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Link Posted: 4/17/2012 4:57:19 AM EDT

Have to love Arfcom hypocrisy. If this was a black kid there would be no suggestion that she must have fallen in with the wrong crowd or that somehow this was a tragedy. No prayers would be sent for her or her family. She would be viewed as nothing more than the criminal she was.


You're seeing what you want to see.

Look, I have precious little sympathy for her, but the truth is, the facts of this case ARE different than lil' trey-trey's case. She was a bystander, if we're to believe the article. Either way, she brought this on herself; the blame lies with the thieves, not the residents. Period.

(and yes, I think it's absurd to say she was a 'good kid running with the wrong crowd'. Newsflash: there are no good kids, and if they're running with the wrong crowd, they ARE the wrong crowd)
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 4:57:27 AM EDT
Doesn't sound to me exactly like the shooter was TRYING to shoot her.  Sounds like they shot in the general direction of the fleeing scumbags and hit her.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 4:58:54 AM EDT

Have to love Arfcom hypocrisy. If this was a black kid there would be no suggestion that she must have fallen in with the wrong crowd or that somehow this was a tragedy. No prayers would be sent for her or her family. She would be viewed as nothing more than the criminal she was.


Are you guys reading a different thread than the rest of us?

Maybe they're just reading what they want to.

Like, they're insane and the words just appear to them like they want on the screen. To them this probably reads either "EXECUTE THE HOMEOWNER FOR KILLING A WHITE GIRL" or "THE CAT IS PURPLE SMOKE IT HARD." either or.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 4:59:05 AM EDT


I've got an idea.....Don't trespass and facilitate theft at 4 in the morning and you won't get shot.  While tragic a teen got shot she made her bed.  Kids these days have no respect for other peoples property.  I bet the boys that attempted the break in won't be doing that again.  The girl was probably acting as a look out for the other three mouth breathers.  Maybe I have become jaded about stuff like this but I could give two fucks less what happens to these stupid kids.  Fuck them, just leaves more air for the rest of us to breathe.  

And if the DA in that area was smart, they would charge those boys with murder is that girl dies.  If they wouldn't have been committing a crime, the girl would not have gotten shot.

She was on an island, it's not like she could just walk away from the situation.  Nobody knows the specifics here.  Until I do, I just see tragedy for all involved.  

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 4:59:31 AM EDT
I've got an idea.....Don't trespass and facilitate theft at 4 in the morning and you won't get shot.  While tragic a teen got shot she made her bed.  Kids these days have no respect for other peoples property.  I bet the boys that attempted the break in won't be doing that again.  The girl was probably acting as a look out for the other three mouth breathers.  Maybe I have become jaded about stuff like this but I could give two fucks less what happens to these stupid kids.  Fuck them, just leaves more air for the rest of us to breathe.  

And if the DA in that area was smart, they would charge those boys with murder is that girl dies.  If they wouldn't have been committing a crime, the girl would not have gotten shot.

this is the right answer.  its fucking 4am.  they are breaking into someones property- fuck them.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:01:03 AM EDT

Have to love Arfcom hypocrisy. If this was a black kid there would be no suggestion that she must have fallen in with the wrong crowd or that somehow this was a tragedy. No prayers would be sent for her or her family. She would be viewed as nothing more than the criminal she was.


Are you guys reading a different thread than the rest of us?

You are right. I painted with a brush too broad. Yet there are a number of posts in this thread that the label would apply to.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:02:02 AM EDT

Have to love Arfcom hypocrisy. If this was a black kid there would be no suggestion that she must have fallen in with the wrong crowd or that somehow this was a tragedy. No prayers would be sent for her or her family. She would be viewed as nothing more than the criminal she was.


Are you guys reading a different thread than the rest of us?

Maybe they're just reading what they want to.

