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Posted: 5/28/2002 3:44:21 PM EDT
I am considering to try and become a state trooper.
I have never had a job that is anything like a police officer(I'm a auto mechanic) is there something that will help me along to make up my mind. May people that I have talked to said, I would make a fine officer. I would like to eventualy become a detective of some sort.
Is there something that will increase my chances of being selected?
Sorry for that ramble, any info that can be provided would be greatly appeciated.

Link Posted: 5/28/2002 4:35:04 PM EDT
I don't know about your particular Dept. that you wish to join but the benefits are usually above average to pretty damn good. That's [b]WAS[/b] the primary the reason I joined the NYPD.

You'll get to interact with the general public in a (hopefully)positive way, if you're not a "people person" don't bother.

You will be the one called upon in times of need, regardless of what you'd rather be doing. So if you can make certain "sacrifices" don't bother.

Oh and you can get LEO/Gov't only mags on the Cheap!
Link Posted: 5/28/2002 4:40:04 PM EDT
Congrats...GO FOR IT.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 7:37:08 AM EDT
"youre a better man than i, gunga din."
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 10:52:15 AM EDT
I am in the position were I need a change of work(just cant stand working on cars anymore).
I have been tossing many ideas around, untill my father,who is a fire fighter, suggests that I go into public safety. Thought about it for a week or so and decided to pursue becoming a police officer. I think this would be a step in the right direction for a solid career. I have alot of leadership training(was the senior patrol leader and asst. scoutmaster in boy scouts and also a Eagle scout). I am familier with being the man behind the curtain and hard work going unnoticed, but as long as I know that I have made a difference is all that matters. I am going to call the local PD and go on a "ride along" , so I can see just what its like to be in their shoes.
Again it there is anything that will make me a better prospect please let me know, it will be greatly appeciated.
Link Posted: 5/29/2002 11:00:37 AM EDT
Go for state police. They got the best job. I wouldn't want to be a local cop.
Link Posted: 6/1/2002 1:11:54 PM EDT
It's like this...

  It's a job that we all love...
  But we all hate many of the things that we must do.

  If you can look at yourself in the mirror every night and believe that you are doing what is right even though many of the laws that you have to enforce don't feel right, then go for it. If you can't live with yourself having to see and do things that most people never catch a glimmer of in their lifetimes, then keep your mechanic job.
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 9:10:42 PM EDT
ZMAN, the DE state police is full of wonderful men and women to work with. What part of DE are you located in? I would recommend taking a ride along with both state and county/city police.
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 9:25:40 PM EDT
If you don't look at EVERY one you see as a bad guyand it's just up to you to bust them,
you should stop thinking about it now!

Maybe it's just me but it's not dumb to feel it's a cops job to stand up for ALL the rights we have and keep us safe even if it's not easy.

The things I was told last year when I was thinking the same thing you are now should make anybody sick.

Do you know when most cops think of us?
If you do are you ok to be that way?
If not you will never make it.
Link Posted: 6/4/2002 11:03:57 PM EDT
barking dogs...permanant liver damage from being in meth labs...really weak pay...if someone is talking to you they are probably lying...these are the things to looke forward to in law enforcement.   have i become cynical?  hmmmmmm and after only seven years.  maybe i should work on cars and you could have my job. is indiana appealing? no really its not a bad gig something different every day. good luck hope you make the department that you want
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 6:00:40 AM EDT

I have been a cop for 7 years.  I love it, but it has it's downsides.  You have to work horrible hours, night shifts, holidays, sometimes double shifts.  My wife is very supportive of it, but I wish I was able to spend more time with her.  Hopefully within a few years I can make it into detectives and see her more often.  The benefits are usually very good.  The pay depending on the department can be good.  Some departments pay terribly.  I have seen a lot of crap, some things I just can't forget.  The one thing that makes me the happiest is the kids.  I love seeing a child run to the edge of the road while waiting for the bus, just to wave at the police officer going by.  If you do it because you like people and you enjoy some excitement, that is a good reason.  Don't forget there is a lot of paperwork.  A lot of paperwork.  Oh yea, and you get to ride fast with the lights on.  That is just a bonus!  LOL  Best of luck with the decision.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 6:02:31 AM EDT
Hi guys, first post for me. I've been a LEO for about 8 years now. ZMan, you'll see things as a cop that decent people shouldn't have to deal with. You'll deal with the scum of the earth one minute and pillars of the community the next. You'll go from being bored to tears to running 100 mph in minutes. Best advice I can give is don't think you're going to save the world. Remember that it's just your job and leave it in your locker when you go home.
Link Posted: 6/5/2002 10:45:25 AM EDT
Been a cop since 1983.  Worked just about every major section in a large dept. GeorgiaCop sums it up pretty well, to which I'll add.  There are some people that are going to hate you for no other reason than the badge.  Most of them will not be obvious about it.  Learn to cope with this before it eats you up inside.

Make sure your spouse and family has a clear idea of what you are doing. Especially if you go to an unpredictable schedule because of being assigned to vice for example.  Make plans with your family to do things aside from just sitting at home on days off.  Quality time isn't really quality time when your drinking beer in front of the TV. Call your wife a couple of times a day,  just to say hi. Your spouse has  stress and issues related to your job too.

GET INVOLVED IN THINGS OUTSIDE OF POLICE WORK!!!  A lot of new guys tend to get very insular, and the circle of their friends gets really small. This leads to such undesirable things as drinking, family problems, and in some extreme cases suicide.  Be alert for that in yourself and your co-workers, and take steps to prevent it.

We have what's called the "Rookie Danger Zone".  Starts at about a year on the road and lasts for 2-3 years.  If you're going to have personal problems, get hurt or killed, it's going to be more likely to happen during that time than any other time in your career. Keep up on your training, and don't get complacent.
Link Posted: 6/6/2002 4:32:28 AM EDT
Thanks, guys that is exactly what I'm looking for info from the people who do the job everyday. I sounds like a very taxing job and having to put up with alot of BS. But it has not detered me yet, I'm going on a "ride along" next week  so I'll get to see first hand what its all about. Then i'll make a choice.        I figure since i'm only 25 and not married, now would be the time to do this.
M4, I live in Hockessin(just outside Wilm.)
U upstate or down?
Well got to run i'm at work.
Thanks for all the great info. I feel I am more prepared to make my decicion now.
Thanks again
Link Posted: 6/9/2002 6:14:10 PM EDT
I just got hired by the LAPD. I started the academy last Monday. Checkout their web site www.lapdonline.org. There are quite a few recruits from out of state in my class. Starting pay is $44,500 a year. The department is 1000 officers under its authorized strength. The hiring process takes 6-8 months.  
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