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Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:01:02 AM EDT
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My bet is that in 100 years, they'll somehow still be finding people to charge with Nazi war crimes
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Well, Trump was "literally Hitler", so anyone who ever had a MAGA hat is fair game.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:01:58 AM EDT
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Listening to Soros describing it and his reaction to it and hearing his business philosophy which completely counters his supposed philanthropic interests leaves me with the impression he’s an archetypal sociopath with narcissistic tendencies…
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all he did for the 400,000+ fellow Hungarian Jews sent to the death camps was inventory their furniture and home furnishings while they were being loaded on the trains. And said it was the best years of his life.

My moral outrage demands justice.

Listening to Soros describing it and his reaction to it and hearing his business philosophy which completely counters his supposed philanthropic interests leaves me with the impression he’s an archetypal sociopath with narcissistic tendencies…

In other words, a real life Dr Evil.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:03:30 AM EDT
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As a secretary, exactly how much power do these folks think she had?
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Secretaries run most organisations
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:05:51 AM EDT
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If someone goes into a concentration camp knowing what's going on to help build ovens or as a clerical worker helping the Nazis run the camp they're part of the criminal enterprise just like "a guard who never fired a shot"

I think you could still make an argument based on age and other issues regarding culpability ie were they afraid of retaliation if they quit
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I don't have any problem tossing administrative assistants (we don't call them secretaries anymore) who helped run concentration camps in the pokey, but she's being prosecuted in youth court because of her age at the time.

If she was a minor (or young adult) was she really going to tell the ghoul SS commander to knock it off or say she was quitting?

at that point let's just toss everyone who supported the Nazis in jail.

by that I mean literally anyone who didn't fight back to stop them. If they are dead, then their families should have to pay families of those that were affected by Nazi Germany. We should do the same for slavery in the US.
If someone goes into a concentration camp knowing what's going on to help build ovens or as a clerical worker helping the Nazis run the camp they're part of the criminal enterprise just like "a guard who never fired a shot"

I think you could still make an argument based on age and other issues regarding culpability ie were they afraid of retaliation if they quit
I have no problem with this under the legal theory of deterrence.  The goal isn't to punish the individual for their crimes, it's to make the individual an example in order to deter future crimes.  Deference is the reason that things like child rape should carry the death penalty.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:07:02 AM EDT
So when will the international community band together and prosecute Stalin and Maos staff, who were both responsible for murdering way more people than Hitler did? I'll wait...
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:07:21 AM EDT
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How about some syphilis trials…close enough?
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They should put her in a public cage during winter and starve her.

How about some syphilis trials…close enough?

Or the current "vaccine" trials? When this blows up, will the excuse be, "I was following the science!" instead of "I was following orders!"
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:08:19 AM EDT
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Justice for keeping silent?
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What's to gain putting a woman that's 90years old on trial when she was just a teenage secretary

Justice for typing letters ?

Justice for keeping silent?

Pretty sure the Nazis hanged people for not doing as told.

Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:08:39 AM EDT
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Wait until they start going after US Soldiers who served in the ME for ''war crimes'' in 50 years. Hope you aren't one of the guys who had to pull a trigger or sent some bombs or rockets down range.
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Or someone who was a cook, drove truck, a secretary or ordered supplies, etc...

Future woke Muslims, Dems, MSM and those rewriting history have cages for you who were cogs in the wheel of hate.

There will be tons of money to be made and agenda driven fake news from bringing all of you to justice in decades to come. Lots of movies will be made demonizing you.

Same for Trump supporters.

Wait and see.

Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:09:32 AM EDT
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Well when she was typing-out the number of bodies cremated for the month, pounds of hair, gold fillings, etc collected that should have been called a clue.
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Totalitarians are good at dehumanizing their scapegoats and enemies.  They even sponsored retreats for the clerical indoctrination…product of their environment.


Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:10:56 AM EDT
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When do we get to the part when we a member of the Soviet’s apparatchik will be hunted for their 60+ million dead?
Some dead people have a better PR firm I guess.
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Continuing to wave the bloody shirt of the Nazi atrocities is deliberately done to discredit any and all nationalist sentiment.

