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Link Posted: 6/13/2007 1:12:04 PM EDT

After seeing that...The whole thing is suspect.

Production value of a high-school prank. Who knows what they did to that suppressor before the "test"

Great conclusion, the guy didn't have good form so that's why the silencer messed up, what a genious.  I'm glad we all know now.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 1:14:53 PM EDT
Did he have an AD at 4:16 into the vid?  Guy didn't seem to know what he was doing which makes me wonder if they knew what they were doing when attaching the suppressor.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 1:16:17 PM EDT

After seeing that...The whole thing is suspect.

Production value of a high-school prank. Who knows what they did to that suppressor before the "test"

I bet they took the can apart and perfectly ground off any welding in the can and put it back together and said hey lets video this thing.  Get real man.

Maybe his lack of good form made every weld in the can disappear, springs fail, and the roll pin fall out.  

Would it matter to you if the thing was in HD?
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 1:19:28 PM EDT


Wait 'till I do my test.

Please remember to tape it wearing big pink gloves with Queen playing in the background.  (Somebody's got to get this reference.)

Link Posted: 6/13/2007 1:26:19 PM EDT
Am I the really only one that noticed in the SHOT show video he says that it's a "shell inside a shell" and that the outside "core" (likely an accidental confusion of terms) is fully welded and the inside "core" is partially welded? It's at the 1:25 mark.

From Gemtech's website:
"Titanium, stainless steels, and inconel are mated throughout"
Nothing about being welded.

The supressor may have failed, but I fail to see where Gemtech has intentionally misrepresented the product as many people are alleging.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 1:32:55 PM EDT

Am I the really only one that noticed in the SHOT show video he says that it's a "shell inside a shell" and that the outside "core" (likely an accidental confusion of terms) is fully welded and the inside "core" is partially welded? It's at the 1:25 mark.

From Gemtech's website:
"Titanium, stainless steels, and inconel are mated throughout"
Nothing about being welded.

The supressor may have failed, but I fail to see where Gemtech has intentionally misrepresented the product as many people are alleging.

If the guy on the video "confused" it with something, then what did he mean to say was fully welded? Because the only thing welded is the endcap and I doubt that he was talking about that.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 1:38:43 PM EDT


Wait 'till I do my test.

Be sure to let us know how many rounds before yours glows bright red. I dont understand that at all. I've seen many suppressors on SBRs shot full auto, having shot way more rounds without turning red. Somethings not right.

I've had my Warrior turn bright red in the daylight.  

TxL mention lighting cigars and cooking fajitas on mine.  

It may be heavier than some of the 'whiz-bang' suppressor out there but is has held up to tons of abuse.

Glottoe and I dumped two Betas, then a stack of 30 rounders through my Warrior one night.  We were using his DIAS and melted the handguards on his M4.

I think the round count was 380 by the time we quit dumping rounds.

It has been about two years, so those numbers might be off, but only slightly.

We quit, only because he did not have a spare gas tube.

Link Posted: 6/13/2007 1:51:21 PM EDT
Another one bites the dust ?

Obviously, this is the Gen II "field repairable" version.

And I thought you guys knew this stuff
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 2:59:06 PM EDT

Am I the really only one that noticed in the SHOT show video he says that it's a "shell inside a shell" and that the outside "core" (likely an accidental confusion of terms) is fully welded and the inside "core" is partially welded? It's at the 1:25 mark.

From Gemtech's website:
"Titanium, stainless steels, and inconel are mated throughout"
Nothing about being welded.

The supressor may have failed, but I fail to see where Gemtech has intentionally misrepresented the product as many people are alleging.

No, you aren't.  I did and I asked the question. Noone reads these fucking threads.  They just pass over to Steve's posts or AACs posts to trash them.  Nothing in between.

Link Posted: 6/13/2007 3:03:00 PM EDT
I am really disappointed in the suppressor I saw in that video.  I can't imagine taking a new suppressor out for a day of shooting and putting it through some abuse.  I won't be firing 4 mags on FA but I will fire 8, 12, 16 on semi and I would think that would degrade the suppressor some if 4FA/4Semi did that much harm to it- especially over time.

