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Posted: 9/1/2023 3:40:36 PM EDT
So this popped up on YouTube and I put it on as background noise. To break it down for those that don’t have 2 hours (I fast forwarded it because they talk slow), a Delta Force guy calls Rob O’Neill out on his story of how the Osama raid went down. He goes over what he’s heard, what’s been reported, and what other people that were there on the ground are sayin. Then he breaks down all the different times Rob O’Neill has said his story and how the do not line up. They also brought in someone with experience with detecting lies and got his take. Overall, it’s interesting, and sounds like some internet drama. I’m not a big fan of liars and if someone is takin credit for somethin someone else has done, that’s not cool. So I decided to post this up for people here in GD.

Ep 37: Rob O'Neill: The Web of Lies
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 3:47:49 PM EDT
Him and Tony Cowden have been getting called out lately
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 3:49:44 PM EDT
Seymour Hersh says the official story is conplete BS.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 3:54:15 PM EDT
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Him and Tony Cowden have been getting called out lately
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What’s Tony getting called out for?
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 3:55:58 PM EDT
OST for later viewing. Glad these guys are talking, history nerd in me loved the first hand stuff.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 4:00:33 PM EDT
I can't imagine being on that raid and still feeling the need to inflate my role. I'm no fan of liars but I kinda feel bad for anyone that took part in that deal and still feels the need to claim they did more than they did. It's completely bizarre to me.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 4:01:53 PM EDT
Read No Easy Day. That's how it went down.

Rob just canoed UBL as he was doing the death dance on the ground.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 4:04:58 PM EDT
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What’s Tony getting called out for?
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Lying about his service history, cheating at USPSA, getting kicked out of CrossFit for juicing, cheating at some endurance run he was doing. I thought the dude was legit then the more I keep reading the more Tony seems shady.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 4:05:12 PM EDT
I never did together the allure of bragging about shooting a disoriented geriatric.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 4:05:44 PM EDT
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I can't imagine being on that raid and still feeling the need to inflate my role. I'm no fan of liars but I kinda feel bad for anyone that took part in that deal and still feels the need to claim they did more than they did. It's completely bizarre to me.
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I agree. I’m sure all those years at war is not helping the choices he is making. Makes me sad because the vets need more support than what they’re getting.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 4:07:29 PM EDT
I said this guy was full of shit before and got leaped on by the trident bunnies.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 4:07:30 PM EDT
Well somebody sure killed the fuck outta Osama.  One of the Seals there had to have done it unless he canoed his own head
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 7:02:53 PM EDT
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Well somebody sure killed the fuck outta Osama.  One of the Seals there had to have done it unless he canoed his own head
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Someone did and imo it doesn’t matter who did it.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 7:04:47 PM EDT
He recently got arrested for being a drunken idiot.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 7:16:45 PM EDT
No pictures of his body and then supposedly buried at sea.  The entire thing has always seemed fishy.  Back then there was much thought that he'd been dead for years.  They could have just wacked one of his body doubles and called it a day.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 7:25:24 PM EDT
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I can't imagine being on that raid and still feeling the need to inflate my role. I'm no fan of liars but I kinda feel bad for anyone that took part in that deal and still feels the need to claim they did more than they did. It's completely bizarre to me.
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It’s easy to see why…$$$$$$.

I remember back when the Esquire article first came out and he was only known as “the shooter” thinking he was trying to set himself up for a pay day.

I listened to the podcast and they do a good job showing the inconsistencies in his story.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 7:26:03 PM EDT
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Lying about his service history, cheating at USPSA, getting kicked out of CrossFit for juicing, cheating at some endurance run he was doing. I thought the dude was legit then the more I keep reading the more Tony seems shady.
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What’s Tony getting called out for?

Lying about his service history, cheating at USPSA, getting kicked out of CrossFit for juicing, cheating at some endurance run he was doing. I thought the dude was legit then the more I keep reading the more Tony seems shady.

