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Posted: 6/1/2014 9:40:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:42:57 AM EDT
From what I seen reported.

Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:45:05 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:45:38 AM EDT
I don't know who that is. What did I miss?
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:46:23 AM EDT
Deserter is the most optimistic guess.  I'm not that optimistic.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:47:05 AM EDT
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By deserting, he became a traitor, imo.

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This, he also should be hung
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:48:13 AM EDT
I think he's just a lowly shit-bag.   He should be elevated beyond that.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:48:19 AM EDT

I'm glad your poll allowed me to choose both "Deserter" and "Traitor."

Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:48:49 AM EDT
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Deserter is the most optimistic guess.  I'm not that optimistic.
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Go read his dad's tweets.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:49:09 AM EDT
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I'm glad your poll allowed me to choose both "Deserter" and "Traitor."

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Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:49:10 AM EDT
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I'm glad your poll allowed me to choose both "Deserter" and "Traitor."

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And this.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:49:24 AM EDT
both deserter and traitor

fuck him
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:50:41 AM EDT
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From what I seen reported.

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Deserter but may be a traitor. His dad is a d bag.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:53:33 AM EDT
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By deserting, he became a traitor, imo.

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He also seemed to be pretty informative on camera to them.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:54:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:55:15 AM EDT
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By deserting under the circumstances he did, he effectively became a traitor, imo.

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Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:57:16 AM EDT

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By deserting under the circumstances he did, he effectively became a traitor, imo.

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have to agree with this

Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:57:27 AM EDT
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By deserting under the circumstances he did, he effectively became a traitor, imo.


Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:59:59 AM EDT
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I'm glad your poll allowed me to choose both "Deserter" and "Traitor."

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Link Posted: 6/1/2014 9:59:59 AM EDT

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By deserting under the circumstances he did, he effectively became a traitor, imo.

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I would agree if he actually helped the Taliban plot against us. If not, he's still a deserter.

Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:02:39 AM EDT
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I would agree if he actually helped the Taliban plot against us. If not, he's still a deserter.
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By deserting under the circumstances he did, he effectively became a traitor, imo.

I would agree if he actually helped the Taliban plot against us. If not, he's still a deserter.

Does getting 5 assholes released from Gitmo count?
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:04:37 AM EDT
I live in Idaho and can feel the rage of the locals.

Gonna get funky in the Haley area...
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:08:43 AM EDT
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I live in Idaho and can feel the rage of the locals.

Gonna get funky in the Haley area...
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Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:09:21 AM EDT
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Go read his dad's tweets.
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Deserter is the most optimistic guess.  I'm not that optimistic.

Go read his dad's tweets.

Where? What's the content?
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:12:44 AM EDT
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Does getting 5 assholes released from Gitmo count?
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By deserting under the circumstances he did, he effectively became a traitor, imo.

I would agree if he actually helped the Taliban plot against us. If not, he's still a deserter.

Does getting 5 assholes released from Gitmo count?

...and a bunch of guys KIA and WIA looking for his dumb ass.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:14:44 AM EDT
Dude needs a firing squad the minute they finish debriefing him.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:14:49 AM EDT
One tweet that was posted by and then quickly taken down said:

"@ABalkhi I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners. God will repay for the death of every Afghan child, ameen!"
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:15:46 AM EDT
Pulled from Wikipedia.

Bowe sent a final e-mai­l to his parents: "The future is too good to waste on lies. And life is way too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong. I have seen their ideas and I am ashamed to even be american. The horror of the self-righteous arrogance that they thrive in. It is all revolting."

His email went on to describe his disillusionment in the army: "In the US army you are cut down for being honest... but if you are a conceited brown nosing shit bag you will be allowed to do what ever you want, and you will be handed your higher rank... The system is wrong. I am ashamed to be an american. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools...I am sorry for everything here. These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid, that they have no idea how to live. We don't even care when we hear each other talk about running their children down in the dirt streets with our armored trucks... We make fun of them in front of their faces, and laugh at them for not understanding we are insulting them...I am sorry for everything. The horror that is america is disgusting...There are a few more boxes coming to you guys. Feel free to open them, and use them."
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:17:21 AM EDT
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Where? What's the content?
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Deserter is the most optimistic guess.  I'm not that optimistic.

Go read his dad's tweets.

Where? What's the content?