The guy firing the weapon really did look like a clown.  I am not a trained professional by any stretch of the imagination but I've recently had a lot of jams while working through reloading issues and I'm MUCH better than he is at clearing a jam and I even think I was BEFORE my "reload training."

And no, it doesn't have much to do with what happened to the can but it is suspect nonetheless.  Quit making ridiculously exaggerated statements to make your point.  It's getting ridiculous.

"Oh yeah I'm sure him banging that mag in broke a roll pin."

No, of course it didn't.  Noone is saying that and you shouldn't be trying to make it sound like they are.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 3:25:02 PM EDT

And no, it doesn't have much to do with what happened to the can but it is suspect nonetheless.  Quit making ridiculously exaggerated statements to make your point.  It's getting ridiculous.

"Oh yeah I'm sure him banging that mag in broke a roll pin."

No, of course it didn't.  Noone is saying that and you shouldn't be trying to make it sound like they are.

I'm not trying to make it sound like anybody means that.  Do I need to put a smily face in there for you?  I'm making the point that the shooter has nothing to do with the can failing.  What is ridiculous is people making personal attacks on the guy doing the shooting.  Stupid, irrelevant comments deserve ridiculous answers.  It doesn't matter if he is standing there in a Bozo outfit.  The gun goes bang and the can fails.  

How does taking awhile to clear a jam make anything suspect?  If anything, it gives the can a little time to cool. They got a guy who they felt was an independent 3rd party to do the shooting.  God knows if Silvers was doing the shooting, people would be making fun of his shooting gloves or something right now.  
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 3:34:32 PM EDT

I'm making the point that the shooter has nothing to do with the can failing.  What is ridiculous is people making personal attacks on the guy doing the shooting.  Stupid, irrelevant comments deserve ridiculous answers.  It doesn't matter if he is standing there in a Bozo outfit.  The gun goes bang and the can fails.  

The shooter is the "independant witness" that is saying nothing looked wrong with the can or ammo before shooting.

Every question of integrity will simply be met with attacks in return from the site, so it's not a big deal, but since we don't know the source of the ammo, or the condition of the silencer, all we have to go on for impartiality is an observer that looked over the can beforehand.

There are seperate issues at hand here, aside from welded vs not-welded.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 3:37:44 PM EDT
Anything is suspect for now...but I still think that maybe another test or if anyone can show a picture of a G5 can right now....and I want to see if it does have the weld or not....right now....thats kinda mute thanks to Pat saying he is seeing none on it.

It failed....and that whole roll pin thingy...yeah thats kinda not hunky dory to me....dude....

I was kinda expecting something more durable of a can than that.

Link Posted: 6/13/2007 3:43:18 PM EDT

Anything is suspect for now...but I still think that maybe another test or if anyone can show a picture of a G5 can right now....and I want to see if it does have the weld or not....right now....thats kinda mute thanks to Pat saying he is seeing none on it.

It failed....and that whole roll pin thingy...yeah thats kinda not hunky dory to me....dude....

I was kinda expecting something more durable of a $875 can than that.

Me too (my addition in red)
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 3:48:50 PM EDT

Anything is suspect for now...but I still think that maybe another test or if anyone can show a picture of a G5 can right now....and I want to see if it does have the weld or not....right now....thats kinda mute thanks to Pat saying he is seeing none on it.

Well, there's a picture over there of one end with a weld-seam of about 25% according to them. I don't know if that's the end that came un done or not. I can't speak to what that unscrewing would have allowed back into the silencer mount area.

[edit] Looking at the video, it doesn't look like that was where it came undone. Pictures of a "fresh" G5 would be handy.

It failed....and that whole roll pin thingy...yeah thats kinda not hunky dory to me....dude....

I was kinda expecting something more durable of a can than that.

Well, usually something fails in some kind of order, so it's possible that the endcap coming loose allowed a situation whereby the rollpins failed and so on. Hard to say.

Frankly, we're caught between the attack hype from one side and the silence from the other, so we really won't know why what happened, happened. We could at least find out if the failure is repeatable if someone wanted to risk the money to do it.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 3:51:26 PM EDT
If it fails again.....and if its repeatable at the same round count.

I'm sold....and its a 100 percent verdict.....

