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Posted: 12/7/2010 5:48:54 AM EDT
Woman hasn't paid her mortgage since 1985.


Patsy Campbell could tell you a thing or two about fighting foreclosure. She's been fighting hers for 25 years.

The 71-year-old retired insurance saleswoman has been living in her house, a two-story on a half acre in a tidy middle-class neighborhood here in central Florida, since 1978. The last time she made a mortgage payment was October 1985.

And yet Ms. Campbell has been able to keep her house, protected by a 105-pound pit bull named Dodger and a locked, rusty gate advising visitors to beware of the dog.

Link Posted: 12/7/2010 6:04:52 AM EDT
The dog would have an unfortunate accident.  That is bull$hit!!!

ETA:  The dog shouldn't pay for it's owner's mistakes.  How about it get's lured away with a steak, caged, then the owner can be dealt with?
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 6:38:35 AM EDT
She worked the system like her own personal B1tch.

25 + years rent free / tax free is a no-joke  accomplishment.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 6:45:43 AM EDT
Well, she's a crafty one.   How broken is the system that someone can work it like that for 25 years?
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 6:48:18 AM EDT
After seeing a picture of the house I'm not sure why the bank put that much effort into getting it back.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 6:49:12 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 6:50:53 AM EDT
Just the first of many.

Wait until everyone in Florida and Las Vegas starts activitely fighting their evictions after they go 200% upside down on their mortgage.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 6:56:48 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 7:01:31 AM EDT


After seeing a picture of the house I'm not sure why the bank put that much effort into getting it back.

Did you read that it's assessed at over $200K?

Link Posted: 12/7/2010 7:08:52 AM EDT

After seeing a picture of the house I'm not sure why the bank put that much effort into getting it back.

Did you read that it's assessed at over $200K?

That means it valued at about $100K right?
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 7:10:15 AM EDT

After seeing a picture of the house I'm not sure why the bank put that much effort into getting it back.

Did you read that it's assessed at over $200K?

I'm surprised the state or the Feds didn't jump in on her for taxes a long time ago.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 7:17:03 AM EDT



After seeing a picture of the house I'm not sure why the bank put that much effort into getting it back.

Did you read that it's assessed at over $200K?


I'm surprised the state or the Feds didn't jump in on her for taxes a long time ago.

She may be paying them.
Just another entitled thinking bitch that doesn't want to pay her bills.   Fuck her, wait until she leaves one day, lure the dog out and bulldoze the house.

Link Posted: 12/7/2010 7:22:09 AM EDT
After seeing a picture of the house I'm not sure why the bank put that much effort into getting it back.

She probably paid next to nothing for it in '78.  The land without a building is likely worth more than she bought the whole package for, and likely by a hefty amount.

Link Posted: 12/7/2010 7:22:58 AM EDT



After seeing a picture of the house I'm not sure why the bank put that much effort into getting it back.

Did you read that it's assessed at over $200K?



You don't know the area do you. That would never sell for 200k.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 7:23:46 AM EDT
Just another entitled thinking bitch that doesn't want to pay her bills.

She worked the system like her own personal B1tch.

I feel torn between these two lines of thought.
On one hand, she has made the legal system look like the fraud that it is.
On the other hand, she has knowingly not paid for a house, and therefore has no right to it.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 7:30:50 AM EDT


After seeing a picture of the house I'm not sure why the bank put that much effort into getting it back.

Did you read that it's assessed at over $200K?


You don't know the area do you. That would never sell for 200k.

Um...where did I claim that it would SELL for $200K?  <Personal attack removed. -NorCal>  My point being the tax assessor thinks its taxable at a value of $200k and the bank has probably never bothered to even send someone out to look at the house.  The bank is pushing to get it back because they're simply pushing paper.

Link Posted: 12/7/2010 7:31:42 AM EDT



After seeing a picture of the house I'm not sure why the bank put that much effort into getting it back.

She probably paid next to nothing for it in '78. The land without a building is likely worth more than she bought the whole package for, and likely by a hefty amount.

