked to his younger son’s room, and cautiously peered out the window.
No sleeping Cowman. Jon told the boys to get dressed; they were going to
go visit their uncle in Elma for the day.


his wife and kids left, he called one of the men from his crew, and
asked him to come over. I’ll call him Patrick, he was an ex-State
patrolman and my Dad said he was kicked off the force because of his
drinking problem. He was a good worker and never got drunk before dark,
so Jon figured they would have most of the day to look for this thing.
When Patrick arrived, Jon greeted him at the door and said, "Are you up
for some hunting?” Seeing how it was not hunting season, Patrick told
him he doesn’t poach, and doesn’t even want to know about it if Jon did.
Jon told him it wasn’t deer he was after, and went on to explain the
previous night’s events. Patrick didn’t really believe him, but could
see he was sincere and still shook up. Jon had his pistol and a bolt
action 30.06, Patrick had a .38 in his car and Jon loaned him a 12
gauge. They first circled the house looking for any signs of a nocturnal


the back of the house, there was a spigot for the garden hose, and it
always leaked. There was a patch of ground worn bare of grass under it,
and it had turned to mud. In the center of the mud, there was a huge,
clear imprint of what looked like a bare human foot. Jon said it was at
least 18 inches long, and very wide. It was so clear that he got the
feeling it was left there on purpose. They found no other prints around
the house, and in places in the field and woods where a track could be
made, the creature seemed to avoid them. Off to the side

     of the track in the mud were four straight lines about eight
inches long. He said it looked like someone had raked their fingers
through the mud. When they circled around the side of the house and got
to Tim’s window, they saw what it was for.


the top of the window, a good seven feet up, were four muddy streaks.
And on the window itself were dozens of large, muddy fingerprints. The
glass wasn’t cracked or broken, just smeared with mud. By this time
Patrick was fast becoming convinced something strange had indeed
happened the night before.


going out into the woods, Jon wanted to feed the families pigs. They
had two of them apparently fairly young weighing around 40 pounds each.
The pig pen was about a hundred yards away from the house, behind an old
barn. As they got closer Jon became concerned because they couldn’t
hear them making any noise. Usually they squealed like crazy when they
knew food was near at hand, but this morning it was completely silent.
They rounded the corner and the pen was empty. No sign of damage or
struggle, the pigs were just gone. They searched the barn but found
nothing out of place, so they decided to hit the woods and try to kill
this thing.


entered on the same trail Jon and Jon had used the day before, Jon
showed Patrick the broken fence wire and told him again about the hair.
It was a bright summer morning, and Jon was surprised at the difference
from the previous evening. The night before had been still and silent,
now the woods were alive with birds and small animals. He showed Patrick
the broken tree, and they followed the creatures’ trail and found
several more trees and large branches twisted and broken. They could see
large, faint impressions of footprints where the ground was soft. They
followed the deer trail further into the woods, and encountered nothing
unusual. By noon they were both getting hungry, so they hiked back to
the house for lunch. They spent the rest of the day poking around, but
saw nothing more out of the ordinary.


before dark that night, his wife and kids drove up. He and Patrick were
sitting on the porch with the guns, watching the woods. His wife asked
if they had seen anything, Jon told her about the footprint and mud on
the window.


     Patrick had retrieved a pint of booze from his car and was well on
his way to getting smashed. Jon decided he didn’t want a frightened
drunk with a gun around his family, so he suggested that Patrick could
go home, nothing was going to happen anyway. Patrick agreed and drove
off, and Jon continued to watch the woods. His wife brought out a plate
of food and a Coleman lantern and a flashlight. He told her he would
stay out here and watch the house through the night. Before they went to
bed, he went into their bedroom and with help from his wife, pushed the
king sized bed as far from the windows as they could. They agreed that
his wife and kids would all sleep in that bed for the night and he would
keep watch around the house. She had grown up hunting and knew how to
handle a gun as good as him, so she insisted on keeping the shotgun in
the room with them. He agreed after making her promise to ask for a name
before shooting anything. If it replied "Jon”, please don’t shoot it.


