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Posted: 2/23/2023 11:34:55 PM EDT
A shocking number of folks on the right have devolved into little more than wet brained vatniks.

The resurgence of a new kleptocratic USSR supported by nations such as China, North Korea, and Iran is quite antithetical to traditional Western values.
Link Posted: 2/23/2023 11:35:40 PM EDT
Ukrbros assemble!
Link Posted: 2/23/2023 11:36:04 PM EDT
lol wut
Link Posted: 2/23/2023 11:36:18 PM EDT
Conservatism has sadly become the politics of dumb people.  I wonder if we'll ever recover.
Link Posted: 2/23/2023 11:36:46 PM EDT
At least the OP doesn't have a bad EE rating....
Link Posted: 2/23/2023 11:37:53 PM EDT
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At least the OP doesn't have a bad EE rating....
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Multiple accounts?
Link Posted: 2/23/2023 11:38:59 PM EDT
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Ukrbros assemble!
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Imagine being so enraged that people don’t align with your charities that you just get all emotional and yell.

I can’t because I’m not a leftist.
Link Posted: 2/23/2023 11:39:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/23/2023 11:39:55 PM EDT
The right claims to believe in national sovereignty and Western values, but when Putin invades a sovereign, ~ western-aligned nation and sics Chechen Muslims on orthodox Christians, the response of the right is one of apathy to outright support. Baffling.
Link Posted: 2/23/2023 11:41:37 PM EDT
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Conservatism has sadly become the politics of dumb people.  I wonder if we'll ever recover.
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I'm not optimistic.
Link Posted: 2/23/2023 11:41:48 PM EDT
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Conservatism has sadly become the politics of dumb people.  I wonder if we'll ever recover.
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WorldStar begs to differ
Link Posted: 2/23/2023 11:46:21 PM EDT
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I'm not optimistic.
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Conservatism has sadly become the politics of dumb people.  I wonder if we'll ever recover.

I'm not optimistic.

Neither of you were ever conservative by any measure
Link Posted: 2/23/2023 11:47:13 PM EDT
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WorldStar begs to differ
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Conservatism has sadly become the politics of dumb people.  I wonder if we'll ever recover.

WorldStar begs to differ

That is not a new surging phenomenon among the left though.
Link Posted: 2/23/2023 11:48:41 PM EDT
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I'm not optimistic.
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Conservatism has sadly become the politics of dumb people.  I wonder if we'll ever recover.

I'm not optimistic.

Link Posted: 2/23/2023 11:53:10 PM EDT
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Neither of you were ever conservative by any measure
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Conservatism has sadly become the politics of dumb people.  I wonder if we'll ever recover.

I'm not optimistic.

Neither of you were ever conservative by any measure

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I've held conservative economic and social opinions the entire time I've been politically aware. That's not something that's changed. I still value free markets, the BoR, traditional social values, and national sovereignty. Those values are a core part of who I am as a person. However, that doesn't exclude me from voicing my displeasure with the direction the right is voluntarily going.
Link Posted: 2/23/2023 11:54:10 PM EDT
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Conservatism has sadly become the politics of dumb people.  I wonder if we'll ever recover.

I'm not optimistic.


Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 2/23/2023 11:55:38 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/23/2023 11:58:31 PM EDT
A shocking number of folks on the right have devolved into little more than wet brained vatniks.

The resurgence of a new kleptocratic USSR supported by nations such as China, North Korea, and Iran is quite antithetical to traditional Western values.
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At least you don't have a shitty EE rating
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:09:18 AM EDT
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Conservatism has sadly become the politics of dumb people.  I wonder if we'll ever recover.
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Took me longer than some of you to begrudgingly come to this realization but the old Q thread was some eye opening shit.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:09:22 AM EDT
A shocking number of folks on the right have devolved into little more than wet brained vatniks.

The resurgence of a new kleptocratic USSR supported by nations such as China, North Korea, and Iran is quite antithetical to traditional Western values.
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Be sure to post in the German forums. Germany just backed down on increasing military spending.  Clearly they are not worried about white genocide and they are the experts.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:11:56 AM EDT
Wyte genocide is a divide et impera; just like OK Boomer, ghey/LGBTQ... v. straight, etc.  The globalists use divisiveness so we don't focus our attention to the very people who cause the problems.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:16:54 AM EDT
Leftists are still butthurt the Russkies fucked up their soviet paradise
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:17:30 AM EDT
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Conservatism has sadly become the politics of dumb people.  I wonder if we'll ever recover.
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I think it’s happening on both sides.

You have idiots on the left calling for the police to be abolished, cancelling everything/everyone for any perceived insult, etc. On the right, we have our own idiots parroting Russian propaganda about biolabs or Ukrainian Nazis, and eating horse deworming paste (while refusing to even get so much as a normal flu shot), etc.

