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Link Posted: 8/25/2005 8:58:15 AM EDT
Starting in Kansas and progressing to Tennessee, every burg, hamlet, city and State Trooper should pull these clowns over for a "safety check." Gotta be some violation. Then a heads up to the next juristicition down the road.
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 9:26:31 AM EDT
We need someone to volunteer to go undercover and find out their schedule and plans.  Let them know you want to join the caravan, etc... CoC rules prohibit any further details, but if there's anyone with some free time you might look into it....
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 9:27:12 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 9:28:23 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 9:36:09 AM EDT

Why don't you drop one of these in their bus?

For sale here...


Link Posted: 8/25/2005 9:41:16 AM EDT
They were already here in 'Bama this week doing the same thing. (www.wsfa.com/Global/story.asp?s=3691015)

I think a few of y'all are missing the point.  They aren't liberals who are "against the war" - IIRC they are protesting because they believe this war and these deaths are punishment for America's tolerance of homosexuality.    They are protesting against homosexuality, not the war or the deceased.

These are the people who give good, old-fashioned fundamentalist Christians like me a bad name.  

IMHO there is nothing "Christian" about their actions...

ETA:  I don't understand how anyone could read my comments above and think I am somehow defending these people or their actions, but that seems to be what's happening below. R-I-F, people!
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 9:45:05 AM EDT

They were here in 'Bama recently doing the same thing.

I think a few of y'all are missing the point.  They aren't liberals who are "against the war" - IIRC they are protesting because they believe this war and these deaths are punishment for America's tolerance of homosexuality.    They are protesting against homosexuality, not the war or the deceased.

These are the people who give good, old-fashioned fundamentalist Christians like me a bad name.  

IMHO there is nothing "Christian" about their actions...

I never said they were "liberals against the war". But anyone who carries a sign with things like "Thank God for IED's" and such garbage at a soldier's FUNERAL deserves an ass kicking, "Christian" or not, liberal or not.
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 9:47:53 AM EDT

I never said they were "liberals against the war". But anyone who carries a sign with things like "Thank God for IED's" and such garbage at a soldier's FUNERAL deserves an ass kicking, "Christian" or not, liberal or not.

Link Posted: 8/25/2005 9:49:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 9:49:15 AM EDT

I never said they were "liberals against the war"...

No, you didn't - but my post was directed at several posters who seemed to infer that (look at the responses).

And I agree with you 100%, BTW.
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 10:38:00 AM EDT

That is just sooooooooo wrong.

One thing the left lunatic fringe does fairly well is organize & mobilize.

There should be "Volunteers" organized to keep order, decorum, and respect at the solemn events.

(I used the term Volunteers because, after all, it is Tennessee. )

Hey, don't ONLY blame the LEFT lunatic fringe (assuming that they ARE "lefties", anyway) Fred Phelps is certainly NOT "left" and he had the indecency to protest at Matt Shepard's funeral after he was murdered by a couple of bashers.

Scratch that, just did a search these are THE SAME) ULTRA CONSERVATIVE ASSHOLES, not "liberal" assholes.

I hope BOTH this groups are is appropriately "surprised" when they die and go to HELL rather than seein' the "Pearly Gates"

(Edited once I found out this was the SAME ASSHOLE group that protested Matt Shepard's Funeral)
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 10:46:20 AM EDT
Protesting the funerals of servicemen in Tennessee????

Are they insane?

Actually...looking at that web site... yes, they are insane.

Those are some seriously fucked up people.
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 11:00:03 AM EDT
These fucktards make liberals almost seem normal. Some serious warped assholes...!

Here's their email address if anyone feels the need to contact them----------

Link Posted: 8/25/2005 11:04:03 AM EDT

These fucktards make liberals almost seem normal. Some serious warped assholes...!

Here's their email address if anyone feels the need to contact them----------


Don't feed the attention whores.

Ignore them and they will fade into the oblivion where they should be.
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 11:04:58 AM EDT

These fucktards make liberals almost seem normal. Some serious warped assholes...!

