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AK Sponsor: palmetto
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Link Posted: 10/16/2012 2:01:01 PM EDT
Originally Posted By SickMAK90:

Now that looks SLICK with the AFG!

Thanks, it makes a huge difference on that MI handguard to insulate your hand from heat and just feels "right"
Link Posted: 10/18/2012 4:56:53 AM EDT
My First Build -


Based on an AK Builder AMD65 (12.5" Barrel) Parts Kit, Khyber Flat, Triangle Side-Folder, Custom-Made Integrated Front-Sight-Base / Gas-Block, Custom-Made 5.25" long Muzzle Brake, Magpul MOE 870 ForeEnd handgrip, modified MOLOT Pistol Grip ( MD Arms) and Texas AK Triggers FCG.




CloseUp of both Custom Made Muzzle-Brake and Integrated FSB / GB:


With Triangle Side-Folder "closed Up":



Link Posted: 10/18/2012 6:44:45 AM EDT
Originally Posted By BradleyAbrams:
My First Build -


Based on an AK Builder AMD65 (12.5" Barrel) Parts Kit, Khyber Flat, Triangle Side-Folder, Custom-Made Integrated Front-Sight-Base / Gas-Block, Custom-Made 5.25" long Muzzle Brake, Magpul MOE 870 ForeEnd handgrip, modified MOLOT Pistol Grip ( MD Arms) and Texas AK Triggers FCG.




CloseUp of both Custom Made Muzzle-Brake and Integrated FSB / GB:


With Triangle Side-Folder "closed Up":




You must explain how you make those hand guards work.

Link Posted: 10/18/2012 1:28:47 PM EDT
[Last Edit: HWI] [#4]
Bradley, have you shot it yet? I am wondering if that Magpul handguard will be able to handle the heat without melting. Pretty interesting build you have there.
Link Posted: 10/18/2012 2:00:22 PM EDT
The Romanian beater, I think I have under 400$ in this thing including the gun and all the stuff on it.

Link Posted: 10/18/2012 3:49:27 PM EDT
[Last Edit: polymer4me] [#6]
That's a really odd color for the grip. Do you plan on painting it to match the rifle? Other than that, it's a nice Romanian

ETA - here's mine ...

Just a beater AK I got cheap. They are fun though for target and practice shooting
Link Posted: 10/18/2012 6:36:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 10/18/2012 6:42:52 PM EDT

Do you experience any change in point of impact or accuracy loss with the battlecomp? I'm having some issues with my '74 that is wearing a perm-attached BC 1.5, just curious if it was just me.
Link Posted: 10/18/2012 7:37:03 PM EDT
[Last Edit: purevl2] [#9]

Link Posted: 10/18/2012 7:59:13 PM EDT
Originally Posted By polymer4me:
That's a really odd color for the grip. Do you plan on painting it to match the rifle? Other than that, it's a nice Romanian

ETA - here's mine ...


Just a beater AK I got cheap. They are fun though for target and practice shooting

Lol its a hogue zombie grip. My 5yr old picked it.
Link Posted: 10/19/2012 4:25:49 AM EDT
[Last Edit: BradleyAbrams] [#11]
SickMAK90  &  HWI -

Hello Gents, Here's The How I did the MAGPUL MOE retrofit, and also The Why I think it will work just fine..

I cored out the MAGPUL 870 ForeEnd in order to make it work with my AMD's Barrel & Gas Tube.

The MAGPUL MOE 870 has longitudinal runners all along its length. It also has a Semi-Cylindrical "Top" which is designed to envelop the Action Slide of the Remington 870 Shotgun..

I took a Dremel to it all and cut out this semi-cylindrical Top, thereby rendering the MAGPUL MOE into a True OPEN TOP Design.

I  also removed about 1/2 of the runners, as viewed from the Top on Down., making for a smooth internal wall all along the length of the MAGPUL ForeEnd Grip / Handguard

I left in place the bottom 1/4th part of these "Runners" ( approx. ) which form a rounded  profile along the MAGPUL's long axis; a Profile which happens to conform to the AMD's Barrel. on about 30% of the Barrel's Lower Diameter. This is GOOD Stuff.

