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Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:39:14 AM EDT
Looks like a bad shoot to me.  Hitting a person who is outside of the structure and not posing a threat in the back of the head is obviously problematic.  Also, for those speculating about her involvement in illegal activities, the law does not authorize a shooting because someone is committing a crime; it authorizes shooting to end a threat of serious bodily injury or death.

Seems like your doing that enough for all of us in your post.

Hardly.  I think she may have been a passenger in a boat with the real perps who saw the cabin as a target of opportunity for theft. She may have even objected to what they were doing.  Note that she was away from the structure when the others were supposedly breaking in.

I see it more likley she was playing lookout which does not work if you are inside the structure. Rather a few feet away so you can see and still communicate to those other parties inside the structure.

the fact is she was hanging with some criminals who got caught doing criminal shit. Hanging out with criminals is dangerous and often times leads to gun fire. Bullets in the air are bad for your health if they happen to maike contact with you.

the simplest solution is usually the correct one.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:39:53 AM EDT
Fair point. I assumed since the other three were caught and questioned this had already been established. However at 17 i find it hard to beleive that she didnt know what was up. its 4AM its dark your not where your supposed to be  and people are breaking into places. Even a chearleader could figure that shit out.

C'mon you wanna check out this cool island with us?

It isn't rocket surgery to convince a 17 y/o girl to come along with you, although I prefer candy and a 15 pax myself.

get her on the island sure. easy enough. once the B&E starts its time to get the fuck out of dodge. they had been breaking into shit long enough to alert the neighbors get neighbors up, allow them to arm them selves them come find out what was going down. i doubt all that happened in under the amount of time it would take her to say "oh this is a horrible idea" and split.

does peer pressure come into play? (assuming she was totally inocent) sure it does. However she chose poorly and should have split at the first sign of a crime.

They were on an island. She ain't gonna go far if she wants to get away.

Probably all depends on where investigators determine the shoot happened.

My operating assumption is that pretty blonde girls don't normally willingly commit B&E, but I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express either.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:39:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:41:12 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:41:18 AM EDT
Better shoot than the Martin case.  There was a crime being committed in this case at least.  So, in AL, if the girl dies will the three boys she was with get charged with murder?

So... the attack on Zimmerman wasn't a crime?

Did the fairy fucking godmother break his nose and split his head open?

He keeps repeating that lib bullshit obama/msm propaganda. it's obvious what team he's on.

This place is chock full of mobys and leftists.

...and _A few retreads ....

took me a second...
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:43:41 AM EDT
This is the meat of the story:

Two men staying at a camp on the back side of the island heard a door being broken. One of the men, according to Mack, was a caretaker of the property, knew of several recent break-ins and went to investigate.

The men discovered intruders and fired once each, Mack said.

Apparently, he said, Moody was hit by one of those shots. He said that a bullet from a small-caliber rifle struck her "toward the back of the head."

From what I can tell from this, the men shot at two intruders (who I assume they saw), and the girl was hit by accident (it sounds like the three boys were the actual intruders).

I can't tell if the men were justified in shooting or not. Not from the facts presented.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:45:58 AM EDT





White girl=no story here

Oh, well shit.  They didn't say she was white.  Why is this getting national attention?

ETA:  Maybe just a good girl hanging out with the wrong crowd.  Prayers for her.

Yeah, right. She was on private property at 4 am, waiting for her friends who were burglarizing said property. That is more than enough to put her in prison.


Do you think if she had been arrested that she would get prison/jail time for this?

No. But she could, according to the law. In reality she would probably get probation, fines and community service.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:48:20 AM EDT
Sad but then maybe she shouldn't have been hanging out with little juvi thugs.


It's sad when anyone is hurt, but she made the decision to associate with burglars.  The real bad guys here are the juveniles.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 9:58:08 AM EDT


Have to love Arfcom hypocrisy. If this was a black kid there would be no suggestion that she must have fallen in with the wrong crowd or that somehow this was a tragedy. No prayers would be sent for her or her family. She would be viewed as nothing more than the criminal she was.


Are you guys reading a different thread than the rest of us?

Maybe they're just reading what they want to.

Like, they're insane and the words just appear to them like they want on the screen. To them this probably reads either "EXECUTE THE HOMEOWNER FOR KILLING A WHITE GIRL" or "THE CAT IS PURPLE SMOKE IT HARD." either or.

You could be on to something - it would explain some of their posts...

