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Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:34:58 AM EDT
I say again:

Shooting someone who you don't absolutely need to shoot is a fucking stupid idea.

I don't know if this girl needed to be shot or not...but you know what? Even if she did need it, being responsible for putting a bullet in a 17 year old girl's head fucking sucks even if it was a perfectly legit shoot. There are, I'm sure, some people who would be able to do that and never have a moment's trouble with having done so, but the majority of people who see a young woman with her head half blown off will not have the same nonchalant reaction.

It's one thing if you have to do it to preserve your life or the life of a loved one.

It's quite another when it was "git owf mah layand!!!" bullshit that you weren't forced into.

It sucks that she and her accomplices put those two men in the position to have to make that decision.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:35:59 AM EDT

Kicking in doors raises things to a whole 'nother level.  Boink her in the woods?  No sweat.  Break someone's door in? Bad idea.  

horribly bad idea.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:36:40 AM EDT
"Small caliber rifle"=AR? Also what led to pulling the trigger? 2 against 3 isn't the worst odds, especially if you have a rifle. A rifle would be out in the open not concealed, so did the boys attack armed men or where they on the run?

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

I would bet something like a Marlin 60 .22. We all know that if an AR was used it would be described as a military issue assault machine gun.

If the kids were just standing there or running away its a bad shoot.....can't kill people for property crime.

I don't know about Alabama law, but you damned sure can in Texas - and that's how it should be.

i think you mean property theft. i dont think you can shoot even in texas for vandalism

That's weird. Vandalism in my mind is equivalent to theft. Just destroying someone's shit for whatever reason? You're taking dollars out of someone's pocket.

i would not disagre. i just think the law does not see them as the same thing
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:39:30 AM EDT
Romney said if he had a daughter she would look like Summer!
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:40:14 AM EDT
Umm, she's white.

No bueno.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:41:01 AM EDT


I can think of way more better things to be doing with a girl that you sneak onto a island with.


Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:42:05 AM EDT
Have to love Arfcom hypocrisy. If this was a black kid there would be no suggestion that she must have fallen in with the wrong crowd or that somehow this was a tragedy. No prayers would be sent for her or her family. She would be viewed as nothing more than the criminal she was.

ETA:  I admit the above was too broad a statement.

I'm still waiting for you to come back to that other thread - why'd you run off like that???

  - georgestrings

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:42:30 AM EDT
I dont know the law in AL but the shooter may hang because she was not breaking in but only tresspassing on the dock.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:43:24 AM EDT
Have to love Arfcom hypocrisy. If this was a black kid there would be no suggestion that she must have fallen in with the wrong crowd or that somehow this was a tragedy. No prayers would be sent for her or her family. She would be viewed as nothing more than the criminal she was.

Erm, pretty sure that most of the posts in this thread tended towards the "Eh, don't hang out with criminals/be a criminal and you won't get shot in the head" angle.

Not sure if that's what you wanted to read though.

Yup - I don't give a fuck what color a thief is...

   - georgestrings

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:45:25 AM EDT

Have to love Arfcom hypocrisy. If this was a black kid there would be no suggestion that she must have fallen in with the wrong crowd or that somehow this was a tragedy. No prayers would be sent for her or her family. She would be viewed as nothing more than the criminal she was.


Are you guys reading a different thread than the rest of us?

Maybe they're just reading what they want to.

Like, they're insane and the words just appear to them like they want on the screen. To them this probably reads either "EXECUTE THE HOMEOWNER FOR KILLING A WHITE GIRL" or "THE CAT IS PURPLE SMOKE IT HARD." either or.

You could be on to something - it would explain some of their posts...

   - georgestrings

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:47:13 AM EDT


I dont know the law in AL but the shooter may hang because she was not breaking in but only tresspassing on the dock.

There's no doubt this is a bad shoot.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:47:40 AM EDT
I've got an idea.....Don't trespass and facilitate theft at 4 in the morning and you won't get shot.  While tragic a teen got shot she made her bed.  Kids these days have no respect for other peoples property.  I bet the boys that attempted the break in won't be doing that again.  The girl was probably acting as a look out for the other three mouth breathers.  Maybe I have become jaded about stuff like this but I could give two fucks less what happens to these stupid kids.  Fuck them, just leaves more air for the rest of us to breathe.  

And if the DA in that area was smart, they would charge those boys with murder is that girl dies.  If they wouldn't have been committing a crime, the girl would not have gotten shot.

this is the right answer.  its fucking 4am.  they are breaking into someones property- fuck them.


  - georgestrings

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:52:54 AM EDT

Have to love Arfcom hypocrisy. If this was a black kid there would be no suggestion that she must have fallen in with the wrong crowd or that somehow this was a tragedy. No prayers would be sent for her or her family. She would be viewed as nothing more than the criminal she was.