The fringes are getting bigger, louder, and dumber on both sides. Our society is devolving into Idiocracy in general.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:21:01 AM EDT
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Took me longer than some of you to begrudgingly come to this realization but the old Q thread was some eye opening shit.
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Conservatism has sadly become the politics of dumb people.  I wonder if we'll ever recover.

Took me longer than some of you to begrudgingly come to this realization but the old Q thread was some eye opening shit.
Yep. The modern left is so much more intellectual by comparison. Ex. antifa, blm, and let us not forget Potatus. They've got us right where they want us, and I weep for the right. Lol
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:22:12 AM EDT
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Yep. The modern left is so much more intellectual by comparison. Ex. antifa, blm, and let us not forget Potatus. They've got us right where they want us, and I weep for the right. Lol
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Conservatism has sadly become the politics of dumb people.  I wonder if we'll ever recover.

Took me longer than some of you to begrudgingly come to this realization but the old Q thread was some eye opening shit.
Yep. The modern left is so much more intellectual by comparison. Ex. antifa, blm, and let us not forget Potatus. They've got us right where they want us, and I weep for the right. Lol

Conservatives are supposed to be better than that.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:31:53 AM EDT
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The right claims to believe in national sovereignty and Western values, but when Putin invades a sovereign, ~ western-aligned nation and sics Chechen Muslims on orthodox Christians, the response of the right is one of apathy to outright support. Baffling.
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There is a massive world of difference in "support" for russia, and admitting that Ukraine is a cesspool of corruption, that this war started in 2014 under Obama and has been a failure of policy by the same people in charge today, that Ukraine was in deep with the Bidens in money laundering, that Ukraine government has banned all political opposition and is hardly a bastion of freedom or civil rights..... and that our tax money is being used to line elites pockets while the pants shitter in charge has us on the brink of WWIII.

Its possible to be honest about all of it, and not just cherry pick. Our nation attacked Russia by destroying their pipeline.. thats going to come out sooner or later... and shit is not going to be good.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:32:19 AM EDT
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I think it’s happening on both sides.

You have idiots on the left calling for the police to be abolished, cancelling everything/everyone for any perceived insult, etc. On the right, we have our own idiots parroting Russian propaganda about biolabs or Ukrainian Nazis, and eating horse deworming paste (while refusing to even get so much as a normal flu shot), etc.

The fringes are getting bigger, louder, and dumber on both sides. Our society is devolving into Idiocracy in general.
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Conservatism has sadly become the politics of dumb people.  I wonder if we'll ever recover.

I think it’s happening on both sides.

You have idiots on the left calling for the police to be abolished, cancelling everything/everyone for any perceived insult, etc. On the right, we have our own idiots parroting Russian propaganda about biolabs or Ukrainian Nazis, and eating horse deworming paste (while refusing to even get so much as a normal flu shot), etc.

The fringes are getting bigger, louder, and dumber on both sides. Our society is devolving into Idiocracy in general.

Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:37:09 AM EDT
A shocking number of folks on the right have devolved into little more than wet brained vatniks.

The resurgence of a new kleptocratic USSR supported by nations such as China, North Korea, and Iran is quite antithetical to traditional Western values.
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The people that believe sharply reducing the number of humans is the answer have also said that the remaining population should be heavily skewed towards those with a long attending culture of doing what they're told, like the Chinese
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 12:39:35 AM EDT
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There is a massive world of difference in "support" for russia, and admitting that Ukraine is a cesspool of corruption, that this war started in 2014 under Obama and has been a failure of policy by the same people in charge today, that Ukraine was in deep with the Bidens in money laundering, that Ukraine government has banned all political opposition and is hardly a bastion of freedom or civil rights..... and that our tax money is being used to line elites pockets while the pants shitter in charge has us on the brink of WWIII.

Its possible to be honest about all of it, and not just cherry pick. Our nation attacked Russia by destroying their pipeline.. thats going to come out sooner or later... and shit is not going to be good.
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The right claims to believe in national sovereignty and Western values, but when Putin invades a sovereign, ~ western-aligned nation and sics Chechen Muslims on orthodox Christians, the response of the right is one of apathy to outright support. Baffling.

There is a massive world of difference in "support" for russia, and admitting that Ukraine is a cesspool of corruption, that this war started in 2014 under Obama and has been a failure of policy by the same people in charge today, that Ukraine was in deep with the Bidens in money laundering, that Ukraine government has banned all political opposition and is hardly a bastion of freedom or civil rights..... and that our tax money is being used to line elites pockets while the pants shitter in charge has us on the brink of WWIII.