   - georgestrings

To what posts of mine are you referring?

Maybe these?



Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:00:38 AM EDT
Fair point. I assumed since the other three were caught and questioned this had already been established. However at 17 i find it hard to beleive that she didnt know what was up. its 4AM its dark your not where your supposed to be  and people are breaking into places. Even a chearleader could figure that shit out.

C'mon you wanna check out this cool island with us?

It isn't rocket surgery to convince a 17 y/o girl to come along with you, although I prefer candy and a 15 pax myself.

get her on the island sure. easy enough. once the B&E starts its time to get the fuck out of dodge. they had been breaking into shit long enough to alert the neighbors get neighbors up, allow them to arm them selves them come find out what was going down. i doubt all that happened in under the amount of time it would take her to say "oh this is a horrible idea" and split.

does peer pressure come into play? (assuming she was totally inocent) sure it does. However she chose poorly and should have split at the first sign of a crime.

Split to where?  They are in a remote area on a boat.

never get off the boat...

back on the boat of course.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:00:45 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:02:29 AM EDT


I honestly can not think of anything in my neighbors house worth me shooting at people trying to get in there, if I know my neighbors and their girls are not home.

I hate thiefs. Committing felonies can and should be a dangerous activity. Good enough reason for me.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:03:38 AM EDT
Better shoot than the Martin case.  There was a crime being committed in this case at least.  So, in AL, if the girl dies will the three boys she was with get charged with murder?

So... the attack on Zimmerman wasn't a crime?

Did the fairy fucking godmother break his nose and split his head open?

He keeps repeating that lib bullshit obama/msm propaganda. it's obvious what team he's on.

This place is chock full of mobys and leftists.

Those four teens were in the act of committing a crime when one of them got shot.  What crime was Trayvon committing when Zimmerman decided to inject himself into Trayvon's life? If Zimmerman had not even been "on patrol" that night, what crime would have happened?  Who would have had their head split?  Who would have died? Would there be a debate about SYG laws right now?  I don't understand how half the folks on this site are ready to draw down when the guard at Home Depot asks to see their receipt before they can leave the store but think it is totally okay for some random guy to go following strangers around in the dark.

What's a "moby?"

what crime was Zimmerman commiting when Trayvon started to batter him?

Tell you what. lets leave those questions in the other thread? How about it?

I thought we were comparing the two shoots?  I think this one was good and that one didn't need to happen. That makes me lib?

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:04:06 AM EDT



She wasn't just "hanging out with thieves." She was on the scene with the boys while they were burglarizing the property. That means she is a thief and a burglar, too.

The Rorschach effect is in full bloom, it appears.

Yes, it's possible she was acting as a lookout. It's also possible that she wasn't. We have no way of knowing based on the press reports...just as we have no way of knowing what exactly the shooter was looking at when he pulled the trigger. People are leaping to lots of conclusions.

No Rorschach effect here, and no conclusions. The facts of the case are that she was on a private dock while her companions broke into a building on the property. If they had just been there hanging out, it could be simple trespassing. But the fact (as reported in the article) that her companions were breaking into a building made what they were doing a felony. Which made her an accomplice in a felony, at minimum. Which is, in itself, a felony. And that really is the way it works.

I once knew a guy who was passed out in the back of a car when his "friends" robbed a store. Guess what? He went to prison for a few years. His friends didn't kill anyone, either.

Now, taking it a bit further: have you ever heard of citizen's arrest? Basically, if you witness a felony being committed you can use whatever force is necessary to arrest the person who committed the felony. It is already established that the girl was committing a felony by being where she was, under the existing circumstances.

I agree with you that the shooters have a tough row ahead of them. But the girl is provably not innocent.

If I come home to find three people in my house and one on the front porch, the one on the porch is not just "hanging out with the wrong crowd." The busted door and three people inside automatically make the person on the porch a felon, too.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:05:48 AM EDT
Fair point. I assumed since the other three were caught and questioned this had already been established. However at 17 i find it hard to beleive that she didnt know what was up. its 4AM its dark your not where your supposed to be  and people are breaking into places. Even a chearleader could figure that shit out.

C'mon you wanna check out this cool island with us?

It isn't rocket surgery to convince a 17 y/o girl to come along with you, although I prefer candy and a 15 pax myself.

get her on the island sure. easy enough. once the B&E starts its time to get the fuck out of dodge. they had been breaking into shit long enough to alert the neighbors get neighbors up, allow them to arm them selves them come find out what was going down. i doubt all that happened in under the amount of time it would take her to say "oh this is a horrible idea" and split.

does peer pressure come into play? (assuming she was totally inocent) sure it does. However she chose poorly and should have split at the first sign of a crime.


