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Posted: 1/12/2023 4:50:03 PM EDT
Listen to this stupid fucking questions.

Angelos Cooks 4kg of pasta, after dinner there is 2kg left...

was 2g eaten? True of False

First off....who TF is Angelo cooking for..that's like 8.8lbs of dry pasta. whole shit.

Then was 2g eaten....fuck yeah if 4kg missing...but are you asking if only 2g were eaten? BE MORE FUCKING SPECIFIC

At least this lady can add 2+2
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 4:55:11 PM EDT
>Math question where the focus is 2 missing grams
"Pasta" Uh huh.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 4:56:35 PM EDT
Who the fuck uses kg here in the US?
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 4:57:22 PM EDT
English teacher isn’t worth a fuck either.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 4:57:32 PM EDT
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>Math question where the focus is 2 missing grams
"Pasta" Uh huh.
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Your kids teacher is a drug dealer op.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 4:57:51 PM EDT
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>Math question where the focus is 2 missing grams
"Pasta" Uh huh.
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"pasta" = coke paste.

The kg's are the giveaways.  No one uses the metric system in the United States except people moving white.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 4:58:04 PM EDT
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Who the fuck uses kg here in the US?
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They learning the commie measurement system.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 4:58:22 PM EDT
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English teacher isn’t worth a fuck either.
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I went to public school in south louisiana...you liucky I can use a cpomuters.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 4:58:52 PM EDT

Your kids teacher is a drug dealer op.
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"pasta" = coke paste.

The kg's are the giveaways.  No one uses the metric system in the United States except people moving white.
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Maybe she's using her fat ass to move weight. CUZ is hella chonk
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 4:59:00 PM EDT
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Who the fuck uses kg here in the US?
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Immigrant Teachers?
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 4:59:13 PM EDT
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>Math question where the focus is 2 missing grams
"Pasta" Uh huh.
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OH ZEEs from My Keys
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 4:59:18 PM EDT
Is that cooked weight, with sauce, without sauce, Meatballs involved????
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:00:08 PM EDT
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Is that cooked weight, with sauce, without sauce, Meatballs involved????
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yeah I thought of that too was it dry pasta, fresh pasta...etc
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:00:16 PM EDT
Making pasta for your kinda girl
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:00:16 PM EDT
The problem with math: numbers in general.

There's too many of them.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:00:23 PM EDT
Schools are full of commie teachers doing it so they can have summers off work now. Math takes too much time out of indoctrination and hitting on the young boys.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:00:44 PM EDT
Even if the units were consistent there's not enough information to answer the question.  I've often thrown away entire plates of food at the end of a meal, so I couldn't assume it was eaten.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:00:54 PM EDT
Not from LA from the empirical evidence presented.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:01:35 PM EDT
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Even if the units were consistent there's not enough information to answer the question.  I've often thrown away entire plates of food at the end of a meal, so I couldn't assume it was eaten.
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yeah...exactly...that's why kids math word problems...because it's not the real world..you never get all the info. It's stupid.

Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:01:44 PM EDT
2kg left where?  In the pot?

What if nobody wanted to eat Angelos pasta and instead ate chicken wings and drank beer?
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:02:05 PM EDT
Devil's advocate but maybe part of the 2kg didn't get eaten.
I'd have argued the shit out of that with my teacher.  
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:02:27 PM EDT
Who trained the trainer?  

Colleges crank out retards for teachers that are more motivated by political idealogy and brainwashing kids into commies then they are at giving an education
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:02:55 PM EDT
Just answer 0.25st, and watch their heads explode.  
Who cares if the answer is right.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:03:25 PM EDT
is it Louisiana math?
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:05:21 PM EDT
She’s never going to get fat using SAE, you need the metric system for that.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:08:07 PM EDT
Listen to this stupid fucking questions.

Angelos Cooks 4kg of pasta, after dinner there is 2kg left...

was 2g eaten? True of False

First off....who TF is Angelo cooking for..that's like 8.8lbs of dry pasta. whole shit.

Then was 2g eaten....fuck yeah if 4kg missing...but are you asking if only 2g were eaten? BE MORE FUCKING SPECIFIC

At least this lady can add 2+2
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If you cook 4 kg of dry pasta there will be 7-9kg of wet pasta. Was Angelo feeding a dozen teenagers?
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:08:50 PM EDT
Some people are just fundamentally bad at math.  You'd be shocked at the number of adults who answer this incorrectly:

8 ÷ 4 x 2 - 1 = ?
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:08:58 PM EDT
Angelos Cooks 4kg of pasta, after dinner there is 2kg left...

was 2g eaten? True of False

Looks like it's a conversion question, kg to g. How's your kids critical thinking and or reading comprehension teacher?
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:09:07 PM EDT
Was 2g eaten after cooking 4 kg?  I would hope so.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:09:09 PM EDT
> kg

Rat bastard communists
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:09:46 PM EDT
It's all bullshit.