I just listened to his podcast appearance on Shawn Ryan Show and he seemed like he was somewhat full of shit.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 7:35:54 PM EDT
All I know is I had dinner in DC with the SEAL officer who carried the SECDEF brief case and we were at a SECDEF event. This was back when Rob spilled the “story” so this SEAL was totally aware of that portion of the community and what he shared with me was how angry they (The SEAL community) were that O’Neill opened his fat mouth at all. That was before every SEAL was on YouTube telling their stories.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 7:45:12 PM EDT
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No pictures of his body and then supposedly buried at sea.  The entire thing has always seemed fishy.  Back then there was much thought that he'd been dead for years.  They could have just wacked one of his body doubles and called it a day.
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Rob is a mean drunk.  He needed to be in the moment and has never adapted to civilization.

There are photos on his freshly dead body.  The burial at sea was video taped.  Stop feeding bullshit conspiracy theorists.

Link Posted: 9/1/2023 7:53:37 PM EDT
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Rob is a mean drunk.  He needed to be in the moment and has never adapted to civilization.

There are photos on his freshly dead body.  The burial at sea was video taped.  Stop feeding bullshit conspiracy theorists.

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Is this the photo you're referring to?

They were going to prosecute him for having one singular photo. They dumped Osama's body into the sea the same day he died. None of that seems strange? To top that all off now multiple SEALS claim they killed Osama.  And you wonder why people might doubt things.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 7:56:18 PM EDT
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Rob is a mean drunk.  He needed to be in the moment and has never adapted to civilization.

There are photos on his freshly dead body.  The burial at sea was video taped.  Stop feeding bullshit conspiracy theorists.

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No pictures of his body and then supposedly buried at sea.  The entire thing has always seemed fishy.  Back then there was much thought that he'd been dead for years.  They could have just wacked one of his body doubles and called it a day.

Rob is a mean drunk.  He needed to be in the moment and has never adapted to civilization.

There are photos on his freshly dead body.  The burial at sea was video taped.  Stop feeding bullshit conspiracy theorists.


Links? I've always understood the same as the poster you quoted and had the same thoughts as he does, I'd love to be proven wrong
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 8:00:53 PM EDT
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He recently got arrested for being a drunken idiot.
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He also rep’d some bullshit bro-vet t-shirt company that was caught cutting off the “made in china” tags from their products.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 8:01:03 PM EDT
Show us the body and the videos of the raid. Until then I will doubt the story.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 8:01:47 PM EDT
I read Osama is in the witness protection program, living in Arizona, and running a Qik E Mart.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 8:03:09 PM EDT
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Is this the photo you're referring to?

They were going to prosecute him for having one singular photo. They dumped Osama's body into the sea the same day he died. None of that seems strange? To top that all off now multiple SEALS claim they killed Osama.  And you wonder why people might doubt things.
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Rob is a mean drunk.  He needed to be in the moment and has never adapted to civilization.

There are photos on his freshly dead body.  The burial at sea was video taped.  Stop feeding bullshit conspiracy theorists.


Is this the photo you're referring to?

They were going to prosecute him for having one singular photo. They dumped Osama's body into the sea the same day he died. None of that seems strange? To top that all off now multiple SEALS claim they killed Osama.  And you wonder why people might doubt things.

What other person has claimed to fire first?

Link Posted: 9/1/2023 8:15:27 PM EDT
It wasn’t even UBL. All these guys saying they took pictures and DNA but I’ve never seen any proof. Have you?
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 8:18:00 PM EDT
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What other person has claimed to fire first?

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What other person has claimed to fire first?

This NBC article claims it's not even one of the two publicly claiming currently.