They were on an island. She ain't gonna go far if she wants to get away.

Probably all depends on where investigators determine the shoot happened.

My operating assumption is that pretty blonde girls don't normally willingly commit B&E, but I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express either.

back to the boat.

my asumption is that teenagers will do all kinds  of dumb shit. I grew up in a upper middle class white suburbia. you would be fucking amazed what some of those idiots kids would get into. Not exluding robbery, B&E, check fraud, drug dealing, grand theft Auto, murder and bank robbery.Oh and left out Arson.

In my four years of Highschool i saw all of the above in upper middleclass white suburbia.

EDIT for clarity. I was not involved in all of this. Just kids in my school got busted doing all of the above.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:08:55 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:09:07 AM EDT
Sheriff Huey "Hoss" Mack

6 pages in and I am still laughing about this.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:09:27 AM EDT

You may have jumped the gun with your comment, and I jumped in agreeing.  Apparently that makes us crazy wild eyed liberals.

Well I don't know about you, but I'm clearly a flaming I <3 Obama leftist.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:10:37 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:12:44 AM EDT
Probably a legal shot in Texas.  Not good, definitely sad, but legal.  They were trespassing (not a valid use of force), but burglary is a no-no, theft at night is a no-no too.  If she dies, the 3 boys will get charged with it.  It is ultimately their damn fault this tragedy happened.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:13:11 AM EDT

She wasn't just "hanging out with thieves." She was on the scene with the boys while they were burglarizing the property. That means she is a thief and a burglar, too.

The Rorschach effect is in full bloom, it appears.

Yes, it's possible she was acting as a lookout. It's also possible that she wasn't. We have no way of knowing based on the press reports...just as we have no way of knowing what exactly the shooter was looking at when he pulled the trigger. People are leaping to lots of conclusions.

No Rorschach effect here, and no conclusions. The facts of the case are that she was on a private dock while her companions broke into a building on the property. If they had just been there hanging out, it could be simple trespassing. But the fact (as reported in the article) that her companions were breaking into a building made what they were doing a felony. Which made her an accessory to a felony, at minimum. Which is, in itself, a felony. And that really is the way it works.

I once knew a guy who was passed out in the back of a car when his "friends" robbed a store. Guess what? He went to prison for a few years. His friends didn't kill anyone, either.

Now, taking it a bit further: have you ever heard of citizen's arrest? Basically, if you witness a felony being committed you can use whatever force is necessary to arrest the person who committed the felony. It is already established that the girl was committing a felony by being where she was, under the existing circumstances.

I agree with you that the shooters have a tough row ahead of them. But the girl is provably not innocent.

If I come home to find three people in my house and one on the front porch, the one on the porch is not just "hanging out with the wrong crowd." The busted door and three people inside automatically make the person on the porch a felon, too.

you dont know that for a fact.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:13:14 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:14:13 AM EDT

You may have jumped the gun with your comment, and I jumped in agreeing.  Apparently that makes us crazy wild eyed liberals.

Well I don't know about you, but I'm clearly a flaming I <3 Obama leftist.

who didnt know that already? you have I love Obamam boxer breifs dont you?

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:15:01 AM EDT

“At some point in time, a couple of gentleman became alerted to their presence as they were breaking into there. We believe, at this time, that both of these individuals fired one shot each. It would appear that she was struck by one of the bullets,” Sheriff Mack said.

But why would the men shoot? Sheriff Mack said that's part of the investigation.

It is being alleged that the shots were a warning type in nature, but we are still investigating what that was,” Sheriff Mack said.


If that be the case then thats a bad shoot and someone is going to jail for it.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:16:07 AM EDT
"The teens broke into at least two different fish hunting camps we believe with the intent to commit theft," said Sheriff Huey Hoss Mack.

The Sheriff says the teens then broke into a third camp. Two men staying there opened fire. A bullet hit Moody in the back of the head.

"It is being alleged that those shots were in a warning type of nature," said Sheriff Mack.

At this time, the District Attorney doesn't plan to file charges against the shooters.

Sheriff Mack says they recovered multiple items including a rifle in the teenagers' boat. They're working to determine if those items were stolen from the fish camps. Moody's involvement in the burglary is still under investigation.


