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Posted: 12/5/2020 11:56:02 AM EDT
Deutschland 1945: Sensationell restaurierte Filmaufnahmen von George Stevens

Original color film recordings of the U.S. Army show various cities and locations in Germany after the surrender in 1945. The pictures were taken under the command of George Stevens, a Hollywood director who later became famous for movies like "A Place in the Sun" and "The Diary of Anne Frank".

0:10 Berlin, July 1945
0:33 Brandenburger Tor
2:40 Cologne, March 1945
4:09 Elbe Day: First meeting of Soviet and American troops on German soil, April 25, 1945
5:51 Berlin, Picture of Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill, July 1945
6:55 Munich, May 1945
7:34 Hofbräuhaus Munich
8:52 "Berghof", Obersalzberg, April 1945
9:09 German prisoners of war, May 1945
10:33 Mittelbau Dora concentration camp, April 1945
11:13 Hanseatic City of Hamburg, June 1945
12:17 Port of Hamburg
13:11 Refugees on the way to Berlin, July 1945
13:41 American Beach Club, Berlin
14:18 Potsdam Conference, August 1945
16:20 George Stevens (1904-1975)
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 12:16:35 PM EDT
That really shows how effective the allies were.   Not many young men left.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 12:29:57 PM EDT
Amazing, thanks for posting.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 12:39:56 PM EDT
Good friend and neighbor was 14 when the Ivans took Berlin.

She hid undetected in a cellar.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 12:43:21 PM EDT
Thanks OP the quality of that film restoration is amazing.

Funny that you can  blow thier cities to pieces and burn half of everything to the ground and they just start hauling debris out in buckets with a smile on their face.

The young in this country do not understand what real hardship is and unfortunately that could be us one day.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 12:50:28 PM EDT
Coming to a neighborhood near you after CW2.  And people think the Wu Flu is scary.

Thanks for posting OP.  I think my favorite part was the woman who thumbed her nose at the cameraman in the early part of the film.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 12:51:04 PM EDT
In before “the Jews did this”

Also file under “don’t start nothing”
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 12:52:44 PM EDT
Got that ass kicked didn’t they?
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 12:58:39 PM EDT
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Amazing, thanks for posting.
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I know very little about warfare, but I do know that the allies weren't stingy about bombs and artillery.

Bombs Away LeMay was in the Pacific Theater if I recall. Who was LeMay's counterpart over Germany? Or was it coordinated directly by SAC?
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 1:09:43 PM EDT
We didn't destroy Berlin because allied command wanted to maintain the production of scheisse films, a full bombing campaign and it would have been lost, all of it
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 1:20:20 PM EDT
That was like stepping out of a time machine. The quality of the restoration pretty amazing. Thanks for posting OP.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 1:23:03 PM EDT
Awesome footage thanks OP! That one German soldier couldn't have been more than 14 years old.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 1:23:25 PM EDT
Amazing video.

@ 6:11, that's the Reichskanzlei, Reich's Chancellery, which has a garden, and under that garden is where the Führerbunker was.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 1:31:30 PM EDT
Probably what our country will look like in about 10 years......
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 1:39:12 PM EDT
Fascinating.  Thanks for posting OP.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 2:12:03 PM EDT
Look for the movie George Stevens: D-Day to Berlin, for more of his footage.

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Link Posted: 12/5/2020 2:15:43 PM EDT
Notice how all the men still wore suits.

Link Posted: 12/5/2020 2:25:00 PM EDT
What’s that guy at 5:30 doing, swinging around a dead rabbit?
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 2:38:19 PM EDT
So that was pretty neat.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 2:42:35 PM EDT
That's fantastic film restoration work.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 2:44:15 PM EDT
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Amazing video.

@ 6:11, that's the Reichskanzlei, Reich's Chancellery, which has a garden, and under that garden is where the Führerbunker was.
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@ 6:45, thats the hole and gas cans used to burn Hitlers body
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 2:48:34 PM EDT
Thank you.

