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Posted: 9/7/2011 12:29:55 AM EDT
[Last Edit: EasTexan]
I'm sitting outside, playing guitar and I'm hearing Garth Brooks playing in the woods. I'm guessing it's some rednecks working on their truck like every night. Lol. Anyways it reminded me of my creepiest encounter I ever had out in the wilderness.

I was bow fishing one night with some buddies out on Dam-b. Its a very eerie part of the state. Cypress trees covered in Spanish moss coupled with long leaf pines and mixed hardwoods. The shallow waters are great for hunting big gar. Anyways, we were about thirty miles from the nearest town and had traveled up the river by boat another 30 to get to the good spots. I tell ya, you go back in these woods and you step back in time. Untouched by man and so damn unforgiving, its no surprise. It was about 11:30 P.M. when we entered the slough. There was no sound except for the humming of the trolling motor. He had decided not to use the generator and the halogen lights but instead use some rigged handheld 500,000 spot lights so we could hunt coons as well. That's when we heard it.

I was just putting a dip in when I heard the soft sound of music. Instantly, fear and confusion set in as I looked around. My buddies heard it as well and we could only listen, looking at each other for some sort of answer. No one could be out there, it was impossible. There were no roads, no way to climb the huge, clay cliffs made by the river.... It was coming from the absolute wilderness. The tune was the most terrifying part. It was not a song anyone alive today would know. It sounded like it came from an old record player. It was scratchy and muffled with a woman's voice singing and it filled me with more adrenaline and fear than I have ever had in my whole life. I can only relate it to something from the turn of the century. By this time Jake had stopped the trolling motor and we simply sat down and continued to listen. Its like we were in a trance. We know that back country and we know that this was not right. People never would have trecked through those marshes and woods to play a joke.

Then the music simply faded away. We sat there in the dark, waiting for something to move, something to give its position away so we could put the lights on it. Whoever or whatever it was would have surely made noise in the swamp water.

Nothing. Not a sound for thirty minutes. We felt after an experience like that, it was time to go.

Link Posted: 1/6/2023 2:12:51 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By ponykilr:
Little creepy but probably in my mind

This afternoon I was sitting in my recliner after working outside a while. I did have my eyes closed but I do not think I was asleep because I was listening to a program my wife was watching.

I distinctly heard my mama, who is deceased, call my name. It was as clear as a bell.

I sat straight up, looked at my wife and explained. She said that she didn't hear a thing.
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And it has happened again. Hope I'm not schizophrenic
Link Posted: 1/6/2023 5:18:28 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By brass:
This one is pretty interesting.   I suppose all of his videos are.  He does more true crime of late which I don't find as interesting.  I like his paranormal and unexplained better.


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Totally Agee, I kind of dropped off watching his channel when it got more about true crime.
Link Posted: 1/6/2023 5:20:29 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Im_Awake:
In the Summer of 2018, my family went ATV'ing and camping up the Santiam Pass. The photos below are of the site on the exact date when this trip occurred. As you can see, the clearing is very wide with no tree coverage. We were at the highest point.

There were 4 of us in 1 tent.

Around 2am I woke up to the sound of small rocks being thrown at our tent. I brought a large flashlight with us and shined it around. Didn't see anything. Tried to go back to sleep. Within a minute or two it happened again, and the kids started getting scared. We were thinking there was some cracked out methhead watching us. I could see the pebbles outside of the tent.

I stood outside for as long as I could in the darkness, but it was cold and the fire had already died out.

As I headed back inside of the tent, rock hit me right in the calf as I had my back turned. Freaked me the hell out. We didn't sleep the rest of the night and left at first light.

I have no idea what it was. But the moon was bright that night and there wasn't another soul up there but us. Something wanted us to leave or be scared.




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It was a friendly suggestion to bounce and don't come back.
Link Posted: 1/6/2023 11:00:02 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By EvoXGunner:

It was a friendly suggestion to bounce and don't come back.
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Originally Posted By EvoXGunner:
Originally Posted By Im_Awake:
In the Summer of 2018, my family went ATV'ing and camping up the Santiam Pass. The photos below are of the site on the exact date when this trip occurred. As you can see, the clearing is very wide with no tree coverage. We were at the highest point.

There were 4 of us in 1 tent.

Around 2am I woke up to the sound of small rocks being thrown at our tent. I brought a large flashlight with us and shined it around. Didn't see anything. Tried to go back to sleep. Within a minute or two it happened again, and the kids started getting scared. We were thinking there was some cracked out methhead watching us. I could see the pebbles outside of the tent.

I stood outside for as long as I could in the darkness, but it was cold and the fire had already died out.

As I headed back inside of the tent, rock hit me right in the calf as I had my back turned. Freaked me the hell out. We didn't sleep the rest of the night and left at first light.

I have no idea what it was. But the moon was bright that night and there wasn't another soul up there but us. Something wanted us to leave or be scared.




It was a friendly suggestion to bounce and don't come back.

Wouldn't have to tell me twice!

Link Posted: 1/11/2023 6:19:01 AM EDT
The only one who know about this is my wife because she was there. One of the creepy things I can explain, but the other still gives me chills to this day.

In 2013 we decided to take my son on his first backpacking trip. It was just an overnight but the destination was in the middle of the Buckhorn wilderness area here in Washington state. It was kind of a big deal to the kid as we got him all new gear for the trip, pack/boots/poncho/mess kit/ect. We even said we would bring the dog, so he was pretty excited to go. The dog was a female Husky/Shepherd mix who was not good with any other animals. Anything from a cat to a deer and she would lose her shit so she was a good early warning system for cougar, bears, or the errant raccoons who might try to get our food.