was a full moon that night, and Jon could see across the field and into
the inky dark of the woods. The night air was filled with the sound of
thousands of crickets, and the pond behind the house was full of
croaking frogs. As the moon rose higher, clumps of weeds in the field
began casting sinister shadows, and before long Jon was seeing big hairy
creatures sneaking up on him in each of them. He stood up and lit a
cigarette, trying to shake the fear and concentrate on the task at hand.
As he smoked, he wandered to the end of the porch, and stood looking at
the darkened barn. Something was different, but he couldn’t quite place
it. The front of the barn facing the house was open, and the moonlight
was hitting it from the side, casting the interior in deep shadows. He
stood watching the black opening as he finished his smoke, thinking
about the missing pigs. He then realized what was wrong. All the
crickets and frogs had gone silent. It was as quiet as the inside of a
mausoleum at night; he could hear the minute shrill buzz of his own
nervous system. As he turned to walk back to his chair, he thought he
saw movement in the barn. He looked intently at the opening and could
make out nothing, then turned his head a bit to the side and saw what
looked like two red eyes hovering about eight feet off the ground. He
couldn’t see them if he looked straight at them, but when he averted his
eyes a little, they became clearer. They were a deep burning coal red,
almost invisible in the dark. Every few seconds they would disappear
when the creature blinked.


heart began thudding in his chest, and he waited for it to leave the
barn and approach the house. He slowly backed up to his chair, never
looking away, and picked up his 30.06. He walked back to the end of the
porch and watched and waited. He stood looking at the blinking red eyes
for what seemed like hours, and then the eyes blinked out and never came
back. He watched intently but could see no movement. He thought for a
moment, then grabbed the flashlight and shined it at the barn. The
flashlight was too small to penetrate the darkness of the barn from this
distance, he had to get closer. He was none too keen about leaving the
relative safety of the porch and confronting a glowing eyed monster in
his barn, but he was damned if he was going to live in fear in his own


left the porch and began slowly working his way toward the barn, taking
his time, building his courage up. He got closer and could still see no
movement; it had gone further into the dark. He got within 20 feet of
the opening, and his flashlight would now penetrate the gloom in the
barn. He moved the feeble beam of light over the contents of the barn,
an old tractor, and old pickup, boxes and buckets. Too many places for
something to hide, even something big. He cautiously walked closer, now
shining the flashlight down the barrel of his rifle. He stopped at the
entrance and shined the light all over, searching the corners and under
the vehicles. He stepped into the barn, every sense straining for sound
or movement. He walked around the pickup, tensing for a huge, hairy arm
to reach out and grab him at any second. He made his way clear to the
rear of the barn without seeing anything, and slowly turned around to
leave. He felt both relieved not to have encountered it in the dark
barn, and frightened and somewhat confused about where it could have


he was walking out he glanced at the wide stairs leading up into the
hayloft and froze. He knew with complete certainty that it had climbed
those stairs and was waiting for him to walk out under the hayloft and
jump down upon him. He couldn’t move, he was literally frozen in fear.
He swore he could here the floorboards softly creak above him as an
enormous weight edged stealthily closer to the edge. He stood with his
heart pounding in his ears, unable to move or act. Suddenly there was
the booming explosion of a shotgun from the house, followed by his wife
screaming. His paralysis broke and he bolted out of the barn toward the
house, completely forgetting what may have been in the hayloft.


he ran toward the house, he heard an inhuman roar coming from the woods
behind the house. It sounded pissed off and in pain. It screamed again
and he heard branches breaking as it plowed through the forest,
thankfully away from the house. He got to the house and almost knocked
down the front door in his hurry to get inside.


ran down the hall to their room and found his family huddled together
on the bed, sobbing. One of the windows was blown out, and his wife was
still pointing the shotgun at it. When he burst into the room she swung
the gun in his direction and screamed and he hit the floor. He waited
for the blast but it didn’t come. He slowly stood up and she had put the
gun down and he went to the bed. He asked her what had happened, but
she was too shook up to answer just then. Tim started crying: "Why did
you shoot the Cowman Mommy, why?” Jon Jr. Had his face buried against
her shoulder crying. After they calmed down a bit, he told them to get
up and follow him. He led them to the living room, then went out the
open front door and looked carefully around. He could see no sign of it,
all was quiet again. He told them to come out and get in the car. They
ran out in their pajamas and piled in the car; he got in and drove them
to his brother’s house in Elma.


