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Posted: 1/20/2024 7:58:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:03:30 PM EDT
Yeah, but since you can't prove definitively that voter fraud is happening because you don't have access to any information involving the people voting or any way to track it, it didn't happen and elections are safe and secure and any suggestion that illegal immigrants are getting bussed around to vote is completely unfounded.

Until you can provide proof (that we won't allow you access to) there are no illegal immigrants voting. They're just here for a better life y'know. Checkmate, bigoted racists.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:06:31 PM EDT
The illegals are going to be the most potent and powerful voting bloc in American history. That's why the democrats want 100 million of them in-country by the end of the year. And why the 'crats cater to them like royalty. They won't even have to cheat anymore.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:12:11 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:14:25 PM EDT

Que the meme from Red October
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:17:39 PM EDT
I'm not calling for it. But I just don't understand why there hasn't been an uprising.

San Antonio PD CAUGHT Aiding In Human Smuggling Operations | Tayler Hansen

Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:20:57 PM EDT
Well guys… like fadesun has explained, it our fault for not going to border to help.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:21:21 PM EDT
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I'm not calling for it. But I just don't understand why there hasn't been an uprising.

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Because everyone believes that it's someone else's problem and they should solve it. Sooner or later, it's going to effect everyone directly. Of course, by then, the solution, if there is one at all, is going to be far more difficult and far more painful the longer everyone waits to address it.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:21:41 PM EDT
Dems are taking all in 2024 and banning guns in 2025.  Plan accordingly.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:29:10 PM EDT
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Dems are taking all in 2024 and banning guns in 2025.  Plan accordingly.
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This post seems like hyperbole, but things happen quick and when your pants are down. Down by your ankles. The place they are when your most unaware of anything except for the thing that caused your pants to be down at your ankles.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:33:24 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:43:19 PM EDT
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This post seems like hyperbole, but things happen quick and when your pants are down. Down by your ankles. The place they are when your most unaware of anything except for the thing that caused your pants to be down at your ankles.
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Dems are taking all in 2024 and banning guns in 2025.  Plan accordingly.

This post seems like hyperbole, but things happen quick and when your pants are down. Down by your ankles. The place they are when your most unaware of anything except for the thing that caused your pants to be down at your ankles.

Then it's time to do like the ancients and get heroically nude.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:44:04 PM EDT

...is a great album!
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:45:20 PM EDT

At this point it's the only way
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:46:07 PM EDT
AZ is lost anyway. This just reinforces the fact
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:46:54 PM EDT
Interesting...I wonder if state law trumps this.


Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:47:18 PM EDT
At the rate things are going, I may end up in Vietnam renting surf boards.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:51:08 PM EDT
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Well, the fedgov is the one bringing them in to vote, so...
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:52:36 PM EDT
No shit.

What did think the plan was?
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:53:45 PM EDT
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At the rate things are going, I may end up in Vietnam renting surf boards.
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Lots of Americans are moving there. You can get a very nice apartment there for $300/mo.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 8:55:37 PM EDT
I drove down to Casa Grande yesterday. Then over to Maricopa and back up to PHX. The road side garbage, dumped appliances, open fires, wood smoke haze, stench, dirt and destroyed land, junk cars, and heavy traffic. Its already 3rd world. Might as well make it legit.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 9:30:10 PM EDT
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Well guys… like fadesun has explained, it our fault for not going to border to help.
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Bless his heart
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 9:31:05 PM EDT
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Yeah, but since you can't prove definitively that voter fraud is happening because you don't have access to any information involving the people voting or any way to track it, it didn't happen and elections are safe and secure and any suggestion that illegal immigrants are getting bussed around to vote is completely unfounded.

Until you can provide proof (that we won't allow you access to) there are no illegal immigrants voting. They're just here for a better life y'know. Checkmate, bigoted racists.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 9:42:47 PM EDT
Next cycle they’ll be voting for their own.
Been the LaRaza plan for 20yrs.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 9:46:26 PM EDT
So Republicans get out and pay off the immigrants to vote Republican.

How much does a million votes cost these days?
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 9:48:05 PM EDT
This the reason for the massive illegal influx. The Democrats are going to try and do this in every state. They will have a stranglehold on elections and Republicans will go extinct.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 10:02:26 PM EDT
So Republicans get out and pay off the immigrants to vote Republican.

How much does a million votes cost these days?
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Any party to run a candidate with hispanic surname will get their vote.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 10:08:32 PM EDT
What's to stop some hacker some inserting 800,000 votes (either way) into the Arizona election?

Like, at some point there would be a number of "votes" that would raise an eyebrow, wouldn't there be?
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 10:18:57 PM EDT
While I can see both sides of the coin, it is not hard to look at the consequences either.

One one side,. the illegals are living there - they are residents and they are without representation.  Likewise, it is for state and local - kind of up to state and local to decide who votes.

But this is a one time use valve.  Once it is open, they will own the state and local governments.  There will be nobody to turn it back off.  It kind of reminds me of the   19th amendment...  But honestly, that did not give the majority of votes to someone else - oh, wait, it did.
personally I see issues with allowing different people to vote in some, but not all elections.  Mostly because the other elections will be so full of fraud afterwards, the results will be worthless.  Image in 10 years when you have a county judge and a county election commissioner who are both working for the illegals.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 10:21:50 PM EDT
Para Español, oprima el uno, gringo puto.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 10:28:58 PM EDT
I mean, they literally can't vote but you guys go off lol.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 10:29:20 PM EDT
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While I can see both sides of the coin, it is not hard to look at the consequences either.

One one side,. the illegals are living there - they are residents and they are without representation.  Likewise, it is for state and local - kind of up to state and local to decide who votes.

