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Link Posted: 6/29/2013 1:09:12 PM EDT

That's two people killed for emotional bullshit.

pure class you are

What's classy about killing people for a girl that isn't going to make 20 anyway?

If she were my kid, I'd kill ALL you fuckers to give her one more day.

Watch out its rambo himself, who could kill thousands of armed people single handedly
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 1:09:22 PM EDT
Every last person here would do the same for their kid that this mother did. Fair or not, you would fucking do the same thing.

Oddly enough, THOUSANDS of other parents with children on transplant lists have not.

Then they were stupid.  Good for these parents.
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 1:10:09 PM EDT

Every last person here would do the same for their kid that this mother did. Fair or not, you would fucking do the same thing.
Sure. That's why we have medical people make medical decisions like what dying people get replacement organs. Nobody wants to black tarp their kid, but if it's gotta happen in the grand triage of organ transplant that's what happens.


So people who accountable to NO ONE decide who lives and dies?

Link Posted: 6/29/2013 1:13:18 PM EDT
Well this thread has now gone full tard.
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 1:15:49 PM EDT
That's two people killed for emotional bullshit.

Yep.  Someone else loses their chance--actually TWO people lost their chances--because of the media-savvy mother.  There's always more to the story.

When you politicize healthcare, this is what you end up with.

So what you're saying is you were FINE with a "nonpolitical" death panel deciding she dies.  Gotcha.

I'm okay with her being denied because medically there is an extremely high chance of rejection due to her age. As it is, she took 2 sets of lungs from eligible recipients and there is still a very high chance she won't make it.
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 1:15:57 PM EDT

That's two people killed for emotional bullshit.

pure class you are

What's classy about killing people for a girl that isn't going to make 20 anyway?

If she were my kid, I'd kill ALL you fuckers to give her one more day.

Sure you would, you're her father, and that's a normal EMOTIONAL response to the situation.  That doesnt however mean its the correct one...
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 1:19:05 PM EDT
wasn't this the girl who was low on the priority list because of the lower success rate for people that age? And want she bumped up to the top after publicity? No wonder they kept the failure a secret - someone else is going to die because they wasted a pair of lungs to appease the public.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Yeah.. didn't see this coming a mile away.
-can't believe they gave her a do over.

That's bullshit!
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 1:19:48 PM EDT

That's two people killed for emotional bullshit.

pure class you are

What's classy about killing people for a girl that isn't going to make 20 anyway?

If she were my kid, I'd kill ALL you fuckers to give her one more day.

Sure you would, you're her father, and that's a normal EMOTIONAL response to the situation.  That doesnt however mean its the correct one...

This is true as well.

As the father of a little girl I can tell you its my job to move mountains to protect her.

As much as it hurts to even think of being in that position.....it should be the medical professions job to sort it all out.
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 1:21:49 PM EDT
That's two people killed for emotional bullshit.

Wait, we kill people to harvest their body parts??????????

Oh, or are they already dead?

So we didn't "kill" anyone.

Link Posted: 6/29/2013 1:24:26 PM EDT
That's two people killed for emotional bullshit.

Wait, we kill people to harvest their body parts??????????

Oh, or are they already dead?

So we didn't "kill" anyone.

He's talking about the 2 people who won't get transplants.
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 1:33:52 PM EDT
That's two people killed for emotional bullshit.

Wait, we kill people to harvest their body parts??????????

Oh, or are they already dead?

So we didn't "kill" anyone.

Let me guess and you are smarter than most people
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 1:42:10 PM EDT
ibtl for the first time!!!
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 1:43:52 PM EDT
That's two people killed for emotional bullshit.

pure class you are

And the people who died when a former Governor jumped the line for his transplant?

Link Posted: 6/29/2013 1:46:06 PM EDT
As a father I would have fought tooth and nail for my daughter.

Right or wrong, I would have done the same thing.

Would you have gone out on the streets and killed someone for their lungs?

No?  Then you do have limits.

This is the essence of this woman's behavior.
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 2:01:43 PM EDT
Holy shit some of you are fucking bat shit liberal crazy.