Here's their email address if anyone feels the need to contact them----------


Exactly. The "enemy" is NOT "the liberals" (as much) as it is the whaco extremists - no matter WHAT their particular "slant" might be.
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 11:06:10 AM EDT


NBC5 slideshow of one protest

There's little more gut wrenching that seeing a mother recieve her son's flag.

Drive by pepper spraying would be worth the charges, and in TN you'd probably not be charged.  Hell, everybody would stop their cameras while you did it.
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 11:13:52 AM EDT



NBC5 slideshow of one protest

There's little more gut wrenching that seeing a mother recieve her son's flag.

Drive by pepper spraying would be worth the charges, and in TN you'd probably not be charged.  Hell, everybody would stop their cameras while you did it.

You could get by with that in Ashland city for sure, now Smyrna, maybe not.
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 11:17:19 AM EDT




NBC5 slideshow of one protest

There's little more gut wrenching that seeing a mother recieve her son's flag.

Drive by pepper spraying would be worth the charges, and in TN you'd probably not be charged.  Hell, everybody would stop their cameras while you did it.

You could get by with that in Ashland city for sure, now Smyrna, maybe not.

+1  In Ashland City may not be a good place for the WBC to be.  In west TN there is a very real possiblity that the protesters would be shot at.  I for one, wouldn't drop the dime if it were to occur (the shooting that is).
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 11:17:53 AM EDT


My money says this "Baptist church group" is really a front for liberal, leftist Commies to make "Christians" look like loonies.

I've been loosely associated with Baptists for 16 years now and I've never, repeat, NEVER seen this type of behavior out of them. This doesn't fit the Baptist Denomination's MO. Not even close.

These asswhipes HAVE to be lefties who have infiltrated a church.

No these are bonafide "Crazy Christians."

Phelps are crew are the kind of people we are talking about when we talk about "Crazy Christians."

Take a look at his site, they are HARDLY lefties.

The sad truth is not every Christian is like Old_Painless and co. Thankfully the vast majority aren't as fucked up as Phelps and co.

And religion aside, these are reprehensible excuses for humans. Even Mickey Moore hasn't pulled this kind of shit.

Westboro Baptist Church has been around since the mid 1950's. They are right wing religous wackos.

They have a number of websites.












Thank God for IEDs killing American soldiers in strange lands every day.

WBC rejoices every time the Lord God in His vengeance kills or maims an American soldier with an Improvised Explosive Device (IED). "The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked" (Ps. 58:10).

This nation bombed and raided the Westboro Baptist Church, and now the Holy God that Inhabits Eternity is repaying those heinous acts with His retaliatory wrath; "Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord" (Rom. 12:19).

To most effectively cause America to know her abominations (Ez. 16:2), WBC will picket the funerals of these Godless, fag army American soldiers when their pieces return home. WBC will also picket their landing spot, in Dover, Delaware early and often.

Face it, America! You have become a fag-filled nation of flag worshipers and necromancers. Your only terrorist is the Lord your God! He fights against you personally. "And I myself will fight against you with an outstretched hand and with a strong arm, even in anger, and in fury, and in great wrath" (Jer. 21:5)."  

Contact Information

Westboro Baptist Church members welcome thoughtful dialogue regarding our church, beliefs, and preaching ministry.  We are prepared to answer any question, for we follow the commandment found at 1 Peter 3:15 " But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear".  Our servers detect and deal appropriately with profanity, so if you want to waste your time, feel free, but don't expect a reply to your email.  If your question is answered in our FAQ, or answered in the FAQ at godhatesfags.com, expect to be told so -- in other words, read them first.

You can reach us at [email protected]