My pack was a pretty standard sized internal frame. I dont remember the brand as I replaced it quite a few years ago with an Eberlestock Dragonfly so I had better access to a long gun. But, with that old pack I would strap an underfolding AK to the side with 2 straps. I always use the rain cover so the rifle isn't visible to the REI/North Face types encountered on the trail and because this is WA. On the chest strap I keep one of those "chest desk" pouches that stores odd and ends and opens up 90 degrees so you can read your topo map. I also keep an LCR .357 in there for easy access.  

The trail runs along the river and the actual camp is a meadow right on the river called Camp Handy (you can Google Earth it). Everything went fine the first day and night (if you exclude the kid losing his boot down a 75' embankment on the way there) and we got to camp in the early afternoon.  

The next day, about noon my wife and I were lounging in camp and noticed the boy was not around. Not knowing where he wandered off too we both start looking for him and calling out to him. We are both starting to get a bit more than just worried as he is not responding. Then one of the times I yelled his name, about 7 seconds later MY voice also called his name, very clearly, from the treeline about 50 yards to the north. It was freaky as fuck and gave me an extremely uneasy feeling it was way too long of a time interval to be an echo and with all the trees sound is attenuated very well. When we found the boy I went to the spot where I had heard my voice and the only thing that was there was a huge ass raven.

I did not find out for a couple years that ravens can mimic human speech, it freaked me the fuck out until I found that out.

The second more weird experience on that trip happened on the trail while hiking home.

We were about a mile outside of camp passing through old growth timber littered with wild Rhododendron patches. My son was in the lead ( so I could poke him in the ass with my walking stick when he dawdled), followed by me and then my wife with the dog. As we were passing by a Rhody patch about 15 yards away from the trail I began hearing a low guttural growl of something large coming from the Rhody patch.

I looked back at my wife so I could ask her if she could hear it (my hearing is shot) and the look on her face told me everything I needed to know. Very quietly she asked me what it was and I just shook my head and shrugged my shoulders. I was scared becasue the Rhody patch was now at our 12 o' clock and the growling has increased in volume. It did not increase in tone, just volume, and was a deep baritone, deeper than the largest dog I have ever heard. My son is still plodding along completely oblivious that anything is amiss so I tell my wife to go in front of me and give the dog to the boy. I pull out the .357. and I turn and face the patch with my back to my wife and had her pop loose the AK and trade me for the .357. Whatever was in the patch continued to growl until we couldn't hear it anymore and I must have done (what seemed like) a full mile walking backward scanning the trail behind us. When I finally did turn around I thew my rain cover over the rifle and carried it, no way I was putting it back on the pack.

If you have ever seen a wild Rhody they are not great for concealment, they have big leaves and they are not really not that close together. Whatever was in that patch I could not see, not even a little piece. All I could see on the other side was the light green moss of the forest floor and I don't know of any critter in the Washington backountry that is camo'ed green. Also nobody heard it but my wife and myself, the kid was completely oblivious (not a surprise) but the dog made not one peep. I cannot say how out of character that was for that dog, we literally could not take her anywhere there would be any other living thing except for humans.

I cant think of what the fuck it might have been, backcountry black bears aren't usually very big, cougars dont growl that low and usually throw in other angry kitty vocalizations to express their displeasure, both those critters would have had a hard time hiding behind a medium size Rhody patch, and the dog should have done something.

It still bothers me.      

Rhody bush


Link Posted: 1/11/2023 7:44:22 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Im_Awake] [#6]
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Originally Posted By EvoXGunner:

It was a friendly suggestion to bounce and don't come back.
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My hair still stands on end thinking about it. I never wrote about that story before. It's only been brought up in conversations with people. We've been up Santiam again many times since, but now we always leave before dark. I got the message.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 8:01:02 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Digger440:
The only one who know about this is my wife because she was there. One of the creepy things I can explain, but the other still gives me chills to this day.

In 2013 we decided to take my son on his first backpacking trip. It was just an overnight but the destination was in the middle of the Buckhorn wilderness area here in Washington state. It was kind of a big deal to the kid as we got him all new gear for the trip, pack/boots/poncho/mess kit/ect. We even said we would bring the dog, so he was pretty excited to go. The dog was a female Husky/Shepherd mix who was not good with any other animals. Anything from a cat to a deer and she would lose her shit so she was a good early warning system for cougar, bears, or the errant raccoons who might try to get our food.

My pack was a pretty standard sized internal frame. I dont remember the brand as I replaced it quite a few years ago with an Eberlestock Dragonfly so I had better access to a long gun. But, with that old pack I would strap an underfolding AK to the side with 2 straps. I always use the rain cover so the rifle isn't visible to the REI/North Face types encountered on the trail and because this is WA. On the chest strap I keep one of those "chest desk" pouches that stores odd and ends and opens up 90 degrees so you can read your topo map. I also keep an LCR .357 in there for easy access.  

The trail runs along the river and the actual camp is a meadow right on the river called Camp Handy (you can Google Earth it). Everything went fine the first day and night (if you exclude the kid losing his boot down a 75' embankment on the way there) and we got to camp in the early afternoon.  

The next day, about noon my wife and I were lounging in camp and noticed the boy was not around. Not knowing where he wandered off too we both start looking for him and calling out to him. We are both starting to get a bit more than just worried as he is not responding. Then one of the times I yelled his name, about 7 seconds later MY voice also called his name, very clearly, from the treeline about 50 yards to the north. It was freaky as fuck and gave me an extremely uneasy feeling it was way too long of a time interval to be an echo and with all the trees sound is attenuated very well. When we found the boy I went to the spot where I had heard my voice and the only thing that was there was a huge ass raven.

I did not find out for a couple years that ravens can mimic human speech, it freaked me the fuck out until I found that out.

The second more weird experience on that trip happened on the trail while hiking home.

We were about a mile outside of camp passing through old growth timber littered with wild Rhododendron patches. My son was in the lead ( so I could poke him in the ass with my walking stick when he dawdled), followed by me and then my wife with the dog. As we were passing by a Rhody patch about 15 yards away from the trail I began hearing a low guttural growl of something large coming from the Rhody patch.

