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Posted: 8/8/2022 10:28:14 AM EDT
Democrats are Successfully Pushing Unelectable Candidates in our Primaries to Stop the Red Wave This Fall

Do some of these MAGA candidates seem too good to be true? That’s because they are. They violate the rule crafted by the late William F. Buckley Jr. known as the “Buckley rule.” It says to support the candidate the furthest to the right who is electable. This is why a lot of conservatives suck it up and stick with the GOP instead of defecting to an obscure third party where no one gets elected.

But the left, always one step ahead outsmarting us, has figured out how to make unelectable fringe candidates look so appealing that people forget the rule.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:30:06 AM EDT
Democrats are Successfully Pushing Unelectable Candidates in our Primaries to Stop the Red Wave This Fall

Do some of these MAGA candidates seem too good to be true? That's because they are. They violate the rule crafted by the late William F. Buckley Jr. known as the "Buckley rule." It says to support the candidate the furthest to the right who is electable. This is why a lot of conservatives suck it up and stick with the GOP instead of defecting to an obscure third party where no one gets elected.

But the left, always one step ahead outsmarting us, has figured out how to make unelectable fringe candidates look so appealing that people forget the rule.
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It's all a farce and the only impact resulting from your participation are any good feelz you may get.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:30:40 AM EDT
So we should vote for RINOs as a double reverse psych op counter?
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:34:57 AM EDT
The problem is who's defining "electable".  That needs to be us, not talking heads or controlled-opposition party leadership.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:35:50 AM EDT
Oh well. Hopefully Buckley is outdated. If not. I’d rather have a democrat than the garbage we have otherwise. With a rino the results will be the same as a dem.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:35:59 AM EDT
Yes….vote the primaries for who has the best chance of winning the General election. Not what some want to hear.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:37:08 AM EDT
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So we should vote for RINOs as a double reverse psych op counter?
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I think the key is differentiating what they say vs what they've done or how they're funded
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:37:27 AM EDT
The RINO will at least be more pro gun then any Dem.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:38:55 AM EDT
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The RINO will at least be more pro gun then any Dem.
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Like Cornyn and Romney?

Sounds like the RINOs are scared.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:40:14 AM EDT
remember when they did this with Trump, then were all like "oh no" when he won.

Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:40:31 AM EDT
don't forget the dems were happy as all get out when Trump won the primary. They figured he'd never get elected. Figured Hillary had it in the bag.

They don't understand over 1/2 of this country.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:42:35 AM EDT
Buckley's conservatism is Bush/McConnell/Ryan conservatism. IE - The DNC platform in slow motion.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:44:52 AM EDT
Do you think the “inflation B.S.” bill was good idea? Well not one traditional Republican voted for it…many who can be classified as RINO’s. I pick the lesser of the two evils…that’s the best play IMHO.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:44:55 AM EDT
If the Buckley rule we followed brought us to this, of what use was the rule?
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:45:05 AM EDT
Wasn't GD all in over Rush Limbaugh's Operation Mayhem?

Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:47:30 AM EDT
What's annoying is those stating they will vote dem because a rino is no different.  Then they will roll out  an exception or 2, (romney is a fan favorite) to 'prove' their point and demonstrate their intellectual prowess.  These people think exceptions are the rule - one of the many reasons things are as they are.  They might garner more respect by just admitting they are leftists to begin with.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:49:28 AM EDT
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Yes….vote the primaries for who has the best chance of winning the General election. Not what some want to hear.
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LOL, the "lesser of two evils" theory.

I vote for who best reflect my values and beliefs. If there isn't one, I'll stay home.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:50:29 AM EDT
But the left, always one step ahead outsmarting us, has figured out how to make unelectable fringe candidates look so appealing that people forget the rule.
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I overheard a conversation at lunch the other day...

2 older ladies on an adjacent table, singing the praises of Joe, bemoaning the fact that Heels Up hasn't done anything as his VP.... so fairly likely to be democrats.

One commented on how she felt that Trudy Busch Valentine was a great candidate, but she wasn't on the ballot.

Now in MO you get asked which primary ballot you want... the only way that candidate wasn't on the ballot was if you didn't request a democrat ballot. I don't believe these 2 old biddies were senile, or that they were smart enough to figure out tactical voting on their own (i could be wrong they might be rocket scientists), so I'd guess they were told what to do by someone.

Eric Schmitt R.   298,852 votes45.7%
Vicky Hartzler R.  144,469 votes22.1%
Eric Greitens R.  123,982 votes18.9%
Billy Long R.  32,555 votes5.0%

It seems odd to me that Utlra MAGA Greitens only got 18.9% of the vote.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:51:52 AM EDT
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LOL, the "lesser of two evils" theory.

I vote for who best reflect my values and beliefs. If there isn't one, I'll stay home.
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I would do the same, but I have been voting AGAINST people for too long
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:53:31 AM EDT
People here have admitted to doing this. It’s probably quite common know.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:53:55 AM EDT
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remember when they did this with Trump, then were all like "oh no" when he won.

