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Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:04:26 PM EDT
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As someone who was also raised in an evangelical home and went to private Christian schools, I did NOT observe the widespread sexual misconduct that you’re talking about. 
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And that's fine. My experience was different. I did declare we should get more info before passing judgement.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:09:01 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:10:01 PM EDT
Something like 30 sources?  Yeah he probably did it.  He'll still win 55+ percent of the vote because...Alabama.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:10:35 PM EDT
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John McCain sexually molested me 30 years ago.   There, you heard it here first.   Always start by believing!
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Diane Feinstien raped me!

 Back when that meant something .....

Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:12:25 PM EDT
Twice removed/suspended from the bench for ethics violations and just couldn't take the hint.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:13:36 PM EDT
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:20:15 PM EDT
well he is running in alabama 
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:27:24 PM EDT
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How can allegations "disqualify" anyone? Plenty of people allege McStain collaborated with the VC or met with the leadership of ISIS. Should he "disqualify" himself on this basis then? Those allegations seem a whole lot more serious than briefly meeting with a teenager back in the 80s
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:29:00 PM EDT
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If Roy Moore wins then Steve Bannon gets validated.
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What are they afraid of?
If Roy Moore wins then Steve Bannon gets validated.
Moore's election could do damage to the GOPe in the form of encouraging primary challenges to GOPe candidates.  To establishment RINOs that would be a bigger threat than losing that one particular seat to a Democrat. 
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:31:10 PM EDT
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Herman Cain rings a bell
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Several sexual abuse accusations come out against a republican about a month before a federal election. Where have I seen this tactic before?

Herman Cain rings a bell
They did it to Trump, too.

And Clarence Thomas right before his confirmation vote.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:33:21 PM EDT
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They did it to Trump, too.

And Clarence Thomas right before his confirmation vote.
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Several sexual abuse accusations come out against a republican about a month before a federal election. Where have I seen this tactic before?

Herman Cain rings a bell
They did it to Trump, too.

And Clarence Thomas right before his confirmation vote.
Yep.............and soon as Cain withdrew, things went silent and the allegations and accusers went away............which is what they want Moore to do
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:34:27 PM EDT
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Yeah some of them did. Not McCain though he wants him gone just on the allegations:

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Allegations of McCain's treason and general RINO fuckery should immediate disqualify him from the Senate, and continued existence, yet.....
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:35:21 PM EDT
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And that's fine. My experience was different. I did declare we should get more info before passing judgement.
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Fox has already decided he's got to step down... What more do you need?

Just reminds me of ALL those trump accusers... And how many of those were true.

"If the tactic works, keep using it..."
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:36:16 PM EDT
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IN b4 Gloria Allred turns up at a news conference
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She's in hiding because she can't figure out how to spin Weinstein producing the movie about her.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:36:39 PM EDT
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Something like 30 sources?  Yeah he probably did it.  He'll still win 55+ percent of the vote because...Alabama.
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Please make sure you read the article and get it right.

There are 4 women making allegations, only one that includes anything beyond kissing.

The "interviews with 30 people" is apparently in reference to the background about Moore that immediately follows the statement. It is not clear (I believe intentionally so) if there are more than the 4 women making any kind of statement about his actions, or if the 30 refers to those who the interviewed for the article in whole.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:38:47 PM EDT
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If Roy Moore wins then Steve Bannon gets validated.
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What are they afraid of?
If Roy Moore wins then Steve Bannon gets validated.
Double tap with a delay...
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:40:40 PM EDT
This is the problem with judging events from 20-40 years ago (and even further back) with 2017 morals and hangups.  You can't...
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:41:13 PM EDT
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Allegations of McCain's treason and general RINO fuckery should immediate disqualifying him from the Senate, and continued existence, yet.....
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Yeah some of them did. Not McCain though he wants him gone just on the allegations:

Allegations of McCain's treason and general RINO fuckery should immediate disqualifying him from the Senate, and continued existence, yet.....
Very true.

McCain is the epitome of what is wrong with politics in this country.  

He's a completely self serving twat who doesn't give a damn about the American people. He's proven it time and time again.  
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:44:43 PM EDT
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Fox has already decided he's got to step down... What more do you need?
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Don't forget McCain.

Fuck all these people. I hope Moore wins by 20 points.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:45:03 PM EDT
You guys are making up facts about Cain.  

The National Rest. Association (for whom Cain worked as CEO during the period 1996 -1999) entered into confidential settlements of allegations of sexual harassment by Cain long before Cain ran for office.  The existence of these settlements was revealed while Cain was running.  The fact that these settlements were entered into was never in dispute.  