I looked back at my wife so I could ask her if she could hear it (my hearing is shot) and the look on her face told me everything I needed to know. Very quietly she asked me what it was and I just shook my head and shrugged my shoulders. I was scared becasue the Rhody patch was now at our 12 o' clock and the growling has increased in volume. It did not increase in tone, just volume, and was a deep baritone, deeper than the largest dog I have ever heard. My son is still plodding along completely oblivious that anything is amiss so I tell my wife to go in front of me and give the dog to the boy. I pull out the .357. and I turn and face the patch with my back to my wife and had her pop loose the AK and trade me for the .357. Whatever was in the patch continued to growl until we couldn't hear it anymore and I must have done (what seemed like) a full mile walking backward scanning the trail behind us. When I finally did turn around I thew my rain cover over the rifle and carried it, no way I was putting it back on the pack.

If you have ever seen a wild Rhody they are not great for concealment, they have big leaves and they are not really not that close together. Whatever was in that patch I could not see, not even a little piece. All I could see on the other side was the light green moss of the forest floor and I don't know of any critter in the Washington backountry that is camo'ed green. Also nobody heard it but my wife and myself, the kid was completely oblivious (not a surprise) but the dog made not one peep. I cannot say how out of character that was for that dog, we literally could not take her anywhere there would be any other living thing except for humans.

I cant think of what the fuck it might have been, backcountry black bears aren't usually very big, cougars dont growl that low and usually throw in other angry kitty vocalizations to express their displeasure, both those critters would have had a hard time hiding behind a medium size Rhody patch, and the dog should have done something.

It still bothers me.      

Rhody bush



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Damn. Great creepy story!!
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 7:18:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 7:24:56 PM EDT
My son started talking about Jamaica one day when he was ~4. He has never been to Jamaica. We don't watch TV shows or videos about Jamaica.

He told us about going to the Chinese New Year parade in Jamaica.  We thought it was just goofy. Then for the hell of it my wife googled about Chinese New Year in Jamaica and apparently it's a big deal to them and they do have parades and celebrations.

We still talk about it and it still creeps us out some.
Link Posted: 1/11/2023 11:54:09 PM EDT
[Last Edit: 6gunfighter2] [#10]
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Originally Posted By brass:


Some ravens are excellent at repeating something they just heard, pretty much exactly like a recording.   They are sometimes as good as parrots in captivity/pets with memory and being able to recognize people and say their names and "talk".   Wild ravens will just keep repeating what they hear when they are bored for some reason, when they hear something new they start repeating that, they like human speech sounds for some reason.

Most birds are extremely intelligent, like having a 4 year old or so and remember a lot.   Can't believe what they can learn/do with their tiny brains, even using tools and figuring out puzzle locks to get treats.  I can see ravens freaking people out all the time, we don't have them in the wild here.  

The first story, you never mentioned if you found your son, you kind of left it off at the Raven point.  I'm curious if bigfoot was holding him captive and using the raven to tease you or something?    How did he lose a boot and was it found?   Don't leave things hanging like that, some crazy stuff happens in WA/OR forests from stories heard.

Second one, that would be a situation where thermal vision would be really cool, but it's kind of strange since those plants wouldn't provide much cover.  Did you see any signs of something going through, like tracks or bent down branches and the like?
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Originally Posted By brass:
Originally Posted By Digger440:
The only one who know about this is my wife because she was there. One of the creepy things I can explain, but the other still gives me chills to this day.

In 2013 we decided to take my son on his first backpacking trip. It was just an overnight but the destination was in the middle of the Buckhorn wilderness area here in Washington state. It was kind of a big deal to the kid as we got him all new gear for the trip, pack/boots/poncho/mess kit/ect. We even said we would bring the dog, so he was pretty excited to go. The dog was a female Husky/Shepherd mix who was not good with any other animals. Anything from a cat to a deer and she would lose her shit so she was a good early warning system for cougar, bears, or the errant raccoons who might try to get our food.

My pack was a pretty standard sized internal frame. I dont remember the brand as I replaced it quite a few years ago with an Eberlestock Dragonfly so I had better access to a long gun. But, with that old pack I would strap an underfolding AK to the side with 2 straps. I always use the rain cover so the rifle isn't visible to the REI/North Face types encountered on the trail and because this is WA. On the chest strap I keep one of those "chest desk" pouches that stores odd and ends and opens up 90 degrees so you can read your topo map. I also keep an LCR .357 in there for easy access.  

The trail runs along the river and the actual camp is a meadow right on the river called Camp Handy (you can Google Earth it). Everything went fine the first day and night (if you exclude the kid losing his boot down a 75' embankment on the way there) and we got to camp in the early afternoon.  

The next day, about noon my wife and I were lounging in camp and noticed the boy was not around. Not knowing where he wandered off too we both start looking for him and calling out to him. We are both starting to get a bit more than just worried as he is not responding. Then one of the times I yelled his name, about 7 seconds later MY voice also called his name, very clearly, from the treeline about 50 yards to the north. It was freaky as fuck and gave me an extremely uneasy feeling it was way too long of a time interval to be an echo and with all the trees sound is attenuated very well. When we found the boy I went to the spot where I had heard my voice and the only thing that was there was a huge ass raven.

I did not find out for a couple years that ravens can mimic human speech, it freaked me the fuck out until I found that out.

The second more weird experience on that trip happened on the trail while hiking home.

We were about a mile outside of camp passing through old growth timber littered with wild Rhododendron patches. My son was in the lead ( so I could poke him in the ass with my walking stick when he dawdled), followed by me and then my wife with the dog. As we were passing by a Rhody patch about 15 yards away from the trail I began hearing a low guttural growl of something large coming from the Rhody patch.