And since she only paid on it for 7 years, she really paid next to nothing for it.  fucking deadbeats like this are the reason for all those fees tacked on to my mortgage payment.  

Thanks Cunt.

Link Posted: 12/7/2010 7:43:34 AM EDT

We all pay a higher prices in the form of interest and taxes because of her and people like her. It's not like she's trying to do the right thing or pay at least some of the money, she wants a free ride.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 7:44:13 AM EDT
She worked the system like her own personal B1tch.

25 + years rent free / tax free is a no-joke  accomplishment.

Maybe the mortgage company could 1099 her.

I'm sure the IRS would have no problems dealing with her dog.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 7:54:18 AM EDT
On one hand, shes a deadbeat.

On the other hand, the banks lost her paperwork. You can bet the banks would never pay out to you if they weren't absolutely legally obligated to.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 7:57:20 AM EDT



She worked the system like her own personal B1tch.

25 + years rent free / tax free is a no-joke  accomplishment.

Maybe the mortgage company could 1099 her.

I'm sure the IRS would have no problems dealing with her dog.

I wonder if she was itemizing deductions and claiming interest payments.

Link Posted: 12/7/2010 8:08:29 AM EDT
Florida.... the land of WTF.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 8:10:06 AM EDT
We have a situation here in Wisconsin where a gentleman has been trying to give his house back to the bank.  It's a nice house, but the current bank doesn't have the loan paperwork through mortgage sales and different bank closings. They can't take it back.  So there it sits...in limbo, and he lives in it for free.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 8:17:13 AM EDT


We have a situation here in Wisconsin where a gentleman has been trying to give his house back to the bank.  It's a nice house, but the current bank doesn't have the loan paperwork through mortgage sales and different bank closings. They can't take it back.  So there it sits...in limbo, and he lives in it for free.


Link Posted: 12/7/2010 8:18:59 AM EDT



We all pay a higher prices in the form of interest and taxes because of her and people like her. It's not like she's trying to do the right thing or pay at least some of the money, she wants a free ride.

We pay more because the banks fuck up and pass the cost on to everyone.  They should eat their mistakes.

Link Posted: 12/7/2010 8:20:13 AM EDT
On one hand, shes a deadbeat.

On the other hand, the banks lost her paperwork. You can bet the banks would never pay out to you if they weren't absolutely legally obligated to.

I wouldn't pay if I wasn't required to.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 8:20:57 AM EDT
burn it down and throw her in debtor's prison

ETA: i bet she has a mental condition also, she should be in the Hoarders TV show on A&E.

Link Posted: 12/7/2010 8:26:12 AM EDT


burn it down and throw her in debtor's prison

ETA: i bet she has a mental condition also, she should be in the Hoarders TV show on A&E.


I look at her house and her picture and I think hoarders too.

Link Posted: 12/7/2010 8:34:23 AM EDT
We had a local legend named Alice Ramsdale that fought of the GOV that used Eminent Domain to take a bunch of houses but she wouldn't leave.
Fought them off with shotguns and just stayed their until she died I think in her 80's. They just knocked down her house a few years ago after she died.
This was over building a DAM that wasn't even near her house. They ended up grabbing houses all over that didn't need to be taking and wiped out a whole village.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 8:37:50 AM EDT
Well if you people keep buying houses and "paying more" they will keep doing it right?



We all pay a higher prices in the form of interest and taxes because of her and people like her. It's not like she's trying to do the right thing or pay at least some of the money, she wants a free ride.

We pay more because the banks fuck up and pass the cost on to everyone.  They should eat their mistakes.

Link Posted: 12/7/2010 8:45:04 AM EDT
Wow. That's one conniving broad.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 8:53:03 AM EDT

burn it down and throw her in debtor's prison

ETA: i bet she has a mental condition also, she should be in the Hoarders TV show on A&E.

I look at her house and her picture and I think hoarders too.  