Its possible to be honest about all of it, and not just cherry pick. Our nation attacked Russia by destroying their pipeline.. thats going to come out sooner or later... and shit is not going to be good.

So much dishonesty mixed into one post. One, there are numerous people here rooting for Putin. Two, Ukraine has corruption issues, just like every other post-Soviet state does. Much of the corruption after the dissolution of the USSR is still a result of direct Russian influence, and it's something the Ukrainians have worked towards combating. Three, Biden was in bed with pro-Russian entities in Ukraine, which is something that gets conveniently ignored by those on the right who wish to slander Ukraine. Four, the Ukrainian government banned pro-Russian and pro-communist political parties. If I was a Ukrainian, I would expect nothing less from my government. Five, in spite of asking numerous times, I have yet to see any concrete evidence that Ukraine aid is being used to line the elites' pockets. Essentially, the supposed evidence for this simply boils down, "I just know it's happening!" Six, we aren't on the brink of WW3. This is the same level of fear mongering that the left stooped to during covid, and it's sad to see many on the right behaving the same way. Seven, once again, there's no evidence that the US destroyed Nordstream. Anyone pretending to know definitively who did it is lying.

Your post is nothing more than a conjecture of misinformation, baseless speculation, and conspiracies.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:37:45 AM EDT
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I think it's happening on both sides.

You have idiots on the left calling for the police to be abolished, cancelling everything/everyone for any perceived insult, etc. On the right, we have our own idiots parroting Russian propaganda about biolabs or Ukrainian Nazis, and eating horse deworming paste (while refusing to even get so much as a normal flu shot), etc.

The fringes are getting bigger, louder, and dumber on both sides. Our society is devolving into Idiocracy in general.
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Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:39:52 AM EDT
White genocide by white people?

Very believable.

Just like the Ghost of Keeve, the fake air raid siren, and every other crock of shit thrown in between.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:45:08 AM EDT
And then everyone clapped and returned to watching TikTok videos
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:46:50 AM EDT

Which western values?
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:47:38 AM EDT
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Crimea River
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Live in d'Nile
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:52:00 AM EDT
Quick answer: the entire western neoliberal political/economic system is irredeemably corrupt, tyrannical, and self-serving, and needs to be dismantled. Some people have decided that a pointless inter-Slav territory dispute is relevant to that goal.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:53:26 AM EDT
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And then everyone clapped and returned to watching TikTok videos superchats to Kiwi Farms' finest. https://www.ar15.com/media/mediaFiles/463980/1677204110438881-2722869.gif
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Link Posted: 2/24/2023 1:55:26 AM EDT
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Quick answer: the entire western neoliberal political/economic system is irredeemably corrupt, tyrannical, and self-serving, and needs to be dismantled. Some people have decided that a pointless inter-Slav territory dispute is relevant to that goal.
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Why yes, Putin's kleptocracy is so much better, along with Iran's theocracy and the authoritarian communist regimes of China and North Korea.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 2:03:31 AM EDT
A shocking number of folks on the right have devolved into little more than wet brained vatniks.

The resurgence of a new kleptocratic USSR supported by nations such as China, North Korea, and Iran is quite antithetical to traditional Western values.
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The same argument could be made for our own government and those of our allies. I don’t exactly think “traditional” when pondering the state of western culture in general for the past 10+ years.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 2:08:19 AM EDT
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Why yes, Putin's kleptocracy is so much better, along with Iran's theocracy and the authoritarian communist regimes of China and North Korea.
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Where did I say it was? Both sides are classic examples of nation-states exploiting good people for the sake of flag worship. There is no such thing as a good government or a good nation-state.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 2:56:03 AM EDT

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I forgot this is what winning in America looks like now. Please everyone blindly follow along with the official narrative, put a mask on,  get vaxed and boosted and don't question our proxy war. OMG this is just like star wars and marvel movies!!!
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 3:16:21 AM EDT
Reminds me of a tweet I saw earlier

Link Posted: 2/24/2023 3:32:56 AM EDT
Ronald Reagan would roll over in his grave if he saw the level of stupid a segment of the present day American right was exhibiting. I hardly recognize this country anymore. Growing up and for most of my adult life, the republican party was the party that could be counted on to stand up to shithead Russians and counter their international fuckery. Democrats served as the USSR's useful idiots. Now the Donald Trump/MTG sect of the republican party is trying their best to completely flip the script. I hope the overwhelming majority of republicans remain free thinking enough to avoid falling under the spell of these lunatics, because if the republican party becomes a bunch of Pro-Putin cock slurpers, I'll march my ass down to the clerk's office and change my party affiliation. I won't be associated with this level of retardation. I won't stand for it. And I know I am not alone in those sentiments. So for those on the right who want to be edgy, be very careful. You run the very real risk of forcing numerous republicans to become independents, or worse yet, democrats. We'll see how edgy you are when your fucked up, jaded views make the republican party become totally irrelevant at the national level. The vast majority of the American populace is simply not going to side with Russia because what Russia is doing is wrong and indefensible. If the republican party starts to embrace pro-Russian propaganda, you can stick a fork in the party. It will be finished.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 3:45:58 AM EDT
^ Jesus how many accounts does this guy have?