Link Posted: 12/5/2020 2:51:46 PM EDT
All of those people are dead.

Dude at 1:43 has style.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 3:02:38 PM EDT
The Big Cigar burned that place to rubble yet it still looks more livable than Detroit.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 3:08:17 PM EDT
America will look like this if things keep going this way and we allow terrorists to keep running the shit show.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 3:13:03 PM EDT
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All of those people are dead.

Dude at 1:43 has style.
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Not completely true. Plenty of veterans around.

Also tons of the children still around. My grandmother was 9 when the war ended and experienced Dresden first hand.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 3:14:11 PM EDT
Amazing footage.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 3:19:38 PM EDT
I've met germans who are still incredibly butthurt at losing WW2 and hate the US even more than they hate Russia. Don't be fooled by them, they're not all leftists and still have quite an axe to grind.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 3:20:24 PM EDT
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I know very little about warfare, but I do know that the allies weren't stingy about bombs and artillery.

Bombs Away LeMay was in the Pacific Theater if I recall. Who was LeMay's counterpart over Germany? Or was it coordinated directly by SAC?
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SAC didn't yet exist in 1945. But the mighty 8th Air Force was the American force that brought so much destruction down upon Germany during that time period. But it was no picnic for them either, as 8th Air Force B-17 crews experienced horrific losses in the skies above Germany.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 3:21:41 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 3:32:48 PM EDT
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Not completely true. Plenty of veterans around.

Also tons of the children still around. My grandmother was 9 when the war ended and experienced Dresden first hand.
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All of those people are dead.

Dude at 1:43 has style.
Not completely true. Plenty of veterans around.

Also tons of the children still around. My grandmother was 9 when the war ended and experienced Dresden first hand.
Emotions took hold.

Link Posted: 12/5/2020 3:40:34 PM EDT
It's amazing how clean the streets and sidewalks were with all of those bombed out buildings.
Fascinating film.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 3:42:24 PM EDT
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SAC didn't yet exist in 1945. But the mighty 8th Air Force was the American force that brought so much destruction down upon Germany during that time period. But it was no picnic for them either, as 8th Air Force B-17 crews experienced horrific losses in the skies above Germany.
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I know very little about warfare, but I do know that the allies weren't stingy about bombs and artillery.

Bombs Away LeMay was in the Pacific Theater if I recall. Who was LeMay's counterpart over Germany? Or was it coordinated directly by SAC?

SAC didn't yet exist in 1945. But the mighty 8th Air Force was the American force that brought so much destruction down upon Germany during that time period. But it was no picnic for them either, as 8th Air Force B-17 crews experienced horrific losses in the skies above Germany.

Sorry brother, I should have done a better job articulating my question. In the context of my question I was asking if the Supreme Allied Commander was calling the shots over Germany.

Was it Ike directly for example, or delegated?

My fault for not articulating a proper question.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 3:44:42 PM EDT
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That really shows how effective the allies were.   Not many young men left.
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The young men not killed in the war, at the time of filming, were likely still in PoW camps
The fighting ended in 1945 - the war ended in 1951
I had a few older German mates when I lived in the south of England, some were kept as PoW's until around '48, some later still...quite a number had no home to go back to as their part of Germany was under Soviet control so they stayed in England or moved abroad elsewhere
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 3:46:10 PM EDT
The Germans look like beaten, and shell shocked. No love for the riech but knowing what the soviets have in store for them makes me feel sorry for them.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 3:48:45 PM EDT
At 13:22 she gave a look like she’d shag you for a ride.

She walked in heels, with pride.

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Link Posted: 12/5/2020 3:57:08 PM EDT

Her name was Lara Bauer. She was from Austria. Story goes she was raped and beaten by Czech communists then managed to flee with German soldiers to the American line and surrender.

