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Link Posted: 12/13/2021 12:11:25 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/13/2021 12:12:21 AM EDT
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Dont forget about the smug know it all attitude putting down non believers as fools
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That's not really true
but there's plenty of people  say it's not possible they saw a bigfoot when they post they have actually seen one up close .

Can some be mistaken by seeing a bear upright ? sure but not all sightings are bears .

Link Posted: 12/13/2021 12:19:10 AM EDT
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It doesn't bleed and bullets can't kill it.
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45-70 about do it?

It doesn't bleed and bullets can't kill it.

What if you hit it with a Bronco? A new one, not an old one like OJ and Al Cowlings had?
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Link Posted: 12/13/2021 12:24:09 AM EDT
Until they find a corpse in relatively good condition or something better, I'm calling it BS.
Link Posted: 12/13/2021 12:25:06 AM EDT
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Quoted:....sure but not all sightings are bears .

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Link Posted: 12/13/2021 12:40:43 AM EDT
Get a helicopter with that fancy thermal-nighvision setup. And a minigun. Two miniguns.

Now go out on a clear night and light up anything that’s bipedal.
Link Posted: 12/13/2021 1:46:38 AM EDT
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Until they find a corpse in relatively good condition or something better, I'm calling it BS.
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Listening to people argue about largefeet is like listening to two dorks argue about superheroes.  No matter what reason one comes up with to say why we should be able to find one, if they exist, the other side will come up with an excuse as to why detection is impossible.  Shapeshifters, holograms, aliens, government experiments, spirits, wendigo, time-travel, ESP (to avoid cameras), telepathy (to prevent recording): it doesn't matter what evidence you want.  I call it "Occam's Pastry" - the more layers to the theory, the better.
Link Posted: 12/13/2021 8:49:21 AM EDT
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Listening to people argue about largefeet is like listening to two dorks argue about superheroes.  No matter what reason one comes up with to say why we should be able to find one, if they exist, the other side will come up with an excuse as to why detection is impossible.  Shapeshifters, holograms, aliens, government experiments, spirits, wendigo, time-travel, ESP (to avoid cameras), telepathy (to prevent recording): it doesn't matter what evidence you want.  I call it "Occam's Pastry" - the more layers to the theory, the better.
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Until they find a corpse in relatively good condition or something better, I'm calling it BS.

Listening to people argue about largefeet is like listening to two dorks argue about superheroes.  No matter what reason one comes up with to say why we should be able to find one, if they exist, the other side will come up with an excuse as to why detection is impossible.  Shapeshifters, holograms, aliens, government experiments, spirits, wendigo, time-travel, ESP (to avoid cameras), telepathy (to prevent recording): it doesn't matter what evidence you want.  I call it "Occam's Pastry" - the more layers to the theory, the better.

I kept looking but evidently they fear me so they won't show up.

Does this killer variant exist in the lower 48?
Link Posted: 12/13/2021 8:50:38 AM EDT
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i watched them a few times.  holeefuk what a clown show
Link Posted: 12/13/2021 8:59:23 AM EDT
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Hairy man is real along with the Little people.
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Alaska has chi chis? The ones down here are racist and only appear to the natives I guess. Even if you go to their area and fuck around as a wasichu.

Some bitch ass little people down here.
Link Posted: 12/13/2021 9:19:34 AM EDT
Let me know when meateater has a show on it.  Wonder if it tastes like chicken.
Link Posted: 12/13/2021 10:02:51 AM EDT
I'm not a Bigfoot believer but I think the average Joe Schmoe greatly underestimates the scale of uninhabited and largely if not completely unexplored areas in N. America (let alone the rest of the world).

Is it possible? However unlikely it is possible.

Sure seems to be a lot of conversation about Giants,Bigfoot and Aliens in the last year.