Are you guys reading a different thread than the rest of us?

It seems as though everyone has an agenda these days.  If the facts don't fit the agenda––then lie, and repeat it until the "facts" fit.  

True - atleast *some* are starting to see a pattern with certain posters...

  - georgestrings

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:53:18 AM EDT
I dont know the law in AL but the shooter may hang because she was not breaking in but only tresspassing on the dock.

im not sure you can make that assumption. they used the dock to load her into a boat to get her to the mainland to meet EMTs

Thats why the dock has blood on it
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:54:24 AM EDT

I dont know the law in AL but the shooter may hang because she was not breaking in but only tresspassing on the dock.

There's no doubt this is a bad shoot.

how do you figure? where were the 4 thieves? what posture where they in when shot at? breaking in fleeing etc? the article was not clear. you may be right I just don't know.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:55:38 AM EDT
Romney said if he had a daughter she would look like Summer!

No, Romney isn't a race baiter like your hero Obama...

   - georgestrings

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:56:19 AM EDT




I dont know the law in AL but the shooter may hang because she was not breaking in but only tresspassing on the dock.

There's no doubt this is a bad shoot.


how do you figure? where where the 4 theives? what posture where they in when shot at? breaking in fleeing etc? the article was not clear. you may be right i just dont know.

yeah I just had to re-read the article. I thought the caretakers fired at the kids as they were running away. That isn't clear just yet (they could have still been in the house etc..), so I guess it's still open for debate.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:57:15 AM EDT


I dont know the law in AL but the shooter may hang because she was not breaking in but only tresspassing on the dock.

There's no doubt this is a bad shoot.

how do you figure? where where the 4 theives? what posture where they in when shot at? breaking in fleeing etc? the article was not clear. you may be right i just dont know.

yeah I just had to re-read the article. I thought the caretakers fired at the kids as they were running away. That isn't clear just yet (they could have still been in the house etc..), so I guess it's still open for debate.

Or  as a Asian man you are just prejudiced against 6 foot Caucasian women
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 5:57:59 AM EDT






I dont know the law in AL but the shooter may hang because she was not breaking in but only tresspassing on the dock.

There's no doubt this is a bad shoot.


how do you figure? where where the 4 theives? what posture where they in when shot at? breaking in fleeing etc? the article was not clear. you may be right i just dont know.

yeah I just had to re-read the article. I thought the caretakers fired at the kids as they were running away. That isn't clear just yet (they could have still been in the house etc..), so I guess it's still open for debate.


Or  as a Asian man you are just prejudiced against 6 foot Caucasian women

I love me some white women

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:01:42 AM EDT
I dont know the law in AL but the shooter may hang because she was not breaking in but only tresspassing on the dock.

Not in Florida. Don't know about Al. Probably very similar. That's why the msm/cnn/obama propaganda is targeting it. In Fl the legal occupant has a legal presumption of innocence. In a tent, car, trailer, bus, motor home, doesn't matter. The injured woman wasn't "just trespassing." She was with a group committing a forcible felony, burglary. They are all guilty of the same crime. This forcible felony also had the element of a disparity of force. Innocent law abiding folks in Florida are not required to to presume the intentions, plans, tactics, etc of forcible felons. We're tired of all the lib bullshit and crime.

Good shoot.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:02:08 AM EDT
Similar to the Trayvon Martin Shooting?  All shootings are going to have Similarities, such as a Gun was used, the perp had skin color, the shooter had skin color, someone was doing something wrong.  Sorry about the girl, but she was doing something that she should NOT have been doing.

Impeach Obama for the Good of the Children.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:02:30 AM EDT

I love me some white women

you and me both
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:03:29 AM EDT



I dont know the law in AL but the shooter may hang because she was not breaking in but only tresspassing on the dock.

There's no doubt this is a bad shoot.

how do you figure? where where the 4 theives? what posture where they in when shot at? breaking in fleeing etc? the article was not clear. you may be right i just dont know.

yeah I just had to re-read the article. I thought the caretakers fired at the kids as they were running away. That isn't clear just yet (they could have still been in the house etc..), so I guess it's still open for debate.

Or  as a Asian man you are just prejudiced against 6 foot Caucasian women

I love me some white women

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:05:35 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:07:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:07:35 AM EDT




I dont know the law in AL but the shooter may hang because she was not breaking in but only tresspassing on the dock.

im not sure you can make that assumption. they used the dock to load her into a boat to get her to the mainland to meet EMTs

Thats why the dock has blood on it

That's what I wondered.  Perhaps they were IN the cabin, had their backs turned, and the victim shot into the cabin from outside.  That would change things considerably.  Back-of-head shot doesn't automatically mean "fleeing at the time."

After having to re-read the article...