Once this was done by hacking and cussing, it was just a matter of small adjustments with a File for a Final, Taylor-Made fitting of the Magpul to the AMD.

The Finished result is a relatively compact OPEN TOP Handguard, which exposes the upper 1/3rd of the Gas Tube to Open Air along this Tube's entire length.

The Three Longitudinal, long-oval Side-Ports on either side of the MAGPUL MOE are unencumbered and do not contact any part of the Rifle's Barrel Assembly or the Gas Tube. - Air Flow moves Freely all about...

The only points of contact between the MAGPUL and the AMD Carbine are as follows:

Anchoring the modified MAGPUL  MOE 870 ForeEnd to the AMD Carbine:

Starting up in Front, I just used the AMD original Handguard's Front Retainer as an anchoring point..

This is the retainer which holds the original AMD65 Perforated Metal Handguard.  I specifically wanted to keep this part as a Mounting-Point for installing this MAGPUL ForeEnd; or any other Hand Guard, for that matter, which I may retrofit in the Future..

The AMD's HG Retainer is a good , solid mounting point, and there is no sense in re-inventing the wheel..if you know what I mean..

I did have to shave OFF the Retainer's Sling Attachment "ring"in order to maintain side-to-side symmetry when fixing the MAGPUL to the Retainer.

OK - Now, moving Farther back,

I made a "U"- shaped, spring steel Pressure Cllip which wedges securely to the runners inside the  MAGPUL MOE, and also Clips ONTO the Barrel, right in front of the Barrel Trunnion / below the Rear Sight Base.

This coupling makes for one Solid Snap-Fit.

I do have negligible Fore & Aft movement at this time;  but I will anchor the MAGPUL securely to the original HandGuard Retainer.with a Machine screw . I trust That will put a stop to the existing, very minimal , "Shimmy"..In truth, it's such a minimal movement that I coud forego this fix, but it bugs the shyt out of me knowing it is there, so it's got to go.

OK - So,  the Thing is in, SOLID....Next, It was time for a HEAT SINK to protect the MAGPUL AND My Hand....

Here I installed a "U" shaped metal Heat Shield between the Barrel and the HG, This Heat Shield runs approximately 75% of the total length of the MAGPUL MOE 870

I used a Heat Shield normally found in applications as a Heat Sink / Thermal Barrier for Electronic SCR Controls.

I had one such Shield left over from a SCR Controller Project I had worked on in the past, so I just took the Metal Shield and modified it to fit my needs and  then inserted it in the MAGPUL MOE HandGrip  - BAZZINGAH..!!

The Metal Heat Shield fits tightly inside the MAGPUL HandGuard, and also cradles the Barrel.

FWIW, SCRs put out a LOT of Heat, so the Heat Transfer and dissipation pedigree of this metallic Alloy Shield Material is Solid.

The Heat Shield material looks like this sample pictured below, only mine is shaped accordingly in order to fit sandwiched between the MAGPUL below and the Barrel above it.



The Shield I built, as viewed from the side; is shaped somewhat like a distorted  stair-step ( one step only..)

Again, viewed from the side, the front 2/3rds of the Heat Shield's Vertical Sides come up to just below the MAGPUL's oval Side-Ports, this is about One Inch in Height..

If you were to look at the MAGPUL directly from the side, you could Not see any of the Metal Shield material lining the inside of the ForeGrip. -

At the Rear portion of this Shield, The Vertical sides on the last 1/3rd run taller.

Dimensions for this Shield are as follows

Total Length of Metal Heat Shield : 5.375"

Height of Vertical sides on the Front 2/3rds: 1.0"

Height of Vertical sides on the Rear 1/3rd: 1.625"

This shield works at Dissipating Barrel Heat by both Conduction and Convection,  according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics:

CONDUCTION icomes into play in HEAT TRANSFER in the sense that the Heat Shield  is in partial physical contact with the AMD's Barrel. Because the Metal Shield  Material Structure is Always Cooler than the Hot Barrel, Heat transfers Primarily and in its largest part from the Barrel to the Heat Shield; and only in a very secondary / marginal derivative  does the Barrel Heat overflow onto the MAGPUL Polymer Material.

