Flannel Daddy has a video out about it. I find him entertaining, but also insightful.
In one of the videos he mentions the 7 yard training regimen that most people adhere to, but recommends stretching out. I typically train at 7 yards on paper and then 20 yards on 6"x8" falling plates. During tonight's range session I'm going to start incorporating 50 yard handgun drills. I occasionally fire a mag at a 20" steel gong at 100 yards but its mostly for entertainment. I need to get serious about "extended engagement distances" especially considering the size of some of the spaces I occupy during my routine life. The very last thing I would ever want to do is hurt an innocent person with an off-target round.
I won't even consider anything beyond 20 yards until I'm 9/10 at 50 yards under various stressful conditions and shooting positions. It'll take a while but until then I'm keeping in my safety-zone of contact-to-20.
ETA: tonight I'm going to warm up at 50 yards using a Ruger MKIII 22LR before transitioning to my 9mm.