I'll raise the white flag faster than a frenchman....and I'm Hungarian so I am pretty die hard....in the first place
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 3:55:47 PM EDT

Link Posted: 6/13/2007 3:58:28 PM EDT

...I'm Hungarian...

that explains a lot...
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 4:26:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 4:26:30 PM EDT

After seeing that...The whole thing is suspect.

Production value of a high-school prank. Who knows what they did to that suppressor before the "test"

(and yes, I am tagging this thread)
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 4:45:18 PM EDT

For all I know it was completely disassembled the night before and reassembled with a damaged pin.  I can not prove that’s correct, but  no one can prove me wrong either.  This thread will go no where in regards to why it failed.

I think one of those Friday afternoon drunks working at Gemtech assembled the can with an undersized or damaged roll pin.  Probably the same Friday afternoon drunk who usually welds the cores, but forgot to on account of it being Friday and he being drunk.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 5:07:34 PM EDT
Bigbore your crazy theories about why this thing has failed are getting silly. They are making you look silly.

Just accept and admit that this test was designed and administered with the sole purpose of the Gemtech G5 failing. I have no doubt they expected failure before they even started.

Instead of blaming it on possible drunks, or stupid salemen who don't know thier product, or on overweight people who are not special ops level trained, or theorizing that perhaps fairies or elves took the silencer apart the night before and put it back together with inferior roll pins and springs and pixie dust.  You should just admit, the Gemtech G5 was never intended for this level of obvious abuse. It will serve a normal person in a normal fashion for a normal lifetime of use.

It is the perfect silencer for normal people.

Stop trying to make it sound like something it is not.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 5:14:04 PM EDT


I've seen videos with glow, though maybe not that much. Still, for me I was wondering more about the recoil in the video. :)

I think it was that guys first time with an AR based weapon that wasn't airsoft. Bad form all over; slapping the mag, no knowledge of immediate action drills, and hip shooting.

From the shooters own original post he was hip shooting it because it was comming apart and he was scared to continue shooting it close to his body in a normal fashion.

Immediate action drills are to be used when trying to survive in a life/death situation, not on an indoor range situation when sole purpose is to function test something for a documentary.

I could get an entire team of airsoft and paintball shooters and have them look at the silencer at the end of the test and they would all agree, that thing is broken.  One does not have to be a race car driver to be able to tell who lost the race.  Whether or not the man has ever fired or seen a gun before has nothing to do with the fact that the silencer broke.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 5:17:11 PM EDT
He fired it from the hip because he was afraid of it coming apart?  Nah, I don't think so.  If that were the case with me, I would have duct taped it to a chair and pulled the trigger with a string.

How can this level of damage be ok for a normal user of this suppressor?

I would expect that anyone with one would continuously use it at the range and not remove it to let it cool and all that crap.

I wouldn't buy one if I was in the market for one after seeing that video.

I would however like to see other videos to show it's perfectly safe.  It seemed to be a good suppressor for the money with a good company to have standing behind it.

Link Posted: 6/13/2007 5:33:38 PM EDT

He fired it from the hip because he was afraid of it coming apart?  Nah, I don't think so.  If that were the case with me, I would have duct taped it to a chair and pulled the trigger with a string.

Um, they did eventually fire it from behind a barricade. He said at the beginning of this that he was worried and didn't want to continue.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 5:44:42 PM EDT

He fired it from the hip because he was afraid of it coming apart?  Nah, I don't think so.  If that were the case with me, I would have duct taped it to a chair and pulled the trigger with a string.

How can this level of damage be ok for a normal user of this suppressor?

I would expect that anyone with one would continuously use it at the range and not remove it to let it cool and all that crap.

I wouldn't buy one if I was in the market for one after seeing that video.

I would however like to see other videos to show it's perfectly safe.  It seemed to be a good suppressor for the money with a good company to have standing behind it.

A good suppressor for the money?  Dang where do you shop?  Its almost twice what the AAC M4-1000 or YHM 5.56 suppressor cost, and its a good suppressor for the money?

I agree thought that it should be able to handle worse then it did.  I've seen my M4-2000 and someone elses SWR handle much worse (just for the fun of making it pour out smoke and steam).