I think the kids were breaking in, the two caretakers each fired shots at them, the girl was outside as lookout or something, might have been facing the dock and was hit by an errant round.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:09:02 AM EDT


I don't know to call this good shoot or bad shoot, not enough info.

I'm leaning towards it will be ruled a legal shoot and if the girl dies then other three can be charged with murder.

Works for me.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:10:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:12:36 AM EDT
I don't know to call this good shoot or bad shoot, not enough info.

I'm leaning towards it will be ruled a legal shoot and if the girl dies then other three can be charged with murder.

between brain dead on life support indefinately and death, death maybe the kinder fate
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:16:22 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:16:57 AM EDT






I dont know the law in AL but the shooter may hang because she was not breaking in but only tresspassing on the dock.

im not sure you can make that assumption. they used the dock to load her into a boat to get her to the mainland to meet EMTs

Thats why the dock has blood on it

That's what I wondered.  Perhaps they were IN the cabin, had their backs turned, and the victim shot into the cabin from outside.  That would change things considerably.  Back-of-head shot doesn't automatically mean "fleeing at the time."

After having to re-read the article...

I think the kids were breaking in, the two caretakers each fired shots at them, the girl was outside as lookout or something, might have been facing the dock and was hit by an errant round.


There's no "errant round" if it hits a criminal instead of a poor tree, or dirt.  Just saying.  

True, true

I meant she wasn't the intended target.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:17:35 AM EDT
Definitely not enough info.....

However, since the girl is white, it eliminates the knee jerk, white guilt generated assumptions that she was shot for "walking while black".
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:19:28 AM EDT
Definitely not enough info.....

However, since the girl is white, it eliminates the knee jerk, white guilt generated assumptions that she was shot for "walking while black".

I wonder what Bill Cosby has to say about this?
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:19:40 AM EDT
Her parents shouldn't let her out at 4AM.
They should be blaming themselves.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:19:46 AM EDT
I understand the fact that you shouldn't hang out with idiots because they are going to get you in trouble.

I also know that when I was a kid, I did stupid stuff. We would TP my other friends houses, do burnouts in our cars down the street, just do stupid kid stuff.....kids do stupid stuff.

Are you guys trying to say that just because she was at the scene of a possible home invasion.....she deserved to be shot in the back of the head??  

Did she deserve to be arrested?  Maybe.  Was she stupid for hanging out with some boys that where up to no good?  YES.  Did she deserve to be shot in the back of the head and have her life taken?  NO!  

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:20:48 AM EDT
Her parents shouldn't let her out at 4AM.
They should be blaming themselves.

Guess what....kids sneak out of the house, no matter how good you raise them.   Damn, were any of your guys teenagers?  Or did you all just pop out of the womb at 40+yrs old?
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:26:46 AM EDT


good shoot or bad, it seems that the dead girl is a thief, correct?

And if not, for example she wasn't actively engaging in the theft, she was at least in their company.


I say if she dies, charge the "three male juveniles" with her death.  Their commission of a crime led to her death.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:28:44 AM EDT
I dont know the law in AL but the shooter may hang because she was not breaking in but only tresspassing on the dock.

I guess that you missed this part "heard a door being broken".

Impeach Obama for the Good of the Children.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:29:32 AM EDT
I understand the fact that you shouldn't hang out with idiots because they are going to get you in trouble.

I also know that when I was a kid, I did stupid stuff. We would TP my other friends houses, do burnouts in our cars down the street, just do stupid kid stuff.....kids do stupid stuff.

Are you guys trying to say that just because she was at the scene of a possible home invasion.....she deserved to be shot in the back of the head??  

Did she deserve to be arrested?  Maybe.  Was she stupid for hanging out with some boys that where up to no good?  YES.  Did she deserve to be shot in the back of the head and have her life taken?  NO!  

if you are part of a group who is commiting a home invastion you run the risk of getting shot. If you are the door kicker or just the look out. if you are on scene then you run that risk so yea i would say you deserve to get shot if you are at a home invasion as part of the invaders. i got no issue with that.

being shot in the back of the head does not confirm what went down. just that she got shot in the back of the head.

EDIT: for clarification
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:33:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:33:34 AM EDT
Her parents shouldn't let her out at 4AM.
They should be blaming themselves.

Guess what....kids sneak out of the house, no matter how good you raise them.   Damn, were any of your guys teenagers?  Or did you all just pop out of the womb at 40+yrs old?

Big fucking difference between sneaking out and drinking some beer in the woods or getting some back seat split critter and kicking in someone’s fucking door…

The property owners / caretakers had no way of knowing that the people kicking in their fucking door were hardened criminals or teenage kids being stupid.

This boils down to responsibility for actions… and this tragedy would have never occurred if it wasn’t for the actions of the teenagers.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:34:56 AM EDT
"toward the back of the head."  Why are so many of you guys assuming that she was running away.  She may have actually been facing the guys in the cabin and turned her head when the trigger was pulled.