"If you aren't sucking Biden's cock, you must be sucking Putin's!"
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 3:49:03 AM EDT
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^ Jesus how many accounts does this guy have?

"If you aren't sucking Biden's cock, you must be sucking Putin's!"
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Link Posted: 2/24/2023 3:53:09 AM EDT
A shocking number of folks on the right have devolved into little more than wet brained vatniks.

The resurgence of a new kleptocratic USSR supported by nations such as China, North Korea, and Iran is quite antithetical to traditional Western values.
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You convinced me! No institutions are more trustworthy than the media, the pentagram, and the state department. If those people tell you something, you can take it to the bank!
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 4:02:49 AM EDT
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The right claims to believe in national sovereignty and Western values, but when Putin invades a sovereign, ~ western-aligned nation and sics Chechen Muslims on orthodox Christians, the response of the right is one of apathy to outright support. Baffling.
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You don't understand, the former KGB guy is gonna save the west.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 4:04:38 AM EDT
OP, you forgot the Under_Score.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 4:07:03 AM EDT
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Ronald Reagan would roll over in his grave if he saw the level of stupid a segment of the present day American right was exhibiting. I hardly recognize this country anymore. Growing up and for most of my adult life, the republican party was the party that could be counted on to stand up to shithead Russians and counter their international fuckery. Democrats served as the USSR's useful idiots. Now the Donald Trump/MTG sect of the republican party is trying their best to completely flip the script. I hope the overwhelming majority of republicans remain free thinking enough to avoid falling under the spell of these lunatics, because if the republican party becomes a bunch of Pro-Putin cock slurpers, I'll march my ass down to the clerk's office and change my party affiliation. I won't be associated with this level of retardation. I won't stand for it. And I know I am not alone in those sentiments. So for those on the right who want to be edgy, be very careful. You run the very real risk of forcing numerous republicans to become independents, or worse yet, democrats. We'll see how edgy you are when your fucked up, jaded views make the republican party become totally irrelevant at the national level. The vast majority of the American populace is simply not going to side with Russia because what Russia is doing is wrong and indefensible. If the republican party starts to embrace pro-Russian propaganda, you can stick a fork in the party. It will be finished.
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Boomer, Ronald Reagan was a retard who laid the groundwork for the problems we have today. There’s no recovery from a financialized economy.
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 4:10:35 AM EDT
A shocking number of folks on the right have devolved into little more than wet brained vatniks.

The resurgence of a new kleptocratic USSR supported by nations such as China, North Korea, and Iran is quite antithetical to traditional Western values.
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The current USSA is antithetical to traditional western values.

Who.is more likely to kill you first?  The bear at your door or the wolf in the pasture?
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 6:19:30 AM EDT
Ronald Reagan would roll over in his grave if he saw the level of stupid a segment of the present day American right was exhibiting. I hardly recognize this country anymore. Growing up and for most of my adult life, the republican party was the party that could be counted on to stand up to shithead Russians and counter their international fuckery. Democrats served as the USSR's useful idiots. Now the Donald Trump/MTG sect of the republican party is trying their best to completely flip the script. I hope the overwhelming majority of republicans remain free thinking enough to avoid falling under the spell of these lunatics, because if the republican party becomes a bunch of Pro-Putin cock slurpers, I'll march my ass down to the clerk's office and change my party affiliation. I won't be associated with this level of retardation. I won't stand for it. And I know I am not alone in those sentiments. So for those on the right who want to be edgy, be very careful. You run the very real risk of forcing numerous republicans to become independents, or worse yet, democrats. We'll see how edgy you are when your fucked up, jaded views make the republican party become totally irrelevant at the national level. The vast majority of the American populace is simply not going to side with Russia because what Russia is doing is wrong and indefensible. If the republican party starts to embrace pro-Russian propaganda, you can stick a fork in the party. It will be finished.
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John Bolton is that you???
Link Posted: 2/24/2023 6:21:12 AM EDT
If conservative had a united command the Ukraine war would of been the perfect time to destroy the public opinion of the democrat party. The democrat party totally sabotaged Ukraines defenses. The democrats have a united command and what we are seeing is one big cover up of their crimes. While they still sabotage Ukraine with nonsense like banning them from having cluster bonmbs or mines.
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