It would be fine if it was ALOT cheaper, but not for the 800+ it is.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 5:45:04 PM EDT
The biggest problem I see in this thread is that some posters are in outright DENIAL. Facts are facts. As D_H already said, it is quite obvious that the G5 is not built for prolonged full-auto fire---it is a good can for the average Joe who doesn't abuse his equipment.

And the BS about not welding in order to make the can more easily repaired for the .mil---what happens when the end-user experiences a catastrophic failure during combat? Who cares how easily it can be repaired, the operator cares more about it not breaking in the first place. The manufacturer's number-one priority, especially when filling orders for troops that are in harm's way, should be ensuring that the can won't break, not building so it can be easily repaired in anticipation  of having it break.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 6:00:05 PM EDT

The biggest problem I see in this thread is that some posters are in outright DENIAL. Facts are facts. As D_H already said, it is quite obvious that the G5 is not built for prolonged full-auto fire---it is a good can for the average Joe who doesn't abuse his equipment.

I don't think it's denial to ask how it failed. The can was coming unscrewed before the end of the first batch of tests, did that lead to the other problems that eventually made the can let go?

If so, was the unscrewing a singular failure, or something repeatable any time this is done, etc.

And the BS about not welding in order to make the can more easily repaired for the .mil---what happens when the end-user experiences a catastrophic failure during combat?

Did the lack of tube welds contribute really? That's a seperate issue of whether Gemtech said it did and it doesn't. Roll pins may have been a part of the problem, Titanium/ inconel/ springs, maybe, but the welds don't seem to make a difference if the can had held togethor.

Same with EDM'ing the parts, it's just a process, it may produce more consistency, but how does that equal bad design?

A lot of stuff is being thrown around, I doubt half of it has meaning, but is just part of the attack pattern.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 6:14:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 6:41:11 PM EDT
Why hasn't anyone from gemtech responded to any of this?
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 6:53:11 PM EDT

Why hasn't anyone from gemtech responded to any of this?
Why engage in he said, he said?
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 6:56:15 PM EDT


Why hasn't anyone from gemtech responded to any of this?
Why engage in he said, he said?

If someone called me a liar, I'd defend myself.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 6:58:17 PM EDT



Why hasn't anyone from gemtech responded to any of this?
Why engage in he said, he said?

If someone called me a liar, I'd defend myself.

And then you just get into a pissing match. And when you get into a pissing match the only thing that happens is you get pissed on.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 7:02:57 PM EDT




Why hasn't anyone from gemtech responded to any of this?
Why engage in he said, he said?

If someone called me a liar, I'd defend myself.

And then you just get into a pissing match. And when you get into a pissing match the only thing that happens is you get pissed on.

By defend myself, I mean prove otherwise. I would offer undeniable proof of my claim. Assuming that I wasn't lying, of course.

In this case, silence speaks volumes.

ETA  Maybe someone deserves to get pissed on.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 7:03:56 PM EDT

This thread is a train wreck.

I don't think there is some grand conspiracy here.

Damn... and I was just about to offer one

What the heck...  

A couple of observations:

1. Lots O' Flash.
2. Can got hot fast.

It seems there was a lot of unspent powder accumulating in the can.

My idiotic "Hindenburg" theory is that unspent powder was ingniting inside the can thus, increasing internal temperatures to levels much higher than what you would normally experience (where all the powder was ignited).  

Now to the conspiracy.... (my favorite part) I think the HK rifle itself is partly to blame.  Having a piston upper probably allowed more gas (and unspent powder) to enter the can (than a direct impingement system would allow). Secondly, having a 14.5" barrel doesn't help matters either. Lots of unspent powder.    

I'd like to see the same demonstration using a longer length barrel that used direct impingement.

I'll be the first to chip in $20.00 for a new "fully welded core" can.

Link Posted: 6/13/2007 7:09:57 PM EDT


By defend myself, I mean prove otherwise. I would offer undeniable proof of my claim. Assuming that I wasn't lying, of course.

In this case, silence speaks volumes.

ETA  Maybe someone deserves to get pissed on.