Impeach Obama for the Good of the Children.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:34:56 AM EDT
I understand the fact that you shouldn't hang out with idiots because they are going to get you in trouble.

I also know that when I was a kid, I did stupid stuff. We would TP my other friends houses, do burnouts in our cars down the street, just do stupid kid stuff.....kids do stupid stuff.

Are you guys trying to say that just because she was at the scene of a possible home invasion.....she deserved to be shot in the back of the head??  

Did she deserve to be arrested?  Maybe.  Was she stupid for hanging out with some boys that where up to no good?  YES.  Did she deserve to be shot in the back of the head and have her life taken?  NO!  

I understand the point you are trying to make, but she put herself in that situation.  Is it an "iffy" shooting?  Yep.  Did she play a stupid game and win a stupid prize?  Yep.  Don't want to run the risk of getting shot?  Don't go to an island with some guys to break into a cabin.  Pretty simple logic here.  Don't want to get shot, don't put yourself in a situation where you have a good chance of getting shot.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:36:29 AM EDT





I dont know the law in AL but the shooter may hang because she was not breaking in but only tresspassing on the dock.

There's no doubt this is a bad shoot.


how do you figure? where where the 4 theives? what posture where they in when shot at? breaking in fleeing etc? the article was not clear. you may be right i just dont know.

yeah I just had to re-read the article. I thought the caretakers fired at the kids as they were running away. That isn't clear just yet (they could have still been in the house etc..), so I guess it's still open for debate.


So there is doubt.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:36:33 AM EDT
Her parents shouldn't let her out at 4AM.
They should be blaming themselves.

Guess what....kids sneak out of the house, no matter how good you raise them.   Damn, were any of your guys teenagers?  Or did you all just pop out of the womb at 40+yrs old?

Big fucking difference between sneaking out and drinking some beer in the woods or getting some back seat split critter and kicking in someone’s fucking door…

The property owners / caretakers had no way of knowing that the people kicking in their fucking door were hardened criminals or teenage kids being stupid.

This boils down to responsibility for actions… and this tragedy would have never occurred if it wasn’t for the actions of the teenagers.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:37:19 AM EDT
"toward the back of the head."  Why are so many of you guys assuming that she was running away.  She may have actually been facing the guys in the cabin and turned her head when the trigger was pulled.

Impeach Obama for the Good of the Children.

or had her head away because she was a look out. who knows what went down. unless they come out and say that all 4 suspects were hot footing it away from the shooter at the time of the shot its gonna be a good shoot. Plenty of witnesses and since the cops let them go i see it coming out that way. But who knows.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:38:35 AM EDT
I understand the fact that you shouldn't hang out with idiots because they are going to get you in trouble.

I also know that when I was a kid, I did stupid stuff. We would TP my other friends houses, do burnouts in our cars down the street, just do stupid kid stuff.....kids do stupid stuff.

Are you guys trying to say that just because she was at the scene of a possible home invasion.....she deserved to be shot in the back of the head??  

Did she deserve to be arrested?  Maybe.  Was she stupid for hanging out with some boys that where up to no good?  YES.  Did she deserve to be shot in the back of the head and have her life taken?  NO!  

I understand the point you are trying to make, but she put herself in that situation.  Is it an "iffy" shooting?  Yep.  Did she play a stupid game and win a stupid prize?  Yep.  Don't want to run the risk of getting shot?  Don't go to an island with some guys to break into a cabin.  Pretty simple logic here.  Don't want to get shot, don't put yourself in a situation where you have a good chance of getting shot.

yup. Commiting a felony is dangerous.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:40:15 AM EDT
Nope, I'm not gonna shed a tear for her. Good shoot. She was there with the intent to commit a crime, after dark, with a group of fellow thugs.

Don't put yourself in those situations and you drastically reduce the chances of bad things happening.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:41:49 AM EDT
"toward the back of the head."  Why are so many of you guys assuming that she was running away.  She may have actually been facing the guys in the cabin and turned her head when the trigger was pulled.

Impeach Obama for the Good of the Children.

or had her head away because she was a look out. who knows what went down. unless they come out and say that all 4 suspects were hot footing it away from the shooter at the time of the shot its gonna be a good shoot. Plenty of witnesses and since the cops let them go i see it coming out that way. But who knows.

I saw a study a while back that many perps are shot in the back by cops because the perp will do something like shoot at the cop and then turn before the cop can react and pull the trigger on his gun.

Impeach Obama for the Good of Michelle.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 6:41:58 AM EDT

Are you guys trying to say that just because she was at the scene of a possible home invasion.....she deserved to be shot in the back of the head??  

Yeah, actually I AM saying that - people that break into the homes of others DESERVE to be shot in the back of the head...

   - georgestrings

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