Do none of you who applaud the mother, media, and politicians involved realize that if everyone did this same thing, NO ONE would get organs?

Seriously, are you all so blinded by emotion that you don't realize there is a reason why the system is set up the way it is?

Holy shit.

There's nothing wrong with the kid's parent(s) being emotional and wanting to do everything they can to save her. The problem is the media, politicians, and liberals like the ones in this thread applauding those pigs. These threads make it clear who's been in or around medicine, and who hasn't.

Link Posted: 6/29/2013 2:03:01 PM EDT
As a father I would have fought tooth and nail for my daughter.
Right or wrong, I would have done the same thing.

When my son was ten, I would have strangled that little girl with my bare hands to save his life.  So what?  All that means is that parents act emotionally and medical decisions should be made rationally.  That said, the real villains here are the media - in all likelihood they effectively killed two people for ratings.

You would murder an innocent child to save the life of your own child???? You and a bunch of other sociopaths apparently think that is not just OK, but admirable. Our society deserves to fail.

Let me re-iterate: you are not saying you would shoot and kill somebody who was attacking and trying to kill your child. That is self defense and is OK. You would murder an innocent child and seem proud of that fact!

well, that little girl's family used the media to murder two other patients by proxy, and you're supporting their actions.

If I misunderstood your argument, then I believe you misunderstood Jane's which I believe was not that it was ok to murder innocent people for your own benefit, but that it is normal to have those urges when it concerns your loved ones; therefore emotion should have precisely nothing to do with medicine.

Link Posted: 6/29/2013 2:06:31 PM EDT
As a father I would have fought tooth and nail for my daughter.
Right or wrong, I would have done the same thing.

When my son was ten, I would have strangled that little girl with my bare hands to save his life.  So what?  All that means is that parents act emotionally and medical decisions should be made rationally.  That said, the real villains here are the media - in all likelihood they effectively killed two people for ratings.

You would murder an innocent child to save the life of your own child???? You and a bunch of other sociopaths apparently think that is not just OK, but admirable. Our society deserves to fail.

Let me re-iterate: you are not saying you would shoot and kill somebody who was attacking and trying to kill your child. That is self defense and is OK. You would murder an innocent child and seem proud of that fact!

well, that little girl's family used the media to murder two other patients by proxy, and you're supporting their actions.

If I misunderstood your argument, then I believe you misunderstood Jane's which I believe was not that it was ok to murder innocent people for your own benefit, but that it is normal to have those urges when it concerns your loved ones; therefore emotion should have precisely nothing to do with medicine.

wooohooo I'm not illiterate!
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 2:08:20 PM EDT
That's two people killed for emotional bullshit.

Wait, we kill people to harvest their body parts??????????

Oh, or are they already dead?

So we didn't "kill" anyone.

You realize what most people here are referring to are the two lives that could have been saved by these lungs had this little girl, who's body may reject this second transplant, not been pushed to the head of the line?  

Link Posted: 6/29/2013 2:10:36 PM EDT
You realize what most people here are referring to are the two lives that could have been saved by these lungs had this little girl, who's body may reject this second transplant, not been pushed to the head of the line?  

Doesn't care, I suspect.
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 2:15:30 PM EDT
That's two people killed for emotional bullshit.

Wait, we kill people to harvest their body parts??????????

Oh, or are they already dead?

So we didn't "kill" anyone.

He's talking about the 2 people who won't get transplants.

And these lungs were "guaranteed" to not fail in adults?
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 2:20:15 PM EDT
That's two people killed for emotional bullshit.

Wait, we kill people to harvest their body parts??????????

Oh, or are they already dead?

So we didn't "kill" anyone.

He's talking about the 2 people who won't get transplants.

And these lungs were "guaranteed" to not fail in adults?

they come with far better odds than a 10 year old.
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 3:09:52 PM EDT


Holy shit some of you are fucking bat shit liberal crazy.

Do none of you who applaud the mother, media, and politicians involved realize that if everyone did this same thing, NO ONE would get organs?

Seriously, are you all so blinded by emotion that you don't realize there is a reason why the system is set up the way it is?