Personally, I think many people came into this thread with their minds made up. When that happens there isn't much anyone can do. Even if you offer your own video that shows the exact opposite results, someone would just say they cherry picked the can or some other such nonsense.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 7:18:55 PM EDT

Wait 'till I do my test.

No matter who does that test, the G5 can is going to get larued up! It just simply can't hang when it's going to be rapid-fired.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 7:56:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 8:13:07 PM EDT

As someone stated, each person came into this thread with some perceived notion of people  /companies involved and then interpreted what they saw from that angle. GT has nothing to gain from getting involved in this mud fest and I'm sure they would answer questions if someone called them.

I disagree.  A lot more people read the thread than post on it.  They see the test, the results and the controversy.  If the mfgr does not step up and say:  here is the deal, either "we changed the design after Kel said ..." or "that can was defective -- we normally weld..." or whatever is the truth, many folks will never hear the mfgr point of view -- very few will call.  

I was one of the doubting folks in RS's last test on flash from suppressors.  I was part of the retest in Oregon -- my upper and suppressor was used in the initial and my suppressor was used in the final retest.  We verified that RS's original test was not a fake.  

Thus, I have very little reason to doubt RS's current test of the G5.  If GT would engage and say "the G5 was designed for the hobby shooter" or "the G5 was never designed to pass that severe test ..." (whatever is the truth) then the issue would go away sooner.  

Dave Brown
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 8:25:19 PM EDT

I was one of the doubting folks in RS's last test on flash from suppressors.  I was part of the retest in Oregon -- my upper and suppressor was used in the initial and my suppressor was used in the final retest.  We verified that RS's original test was not a fake.

Well, your results were inline with what he saw, though the SRT can they had still produced a bigger flame.

I did find it humorous that they think everyone should trust them, meanwhile doubting every step of the way that the others would test the same. They even supplied the ammo to insure there was no tinkering...

Heck, he even called shinanegans when the 14" test wasn't posted to his liking.

Thus, I have very little reason to doubt RS's current test of the G5.  If GT would engage and say "the G5 was designed for the hobby shooter" or "the G5 was never designed to pass that severe test ..." (whatever is the truth) then the issue would go away sooner.  

There are many more options really. Using the SRT test as an example, there was a variety of results to some extent. That was just a simple matter of "how much flame". This is a matter of "how many bullets" and the results depend on WHY the failure happened.

I really would like a Gemtech response, just to queit some of the tangents.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 8:34:31 PM EDT


He fired it from the hip because he was afraid of it coming apart?  Nah, I don't think so.  If that were the case with me, I would have duct taped it to a chair and pulled the trigger with a string.

Um, they did eventually fire it from behind a barricade. He said at the beginning of this that he was worried and didn't want to continue.

Yeah, I know that.  I don't buy that firing it from the hip is a good way to stay safe nor does firing from the hip show that someone must have thought the can was unsafe.  

Firing from the hip doesn't equal uncertainty about a can or vice versa.

Link Posted: 6/13/2007 8:36:48 PM EDT





Why hasn't anyone from gemtech responded to any of this?
Why engage in he said, he said?

If someone called me a liar, I'd defend myself.

And then you just get into a pissing match. And when you get into a pissing match the only thing that happens is you get pissed on.

By defend myself, I mean prove otherwise. I would offer undeniable proof of my claim. Assuming that I wasn't lying, of course.

In this case, silence speaks volumes.

ETA  Maybe someone deserves to get pissed on.

Proving otherwise might not be something that can be done in a matter of a day to satisfy TMIX's wants and needs.

That last comment- was that really necessary?

Link Posted: 6/13/2007 8:39:33 PM EDT


As someone stated, each person came into this thread with some perceived notion of people  /companies involved and then interpreted what they saw from that angle. GT has nothing to gain from getting involved in this mud fest and I'm sure they would answer questions if someone called them.

I disagree.  (etc. etc.)

Dave Brown

I'm with MGKAC556 on this one.  While I've never been a huge fan of promoting your own products by knocking others down, I've come to respect AAC's relentless drive to build best suppressors they can.  Some people love them and some people hate them, but they're pushing the products to a new level across the industry.  Some manufacturers are on board and are improving their products to keep up.  Others aren't.