I looked back at my wife so I could ask her if she could hear it (my hearing is shot) and the look on her face told me everything I needed to know. Very quietly she asked me what it was and I just shook my head and shrugged my shoulders. I was scared becasue the Rhody patch was now at our 12 o' clock and the growling has increased in volume. It did not increase in tone, just volume, and was a deep baritone, deeper than the largest dog I have ever heard. My son is still plodding along completely oblivious that anything is amiss so I tell my wife to go in front of me and give the dog to the boy. I pull out the .357. and I turn and face the patch with my back to my wife and had her pop loose the AK and trade me for the .357. Whatever was in the patch continued to growl until we couldn't hear it anymore and I must have done (what seemed like) a full mile walking backward scanning the trail behind us. When I finally did turn around I thew my rain cover over the rifle and carried it, no way I was putting it back on the pack.

If you have ever seen a wild Rhody they are not great for concealment, they have big leaves and they are not really not that close together. Whatever was in that patch I could not see, not even a little piece. All I could see on the other side was the light green moss of the forest floor and I don't know of any critter in the Washington backountry that is camo'ed green. Also nobody heard it but my wife and myself, the kid was completely oblivious (not a surprise) but the dog made not one peep. I cannot say how out of character that was for that dog, we literally could not take her anywhere there would be any other living thing except for humans.

I cant think of what the fuck it might have been, backcountry black bears aren't usually very big, cougars dont growl that low and usually throw in other angry kitty vocalizations to express their displeasure, both those critters would have had a hard time hiding behind a medium size Rhody patch, and the dog should have done something.

It still bothers me.      

Rhody bush




Some ravens are excellent at repeating something they just heard, pretty much exactly like a recording.   They are sometimes as good as parrots in captivity/pets with memory and being able to recognize people and say their names and "talk".   Wild ravens will just keep repeating what they hear when they are bored for some reason, when they hear something new they start repeating that, they like human speech sounds for some reason.

Most birds are extremely intelligent, like having a 4 year old or so and remember a lot.   Can't believe what they can learn/do with their tiny brains, even using tools and figuring out puzzle locks to get treats.  I can see ravens freaking people out all the time, we don't have them in the wild here.  

The first story, you never mentioned if you found your son, you kind of left it off at the Raven point.  I'm curious if bigfoot was holding him captive and using the raven to tease you or something?    How did he lose a boot and was it found?   Don't leave things hanging like that, some crazy stuff happens in WA/OR forests from stories heard.

Second one, that would be a situation where thermal vision would be really cool, but it's kind of strange since those plants wouldn't provide much cover.  Did you see any signs of something going through, like tracks or bent down branches and the like?

I never knew Ravens could mimic human voices like that.  That's amazing (and creepy as fuck).

Great story.  Thanks for sharing.  Bump for more.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 1:30:16 AM EDT

I mentioned in my post that after we found him I went to look where my voice was coming from and found the raven. He had just wandered down by the river and could not hear us yelling over the water noise.

Like I said, it wasn't until a couple years later that I learned they could mimic, but after that I went down a Youtube rabbit hole about them. Such crazy intelligent birds, I'm not a bird guy but if I did have one as a pet it would be a raven.

As far as the boot goes, I had to scramble down the embankment and get it (cursing the whole way). The boy was just being a typical 7 year old, the laces had come loose and he was kicking sticks and rocks off the trail. Only that last time his boot flew off and down the hill it went.

And no, I did not notice anything out of the ordinary about the Rhody patch. But, I was also looking for "something" that had turned my sphincter into a snare drum and did not pay too much attention to the bush itself.  

Link Posted: 1/12/2023 4:38:45 AM EDT
[Last Edit: brass] [#12]
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 10:22:48 AM EDT
[Last Edit: CenterMass762] [#13]
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Originally Posted By brass:

Most birds are extremely intelligent, like having a 4 year old or so and remember a lot.   Can't believe what they can learn/do with their tiny brains, even using tools and figuring out puzzle locks to get treats.  I can see ravens freaking people out all the time, we don't have them in the wild here.  
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If I remember right, some birds have a larger brain to body mass ratio than humans, and ravens have one of the highest ratios of those birds.

Not that it's an extremely accurate representation of their intelligence, but it's interesting.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 10:44:54 PM EDT
We regularly get ravens hanging around the sanctuary property because of the wolves, they're actually friends with one another
Link Posted: 1/25/2023 10:36:39 PM EDT
Bump for more good stuff
Link Posted: 1/25/2023 11:04:47 PM EDT
The NW Indians call the Raven the trickster for a reason. Cool story.
Link Posted: 1/26/2023 5:27:48 PM EDT
I want MOAR.
Link Posted: 2/5/2023 4:44:23 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/16/2023 4:15:08 AM EDT
Link Posted: 2/16/2023 7:57:36 PM EDT
Never seen this thread till today.  Got a house next door that has history.  Enough that i call it the death house.  First person i knew was a friendly chap, steve  He ended up dying from either a heart attack or liver failure.  Was an alcoholic so i believe it was his liver.  The house goes thru probate for a year and took a year for it to be sold.  Next person to move in was dave.

Dave dies about 3 years later from a stroke.  House goes into probate again for a year.  Next person was a relative to dave named mike.

Mike is where things get... Not personal but something close.to that.  Take a guess, yep dies.  Lived there 2 to 3 years.  Then decided to go into into the garage, turn car on, and CO himself.  This happened about 4pm.  I know this because i had a few people over and there was this alarm that was going off.  One of those security things that beeps whenever a door opens kind of beeps about every 2 minutes.   We didnt think anything of it and we went our ways that night.  Next day three cop cars are out front and naturally i ask one of officers if there was a break in, thinking of the alarm from yesterday.  Nope, it was the CO alarm going off in the garage.  Couple of weeks later i happen to meet his brother who was looking over the property.  Find out his brother offed himself because he couldnt work his volunteer job due to c19.  Been months since he worked and was known for deep depression.  what the twister to the story is that the volunteer job place called him 1 week after he died to have him back.