  CONVECTION plays its part in that Additional Heat Transfer occurs when the Heat at the Shield and also any residual Barrel Heat is moved Up and Away from its source by the fluid-like quality of Ambient Air in motion found both In-between the Magpul, the Heat Shield and the Barrel as well as that atmospheric Air found surrounding this entire system.  

Please Do Recall that the MAGPUL is now an OPEN TOP, Multi-Ported Handguard design, with plenty of access to Open Air Flow..

Again - Any Residual Barrel Heat not converted to a Lower excitation "Heat" State by Conduction at the Heat Shield, will very likely rise to[span style='font-weight: bold;']
dissipate into the cooler Atmospheric Air.; thereby introducing yet another Natural Mechanism for mitigating Barrel Heat from affecting the MAGPUL's Polymer Structure.

IOW, the MAGPUL should Not Suffer Structural Damage ( aka: Melting ) due to Barrel Heat; because the extent of the latter should be Negligible, at best..  

At least, that's "the Theory".

Real World experience may prove otherwise. - There are many variables.  

It may be that unloading a couple of  75Rd Drums in quick succession by Bump Firing would produce ammounts of Heat of such magnitude which would overcome the Dynamics of the Conduction / Convection Heat Thansfer capabilituies of this particular Heat Shield.

Or, maybe shooting rapid fire 30-rd strings during a Very Hot Day likewise may prove detrimental..

Field experimentation is called for, and as of yet .I have Not had the chance to go shoot this Carbine. So all my theory above may be full of Shit.

I have the 75Rd Drum..Now all I need is the TIME to go shoot the living shiite out of this ZOMBAT ...

Link Posted: 10/19/2012 7:29:47 AM EDT
Originally Posted By kalash74:

Do you experience any change in point of impact or accuracy loss with the battlecomp? I'm having some issues with my '74 that is wearing a perm-attached BC 1.5, just curious if it was just me.

None at all. The AKBC was designed for the AK47 though so that might have something to do with it. Who pinned your 1.5? It has to be slightly off if it is affecting your POI.
Link Posted: 10/19/2012 7:50:35 PM EDT

I like your setup.  What kind of groups do you typically get with this?
Link Posted: 10/21/2012 9:58:07 PM EDT
[Last Edit: NBot] [#14]

Here are my two.  Arsenal and a Norinco
Link Posted: 10/21/2012 10:29:50 PM EDT

Originally Posted By NBot:


Here are my two. Arsenal and a Norinco

Bad ass rifles, as well as the photography. Well done!
Link Posted: 10/21/2012 10:39:43 PM EDT
[Last Edit: NBot] [#16]

Bad ass rifles, as well as the photography. Well done!

Thanks man
Link Posted: 10/21/2012 11:17:01 PM EDT
Originally Posted By kalash74:

I like your setup.  What kind of groups do you typically get with this?

I just set it up like this, and to tell you the truth, I'm not that good of a bench shooter yet.  I'll report back.
Link Posted: 10/22/2012 3:50:57 PM EDT
BradelyAbrams, is that a Bakelite 40 rounder?
Where did you get that, can you tell me about it please?
Link Posted: 10/22/2012 7:22:15 PM EDT
Originally Posted By AKjake:
BradelyAbrams, is that a Bakelite 40 rounder?
Where did you get that, can you tell me about it please?

Sure is.

I got mine from KRINKOV762, over at AK Files


Link Posted: 10/31/2012 5:46:32 AM EDT
Originally Posted By BradleyAbrams:
My First Build -


Based on an AK Builder AMD65 (12.5" Barrel) Parts Kit, Khyber Flat, Triangle Side-Folder, Custom-Made Integrated Front-Sight-Base / Gas-Block, Custom-Made 5.25" long Muzzle Brake, Magpul MOE 870 ForeEnd handgrip, modified MOLOT Pistol Grip ( MD Arms) and Texas AK Triggers FCG.




