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Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:25:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:27:57 PM EDT
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"The case against Furchner relies on German legal precedent established in cases over the past decade that anyone who helped Nazi death camps and concentration camps function can be prosecuted as an accessory to the murders committed there, even without evidence of participation in a specific crime."

ah Nazis doing what Nazis do best, trying to white wash history as much as possible.
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Weren't all Jews persecuted/prosecuted as an accessory to  creating all the country's supposed woes, "even without evidence of participation in a specific crime?"
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:30:27 PM EDT
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Who knows if she really "ran" - or if they just want some drama in their final "nazi" prosecution.

Maybe she's old and confused, and forgot she had to go to court, and took a taxi to where she thinks her best friend still lives or something - and everyone freaked out and thought she was trying to flee.
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I have a mental image of a really old woman with a walker high-tailing it out of town at 0.087 mph.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:32:39 PM EDT
They got to keep those jobs

Probably one of the higher status jobs for lib elites in Germany, if I had to guess.

So yeah, they'll keep this shit going, I bet they'll be trying and convicting dead people 10 years from now, if that isn't already in their book.

People will still be earnestly arguing stuff like "this person is dead, why is this necessary? how could you have a trial

of what a dead person did almost 100 years ago? the guy was a truck driver who made a delivery one time, and he's been dead for 30 years, why!?"
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:36:26 PM EDT
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I think the legal argument in this case is that she KNEW what was happening.  I think they are saying that her work as a secretary/stenographer meant that she would regularly see and hear the records and activities, so she was fully aware that they were murdering people in the camp, and she continued to work for them, thus supporting the effort.  The local farmer who supplied food to the camp, or the guy who mowed the lawn might have plausible deniability in being able to claim that they didn't KNOW - but if she was constantly exposed to records, conversations, etc. about the murders, then she doesn't get to claim that.

That's my understanding of the legal argument - which makes it different from just anyone who provided support.  The distinction seems to be in the KNOWING.

That said, I think it's ridiculous to charge someone like her.  Camp guards, sure.  Perhaps even the head accountant at a camp, who knew what was going on.   But a fucking teenage girl, who was working around powerful men, and doing menial clerical work?  That's stupid.  

I don't understand why they would even bother.  It's not just ridiculous, but shameful, IMO.  I wonder if being a German prosecutor who has successfully prosecuted "a nazi" somehow helps their career, and people are desperately trying to find the last few remaining cases before they are all dead.  
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"The case against Furchner relies on German legal precedent established in cases over the past decade that anyone who helped Nazi death camps and concentration camps function can be prosecuted as an accessory to the murders committed there, even without evidence of participation in a specific crime."

ah Nazis doing what Nazis do best, trying to white wash history as much as possible.

So we go after anyone who supplied any materiel that supported that camp, the potato peeler, the groundskeeper, even the people that were running the power plant that supplied electricity.  Got it.

I think the legal argument in this case is that she KNEW what was happening.  I think they are saying that her work as a secretary/stenographer meant that she would regularly see and hear the records and activities, so she was fully aware that they were murdering people in the camp, and she continued to work for them, thus supporting the effort.  The local farmer who supplied food to the camp, or the guy who mowed the lawn might have plausible deniability in being able to claim that they didn't KNOW - but if she was constantly exposed to records, conversations, etc. about the murders, then she doesn't get to claim that.

That's my understanding of the legal argument - which makes it different from just anyone who provided support.  The distinction seems to be in the KNOWING.

That said, I think it's ridiculous to charge someone like her.  Camp guards, sure.  Perhaps even the head accountant at a camp, who knew what was going on.   But a fucking teenage girl, who was working around powerful men, and doing menial clerical work?  That's stupid.  

I don't understand why they would even bother.  It's not just ridiculous, but shameful, IMO.  I wonder if being a German prosecutor who has successfully prosecuted "a nazi" somehow helps their career, and people are desperately trying to find the last few remaining cases before they are all dead.  

I don't think it makes a difference if she DID know what was going on. She was powerless to do anything about it and was probably powerless even to quit. It's all virtue signalling grandstanding.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:36:27 PM EDT
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So are they just charging anyone old enough to be around then?
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Pretty much this.  They have to keep the game going no matter what.

Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:38:06 PM EDT
What a waste of time and money,  just leave the old lady alone.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:41:35 PM EDT
War is terrible. At some point you have to let it go, after Nuremberg it should have been let go. Germany has destroyed itself for no reason, even worse left themselves open for the communist takeover from the East after the wall fell. Then let in every Turk And Muslim in the universe.