Established in 1955 by Pastor Fred Phelps, the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) of Topeka, Kansas still exists today as an Old School (or, Primitive) Baptist Church. See the WBC Monograph. In short, we adhere to the teachings of the Bible, preach against all form of sin (e.g., fornication, adultery, sodomy), and insist that the doctrines of grace be taught publicly to all men. These doctrines of grace were well summed up by John Calvin in his 5 points of Calvinism: Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistible Grace, and Perseverance of the Saints. Although these doctrines are almost universally hated today, they were once loved and believed. For example, Augustine (one of the early Church fathers), Martin Luther (the founder of the Lutheran Church), John Knox (the founder of the Presbyterian Church), Augustus Toplady (hymnist and leader in the Episcopal Church), Charles Spurgeon (a well-known preacher), and John Leland (who was partially responsible for our First Amendment in the United States) are just a few examples of people who have advanced these ideas. Please see  The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination by Jerom Zanchius and our MEMO ON THE CHURCH. Most of the major Confessions of Faith throughout the history of the New Testament Church have also advanced these ideas. So, even though the Arminian lies that "God loves everyone" and "Jesus died for everyone" are being taught from nearly every pulpit in this generation, this hasn't always been the case. In fact, if you are in a Church that supposedly believes the Bible, and you are hearing these lies, then your church has apostatized. If you are interested in this subject, we encourage you to do some independent research on the history of the Church from Adam to now and, more importantly, we encourage you to carefully read the entire Bible.

WBC engages in daily peaceful sidewalk demonstrations opposing the homosexual lifestyle of soul-damning, nation-destroying filth. We display large, colorful signs containing Bible words and sentiments, including: GOD HATES FAGS, FAGS HATE GOD, AIDS CURES FAGS, THANK GOD FOR AIDS, FAGS BURN IN HELL, GOD IS NOT MOCKED, FAGS ARE NATURE FREAKS, GOD GAVE FAGS UP, NO SPECIAL LAWS FOR FAGS, FAGS DOOM NATIONS, etc.

Perceiving the modern militant homosexual movement to pose a clear and present danger to the survival of America, exposing our nation to the wrath of God as in 1898 B.C. at Sodom and Gomorrah, WBC has conducted over 22,000 such demonstrations since June, 1991, at homosexual parades and other events (including funerals of impenitent sodomites, like Matthew Shepard). WBC teams have picketed all over the United States, and internationally (including Canada, Jordan and Iraq). The unique picketing ministry of Westboro Baptist Church has received international attention, and WBC believes this gospel message to be this world's last hope.

For more information about WBC, feel free to attend one of our weekly church meetings. We are located at 3701 W. 12th Street in Topeka, KS. Regular service time is 11:30 a.m. (Central time).
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 11:30:53 AM EDT

WBC rejoices every time the Lord God in His vengeance kills or maims an American soldier with an Improvised Explosive Device (IED). "The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked" (Ps. 58:10).

I'll show you some blood and vengeance, you lowlife pieces of shit...
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 5:43:31 PM EDT


But anyone who carries a sign with things like "Thank God for IED's" and such garbage at a soldier's FUNERAL deserves an ass kicking, "

I intend to do my share if this sort of shit is present. Bring bail money for me, please?

Link Posted: 8/25/2005 5:54:19 PM EDT


They have a number of websites.


WTF? That's it, where are these dwarf cocksuckers, let me at 'em

(Hope you guys give em the reception they deserve)
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 6:00:40 PM EDT
We had some of them at a memorial in the town just north of us.

If I'd known, I would have been happy to show up and encourage their hasty departure
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 6:08:52 PM EDT

My money says this "Baptist church group" is really a front for liberal, leftist Commies to make "Christians" look like loonies.

I've been loosely associated with Baptists for 16 years now and I've never, repeat, NEVER seen this type of behavior out of them. This doesn't fit the Baptist Denomination's MO. Not even close.

These asswhipes HAVE to be lefties who have infiltrated a church.

No it's Fred Phelps's "God Hates Fags" crew.
Link Posted: 8/25/2005 6:14:50 PM EDT


Do you have any details on where or when this is going to happen.  What if the entire community came out and surrounded the funeral procession in order to shield them from the "protestors"?  If I'm free when it happens I would be willing to drive to TN and help out.

No, they would have to be nuttier than an armidillo playing chicken with an 18 wheeler to announce where they will be.  They will not be received well here is an understatement.

We still pull over to the side of the road here for funerals.  

Yes, Wobblin the odds are very high 8 outta of 10 who will be kicking their ass here will be Baptist.


Let's hope someone gets picks of them getting their asses handed to them. This shit has to be stopped and everyone involved in a soldiers funeral needs to be on guard for these assholes.
Link Posted: 8/26/2005 7:09:54 AM EDT



They have a number of websites.