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Pepperidge farms remembers.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:55:19 AM EDT
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Pepperidge farms remembers.
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Yeah, seems like this will blow up in their face.  It's not going to be a good year for blue team.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:55:42 AM EDT
Oh, BS!

More nevertrumper nonsense.

These candidates are solid newcomers that won based on their independent thought and inability to be influenced or swayed by special interest.

They are considered "fringe and unelectable" because the two party establishment cannot control them.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:56:30 AM EDT
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What's annoying is those stating they will vote dem because a rino is no different.  Then they will roll out  an exception or 2, (romney is a fan favorite) to 'prove' their point and demonstrate their intellectual prowess.  These people think exceptions are the rule - one of the many reasons things are as they are.  They might garner more respect by just admitting they are leftists to begin with.
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Lol. Who’s respect do you think I’m concerned about?
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:57:25 AM EDT
If I was a Utah resident and the choice is Romney and some Den….I would vote Romney. I am voting Rep no matter what but I don’t have a good feeling about Lake beating Hobbs in AZ. I will do my part but the biggest voting block in Maricopa County are independents out numbering both Rep and Dem.
That’s going to be a real problem for Lake. She needs to shift her message to appeal to them. Not sure she is capable of that.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:57:34 AM EDT
Both parties suck. It is two wings of the same chicken. If someone starts a viable small government , less spending third party I am the first voter they will get.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:58:01 AM EDT
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Oh, BS!

More nevertrumper nonsense.

These candidates are solid newcomers that won based on their independent thought and inability to be influenced or swayed by special interest.

They are considered "fringe and unelectable" because the two party establishment cannot control them.
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Like Dr Oz
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:58:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:58:27 AM EDT
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Do you think the “inflation B.S.” bill was good idea? Well not one traditional Republican voted for it…many who can be classified as RINO’s. I pick the lesser of the two evils…that’s the best play IMHO.
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Because they didn’t have to. If the Dems had needed an R vote one of them would have sacrificed in the spirit of "bipartisanship".
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:58:46 AM EDT
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The RINO will at least be more pro gun then any Dem.
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Santa Claus will be visiting soon don't forget to leave milk and cookies .
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 10:59:07 AM EDT
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Lol. Who’s respect do you think I’m concerned about?
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What's annoying is those stating they will vote dem because a rino is no different.  Then they will roll out  an exception or 2, (romney is a fan favorite) to 'prove' their point and demonstrate their intellectual prowess.  These people think exceptions are the rule - one of the many reasons things are as they are.  They might garner more respect by just admitting they are leftists to begin with.

Lol. Who’s respect do you think I’m concerned about?

Far too convoluted for me to be concerned with.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 11:03:46 AM EDT
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Both parties suck. It is two wings of the same chicken. If someone starts a viable small government , less spending third party I am the first voter they will get.
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And your person is unlikely to ever be elected.   Same as a libertarian.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 11:04:49 AM EDT
and look where Buckley's rule got us now after doing that all these years
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 11:06:05 AM EDT
Democrats are Successfully Pushing Unelectable Candidates in our Primaries to Stop the Red Wave This Fall

Do some of these MAGA candidates seem too good to be true? That’s because they are. They violate the rule crafted by the late William F. Buckley Jr. known as the “Buckley rule.” It says to support the candidate the furthest to the right who is electable. This is why a lot of conservatives suck it up and stick with the GOP instead of defecting to an obscure third party where no one gets elected.

But the left, always one step ahead outsmarting us, has figured out how to make unelectable fringe candidates look so appealing that people forget the rule.
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That's just it.

3rd Party can't win in an election. 50-70% are just going to vote straight ticket of their party of choice.

That's why these "extremists" are running in the primaries. They get the GOP ticket, and GOP supporters will vote for them.

The left played this same stupid game propping Trump up and lost hard.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 11:07:52 AM EDT
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If the Buckley rule we followed brought us to this, of what use was the rule?
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Nailed it.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 11:08:08 AM EDT
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Because they didn’t have to. If the Dems had needed an R vote one of them would have sacrificed in the spirit of "bipartisanship".
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They all know who's voting what and when to beg and borrow.

Just like how McCain came shambling back from his death bed to bail out the DNC one last time.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 11:08:14 AM EDT
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Do you think the “inflation B.S.” bill was good idea? Well not one traditional Republican voted for it…many who can be classified as RINO’s. I pick the lesser of the two evils…that’s the best play IMHO.
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Well,  the Az primaries are over,  are you going to support the current GOP nominees in Az or are you going to continue to sow dissention in the ranks and sandbag their chances?

Link Posted: 8/8/2022 11:09:17 AM EDT
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Well,  the Az primaries are over,  are you going to support the current GOP nominees in Az or are you going to continue to sow dissention in the ranks and sandbag their chances?

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I'll be voting GOP straight ticket and praying for the best
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 11:10:41 AM EDT
"The Buckley Rule"

IE systematic failure due to the Overton Window.  "Just be a drag anchor on the trend guys, don't ever try to start your own".
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 11:12:46 AM EDT
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Like Dr Oz
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Oh, BS!