This borders on lunacy. My family fought nazis on both sides, it’s been over for 3/4 of a century now though. Enough already. Teach it and don’t forget it but the trials and grandstanding are counter productive
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:46:36 PM EDT
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Just a guess but there's certainly a level of outrage with German atrocities that isn't there with the others.

I don't think it's because they agree with nazis but to point out how communism got a pass.
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I get people saying that teen girl who was a secretary shouldn't be gone after but why do people keep bringing up the Soviets, Chinese, and other commie atrocities?  Isn't this a German court dealing with German citizens and participants in German atrocities?  What do the rest have to do with this?
Just a guess but there's certainly a level of outrage with German atrocities that isn't there with the others.

I don't think it's because they agree with nazis but to point out how communism got a pass.

I agree that Communism is even more murderous than National Socialism and should be dealt with on the same level and wasn't trying to imply there were pro Nazis on this site.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:46:55 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:49:59 PM EDT
Is it a thing in international law that if you are told under duress to take part is genocide you get a pass?  18 isn't a child though I understand the terror that must be involved if you know you are surrounded by butchers.  

When you look at all the murderous regimes in history there are so many people doing the little jobs that make it possible.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:51:54 PM EDT
Sounds like she got quite the lead on them.

She might be 3 blocks from home by now.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:53:05 PM EDT
I think they should dig up dead nazis and try their dead corpses in a court of law, then hang them publicly. After the hanging they should incarcerate them and have the alive inmates walk them around once a day.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:53:57 PM EDT
Fuck them, she was just doing her job.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:56:59 PM EDT
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Yeah, I think the ONLY legal argument here is somehow that she should have quit - but that's so lame and stupid that I cannot believe they are making it.

If I started a job as a teenager, and I realized my bosses were psychopaths who were murdering tens of thousands of people, I am just going to shut the fuck up and try to keep as low a profile as possible.  How do I know that they won't kill ME if I try to quit?  

I agree that a prosecution like this is completely ridiculous.

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"The case against Furchner relies on German legal precedent established in cases over the past decade that anyone who helped Nazi death camps and concentration camps function can be prosecuted as an accessory to the murders committed there, even without evidence of participation in a specific crime."

ah Nazis doing what Nazis do best, trying to white wash history as much as possible.

So we go after anyone who supplied any materiel that supported that camp, the potato peeler, the groundskeeper, even the people that were running the power plant that supplied electricity.  Got it.

I think the legal argument in this case is that she KNEW what was happening.  I think they are saying that her work as a secretary/stenographer meant that she would regularly see and hear the records and activities, so she was fully aware that they were murdering people in the camp, and she continued to work for them, thus supporting the effort.  The local farmer who supplied food to the camp, or the guy who mowed the lawn might have plausible deniability in being able to claim that they didn't KNOW - but if she was constantly exposed to records, conversations, etc. about the murders, then she doesn't get to claim that.

That's my understanding of the legal argument - which makes it different from just anyone who provided support.  The distinction seems to be in the KNOWING.

That said, I think it's ridiculous to charge someone like her.  Camp guards, sure.  Perhaps even the head accountant at a camp, who knew what was going on.   But a fucking teenage girl, who was working around powerful men, and doing menial clerical work?  That's stupid.  

I don't understand why they would even bother.  It's not just ridiculous, but shameful, IMO.  I wonder if being a German prosecutor who has successfully prosecuted "a nazi" somehow helps their career, and people are desperately trying to find the last few remaining cases before they are all dead.  

I don't think it makes a difference if she DID know what was going on. She was powerless to do anything about it and was probably powerless even to quit. It's all virtue signalling grandstanding.

Yeah, I think the ONLY legal argument here is somehow that she should have quit - but that's so lame and stupid that I cannot believe they are making it.

If I started a job as a teenager, and I realized my bosses were psychopaths who were murdering tens of thousands of people, I am just going to shut the fuck up and try to keep as low a profile as possible.  How do I know that they won't kill ME if I try to quit?  

I agree that a prosecution like this is completely ridiculous.

Me too, and there's close to a 100% chance the one's on here criticizing her would have done the same thing.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:04:47 PM EDT
How do we know she didn't say everyday "Its just my job, it's not my fault I love it."  What if she won the office betting pool on how many Jews would be exterminated on a regular basis?

Why is this such a big issue for Americans?
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:05:40 PM EDT
If a secretary can still be blamed, then the entire country of Germany doesn't deserve to exist.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:07:19 PM EDT
The article said she didn't want to go to court, so she didnt.  lol

Germans didn't learn shit from their mistakes. They are just cowed fence straddlers always apologizing.  " sich entschuldigen "

I feel sorry for any remaining ww2 scapegoats.

Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:08:29 PM EDT
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Liberal mental illness at work

She was 18 years old when she was a typist for the camp commander and they're charging her with 11,000 counts of accessory to murder

You have to be a pretty sad fuck to spend your time hunting down the camp typist from 80 years ago to charge a near centenarian with a bunch of bullshit you can't remotely prove.

Virtue signaling is a fucking cancer.
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They're pretty selective about who they go after for this sort of thing (cough, Soros, cough)
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:09:17 PM EDT
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Most of them will tell you that they run the office.
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As a secretary, exactly how much power do these folks think she had?

Most of them will tell you that they run the office.

this, also they know exactly what is going on in the office at all times. FUCK ALL NAZIS.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:10:20 PM EDT
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Liberal mental illness at work

She was 18 years old when she was a typist for the camp commander and they're charging her with 11,000 counts of accessory to murder

You have to be a pretty sad fuck to spend your time hunting down the camp typist from 80 years ago to charge a near centenarian with a bunch of bullshit you can't remotely prove.

Virtue signaling is a fucking cancer.
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Yeah. They didn’t throw the book at a bunch of the guys who actually had responsibility (like there were actually guys who attended the fucking Wannsee Conference and got to live nice long lives in peace) but they go after the low level enlisted and civilian employees in their 90s to make up for it.

Fuck the people who made them. Not enough of them had justice served. But we’re going to go after the fucking teenaged typist?
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:11:02 PM EDT
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You're a sick bastard
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They should put her in a public cage during winter and starve her.

You're a sick bastard

Well then, I guess I'm one too.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:11:53 PM EDT
Let this be a lesson for all who oppose those commies who are in power now. They can and will one day go back and do this to anyone and everyone who is dissenter.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:14:07 PM EDT
If you are offered a clerical job at an extermination camp make a run for it.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:15:25 PM EDT
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Well when she was typing-out the number of bodies cremated for the month, pounds of hair, gold fillings, etc collected that should have been called a clue.
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Yup. Hell, the whole nation knew. They even had lullabies referring to bad kids going to a bad place and going up the chimney.....we had an old gal in the apartment complex we lived in that was in her early teens during the war that recited a bit of the rhyme for me.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:19:24 PM EDT
Furchner testified she was not aware of the killings that occurred at the camp while she worked there, dpa reported.

Yeah, right.......
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:21:01 PM EDT
17-18 year old men were losing their lives by the thousands to stop the Nazis.   So the more I think of it the less I take that as an excuse.  She was a woman though.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:21:26 PM EDT
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They should put her in a public cage during winter and starve her.
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So Rudolf Hess in Spandau?
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:36:25 PM EDT
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Ah, yes - the "lampshades made out of human skin" that turned out to have been made of goat skin.  But it's a cool lie, right?
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Ah, yes - the "lampshades made out of human skin" that turned out to have been made of goat skin.  But it's a cool lie, right?

Hey! You don't earn a slew of wretched nicknames without some effort. She did hideous things.

There's a pic somewhere of the lovely skin tattoos that she'd ship to a physcian or something back in Berlin for a collection.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:40:37 PM EDT
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I have a mental image of a really old woman with a walker high-tailing it out of town at 0.087 mph.
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She could be the  criminal mastermind that booked all the tickets to south america and paid the monthly stipend over the last 75 years... I mean, what do we actually currently know about her?
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:43:40 PM EDT
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Just a guess but there's certainly a level of outrage with German atrocities that isn't there with the others.

I don't think it's because they agree with nazis but to point out how communism got a pass.
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I get people saying that teen girl who was a secretary shouldn't be gone after but why do people keep bringing up the Soviets, Chinese, and other commie atrocities?  Isn't this a German court dealing with German citizens and participants in German atrocities?  What do the rest have to do with this?
Just a guess but there's certainly a level of outrage with German atrocities that isn't there with the others.

I don't think it's because they agree with nazis but to point out how communism got a pass.

It's kind of an inconvenient point, but since this was done in the name of the global greater good, where was the judgment for the USSR when they were bestest of buddies, raping, pillaging, plundering and killing inside former Poland, with Germany, between 1939- 41? Dividing up the spoils....

Or for the mass raping and murdering at the end of the war? How about all of those minorities Stalin was murdering, deporting or sending to the Gulag from the Soviet-occupied  (liberated) areas?

War Crimes. Of convenience. Lacks consistency... in the moral outrage.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:44:38 PM EDT
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Yeah, I think the ONLY legal argument here is somehow that she should have quit - but that's so lame and stupid that I cannot believe they are making it.

If I started a job as a teenager, and I realized my bosses were psychopaths who were murdering tens of thousands of people, I am just going to shut the fuck up and try to keep as low a profile as possible.  How do I know that they won't kill ME if I try to quit?  

I agree that a prosecution like this is completely ridiculous.