CloseUp of both Custom Made Muzzle-Brake and Integrated FSB / GB:


With Triangle Side-Folder "closed Up":




That foregrip does look fantastic on there!  
Link Posted: 11/1/2012 5:04:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/9/2012 4:40:41 PM EDT
Yugoslavian M70B1 on NDS reciever and Waffen Werks AK-74

Link Posted: 11/9/2012 6:58:45 PM EDT
Originally Posted By isullivan:
Yugoslavian M70B1 on NDS reciever and Waffen Werks AK-74

Damn fine looking rifles

My new Arsenal SLR101S milled

Link Posted: 11/9/2012 7:17:26 PM EDT
Originally Posted By isullivan:
Yugoslavian M70B1 on NDS reciever and Waffen Werks AK-74

Man i want a Yugo now
Link Posted: 11/10/2012 2:55:23 AM EDT
[Last Edit: wildonewet] [#26]
I got the Hungarian FEG AK in 1991, I paid $850 with no box or papers. I remember reading Shotgun news back in the late 1980's and seeing the add for all the foreign AK's that were going for $650. For some reason I wanted the Hungarian AK and the Yugo in 308. After I got the Hungarian the only add I seen was the Mitchell arms Yugo in 308 with the thumb hole stock. You don't see them on GB, If I remember correctly if you bought a Yugo with the thumb hole stock the same add had the original stock sets that you could buy with the Yugo. Those were the days! I wish I knew better back then but then again we all wish we could see in the future.
Anyways, I ran 10,000 + rounds through that AK with norinco ammo at first but mostly wolf ammo with out a miss. It's pretty used with lots of wear to show but it has never let me down!! The barrel still looks like new and shiny and the FCG does show some use.
Back around 1995 I bought a East German side folder for it at a gun show in SLC for $110.00 and that is my main carry stock. I just like it, it looks cool and it's easy to pack or stow in my ATV rear stow box.
Besides taking hundreds of Coyotes It's my main jack rabbit gun. If you live out west then you know what it's like to find a good jack rabbit hunt spot where you can shoot 400 rounds in a few hours at jacks, you can't keep your mags loaded and the barrel is cookin red hot!!
That's a life of a Hungarian AK being used and not a setting in a safe to be sold some day. As with all my guns I shoot the heck out of them!![/span]
Link Posted: 11/10/2012 12:08:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/10/2012 1:47:20 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Troubledjoe] [#28]

Just a quick pic of my 1970 Tula AKM build by Mario at POHF that I got about an hour ago.

Link Posted: 11/10/2012 3:31:21 PM EDT
Originally Posted By wildonewet:
I got the Hungarian FEG AK in 1991, I paid $850 with no box or papers. I remember reading Shotgun news back in the late 1980's and seeing the add for all the foreign AK's that were going for $650. For some reason I wanted the Hungarian AK and the Yugo in 308. After I got the Hungarian the only add I seen was the Mitchell arms Yugo in 308 with the thumb hole stock. You don't see them on GB, If I remember correctly if you bought a Yugo with the thumb hole stock the same add had the original stock sets that you could buy with the Yugo. Those were the days! I wish I knew better back then but then again we all wish we could see in the future.
Anyways, I ran 10,000 + rounds through that AK with norinco ammo at first but mostly wolf ammo with out a miss. It's pretty used with lots of wear to show but it has never let me down!! The barrel still looks like new and shiny and the FCG does show some use.
Back around 1995 I bought a East German side folder for it at a gun show in SLC for $110.00 and that is my main carry stock. I just like it, it looks cool and it's easy to pack or stow in my ATV rear stow box.
Besides taking hundreds of Coyotes It's my main jack rabbit gun. If you live out west then you know what it's like to find a good jack rabbit hunt spot where you can shoot 400 rounds in a few hours at jacks, you can't keep your mags loaded and the barrel is cookin red hot!!
That's a life of a Hungarian AK being used and not a setting in a safe to be sold some day. As with all my guns I shoot the heck out of them!![/span]

niceeeeee, that is how an ak should be used.
Link Posted: 11/11/2012 2:32:46 PM EDT
My "new" WASR that I traded for; looks a little rough but considering I'm only in it $300 (what I paid for the gun I traded away for it) and it came with a couple mags and a few hundred rounds I think I did ok.