the way there, they had calmed down enough to tell him what happened.
She said a couple hours after they went to bed, she finally dozed off.
She was awakened by Tim talking to someone, and this bizarre clicking
chirping sound. Tim wasn’t in the bed; he was standing in front of one
of the windows. The moonlight was shining through both windows
illuminating the room pretty good, but there was a large shadow, like a
tree obscuring the window in front of Tim. She knew there were no trees
close enough to cast a shadow, she told to get away from the window.
"Mommy, listen! The Cowman can sound like a bird!” Tim said pointing
excitedly at the dark figure in the window. "Timmy, get away from the
window.” She said, trying to keep her voice quiet. Right after she
spoke, the noises from outside changed, it went from a soft chirping, to
a strange gibbering, almost like human speech with an occasional
pig-like snort thrown in.


this time, little Jon woke up and said "What is that?” rather loudly.
This seemed to incite the creature and it hit the side of the house with
its fists hard enough for the walls to tremble. At this, Little Jon
screamed and Tim yelled "Quiet, you’re going to scare him away!” She
yelled at Tim to get away from the window again, and reached up on the
headboard and grabbed the shotgun. She got out of the bed and started
toward Tim; the creature leaned down and looked straight in the window
at her. She screamed and raised the shotgun, afraid to shoot because her
son was so close to it. She started forword to grab Tim, and there was
an explosion of breaking glass;  a gigantic hairy arm reached through
the window toward her son. She screamed again and fired over Tim’s head,
blowing out the rest of the window and hitting the creature with .00
buckshot. It jerked backwards out of the window and disappeared into the
dark. A few seconds later she heard it screaming in the woods. "It was
trying to get Tim, it was trying to grab my baby!” she started crying
again and he comforted her as best he could while driving.


stayed the rest of that night and the following night with his
brother’s family. He told his brother about it, but could see he didn’t
really believe him. He agreed to ride back to Jon’s house with him early
Monday morning before work. They had left the front door open in their
haste to leave, and he was afraid animals or vandals would have got into
the house. When they arrived, the house looked like a tornado had gone
through it. The couch was upside down. They had a large, heavy console
TV and it was apparently thrown across the room, lying in a spray of
broken glass. The kitchen was trashed, the refrigerator knocked over and
food everywhere. The doors to both of the boy’s rooms were left closed,
and the rooms were untouched, same as the bathroom. The master bedroom
was torn apart, the pillows ripped up and feathers everywhere. The chest
of drawers was knocked over and the large mirror smashed. Jon’s brother
looked around in awe, and said "You better call the police!” Jon looked
at him and said "And tell them what? Bigfoot destroyed my house?”


left and closed the front door this time, and drove to my Dad’s mill in
Aberdeen. Jon’s brother waited in the car while Jon went in and told
this to my Dad. After he was done, my Dad said, "Well, let’s go have a
look at it then.” They drove back out to the house, and Jon showed my
Dad the damage. He pulled the clump of hair from his shirt pocket and
let my Dad look at it. As they were walking through the house surveying
the damage, my Dad pointed out cracks in the ceiling where it had
apparently stood up and hit its head. Jon told my Dad that they couldn’t
live there anymore, even if the creature was gone, they would always be
afraid. Their homeowners insurance wouldn’t cover the damage; the
adjuster claimed Jon must have done it in a drunken rage. My Dad helped
them find a place in Aberdeen, and gave him a loan for new furniture and
stuff. The house was eventually fixed up and sold, and my Dad never
heard about another problem there.