The communists aren't similarly pursued as the agenda is to PROMOTE, not reveal the horrors of, international socialism.  Said horrors being functionally identical to the Nazi horrors, differing only in some methods and details about motivation.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:11:27 AM EDT
Your children have been taught that (socialist) nazis were “right wing”, so they can draw an equivalence to the American Right.  This is why they’re taught that Nazis are the ultimate evil and the atrocities of Stalin and Mao are glossed over,
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:12:12 AM EDT
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my personal favorite

Ilse Koch- all in!!!
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Ah, yes - the "lampshades made out of human skin" that turned out to have been made of goat skin.  But it's a cool lie, right?
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:12:43 AM EDT
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Justice for keeping silent?
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Okay so you're a liberal commie too. Silence is violence. Got it.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:15:29 AM EDT
This kind of shit was pounded into my brain all while going to school.

I no longer giver a fuck about something that happened over 80 years ago on another continent.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:17:46 AM EDT
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Secretaries run most organisations
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Not in 1940s Nazi Germany
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:19:48 AM EDT
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Or someone who was a cook, drove truck, a secretary or ordered supplies, etc...

Future woke Muslims, Dems, MSM and those rewriting history have cages for you who were cogs in the wheel of hate.

There will be tons of money to be made and agenda driven fake news from bringing all of you to justice in decades to come. Lots of movies will be made demonizing you.

Same for Trump supporters.

Wait and see.

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Wait until they start going after US Soldiers who served in the ME for ''war crimes'' in 50 years. Hope you aren't one of the guys who had to pull a trigger or sent some bombs or rockets down range.
Or someone who was a cook, drove truck, a secretary or ordered supplies, etc...

Future woke Muslims, Dems, MSM and those rewriting history have cages for you who were cogs in the wheel of hate.

There will be tons of money to be made and agenda driven fake news from bringing all of you to justice in decades to come. Lots of movies will be made demonizing you.

Same for Trump supporters.

Wait and see.

Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:22:53 AM EDT
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So are they just charging anyone old enough to be around then?
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It'd be silly to deny that the nazi hunters profited greatly from their mission.  A little grasping at straws as the last of that era die off is to be expected.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:23:45 AM EDT
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Okay so you're a liberal commie too. Silence is violence. Got it.
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Justice for keeping silent?
Okay so you're a liberal commie too. Silence is violence. Got it.

She should have resisted and died, unlike the people that allowed themselves to be put into camps
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:23:48 AM EDT
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"The case against Furchner relies on German legal precedent established in cases over the past decade that anyone who helped Nazi death camps and concentration camps function can be prosecuted as an accessory to the murders committed there, even without evidence of participation in a specific crime."

ah Nazis doing what Nazis do best, trying to white wash history as much as possible.
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If that were true, when are they going after the IBM subsidiary in Germany? I’m sure they have much deeper pockets.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:29:14 AM EDT
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You've never pissed off Rhonda in the front office have you?

ETA: having now read the article, she was 16 years old at the time. She must have some money that they want.
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Yup, she was a fucking child that was brainwashed and terrified to ever question. We can judge in hindsight, but 80 years was a long time ago and she cooperated in the prosecution of real Nazis. In general I've had a show no mercy to those fucks attitude, but a 16 year old girl who acted as a stenographer? I'm inclined to let her die with whatever burden she carries. If she is guilty, God will stand in judgment.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:29:40 AM EDT
there year is 2079

there are only 134,000 holocaust survivors still alive, oy vey

we are still hunting down nazis in our pursuit of justice
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:29:40 AM EDT
I get people saying that teen girl who was a secretary shouldn't be gone after but why do people keep bringing up the Soviets, Chinese, and other commie atrocities?  Isn't this a German court dealing with German citizens and participants in German atrocities?  What do the rest have to do with this?
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:35:33 AM EDT
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This prosecution sounds more like vengeance than justice to me.
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This.  Delayed "victor's justice", which is a contradiction to the principals we were supposed to be fighting for in the first place.

Kinda like convicting Admiral Doenitz for issuing his subs the same orders we issued to ours in the Pacific.

Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:37:58 AM EDT
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Pretty sure the Nazis hanged people for not doing as told.

