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Posted: 11/18/2002 11:45:42 PM EDT
Gawd almighty, these idiots are entertaining.

They moan about how the media "gives" Bush a "pass".

They whine that their message "never got out", how else did they lose?

Gore **really** won, don'tchaknow? (That's why he's sitting in the WH as we write this.)

Bush had Wellstone killed as Wellstone was "for the people".

Tax cuts are bad.

Nancy Pelosi will lead their dumbasses "back to the promised land" despite being more liberal than Gephart.

No Republican is ever worth voting for no matter what.

Hillary always knows what's best for the country.

9-11 was Bush's fault. So is the prevention of any future attack(s). But he damn well better not do any racial profiling as we all know how dangerous those Italians, Irish & blacks can be.

SUV's are bad. Teeny tiny cars that offer NO protection in a crash are good.

Faggots are good. Faggots in the Boy Scouts are better. Faggots in the military are best.

Did I leave anything out, ya'll?  >gg<
Link Posted: 11/18/2002 11:50:34 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/19/2002 11:41:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/20/2002 4:28:09 AM EDT
Gawd almighty, these idiots are entertaining.


Did I leave anything out, ya'll?  >gg<
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Yeah, let's not forget:  Guns Are EEEEEEEVIL.
Link Posted: 11/20/2002 7:01:30 AM EDT
Damn, I got banned again.  And I was trying to be polite, too.  I guess maybe I went over the top when I counseled one poor slob who suspected a conspiracy by voting machine manufacturers to get himself an aluminum foil deflector beanie.

It is incredible how little dissent, the halmark of a DEMOCRATIC society, they will tolerate.  They've become as inbred as those aliens in Deliverance.

And, too, listening to Barbra Streisand records is known to cause deterioration of brain tissue. [rolleyes]
Link Posted: 11/20/2002 10:20:29 PM EDT
I actually read one asshole moderator over there post their forum rules saying "that they don't have to allow difference of opinions in there" or words to that effect.

And those assholes wonder why they keep losing elections?  >gg<
Link Posted: 11/20/2002 11:09:11 PM EDT
I actually read one asshole moderator over there post their forum rules saying "that they don't have to allow difference of opinions in there" or words to that effect.

And those assholes wonder why they keep losing elections?  >gg<
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What, you didn't actually read the [b]Communist Undergraduate [/b] rules?


We welcome Democrats of all stripes, along with other progressives who will work with us to achieve our shared goals.

We reserve the right to ban anyone for any reason, and to delete any post for any reason.



We ban conservative disruptors who are opposed to the broad goals of this website. The purpose of this website is to provide a discussion forum for Democrats and other individuals from the political left. We are building an online movement to effect progressive change in our country. As a privately run website, we are not obligated to give equal time to all points of view. For more information, please read the item entitled "Does Democratic Underground ban people?" in our FAQ section.
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I think I lasted 3 posts before they managed to boot me. I was trying to be nice too... [devil]

I hate these people.
Link Posted: 11/21/2002 12:40:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/21/2002 1:53:30 AM EDT
LOL I think one finally cracked......

'thinktank' (who is pretty much idiocy personified) has been posting this in nearly every 'current' thread over there:

[i]to gun-nuts

I'm tired of your incessent whining. Those of us actually in the Democratic Party will not let the party get rid of gun control, and you know what? We vastly outnumber those who do want to get rid of it. I will no longer answer your baiting posts. You just don't deserve the attention any longer. You can't back up any of your opinions with good science so it doesn't really matter to me what you think. I would appreciate if you would not reply to my posts, you're trolls, and baits are not needed. I can atleast back up my opinions with sources, and facts(which I do on a regular basis, and which the majority of you are incapabale of.)[/i]

Link Posted: 11/21/2002 2:33:13 AM EDT
Don't lead them here!
Link Posted: 11/21/2002 2:44:19 AM EDT
be right back...gonna see what the democraps are up to...hehehehe
Link Posted: 11/21/2002 5:36:08 AM EDT
I am faithfully worming my way in and trying to plant the seeds of sanity in the socialist soil of delta uniform... it really is fun. [(:)]
Link Posted: 11/21/2002 6:23:46 AM EDT
There are some very stressed-out grumpy socialists over there at the Delta Uniform site.

What a bunch of whining, out of touch, pissed off folks they are.

I followed this one thread about them retaking the White House in '04.  One sensible Dem wrote in and said that it would be hard and that [unfortunately] most of the people in flyover country like this president and that he will likely win again.  Then, this one angry lib wrote in with this:  [b]I absolutely HATE Smirk and loathe him tremendously..sooner or later, he will [red]get his[/red]....[/b]  (Emphasis added.)

Seriously...could this be construed as a threat?

I wonder...is this sufficient to have the SS troopers pay a visit to the site manager, get the dope on this dude and pay him a call?

I am really curious.  I certainly wouldn't make any public statements that might be construed as a threat to a president.

Link Posted: 11/21/2002 11:05:23 PM EDT
There are some very stressed-out grumpy socialists over there at the Delta Uniform site.

What a bunch of whining, out of touch, pissed off folks they are.

I am really curious.  I certainly wouldn't make any public statements that might be construed as a threat to a president.

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I hear there are folks who monitor that sort of thing.  (wink, wink, nod)
Link Posted: 11/21/2002 11:21:51 PM EDT
I found this description of their hero, the "Big Dog", Bill Clinton.  I think it is very accurate:

[b]Bill Clinton is not the most loathsome degenerate to rise from obscurity to a position of power in the Twentieth Century. He’s not a Lenin, Stalin, Hitler or Mao, but he is the shabbiest character to debase the office of the presidency. In their defense of him the Democratic Party cast all principle aside and exposed their enterprise for what it is: a squabble among buccaneers for spoils and booty: your tax dollars. Clinton’s defense of all abortions, even the most savage last-minute lethal mutilations of those in the process of being born, made him the everlasting darling of the liberals. Of course, Billy the Kid Clinton never imagines himself to be a buccaneer. He thinks of himself as a benefactor who generously bestowed benefits on people far and wide. The fact that these “benefits” were extracted by coercion from some citizens for the benefit of strangers does not cloud Clinton’s sunny vision of his legacy.[/b]
Link Posted: 11/22/2002 1:34:12 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/22/2002 2:37:01 AM EDT
Just for once I would like to click on a thread with "Delta uniform" in the title and see a discussion on nomex, tac vests and SAS Holsters.  Why even waist time on these screwballs?  Yes I know, "Know your Enemy" and all that crap but Please folks.  
Link Posted: 11/22/2002 10:34:45 PM EDT
Why even waist time on these screwballs?
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You mean "waste"?  >gg<

It's like driving by a bad wreck, you just **have** to look!  >gg< Personally I love pricking their fragile balloon since the Dems are allegedly **for** the working man & strong 1st Amendment. DU completely contradicts that theory.  >gg<
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