So much for she didnt know what was going on.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:16:36 AM EDT
MSNBC headlines....

four youths shot while mistakenly playing volleyball on a boat dock.


Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:20:43 AM EDT
MSNBC headlines....

four youths shot while mistakenly playing volleyball on a boat dock.


Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:21:57 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:24:55 AM EDT
"The teens broke into at least two different fish hunting camps we believe with the intent to commit theft," said Sheriff Huey Hoss Mack.

The Sheriff says the teens then broke into a third camp. Two men staying there opened fire. A bullet hit Moody in the back of the head.

"It is being alleged that those shots were in a warning type of nature," said Sheriff Mack.

At this time, the District Attorney doesn't plan to file charges against the shooters.

Sheriff Mack says they recovered multiple items including a rifle in the teenagers' boat. They're working to determine if those items were stolen from the fish camps. Moody's involvement in the burglary is still under investigation.


Soooo they had a gun and were robbing houses? End of story, good shot.

If someone is robbing my house and night and has gun I really don't care what the law is, I'm not ready to take a dirt nap.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:25:10 AM EDT
Looks like a bad shoot to me.  Hitting a person who is outside of the structure and not posing a threat in the back of the head is obviously problematic.  Also, for those speculating about her involvement in illegal activities, the law does not authorize a shooting because someone is committing a crime; it authorizes shooting to end a threat of serious bodily injury or death.

Under Fl law and most likely Al law home invasion and/or burglary under castle doctrine are presumed threats of great bodily harm and death. All criminal participants are held at the same level of culpability. Doesn't matter if they are outside inside upside downside unarmed unintended. You know that.

And I'm not saying I would do the same thing. I hope I never find out. I won't judge the real victims of this crime though. I'm certainly not asking politely for ID, age and race. Me and mine will not be the next Petit family like the libs intend.

Good shoot.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:29:28 AM EDT
Toward the back of the head .....

Like the cheek? Like the ear?

Yeahhhhh dramatic....
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:30:03 AM EDT





Better shoot than the Martin case.  There was a crime being committed in this case at least.  So, in AL, if the girl dies will the three boys she was with get charged with murder?

So... the attack on Zimmerman wasn't a crime?

Did the fairy fucking godmother break his nose and split his head open?

He keeps repeating that lib bullshit obama/msm propaganda. it's obvious what team he's on.

This place is chock full of mobys and leftists.

Those four teens were in the act of committing a crime when one of them got shot.  What crime was Trayvon committing when Zimmerman decided to inject himself into Trayvon's life? If Zimmerman had not even been "on patrol" that night, what crime would have happened?  Who would have had their head split?  Who would have died? Would there be a debate about SYG laws right now?  I don't understand how half the folks on this site are ready to draw down when the guard at Home Depot asks to see their receipt before they can leave the store but think it is totally okay for some random guy to go following strangers around in the dark.

What's a "moby?"

A Moby is a troll that pretends to be a conservative in order to spread bad information.  "I'd vote for George Bush if he hadn't made his girlfriend get an abortion."  There's probably way less of those types here than there are people with dual accounts on Stormfront.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:40:23 AM EDT
Don't rob cabins with your friends and you won't get shot.


This, ultimately.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:41:57 AM EDT
It’s tragic, it sucks, it seems more like an accidental shooting than an intended shooting, from the story it didn’t seem like the 2 guys were in fear for their lives…

But… The girl's choice to hang out with shit ass little thieves and the boy’s choice to be shit ass little thieves is where 99.99% of the blame for this tragedy lies…

Parents, teach your kids not to be thieving little bastards and to respect other people’s property and they won’t have to worry about shit like this…
That is all…

This X 1000000000000000000000000000

The 2 boys should be charged with murder if she dies, as they were in the process of committing a felony. I believe that has happened before here in OH.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:44:15 AM EDT
Doesn't sound to me exactly like the shooter was TRYING to shoot her.  Sounds like they shot in the general direction of the fleeing scumbags and hit her.