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Hanged, stabbed, garroted with piano wire, shot in the back of the head, or transferred to the Russian Front.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:39:17 AM EDT
MAYBE, just maybe, they want her to talk.  They just want information from her but she is so dedicated to "Das MUTHALAND" that she refuses to give up information that she surely would have?
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:41:40 AM EDT
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Will never happen
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It may not but I have no doubt there are leftists in this nation that would push for it and help in any way they could to make it happen.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:42:16 AM EDT
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Your children have been taught that (socialist) nazis were “right wing”, so they can draw an equivalence to the American Right.  This is why they’re taught that Nazis are the ultimate evil and the atrocities of Stalin and Mao are glossed over,
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A right-left political scale based on the organization of the French legislature in the late 18th century is of very doubtful utility.  Use of it is part of the deliberate deception.

There are much more useful methods of ranking political stances.

Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:42:39 AM EDT
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I get people saying that teen girl who was a secretary shouldn't be gone after but why do people keep bringing up the Soviets, Chinese, and other commie atrocities?  Isn't this a German court dealing with German citizens and participants in German atrocities?  What do the rest have to do with this?
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Because at this point punishing people that committed war crimes is no longer the goal and the objective is profit and political grandstanding. Ironically some of the same motivations that drove the Holocaust.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:43:44 AM EDT
There has to be a drummer boy or bugler they can still get.

Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:51:33 AM EDT
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Did she keep quiet for 75 years? Did she shout from the rooftops how wrong it was and that it should never be allowed to happen again? Did she write a memoir detailing the atrocities as a warning to future generations? Did she visit schools to educate the next generations about it?  Or... did she spend 75 years living a life that was denied others?
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A secretary?  

This, kinda.  There's a point at which it just becomes absurd.

They going to go after the random bloke who worked the rail line water tower and added water to the engine's boiler on the way to the camps?  Because that's the level they're reaching.

Did she keep quiet for 75 years? Did she shout from the rooftops how wrong it was and that it should never be allowed to happen again? Did she write a memoir detailing the atrocities as a warning to future generations? Did she visit schools to educate the next generations about it?  Or... did she spend 75 years living a life that was denied others?
Oh for fucks sake...
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:53:01 AM EDT
id comment on this but I'm sure it'd be anti semitic since its even remotely counter to being "politically correct"

All I really can say safely is that if we do manage to survive another 80 years this will be lots of you for being white, for voting for trump, for having a membership on arf, etc. Go ahead tell yourself that it won't happen but I promise you that some of you may live long enough to see this upon you and your children.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 10:53:09 AM EDT
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A right-left political scale based on the organization of the French legislature in the late 18th century is of very doubtful utility.  Use of it is part of the deliberate deception.

There are much more useful methods of ranking political stances.

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Your children have been taught that (socialist) nazis were “right wing”, so they can draw an equivalence to the American Right.  This is why they’re taught that Nazis are the ultimate evil and the atrocities of Stalin and Mao are glossed over,

A right-left political scale based on the organization of the French legislature in the late 18th century is of very doubtful utility.  Use of it is part of the deliberate deception.

There are much more useful methods of ranking political stances.

I don’t disagree.

The current method is still very useful for liberal propagandists, however,
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 11:04:48 AM EDT
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I don't disagree.

The current method is still very useful for liberal propagandists, however,
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Your children have been taught that (socialist) nazis were "right wing", so they can draw an equivalence to the American Right.  This is why they're taught that Nazis are the ultimate evil and the atrocities of Stalin and Mao are glossed over,

A right-left political scale based on the organization of the French legislature in the late 18th century is of very doubtful utility.  Use of it is part of the deliberate deception.

There are much more useful methods of ranking political stances.

I don't disagree.

The current method is still very useful for liberal propagandists, however,
The better scale is freedom to totalitarianism. Some parts of today's right are perfectly okay with totalitarianism if it comes in the right flavors.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 11:12:34 AM EDT

A 96 year old Nazi secretary skips trial and her whereabouts are unknown. So many levels to this story, 75 years later and all that's  left is  the  almost 100 year old .secretary .
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Work will make her free.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 12:02:06 PM EDT
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It may not but I have no doubt there are leftists in this nation that would push for it and help in any way they could to make it happen.
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I think they're goin with terrorism domestic extreme on this one.