One tweet that was posted by and then quickly taken down said:

"@ABalkhi I am still working to free all Guantanamo prisoners. God will repay for the death of every Afghan child, ameen!"
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:17:30 AM EDT
What a fucking crappy trade. Five Taliban commanders for a leftist shitbag. Guess that shows how much capital the administration puts in leftist shitbags. Or radical Islamists. Nice way to disguise the intent.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:20:03 AM EDT
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What a fucking crappy trade. Five Taliban commanders for a leftist shitbag. Guess that shows how much capital the administration puts in leftist shitbags. Or radical Islamists. Nice way to disguise the intent.
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Did they say who the five were? I assumend they were some valuable guys and not just some run of the mill Johnny Jihads.

Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:23:38 AM EDT
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Pulled from Wikipedia.

Bowe sent a final e-mai­l to his parents: "The future is too good to waste on lies. And life is way too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong. I have seen their ideas and I am ashamed to even be american. The horror of the self-righteous arrogance that they thrive in. It is all revolting."

His email went on to describe his disillusionment in the army: "In the US army you are cut down for being honest... but if you are a conceited brown nosing shit bag you will be allowed to do what ever you want, and you will be handed your higher rank... The system is wrong. I am ashamed to be an american. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools...I am sorry for everything here. These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid, that they have no idea how to live. We don't even care when we hear each other talk about running their children down in the dirt streets with our armored trucks... We make fun of them in front of their faces, and laugh at them for not understanding we are insulting them...I am sorry for everything. The horror that is america is disgusting...There are a few more boxes coming to you guys. Feel free to open them, and use them."
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Mad cause he couldn't make any rank huh? Well look at that, he deserts and get promoted to Sgt!
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:24:41 AM EDT
I don't know whether to be proud or embarrassed that I have no idea who Bowe Bergdahl is.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:27:16 AM EDT
Where's the "generic retard" option?
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:34:06 AM EDT

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By deserting under the circumstances he did, he effectively became a traitor, imo.

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Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:36:48 AM EDT
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Pulled from Wikipedia.

Bowe sent a final e-mai­l to his parents: "The future is too good to waste on lies. And life is way too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong. I have seen their ideas and I am ashamed to even be american. The horror of the self-righteous arrogance that they thrive in. It is all revolting."

His email went on to describe his disillusionment in the army: "In the US army you are cut down for being honest... but if you are a conceited brown nosing shit bag you will be allowed to do what ever you want, and you will be handed your higher rank... The system is wrong. I am ashamed to be an american. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools...I am sorry for everything here. These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid, that they have no idea how to live. We don't even care when we hear each other talk about running their children down in the dirt streets with our armored trucks... We make fun of them in front of their faces, and laugh at them for not understanding we are insulting them...I am sorry for everything. The horror that is america is disgusting...There are a few more boxes coming to you guys. Feel free to open them, and use them."
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Fuck this guy. Disgrace to his country and to the armed forces in more ways than one.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:38:29 AM EDT

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Does getting 5 assholes released from Gitmo count?
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By deserting under the circumstances he did, he effectively became a traitor, imo.

I would agree if he actually helped the Taliban plot against us. If not, he's still a deserter.


Does getting 5 assholes released from Gitmo count?
That goes in the CIC's bank.

Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:42:13 AM EDT
Fucking moron got elected twice. Geez...

Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:42:24 AM EDT
he is both a traitor and deserter

reminds me of the chuck conners TV show "Branded"  what do you do when your Branded!

this fool will be the darling of the democratic party, write a book and movie rights
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:46:54 AM EDT
If there was an  "Asshole & possible Traitor" selection in the poll I would check the box.
His mom is not guilty though, wonder how her husband  let her out without her burqa ?
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:48:02 AM EDT
All signs point to deserter and traitor, but thanks to the story the Army generated about him lost on patrol and promoting him twice what the fuck can they do about it now?
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:49:52 AM EDT
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Did they say who the five were? I assumend they were some valuable guys and not just some run of the mill Johnny Jihads.

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What a fucking crappy trade. Five Taliban commanders for a leftist shitbag. Guess that shows how much capital the administration puts in leftist shitbags. Or radical Islamists. Nice way to disguise the intent.

Did they say who the five were? I assumend they were some valuable guys and not just some run of the mill Johnny Jihads.