That's irresponsible on the part of the shooters.
"Suppressing fire" belongs in combat, not in defense of your home when you can't see the targets

ETA: In spite of shooting at shit they can't see, it still boils down to this: Don't rob people's homes or associate with people who do, and you're more likely to not get shot.
That's a universal truth.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:44:40 AM EDT
"Sheriff Mack says they recovered multiple items including a rifle in the teenagers' boat. They're working to determine if those items were stolen from the fish camps. Moody's involvement in the burglary is still under investigation. "

The use of deadly force is legal if it is believed that stolen items are about to be absconded with, and that other means of interdiction / recovery could prove dangerous, or arguably improbable.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:47:08 AM EDT
It was night - it is impossible to tell if the burglars are armed (they had a gun with them).  So yes, shoot first - because you might be dead if you wait to shoot second.

I can re-read my Leviticus - but even the old testament calls good shot on this.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:47:38 AM EDT
When you roll your dice, sometimes it comes up snake eyes on the first roll.

Charge the other three for murder if she dies, or whatever applies if she doesn't.

Would I have shot?  Nope.  

Was it smart to fire what was essentially a warning shot?  Nope.

Should it be illegal to shoot in this situation?  Nope.

Those young adults went to considerable effort to find a place to vandalize / burglarize, getting in a boat, getting to the island, getting off the boat...  Rolling the dice the whole time.

Sure, I rolled my dice when I was a dumb kid. That's what dumb kids do.  Should dumb kids be free of real world consequences, especially when it has a huge impact on others?  No fucking way.

Let em hang.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:51:55 AM EDT
When you roll your dice, sometimes it comes up snake eyes on the first roll.

Charge the other three for murder if she dies, or whatever applies if she doesn't.

Would I have shot?  Nope.  

Was it smart to fire what was essentially a warning shot?  Nope.

Should it be illegal to shoot in this situation?  Nope.

Those young adults went to considerable effort to find a place to vandalize / burglarize, getting in a boat, getting to the island, getting off the boat...  Rolling the dice the whole time.

Sure, I rolled my dice when I was a dumb kid. That's what dumb kids do.  Should dumb kids be free of real world consequences, especially when it has a huge impact on others?  No fucking way.

Let em hang.

Yeah I would have yelled at the fuckers, and if they charged me, shot them then, instead of firing a "warning shot" at who knows what.
The better solution would be to hold them at gunpoint til the cops show up and send their punk asses off to jail.
But I wasn't there.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 10:57:51 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 11:00:09 AM EDT


After reviewing AL's use of force laws, I am surprised by how weak the property protection laws appear..


Section 13A-3-25 - Use of force in defense of premises.

(a) A person in lawful possession or control of premises, as defined in Section 13A-3-20, or a person who is licensed or privileged to be thereon, may use physical force upon another person when and to the extent that he reasonably believes it necessary to prevent or terminate what he reasonably believes to be the commission or attempted commission of a criminal trespass by the other person in or upon such premises.

(b) A person may use deadly physical force under the circumstances set forth in subsection (a) of this section only:

(1) In defense of a person, as provided in Section 13A-3-23; or

(2) When he reasonably believes it necessary to prevent the commission of arson in the first or second degree by the trespasser.

Section 13A-3-26 - Use of force in defense of property other than premises.

A person is justified in using physical force, other than deadly physical force, upon another person when and to the extent that he reasonably believes it to be necessary to prevent or terminate the commission or attempted commission by the other person of theft or criminal mischief with respect to property other than premises as defined in section 13A-3-20.

That is pretty damn weak.  Even California is better when it comes to more remote properties (where trespass is a felony; a friend's father killed someone doing that a few years back; he was acquitted of both murder & attempted murder and manslaughter charges brought when the former ones didn't stick).  These guys may still end up getting in legal trouble for the shoot.  Hopefully not, but the law does seem to leave the possibility wide open, especially with the media attention.

Personally, I think it was ethically a good shoot in the sense that the targets were people whose shooting should be considered justified, even if the laws don't agree; but then, I am for very liberal use of force laws for the private citizen.  I much prefer Texas' laws, with the addition of restoring the old right of retaliation, i.e. being able to shoot people fleeing after attempting something very serious, if lesser means can't reasonably be used to stop them and affect an arrest, namely things like violating someone's "castle" (and at the least on remote properties, the whole of the property should be treated as such, not just buildings or dwellings), armed robbery, murder, attempted murder, rape, arson, major property destruction, and such (and of course, any common law justifications if they are not covered by Texas law).  Certainly trespassing on an island property should be treated more seriously than trespassing onto a property in the suburbs.  If someone is trespassing on a remote property and are engaging in theft, burglary, vandalism, home invasion, criminal mischief, etc. then they deserve what they get.  If this girl had not agreed to come along and participate in some fashion in the commission of such a crime, she'd be home and just fine today.  