Like, they're insane and the words just appear to them like they want on the screen. To them this probably reads either "EXECUTE THE HOMEOWNER FOR KILLING A WHITE GIRL" or "THE CAT IS PURPLE SMOKE IT HARD." either or.

yea.. i want some of that.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:02:14 AM EDT

I've got an idea.....Don't trespass and facilitate theft at 4 in the morning and you won't get shot.  While tragic a teen got shot she made her bed.  Kids these days have no respect for other peoples property.  I bet the boys that attempted the break in won't be doing that again.  The girl was probably acting as a look out for the other three mouth breathers.  Maybe I have become jaded about stuff like this but I could give two fucks less what happens to these stupid kids.  Fuck them, just leaves more air for the rest of us to breathe.  

And if the DA in that area was smart, they would charge those boys with murder is that girl dies.  If they wouldn't have been committing a crime, the girl would not have gotten shot.

She was on an island, it's not like she could just walk away from the situation.  Nobody knows the specifics here.  Until I do, I just see tragedy for all involved.  

Exactly she was on an Island at 4am  that she had no business being on.  I'm sorry but I fail to feel any sympathy here.  Its not about her walking away from a situation, they shouldn't have been there anyways.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:02:33 AM EDT
Charge the 3 kids with her death if that happens.

If they weren't stealing shit, she wouldn't have gotten shot.

Pretty simple if you ask me.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:02:50 AM EDT
I get the feeling that in tourist communities kids feel as though they can break into the tourist cabins/houses/condos with little-to-no repercussions.  Guess they found out differently.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:04:15 AM EDT
Charge the 3 kids with her death if that happens.
If they weren't stealing shit, she wouldn't have gotten shot.

Pretty simple if you ask me.


Can't be repeated enough.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:04:40 AM EDT

Have to love Arfcom hypocrisy. If this was a black kid there would be no suggestion that she must have fallen in with the wrong crowd or that somehow this was a tragedy. No prayers would be sent for her or her family. She would be viewed as nothing more than the criminal she was.


Are you guys reading a different thread than the rest of us?


ETA: And I'm going to drill into my kids:


4am?  Nukka please.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:05:33 AM EDT
I say again:

Shooting someone who you don't absolutely need to shoot is a fucking stupid idea.

I don't know if this girl needed to be shot or not...but you know what? Even if she did need it, being responsible for putting a bullet in a 17 year old girl's head fucking sucks even if it was a perfectly legit shoot. There are, I'm sure, some people who would be able to do that and never have a moment's trouble with having done so, but the majority of people who see a young woman with her head half blown off will not have the same nonchalant reaction.

It's one thing if you have to do it to preserve your life or the life of a loved one.

It's quite another when it was "git owf mah layand!!!" bullshit that you weren't forced into.

I agree 100%

I wasn't there, nor do we have the whole story on how this went down, so I'm not going to take sides here. Unfortunate that a young girl is probably going to die, or be severely handicapped at best, and unfortunate that a guy has to deal with his conscience.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:06:36 AM EDT
"Small caliber rifle"=AR? Also what led to pulling the trigger? 2 against 3 isn't the worst odds, especially if you have a rifle. A rifle would be out in the open not concealed, so did the boys attack armed men or where they on the run?

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

I would bet something like a Marlin 60 .22. We all know that if an AR was used it would be described as a military issue assault machine gun.

If the kids were just standing there or running away its a bad shoot.....can't kill people for property crime.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:07:26 AM EDT




I've got an idea.....Don't trespass and facilitate theft at 4 in the morning and you won't get shot.  While tragic a teen got shot she made her bed.  Kids these days have no respect for other peoples property.  I bet the boys that attempted the break in won't be doing that again.  The girl was probably acting as a look out for the other three mouth breathers.  Maybe I have become jaded about stuff like this but I could give two fucks less what happens to these stupid kids.  Fuck them, just leaves more air for the rest of us to breathe.  

And if the DA in that area was smart, they would charge those boys with murder is that girl dies.  If they wouldn't have been committing a crime, the girl would not have gotten shot.

She was on an island, it's not like she could just walk away from the situation.  Nobody knows the specifics here.  Until I do, I just see tragedy for all involved.  