Now the place has a lady in it.  Older of course.  Nothing bad yet but i watch for any signs of death now knowing how cursed that damn house is.
Link Posted: 2/18/2023 1:15:01 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By LuxorDeathbed:
Never seen this thread till today.  Got a house next door that has history.  Enough that i call it the death house.  First person i knew was a friendly chap, steve  He ended up dying from either a heart attack or liver failure.  Was an alcoholic so i believe it was his liver.  The house goes thru probate for a year and took a year for it to be sold.  Next person to move in was dave.

Dave dies about 3 years later from a stroke.  House goes into probate again for a year.  Next person was a relative to dave named mike.

Mike is where things get... Not personal but something close.to that.  Take a guess, yep dies.  Lived there 2 to 3 years.  Then decided to go into into the garage, turn car on, and CO himself.  This happened about 4pm.  I know this because i had a few people over and there was this alarm that was going off.  One of those security things that beeps whenever a door opens kind of beeps about every 2 minutes.   We didnt think anything of it and we went our ways that night.  Next day three cop cars are out front and naturally i ask one of officers if there was a break in, thinking of the alarm from yesterday.  Nope, it was the CO alarm going off in the garage.  Couple of weeks later i happen to meet his brother who was looking over the property.  Find out his brother offed himself because he couldnt work his volunteer job due to c19.  Been months since he worked and was known for deep depression.  what the twister to the story is that the volunteer job place called him 1 week after he died to have him back.

Now the place has a lady in it.  Older of course.  Nothing bad yet but i watch for any signs of death now knowing how cursed that damn house is.
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Wonder if the lady who owns it now has any idea of the dark history of the place?

I'm guessing probably not.
Link Posted: 3/3/2023 6:06:20 AM EDT
Link Posted: 3/15/2023 11:17:13 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/16/2023 6:26:17 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Im_Awake:
In the Summer of 2018, my family went ATV'ing and camping up the Santiam Pass. The photos below are of the site on the exact date when this trip occurred. As you can see, the clearing is very wide with no tree coverage. We were at the highest point.

There were 4 of us in 1 tent.

Around 2am I woke up to the sound of small rocks being thrown at our tent. I brought a large flashlight with us and shined it around. Didn't see anything. Tried to go back to sleep. Within a minute or two it happened again, and the kids started getting scared. We were thinking there was some cracked out methhead watching us. I could see the pebbles outside of the tent.

I stood outside for as long as I could in the darkness, but it was cold and the fire had already died out.

As I headed back inside of the tent, rock hit me right in the calf as I had my back turned. Freaked me the hell out. We didn't sleep the rest of the night and left at first light.

I have no idea what it was. But the moon was bright that night and there wasn't another soul up there but us. Something wanted us to leave or be scared.




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Rocks being thrown at tents/cabins has been a sasquatch-related thing since the 1800's.  Not joking.
Link Posted: 4/8/2023 3:27:15 PM EDT
Bump for more stories please.
Link Posted: 4/25/2023 12:09:04 PM EDT
Growing up in south La, my family has lots of stories of “weird paranormal” stuff that goes back hundreds of years. But this one I experienced personally.

Years ago when I was still in the navy, I was a reactor operator aboard the USS James K Polk, a converted boomer missile submarine to a SEAL boat. We were the oldest sub on the east coast and even joked how we were able to dock at the “handicapped parking spot” in Norfolk. I’m sure almost all navy vessels have haunted stories. Ours was years before  I got there, before the conversion, a chief found out his wife was cheating on him and killed himself onboard. Never checked to see if it was true or not.

Well, it was Christmas Eve, I had the duty and was standing watch as shutdown reactor operator in maneuvering. Basically the control room of the engine room. With me was the shutdown electrical operator, a junior guy. On our boat he didn’t have to stay in the engine room if he was fully qualified, but this guy wasn’t. It was incentive to get them fully qualified. The only other watch stander in the engine room was a mechanic, the shutdown roving watch. He was responsible for the entire engine room whereas I wasn’t allowed to leave maneuvering.

It was right after midnight and we were just talking trying to stay awake when the roving watch, a mechanic came by maneuvering and asked “who the hell is up this hour on Christmas Eve?”

We didn’t know what he was talking about, there was no one back there except for us and they’d have to pass by maneuvering, so we’d see whoever it was. He told us that he distinctly saw a man in a khaki uniform (by the way, chiefs uniforms are khaki) waking around the engine room. He was almost angry that someone from squadron would come down and inspect us on that night. I again told him we hadn’t seen anybody. By this time he’s starting to get mad because we didn’t believe him. I casually joked it was the ghost of the chief that killed himself. He came down with a weird look, extremely angry and terrified both at the same time. “We don’t joke about that, you don’t know what people have seen and heard down there”. Which was true as a reactor operator I never needed to go down in the engine room, so I usually didn’t.

We both then tried to tell him we saw nothing nor heard anything. He decided that he was going to spend the rest of the watch sitting in maneuvering with us, no way was he going out there again. He didn’t care how much trouble he could get in. He was a good sailor and very responsible. He was supposed to take a set of rounds/readings every hour on important equipment and write them down. But he sat there for the next three hours and copied the same readings as before. He didn’t care who knew, he was that scared. Which everyone knew that integrity, or lying on your rounds would get you kicked straight out of the nuclear program faster than anything.

We never did hear anything more about it. Decommissioned the boat a few months later. But he swore up to end he saw a man in khakis walking around the engine room that night. And what I saw on his face and the way he acted, I have no doubt that he did see “something”.
Link Posted: 4/25/2023 2:54:07 PM EDT
[Last Edit: AZ5326X2] [#27]
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Originally Posted By Bayou Paladin:
Growing up in south La, my family has lots of stories of “weird paranormal” stuff that goes back hundreds of years. But this one I experienced personally.