Hard to say 100 countries helping you support holding back your troops from doing their job is the same as what happened with Germany.

Some people on this site take conspiracy shit to the next level
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 12:11:30 PM EDT
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Liberal mental illness at work

She was 18 years old when she was a typist for the camp commander and they're charging her with 11,000 counts of accessory to murder

You have to be a pretty sad fuck to spend your time hunting down the camp typist from 80 years ago to charge a near centenarian with a bunch of bullshit you can't remotely prove.

Virtue signaling is a fucking cancer.
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Valid point on if pursuing a nearly 100 year old woman who was a teenage secretary is really a true pursuit of justice.  I don’t think it’s the easy “no” you do, but it’s a real discussion point.

BUT, if she was typing about a bunch of letters going “Dear Hitler, this week we koilled a bunch of Jews, and next week we’ll do better!” , pretty tough to claim she had no idea what was going on.

Link Posted: 9/30/2021 12:22:16 PM EDT
As long as she can get a fair trial then good since it sets a precedent for the future regarding all the people that are currently free to commit equally reprehensible crimes.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 12:28:30 PM EDT
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Despite her advanced age, the German woman was to be tried in juvenile court because she was under 21 at the time of the alleged crimes.
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Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 12:43:47 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 12:47:32 PM EDT
Now do Soros.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 12:50:57 PM EDT
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"The case against Furchner relies on German legal precedent established in cases over the past decade that anyone who helped Nazi death camps and concentration camps function can be prosecuted as an accessory to the murders committed there, even without evidence of participation in a specific crime."

ah Nazis doing what Nazis do best, trying to white wash history as much as possible.
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So we go after anyone who supplied any materiel that supported that camp, the potato peeler, the groundskeeper, even the people that were running the power plant that supplied electricity.  Got it.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 12:58:29 PM EDT
Gotta do whatever it takes to keep those donations rolling in.

Link Posted: 9/30/2021 12:58:32 PM EDT
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I get people saying that teen girl who was a secretary shouldn't be gone after but why do people keep bringing up the Soviets, Chinese, and other commie atrocities?  Isn't this a German court dealing with German citizens and participants in German atrocities?  What do the rest have to do with this?
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Just a guess but there's certainly a level of outrage with German atrocities that isn't there with the others.

I don't think it's because they agree with nazis but to point out how communism got a pass.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 12:59:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:03:52 PM EDT
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Wait until they start going after US Soldiers who served in the ME for ''war crimes'' in 50 years. Hope you aren't one of the guys who had to pull a trigger or sent some bombs or rockets down range.
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Yeah, I'd hate to be involved in the last hurrah droning the aid worker and the yoots. The clock's ticking?
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:11:15 PM EDT
Who gives a shit , let her go . If that was my grandmother I would be pissed.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:13:14 PM EDT
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The worst lingering effect of the 3rd Reich is that it's viewed as an aberrant one off to which nothing before, or since, is allowed to be compared as other than hyperbole. And that is simply not the case.
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As a secretary, exactly how much power do these folks think she had?

I suspect she had the “power” to realize she was facilitating something ineffably evil and the “power” to weasel her way out of continuing to do it.

That said, the German authorities are pretty much down to stems and seeds when it comes to punishing those responsible for the Holocaust.  Might be better to direct their moral outrage to modern day atrocities, of which there is certainly no shortage.

The worst lingering effect of the 3rd Reich is that it's viewed as an aberrant one off to which nothing before, or since, is allowed to be compared as other than hyperbole. And that is simply not the case.

This. Even in small town America, I guarantee there's someone(s) that would shovel you into an oven if told to by the gov or someone in charge.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:17:06 PM EDT
To bad she didn’t know how to build rockets. We would have taken her in and all would have been forgiven.
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:21:01 PM EDT
The employer is literally burning thousands of murdered people 2 buildings over, and an 18 year old girl was just supposed to quit?

This is a fucking retarded prosecution. Run granny run
Link Posted: 9/30/2021 1:24:58 PM EDT
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How about they round up all the commies in the German government and try them.
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