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Posted: 3/10/2022 10:28:31 AM EDT
Create new law, banning illegals from receiving ANY private aid, or state or federal gov aid, benefits, or assistance, no college, no admitting them to grade school or high school.  That removes incentive for coming here, or staying here. Require citizenship checks of any suspected illegals at court, hospitals, police stops, banks, etc.

Then offer rewards / bounties. $100.00 per head.

Fine employers, renters, people harboring / aiding them etc.. seize illegals assets use that cash to fund bounties.  Removing 50 million illegals frees up 10 million homes, drops housing costs, opens up more housing to citizens, opens up millions of jobs, cuts lost medical costs by billions, lowers medical costs, lowers crime.

Of course that would require a interest in fixing said problem.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 10:30:35 AM EDT
That could slow the flow of new ones.  Actually removing the current ones I'm not so sure.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 10:34:56 AM EDT
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That could slow the flow of new ones.  Actually removing the current ones I'm not so sure.
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Removing all gov benefits, housing, and job opportunities alone would do it. Many would self deport if it becomes almost impossible to earn money / find shelter, and constantly perused / no safe place in public .


First deportation all assets seized…you sign off on acknowledging you were warned of consequences of returning.

Second deportation… 1 year in prison.

Third deportation 3 years prison.

Fourth deportation 5 years in prison.

Require proof of citizenship to send money out of the country, add fat tax on it, to fund  border security.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 10:37:14 AM EDT
It is really easy. They respond very well to fear.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 10:41:29 AM EDT
What would you do if you paid for a Disneyland ticket, entered the park, only to find that every ride was shutdown? You'd probably leave
Get them to self deport, and you'll see the standard of living for American citizens improve, from housing availability, to traffic, employment, inflation. Every illegal alien competes with a Citizen for finite resources
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 10:43:39 AM EDT
Wages would rise too.  Imagine not having to compete in a market with illegals driving wages down.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 10:45:00 AM EDT
You already know why OP.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 10:45:09 AM EDT
Attachment Attached File

I agree with OP but thought this was funny.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 10:46:47 AM EDT
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That could slow the flow of new ones.  Actually removing the current ones I'm not so sure.
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there are plenty of policy solutions that would yield a large spike in self deporting, IMO.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 10:48:43 AM EDT
Then who would vote Dem.?
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 10:51:06 AM EDT
Proper enforcement of existing immigration laws and newer laws that allow expedited removal to be applied broadly would help.  When they have to go to immigration detention before seeing an immigration judge, it is a huge money suck and there is never enough room.  This is how so many are cut loose with “notice to appear” papers and then they disappear.  It is very easy to determine on the spot whether someone is legally present in the US, and no judge is needed for that.  

The asylum process was never intended for the clientele they are trying to apply it to now, either.  That practice should be stopped immediately
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 10:52:46 AM EDT
If you make E-verify the law the problem goes away in 6 months.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 10:54:27 AM EDT
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That's racist as shit.
Why does the left assume all Hispanics are illegal aliens?

Also, I'd rather trade illegal aliens willing to work for generational welfare rats that contribute nothing to society.

Can we do an exchange program?
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 10:54:50 AM EDT
All it takes is the will. Germany in the thirties with no modern computers, no wireless telecommunications, no internet, no CCTV, satellite surveillance, at all managed to find and transport millions of people while fighting a two-front war. I am not trying to equate the atrocities that the Germans did with millions of citizens of numerous countries throughout Europe with the simple acquiring and shipping back that we'd do. There is no will to kick them out, to stop the flow into the country, our government is actively attempting, no, managing to replace us with non-citizens. The argument that you just can't find, detain, catalog, and evict/deport millions of noncitizens from this country is a specious argument.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 10:55:29 AM EDT
OP for President!
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 10:55:54 AM EDT
They need them to increase district representation via the census.  Worth more to politicians as warm bodies in Democrat cities.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 10:56:14 AM EDT
Because one side wants the illegal voters and the other side wants the cheap labor.  It's been that way for decades.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 10:56:22 AM EDT
OP, when you say..."it's actually easy, they just refuse to"...you mean like restarting U.S. energy production?  Everything this administration does is with the intent to create chaos and damage the economy so that they will have more opportunity to "take charge" of more and more components of our nation's functions.  Only one thing will put a stop to it.  Either they are voted out or they are removed something/something.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 10:58:59 AM EDT
I agree.  Customers should be forced to prove citizenship every time they go to the grocery store, restaurant, doctor, .......

