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Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:22:19 AM EDT



White girl=no story here

Maybe just a good girl hanging out with the wrong crowd.  Prayers for her.

Yeah, right. She was on private property at 4 am, waiting for her friends who were burglarizing said property. That is more than enough to put her in prison.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:22:47 AM EDT
Well Don't be stealing shit and maybe your chances of being shot will go down. If they were really involed in a B&E. Killing/Harming people is not good! It is however sometime necessary! Do not increase your odds of being a victim by attempting to steal or harm others!
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:25:13 AM EDT
well I must have been raised a nerd.  I never broke into anyones property nor did I ever take stuff that did not belong to me, or start fights with random people.  yes I was in the yard by the time the streetlights were on.

At 17yo?

You are an ass if you think that being out late makes one a thief.

I think deliberately going in a party of four to an island I have no right to be on and kicking in a door at 4 in the AM makes one a thief.  Your mileage may vary ...

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:25:20 AM EDT
My understanding about our law here is that you cannot shoot someone for stealing your stuff. You can if your life/ child/ spouse/ other human's life is at stake but not just because some crackhead took your lawnmower. Now i know some of you internet badasses would shoot anyone with your SCAR heavy because he looked at you hard but i can go along with this mentality. This girl getting shot in the head is not a good shoot in my opinion - but we all have one of those.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:25:32 AM EDT
Better shoot than the Martin case.  There was a crime being committed in this case at least.  So, in AL, if the girl dies will the three boys she was with get charged with murder?

So... the attack on Zimmerman wasn't a crime?

Did the fairy fucking godmother break his nose and split his head open?

He keeps repeating that lib bullshit obama/msm propaganda. it's obvious what team he's on.

This place is chock full of mobys and leftists.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:26:32 AM EDT

Kind of guilty. Need moar pix of volleyball thuglette. .
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:27:02 AM EDT
I say again:

Shooting someone who you don't absolutely need to shoot is a fucking stupid idea.

Impossible to argue with this.

I wouldn't argue with it - at all - but I'd argue that it's not the focal point of such a case. Thsoe guys didn't ask to be in a confrontation at 4 AM. I'll cut them TONS of slack for shooting. I wouldn't charge them; they sound like decent folks who acted in frustration. If anything, charge the people who created the situation - namely, the three other kids, AND the girl who went with them. Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas....

Pretty much this.  


I'm tired of this shit.  If you are "hanging out" while your buddies burglarize homes, you fucking get what you get.  Sometimes you get shiny new t.v.'s you can sell to fund your heroin habit.  Sometimes you get shot in your fucking head.  That's fucking life.  

Had this happened to my daughter, I'd be monstrously pissed off.  I'd also place the blame where it belongs––on her.  "Good kids" don't hang out with fucking burglars.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:27:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:27:48 AM EDT
I honestly can not think of anything in my neighbors house worth me shooting at people trying to get in there, if I know my neighbors and their girls are not home.

I dont think there is posession in my own home that i would shoot someone over. Even if the law allowed it i would not. things are just things and nothing i have is worth the legal bills i would assume if i shot someone.

Move to a SYG/castle doctrine state that preempts the legal bills.  Just had my third lawnmower stolen - if it were only in Texas, and I caught the SOB at night ...

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:28:27 AM EDT
My understanding about our law here is that you cannot shoot someone for stealing your stuff. You can if your life/ child/ spouse/ other human's life is at stake but not just because some crackhead took your lawnmower. Now i know some of you internet badasses would shoot anyone with your SCAR heavy because he looked at you hard but i can go along with this mentality. This girl getting shot in the head is not a good shoot in my opinion - but we all have one of those.

you have no idea of the situation at the time of the shot. the three could have been making entry. they could have been charging the shooter. they could have been running away and the shot was meant just to scare them. Who knows. However since we have multiple witnesses and the cops let him go im going to go out on a limb and say this was not an attempted execution for a lawn mower.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:30:43 AM EDT
Better shoot than the Martin case.  There was a crime being committed in this case at least.  So, in AL, if the girl dies will the three boys she was with get charged with murder?