Years ago when I was still in the navy, I was a reactor operator aboard the USS James K Polk, a converted boomer missile submarine to a SEAL boat. We were the oldest sub on the east coast and even joked how we were able to dock at the “handicapped parking spot” in Norfolk. I’m sure almost all navy vessels have haunted stories. Ours was years before  I got there, before the conversion, a chief found out his wife was cheating on him and killed himself onboard. Never checked to see if it was true or not.

Well, it was Christmas Eve, I had the duty and was standing watch as shutdown reactor operator in maneuvering. Basically the control room of the engine room. With me was the shutdown electrical operator, a junior guy. On our boat he didn’t have to stay in the engine room if he was fully qualified, but this guy wasn’t. It was incentive to get them fully qualified. The only other watch stander in the engine room was a mechanic, the shutdown roving watch. He was responsible for the entire engine room whereas I wasn’t allowed to leave maneuvering.

It was right after midnight and we were just talking trying to stay awake when the roving watch, a mechanic came by maneuvering and asked “who the hell is up this hour on Christmas Eve?”

We didn’t know what he was talking about, there was no one back there except for us and they’d have to pass by maneuvering, so we’d see whoever it was. He told us that he distinctly saw a man in a khaki uniform (by the way, chiefs uniforms are khaki) waking around the engine room. He was almost angry that someone from squadron would come down and inspect us on that night. I again told him we hadn’t seen anybody. By this time he’s starting to get mad because we didn’t believe him. I casually joked it was the ghost of the chief that killed himself. He came down with a weird look, extremely angry and terrified both at the same time. “We don’t joke about that, you don’t know what people have seen and heard down there”. Which was true as a reactor operator I never needed to go down in the engine room, so I usually didn’t.

We both then tried to tell him we saw nothing nor heard anything. He decided that he was going to spend the rest of the watch sitting in maneuvering with us, no way was he going out there again. He didn’t care how much trouble he could get in. He was a good sailor and very responsible. He was supposed to take a set of rounds/readings every hour on important equipment and write them down. But he sat there for the next three hours and copied the same readings as before. He didn’t care who knew, he was that scared. Which everyone knew that integrity, or lying on your rounds would get you kicked straight out of the nuclear program faster than anything.

We never did hear anything more about it. Decommissioned the boat a few months later. But he swore up to end he saw a man in khakis walking around the engine room that night. And what I saw on his face and the way he acted, I have no doubt that he did see “something”.
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@Bayou_Paladin  Did the Polk replace the King Kamehameha?
Link Posted: 4/25/2023 4:58:22 PM EDT
No the Polk was at the same time as the Kamehameha. We were SDV team 2 on the east coast with them on the west coast based out of Hawaii with SDV team 1.

Both of them were replaced by the 4 Ohio class subs that are a combo SSGN and seal delivery.  We were dedicated platforms which was kinda good duty. We pulled into a lot of ports for ops with a lot of different countries. But we were at sea ALOT.

These new boats never pull into anywhere.

Link Posted: 4/25/2023 10:37:42 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Bayou_Paladin:
Growing up in south La, my family has lots of stories of “weird paranormal” stuff that goes back hundreds of years. But this one I experienced personally.

Years ago when I was still in the navy, I was a reactor operator aboard the USS James K Polk, a converted boomer missile submarine to a SEAL boat. We were the oldest sub on the east coast and even joked how we were able to dock at the “handicapped parking spot” in Norfolk. I’m sure almost all navy vessels have haunted stories. Ours was years before  I got there, before the conversion, a chief found out his wife was cheating on him and killed himself onboard. Never checked to see if it was true or not.

Well, it was Christmas Eve, I had the duty and was standing watch as shutdown reactor operator in maneuvering. Basically the control room of the engine room. With me was the shutdown electrical operator, a junior guy. On our boat he didn’t have to stay in the engine room if he was fully qualified, but this guy wasn’t. It was incentive to get them fully qualified. The only other watch stander in the engine room was a mechanic, the shutdown roving watch. He was responsible for the entire engine room whereas I wasn’t allowed to leave maneuvering.

It was right after midnight and we were just talking trying to stay awake when the roving watch, a mechanic came by maneuvering and asked “who the hell is up this hour on Christmas Eve?”

We didn’t know what he was talking about, there was no one back there except for us and they’d have to pass by maneuvering, so we’d see whoever it was. He told us that he distinctly saw a man in a khaki uniform (by the way, chiefs uniforms are khaki) waking around the engine room. He was almost angry that someone from squadron would come down and inspect us on that night. I again told him we hadn’t seen anybody. By this time he’s starting to get mad because we didn’t believe him. I casually joked it was the ghost of the chief that killed himself. He came down with a weird look, extremely angry and terrified both at the same time. “We don’t joke about that, you don’t know what people have seen and heard down there”. Which was true as a reactor operator I never needed to go down in the engine room, so I usually didn’t.

We both then tried to tell him we saw nothing nor heard anything. He decided that he was going to spend the rest of the watch sitting in maneuvering with us, no way was he going out there again. He didn’t care how much trouble he could get in. He was a good sailor and very responsible. He was supposed to take a set of rounds/readings every hour on important equipment and write them down. But he sat there for the next three hours and copied the same readings as before. He didn’t care who knew, he was that scared. Which everyone knew that integrity, or lying on your rounds would get you kicked straight out of the nuclear program faster than anything.

We never did hear anything more about it. Decommissioned the boat a few months later. But he swore up to end he saw a man in khakis walking around the engine room that night. And what I saw on his face and the way he acted, I have no doubt that he did see “something”.
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Another great share for the creepy thread.  Thanks.