Neither man is the SEAL who was first up the stairs at bin Laden’s Pakistan compound and fired the first shot at Osama. But their dueling narratives are a sign of the backbiting and dysfunction that has roiled a once tight-knit band of warriors as former members violate their code of secrecy in search of the spotlight.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 8:24:28 PM EDT
It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 8:47:26 PM EDT
When I lived in Virginia, I was having dinner one night with a friend who worked for SOCOM in the Pentagon.  He got a call and had to excuse himself from the dinner. A day or two later, it was announced that UBL was dead.
I asked my friend about it. He confirmed that was what he had to excuse himself for. He was needed at the office to help coordinate.
I specifically asked him about the odd circumstances with the No photos and burial at sea. He confirmed that it definitely happened and he saw all the photos and videos.
This guy is 100% trustworthy.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 8:49:12 PM EDT
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It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me.
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Sir, this is Wendys.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 9:10:47 PM EDT
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No pictures of his body and then supposedly buried at sea.  The entire thing has always seemed fishy.  Back then there was much thought that he'd been dead for years.  They could have just wacked one of his body doubles and called it a day.
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This.   The whole story is a lie.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 9:10:54 PM EDT
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When I lived in Virginia, I was having dinner one night with a friend who worked for SOCOM in the Pentagon.  He got a call and had to excuse himself from the dinner. A day or two later, it was announced that UBL was dead.
I asked my friend about it. He confirmed that was what he had to excuse himself for. He was needed at the office to help coordinate.
I specifically asked him about the odd circumstances with the No photos and burial at sea. He confirmed that it definitely happened and he saw all the photos and videos.
This guy is 100% trustworthy.
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Nobody is claiming your friend or the SEALs are untrustworthy.  Those photos would probably look like some old Arab dude with his face exploded. Could easily be some lackey Pakistani ISI and/or the CIA setup.

Article about the verification process.

In 2011 DNA matching would take up to two weeks according to this article. That match is supposedly against his sister as far as the article guesses.  Yet they dumped the body into the drink within 24 hours.  Why did they care so much about respecting the religious beliefs of a mass murderer of US citizens?
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 9:11:47 PM EDT
I’m believe they got Osama. Obama made a lot of weird decisions to save face and project an image and the burial at sea sounds like something his administration would have asked for. The pictures…I don’t think they wanted to release a picture of guy that terrorists idolized with his face blown off to give fuel to other terrorists.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 9:24:05 PM EDT
Just started it on Spotify.
No dog in the fight but I’ll listen.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 9:26:29 PM EDT
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Nobody is claiming your friend or the SEALs are untrustworthy.  Those photos would probably look like some old Arab dude with his face exploded. Could easily be some lackey Pakistani ISI and/or the CIA setup.

Article about the verification process.

In 2011 DNA matching would take up to two weeks according to this article. That match is supposedly against his sister as far as the article guesses.  Yet they dumped the body into the drink within 24 hours.  Why did they care so much about respecting the religious beliefs of a mass murderer of US citizens?
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Probably because if they held his body it would serve as propaganda for Al Qaeda. If you want to go down that route there is literally no proof that would suffice.

Do you think the military crashed a TS stealth helicopter at a random house in Pakistan as part of the cover up as well?
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 9:30:53 PM EDT
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Nobody is claiming your friend or the SEALs are untrustworthy.  Those photos would probably look like some old Arab dude with his face exploded. Could easily be some lackey Pakistani ISI and/or the CIA setup.

Article about the verification process.

In 2011 DNA matching would take up to two weeks according to this article. That match is supposedly against his sister as far as the article guesses.  Yet they dumped the body into the drink within 24 hours.  Why did they care so much about respecting the religious beliefs of a mass murderer of US citizens?
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I realize the video is not questioning the fact of his death, but there are other posts in this thread expressing doubt.

I don’t believe they were terribly concerned about respecting bin Laden for his sake, but thought it prudent to avoid provoking further violence.
Not saying I agree with it.
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 9:42:52 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/1/2023 9:54:40 PM EDT
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Ever time I see that guy I think of this.