Link Posted: 12/13/2021 3:14:43 PM EDT
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Let me know when meateater has a show on it.  Wonder if it tastes like chicken.
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Was thinking same thing. Fucker has been to a lot of remote places snd he’ll eat anything. Only one I couldn’t jive with was coyote. I actually caught that episode late as I wasn’t paying attention so I had no idea what it was. Had to rewind to look at the episode description to find out. And even not knowing what it was it didn’t look tasty. And they make a lot of stuff look tasty on that show.
Link Posted: 12/13/2021 8:19:46 PM EDT
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I'm not a Bigfoot believer but I think the average Joe Schmoe greatly underestimates the scale of uninhabited and largely if not completely unexplored areas in N. America (let alone the rest of the world).

Is it possible? However unlikely it is possible.

Sure seems to be a lot of conversation about Giants,Bigfoot and Aliens in the last year.

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Do you think there are places no man has ever stepped in the lower 48?
Link Posted: 12/13/2021 9:03:23 PM EDT
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Do you think there are places no man has ever stepped in the lower 48?
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I'm not a Bigfoot believer but I think the average Joe Schmoe greatly underestimates the scale of uninhabited and largely if not completely unexplored areas in N. America (let alone the rest of the world).

Is it possible? However unlikely it is possible.

Sure seems to be a lot of conversation about Giants,Bigfoot and Aliens in the last year.

Do you think there are places no man has ever stepped in the lower 48?

Never in the history of the planet? Possibly.

Not with any degree of regularity in the last century? Yes.
Link Posted: 12/13/2021 9:44:21 PM EDT
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Dont forget about the smug know it all attitude putting down non believers as fools
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Yeah, we're the fools in this story.

Glad I'm not the only one that's been called a moron by these guys.
Link Posted: 12/13/2021 9:46:14 PM EDT
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That's not really true
but there's plenty of people  say it's not possible they saw a bigfoot when they post they have actually seen one up close .

Can some be mistaken by seeing a bear upright ? sure but not all sightings are bears .

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Then where's the proof? This day in age there's literally zero excuse that we don't have proof that these animals exist.
Link Posted: 12/13/2021 10:54:40 PM EDT
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Yeah, we're the fools in this story.

Glad I'm not the only one that's been called a moron by these guys.
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I’ll take things that never happened for $1000 Alex.
Link Posted: 12/14/2021 11:02:37 PM EDT
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Then where's the proof? This day in age there's literally zero excuse that we don't have proof that these animals exist.
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But did you factor in transdimensional time travel?
Link Posted: 12/14/2021 11:14:28 PM EDT
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Bigfoot isn't bullet proof is he?
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One of these up his hairy ass oughta do the trick.

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Link Posted: 12/14/2021 11:17:17 PM EDT
Seventy years ago, a murderous Bigfoot-like creature sent residents fleeing from Portlock, Alaska. Now, an expedition returns to the abandoned fishing village to reclaim the land and its resources from the terrifying beast locals call Nantinaq. The team's 40-day sojourn in the icy Alaskan wilderness tests their mettle, their faith and their ability to survive. After bidding their loved one farewell and receiving a blessing from a priest, the team arrives in Portlock by boat. The men immediately feel a sense of foreboding, and Kyle, a Bigfoot skeptic, feels like he's being watched by something he can't explain. The first few days leave the team members distinctly unsettled as they discover evidence of Nantinaq's hunting habits. Keith and Ash visit an historian, who fills them in on the town's bloody past, while the creatures leave a stern warning. On Tuesday, December 7, 2021, discovery+ released the first two episodes of ALASKAN KILLER BIGFOOT, with a new episode debuting each Tuesday.


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I predict 4 seasons with nothing but them standing around at night saying "Did you hear that?!!!!", while constantly shifting their heads around. Maybe a few episodes with an odd howl in the background.
Link Posted: 12/14/2021 11:29:57 PM EDT
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There is also this crazy theory that the people left after the local sawmill burned down and the settlement became no longer viable economically.
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Portlock began its existence sometime after the turn of the century, as a cannery town. In 1921 a post office was established there, and for a time the residents, mostly natives of Russian-Aleut extraction, lived in peace with their picturesque mountain-and-sea setting.