Just wait, as soon as your kid gets numbers figured out they'll start adding letters and symbols and other made-up shit.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:11:01 PM EDT
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English teacher isn’t worth a fuck either.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:11:28 PM EDT
No, math is easy.

Most people just don't put much effort into becoming good at it.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:12:02 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:12:41 PM EDT
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Angelos Cooks 4kg of pasta, after dinner there is 2kg left...

was 2g eaten? True of False

Looks like it's a conversion question, kg to g. How's your kids critical thinking and or reading comprehension teacher?
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I think you and I are the only ones to notice the change in units. It's a trick question, I say False
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:14:37 PM EDT
Kg? g? That’s not math, that’s unit conversion. And I thought this was America, the fuck is this metric shit.

Also an Italian cooking pasta? What kinda racist shit is that? What’s next? If there are three rats, and Angelos wacks one of ‘em how many rats are still left to wack?

Ah fanabala.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:15:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:15:46 PM EDT
Public schools don't educate, more like indoctrinate. They don't want to teach they want more fast food workers.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:18:33 PM EDT
Angelos Cooks 4kg of pasta, after dinner there is 2kg left...
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I’d say the math teacher needs to spend some time with the grammar teacher.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:19:23 PM EDT
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Public schools don't educate, more like indoctrinate. They don't want to teach they want more fast food workers.
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Local school just had a "job skills fair" for fifth and sixth graders.  
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:21:36 PM EDT
ask her this at next teacher confernace.

"it takes 25 musicians 38 minutes to play Beethoven's 5th symphony.  How long will it take 50 to play Beethoven's 5th symphony?"
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:22:21 PM EDT
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Devil's advocate but maybe part of the 2kg didn't get eaten.
I'd have argued the shit out of that with my teacher.  
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And I would have eaten the pasta cold for breakfast, since I didn't want to eat what was for dinner.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:22:34 PM EDT
Listen to this stupid fucking questions.

Angelos Cooks 4kg of pasta, after dinner there is 2kg left...

was 2g eaten? True of False

First off....who TF is Angelo cooking for..that's like 8.8lbs of dry pasta. whole shit.

Then was 2g eaten....fuck yeah if 4kg missing...but are you asking if only 2g were eaten? BE MORE FUCKING SPECIFIC

At least this lady can add 2+2
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Heh. Dude, it's far worse than you think. Via a combination of medical complications (undiagnosed sleep apnea, which aggravated undiagnosed ADHD to the point I had to get meds for it) my 4 year plan to do a math/physics dual major in my late 30s became an 8 year plan. Going back to college in your late 30s was interesting because the profs treated me like a peer, not a student, for the most part... and the stories they related about teaching the Physics for Educators courses were horrifying.  People in their early 20s who didn't understand phases of the moon, couldn't be bothered to do simple arithmetic (grade school math, mind you), or a number of other similar things. This, coming from people who *had* to pass those classes to get out of high school. We joked about engineers being "special" and pre-med/pre-law students not being nearly as bright as they thought they were, but when it came to education majors, the laughter disappeared. That was from the actual physics physics types, the particle physicists and our pet theoretician... the Physics Educator guy, he'd get absolutely morose.  I found out my department chair was just as conservative/libertarian-ish as I am when I was in his office and he went off on a rant on how shitty the Ed majors were and how throwing money at the problem would never fix that level of dumb.

Some people are just fundamentally bad at math.  You'd be shocked at the number of adults who answer this incorrectly:

8 ÷ 4 x 2 - 1 = ?
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Are we obeying standard order of operations here? If so, PEMDAS dictates that's 0. Personally, I hated order of operations questions in grade school. They're pointless bullshit. Outside of grade school, high school, and 'haha gotcha!' social media posts, I've never had to use order of operations rules. If anything, the only use I can see for them today is ghetto obfuscation/encryption... much like a stick shift is an effective anti-theft device now, a OO equation would stump most people.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:23:26 PM EDT
Whole shit, indeed.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:24:06 PM EDT
How is the kid supposed to know how much was eaten as opposed to how much was left on plates and sent to the compost?
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:24:20 PM EDT
News Flash: The teacher’s primary job is not teaching children how to do math. Or read, or speak properly, etc.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:24:49 PM EDT
It takes 1 woman 9 months to make a baby, but 9 women can't make a baby in a month.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:25:26 PM EDT
Unknown. Nothing in the language says anything about pasta being eaten. All it says is the pasta is gone.
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:27:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:28:33 PM EDT
yall dumb

Link Posted: 1/12/2023 5:29:42 PM EDT
4 kilograms of pasta before dinner
2 kilograms of pasta after dinner

Were 2 grams eaten?   Probably.  That's only 0.1% of the missing pasta.  

It's unlikely that more than 99.9% of the dinner pasta was discarded without being consumed.  Was the cook really bad?
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