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Ok now that was funny
Link Posted: 9/2/2023 3:27:22 PM EDT
Bump for exposure
Link Posted: 9/3/2023 1:41:59 PM EDT
I never listened to O'Neill's story, and just took it as granted.  Bissonette's book places him and O'Neill on the same helicopter, and so does the Zero Dark movie.  That agreement on such a bizarre detail - the Tony Robbins stuff - that ancillary detail biased my mind toward O'Neill possibly being point.  O'Neill was either an important or notable figure with that detail showing up in two portrayals.  I'm not sure if No Easy Day drew the connection to the Tony Robbins guy being a team lead, and I just missed that or didn't remember that, I don't know.  But, my recollection of the book and the surprising degree of overlap in the movie just drew my mind to that, right wrong or indifferent.  So, I just took O'Neill's claims as granted.

Having never really heard the details of O'Neill's accounts, let alone his various accounts, I didn't realize there was such divergence between his claims and Bissonnette's account.

I can understand differing accounts from two people, and even differing accounts from the same person.  I see it all the time.  I've lived it.  Just three months ago, my friend and I had a helicopter hovering next to us, an unforgettable moment, except when talking about it last week, he recalled the helicopter being red.  It's not their job, but I would like to see how these guys in this podcast would break down the stories of me and my friend.  Because the helicopter was dark blue.  I've got a photo.  My friend was closer to the helicopter than I was, scary close.  But, there was a video he watched in the intervening months that put the idea in his head that the helicopter was red.  He was absolutely right about the models being the same, both EC-145s, but the intervening events changed the color in his memory in a most remarkable way.

And my friend and I probably have divergent accounts of every climb we've ever been on, if giving separate accounts, even though we've never been more than 200 feet apart.  Putting us together, and then talking about it, that's when the stories would converge.  And I'd really like to see the LE interrogator's take on that.

So, yeah, stories can differ.  BTDT.

But, it's their other discussions with other team members that set this skepticism apart.  Tucker seems to have a founded belief that O'Neill was the 4th, or so, man to enter the room.  And, there's just no way to reconcile that with O'Neill's account, let alone his various accounts.  Plus all the intangibles of Tuckers conversations with guys who were on the mission.

It's worth noting, though, that people latch onto belief and discrepancy with such bias that they will prosecute incorrect narratives.  Court records are full of such.
Link Posted: 9/3/2023 2:05:33 PM EDT
Code over country covers this.

Before the raid both O’Neil and Bissonette had an agreement on book/movie deals on the raid. After the raid, each of them tried to cut the other out of the deal and claim credit. Neither of them were the one who actually killed Osama. The real shooters name is “Red”. Nobody expects Red to ever talk about it publicly.

Both O’Neil and Bissonette fired grounding shots and O’Neil canoed his head after he was already dead. O’Neil disobeyed a direct order of no canoeing shots because they wanted to be sure none of this would end up in photos and hamper facial recognition. His command was pissed and had O’Neil hold OBLs head together for the pics.
Link Posted: 9/3/2023 2:27:04 PM EDT
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When I lived in Virginia, I was having dinner one night with a friend who worked for SOCOM in the Pentagon.  He got a call and had to excuse himself from the dinner. A day or two later, it was announced that UBL was dead.
I asked my friend about it. He confirmed that was what he had to excuse himself for. He was needed at the office to help coordinate.
I specifically asked him about the odd circumstances with the No photos and burial at sea. He confirmed that it definitely happened and he saw all the photos and videos.
This guy is 100% trustworthy.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 9/3/2023 2:54:13 PM EDT
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I never listened to O'Neill's story, and just took it as granted.  Bissonette's book places him and O'Neill on the same helicopter, and so does the Zero Dark movie.  That agreement on such a bizarre detail - the Tony Robbins stuff - that ancillary detail biased my mind toward O'Neill possibly being point.  O'Neill was either an important or notable figure with that detail showing up in two portrayals.  I'm not sure if No Easy Day drew the connection to the Tony Robbins guy being a team lead, and I just missed that or didn't remember that, I don't know.  But, my recollection of the book and the surprising degree of overlap in the movie just drew my mind to that, right wrong or indifferent.  So, I just took O'Neill's claims as granted.