Any time I see boarded up windows, I think "jugs of urine, football squads of cats, stacks of TV Guide back to 1973, hookers chained to radiators, religious icongraphy, and 'Goodbye, Horses' playing in the background."
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 8:58:08 AM EDT

We have a situation here in Wisconsin where a gentleman has been trying to give his house back to the bank.  It's a nice house, but the current bank doesn't have the loan paperwork through mortgage sales and different bank closings. They can't take it back.  So there it sits...in limbo, and he lives in it for free.


This is happening all over right now. Shit was moved around so much even the people trying to do the right thing are stuck. The whole situation is far more fucked than people think. The taxpayers will end up owning all the paper by the time it's all said and done.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 9:02:57 AM EDT
Fucking deadbeat thief. She's stealing from the bank. She's stealing from the taxpayers. She's stealing from her neighbor's property value.

When was the last time she paid property tax? This may be the only time I ever condone the local govt seizing the property of citizens.

I think they should treat her as any common thief.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 9:27:35 AM EDT

We have a situation here in Wisconsin where a gentleman has been trying to give his house back to the bank.  It's a nice house, but the current bank doesn't have the loan paperwork through mortgage sales and different bank closings. They can't take it back.  So there it sits...in limbo, and he lives in it for free.


This is happening all over right now. Shit was moved around so much even the people trying to do the right thing are stuck. The whole situation is far more fucked than people think. The taxpayers will end up owning all the paper by the time it's all said and done.

End of Moral Hazard, ahoy!  At least we'll know what starts the next asset bubble.  I'm just Charlie Rangel and Barney Frank will run that program just dandy, this time, though.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 2:12:42 PM EDT
I remember a while back, I was having trouble locate a residence that had a loan on it. The home had a HELOC loan placed on it. Somewhere along the lines, the company that issued the loan was purchased by another...

Anyways, the address of the home (the collateral), was obviously invalid. I tried to go to the county planning office, and they couldn't even tell me where this address was. I even called the lender, they couldn't give me any further information. They couldn't even locate the account for me, to help me find the address. They ended up telling me "sorry, guess we have a bad address on file"...which is almost unheard of with loans in which the collateral is a home.

That being said, there is a good possibility that someone, somewhere, is getting away with not paying off his HELOC... and there isn't a dang thing the lender can do about it.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 2:29:14 PM EDT
Trailer Trash without the trailer. With the property in such disarray it's a wonder the county don't condem it. Then she has to move.
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 2:30:53 PM EDT
isnt this how people "clear" their credit history ?

sure they owe the money ., .     but they dispute and dispute until the the reporting agengy lapses on the 30 day requirement or doesnt find the required paper work since its been sold 90 times between  debt collectors ,,

i will get flamed.. but they arent " cheating "  the system... they are using it..

the money is still owed   just not reported by the big three,

is this the same ?
Link Posted: 12/7/2010 2:32:14 PM EDT
she's a piece of shit. the article tries to make her out a someone taking on big brother for what's right. only problem with that is that she ain't. assholes taking advantage of the loopholes and faults in the system to screw everyone who follows the rules. fuck her, her dog, and the piece of shit she calls home.  EOM

Link Posted: 12/7/2010 2:51:25 PM EDT
she's a piece of shit. the article tries to make her out a someone taking on big brother for what's right. only problem with that is that she ain't. assholes taking advantage of the loopholes and faults in the system to screw everyone who follows the rules. fuck her, her dog, and the piece of shit she calls home.  EOM

Normally I'd agree with your premise but, in the case of a loan like this I have to take pause.

If the bank could prove she legally owed the money or the property there'd be no reason for the courts to continually agree with her disputes. We're, apparently, talking about dozens of courts over better than two decades.

As was said above, do you really think the bank would pay YOU a legally (morally) owed debt if you couldn't PROVE they owed it to you?

This is more of a case where the banks moved paper improperly and fucked up their records, now they are reaping the fruits of those circumstances.

Granted, my outlook is based solely on the article and the data provided therein, sh could very well be a worthless, thieving, old cunt.
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