WTF? That's it, where are these dwarf cocksuckers, let me at 'em

(Hope you guys give em the reception they deserve)


Swedish royals call in the lawyers over preacher

The Swedish royal family has brought in the lawyers against a fundamentalist preacher in Kansas who said that the royal children look “slutty and gay”.

Fred Phelps, of the Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas, is well-known for his anti-gay website God Hates Fags. Sweden first came to his attention last year, when pastor Åke Green was convicted under hate crimes legislation for a sermon on homosexuality.

This inspired Phelps to start a website called God Hates Sweden, on which he refers to Sweden as a “land of sodomy, bestiality and incest.”

Now Phelps has turned his attention to the royal family. He says that Princesses Madeleine and Victoria and Prince Carl Philip “look slutty and gay”. Using obscene language, he implies that King Carl Gustaf is gay.

Phelps publishes photos of the royals that he claims were sent to him by a Swede to persuade him that “Sweden is a land of wholesome family values.”

“It won’t work,” Phelps insists.

The palace has sent a link to the site to its lawyers, but press secretary Ann-Christine Jernberg concedes that there is probably little they can do, as it is hard to get such sites shut down.

“But I think that it is frightful to defame people in this way,” she told Svenska Dagbladet.
Link Posted: 8/26/2005 7:30:07 AM EDT
Maybe we should walk around their vehicles and dump some sugar on the ground and the gas cap and leave notes on their cars like "God hates gas" or "God hates assholes, that’s you in case you were wondering" "God hates those who shit on there own country, why don't you just leave?" I really think this is too little repercussion, if I were related to those who made the ultimate sacrifice or possibly even present when they did this I would probably be waking up the next morning in jail.
Link Posted: 8/26/2005 7:35:45 AM EDT
Buy those large canisters of pepper spray like "Dog the bounty hunter has", then just drive by their protest and make them weep for the soldiers!!!Repeat as neccesary!!!

The government is not allowed to disturba peaceful protest does not mean the local citizens can't!!
Link Posted: 8/26/2005 7:40:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/26/2005 7:41:14 AM EDT
These idiots have been around for years.

And for years I've been wishing for somebody to "vote them off the island".
Link Posted: 8/26/2005 7:55:05 AM EDT
It can't be any dumber than their protest at a recent Kentucky funeral.  The guy was a outlaw biker before he joined the service and died a hero.

So, these dorks protested a funeral that had a large military and biker attendence.  Naturally the local cops had to protect the protestors to prevent them from being torn to shreds.

Dennis Jenkins

If these people pull that same stunt in east TN that they've been pulling around the nation, it may be their last one. Somehow I don't think those folks will take too kindly to these people coming around making a scene at a soldier's funeral.

Link Posted: 8/26/2005 8:06:14 AM EDT
I wish I where in East TN, I would go and give the protestors a proper Tennessee welcome

If it where here in West TN. myself and several other LEO/ active duty would volunteer  for crowd control for the protest. You know to make them feel welcomed.

What a crock of sh**,
Link Posted: 8/26/2005 8:07:33 AM EDT
It would be a damn shame if their bus was to hit an IED.
Link Posted: 8/26/2005 8:39:36 AM EDT

It would be a damn shame if their bus was to hit an IED.

No kiddin, what a shame!
Link Posted: 8/26/2005 9:28:12 AM EDT
We hear about people being beaten or killed when their 911 calls go unanswered or the police not responding to restraining orders when they are violated and the answer given is the police have a duty to protect the public as a whole but no duty to protect anyone specific.  So when something offensive like these protesters showing up, why do the police much such a huge effort to protect the rights of the protestors?  Hopefully the police will be busy with other things when the protests happen.
Link Posted: 8/26/2005 9:34:31 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/26/2005 10:07:14 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/26/2005 10:43:52 AM EDT

one of the tennessee hometown members contacted one of the families' church, and they do NOT want a counterprotest or any disturbance in respect for their loved ones.

we will respect their wishes, but several members of the TN hometown forum are going to pay respects.

and afterwords you can go back to the "baptist church" member's hotel and have a nice drink and some conversation with them.