So... the attack on Zimmerman wasn't a crime?

Did the fairy fucking godmother break his nose and split his head open?

He keeps repeating that lib bullshit obama/msm propaganda. it's obvious what team he's on.

This place is chock full of mobys and leftists.

...and _A few retreads ....

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:32:20 AM EDT
I honestly can not think of anything in my neighbors house worth me shooting at people trying to get in there, if I know my neighbors and their girls are not home.

I dont think there is posession in my own home that i would shoot someone over. Even if the law allowed it i would not. things are just things and nothing i have is worth the legal bills i would assume if i shot someone.

Move to a SYG/castle doctrine state that preempts the legal bills.  Just had my third lawnmower stolen - if it were only in Texas, and I caught the SOB at night ...

I have Castle Doctrine.. still wouldnt do it. If you shoot someone your going to need legal representation regardless of the no bill or not. Nothing i own is worth what a good lawyer will charge me for his time even if i dont go to trial.

FL is a SYG state and i beleive GZ acted in self defense. Now look at that poor mother fucker. None of my shit or someone elses shit is worth that. My family or close freinds, ell even a stranger about to get murdered, sure but not a item i can buy in a store.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:32:53 AM EDT
She looks cute in her volley ball uniform........I wonder what she looks like in her burglar clothes?

You mean dressed in all black with a sexay little black watch cap???  

You perv.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:33:39 AM EDT
My understanding about our law here is that you cannot shoot someone for stealing your stuff. You can if your life/ child/ spouse/ other human's life is at stake but not just because some crackhead took your lawnmower. Now i know some of you internet badasses would shoot anyone with your SCAR heavy because he looked at you hard but i can go along with this mentality. This girl getting shot in the head is not a good shoot in my opinion - but we all have one of those.

Are you going to ask them nicely when they bust the door in if they intend to be gentler to you and yours than they were to the Petit family? Check ID for age and race?


Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:35:29 AM EDT


It’s tragic, it sucks, it seems more like an accidental shooting than an intended shooting, from the story it didn’t seem like the 2 guys were in fear for their lives…

But… The girl's choice to hang out with shit ass little thieves and the boy’s choice to be shit ass little thieves is where 99.99% of the blame for this tragedy lies…
Parents, teach your kids not to be thieving little bastards and to respect other people’s property and they won’t have to worry about shit like this…

That is all…

She wasn't just "hanging out with thieves." She was on the scene with the boys while they were burglarizing the property. That means she is a thief and a burglar, too.

Or is a guy who acts as lookout while his buddies rob a store, not a thief? Because it sounds to me like that is exactly what she was doing: acting as lookout. In the other burglaries they pulled off and got away with, I wonder if she helped carry off the loot?

Oh, and one other thing: 17 years old is not a child.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:39:53 AM EDT
dumb skank.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:40:38 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:41:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:45:32 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:48:28 AM EDT
This girl getting shot in the head is not a good shoot in my opinion - but we all have one of those.

If her friends placed the shooter in reasonable fear for his life and he just missed, it's a perfectly legit shoot. That she caught the bullet rather than the people directly causing the threat is regrettable, but understandable. It's still a life sentence for the shooter, though...assuming he's a moral person.

If the shooter was not in reasonable fear for his life when he pulled the trigger...well...he may be in for some trouble ahead. If he shot wildly at a couple of people who were beating feet and thusly were not at the moment a threat to him, then he might be in for some serious legal problems. Contrary to ARFCOM opinion, the law in most places does not permit the use of lethal force for simple trespass, or once the reasonable belief of a serious threat has vanished. A couple of dudes kicking down your door can reasonably be perceived as a serious threat and might justify the use of lethal force. A couple of dudes who turned tail and ran after you confronted them with a gun does not constitute a serious threat and if that's when the guy pulled the trigger then he may well be fucked. I don't know Tennessee's jurisprudence on such events, but generally speaking lethal force is authorized in an exigency. Once the exigency dissipates then so does the justification for using it.