More nevertrumper nonsense.

These candidates are solid newcomers that won based on their independent thought and inability to be influenced or swayed by special interest.

They are considered "fringe and unelectable" because the two party establishment cannot control them.

Like Dr Oz


Of course, this is just my initial impression. It could backfire electing these "out-of-the-box" candidates but it is pretty evident they're not controlled by the two parties.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 11:13:10 AM EDT
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So we should vote for RINOs as a double reverse psych op counter?
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Yes.  In the democrat primaries.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 11:18:01 AM EDT
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If I was a Utah resident and the choice is Romney and some Den….I would vote Romney. I am voting Rep no matter what but I don’t have a good feeling about Lake beating Hobbs in AZ. I will do my part but the biggest voting block in Maricopa County are independents out numbering both Rep and Dem.
That’s going to be a real problem for Lake. She needs to shift her message to appeal to them. Not sure she is capable of that.
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I'm a maricopa county independent and I'm MAGA as fuck. Kari knows who her voters are and how to motivate them, karrin taylor robson is the mccain/flake machine candidate who hates her voters
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 11:20:22 AM EDT
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Wasn't GD all in over Rush Limbaugh's Operation Mayhem?

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I believe Rush Limbaugh had some success with Operation Chaos. It was the only time I voted for Hillary in primaries.

Operation Chaos
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 11:22:03 AM EDT
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If I was a Utah resident and the choice is Romney and some Den….I would vote Romney. I am voting Rep no matter what but I don’t have a good feeling about Lake beating Hobbs in AZ. I will do my part but the biggest voting block in Maricopa County are independents out numbering both Rep and Dem.
That’s going to be a real problem for Lake. She needs to shift her message to appeal to them. Not sure she is capable of that
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Not all registered IND voters are 'swing' voters.  I went from GOP to IND when Rep Kolbe fucked us on border issues,  I only temporarily return to the GOP just prior to an Az 'Presidential Preference Election' (Closed Presidential Primary",  so I can vote in the GOP PRESIDENTIAL primary.

Why do I do it?

Because I don't like rewarding the 'bad behavior' of the GOP

Lake's aggressive messaging probably wouldn't resonate well with true swing voters if things were even close to being just "OK" in this country,  but things are not even close to being "OK".   "Swing voters" MIGHT just also consider that she's been willing to explore both sides of the aisle if even for a moment.  
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 11:23:41 AM EDT
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and look where Buckley's rule got us now after doing that all these years
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Link Posted: 8/8/2022 11:30:52 AM EDT
The Democrats have planned all this out. What a bunch of bullshit.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 11:33:04 AM EDT
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The problem is who's defining "electable".  That needs to be us, not talking heads or controlled-opposition party leadership.
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It's not us, it never will be us, it's the middle of the road voters, voters not wedded to political parties.

100% pro-something or anti-something candidate running in a district that does not go along with that are less likely to win than candidates with views more consistent with their voters.  What matters is winning elections, not primaries.

In any case, open primaries are an abomination and should be abolished.  Democrats love open primaries because they can vote for far-right kooks that will not win election.  Republicans are too principled to play dirty.  One side plays offense, one side just plays defense.  You cannot win by only playing defense.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 11:49:29 AM EDT
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remember when they did this with Trump, then were all like "oh no" when he won.

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I hope ole George Stephanopolis cries himself to bed each night for playing this game and his role in putting Trump in the White House.
When Trump was running in the primaries they had him on Good Morning America seemingly every other day while the other candidates were openly complaining about not getting a single minute of air time there (ABC was not alone in this).

After Trump was the republican candidate, George turned on Trump HARD.  Only had him on when they wanted to challenge (mock) something said.  They wanted Trump because they thought he was beatable.  To quote the meme "WRONG!!".

I honestly think this explains the utter devastation you saw on the news commentator's faces on election night.  Deep down they knew that they helped promote Trump in the primaries, thinking Hillary in a landslide.   LOL.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 12:04:56 PM EDT
The red wave is BS. When many of the women of this country take to the polls this year inflation, gas prices, crime, and perhaps the open borders will be on their minds but in the end the removal of Roe V Wade will trump all. The know that down the line inflation will be lowered and gas prices will come down but abortion in so many states will be gone forever. They will be thinking of their bodies, the bodies of their daughters, and grand daughters whether born yet or not.
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 12:10:37 PM EDT
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The red wave is BS. When many of the women of this country take to the polls this year inflation, gas prices, crime, and perhaps the open borders will be on their minds but in the end the removal of Roe V Wade will trump all. The know that down the line inflation will be lowered and gas prices will come down but abortion in so many states will be gone forever. They will be thinking of their bodies, the bodies of their daughters, and grand daughters whether born yet or not.
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If Democrats stay in power, inflation and gas will NOT come down. What planet are you on? There are way more anti abortion women than you think
Link Posted: 8/8/2022 12:11:00 PM EDT
I believe you are wrong OP. Our interests aren’t served by putting Republicans into office. We need to WIN. Advancing the careers of moderates and spineless politicians does nothing to help long-term.
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