Mohammad Fazl - Taliban Defense MInister
Khairullah Khairkhwa - One of the founders of the Taliban
Abdul Haq Wasiq - Taliban ambassador to Pakistan
Norullah Noori - Taliban Governor
Mohammad Nabi Omari - High ranking Taliban official (says he was a US asset)
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 10:53:08 AM EDT
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By deserting under the circumstances he did, he effectively became a traitor, imo.

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My gut tells me this.  Proving it in a court-martial is something else.

ETA - probably the best thing to do is just discharge (not retire - discharge) his ass and forget about him.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 11:54:51 AM EDT
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Deserter is the most optimistic guess.  I'm not that optimistic.
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Some interesting reading
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 12:04:28 PM EDT
Deserter and most likely a traitor.  There are stories that he may have provided training and support to the enemy.  If proven, he would go to prison.  Since Obama released 5 terrorists to get him released, the administration will do anything they can to keep from prosecuting him, in my opinion.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 12:05:07 PM EDT
This guy better not get a hero's welcome home.  What a POS!
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 12:08:02 PM EDT
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I'm glad your poll allowed me to choose both "Deserter" and "Traitor."

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Link Posted: 6/1/2014 12:12:38 PM EDT
From the FB page of "Operator as Fuck"

Forwarded from Jeff Howard.

"We were at OP Mest, Paktika Province, Afghanistan. It was a small outpost where B Co 1-501st INF (Airbone) ran operations out of, just an Infantry platoon and ANA counterparts there. The place was an Afghan graveyard. Bergdahl had been acting a little strange, telling people he wanted to "walk the earth" and kept a little journal talking about how he was meant for better things. No one thought anything about it. He was a little “out there”. Next morning he's gone. We search everywhere, and can't find him. He left his weapon, his kit, and other sensitive items. He only took some water, a compass and a knife. We find some afghan kids shortly after who saw an american walking north asking about where the taliban are. We get hits on our voice intercepter that Taliban has him, and we were close. We come to realize the kid deserted his post, snuck out of camp and sought out Taliban… to join them. We were in a defensive position at OP Mest, where your focus is to keep people out. He knew where the blind spots were to slip out and that's what he did. It was supposed to be a 4-day mission but turned into several months of active searching. Everyone was spun up to find this guy. News outlets all over the country were putting out false information. It was hard to see, especially when we knew the truth about what happened and we lost good men trying to find him. PFC Matthew Michael Martinek, Staff Sgt. Kurt Robert Curtiss, SSG Clayton Bowen, PFC Morris Walker, SSG Michael Murphrey, 2LT Darryn Andrews, were all KIA from our unit who died looking for Bergdahl. Many others from various units were wounded or killed while actively looking for Bergdahl. Fighting Increased. IEDs and enemy ambushes increased. The Taliban knew that we were looking for him in high numbers and our movements were predictable. Because of Bergdahl, more men were out in danger, and more attacks on friendly camps and positions were conducted while we were out looking for him. His actions impacted the region more than anyone wants to admit. There is also no way to know what he told the Taliban: Our movements, locations, tactics, weak points on vehicles and other things for the enemy to exploit are just a few possibilities. The Government knows full well that he deserted. It looks bad and is a good propaganda piece for the Taliban. They refuse to acknowledge it. Hell they even promoted him to Sergeant which makes me sick. I feel for his family who only want their son/brother back. They don’t know the truth, or refuse to acknowledge it as well. What he did affected his family and his whole town back home, who don’t know the truth. Either way what matters is that good men died because of him. He has been lying on all those Taliban videos about everything since his “capture”. If he ever returns, he should be tried under the UCMJ for being a deserter and judged for what he did. Bergdahl is not a hero, he is not a soldier or an Infantryman. He failed his brothers. Now, sons and daughters are growing up without their fathers who died for him and he will have to face that truth someday."
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Link Posted: 6/1/2014 12:15:46 PM EDT
and still the youtube video his old man made eludes both threads
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 12:16:29 PM EDT
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I don't know whether to be proud or embarrassed that I have no idea who Bowe Bergdahl is.
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This. I had to go to wikipedia and catch up on all the details.
Link Posted: 6/1/2014 12:16:41 PM EDT
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I don't know whether to be proud or embarrassed that I have no idea who Bowe Bergdahl is.
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This. I had to go to wikipedia and catch up on all the details.  

ETA: Apparently I had to do it twice.
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