Was this test biased?  You bet.  Silvers expected the can to fail, and it did.

Was the test rigged?  I SERIOUSLY doubt it. At some point someone will try to duplicate it.  If it can't be duplicated he'll be crucified.

Did AAC's cans pass a similar test?   I expect so, for the same reasons.

Based on these findings, is the G5 an okay silencer for most casual civilian users?  Probably so -- but I wouldn't buy one.  And there ARE civilian silencer owners who subject their cans to these kinds of extremes.  (See TheRedGoat's post about cooking fajitas on his red-hot Triple-X Warrior.  I've shot with TRG and seen the abuse that can takes.)

In my opinion, GemTech needs to either a) rethink how they build this can; b) rethink how they market and price this can.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 8:39:49 PM EDT


This thread is a train wreck.

I don't think there is some grand conspiracy here.

Damn... and I was just about to offer one

What the heck...  

A couple of observations:

1. Lots O' Flash.
2. Can got hot fast.

It seems there was a lot of unspent powder accumulating in the can.

My idiotic "Hindenburg" theory is that unspent powder was ingniting inside the can thus, increasing internal temperatures to levels much higher than what you would normally experience (where all the powder was ignited).  

Now to the conspiracy.... (my favorite part) I think the HK rifle itself is partly to blame.  Having a piston upper probably allowed more gas (and unspent powder) to enter the can (than a direct impingement system would allow). Secondly, having a 14.5" barrel doesn't help matters either. Lots of unspent powder.    

I'd like to see the same demonstration using a longer length barrel that used direct impingement.

I'll be the first to chip in $20.00 for a new "fully welded core" can.

Good points- maybe the HK does have a much different effect on suppressors due to it's design.  After all, AAC did come up with a silencer made exactly for that rifle.  They obviously know what needs to be done to a suppressor to make it hold up to that type of abuse.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 9:06:50 PM EDT

Was this test biased?  You bet.  Silvers expected the can to fail, and it did.

Was the test rigged?  I SERIOUSLY doubt it. At some point someone will try to duplicate it.  If it can't be duplicated he'll be crucified.

Did AAC's cans pass a similar test?   I expect so, for the same reasons.

BookHound said earlier that AAC and Surefire cans both passed the test. While it wasn't mentioned I'm sure the KAC can passed too as it won both the original SOPMOD and SOPMOD II trials.

So obviously the test is not impossible.

FWIW I am not an AAC fanboy and do not even own any AAC products.
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 9:09:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 9:14:37 PM EDT






Why hasn't anyone from gemtech responded to any of this?
Why engage in he said, he said?

If someone called me a liar, I'd defend myself.

And then you just get into a pissing match. And when you get into a pissing match the only thing that happens is you get pissed on.

By defend myself, I mean prove otherwise. I would offer undeniable proof of my claim. Assuming that I wasn't lying, of course.

In this case, silence speaks volumes.

ETA  Maybe someone deserves to get pissed on.

Proving otherwise might not be something that can be done in a matter of a day to satisfy TMIX's wants and needs.
This has been going on for more than a day...

That last comment- was that really necessary?
I almost bought a Gemtech can. At this point I'm really glad I didn't. Misleading your customers is an unforgivable offense in my book. I had respect for the company, but not anymore.  Yes, I believe the last comment was necessary. You reap what you sow. Go stick it in your ear if you don't like my opinion. It's the internet and I can say what I want to.

Link Posted: 6/13/2007 9:47:24 PM EDT



As someone stated, each person came into this thread with some perceived notion of people  /companies involved and then interpreted what they saw from that angle. GT has nothing to gain from getting involved in this mud fest and I'm sure they would answer questions if someone called them.

I disagree.  (etc. etc.)

Dave Brown

I'm with MGKAC556 on this one.  While I've never been a huge fan of promoting your own products by knocking others down, I've come to respect AAC's relentless drive to build best suppressors they can.  Some people love them and some people hate them, but they're pushing the products to a new level across the industry.  Some manufacturers are on board and are improving their products to keep up.  Others aren't.

Was this test biased?  You bet.  Silvers expected the can to fail, and it did.