Then, sometime in the beginning years of World War II, rumors began to seep along the Kenai Peninsula that things were not right in Portlock. Men from the cannery town would go up into the hills to hunt the Dall sheep and bear, and never return. Worse yet, the stories ran, sometimes their mutilated bodies would be swept down in to the lagoon, torn and dismembered in a way that bears could not, or would not, do.

Tales were told of villagers tracking moose over soft ground. They would find giant, man-like tracks over 18 inches in length closing upon those of the moose, the signs of a short struggle where the grass had been matted down, then only the deep tracks of the manlike animal departing toward the high, fog-shrouded mountains with their deep valleys and hidden glaciers.

There is also this crazy theory that the people left after the local sawmill burned down and the settlement became no longer viable economically.
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Link Posted: 12/14/2021 11:49:17 PM EDT
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Let me know when meateater has a show on it.  Wonder if it tastes like chicken.
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Tastes like 'possum. Use cayenne to make it snappy.

Eat more 'possum!
Link Posted: 12/14/2021 11:55:20 PM EDT
Is more than one, Bigfeet or Bigfoots?
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 12:19:57 AM EDT
Neither. Plural is Bigfoot.
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 12:39:52 AM EDT
I saw Bigfoot once. 1951 back in Sequoia National Park. Had a foot on him thirty-seven inches heel to toe. It made a sound I would not want to hear twice in my life.
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 12:42:25 AM EDT
I have no doubts that unscrupulous scientists/nations have been playing around with human animal hybrids for many years...
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 12:49:35 AM EDT
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But the sawmill was burnt down in a way that fire couldn't, or wouldn't, do.
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Link Posted: 12/15/2021 2:13:45 AM EDT
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Anyone that does not consider the history of an area and take it seriously is not very bright.  Your life experience and “muh science” has not prepared you for what is really out there.
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Fully agree.
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 2:35:14 AM EDT
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Fully agree.
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Anyone that does not consider the history of an area and take it seriously is not very bright.  Your life experience and “muh science” has not prepared you for what is really out there.

Fully agree.

"Muh science" states there has to be a sizeable population that must eat and fuck. This alone would let them be discovered with existing tech, if not the human eye. What that makes them is "magic;" if they exist, which I'm sure why you see a lot of people have trouble believing.

Eyewitness testimony at trials is often unreliable, yet we have a hide and seek champion that avoids capture via film or digital media.
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 2:40:05 AM EDT
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45-70 about do it?
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Airsoft is more than sufficient.
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 2:58:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 3:40:18 AM EDT
Sabe do show up on thermal:
Survivorman Bigfoot | Skunk Ape Lives | Full Feature

Link Posted: 12/15/2021 4:01:26 AM EDT
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I predict 4 seasons with nothing but them standing around at night saying "Did you hear that?!!!!", while constantly shifting their heads around. Maybe a few episodes with an odd howl in the background.
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There's been howling "past those trees!" in every episode so far.  Tree knocking in two of them.

They have one dude with a rifle....who is almost never in any proximity that would enable him to protect the others (despite him being brought on specifically to provide armed protection).

So far, Mountain Monsters is far, far superior.

Also, it's obvious they took a loooooong break in filming at some point (COVID?), because the episode cuts from a totally snow-covered island to the same island that hasn't seen snow in weeks.....and the commentary is "Man, the weather really shifts overnight here!" (the ground is totally dry).
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 5:50:41 AM EDT
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Then where's the proof? This day in age there's literally zero excuse that we don't have proof that these animals exist.
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Well this is kind of how I look at. You have evidence and then you have proof.We can have evidence of something but not enough proof right?  For instance there have been tracks found which have been studied by learned individuals who have stated this isn't a block of wood or some rubber cut out . Something organic made this 18 inch foot print. That's evidence but not proof.  Or there have been hair samples sent in that couldn't be matched to any known DNA of animals who inhabit that area. Again thats evidence of something  but not proof. So all I'm saying is yes there is evidence that has been documented but so far no proof.
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 6:52:20 AM EDT
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Then where's the proof? This day in age there's literally zero excuse that we don't have proof that these animals exist.
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The old " muh cameras " argument.