Kind of like they did to American citizens about covid.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 11:00:28 AM EDT
Create new law, banning illegals from receiving ANY private aid, or state or federal gov aid, benefits, or assistance, no college, no admitting them to grade school or high school.  That removes incentive for coming here, or staying here. Require citizenship checks of any suspected illegals at court, hospitals, police stops, banks, etc.

Then offer rewards / bounties. $100.00 per head.

Fine employers, renters, people harboring / aiding them etc.. seize illegals assets use that cash to fund bounties.  Removing 50 million illegals frees up 10 million homes, drops housing costs, opens up more housing to citizens, opens up millions of jobs, cuts lost medical costs by billions, lowers medical costs, lowers crime.

Of course that would require a interest in fixing said problem.
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Criminal charges for knowingly employing an illegal would end it. They mostly come here to work, and if there are no jobs for them, they will leave.

Neither party wants to do this. The Democrats believe in open borders, and the Republicans get too many campaign donations from people who would face charges. Lots of people knowingly employ a gardiner or house cleaner that is illegal, and lots of construction and agricultural businesses hire lots.

That problem won't be solved until we fix that.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 11:01:04 AM EDT
Better way,

Fine any company or business employing illegal immigrants 10% of their gross revenue for every year and for every illegal alien they have on their payroll.

Take away the economic incentive.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 11:01:26 AM EDT
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I agree.  Customers should be forced to prove citizenship every time they go to the grocery store, restaurant, doctor, .......

Kind of like they did to American citizens about covid.
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Hell, illegals don't even have to provide ID to get on a plane sponsored by an NGO/.gov.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 11:02:13 AM EDT
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Better way,

Fine any company or business employing illegal immigrants 10% of their gross revenue for every year and for every illegal alien they have on their payroll.

Take away the economic incentive.
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make it 20%
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 11:04:14 AM EDT
the courts wont allow any of that shit.

california, of all places, tried doing some of this in the 90s back before they got fully taken over by communists. it got shut down
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 11:05:39 AM EDT
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You already know why OP.
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If they were coming here to vote for conservatives, there would be a 100 foot high wall with an alligator filled moat and machine gun emplacement every 50 yards along the whole thing.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 11:09:17 AM EDT
Super easy. Just retask all of those " contact tracers" they hired to go interrogate people who tested positive.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 11:10:15 AM EDT
No real point in punishing illegals, that's like punishing drug addicts, they don't care, and there are plenty more.

What needs to be done is punish the enablers;

Any organization that provides aid and comfort has their tax exempt status revoked (obviously this is a slippery slope), in extreme cases such as transporting/etc, the funds are seized, and people are arrested.

Businesses that knowingly, or turn a blind eye, hire illegals have their assets seized and the people knowingly involved are jailed.

Illegals are given a chance to turn themselves in, they will be provided with transportation back to their home country and $1,000 (cuz I'm a nice person.) Otherwise, you put a reward on their head, call it $500. Local LE will be all over that shit.

It would also damage the economy.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 11:14:30 AM EDT
Obama 's Dhs Secretary said finding and removing all 12-15 million illegals (now 20-25 per numerous studies, including Harvard and Yale) would cost $120 billion.  Seeing as illegals cost us $140 billion per year, that is a net positive.

In addition to OP's reasons,  it will cost a bit more, but even double the cost, so what, we never have to soend all the annual funds again after they are gone.

Heavy fines for employers would be huge asset.  Or prison.  Then the illegals would have zero incentive- no jobs.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 11:34:05 AM EDT
Require citizenship checks of any suspected illegals at court, hospitals, police stops, banks, etc.
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I suspect you would complain about “Papers please” if you were required to show proof of citizenship anywhere other than a border crossing.

What exactly are the criteria a .gov agent will use to determine if someone is a suspected illegal alien?
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 11:37:00 AM EDT
Just go to my local Home Depot. Could nab 100 a day, easy
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 11:40:13 AM EDT
They'll put a face and a sob story to every illegal who's here. They were fleeing oppression. They contribute xy and z to their community. Etc etc. California just extended health care to illegals, they aren't going to support kicking them out. So you'll have entire states acting as sanctuaries for the illegals.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 11:40:38 AM EDT
Taxing remittances steeply and ending tax refunds for illegals would cause most of them to self deport.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 11:49:11 AM EDT
Lol, no. I was born here.

"Hey, you,  random centrarchidae walking down the street or going to the hospital or otherwise minding your own business,  I need to see your proof of citizenship."

"No,  you need to climb a wall of dicks without using your hands."