Having never really heard the details of O'Neill's accounts, let alone his various accounts, I didn't realize there was such divergence between his claims and Bissonnette's account.

I can understand differing accounts from two people, and even differing accounts from the same person.  I see it all the time.  I've lived it.  Just three months ago, my friend and I had a helicopter hovering next to us, an unforgettable moment, except when talking about it last week, he recalled the helicopter being red.  It's not their job, but I would like to see how these guys in this podcast would break down the stories of me and my friend.  Because the helicopter was dark blue.  I've got a photo.  My friend was closer to the helicopter than I was, scary close.  But, there was a video he watched in the intervening months that put the idea in his head that the helicopter was red.  He was absolutely right about the models being the same, both EC-145s, but the intervening events changed the color in his memory in a most remarkable way.

And my friend and I probably have divergent accounts of every climb we've ever been on, if giving separate accounts, even though we've never been more than 200 feet apart.  Putting us together, and then talking about it, that's when the stories would converge.  And I'd really like to see the LE interrogator's take on that.

So, yeah, stories can differ.  BTDT.

But, it's their other discussions with other team members that set this skepticism apart.  Tucker seems to have a founded belief that O'Neill was the 4th, or so, man to enter the room.  And, there's just no way to reconcile that with O'Neill's account, let alone his various accounts.  Plus all the intangibles of Tuckers conversations with guys who were on the mission.

It's worth noting, though, that people latch onto belief and discrepancy with such bias that they will prosecute incorrect narratives.  Court records are full of such.
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Bissonette and O'Neil weren't on the same helicopter.
Link Posted: 9/3/2023 2:54:41 PM EDT
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Code over country covers this.

Before the raid both O’Neil and Bissonette had an agreement on book/movie deals on the raid. After the raid, each of them tried to cut the other out of the deal and claim credit. Neither of them were the one who actually killed Osama. The real shooters name is “Red”. Nobody expects Red to ever talk about it publicly.

Both O’Neil and Bissonette fired grounding shots and O’Neil canoed his head after he was already dead. O’Neil disobeyed a direct order of no canoeing shots because they wanted to be sure none of this would end up in photos and hamper facial recognition. His command was pissed and had O’Neil hold OBLs head together for the pics.
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Code Over Country should be in the fiction section.
Link Posted: 9/3/2023 9:09:05 PM EDT
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Code Over Country should be in the fiction section.
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LOL. The video above specifically states that the Author of Code Over Country was 100% right. Not to mention that that book is basically the viewpoint of 18 different members of DEVGRU.

people get so butthurt because their heroes aren’t as perfect as their story they built in their mind.
Link Posted: 9/3/2023 9:28:06 PM EDT
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LOL. The video above specifically states that the Author of Code Over Country was 100% right. Not to mention that that book is basically the viewpoint of 18 different members of DEVGRU.

people get so butthurt because their heroes aren’t as perfect as their story they built in their mind.
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No Easy Day laid out exactly what happened years ago. The author of Code Over Country didn't reveal a bombshell regarding the UBL raid. He took a few incidents of that command and tried to paint a picture that everyone there was scalping people and committing war crimes. Andy Stumpf had the author (Mathew Cole) on his podcast. Cole didn't come off looking so good.

For some reason, that dude seems to have a hard on for the NSW community. Probably because it sells better. Where are the books on CAG, SF and the 75th? There is plenty of material there for one.
Link Posted: 9/3/2023 9:37:44 PM EDT
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I can't imagine being on that raid and still feeling the need to inflate my role. I'm no fan of liars but I kinda feel bad for anyone that took part in that deal and still feels the need to claim they did more than they did. It's completely bizarre to me.
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I feel like even if I was the guy who cleaned the windshields on the blackhawks the night of the raid, that’d be enough for me to be proud.