There's plenty of vid, still photos put out  there.

I've posted game pictures before. And the same responses from the same posters over and over the years.
I used to show the picture to friends ( non hunters females  teenagers etc)
Most could see what was there with out pointing it out.


There's 50 it's a tree,a stump, nothing.

Yet....for 30 days.....the " object" was there only once. And I scouted the area after viewing the SD card.

Do I think it was a squatch ..dunno.
But it sure as fuck wasn't a log or tree.

I've also seen shit..got pictures while hiking. With a new phone( s20) ...and have had posters sa" stump"
A stump that an hour later was gone...a stump that's not been there the 50 times I've hiked, or jogged  that trail.
Yet posters will denounce the experience/sighting.

A person could literally catch a squatch rubbing one out. Whip out take vid, and still pictures and send the money shot to the hub....and it'll be called fake in q5 seconds.

Until There's a physical body for some to finger bang , they will never acknowledge and existence.

Link Posted: 12/15/2021 8:50:23 AM EDT
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The old " muh cameras " argument.

There's plenty of vid, still photos put out  there.

I've posted game pictures before. And the same responses from the same posters over and over the years.
I used to show the picture to friends ( non hunters females  teenagers etc)
Most could see what was there with out pointing it out.


There's 50 it's a tree,a stump, nothing.

Yet....for 30 days.....the " object" was there only once. And I scouted the area after viewing the SD card.

Do I think it was a squatch ..dunno.
But it sure as fuck wasn't a log or tree.

I've also seen shit..got pictures while hiking. With a new phone( s20) ...and have had posters sa" stump"
A stump that an hour later was gone...a stump that's not been there the 50 times I've hiked, or jogged  that trail.
Yet posters will denounce the experience/sighting.

A person could literally catch a squatch rubbing one out. Whip out take vid, and still pictures and send the money shot to the hub....and it'll be called fake in q5 seconds.

Until There's a physical body for some to finger bang , they will never acknowledge and existence.

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I think I remember the picture, but I dont remember what made the object Bigfoot.
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 8:56:54 AM EDT
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I think I remember the picture, but I dont remember what made the object Bigfoot.
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There's 2 I posted.

One is the game cam with the turkey.
The other from hiking ( showing a dark object that looks like human/ape kneeling)

Dunno if thier feets. That's not my call...

But both objects where not small by any means.
And both objects were not there on return trips ( the hiking picture 45 minutes later).

Link Posted: 12/15/2021 9:03:36 AM EDT
I've been on a paranormal/cryptid kick for the past year or so.

What's fascinating is how similar nearly all the bigfoot sightings are.  The smells, they way they react to to humans, the sounds they make.  Almost verbatim from one sighting to another.  

On the other hand, I can't fathom how there can't possibly be physical proof of one yet...one shot, hit by a car, bones, etc.
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 9:27:37 AM EDT
The Alaska thing is played.out, the crytid thing too....
So now they just mix different ridiculous show ideas together?

"Mystery of the Ancient Alaskan Bigfoot Bush People of Oak Island Aliens"

TV is a celebration of idiocy.

Its a fucking bear.
We have small black bear  around here that will tear a shed apart for half a rotten raisin, Im pretty sure a brown bear would, or could do the same
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 9:51:20 AM EDT
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I can't even buy a pack of smokes without running into 9 'Feets  she's fucked.
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Well, they do live in the boondocks.