Was the test rigged?  I SERIOUSLY doubt it. At some point someone will try to duplicate it.  If it can't be duplicated he'll be crucified.

Did AAC's cans pass a similar test?   I expect so, for the same reasons.

Based on these findings, is the G5 an okay silencer for most casual civilian users?  Probably so -- but I wouldn't buy one.  And there ARE civilian silencer owners who subject their cans to these kinds of extremes.  (See TheRedGoat's post about cooking fajitas on his red-hot Triple-X Warrior.  I've shot with TRG and seen the abuse that can takes.)

In my opinion, GemTech needs to either a) rethink how they build this can; b) rethink how they market and price this can.

This is NOT OK for someone who bought a G5 (like myself) and expects it to perform to the standards set forth by GT's web site.... and the authorized GT dealer.... and the G5 factory owners manual.... and to the word given over telephone conversations that this is a bonafied up to military standards suppressor. I did not commit to a civilian suppressor as this was a purchase based on (at the time before this mess) SOCOM blah-blah-blah this is the cats ass can. I feel i'm at a bit of a disadvantage with an inferior can that I can't sell because of this mess, I won't get my money back from the manufacture nor do I have a hope in hell of getting money back from the dealer and the worst of it is I may as others may have paid to much for something that is just not as it seems.

Is the G5 all its cracked up to be? Or is it just all cracked up?
Link Posted: 6/13/2007 9:57:09 PM EDT


While it wasn't mentioned I'm sure the KAC can passed too as it won both the original SOPMOD and SOPMOD II trials.

Right, I'm sure there's no OTHER reason(s) that KAC would come out a winner in a military trial.  

I would put my money on the M4QD NT-4 in a durability test. Hell, out of all people, Robert Silvers says it's a great can and is very durable. I've heard the same thing from guys that are issued them.

I will not offer mine up for a test to prove it though....
Link Posted: 6/14/2007 2:26:01 AM EDT
So lemme get this straight.

A company with a history of questionable business practices gets a guy who's been banned for lying and a bad attitude to do an "independant" test of a competitors product.

Said guy who dosn't have the weapon handling skills of a retarded monkey supposedly takes competitors supressor and runs it through a "military like" test, even after they admitted that they all but monkey fucked the supressors attachment set up to specs NOT SPECIFIED BY THE MANUFACTURER.

Then, supressor supposedly fails the extremely loosly conducted test.

After viewing the vid and the pics of the internals of the supressor, I noticed what looked like a baffle strike on at least one baffle.  

Knowing that the people conducting the test are sketchy at best, admitted to jury rigging the mount, and then unscientifically conducted the test only so they could trumpet the results on a public forum, I not only have my doubts as to the validity of the test, but as to the charachter of the people involved.

When factory instructions are not followed, a supressor mount can easily be fucked up.  Especially if they use crush washers or somthing similar.  With the mount fucked, the supressor is subject to baffle strikes, even under the best condition.  If you'll notice when watching the vid, the supressor seemed to be working fine at first in semi auto, when it was  allowed to return to rest between shots, but as soon as it went full auto and the supressor was in a constant state of movement during the string of fire, fireballs erupted and sound supresson degraded extremely quickly.  Most likely do to a baffle strike caused caused by the supressor not being properly aligned with the bore due to an improperly attached mount.  

At this point, after observing just how fucked up this test was conducted, I would almost be willing to suggest that the improper mounting was done on purpose simply to garner these exact results.  

This test has ZERO validity in my eyes.

It's a bullshit hit piece, pure and simple.

And NO, I do not own any supressors, and I do NOT work for Gemtech.

Also, for you people asking why Gemtech isn't throwing their two cents into this, its quite simple.

Don't feed the trolls.  This bullshit test dosn't even deserve a response because of how ametureish it was conducted and, in my personal opinion as a DoD metal worker, intentionally rigged.

I've looked at AAC supressors in the past for possible purchase, but no longer.  Hacks such as those will never get a single red cent of mine for such childish behavior.

Also, dosn't it stike anybody else here as odd that of all the G5's sold, to all the different end users, many of them probably military or LEO, that the only people who've found this amazing defective, inferior design was a competitor with a questionable past and an obvious axe to grind?
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