few observations about this story; My Dad lost contact with "Jon” and
his family in the mid eighties. They moved out of state and my Dad
hasn’t heard from them since. His brother died around the same time. Why
didn’t they call the cops? Jon had a lot of pride as well as a lot of
common sense. He knew he couldn’t logically explain what had happened to
the authorities, and he didn’t want the story to get out and have him
branded a nutcase. I asked my Dad if they saved the hair, he said Jon
never mentioned it again and my Dad never asked him about it. I asked my
Dad if he saw the footprint and muddy fingerprints, he said he did. He
said it looked like a giant barefoot man had stepped very carefully in
the center of the mud. He’s not a tracker, but he said it was the
clearest print of any kind he had ever seen. I asked my Dad if the
neighbors had heard any of this. He said if they did, none of them ever
mentioned it again. I also asked him if he thought it was possible Jon
had made it all up. That he HAD trashed his house in a drunken rage, and
made up this elaborate cover story. My Dad said Jon and his family were
terrified of that place; they didn’t even want to go back and get their

     If was just an elaborate story, what did he stand to gain? To
profit from a story in any way, you have to share it with people. My Dad
and the other folks mentioned in the story are the only ones who ever
heard it, until now, of course. He also said that whatever trashed that
house was no man. The TV had to have weighed close to 200 pounds, and it
was obviously thrown across the room with great force. He said that
even after two days, there was still a wild animal smell in the house.


asked him if thought there might have been two creatures involved,
considering the incident in the barn. He said he asked Jon that same
question, and was told that Jon felt there was only one, that it lured
him into the barn then snuck out the side door to the house. The thing
he thought he heard in the hayloft was either his imagination, or some
common animal like a raccoon.


whatever reason, this critter seemed focused on their four-year-old
son. Their son was the only one who never showed any fear of it. He
seemed to think of it as his friend. And although the sex of the animal
was never determined, it was referred to as a male because of the
predatory stalking type behavior. That and the conspicuous lack of
breasts, or perhaps it was just not as well endowed as the Patterson
Film Subject?


     Anyhow, its behavior almost seems indicative of a mother that has
lost her little Bigfoot and is looking for a replacement. I rather
facetiously asked my Dad if little ‘Timmy’ was a particularly hairy
child, perhaps suffering from that rare condition that causes
uncontrollable hair growth all over the body. He said ‘Timmy’ was a
normal little boy, with normal brown hair on his normal head. I didn’t
ask if ‘Timmy’ regularly reeked of rotting garbage and wet dogs, didn’t
seem a polite course for the conversation to take.


     He told me of other possible Bigfoot encounters he and his crews
had in the woods around Grays Harbor. None of them are quite as
titillating as the ‘Cowman’ story, but interesting nonetheless. Perhaps
I’ll share them if there is an interest here in them.


in the end I was left with no leads to follow, no new evidence of
anything, but I did come away with a pretty damned good story. And I
guess that’s better than a poke in the eye with a filthy encrusted
hypodermic needle. Those of you who actually read this far; I give you a
big thumbs up, you are truly an ardent and stoic follower of all things
Bigfoot, or like me, recently underemployed and in desperate need to
fill the endless empty hours of your life.






Link Posted: 9/8/2011 4:03:46 PM EDT
[Last Edit: RolandofGilead] [#43]

Originally Posted By WanderingOisin:

Originally Posted By Chadthirty:

I've been woken up by the sound of my 4 year old daughter kind of giggling twice lately, between 3 and 4 a.m. each time. I get out of bed, go to her room, open the door, and there she is, standing in the corner.

She's just standing there with a blank stare, laughing kind of shallow. Freaks me out so I pick up a pair of her socks and toss them at her. Both times she just turns around, smiles and goes back to bed. I hate going back to sleep after that.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

My 6 year-old nephew does the same sort of thing. If you awaken him from a deep sleep, he will start laughing hysterically.

It's somewhat unsettling. He sleepwalks, too.

One of my 11 year old twins sleepwalks. Sometimes it's hilarious, sometimes it's a bit creepy. He will come down stairs with a blank look on his face and sit on the couch just staring and unresponsive...eventually he'll sort of snap out of it and head back up to his room.

Once we found him standing in the laundry hamper in the laundry room just standing there blankly. We laughed pretty hard but it was also kind of "WTF!??!"