Exactly she was on an Island at 4am  that she had no business being on.  I'm sorry but I fail to feel any sympathy here.  Its not about her walking away from a situation, they shouldn't have been there anyways.

Are you a dad?  Just curious.  I am.  It may be clouding my judgement.  I didn't see the 4 am part.  That is pretty hard to defend.  However, I remember being 17, drunk, and in the state of Alabama.  We did some dumb shit.  We would try to get girls to do it with us.  We never maliciously hurt anyone, but we definitely weren't angels.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:07:37 AM EDT

Have to love Arfcom hypocrisy. If this was a black kid there would be no suggestion that she must have fallen in with the wrong crowd or that somehow this was a tragedy. No prayers would be sent for her or her family. She would be viewed as nothing more than the criminal she was.


Are you guys reading a different thread than the rest of us?


As I recall, the first pages of the Trayvon thread were the exact opposite of this one. A lot of people wanted to lynch Zimmerman.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:08:07 AM EDT

Have to love Arfcom hypocrisy. If this was a black kid there would be no suggestion that she must have fallen in with the wrong crowd or that somehow this was a tragedy. No prayers would be sent for her or her family. She would be viewed as nothing more than the criminal she was.


Are you guys reading a different thread than the rest of us?

You are right. I painted with a brush too broad. Yet there are a number of posts in this thread that the label would apply to.

Its all good because with some you may be right. there will be a double standard. i just have not seen it yet. I still want to see more details.

she certainly brought this on her self by hanging out with theives however as to the legality of the shooting i need to know in what posture the three other guys where in when the shot was fired. if they were in full on retreat some charges need to be forthcoming for the shooter and the three other asshole theives. if they were breaking in and it was a stray shot and bad luck then three theives need to be charged.

as to her other school or family activities i dont give a shit about that. her actions causing mischeif on a secluded island are good enough for me to make a judgement call on what kind of person she was. White black young old, it makes no difference to me. it is tragic but its allways tragic to see a young person cut down so early in life no matter how they ended up that way. its still a wasted life. Some are just more earned than others.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:09:50 AM EDT
That is the first news story I have ever read that said the words: "small caliber rifle".  

The author should win the fricken Pulitzer. I'm cereal.

I took that to mean .22LR.  If shot with an AR (which would have been listed in the article as a "SUPER DUPER ULTRA HIGH CAPACITY MILITARY ASSAULT BABY RAPING DEATH GUN") I doubt you'd have a 'fighting chance' of pulling through, and subject to CT scans.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:10:03 AM EDT

Have to love Arfcom hypocrisy. If this was a black kid there would be no suggestion that she must have fallen in with the wrong crowd or that somehow this was a tragedy. No prayers would be sent for her or her family. She would be viewed as nothing more than the criminal she was.


What in the blue fuck?
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:11:12 AM EDT

Have to love Arfcom hypocrisy. If this was a black kid there would be no suggestion that she must have fallen in with the wrong crowd or that somehow this was a tragedy. No prayers would be sent for her or her family. She would be viewed as nothing more than the criminal she was.


Are you guys reading a different thread than the rest of us?


As I recall, the first pages of the Trayvon thread were the exact opposite of this one. A lot of people wanted to lynch Zimmerman.

Different details. that was some kid walking home in the early evening shot and this was 4 assholes breaking and entering and one gets shot. beyond the age there is nothing similiar here.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:12:08 AM EDT
I see a double standard becausse she is blonde and white... Substitute different kids and all the whining goes away.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:12:19 AM EDT
While I would not fire shots at fleeing thieves I won't rule it out as unjustified either. I'd like to know what she was doing there before I say good or bad shoot. Either way I won't fault the shooter. The blame lies of the three boys.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:12:34 AM EDT

However, I remember being 17, drunk, and in the state of Alabama.  We did some dumb shit.  We would try to get girls to do it with us.  We never maliciously hurt anyone, but we definitely weren't angels.