The two women who received the settlements had entered into confidentiality agreements.  That is why they never came forward and said anything after they were paid.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:46:27 PM EDT
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McCain is the epitome of what is wrong with politics in this country.  
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He's also senile and unhealthy to the point that he should be a managed care facility yet he is in Congress
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:47:10 PM EDT
I blame the crackdown on judicial penis pumps.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:48:20 PM EDT
I can't wait to see what is uncovered about Jones.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:48:38 PM EDT
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Please make sure you read the article and get it right.

There are 4 women making allegations, only one that includes anything beyond kissing.

The "interviews with 30 people" is apparently in reference to the background about Moore that immediately follows the statement. It is not clear (I believe intentionally so) if there are more than the 4 women making any kind of statement about his actions, or if the 30 refers to those who the interviewed for the article in whole.
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Something like 30 sources?  Yeah he probably did it.  He'll still win 55+ percent of the vote because...Alabama.
Please make sure you read the article and get it right.

There are 4 women making allegations, only one that includes anything beyond kissing.

The "interviews with 30 people" is apparently in reference to the background about Moore that immediately follows the statement. It is not clear (I believe intentionally so) if there are more than the 4 women making any kind of statement about his actions, or if the 30 refers to those who the interviewed for the article in whole.
30 sources means 30 sources.  It looks like WaPo did their homework:  When the alleged victim stated that she told her friends about the incident contemporaneously - they went out and interviewed the friends to confirm.  Stuff like that.  It makes the allegation more credible.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:50:40 PM EDT
I don't buy it.

But, if true.. Moore is done.

Hopefully people can see this as awfully convenient timing.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:51:24 PM EDT
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"Alec Baldwin molested me!" gd- "Kill him!"
"[whoever this guy is] molested me!" gd-"Fake news!"

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Bullswhip Baldwin has stumbled from one cock-up to the next. That being the difference.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:54:09 PM EDT
I am of the belief that I was molested by Ann Margaret many times when I was an underage adolescent. It happened at night and I haven’t been able to figure out how she snuck into my room without waking me. She forced me to leave DNA stains on my bed sheets. I would provide them as evidence; but my Mom washed the sheets.  I think Mom covered up for Ann Margaret. This statement is given as best as I can remember the incident.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 6:59:04 PM EDT
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McConnell has already come out saying the Judge should step down.   Proof the deep state is involved.  Enough said.  I say the Judge should double down his denials and fight back.  This stinks to high heaven.
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But Bob Menendez (D-NJ) gets a pass AFTER indictment, until after a criminal trial?
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 7:02:38 PM EDT
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30 sources means 30 sources.  It looks like WaPo did their homework:  When the alleged victim stated that she told her friends about the incident contemporaneously - they went out and interviewed the friends to confirm.  Stuff like that.  It makes the allegation more credible.
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Perhaps we should add "Never-Moorer" to your list of accomplishments, of course not to be
eclipsed by your status of "Never-Trumper" ? How amazing it is that you post in this thread,
and this whole time we (In your mind) took you for someone who just "wanted to see collusion properly
investigated". Ah, even TS arrived to post.... How quaint. You make it too obvious - You need
to refine your method.

Look, this is how you are supposed to do it....
"I think we need to hold off on judgement on these allegations.... He very well could be
guilty of them, but this close to an election it could also be a political smear attempt.
In his favor are the aforementioned facts already pointed out by others here in this
thread that these allegations should have come out long ago during his previous

See how I did that? It makes your allegation more credible. You need to learn to stop
chomping at the bit before you just tear off into a post & type away & expect to get
away with the hit & run. The way you posted here in your first post shows that you
came into it without any pretensions of innocence on his part.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 7:09:03 PM EDT
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When the alleged victim stated that she told her friends about the incident contemporaneously - they went out and interviewed the friends to confirm.  Stuff like that.  It makes the allegation more credible.
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Technically, all that proves is that she told her friends about it at some point in time.

Whether that was back when it supposedly happened or if it happened right around the time she contacted the WaPo is harder to prove.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 7:10:15 PM EDT
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McCain should shut up.
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McCain should shut up.
The allegations of John McCain aiding and abetting the emery while he was a POW are deeply disturbing.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 7:10:33 PM EDT
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30 sources means 30 sources.  It looks like WaPo did their homework:  When the alleged victim stated that she told her friends about the incident contemporaneously - they went out and interviewed the friends to confirm.  Stuff like that.  It makes the allegation more credible.
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Something like 30 sources?  Yeah he probably did it.  He'll still win 55+ percent of the vote because...Alabama.
Please make sure you read the article and get it right.

There are 4 women making allegations, only one that includes anything beyond kissing.