What many don't seem to be able to fit through their thick skulls is that shooting another human being is a fucking awful thing. If you are standing there looking at some human being you have just killed or seriously injured, you want to be goddamn sure that you had to do it. If you pull the trigger and then find yourself looking over the body of somebody you didn't mean to shoot...well...let's just say that all this "lie down with dogs" bullshit won't really be at the forefront of your thinking. That some dude on the internet thinks she had it coming won't fucking matter when you're seeing that picture every time you close your goddamn eyes. Shit's not as easy to live with as it is to talk about.


I'm a bit perplexed by the OP's link. Bubba heard a door being broken into so he shot (in the dark, mind you) at someone on the dock? I'm not seeing how that adds up.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:56:42 AM EDT
retarded situation all around. bad shoot unless the kids were threatening to hurt the homeowner.

shooting someone is for self defense, in my opinion. I'd rather lose something replaceable than kill someone –– unless they're going to take an innocent's life.

my initial reaction was "good. may fuck be upon the thieving pubescent douchebags," but that's an emotional reaction. Girl probably didn't deserve a bullet.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 8:58:12 AM EDT

I don't know to call this good shoot or bad shoot, not enough info.

I'm leaning towards it will be ruled a legal shoot and if the girl dies then other three can be charged with murder.

Works for me.


Same here...

 - georgestrings

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:12:32 AM EDT
Boom head shot?

More like "plink, head shot!"  (used a .22)
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:14:14 AM EDT
retarded situation all around. bad shoot unless the kids were threatening to hurt the homeowner.

shooting someone is for self defense, in my opinion. I'd rather lose something replaceable than kill someone –– unless they're going to take an innocent's life.

my initial reaction was "good. may fuck be upon the thieving pubescent douchebags," but that's an emotional reaction. Girl probably didn't deserve a bullet.

Deserved or not she was certainly asking for one when she went along with douchebags kicking in doors.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:14:39 AM EDT
Better shoot than the Martin case.  There was a crime being committed in this case at least.  So, in AL, if the girl dies will the three boys she was with get charged with murder?

So... the attack on Zimmerman wasn't a crime?

Did the fairy fucking godmother break his nose and split his head open?

He keeps repeating that lib bullshit obama/msm propaganda. it's obvious what team he's on.

This place is chock full of mobys and leftists.

Those four teens were in the act of committing a crime when one of them got shot.  What crime was Trayvon committing when Zimmerman decided to inject himself into Trayvon's life? If Zimmerman had not even been "on patrol" that night, what crime would have happened?  Who would have had their head split?  Who would have died? Would there be a debate about SYG laws right now?  I don't understand how half the folks on this site are ready to draw down when the guard at Home Depot asks to see their receipt before they can leave the store but think it is totally okay for some random guy to go following strangers around in the dark.

What's a "moby?"

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:15:16 AM EDT
I kinda feel bad for the shooters. They know she wasn't the intended target and then trying to help her afterwards. Bad on her for hanging out with morons though.

Yeah, they loaded her into a boat and took her to the mainland and then to a hospital.  Must have been a grim ride.  And may fuck be upon the burglars for placing them in that position on their own property.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:17:41 AM EDT
No relation to me.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:21:39 AM EDT
retarded situation all around. bad shoot unless the kids were threatening to hurt the homeowner.

shooting someone is for self defense, in my opinion. I'd rather lose something replaceable than kill someone –– unless they're going to take an innocent's life.

my initial reaction was "good. may fuck be upon the thieving pubescent douchebags," but that's an emotional reaction. Girl probably didn't deserve a bullet.

Deserved or not she was certainly asking for one when she went along with douchebags kicking in doors.

Yea, she should have known better. I can't imagine the foolishness required to not ponder the potential outcomes of being an accomplice to a robbery.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:21:43 AM EDT
Better shoot than the Martin case.  There was a crime being committed in this case at least.  So, in AL, if the girl dies will the three boys she was with get charged with murder?

So... the attack on Zimmerman wasn't a crime?

Did the fairy fucking godmother break his nose and split his head open?

He keeps repeating that lib bullshit obama/msm propaganda. it's obvious what team he's on.