I remember being 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 years old.....and frankly, there were many times that I deserved a bullet in the head, and it's only by God's grace and patience that I didn't get one.

So when I see a case like this I must say 'there but for the grace of God go I' but I must also deal with the cold, hard truth that she put herself in that position, and she also put the SHOOTERS in that position. They didn't ask for it. Cut 'em some slack.

If the facts we know so far are true and represent the whole of the situation, then if I made it onto that jury the other three thugs would get charged with assault, or murder, or whatever was appropriate based on the girl's health outcome, but the shooters would walk free.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:13:31 AM EDT


I've got an idea.....Don't trespass and facilitate theft at 4 in the morning and you won't get shot.  While tragic a teen got shot she made her bed.  Kids these days have no respect for other peoples property.  I bet the boys that attempted the break in won't be doing that again.  The girl was probably acting as a look out for the other three mouth breathers.  Maybe I have become jaded about stuff like this but I could give two fucks less what happens to these stupid kids.  Fuck them, just leaves more air for the rest of us to breathe.  

And if the DA in that area was smart, they would charge those boys with murder is that girl dies.  If they wouldn't have been committing a crime, the girl would not have gotten shot.

She was on an island, it's not like she could just walk away from the situation.  Nobody knows the specifics here.  Until I do, I just see tragedy for all involved.  

Exactly she was on an Island at 4am  that she had no business being on.  I'm sorry but I fail to feel any sympathy here.  Its not about her walking away from a situation, they shouldn't have been there anyways.

Are you a dad?  Just curious.  I am.  It may be clouding my judgement.  I didn't see the 4 am part.  That is pretty hard to defend.  However, I remember being 17, drunk, and in the state of Alabama.  We did some dumb shit.  We would try to get girls to do it with us.  We never maliciously hurt anyone, but we definitely weren't angels.

Yes I am a dad.  I have two boys, and my boys would be terrified of the consequences if they ever attempted to break into someones house.  Or be out that late.  I know kids do stupid shit, I've been there and done that, But these kids were committing a crime and got the consequences.  

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:14:34 AM EDT
Have to love Arfcom hypocrisy. If this was a black kid there would be no suggestion that she must have fallen in with the wrong crowd or that somehow this was a tragedy. No prayers would be sent for her or her family. She would be viewed as nothing more than the criminal she was.

ETA:  I admit the above was too broad a statement.

I sunno what thread you are reading, but *THIS* oone has a bunch of "... dogs ...fleas ...." type posts in it - I thinkthe majority are in fact viewing her as the criminal she was - irregardless of her pigmentation.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:15:05 AM EDT
well I must have been raised a nerd.  I never broke into anyones property nor did I ever take stuff that did not belong to me, or start fights with random people.  yes I was in the yard by the time the streetlights were on.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:15:20 AM EDT



However, I remember being 17, drunk, and in the state of Alabama.  We did some dumb shit.  We would try to get girls to do it with us.  We never maliciously hurt anyone, but we definitely weren't angels.


I remember being 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 years old.....and frankly, there were many times that I deserved a bullet in the head, and it's only by God's grace and patience that I didn't get one.

So when I see a case like this I must say 'there but for the grace of God go I' but I must also deal with the cold, hard truth that she put herself in that position, and she also put the SHOOTERS in that position. They didn't ask for it. Cut 'em some slack.

If the facts we know so far are true and represent the whole of the situation, then if I made it onto that jury the other three thugs would get charged with assault, or murder, or whatever was appropriate based on the girl's health outcome, but the shooters would walk free.

Can't argue with this.  I'm just not gonna start doing back flips over the death of a 17 yr old semi-local girl.  My heart also goes out to the shooters.  I can't imagine what the immediate aftermath was like.  My original statement was that it was tragic all the way around.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:18:06 AM EDT



This is just tragic all the way around.  

Maybe it's just wishful thinking but I hope all these shootings remind kids, "Hey, don't do dumb shit, people are fed up with crime and are well armed".

