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Link Posted: 8/6/2022 8:38:16 AM EDT
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Alex Jones is a piece of shit who made millions with a business model built around pandering bullshit to stupid people who could be convinced he is a great man.
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Underscore. Progressive shill.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 8:38:18 AM EDT
Alex Jones sells overpriced ineffective pharmaceuticals to the chronically stupid. I wouldn't call any professional rip off artist great.

He also got caught looking at tranny porn, which I don't think makes him a bad man, but it is funny.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 8:38:27 AM EDT
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The Curtis Cullwell Center attack tells me all I need to know, that what Alex Jones said... isn't even something I'd put past the government.
Alex Jones never named anyone. Alex Jones merely agreed with a caller who called in and suggested the possibility.
Alex Jones only agreed, based on the fact that the US Government *HAS* done shit like that in the past.

Are we no longer allowed to speculate about what we are told? Are we now forbidden from even suggesting anyone might be lying? Are we now forbidden from ever questioning the next would-be Nayirah?
Are we no longer allowed to accuse Democrat politicians of being petty Tyrants?
Are we no longer allowed to accuse Swallwell of being a compromised Chinese asset?

FFS, are we no longer allowed to mock David Hogg, and accuse him of not actually being there?

Where does this shit end?

The real purpose behind these lawsuits, the real reason the media is cheering it on... the real reason the US Government is backing the lawsuits... is because they *WANT* the chilling effects on free speech.

Joe Biden has openly admitted he wants Free Speech to be severely curtailed... and for the "spreading of misinformation" to be outlawed.... a desire for the US Government to set up Censorship boards. A "Ministry of Truth" if you will.
Weaponizing slander laws through selective enforcement, goading private corporations into censoring their critics, and even advocating for direct government action against people speaking their mind...

I would not be surprised if we live to see the day that America will start imprisoning people for wrongthink. Thats really what Alex Jones was guilty of.

All the people who are cheering on Alex Jones being silenced... ask yourself... why isn't  *EVERY MAINSTREAM MEDIA AGENCY* bankrupt? They've done far worse than anything Alex Jones has ever done, and they do that shit on purpose.... not as part of some error in judgment as in Jones's case.
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The Sandmen have no power here.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 8:40:27 AM EDT
Just wondering which was more damaging Jones’s fake shooting narrative or Trump Russia collusion…… interesting to see who gets punished in our society.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 8:43:23 AM EDT
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Even if I didn't know anything about Alex Jones, the usual ARFCOM trolls hating on him tells me a lot.
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Who are the usual trolls.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 8:44:18 AM EDT
Lock this shit up like you did the other Jones thread
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 8:44:48 AM EDT
I love that guy lol. How can you not find him entertaining?

To me he's like that crazy uncle that you don't take too seriously but you get a kick out of his unhinged rants. You love the guy but know everything should be taken in with spoonful of salt even if his overall message is mostly over the target
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 8:45:52 AM EDT
Even if I didn't know anything about Alex Jones, the usual ARFCOM trolls hating on him tells me a lot.
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Alex Jones is a madman, but he's not crazy. He is a deeply flawed human being, but he is not stupid.

And he is absolutely correct about the greatest threat to liberty that America and the West have faced since America's birth: the elite establishment is using information warfare on a massive scale in order to perpetuate the Great Reset, which when you boil it down to its essence entails the introduction of an transnational, authoritarian, neo-feudalist fascistic regime. He is not wrong about that, and it is happening NOW, right before our eyes.

Shoot the messenger if you'd like, hate Jones if you'd like, but if you're too fucking stupid and too fucking brainwashed to understand that this is happening, then get the fuck out of the way. You're part of the problem.
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This seems correct to me.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 9:23:30 AM EDT
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He's trying to help you
This is all real, it's in the headlines now, time is getting short
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CoC #7 edit. - ec

Link Posted: 8/6/2022 9:34:36 AM EDT
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CoC #7 edit. - ec

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Link Posted: 8/6/2022 9:43:31 AM EDT
Just meant to have a chilling effect on speech.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 10:09:27 AM EDT
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Just meant to have a chilling effect on speech.
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"Just meant to have a chilling effect on Knowingly False & Deliberately Irresponsible Defaming broadcasts about innocent people speech to financially benefit himself" is what you meant to say?