GD shits chickens every time the Border Patrol had a checkpoint near but not on the border. How would checks internally be okay?
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 12:01:58 PM EDT

Ihre Papiere, bitte.

so you do this, national registry of citizens, make it like a passport, very hard to fake.

now if you are an employer, you must first check the employee's paiere and check with a federal gov site to verify they are a citizen (or registered alien or whatever would be) before you can hire them, pay them. now, when you pay, you must use bidens government crypto and an official government crypto funds transfer site.

in fact do away with everything except government crypto.

now there is no way to pay illegals. illegals cannot obtain government crypto without government papieren. so an illegal can neither buy nor sell. there is no longer an economic incentive to come here and if they do, they cant even buy a taco.

honestly, laws to hit employers hard who pay illegals would do the trick. along with laws to strictly restrict access to welfare type stuff would curtail a lot of the illegal activity. if they come here and are illegal, you ship them to arizona to live in tents with no air-conditioning in the summer and only government cheese to eat, until you ship them back.

in other words.. aint a damn thing gonna stop illegals from coming here, until 'here' is a worse place to live than 'there'.

Link Posted: 3/10/2022 12:04:01 PM EDT
If you remove the opportunity, they self deport.  We see it during every economic down turn in Texas.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 12:04:53 PM EDT
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Lol, no. I was born here.

"Hey, you,  random centrarchidae walking down the street or going to the hospital or otherwise minding your own business,  I need to see your proof of citizenship."

"No,  you need to climb a wall of dicks without using your hands."

GD shits chickens every time the Border Patrol had a checkpoint near but not on the border. How would checks internally be okay?
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how would checking social security numbers of known employers of illegals for validity of said numbers not be OK? If a corporation known for hiring illegals has numerous employees with false or repetitive FICA numbers then run a forensic check on the social security numbers against the employees. Why would you need internal checkpoints at all?
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 12:05:15 PM EDT
GOP/Dem Spending Bill Funds Border Security for Eight Foreign Countries

A Democrat spending bill, negotiated with Republicans, uses American taxpayer money to fund “border security” measures in eight foreign countries while including no new funds to construct a border wall along the United States-Mexico border.
The government funding package spends about $370 million in taxpayer money to fund “enhanced border security” in Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, and Oman. At least $150 million of that funding is allocated for Jordan’s borders.

Likewise, the package includes taxpayer money to fund border security in Libya, “border security activities” in Nepal, and “border security programs” in Pakistan.
Though Republicans were able to preserve nearly $2 billion in previously-allocated border wall construction funds, the package does not include any new border wall funding.

The upcoming omnibus spending bill is likely Congress’ last chance this year to do anything meaningful re: Biden’s catastrophic erasure of our border — an erasure that reshapes the whole future of our nation,” Stephen Miller, a senior adviser to former President Trump, wrote in a statement. “Presently, this isn’t even a topic of conversation, let alone action.”

While funding border security overseas, President Joe Biden has halted all border wall construction along the U.S.-Mexico border, gutted interior immigration enforcement, and attempted to end the anti-asylum fraud Remain in Mexico program.
As a result, more than two million border crossers and illegal aliens arrived at the nation’s southern border in all of last year. This year, experts predict more than 2.1 million to arrive — a record.
At the same time, hundreds of thousands of border crossers and illegal aliens are being released into the U.S. interior every few months. From January 2021 to August 2021, for example, more than half a million were released into the U.S. interior.

In January of this year, more than 62,500 border crossers and illegal aliens were released into the U.S. interior — a foreign population more than twice the size of Princeton, New Jersey; nearly twice the size of Lexington, Massachusetts; and more than six times the size of Jackson, Wyoming.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter here.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 12:05:42 PM EDT
California residents passed proposition 187, Dems and activist Judge over turned it... Big reason we are at this point 25 + years later...

California Proposition 187 (also known as the Save Our State (SOS) initiative) was a 1994 ballot initiative to establish a state-run citizenship screening system and prohibit undocumented immigrants from using non-emergency health care, public education, and other services in the State of California.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki
1994 California Proposition 187 - Wikipedia
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 12:07:00 PM EDT
would be as easy as a 10K fine for every illegal employed.  Businesses would quit overnight and they'd go home.

Link Posted: 3/10/2022 12:14:22 PM EDT
Fine employers,
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Cost of doing business. Make it a mandatory 1 year state prison on first conviction for head of company, might get more attention.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 12:14:56 PM EDT
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would be as easy as a 10K fine for every illegal employed.  Businesses would quit overnight and they'd go home.

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then all you'd have to find is a POTUS willing to enforce it, a Justice Department willing to enforce it, and governors willing to enforce it.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 12:16:08 PM EDT
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would be as easy as a 10K fine for every illegal employed.  Businesses would quit overnight and they'd go home.