The "interviews with 30 people" is apparently in reference to the background about Moore that immediately follows the statement. It is not clear (I believe intentionally so) if there are more than the 4 women making any kind of statement about his actions, or if the 30 refers to those who the interviewed for the article in whole.
30 sources means 30 sources.  It looks like WaPo did their homework:  When the alleged victim stated that she told her friends about the incident contemporaneously - they went out and interviewed the friends to confirm.  Stuff like that.  It makes the allegation more credible.
Just because I tell 30 people I've got a 12 inch cock doesn't make it so.

Do you actually believe the bullshit you write?
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 7:13:14 PM EDT
That's it next presidential race when the democrats put up their woman I am going to claim she raped me when I was 14 and I will do this a month before the election.

Why did this woman who Moore went after come out now a month before the election seems political to do the most harm.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 7:15:53 PM EDT
The friends she told do not prove the event occurred.  They potentially demonstrate that the story was not a recent fabrication.  It could be an old true story or it could be an old fabrication.  

The point was - its not a recent fabrication - if she told them the story long ago.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 7:17:52 PM EDT
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I don't care if it's Bill Cosby Harvey Weinstein or Moore these decades old sexual abuse accusations should carry no weight.
We're entering dangerous territory when these accusations can be leveled with no evidence and sometimes even criminally prosecuted.
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Valid point.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 7:23:26 PM EDT
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I don't believe it.  Not one accusation till now?  I know nothing about the guy, but 30+ years down the line? GTFO.  I don't even care if it's true at this point,  but suspect it's not given how much time has passed

I'll wait for /pol to reveal that they are all rabid DNC supporters are "they're with her!"
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He should sue for slander
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 7:28:29 PM EDT
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Valid point.
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I don't care if it's Bill Cosby Harvey Weinstein or Moore these decades old sexual abuse accusations should carry no weight.
We're entering dangerous territory when these accusations can be leveled with no evidence and sometimes even criminally prosecuted.
Valid point.
Happening at colleges.

No criminal charges, but you're expelled over unproven accusations.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 7:38:45 PM EDT
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The friends she told do not prove the event occurred.  They potentially demonstrate that the story was not a recent fabrication.  It could be an old true story or it could be an old fabrication.  

The point was - its not a recent fabrication - if she told them the story long ago.
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Told.... That in itself is a problem. If I get 4 antifa folks to say they were told trump beat up someone does it make it true?

The democrats seem to feel due process is rumours and accusations.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 7:52:18 PM EDT
"Messy financial history..." I wonder how much the news media paid her for her story?

"Corfman, 53, who works as a customer service representative at a payday loan business, says she has voted for Republicans in the past three presidential elections, including for Donald Trump in 2016. She says she thought of confronting Moore personally for years, and almost came forward publicly during his first campaign for state Supreme Court in 2000, but decided against it. Her two children were still in school then and she worried about how it would affect them. She also was concerned that her background — three divorces and a messy financial history — might undermine her credibility."

Link Posted: 11/9/2017 8:06:54 PM EDT
where's the police reports?
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 8:13:11 PM EDT
Losing that seat is perfect for the GOPe
They can sit on their thumbs for the next 7 years.
all assholes except Cruz
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 8:17:09 PM EDT
October surprise?

I wonder how much Fusion GPS and Gloria Allred and her daughter Judy Bloom paid these people.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 8:19:07 PM EDT
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Very true.

McCain is the epitome of what is wrong with politics in this country.  

He's a completely self serving twat who doesn't give a damn about the American people. He's proven it time and time again.  
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Go big C!
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 8:24:43 PM EDT
This  is going to be the way to defeat Republicans for the next 10 years.
I doesn't mater if it is true, it does not mater if anything is proven.

This is the witch hunt of our times !
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 8:28:36 PM EDT
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She wasn't good looking back then either.......
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 8:30:20 PM EDT
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Dammit Cancer - you had one job to do!
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 8:32:27 PM EDT
Richard Baris
Richard Baris
@Peoples Pundit

This Roy Moore story came from @SenateMajLdr. And I dare him to deny that.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 8:33:24 PM EDT

Link Posted: 11/9/2017 8:33:27 PM EDT
What a fucking joke.
Link Posted: 11/9/2017 8:34:47 PM EDT
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You have to realize, the Media does not care if it is ture or not. They just need 1 outlet to say it then it goes around in a circle jerk....

CBS .... MSNBC reported this morning.....
ABC..... CBS reported this morning.....
NBC...... ABC reported this morning....
CNN..... NBC reported this morning
Fox..... CNN reported this morning....

Nobody every says they proved it, or even if it is true, just that the outlets reported it.

And it goes on and on.....
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That's the FAKE NEWS indicator every time.
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