This place is chock full of mobys and leftists.

Those four teens were in the act of committing a crime when one of them got shot.  What crime was Trayvon committing when Zimmerman decided to inject himself into Trayvon's life? If Zimmerman had not even been "on patrol" that night, what crime would have happened?  Who would have had their head split?  Who would have died? Would there be a debate about SYG laws right now?  I don't understand how half the folks on this site are ready to draw down when the guard at Home Depot asks to see their receipt before they can leave the store but think it is totally okay for some random guy to go following strangers around in the dark.

What's a "moby?"

what crime was Zimmerman commiting when Trayvon started to batter him?

Tell you what. lets leave those questions in the other thread? How about it?
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:22:09 AM EDT
Looks like a bad shoot to me.  Hitting a person who is outside of the structure and not posing a threat in the back of the head is obviously problematic.  Also, for those speculating about her involvement in illegal activities, the law does not authorize a shooting because someone is committing a crime; it authorizes shooting to end a threat of serious bodily injury or death.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:22:48 AM EDT


Have to love Arfcom hypocrisy. If this was a black kid there would be no suggestion that she must have fallen in with the wrong crowd or that somehow this was a tragedy. No prayers would be sent for her or her family. She would be viewed as nothing more than the criminal she was.


I always figured attorneys had good reading comprehension. I've not seen anybody sending prayers. I've seen a lot of "fuck her" for running with criminals comments though. Are you and I reading the same thread?  

Gator did on the first page above my post.  My reading comprehension is fine.  I admit, however, that my statement was too broad.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:23:09 AM EDT
retarded situation all around. bad shoot unless the kids were threatening to hurt the homeowner.

shooting someone is for self defense, in my opinion. I'd rather lose something replaceable than kill someone –– unless they're going to take an innocent's life.

my initial reaction was "good. may fuck be upon the thieving pubescent douchebags," but that's an emotional reaction. Girl probably didn't deserve a bullet.

Deserved or not she was certainly asking for one when she went along with douchebags kicking in doors.

Yea, she should have known better. I can't imagine the foolishness required to not ponder the potential outcomes of being an accomplice to a robbery.

im not sure if your serious or not.. at 17 you should know better than to go along with robbery or home invasion. Common sense should kick in at that point especialy considering all the recent media about self defense shooting.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:23:20 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:24:53 AM EDT
Looks like a bad shoot to me.  Hitting a person who is outside of the structure and not posing a threat in the back of the head is obviously problematic.  Also, for those speculating about her involvement in illegal activities, the law does not authorize a shooting because someone is committing a crime; it authorizes shooting to end a threat of serious bodily injury or death.

Seems like your doing that enough for all of us in your post.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:24:57 AM EDT
I kinda feel bad for the shooters. They know she wasn't the intended target and then trying to help her afterwards. Bad on her for hanging out with morons though.

Yeah, they loaded her into a boat and took her to the mainland and then to a hospital.  Must have been a grim ride.  And may fuck be upon the burglars for placing them in that position on their own property.

Agreed.  This is probably a manslaughter case, not a murder case.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:25:34 AM EDT
retarded situation all around. bad shoot unless the kids were threatening to hurt the homeowner.

shooting someone is for self defense, in my opinion. I'd rather lose something replaceable than kill someone –– unless they're going to take an innocent's life.

my initial reaction was "good. may fuck be upon the thieving pubescent douchebags," but that's an emotional reaction. Girl probably didn't deserve a bullet.

Deserved or not she was certainly asking for one when she went along with douchebags kicking in doors.

Yea, she should have known better. I can't imagine the foolishness required to not ponder the potential outcomes of being an accomplice to a robbery.

im not sure if your serious or not.. at 17 you should know better than to go along with robbery or home invasion. Common sense should kick in at that point especialy considering all the recent media about self defense shooting.

i'm agreeing with you by saying that injured girl is a dumbass and has to live (maybe) with her shit-tastic decision for the rest of her life
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:26:23 AM EDT
Looks like a bad shoot to me.  Hitting a person who is outside of the structure and not posing a threat in the back of the head is obviously problematic.  Also, for those speculating about her involvement in illegal activities, the law does not authorize a shooting because someone is committing a crime; it authorizes shooting to end a threat of serious bodily injury or death.