I hate when you're in this deep sleep and you hear something in your room and crack your eyes open to see a human face 6 inches from you staring at you blankly...heart skips a beat and a little pee comes out (just kidding ) and then you realize it's just one of the kids sleepwalking or needing some trivial thing they thought they should wake you up for lol...
ETA- keep 'em coming guys, real or not this shit is great!
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 4:20:48 PM EDT
What about the Soviet nerve gas experiment story where the people were waxing philosophical while ripping their own internal organs out and eating them?
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 4:26:10 PM EDT
Originally Posted By RDTCU:
What about the Soviet nerve gas experiment story where the people were waxing philosophical while ripping their own internal organs out and eating them?

Link Posted: 9/8/2011 4:48:50 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Ssh40] [#46]
Originally Posted By aimforthemedic:
When I was around 11 we used to go my great granparents house in Taswell, TN. I knew my great grandmother before she died, never met my great grandfather...just saw pictures. They lived on a massive property up in the mountains that had a creek running through it. My "uncle" had a trailer he lived on near the front of the property and that's where family stayed when we came up to visit.

The house was built forever and a half ago, had no electricity or running water. There was a manual water pump thing and buckets outside and a wood burning stove if you got cold. They used candles for light. (Not kidding)

Everytime I would visit you could see my great grandfathers "ghost" on the porch in his rocking chair outside, just rocking.  My great grandmother when she was alive would sit in the other chair and talk to him. If you approached the house my great grandfathers "ghost" would calmly stand up and go inside. Search the house and there is no one in there. If we asked my great grandmother about it she would just smile and talk about when they were young. When she passed my mom went up there to visit and said that now they both rock out on the porch. She said if you walk up there they get up and go inside still. When we visited my dad always dared me to spend a night in the house....never even tried. Now that I'm older I would kill to spend a night there.

3 (maybe 4) years ago my uncle demolished the house and started building a new house on the spot. He's crazy so I don't trust much he says but apparently it's noticeably cooler (10 degree difference) on the spot where the house was.

I haven't been back since I was 11 but to this day I remember everything I saw vividly.

whats a real ghost look like? did they appear like normal people? or were they transparent? and were they fully clothed? why would a ghost need clothing? seems like everybody always sees a ghost wearing old vintage style clothing? if wearing clothing would they be seen wearing the same exact outfit everytime they were seen?
Link Posted: 9/8/2011 5:13:25 PM EDT
The only reason I'm telling this story is because I really have to tell somebody, as it disturbs the ever loving shit out of me. I've told very few people about why I asked to be transferred at my job. I used to work the night shift in a gigantic office building that is attached to an old Mill building, built circa 1865.

One night, I'm wandering around this mill, doing my job, when I hear somebody talking. That, while unusual, didn't bother me, because employees for this company show up at lots of odd hours. So I start looking for the originator of the voice, wandering up and down the aisles of cubicles, when I notice something REALLY fucking strange. I couldn't find the source of the voice, because the source was all around me. As in, every time I turned to face a different direction, the voice seemed to be coming from there. I'm starting to get a little creeped out at this point. I can't hear what the voice is saying. Then, as if it was waiting for me to recognize that it was something odd, the voice jumped into focus, and I could hear it clearly. I have no idea what language it was speaking in. I didn't recognize a single word, but that voice sounded fucking pissed. In the ultimate case of false bravado, I calmly announced who I was, and if the employee needed some help. The voice stopped. I promptly shit my pants, and GTFO. If I had had PMAGs, I would have popped the tops.

Link Posted: 9/8/2011 5:24:47 PM EDT

Originally Posted By eternal24k:

Originally Posted By FP2000H:

Here's a doozy for you.

In my freshman year of high school, I developed a keen fascination with the occult. I moved in circles beyond my years and a practicing occultist took me in under his wing. It was interesting.

Need a photo of you in said phase


Link Posted: 9/8/2011 5:46:27 PM EDT

Originally Posted By RaisedByWolves:

Originally Posted By 70satvert:

Originally Posted By RaisedByWolves:



Now that shit creeped me out.