Old military ghost stories are always the best.
Link Posted: 4/26/2023 10:29:02 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By Bayou_Paladin:
No the Polk was at the same time as the Kamehameha. We were SDV team 2 on the east coast with them on the west coast based out of Hawaii with SDV team 1.

Both of them were replaced by the 4 Ohio class subs that are a combo SSGN and seal delivery.  We were dedicated platforms which was kinda good duty. We pulled into a lot of ports for ops with a lot of different countries. But we were at sea ALOT.

These new boats never pull into anywhere.

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Ok, got ya.  Spent some time climbing around the Kamehameha a few time out of Pearl.
Link Posted: 4/26/2023 10:31:20 PM EDT
[Last Edit: AZ5326X2] [#31]

Worth the watch if you're interested in shipboard hauntings.  
Link Posted: 4/26/2023 11:09:14 PM EDT
Link Posted: 4/26/2023 11:34:24 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By AZ5326X2:

Worth the watch if you're interested in shipboard hauntings.  
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Link Posted: 4/27/2023 1:34:32 PM EDT
[Last Edit: AZ5326X2] [#34]
Link Posted: 4/27/2023 3:40:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/3/2023 6:45:47 PM EDT
[Last Edit: robmkivseries70] [#36]
Old Farm House Story

The house story* reminds of some experiences I had going out to a friend's uncles farm house. I don't remember how old the house might have been but it could have been built in the 1920s-1930s, it was very nicely kept inside and out. I first started visiting there when I was 12, my friend's aunt and uncle were extremely nice easy going retired farm people. They very much lived on the main floor. What got me was the 'upstairs', I never saw or heard anything but it made me extremely uncomfortable. It was almost like walking into some type of electric field.

This was about 2 years after my "10 Years Old and New House" experience so I was somewhat sensitive to something there. My friend never felt anything but thought some of the old time pictures watched him. We camped out many times over the years but I never would have stayed the night in that house. My friend did tell me about an aunt with a very strict reputation that  passed away in one of the bedrooms upstairs. It was almost certainly something paranormal but I have no idea what it might have been. I have never, since then, felt anything stronger. After getting the $%^t scared out of me at age 10 or so, I may well have been blocking some of the things I might have otherwise noticed. By the time I was in my 20s, the effects, if they were still there didn't bother me much if at all.

ETA 4/5/2023 : I actually tested the 'feeling' I got by walking up and down the stairway to the 2nd floor. I could tell when I encountered "it" and when I left the 'area' going back down stairs. Whatever it was it didn't vary any as I walked about the second story. I have read of other sensitives mentioning these types of feelings in actual haunts, eg.  (Sybil Leek working with Hans Holzer on a case in California.)  In my case IDK, it could have been residual.

ETA: post date* I don't remember what this is in reference to.
Link Posted: 5/16/2023 2:31:56 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 12:37:51 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By ponykilr:
And it has happened again. Hope I'm not schizophrenic
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Originally Posted By ponykilr:
Originally Posted By ponykilr:
Little creepy but probably in my mind

This afternoon I was sitting in my recliner after working outside a while. I did have my eyes closed but I do not think I was asleep because I was listening to a program my wife was watching.

I distinctly heard my mama, who is deceased, call my name. It was as clear as a bell.

I sat straight up, looked at my wife and explained. She said that she didn't hear a thing.
And it has happened again. Hope I'm not schizophrenic

9 Signs That You Are Clairaudient
1. You Hear Someone Saying Your Name When No One is Around
If you’ve ever thought someone called out to you and then found out you were alone in your house, you might be clairaudient. You might also hear voices, whispering, or even voices echoing from another dimension.

Link Posted: 6/2/2023 12:42:03 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By LibertyShip:

9 Signs That You Are Clairaudient
1. You Hear Someone Saying Your Name When No One is Around
If you’ve ever thought someone called out to you and then found out you were alone in your house, you might be clairaudient. You might also hear voices, whispering, or even voices echoing from another dimension.

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It's also a symptom of schitzophrenia
Link Posted: 6/2/2023 1:51:18 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By WildBoar:

It's also a symptom of schitzophrenia
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Originally Posted By WildBoar:
Originally Posted By LibertyShip:

9 Signs That You Are Clairaudient
1. You Hear Someone Saying Your Name When No One is Around
If you’ve ever thought someone called out to you and then found out you were alone in your house, you might be clairaudient. You might also hear voices, whispering, or even voices echoing from another dimension.


It's also a symptom of schitzophrenia

LOL.  Party Pooper!  "Always with the negative waves...."

Link Posted: 6/3/2023 12:00:14 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By WildBoar:

It's also a symptom of schitzophrenia
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Originally Posted By WildBoar:
Originally Posted By LibertyShip:

9 Signs That You Are Clairaudient
1. You Hear Someone Saying Your Name When No One is Around
If you’ve ever thought someone called out to you and then found out you were alone in your house, you might be clairaudient. You might also hear voices, whispering, or even voices echoing from another dimension.


It's also a symptom of schitzophrenia

Link Posted: 6/3/2023 3:06:48 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/3/2023 1:11:10 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By 6winchester2:
Old military ghost stories are always the best.
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Here's one for you.  I didn't experience it, but the fella that did told me about it first hand.

Back in the 1990s, I was a Civil War reenactor.  My unit would take part in the annual living history at the Shiloh Battlefield that the NPS put on.  The fella that experienced this was named Bert.  Sadly, he passed away last year.