How do you know she was "outside of the structure?"  

Quote from the article:

Mack said investigators believe that Moody was outside some feet away from one of the camp houses, although her exact location and exactly what she was doing had not been determined.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:27:47 AM EDT
retarded situation all around. bad shoot unless the kids were threatening to hurt the homeowner.

shooting someone is for self defense, in my opinion. I'd rather lose something replaceable than kill someone –– unless they're going to take an innocent's life.

my initial reaction was "good. may fuck be upon the thieving pubescent douchebags," but that's an emotional reaction. Girl probably didn't deserve a bullet.

Deserved or not she was certainly asking for one when she went along with douchebags kicking in doors.

Yea, she should have known better. I can't imagine the foolishness required to not ponder the potential outcomes of being an accomplice to a robbery.

im not sure if your serious or not.. at 17 you should know better than to go along with robbery or home invasion. Common sense should kick in at that point especialy considering all the recent media about self defense shooting.

i'm agreeing with you by saying that injured girl is a dumbass and has to live (maybe) with her shit-tastic decision for the rest of her life

gotcha.. hard to tell at first. thank you for clarification
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:27:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:28:39 AM EDT
retarded situation all around. bad shoot unless the kids were threatening to hurt the homeowner.

shooting someone is for self defense, in my opinion. I'd rather lose something replaceable than kill someone –– unless they're going to take an innocent's life.

my initial reaction was "good. may fuck be upon the thieving pubescent douchebags," but that's an emotional reaction. Girl probably didn't deserve a bullet.

Deserved or not she was certainly asking for one when she went along with douchebags kicking in doors.

Yea, she should have known better. I can't imagine the foolishness required to not ponder the potential outcomes of being an accomplice to a robbery.

im not sure if your serious or not.. at 17 you should know better than to go along with robbery or home invasion. Common sense should kick in at that point especialy considering all the recent media about self defense shooting.

Well lets wait and see if she was aware that they were gonna do some robbery or if they just convinced a pretty girl to come along with them.

Probably too late though, 5 pages in these things tend to develop their own narratives.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:29:26 AM EDT
Looks like a bad shoot to me.  Hitting a person who is outside of the structure and not posing a threat in the back of the head is obviously problematic.  Also, for those speculating about her involvement in illegal activities, the law does not authorize a shooting because someone is committing a crime; it authorizes shooting to end a threat of serious bodily injury or death.

How do you know she was "outside of the structure?"  

Quote from the article:

Mack said investigators believe that Moody was outside some feet away from one of the camp houses, although her exact location and exactly what she was doing had not been determined.

does not determine the location and actions of the other three men or if the girl who was hit was the intended recipient of the grand prize. Or even her location or current actions at the time of the shot.

that article just does not have enough.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:31:05 AM EDT
retarded situation all around. bad shoot unless the kids were threatening to hurt the homeowner.

shooting someone is for self defense, in my opinion. I'd rather lose something replaceable than kill someone –– unless they're going to take an innocent's life.

my initial reaction was "good. may fuck be upon the thieving pubescent douchebags," but that's an emotional reaction. Girl probably didn't deserve a bullet.

Deserved or not she was certainly asking for one when she went along with douchebags kicking in doors.

Yea, she should have known better. I can't imagine the foolishness required to not ponder the potential outcomes of being an accomplice to a robbery.

im not sure if your serious or not.. at 17 you should know better than to go along with robbery or home invasion. Common sense should kick in at that point especialy considering all the recent media about self defense shooting.

Well lets wait and see if she was aware that they were gonna do some robbery or if they just convinced a pretty girl to come along with them.

Probably too late though, 5 pages in these things tend to develop their own narratives.