She was from Kollerschlag in Austria. Born 7.2.1921 died around 1990
She was in a League of German Girls  1931-1938
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 4:02:08 PM EDT
I worked with a German Engineer who was 9yo when WWII ended. He told stories of the war and growing up NAZI from a very interesting perspective.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 4:02:41 PM EDT
I lived in Munich in the 80's; it was neat to see a lot of the stuff I remember back then and what things looked liked immediately after the war.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 4:02:51 PM EDT
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I've met germans who are still incredibly butthurt at losing WW2 and hate the US even more than they hate Russia. Don't be fooled by them, they're not all leftists and still have quite an axe to grind.
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Only country in Europe I never felt comfortable in.
Spent many months there working on the U2 ground station.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 4:07:16 PM EDT
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I've met germans who are still incredibly butthurt at losing WW2 and hate the US even more than they hate Russia. Don't be fooled by them, they're not all leftists and still have quite an axe to grind.
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We should have turned the whole country into a prairie......considering what the Germans did to the world from 1914-1945....No... the authorities in charge then had much more sympathy than I would have had.... there would not be a Germany any more.....
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 4:09:41 PM EDT
Amazing video, OP. Really enjoyed the watch, thanks for posting!
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 4:11:19 PM EDT
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Only country in Europe I never felt comfortable in.
Spent many months there working on the U2 ground station.
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I've met germans who are still incredibly butthurt at losing WW2 and hate the US even more than they hate Russia. Don't be fooled by them, they're not all leftists and still have quite an axe to grind.

Only country in Europe I never felt comfortable in.
Spent many months there working on the U2 ground station.
I dated an Italian girl. Ostia. Her grandfather hated America and Americans. He liked me for some odd reason.

Link Posted: 12/5/2020 4:12:49 PM EDT
This was great.  Thank you for sharing.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 4:14:59 PM EDT
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We should have turned the whole country into a prairie......considering what the Germans did to the world from 1914-1945....No... the authorities in charge then had much more sympathy than I would have had.... there would not be a Germany any more.....
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This statement is utter bullshit and shows you've never experience quality German porn.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 4:34:37 PM EDT
My GF was part of that. He was a waist gunner and bombardier on the B-24's.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 4:39:52 PM EDT
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This statement is utter bullshit and shows you've never experience quality German porn.
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HA!!! ...Dont wish to either....
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 4:40:39 PM EDT
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I've met germans who are still incredibly butthurt at losing WW2 and hate the US even more than they hate Russia. Don't be fooled by them, they're not all leftists and still have quite an axe to grind.
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Really? Not my experience at all. Maybe the oldest of Germans who were adults during the war but every German I have ever met who was born after 1945 is quick to remind you that they have absolutely no personal responsibility for the actions (or inaction) of their parents/grandparents.

I was visiting Dachau in 1993 while a group of German gymnasium students (high school equivalent) were on their mandated visit. I was only a few years older than them so it wasn’t too creepy for me to talk to them and they were quite keen to practice their English speaking to an American. I would say the kids broke into roughly three groups; those who were truly personally  moved by the visit, those who didn’t give a shit and those who understood what happened in the camps but didn’t understand why they were forced to make the visit. One boy asked me if American kids are forced to visit an American Indian Reservation.

I worked with a German Engineer who was 9yo at the end of the war and then discovered that while he knew every vital fact about Adolph Hitler, he could not read or write or do basic math. Eventually he would become an Civil Engineer and spent a career in International Development. He told me that he wanted to show the World that Germans were capable of something more than turning Humans into ashes.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 4:52:33 PM EDT
Thanks for posting OP.
Link Posted: 12/5/2020 4:54:13 PM EDT
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My GF was part of that. He was a waist gunner and bombardier on the B-24's.
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My Father was a Tailgunner on a B24, bombing NAZI targets from a base in Libya.
15th Air Force, 376th Heavy Bomb Group, 512th Bomber Squadron

Link Posted: 12/5/2020 5:04:48 PM EDT
Amazing post.
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