Link Posted: 9/3/2023 9:43:54 PM EDT
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Well somebody sure killed the fuck outta Osama.  One of the Seals there had to have done it unless he canoed his own head
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By many accounts, they all sort of agree to not take credit for it individually. Then O’Neil did.

So he may have been the one who shot UBL first, he may not have (which is likely), the point is that he broke the agreement, that’s the way I seen/heard it told. The guy, blurred out face, on Jack Carr’s interview on YT said O’Neil is BS. I dunno and I don’t really care,  but I sure AF wouldn’t be out in public telling people I was the one who did it.
Link Posted: 9/3/2023 9:47:36 PM EDT
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Ever time I see that guy I think of this.

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I came here to post this video.

Honestly, as an outsider it seems the Seals are nothing but a bunch of blowhards at this point. The Navy would be better off creating a new elite organization and keeping Seals tier 3 SOF.

You could almost say the same for Delta.

Too many people out there talking about all the cool operating they've done on YouTube and writing books.

If they get any worse, soon the SOF guys will be even more in love with themselves than pilots.
Link Posted: 9/3/2023 9:47:59 PM EDT
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I never listened to O'Neill's story, and just took it as granted.  Bissonette's book places him and O'Neill on the same helicopter, and so does the Zero Dark movie.  That agreement on such a bizarre detail - the Tony Robbins stuff - that ancillary detail biased my mind toward O'Neill possibly being point.  O'Neill was either an important or notable figure with that detail showing up in two portrayals.  I'm not sure if No Easy Day drew the connection to the Tony Robbins guy being a team lead, and I just missed that or didn't remember that, I don't know.  But, my recollection of the book and the surprising degree of overlap in the movie just drew my mind to that, right wrong or indifferent.  So, I just took O'Neill's claims as granted.

Having never really heard the details of O'Neill's accounts, let alone his various accounts, I didn't realize there was such divergence between his claims and Bissonnette's account.

I can understand differing accounts from two people, and even differing accounts from the same person.  I see it all the time.  I've lived it.  Just three months ago, my friend and I had a helicopter hovering next to us, an unforgettable moment, except when talking about it last week, he recalled the helicopter being red.  It's not their job, but I would like to see how these guys in this podcast would break down the stories of me and my friend.  Because the helicopter was dark blue.  I've got a photo.  My friend was closer to the helicopter than I was, scary close.  But, there was a video he watched in the intervening months that put the idea in his head that the helicopter was red.  He was absolutely right about the models being the same, both EC-145s, but the intervening events changed the color in his memory in a most remarkable way.

And my friend and I probably have divergent accounts of every climb we've ever been on, if giving separate accounts, even though we've never been more than 200 feet apart.  Putting us together, and then talking about it, that's when the stories would converge.  And I'd really like to see the LE interrogator's take on that.

So, yeah, stories can differ.  BTDT.

But, it's their other discussions with other team members that set this skepticism apart.  Tucker seems to have a founded belief that O'Neill was the 4th, or so, man to enter the room.  And, there's just no way to reconcile that with O'Neill's account, let alone his various accounts.  Plus all the intangibles of Tuckers conversations with guys who were on the mission.

It's worth noting, though, that people latch onto belief and discrepancy with such bias that they will prosecute incorrect narratives.  Court records are full of such.
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Retired LE.   very common for witnesses to give different details when witnessing the same event even from the same place.  The memory is an odd thing.  I have seen it a lot, they are trying to be truthful but they remember it wrong on certain points with the main points usually in ageeement.
Link Posted: 9/3/2023 10:04:04 PM EDT
it was only 12 years ago and we aren't sure what happened.  jesus was 2000 years ago but we're definitely sure what happened then.
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