Fair point. I assumed since the other three were caught and questioned this had already been established. However at 17 i find it hard to beleive that she didnt know what was up. its 4AM its dark your not where your supposed to be  and people are breaking into places. Even a chearleader could figure that shit out.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:32:10 AM EDT
Looks like a bad shoot to me.  Hitting a person who is outside of the structure and not posing a threat in the back of the head is obviously problematic.  Also, for those speculating about her involvement in illegal activities, the law does not authorize a shooting because someone is committing a crime; it authorizes shooting to end a threat of serious bodily injury or death.

Seems like your doing that enough for all of us in your post.

Hardly.  I think she may have been a passenger in a boat with the real perps who saw the cabin as a target of opportunity for theft. She may have even objected to what they were doing.  Note that she was away from the structure when the others were supposedly breaking in.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:32:16 AM EDT
Fair point. I assumed since the other three were caught and questioned this had already been established. However at 17 i find it hard to beleive that she didnt know what was up. its 4AM its dark your not where your supposed to be  and people are breaking into places. Even a chearleader could figure that shit out.

C'mon you wanna check out this cool island with us?

It isn't rocket surgery to convince a 17 y/o girl to come along with you, although I prefer candy and a 15 pax myself.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:33:13 AM EDT
Were the shooters black?
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:35:49 AM EDT
at least they tried to get her help
The two men who fired the shots "started trying to summon some medical help. It was on the island early in the morning, dark, and all the circumstances that could go bad went bad," the sheriff said.

He said that marks on the pier showed the place where the men loaded the wounded teen onto a boat as they sought medical attention for her. Mack said the men took her to the mainland, where emergency responders transported her to the University of South Alabama Medical Center in Mobile.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:36:08 AM EDT
Fair point. I assumed since the other three were caught and questioned this had already been established. However at 17 i find it hard to beleive that she didnt know what was up. its 4AM its dark your not where your supposed to be  and people are breaking into places. Even a chearleader could figure that shit out.

C'mon you wanna check out this cool island with us?

It isn't rocket surgery to convince a 17 y/o girl to come along with you, although I prefer candy and a 15 pax myself.

get her on the island sure. easy enough. once the B&E starts its time to get the fuck out of dodge. they had been breaking into shit long enough to alert the neighbors get neighbors up, allow them to arm them selves them come find out what was going down. i doubt all that happened in under the amount of time it would take her to say "oh this is a horrible idea" and split.

does peer pressure come into play? (assuming she was totally inocent) sure it does. However she chose poorly and should have split at the first sign of a crime.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:37:39 AM EDT


White girl=no story here


Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:37:55 AM EDT
Fair point. I assumed since the other three were caught and questioned this had already been established. However at 17 i find it hard to beleive that she didnt know what was up. its 4AM its dark your not where your supposed to be  and people are breaking into places. Even a chearleader could figure that shit out.

C'mon you wanna check out this cool island with us?

It isn't rocket surgery to convince a 17 y/o girl to come along with you, although I prefer candy and a 15 pax myself.

get her on the island sure. easy enough. once the B&E starts its time to get the fuck out of dodge. they had been breaking into shit long enough to alert the neighbors get neighbors up, allow them to arm them selves them come find out what was going down. i doubt all that happened in under the amount of time it would take her to say "oh this is a horrible idea" and split.

does peer pressure come into play? (assuming she was totally inocent) sure it does. However she chose poorly and should have split at the first sign of a crime.

Split to where?  They are in a remote area on a boat.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:38:20 AM EDT
 What crime was Trayvon committing when Zimmerman decided to inject himself into Trayvon's life?

Who knows?  Kinda hard to tell without investigating huh.  BTW "injecting himself into Trey-Trey's life" =/= a crime - but aggrevated assault and battery sure is.  Winner:  Try-Trey...

If Zimmerman had not even been "on patrol" that night, what crime would have happened?

Burglary, rape, possession of narcotics - who knows?

Who would have had their head split?  Who would have died? Would there be a debate about SYG laws right now?  I don't understand how half the folks on this site are ready to draw down when the guard at Home Depot asks to see their receipt before they can leave the store but think it is totally okay for some random guy to go following strangers around THEIR HOME AND NEIGHBORHOOD in the dark.

What's a "moby?"

MYOB?   Mind your own business, perhaps?

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