Link Posted: 12/15/2021 10:24:53 AM EDT
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Then where's the proof? This day in age there's literally zero excuse that we don't have proof that these animals exist.
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It is interesting to note that these creatures conveniently have (in many stories) the ability to disrupt electronic-based optical systems (read: cameras).  Hell of a natural adaptation, given such things have only existed since the 1990's (in terms of something you'd see people wandering the woods with).  Old 8mm film cameras, with terrible resolution and picture quality, had no problem, though.  Nor are game/trail cameras disrupted when they take a super closeup shot of a limb or indistinct blur.
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 10:28:07 AM EDT
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Also not a bad movie if I'm being honest.
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 10:33:02 AM EDT
Bigfoot true believers are fascinating to me. Bat shit crazy, but fascinating. I can't ever tell if the are scammers or nuts.
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 10:34:51 AM EDT
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I saw Bigfoot once. 1951 back in Sequoia National Park. Had a foot on him thirty-seven inches heel to toe. It made a sound I would not want to hear twice in my life.
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Link Posted: 12/15/2021 1:04:39 PM EDT
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There's been howling "past those trees!" in every episode so far.  Tree knocking in two of them.

They have one dude with a rifle....who is almost never in any proximity that would enable him to protect the others (despite him being brought on specifically to provide armed protection).

So far, Mountain Monsters is far, far superior.

Also, it's obvious they took a loooooong break in filming at some point (COVID?), because the episode cuts from a totally snow-covered island to the same island that hasn't seen snow in weeks.....and the commentary is "Man, the weather really shifts overnight here!" (the ground is totally dry).
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Are you implying that a mythical, half man, half gorilla creature did not eat a fishing village?!

Look dude, if it wasn't for TLC breaking these hard stories, the rest of the world wouldn't know about Bat Boy's conversion into Buddhism and joining the US front in WWII!
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 9:49:29 PM EDT
Holy shit, OP. 3 episodes in and this is quite possibly the dumbest TV series I’ve ever watched.

So far we have no less than:

30 instances of “Did you hear that!??” Followed by ominous music….
15 instances of “Did you see that!!!!???”  Followed by ominous music….
10 instances of “Do you smell that!!!??”  Followed by ominous music….

4 Alaskan natives, in the woods.
1 is the “bear guard” who carries a Ruger American, and doesn’t even have a revolver in a chest rig…
3 are unarmed, and I dont think they could even handle a gun. Honestly, they seem special olympics material.
2 have got sick and puked from the ominous feeling they got by the woods.

The found “mysterious” “unidentified” scat….

Now on episode 3 they’ve flown in a psychic to guide them to Bigfoot
The psychic also got an ominous feeling and promptly left in the choppa.

This honestly is the worst “Alaska” genre tv series ever made.
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 10:08:07 PM EDT
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Holy shit, OP. 3 episodes in and this is quite possibly the dumbest TV series I’ve ever watched.

So far we have no less than:

30 instances of “Did you hear that!??” Followed by ominous music….
15 instances of “Did you see that!!!!???”  Followed by ominous music….
10 instances of “Do you smell that!!!??”  Followed by ominous music….

4 Alaskan natives, in the woods.
1 is the “bear guard” who carries a Ruger American, and doesn’t even have a revolver in a chest rig…
3 are unarmed, and I dont think they could even handle a gun. Honestly, they seem special olympics material.
2 have got sick and puked from the ominous feeling they got by the woods.

The found “mysterious” “unidentified” scat….

Now on episode 3 they’ve flown in a psychic to guide them to Bigfoot
The psychic also got an ominous feeling and promptly left in the choppa.

This honestly is the worst “Alaska” genre tv series ever made.
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Thinking they figure the oak island shit is a viable template for 'investigative' series.
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 10:51:41 PM EDT
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3 are unarmed, and I dont think they could even handle a gun. Honestly, they seem special olympics material.
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3 are unarmed, and I dont think they could even handle a gun. Honestly, they seem special olympics material.

Is it me, or do a couple of them seem........slow?

The psychic also got an ominous feeling and promptly left in the choppa.

Smartest person on the show!
Link Posted: 12/15/2021 10:54:42 PM EDT
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Get a helicopter with that fancy thermal-nighvision setup. And a minigun. Two miniguns.

Now go out on a clear night and light up anything that’s bipedal.
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Jesus, remind never to go hiking anywhere near your AO.

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