Link Posted: 8/26/2005 10:44:13 AM EDT
Baptists from Topeka, Kansas??!!!
I hope they don't make it home.
Link Posted: 8/26/2005 10:46:37 AM EDT

one of the tennessee hometown members contacted one of the families' church, and they do NOT want a counterprotest or any disturbance in respect for their loved ones.

we will respect their wishes, but several members of the TN hometown forum are going to pay respects.

These wackjobs want a big counter-protest to publicize their cause. The less attention that is paid to them the better off we will all be.

"Shirley Phelps-Roper, the church's lawyer and Phelps' daughter, said the military funeral protests are to draw attention to how America has transgressed."

"This nation is being punished," Phelps-Roper said Tuesday in a telephone interview. "Our job is to make America know her abomination. So we have to be timely and we have to be topical. We have to help America connect the dots. In the last two months, we have been running all over this nation. About 60 people do these pickets and we have six pickets in Topeka every day."
Link Posted: 8/26/2005 10:49:14 AM EDT

If these people pull that same stunt in east TN that they've been pulling around the nation, it may be their last one. Somehow I don't think those folks will take too kindly to these people coming around making a scene at a soldier's funeral.

Yup! Somebody may well say "range me, y'all." There's always hope.
Link Posted: 8/26/2005 4:05:54 PM EDT

It would be a damn shame if their bus was to hit an IED.

Damn! I LIKE the way you think!

one of the tennessee hometown members contacted one of the families' church, and they do NOT want a counterprotest or any disturbance in respect for their loved ones.

we will respect their wishes, but several members of the TN hometown forum are going to pay respects.

Great job! Wish I could join you guys. Please try to do your best to simply be a "buffer" between the families/friends and the wingnuts. And FWIW, sunglasses CAN be somewhat intimidating.
Link Posted: 8/26/2005 4:14:29 PM EDT
Damn, what a time to have moved from Tenn.
That crap would go over real well.
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 4:45:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 5:16:13 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/27/2005 6:38:25 PM EDT
Is the the same Fred Phelps who does the stock ads in Shotgun News????????
Link Posted: 8/28/2005 5:36:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/28/2005 6:55:12 AM EDT
They didn't just make local news...they made national news now.  At least the article wasn't very friendly to them.  It sounds like there was a large counter protest as well...to bad they didn't send a stronger message.


Church: God Punishing GIs Over Gays

SMYRNA, Tenn. - Members of a church say God is punishing American soldiers for defending a country that harbors gays, and they brought their anti-gay message to the funerals Saturday of two Tennessee soldiers killed in     Iraq.

The church members were met with scorn from local residents. They chased the church members cars' down a highway, waving flags and screaming "God bless America."

"My husband is over there, so I'm here to show my support," 41-year-old Connie Ditmore said as she waved and American flag and as tears came to her eyes. "To do this at a funeral is disrespectful of a family, no matter what your beliefs are."

The Rev. Fred Phelps, founder of Westboro Baptist in Kansas, contends that American soldiers are being killed in Iraq as vengeance from God for protecting a country that harbors gays. The church, which is not affiliated with a larger denomination, is made up mostly of Phelps' children, grandchildren and in-laws.

The church members carried signs and shouted things such as "God hates fags" and "God hates you."

About 10 church members protested near Smyrna United Methodist Church and nearly 20 stood outside the National Guard Armory in Ashland City. Members have demonstrated at other soldier funerals across the nation.

The funerals were for Staff Sgt. Asbury Fred Hawn II, 35, in Smyrna and Spc. Gary Reese Jr., 22, in Ashland City. Both were members of the Tennessee National Guard.

Hundreds of Smyrna and Ashland City residents and families of other soldiers turned out at both sites to counter the message the Westboro Baptist members brought.

So many counterdemonstrators were gathered in Ashland City that police, sheriff's deputies and state troopers were brought in to control traffic and protect the protesters.

The church members held protesting permits, and counterprotesters in Smyrna turned their backs to Westboro Baptist members until time expired on the protest permits.

"If they were protesting the government, I might even join them," Danny Cotton, 56, said amid cries of "get out of our town" and "get out of our country."

"But for them to come during the worst time for this family — it's just wrong."

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