Holy shit.
There's nothing wrong with the kid's parent(s) being emotional and wanting to do everything they can to save her. The problem is the media, politicians, and liberals like the ones in this thread applauding those pigs. These threads make it clear who's been in or around medicine, and who hasn't.

LOL, God I love being called a liberal.

Get back to us when it's your own kid on the block, m'kay?

Oh, and the wife's been a nurse for over 25 years....so in a way I've been around medicine a bit. Just a bit.

Link Posted: 6/29/2013 3:20:23 PM EDT
Every last person here would do the same for their kid that this mother did. Fair or not, you would fucking do the same thing.

It is a cruel fucking calculus, and some animals are more equal than others. Regardless, there is always a price to be paid and the duck and cover of the institutions to conceal their failure should suprise no one.

Link Posted: 6/29/2013 3:23:34 PM EDT

Holy shit some of you are fucking bat shit liberal crazy.

Do none of you who applaud the mother, media, and politicians involved realize that if everyone did this same thing, NO ONE would get organs?

Seriously, are you all so blinded by emotion that you don't realize there is a reason why the system is set up the way it is?

Holy shit.

There's nothing wrong with the kid's parent(s) being emotional and wanting to do everything they can to save her. The problem is the media, politicians, and liberals like the ones in this thread applauding those pigs. These threads make it clear who's been in or around medicine, and who hasn't.

LOL, God I love being called a liberal.

Get back to us when it's your own kid on the block, m'kay?

Oh, and the wife's been a nurse for over 25 years....so in a way I've been around medicine a bit. Just a bit.

"Tell that to the families of the children killed at sandy hook"
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 3:38:17 PM EDT

Holy shit some of you are fucking bat shit liberal crazy.

Do none of you who applaud the mother, media, and politicians involved realize that if everyone did this same thing, NO ONE would get organs?

Seriously, are you all so blinded by emotion that you don't realize there is a reason why the system is set up the way it is?

Holy shit.

There's nothing wrong with the kid's parent(s) being emotional and wanting to do everything they can to save her. The problem is the media, politicians, and liberals like the ones in this thread applauding those pigs. These threads make it clear who's been in or around medicine, and who hasn't.

LOL, God I love being called a liberal.

Get back to us when it's your own kid on the block, m'kay?

Oh, and the wife's been a nurse for over 25 years....so in a way I've been around medicine a bit. Just a bit.

"Tell that to the families of the children killed at sandy hook"

Link Posted: 6/29/2013 3:46:23 PM EDT

Holy shit some of you are fucking bat shit liberal crazy.

Do none of you who applaud the mother, media, and politicians involved realize that if everyone did this same thing, NO ONE would get organs?

Seriously, are you all so blinded by emotion that you don't realize there is a reason why the system is set up the way it is?

Holy shit.

There's nothing wrong with the kid's parent(s) being emotional and wanting to do everything they can to save her. The problem is the media, politicians, and liberals like the ones in this thread applauding those pigs. These threads make it clear who's been in or around medicine, and who hasn't.

LOL, God I love being called a liberal.

Get back to us when it's your own kid on the block, m'kay?

Oh, and the wife's been a nurse for over 25 years....so in a way I've been around medicine a bit. Just a bit.

So you support and encourage ALL parents to do the same thing, and would be fine with the media and politicians getting involved as well? Remember, as someone else said, everyone on the transplant list is someone's child, so that means pretty much everyone would be doing this. You'd be perfectly fine with essentially anarchy in the transplant system would you? It wouldn't be a problem for you if people demanded to be fast tracked, and get two or more transplants while others got to die? That's basically what you're saying, in case you can't figure it out.

How come other parents of children on the list haven't been so selfish? Oh wait, I know, it's because they don't love their kids as much as you and the others applauding this do.

Link Posted: 6/29/2013 4:03:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 4:04:09 PM EDT

Holy shit some of you are fucking bat shit liberal crazy.

Do none of you who applaud the mother, media, and politicians involved realize that if everyone did this same thing, NO ONE would get organs?

Seriously, are you all so blinded by emotion that you don't realize there is a reason why the system is set up the way it is?