And I find it interesting that some of the people who seem to dislike the shoot the most are people who admit to committing mischief as teens.  Yes, I remember what it was like to be a teenager and no, that did not entail committing crimes or other mischief in the late night.  Even as a teen it is not that hard to refrain from doing that and exercising some degree of self-controul in one's daily life.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 11:04:02 AM EDT
This girl getting shot in the head is not a good shoot in my opinion - but we all have one of those.

If her friends placed the shooter in reasonable fear for his life and he just missed, it's a perfectly legit shoot. That she caught the bullet rather than the people directly causing the threat is regrettable, but understandable. It's still a life sentence for the shooter, though...assuming he's a moral person.

If the shooter was not in reasonable fear for his life when he pulled the trigger...well...he may be in for some trouble ahead. If he shot wildly at a couple of people who were beating feet and thusly were not at the moment a threat to him, then he might be in for some serious legal problems. Contrary to ARFCOM opinion, the law in most places does not permit the use of lethal force for simple trespass, or once the reasonable belief of a serious threat has vanished. A couple of dudes kicking down your door can reasonably be perceived as a serious threat and might justify the use of lethal force. A couple of dudes who turned tail and ran after you confronted them with a gun does not constitute a serious threat and if that's when the guy pulled the trigger then he may well be fucked. I don't know Tennessee's jurisprudence on such events, but generally speaking lethal force is authorized in an exigency. Once the exigency dissipates then so does the justification for using it.

What many don't seem to be able to fit through their thick skulls is that shooting another human being is a fucking awful thing. If you are standing there looking at some human being you have just killed or seriously injured, you want to be goddamn sure that you had to do it. If you pull the trigger and then find yourself looking over the body of somebody you didn't mean to shoot...well...let's just say that all this "lie down with dogs" bullshit won't really be at the forefront of your thinking. That some dude on the internet thinks she had it coming won't fucking matter when you're seeing that picture every time you close your goddamn eyes. Shit's not as easy to live with as it is to talk about.

I totally agree, taking human life always has a negative outcome for all involved.

But I always make affirmations about my dedication to do violence to those harming me. I dont want to choke when I need to hurt someone, humans naturally dont want to hurt other humans. I dont need to condition for compassion or respect for human life, thats natural. I need to convince myself when legally justified to use force that who ever needs to be hurt needs every bit of it.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 11:13:04 AM EDT
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 11:15:47 AM EDT


Attorney representing the family of Summer Moody says there are many unanswered questions surrounding the buglary/shooting at Gravine Island.

The incident left Summer Moody with a gunshot to the back of her head, fighting for her life.

Attorney Robert Stankowski says the family is frustrated about how Summer is being portrayed in this case, when there is no evidence at this point that she did anything wrong.

We know for a fact she did at least one thing wrong, she associated with some bad folks.

Link Posted: 4/17/2012 11:16:21 AM EDT
"Sheriff Mack says they recovered multiple items including a rifle in the teenagers' boat. They're working to determine if those items were stolen from the fish camps. Moody's involvement in the burglary is still under investigation. "

The use of deadly force is legal if it is believed that stolen items are about to be absconded with, and that other means of interdiction / recovery could prove dangerous, or arguably improbable.

If they were out stealing stuff AND had a weapon (either stolen or brought with them) then that changes the perspective a bunch.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 11:17:35 AM EDT
Associating with criminals will get you into trouble, sooner or later.  It's unfortunate that this happened to this girl, but hanging out with scum and participating in criminal activity is a good way to get shot.  The little shit-heels who did the burglarizing should be charged according to her injuries.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 11:19:28 AM EDT
Stupid people get in trouble. Shooting high school kids breaking into hunting camps is stupid. But if you want to have some national media attention and spend your life savings on a lawyers, blast 'em!

If we didnt do stupid shit you wouldnt get paid.. now go back to your heat wave!!
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 11:29:39 AM EDT
Stupid people get in trouble. Shooting high school kids breaking into hunting camps is stupid. But if you want to have some national media attention and spend your life savings on a lawyers, blast 'em!


It seems to me like posts filled with stupid conjecture are stupid. We don't know enough facts in this case to make a call.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 11:32:31 AM EDT
Charges should be filed against the thieves for her injuries.
The shooter should be forced to go to some marksmanship training.
Link Posted: 4/17/2012 11:32:37 AM EDT
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