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Lol most here are self employed and E-Verify is worthless, we have to use a third party security firm to track legality.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 12:16:27 PM EDT
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Cost of doing business. Make it a mandatory 1 year state prison on first conviction for head of company, might get more attention.
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Fine employers,

Cost of doing business. Make it a mandatory 1 year state prison on first conviction for head of company, might get more attention.

make it two years in a fed pen to make it interesting. But you'd still have to have a president willing to force the law.....
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 12:19:16 PM EDT
All they have to do is reinstate the “aiding and abetting” punishment back to a criminal violation instead of the administrative violation they changed it to.  Then politicians could serve time for “sanctuary” bullshit.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 12:20:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 12:24:37 PM EDT
I have said for years that we do not need a wall, we need to cut off the $ they get and it will stop. DC and states do not have the will or the intestinal fortitude to do so because of $.

I am NOT willing to hold employers accountable, landlords, etc. We have access to all the systems and sometimes it takes phone calls AFTER (printing and system checks) to other countries to verify someone's ID. And that is us. Employers don't have that capability. Someone shows documents, its not up to them to determine legitimacy.

The federal government has failed not the employers, we shouldn't hold them responsible. The other side of that argument is valid, willfully hiring know illegals. I'm all for taking those businesses to task. Takes time though. Investigations, AUSA's, approvals, politics, etc..
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 12:40:30 PM EDT
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how would checking social security numbers of known employers of illegals for validity of said numbers not be OK? If a corporation known for hiring illegals has numerous employees with false or repetitive FICA numbers then run a forensic check on the social security numbers against the employees. Why would you need internal checkpoints at all?
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Lol, no. I was born here.

"Hey, you,  random centrarchidae walking down the street or going to the hospital or otherwise minding your own business,  I need to see your proof of citizenship."

"No,  you need to climb a wall of dicks without using your hands."

GD shits chickens every time the Border Patrol had a checkpoint near but not on the border. How would checks internally be okay?

how would checking social security numbers of known employers of illegals for validity of said numbers not be OK? If a corporation known for hiring illegals has numerous employees with false or repetitive FICA numbers then run a forensic check on the social security numbers against the employees. Why would you need internal checkpoints at all?

That's not what the OP proposed.

That's also not a great idea either. Every time some bureaucrat got a wild hair to check some business' records we're paying him to do it.

And that business is paying someone to play "step and fetch it" for this bureaucrat. Tell me that, say,  a hotel owned by a former president wouldn't be getting its records inspected every 87 hours, with an employee getting prosecuted for "false statements to a federal agent" every time she told a feeb that the bathroom was the second door on the left when in fact it was the second door on the right.

With feds,  the process is the punishment. This proposal gives them more toys to play with.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 12:42:55 PM EDT
I hate to break it to ya, but the GOP doesn't way to deport them, they want more. Wake up.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 12:48:24 PM EDT
buck19delta: Create new law, banning illegals from receiving ANY private aid, or state or federal gov aid, benefits, or assistance, no college, no admitting them to grade school or high school.  That removes incentive for coming here, or staying here. Require citizenship checks of any suspected illegals at court, hospitals, police stops, banks, etc.

Then offer rewards / bounties. $100.00 per head.

Fine employers, renters, people harboring / aiding them etc.. seize illegals assets use that cash to fund bounties.  Removing 50 million illegals frees up 10 million homes, drops housing costs, opens up more housing to citizens, opens up millions of jobs, cuts lost medical costs by billions, lowers medical costs, lowers crime.

Of course that would require a interest in fixing said problem.
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Buck, the people who could make those decisions want them here.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 12:48:31 PM EDT
California tried in 1994, prop. 187. The state would deny all services outside of emergency treatment to illegals. California sued the feds as well for $$ it had spent on illegals. Passed by voters. Shot down by Federal court about 2 seconds after passing. They claimed immigration was the pervue of the feds, not the state. Oh, and by the way, you (the states) have to supply and pay for everything. Clinton administration.
The feds admit it their responsibility so therefore do nothing but make the states pay.
Now, because they've been here so long, people fight to keep them here, like they're defacto citizens and they're treated as such.
Link Posted: 3/10/2022 12:49:42 PM EDT
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I hate to break it to ya, but the GOP doesn't way to deport them, they want more. Wake up.
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Yup. The GOP is just as addicted to illegal aliens as the DNC is. That is a FACT. Anchor issue for fund raising from mouth breathing voters with a nod and a wink to Chamber and business donors.

Vote harder for the GOP, THIS time they'll finally do something.
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