Bert took part in one of the living histories at the Shiloh battlefield park one April.  He said that one night, he woke up at O dark 30 and had to go pee.  He didn't want to walk to the porta-potties, and since everyone else was asleep, he walked down to the far end of the company street to do his business.  He said that as he stood there peeing, he glanced over at the next company street and saw someone dressed in a Federal field grade officer frock coat looking out past the end of the company street.  Like he was looking for something or watching for something.  He said he was a small man, maybe 5'3", with a kepi on his head that appeared to be way too big for his head.  He had his hands behind his back, like at parade rest.  Bert said he finished his business, and saw the Federal officer turn around and walk back down the company street.  Bert did the same and went back to his tent and settled back into his sleeping bag.  He said he was almost asleep, but then it hit him and he woke up with a start.  There were no Federal reenactors present that weekend.  Everyone was Confederate!
Link Posted: 6/19/2023 12:00:44 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By dreiwhit:

Here's one for you.  I didn't experience it, but the fella that did told me about it first hand.

Back in the 1990s, I was a Civil War reenactor.  My unit would take part in the annual living history at the Shiloh Battlefield that the NPS put on.  The fella that experienced this was named Bert.  Sadly, he passed away last year.

Bert took part in one of the living histories at the Shiloh battlefield park one April.  He said that one night, he woke up at O dark 30 and had to go pee.  He didn't want to walk to the porta-potties, and since everyone else was asleep, he walked down to the far end of the company street to do his business.  He said that as he stood there peeing, he glanced over at the next company street and saw someone dressed in a Federal field grade officer frock coat looking out past the end of the company street.  Like he was looking for something or watching for something.  He said he was a small man, maybe 5'3", with a kepi on his head that appeared to be way too big for his head.  He had his hands behind his back, like at parade rest.  Bert said he finished his business, and saw the Federal officer turn around and walk back down the company street.  Bert did the same and went back to his tent and settled back into his sleeping bag.  He said he was almost asleep, but then it hit him and he woke up with a start.  There were no Federal reenactors present that weekend.  Everyone was Confederate!
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Great share for the thread.  Thanks.
Link Posted: 6/20/2023 11:11:46 PM EDT
My mom has been experiencing a lot of strange things at her house in the last few years.

She said a cold thing wraps around her and whispers her name over and over.  When this happens, her dog acts strange and her cockatiel totaly flips out.  The dog will watch things move around the house when nothing is there.

Things disapear and appear.  A ratchet strap that was lost when my parents moved there showed up on a table in the garage last week coiled up neatly.  My mom sprained her wrist last year and hasn't been able to open a jar since.  She found a brand new jar of molasses open and upside down in a cabinet.  She woke up in pain one night and found an old rusty push pin in her pillowcase.  She had never seen it before.  Pictures fall off of walls and pictures on tables tip over.  Her and my Dad used to make small batches of wine, she hasn't since he died.  They had a shelf full of wine bottles with reusable caps in the laundry room.  She was doing laundry one day and notice the caps were gone off of all of the bottles and nowhere to be found.  

I would love to find someone who can cleanse the house or exorcise it or whatever.
Link Posted: 6/21/2023 6:46:01 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Eli75:
My mom has been experiencing a lot of strange things at her house in the last few years.

She said a cold thing wraps around her and whispers her name over and over.  When this happens, her dog acts strange and her cockatiel totaly flips out.  The dog will watch things move around the house when nothing is there.

Things disapear and appear.  A ratchet strap that was lost when my parents moved there showed up on a table in the garage last week coiled up neatly.  My mom sprained her wrist last year and hasn't been able to open a jar since.  She found a brand new jar of molasses open and upside down in a cabinet.  She woke up in pain one night and found an old rusty push pin in her pillowcase.  She had never seen it before.  Pictures fall off of walls and pictures on tables tip over.  Her and my Dad used to make small batches of wine, she hasn't since he died.  They had a shelf full of wine bottles with reusable caps in the laundry room.  She was doing laundry one day and notice the caps were gone off of all of the bottles and nowhere to be found.  

I would love to find someone who can cleanse the house or exorcise it or whatever.
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I think she needs to find a new house.
Link Posted: 6/21/2023 6:48:45 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By SecretSquirell:

I think she needs to find a new house.
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We’ve been trying, but it’s almost impossible in this market.
Link Posted: 6/21/2023 10:15:50 AM EDT
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Originally Posted By Eli75:

We’ve been trying, but it’s almost impossible in this market.
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Originally Posted By Eli75:
Originally Posted By SecretSquirell:

I think she needs to find a new house.

We’ve been trying, but it’s almost impossible in this market.

Has she ever considered just being homeless? It would probably be better than living in the demon house of horrors.
Link Posted: 6/21/2023 12:47:25 PM EDT
Funny, I had forgotten about this thread until this weekend.  Odd things have happened enough I am not so weirded out about things anymore.

Wife and I were at an AirBnB.  Old clapboard bungalow from the 1920s.  Less than 1,000 sq ft and a very squeaky floor.  Walking across the floor was pretty loud as "thump-squeak-thump-squeak-thump".  

I was in one bedroom, wife was in the bedroom with our child.  

First night I was stirred awake about 230am by the floor squeaking.  Except no thumping.  It was like someone walking across the long kitchen.  I thought at first it was the wife going to the bathroom, except I would have heard the bathroom light/fan coming on.  Never did.  I dismissed it but found it odd.

The next night around the same time the exact same thing.

As we were leaving wife cautiously asked if I had heard that too and said there was no way she could have stayed another night.
Link Posted: 6/21/2023 10:30:01 PM EDT
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Originally Posted By CenterMass762:

Has she ever considered just being homeless? It would probably be better than living in the demon house of horrors.
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Originally Posted By CenterMass762:
Originally Posted By Eli75:
Originally Posted By SecretSquirell:

I think she needs to find a new house.

We’ve been trying, but it’s almost impossible in this market.

Has she ever considered just being homeless? It would probably be better than living in the demon house of horrors.

My son and I went there tonight to set up a table and chair set for her.  When we finished, I went to the bathroom to take a shit.  While sitting there, I pulled out my phone and opened this thread.  The exact moment it opened, the  lights in the bathroom flickered and got brighter and the exhaust fan revved up for a second!  I finished my paperwork quickly after that!
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