Holy shit.

There's nothing wrong with the kid's parent(s) being emotional and wanting to do everything they can to save her. The problem is the media, politicians, and liberals like the ones in this thread applauding those pigs. These threads make it clear who's been in or around medicine, and who hasn't.

LOL, God I love being called a liberal.

Get back to us when it's your own kid on the block, m'kay?

Oh, and the wife's been a nurse for over 25 years....so in a way I've been around medicine a bit. Just a bit.

"Tell that to the families of the children killed at sandy hook"


That gif!

Seriously, it's stunning how "For the children" is bullshit, as long as liberals use it, but then when it affects them, it's totally legit.

czechsix: You may not be a liberal, but clearly you have at least one of the symptoms of the disease.
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 4:11:42 PM EDT

Holy shit some of you are fucking bat shit liberal crazy.

Do none of you who applaud the mother, media, and politicians involved realize that if everyone did this same thing, NO ONE would get organs?

Seriously, are you all so blinded by emotion that you don't realize there is a reason why the system is set up the way it is?

Holy shit.

There's nothing wrong with the kid's parent(s) being emotional and wanting to do everything they can to save her. The problem is the media, politicians, and liberals like the ones in this thread applauding those pigs. These threads make it clear who's been in or around medicine, and who hasn't.

LOL, God I love being called a liberal.

Get back to us when it's your own kid on the block, m'kay?

Oh, and the wife's been a nurse for over 25 years....so in a way I've been around medicine a bit. Just a bit.

"Tell that to the families of the children killed at sandy hook"


That gif!

Seriously, it's stunning how "For the children" is bullshit, as long as liberals use it, but then when it affects them, it's totally legit.

czechsix: You may not be a liberal, but clearly you have at least one of the symptoms of the disease.

I agree 100%  6 months ago everyone on here was complaining about liberals using emotion when justifying gun control.  Its apparently ok when its something you believe in.  Dont get me wrong, I completely understand the response.  I would do the same for my kids, but thats the main reason parents, or those with an emotional attachment to an ailing child should not be the one making decisions on limited resources while other lives are at stake.  Because of human nature, they will always choose their kin, even if their kin has the lowest success rate and shortest time left.
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 4:20:44 PM EDT
Prior to this case, there had been guidelines established to decide who received adult lungs.  This family did not like those guidelines and referred to them as being arbitrary in how they were established.  The word arbitrary doesn't mesh well with medicine, particularly when deciding courses of treatment and even more so when deciding how to do major surgeries like organ transplants.  The mother of this girl thought her daughter had been wronged by the system that was in place prior to the court order.  She also thought she had scored a major victory in getting these guidelines revised or possibly permanently having the age portion of it thrown out altogether.  Now that light has been shed on outcome of her 1st transplant, the mother may have actually done more to hurt her cause, than help it.
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 4:26:01 PM EDT
Looks like mommy loves the attention.  

Link Posted: 6/29/2013 4:30:16 PM EDT

They should have told mom "You want a second set of lungs for your daughter? You and your husband can each donate one..."
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 4:30:21 PM EDT

I would not be surprised if the child doesnt survive, that the parents try and sue someone...
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 4:32:45 PM EDT
This whole story is full of fuck.
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 4:38:34 PM EDT

I would not be surprised if the child doesnt survive, that the parents try and sue someone...

You can sure as fuck bet money on it, because I would!

In reference to the post about this mother hurting her cause, I know what you meant, but the truth is this mother's "cause" was selfish and myopic in nature and was not at all about helping anyone else. This WILL cause problems down the line for others on the list.
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 4:45:52 PM EDT
They'll probably start a fucking reality show now, for people with cystic fibrosis.  They'll call it, "Who Wants Lungs?"

In the show, the contestants have to sway a panel of judges to convince them that they're the best candidate.
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 4:47:01 PM EDT

I would not be surprised if the child doesnt survive, that the parents try and sue someone...

You can sure as fuck bet money on it, because I would!

In reference to the post about this mother hurting her cause, I know what you meant, but the truth is this mother's "cause" was selfish and myopic in nature and was not at all about helping anyone else. This WILL cause problems down the line for others on the list.