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Do you think that job had better conditions, food, status, than an equivalent girl working on a farm or in a shop? What makes you think she was pressganged into it? Who were her parents? How connected were they?
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:44:46 PM EDT
96 years old. I think being that old is punishment enough.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:45:41 PM EDT
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Fuck them, she was just doing her job.
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She had a dental plan too? Pick of the teeth?
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:46:46 PM EDT
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So are they just charging anyone old enough to be around then?
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Yep, I expect this is the future for us boomers here in the US as well.
If you were present your guilty.

The young gotta have someone to blame and punish.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:46:55 PM EDT
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Oh for fucks sake...
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A secretary?  

This, kinda.  There's a point at which it just becomes absurd.

They going to go after the random bloke who worked the rail line water tower and added water to the engine's boiler on the way to the camps?  Because that's the level they're reaching.

Did she keep quiet for 75 years? Did she shout from the rooftops how wrong it was and that it should never be allowed to happen again? Did she write a memoir detailing the atrocities as a warning to future generations? Did she visit schools to educate the next generations about it?  Or... did she spend 75 years living a life that was denied others?
Oh for fucks sake...

No shit.

Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:48:08 PM EDT
In before anyone notices that she works with Fauci.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:48:24 PM EDT
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This prosecution sounds more like vengeance than justice to me.
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It fits in perfectly with the White Supremacy Nazi Insurrection of January 6th. Gotta keep reminding everyone Nazis really did, and do, exist. France has neo-Nazis too. Apparently.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:48:35 PM EDT
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Yep, I expect this is the future for us boomers here in the US as well.
If you were present your guilty.

The young gotta have someone to blame and punish.
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So are they just charging anyone old enough to be around then?

Yep, I expect this is the future for us boomers here in the US as well.
If you were present your guilty.

The young gotta have someone to blame and punish.

I mean if this Nazi actually harmed some people maybe. Just a secretary? Seems so arbitrary at this point in time. Maybe 70 years ago...
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:49:00 PM EDT
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Furchner testified she was not aware of the killings that occurred at the camp while she worked there, dpa reported.

Yeah, right.......
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Just smell the air... hell burn a hair and tell me you dont know.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:50:00 PM EDT
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Who knows if she really "ran" - or if they just want some drama in their final "nazi" prosecution.

Maybe she's old and confused, and forgot she had to go to court, and took a taxi to where she thinks her best friend still lives or something - and everyone freaked out and thought she was trying to flee.
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Maybe her and Brian Laundrie are hanging out together on some remote Florida island.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:50:11 PM EDT
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Listening to Soros describing it and his reaction to it and hearing his business philosophy which completely counters his supposed philanthropic interests leaves me with the impression he’s an archetypal sociopath with narcissistic tendencies…
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all he did for the 400,000+ fellow Hungarian Jews sent to the death camps was inventory their furniture and home furnishings while they were being loaded on the trains. And said it was the best years of his life.

My moral outrage demands justice.

Listening to Soros describing it and his reaction to it and hearing his business philosophy which completely counters his supposed philanthropic interests leaves me with the impression he’s an archetypal sociopath with narcissistic tendencies…

He's the perfect trope for the embodiment of altruism in our Globalist society.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:50:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:50:45 PM EDT
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17-18 year old men were losing their lives by the thousands to stop the Nazis.   So the more I think of it the less I take that as an excuse.  She was a woman though.
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http://www.capitalpunishmentuk.org/nazi.html here's a few women to read about.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:52:14 PM EDT
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Will never happen
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Have you been paying attention?

The correct response is "50 years?  The leftists in charge of the US will be doing that in 5 years".
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:52:19 PM EDT
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Well when she was typing-out the number of bodies cremated for the month, pounds of hair, gold fillings, etc collected that should have been called a clue.
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And what would they have done if she refused?
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:53:06 PM EDT
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In before anyone notices that she works with Fauci.
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Well, then it would be OK.

Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:53:26 PM EDT
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And what would they have done if she refused?
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Yup. She can join em. She really had no choice. You don't say no under governments like that.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:54:02 PM EDT
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Just smell the air... hell burn a hair and tell me you dont know.
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Furchner testified she was not aware of the killings that occurred at the camp while she worked there, dpa reported.

Yeah, right.......

Just smell the air... hell burn a hair and tell me you dont know.
Not only that have you ever smelled a corpse? Road Kill? Even if they weren't kill camps they had to stink. And she says she worked day in day out right next to one but didn't know what was going on a few hundred yards from her office? Yeah, Right.....
Don't tell me she didn't know what was going on, the village 5 miles away didn't know, Hell the engineers on the RR didn't know either I guess.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 2:55:18 PM EDT
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