I was talking to my brother about this thread last night and he jogged my memory about a few things I had forgotten over the years.

When you know the history of the people who lived near there its even stranger.

There was/is a family in that area named Cutterman that has a shady past and are generally thought of as  in-breads, thieves and degenerates That dates back to the 1800's. This family made their fortune in timber in this area around 1850 or so and bought huge tracts of land. They were the Rockefellers of the region. Sometime around 1870 they tried to purchase a parcel of land near where our cabin sits but the owners didnt want to sell as the cabins here had been part of the underground rail road.

And as every family has a family tree, so did the Cutterman.

One enterprising branch of the timber tycoon's family got the big idea that he would get drunk and go burn down all the shacks on the parcel and gain his relative access to the land, as a sort of favor. Well, he set fire to all the shacks, but he got hit over the head for his troubles and was left to burn with the shacks.

Long story short: The Tycoon guy got pegged for the shacks burning and the murders. He was accused of conspiracy to commit arson and 22 counts of murder even though he had nothing to do with it nor even had any knowledge and was hanged.

The family wealth was seized and they were chased out of most of their homes by Vandals and politicians looking for revenge. At this point the family had lost all faith in Government and could not trust even friends so they pooled their resources and set up a sort of family commune in a Y shaped valley that they had left from a non timber related land deal.

This valley didn't even have a road going in to it, so the family built one with picks and shovels that lead to the intersection of the valleys. It was not uncommon to be shot at if you happened to go down this road and very few people ever tried including the local police.
It is alleged that these people have been inbreeding for generations and still live up there with no modern amenities save for a few vehicles and some long guns. A local gun shop in the area used to get a visitor from the family every few months who would come in with a gun and demand to chamber the ammo in his gun before paying as he had bought the wrong gauge once and couldnt return it.

The last time the were seen en mass was during a 1980's census and the census taker took a guess at 60-70 people as he could get no closer as the stench and sight was too bad.
Some of the more normal ones have been said to have bought houses outside of the valley from the proceeds of drug dealing and working for the Mob in some fashion related to contraband. Not many roads up there, but a hell of a lot of trails.

To this day no one even speaks the name Cutterman in that area.

Their afraid they might insult a family member.



Road Trip? Yeah road trip.

Link Posted: 9/8/2011 5:54:35 PM EDT
Originally Posted By Ssh40:
Originally Posted By aimforthemedic:
When I was around 11 we used to go my great granparents house in Taswell, TN. I knew my great grandmother before she died, never met my great grandfather...just saw pictures. They lived on a massive property up in the mountains that had a creek running through it. My "uncle" had a trailer he lived on near the front of the property and that's where family stayed when we came up to visit.

The house was built forever and a half ago, had no electricity or running water. There was a manual water pump thing and buckets outside and a wood burning stove if you got cold. They used candles for light. (Not kidding)

Everytime I would visit you could see my great grandfathers "ghost" on the porch in his rocking chair outside, just rocking.  My great grandmother when she was alive would sit in the other chair and talk to him. If you approached the house my great grandfathers "ghost" would calmly stand up and go inside. Search the house and there is no one in there. If we asked my great grandmother about it she would just smile and talk about when they were young. When she passed my mom went up there to visit and said that now they both rock out on the porch. She said if you walk up there they get up and go inside still. When we visited my dad always dared me to spend a night in the house....never even tried. Now that I'm older I would kill to spend a night there.

3 (maybe 4) years ago my uncle demolished the house and started building a new house on the spot. He's crazy so I don't trust much he says but apparently it's noticeably cooler (10 degree difference) on the spot where the house was.

I haven't been back since I was 11 but to this day I remember everything I saw vividly.

whats a real ghost look like? did they appear like normal people? or were they transparent? and were they fully clothed? why would a ghost need clothing? seems like everybody always sees a ghost wearing old vintage style clothing? if wearing clothing would they be seen wearing the same exact outfit everytime they were seen?

if your lucky  its a good looking young lady standing naked and soaking wet staring at you..as a member here figured out chloroform doesnt work on ghosts..but fapping does
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