If it was a kid that looked like Trayvon would still find this to be tragic?

Of course not.  This is an attractive middle class white girl.  




Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:18:17 AM EDT


However, I remember being 17, drunk, and in the state of Alabama.  We did some dumb shit.  We would try to get girls to do it with us.  We never maliciously hurt anyone, but we definitely weren't angels.

I remember being 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 years old.....and frankly, there were many times that I deserved a bullet in the head, and it's only by God's grace and patience that I didn't get one.

So when I see a case like this I must say 'there but for the grace of God go I' but I must also deal with the cold, hard truth that she put herself in that position, and she also put the SHOOTERS in that position. They didn't ask for it. Cut 'em some slack.

If the facts we know so far are true and represent the whole of the situation, then if I made it onto that jury the other three thugs would get charged with assault, or murder, or whatever was appropriate based on the girl's health outcome, but the shooters would walk free.

Can't argue with this.  I'm just not gonna start doing back flips over the death of a 17 yr old semi-local girl.  My heart also goes out to the shooters.  I can't imagine what the immediate aftermath was like.  My original statement was that it was tragic all the way around.


And likewise, I can't argue with you either. The girl may die, her family will never be the same either way, the shooters' lives will never be the same, and those boys may spend some hard time in prison....it's sad all the way around. All crime is sad in some way. Can't argue with that.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:18:55 AM EDT




Have to love Arfcom hypocrisy. If this was a black kid there would be no suggestion that she must have fallen in with the wrong crowd or that somehow this was a tragedy. No prayers would be sent for her or her family. She would be viewed as nothing more than the criminal she was.



Are you guys reading a different thread than the rest of us?

Every time somebody quotes him I remember why he's on ignore.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:19:27 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:20:08 AM EDT
I see a double standard becausse she is blonde and white... Substitute different kids and all the whining goes away.

you mean from like Jesse Jackson and the bunch double standard? sure.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:21:16 AM EDT
While I would not fire shots at fleeing thieves I won't rule it out as unjustified either. I'd like to know what she was doing there before I say good or bad shoot. Either way I won't fault the shooter. The blame lies of the three boys.

were they all in retreat? her getting shot in the back of the head does not tell us where the other three assholes where or what they were doing at the time of the shot.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:21:22 AM EDT
"Small caliber rifle"=AR? Also what led to pulling the trigger? 2 against 3 isn't the worst odds, especially if you have a rifle. A rifle would be out in the open not concealed, so did the boys attack armed men or where they on the run?

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

I would bet something like a Marlin 60 .22. We all know that if an AR was used it would be described as a military issue assault machine gun.

If the kids were just standing there or running away its a bad shoot.....can't kill people for property crime.

I don't know about Alabama law, but you damned sure can in Texas - and that's how it should be.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:21:22 AM EDT



Have to love Arfcom hypocrisy. If this was a black kid there would be no suggestion that she must have fallen in with the wrong crowd or that somehow this was a tragedy. No prayers would be sent for her or her family. She would be viewed as nothing more than the criminal she was.



I always figured attorneys had good reading comprehension. I've not seen anybody sending prayers. I've seen a lot of "fuck her" for running with criminals comments though. Are you and I reading the same thread?

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:21:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:24:27 AM EDT
This is just tragic all the way around.  

Maybe it's just wishful thinking but I hope all these shootings remind kids, "Hey, don't do dumb shit, people are fed up with crime and are well armed".

Yes––it sounds as if that poor door is completely destroyed.  

Its a fish camp.. some wood putty and we are good to go.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:25:04 AM EDT
"Small caliber rifle"=AR? Also what led to pulling the trigger? 2 against 3 isn't the worst odds, especially if you have a rifle. A rifle would be out in the open not concealed, so did the boys attack armed men or where they on the run?

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

I would bet something like a Marlin 60 .22. We all know that if an AR was used it would be described as a military issue assault machine gun.

If the kids were just standing there or running away its a bad shoot.....can't kill people for property crime.