Sue over what?  Failure to provide a miracle?

Do you think a lung transplant is the equivalent of getting new tires?
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 4:47:52 PM EDT

That's two people killed for emotional bullshit.

Yep.  Someone else loses their chance--actually TWO people lost their chances--because of the media-savvy mother.  There's always more to the story.

if that was your little girl, think of the lengths you would go to enable her to live.
if you don't have children, you have no idea what those lengths are.

All transplant candidates are someone's child, regardless of their age.  The 26 year old young man or 42 year old mother have parents that want them to live just as badly as this 10 year old girl.  

I lost my friend to cystic fibrosis.  He was 20.

ETA: Autocorrect changed the number I typed in.

Oh, and fuck her attention whoring family, and the politicians and judge that decided to get involved with medical matters.
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 4:50:16 PM EDT
That's two people killed for emotional bullshit.

pure class you are

He's absolutely right. That girl just stole two people's lives. It's shameful.

Get a fucking clue.
The girl had NOTHING to do with this.
She's just a sick little girl.

I place the fault / blame / responsibility with the mother and the way the transplant criteria can be hijacked by the media.

Link Posted: 6/29/2013 4:56:12 PM EDT

I would not be surprised if the child doesnt survive, that the parents try and sue someone...

You can sure as fuck bet money on it, because I would!

In reference to the post about this mother hurting her cause, I know what you meant, but the truth is this mother's "cause" was selfish and myopic in nature and was not at all about helping anyone else. This WILL cause problems down the line for others on the list.

Sue over what?  Failure to provide a miracle?

Do you think a lung transplant is the equivalent of getting new tires?

you're doing that thing called thinking. The people the guy you quoted was making fun of do not do this "thinking"

He's saying that the selfish mom will sue for not providing a miracle, because you can sue for damn near anything. She will, however falsify the situation by claiming "malpractice".
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 5:04:00 PM EDT

I would not be surprised if the child doesnt survive, that the parents try and sue someone...

You can sure as fuck bet money on it, because I would!

In reference to the post about this mother hurting her cause, I know what you meant, but the truth is this mother's "cause" was selfish and myopic in nature and was not at all about helping anyone else. This WILL cause problems down the line for others on the list.

Sue over what?  Failure to provide a miracle?

Do you think a lung transplant is the equivalent of getting new tires?

you're doing that thing called thinking. The people the guy you quoted was making fun of do not do this "thinking"

He's saying that the selfish mom will sue for not providing a miracle, because you can sue for damn near anything. She will, however falsify the situation by claiming "malpractice".

Thank you.
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 5:05:24 PM EDT
the lungs should have gone to the people with the greatest chances of survival, who would most likely not waste the transplants, due to rejection. its not about it being a little kid. its about the best chances of survival. organs are limited, and need great.

also, i know many people are already, but the rest, why dont you go sign up to be organ donors if you really want to help someone. more organs, mean more people saved.
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 5:07:58 PM EDT

I would not be surprised if the child doesnt survive, that the parents try and sue someone...

You can sure as fuck bet money on it, because I would!

In reference to the post about this mother hurting her cause, I know what you meant, but the truth is this mother's "cause" was selfish and myopic in nature and was not at all about helping anyone else. This WILL cause problems down the line for others on the list.

Sue over what?  Failure to provide a miracle?

Do you think a lung transplant is the equivalent of getting new tires?

you're doing that thing called thinking. The people the guy you quoted was making fun of do not do this "thinking"

He's saying that the selfish mom will sue for not providing a miracle, because you can sue for damn near anything. She will, however falsify the situation by claiming "malpractice".

Bingo.  Thanks for clarifying.
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 5:12:21 PM EDT




That's two people killed for emotional bullshit.

Yep.  Someone else loses their chance--actually TWO people lost their chances--because of the media-savvy mother.  There's always more to the story.

if that was your little girl, think of the lengths you would go to enable her to live.

if you don't have children, you have no idea what those lengths are.