And here is my Arsenal SGL-31 61 with my new 45 round bakelite mag

Link Posted: 11/11/2012 3:59:59 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/12/2012 3:27:07 PM EDT
Well here is my Saiga that I converted myself. Not to bad for my first time if I say so myself. My next one will be a more traditional one for sure though.

Link Posted: 11/14/2012 12:38:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 11/17/2012 6:00:55 PM EDT

Link Posted: 11/17/2012 8:24:32 PM EDT

Link Posted: 11/17/2012 9:01:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/17/2012 9:27:56 PM EDT

If it's paracord, it's gonna melt to the gas tube and barrel.

Link Posted: 11/17/2012 10:02:16 PM EDT
Originally Posted By gtate:

Originally Posted By nictra:

interesting wrap. Done much shooting with it yet? I kinda like it, very khyber-ish
If it's paracord, it's gonna melt to the gas tube and barrel.


yeah seriously wtf?
Link Posted: 11/18/2012 12:34:38 AM EDT
Originally Posted By ZEROTHOMAS:
Originally Posted By gtate:

Originally Posted By nictra:

interesting wrap. Done much shooting with it yet? I kinda like it, very khyber-ish
If it's paracord, it's gonna melt to the gas tube and barrel.


yeah seriously wtf?

Seriously, there is like a layer of Kevlar underneath.

Link Posted: 11/18/2012 1:55:40 AM EDT
Originally Posted By haydendavid380:
Originally Posted By ZEROTHOMAS:
Originally Posted By gtate:

Originally Posted By nictra:

interesting wrap. Done much shooting with it yet? I kinda like it, very khyber-ish
If it's paracord, it's gonna melt to the gas tube and barrel.


yeah seriously wtf?

Seriously, there is like a layer of Kevlar underneath.

Well if you have it under the wrap and wrapped around the barrel then i guess you are good to go.
Link Posted: 11/18/2012 2:45:02 AM EDT
Originally Posted By gtate:

Originally Posted By nictra:

interesting wrap. Done much shooting with it yet? I kinda like it, very khyber-ish
If it's paracord, it's gonna melt to the gas tube and barrel.


Link Posted: 11/20/2012 10:51:30 AM EDT
Matching #s Polish UF built on an NDS receiver. It barks just about as loud as my AMD65!

Original, chrome lined Polish barrel. This unit was unfired when I got it and is accurate and precise enough. Had the best time shooting this over the weekend!

Was given the weathered look at first and then painted. Kinda like it weathered more.


Link Posted: 12/1/2012 1:52:06 AM EDT
[Last Edit: bruh44] [#44]
Link Posted: 12/1/2012 9:05:00 AM EDT
[Last Edit: Simperator] [#45]
Hi all!

First real post here. I've got one tacticool AK (Saiga MK) and one classic (SA85M) so far:



Link Posted: 12/1/2012 10:56:20 AM EDT
[Last Edit: hodgescl] [#46]

amd 65 + romanian foregrip. much more comfortable and insulating.
Link Posted: 12/1/2012 12:02:34 PM EDT

Originally Posted By Simperator:

Hi all!

First real post here. I've got one tacticool AK (Saiga MK) and one classic (SA85M) so far:




love the classic!


Link Posted: 12/1/2012 1:06:11 PM EDT
[Last Edit: Simperator] [#48]
Originally Posted By nictra:

Originally Posted By Simperator:
Hi all!

First real post here. I've got one tacticool AK (Saiga MK) and one classic (SA85M) so far:



love the classic!


Thank you! It's quite multinational: Hungarian AK, American grip and trigger, Soviet sling, mag and bayonet and Polish wood (only AKM wood I can get here right now).

Link Posted: 12/6/2012 11:59:18 PM EDT
Originally Posted By hodgescl:

amd 65 + romanian foregrip. much more comfortable and insulating.

I love how simple and practical your rifle is

Pic thread..
Link Posted: 12/7/2012 1:12:05 AM EDT
Arsenal SLR 101S
I refinished a original Bulgarian wood stock set,came out pretty good.Left the battle scars on the wood for realism.

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AK Sponsor: palmetto
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