I don't know about Alabama law, but you damned sure can in Texas - and that's how it should be.

i think you mean property theft. i dont think you can shoot even in texas for vandalism
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:25:22 AM EDT
Charge the 3 kids with her death if that happens.
If they weren't stealing shit, she wouldn't have gotten shot.

Pretty simple if you ask me.


Can't be repeated enough.

Double plus 1
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:25:29 AM EDT
Are you a dad?  Just curious.  I am.  It may be clouding my judgement.  I didn't see the 4 am part.  That is pretty hard to defend.  However, I remember being 17, drunk, and in the state of Alabama.  We did some dumb shit.  We would try to get girls to do it with us.  We never maliciously hurt anyone, but we definitely weren't angels.

If you are trespassing, stealing, or breaking someone's stuff - you *ARE* "maliciously hurting someone."

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:26:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:27:20 AM EDT



While I would not fire shots at fleeing thieves I won't rule it out as unjustified either. I'd like to know what she was doing there before I say good or bad shoot. Either way I won't fault the shooter. The blame lies of the three boys.

were they all in retreat? her getting shot in the back of the head does not tell us where the other three assholes where or what they were doing at the time of the shot.

Good point. Like I said, I don't know enough to say good shoot or bad shoot yet.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:28:15 AM EDT
"Small caliber rifle"=AR? Also what led to pulling the trigger? 2 against 3 isn't the worst odds, especially if you have a rifle. A rifle would be out in the open not concealed, so did the boys attack armed men or where they on the run?

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

I would bet something like a Marlin 60 .22. We all know that if an AR was used it would be described as a military issue assault machine gun.

If the kids were just standing there or running away its a bad shoot.....can't kill people for property crime.

I don't know about Alabama law, but you damned sure can in Texas - and that's how it should be.

i think you mean property theft. i dont think you can shoot even in texas for vandalism

That's weird. Vandalism in my mind is equivalent to theft. Just destroying someone's shit for whatever reason? You're taking dollars out of someone's pocket.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:29:01 AM EDT
She looks cute in her volley ball uniform........I wonder what she looks like in her burglar clothes?
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:29:17 AM EDT
Thieving thieves get shot.  

The End.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:29:46 AM EDT
I've got an idea.....Don't trespass and facilitate theft at 4 in the morning and you won't get shot.  While tragic a teen got shot she made her bed.  Kids these days have no respect for other peoples property.  I bet the boys that attempted the break in won't be doing that again.  The girl was probably acting as a look out for the other three mouth breathers.  Maybe I have become jaded about stuff like this but I could give two fucks less what happens to these stupid kids.  Fuck them, just leaves more air for the rest of us to breathe.  

And if the DA in that area was smart, they would charge those boys with murder is that girl dies.  If they wouldn't have been committing a crime, the girl would not have gotten shot.

Felony murder charge would be waiting on the others if this occurred in Florida and she dies
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:31:38 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:32:53 AM EDT



I've got an idea.....Don't trespass and facilitate theft at 4 in the morning and you won't get shot.  While tragic a teen got shot she made her bed.  Kids these days have no respect for other peoples property.  I bet the boys that attempted the break in won't be doing that again.  The girl was probably acting as a look out for the other three mouth breathers.  Maybe I have become jaded about stuff like this but I could give two fucks less what happens to these stupid kids.  Fuck them, just leaves more air for the rest of us to breathe.  

And if the DA in that area was smart, they would charge those boys with murder is that girl dies.  If they wouldn't have been committing a crime, the girl would not have gotten shot.

Felony murder charge would be waiting on the others if this occurred in Florida and she dies

They should in this case as well. I don't know Alabama law but IMO if your criminal actions result in a death you should be charged with murder.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:34:05 AM EDT



Yeah, cause shooting a girl in the back or the head because she's waiting outside a burglary is exactly like the trayvon/Zimmerman case. Reporters are morons desperate to make a story.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:34:08 AM EDT
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