But this is a one time use valve.  Once it is open, they will own the state and local governments.  There will be nobody to turn it back off.  It kind of reminds me of the   19th amendment...  But honestly, that did not give the majority of votes to someone else - oh, wait, it did.
personally I see issues with allowing different people to vote in some, but not all elections.  Mostly because the other elections will be so full of fraud afterwards, the results will be worthless.  Image in 10 years when you have a county judge and a county election commissioner who are both working for the illegals.
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No. This isn't for state and local. I'd you can't prove your citizenship you can only vote for federal offices.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 10:29:51 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 10:30:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 10:31:01 PM EDT

All part of the plan
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 10:32:33 PM EDT
Didn’t we all know this was coming?
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 10:36:24 PM EDT
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Yeah, but since you can't prove definitively that voter fraud is happening because you don't have access to any information involving the people voting or any way to track it, it didn't happen and elections are safe and secure and any suggestion that illegal immigrants are getting bussed around to vote is completely unfounded.

Until you can provide proof (that we won't allow you access to) there are no illegal immigrants voting. They're just here for a better life y'know. Checkmate, bigoted racists.
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“We won’t release the information that proves we are breaking the law”-Law breakers.

Link Posted: 1/20/2024 10:37:06 PM EDT
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Well guys… like fadesun has explained, it our fault for not going to border to help.
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“Help” how?!
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 10:37:34 PM EDT
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While I can see both sides of the coin, it is not hard to look at the consequences either.

One one side,. the illegals are living there - they are residents and they are without representation.  Likewise, it is for state and local - kind of up to state and local to decide who votes.

But this is a one time use valve.  Once it is open, they will own the state and local governments.  There will be nobody to turn it back off.  It kind of reminds me of the   19th amendment...  But honestly, that did not give the majority of votes to someone else - oh, wait, it did.
personally I see issues with allowing different people to vote in some, but not all elections.  Mostly because the other elections will be so full of fraud afterwards, the results will be worthless.  Image in 10 years when you have a county judge and a county election commissioner who are both working for the illegals.
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There aren't two sides to the coin, there is only one side.

Name one other country where they let non-citizens vote in their elections. Just one.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 10:38:44 PM EDT
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I mean, they literally can't vote but you guys go off lol.
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@pmo12 yeah, they do vote illegally, they also skew the census, so why do you deny this?
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 10:40:30 PM EDT
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While I can see both sides of the coin, it is not hard to look at the consequences either.

One one side,. the illegals are living there - they are residents and they are without representation.  Likewise, it is for state and local - kind of up to state and local to decide who votes.

But this is a one time use valve.  Once it is open, they will own the state and local governments.  There will be nobody to turn it back off.  It kind of reminds me of the   19th amendment...  But honestly, that did not give the majority of votes to someone else - oh, wait, it did.
personally I see issues with allowing different people to vote in some, but not all elections.  Mostly because the other elections will be so full of fraud afterwards, the results will be worthless.  Image in 10 years when you have a county judge and a county election commissioner who are both working for the illegals.
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Ah. my dude, invaders are not residents anymore then home invaders are room mates.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 10:41:33 PM EDT
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Any party to run a candidate with hispanic surname will get their vote.
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Wrong, they will vote for who ever offers them more of your money. Which means always blue, no matter who.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 10:42:54 PM EDT
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This the reason for the massive illegal influx. The Democrats are going to try and do this in every state. They will have a stranglehold on elections and Republicans will go extinct.
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Yes they will, because they really think if they move the right words into order they will win them over, they won’t.

But hey, at least those conservanothings will make sure to defend every other border but their own. Right?
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 10:45:26 PM EDT
There was a reason Katie Hobbs was the chosen child.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 10:45:58 PM EDT
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I drove down to Casa Grande yesterday. Then over to Maricopa and back up to PHX. The road side garbage, dumped appliances, open fires, wood smoke haze, stench, dirt and destroyed land, junk cars, and heavy traffic. Its already 3rd world. Might as well make it legit.
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Easy, declare the area invaded, offer the land in 10 acres plots to whom over can clear out the invaders.

Enough of this shit.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 11:02:41 PM EDT
Why else are they being imported?

They will also be placed in red counties to overpopulate the locals.
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 11:40:00 PM EDT
This is one of the groups facilitating this. and they are open about their motives

Black Alliance For Just Immigration  
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 11:44:11 PM EDT
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Easy, declare the area invaded, offer the land in 10 acres plots to whom over can clear out the invaders.

Enough of this shit.
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I drove down to Casa Grande yesterday. Then over to Maricopa and back up to PHX. The road side garbage, dumped appliances, open fires, wood smoke haze, stench, dirt and destroyed land, junk cars, and heavy traffic. Its already 3rd world. Might as well make it legit.

Easy, declare the area invaded, offer the land in 10 acres plots to whom over can clear out the invaders.

Enough of this shit.

Just outside Maricopa, near the feed lot, blocks of hi rise apartments that can house thousands are going up. Wonder who those are for? People who will pay top dollar for a penthouse view of cow shit?
Link Posted: 1/20/2024 11:50:22 PM EDT
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I'm not calling for it. But I just don't understand why there hasn't been an uprising.

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Link Posted: 1/20/2024 11:59:14 PM EDT
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The illegals are going to be the most potent and powerful voting bloc in American history. That's why the democrats want 100 million of them in-country by the end of the year. And why the 'crats cater to them like royalty. They won't even have to cheat anymore.
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That is cheating
Link Posted: 1/21/2024 12:04:42 AM EDT
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This is one of the groups facilitating this. and they are open about their motives

Black Alliance For Just Immigration  
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Another group we need to shut down, seize all assets and deport its members.

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