Bullshit, , complete utter bullshit and just more of that creeping idea of entitlement. My cousin and his wife elected to not have their daughter on the waiting list since CF is fatal by 20, they could not take someones place for an added few years when someone could live longer and fuller.

Link Posted: 6/29/2013 5:15:35 PM EDT
Well this thread has now gone full tard.

It did that by the half way point of page one.

Link Posted: 6/29/2013 6:09:30 PM EDT
As a father I would have fought tooth and nail for my daughter.

Right or wrong, I would have done the same thing.

When my son was ten, I would have strangled that little girl with my bare hands to save his life.  So what?  All that means is that parents act emotionally and medical decisions should be made rationally.  That said, the real villains here are the media - in all likelihood they effectively killed two people for ratings.

You would murder an innocent child to save the life of your own child???? You and a bunch of other sociopaths apparently think that is not just OK, but admirable. Our society deserves to fail.

Let me re-iterate: you are not saying you would shoot and kill somebody who was attacking and trying to kill your child. That is self defense and is OK. You would murder an innocent child and seem proud of that fact!

are you a parent?
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 6:12:35 PM EDT

When you politicize healthcare, this is what you end up with.

Welcome to my world.  Politicians are making medical practice a nightmare. The regulations get more Byzantine every year, with diminishing reimbursements tied to arbitrary goals that don't always help patient care. Many white-coat political appointee doctors to advisory panels are so far removed from the trenches that they get consumed by groupthink.  The limousine liberal physicians work in an entirely different world, which has led to some interesting dinner conversations between my siblings. One of my sisters fits that mold, and is happy to tell her "working class physician" siblings how things should be done.

Here's one example of .gov making medicine pear-shaped:
The government-mandated electronic health record systems are still not robust enough for widespread use, yet everyone is transitioning to them. Why? Because they used a carrot and stick approach - first the carrot of incentive money, now the stick of withholding money. Rushed EMR integration leads to downtime, lost productivity, and possible jeopardy to patient safety.

Thank you.

I have stopped the car on an interstate and threatened to boot my liberal Mother in Law out of the car for her insane fanatical medical opinions. considering that her daughter and myself have 45 years of Medical experience between us.

they have no idea how medicine is practiced or how patients are really treated.
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 6:14:03 PM EDT

When you politicize healthcare, this is what you end up with.

Welcome to my world.  Politicians are making medical practice a nightmare. The regulations get more Byzantine every year, with diminishing reimbursements tied to arbitrary goals that don't always help patient care. Many white-coat political appointee doctors to advisory panels are so far removed from the trenches that they get consumed by groupthink.  The limousine liberal physicians work in an entirely different world, which has led to some interesting dinner conversations between my siblings. One of my sisters fits that mold, and is happy to tell her "working class physician" siblings how things should be done.

Here's one example of .gov making medicine pear-shaped:
The government-mandated electronic health record systems are still not robust enough for widespread use, yet everyone is transitioning to them. Why? Because they used a carrot and stick approach - first the carrot of incentive money, now the stick of withholding money. Rushed EMR integration leads to downtime, lost productivity, and possible jeopardy to patient safety.

Thank you.

I have stopped the car on an interstate and threatened to boot my liberal Mother in Law out of the car for her insane fanatical medical opinions. considering that her daughter and myself have 45 years of Medical experience between us.

they have no idea how medicine is practiced or how patients are really treated.

Now that is epic.
Link Posted: 6/29/2013 6:16:15 PM EDT
That's two people killed for emotional bullshit.

Yep.  Someone else loses their chance--actually TWO people lost their chances--because of the media-savvy mother.  There's always more to the story.

When you politicize healthcare, this is what you end up with.

Link Posted: 6/29/2013 6:20:46 PM EDT

Every last person here would do the same for their kid that this mother did. Fair or not, you would fucking do the same thing.

Sure. That's why we have medical people make medical decisions like what dying people get replacement organs. Nobody wants to black tarp their kid, but if it's gotta happen in the grand triage of organ transplant that's what happens.


I'm fine with medical people making medical decisions.  However I am not fine with having politicians, bureaucrats, and government flunkies making medical decisions.
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