Link Posted: 8/6/2022 10:19:27 AM EDT
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CoC #7 edit. - ec

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He's trying to help you
This is all real, it's in the headlines now, time is getting short

CoC #7 edit. - ec

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Link Posted: 8/6/2022 10:20:23 AM EDT
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Alex Jones is a piece of shit who made millions with a business model built around pandering bullshit to stupid people who could be convinced he is a great man.
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Alex Jones is a piece of shit who made millions with a business model built around pandering bullshit to stupid people who could be convinced he is a great man.

The same thing is said about most attorneys...

Link Posted: 8/6/2022 10:21:30 AM EDT
"Attract grey_bars with this one neat trick!"
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 10:23:16 AM EDT
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CoC #7 edit. - ec

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This. Alex Jones was right about a while shit ton of stuff that people dismissed, and STILL dismiss as conspiracy theory. His type are being finished off as we speak and most people just say "oh well". There will be no major dissent to the msm narrative after the Alex Joneses of the world are picked off. We'll ONLY be left with the msm and politicians telling us what we need to be thinking. Free thinkers will know that something is not right, but we will never exactly what is going on.

Link Posted: 8/6/2022 10:26:24 AM EDT
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Hey dude. Still waiting on that video proof of everything you lied about him saying.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 10:29:02 AM EDT
He’s a nut and pandered to a lot of nuts.

He just happens to have been big during a time when a lot of EOTWAWKI shit is actually happening, so he’s getting some stuff right.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 10:31:55 AM EDT
I used to think Alex Jones probably had a handler in the background feeding him info with just enough wrong tidbits now and again to perpetuate the "crazy conspiracy theorist" image. I never listened to him really and made fun of him because it seemed like he was mostly there so msm could use his antics to discredit other people who researched things and keep the normies from reading up themselves.

Maybe that's all true, but he's definitely being used as a political pawn RN and this default judgement should piss people off.
NPR had a whole segment on fighting right wing disinfo yesterday where they were giggling about the Alex Jones trial...I'm not sure some on arfcom are aware of what's actually going here. This judgement and headline are a huge win for the left/swamp/commies, whatever you wanna call them. Hate the guy all you want, but this isn't good justice. This is scary shit. They're using civil courts to eliminate threats to their narrative and policies, and it's working.

Link Posted: 8/6/2022 10:36:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 10:41:16 AM EDT
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Even if I didn't know anything about Alex Jones, the usual ARFCOM trolls hating on him tells me a lot.
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Right? I said the same in the other big thread about the judgment. If this is the group of guys hating on him, count me on his side. I don't even know where to watch this guy and I only know him from clips posted here. He seems kind of whacky, but I'm willing to give him a shot.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 10:42:35 AM EDT
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I used to think Alex Jones probably had a handler in the background feeding him info with just enough wrong tidbits now and again to perpetuate the "crazy conspiracy theorist" image. I never listened to him really and made fun of him because it seemed like he was mostly there so msm could use his antics to discredit other people who researched things and keep the normies from reading up themselves.

Maybe that's all true, but he's definitely being used as a political pawn RN and this default judgement should piss people off.
NPR had a whole segment on fighting right wing disinfo yesterday where they were giggling about the Alex Jones trial...I'm not sure some on arfcom are aware of what's actually going here. This judgement and headline are a huge win for the left/swamp/commies, whatever you wanna call them. Hate the guy all you want, but this isn't good justice. This is scary shit. They're using civil courts to eliminate threats to their narrative and policies, and it's working.

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This all day. If there is any question if the trial is fair listen to the judge deciding on what questions from the jury to ask. The one about free speech being protected in the U.S.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 10:43:17 AM EDT
This is a quality rant
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 10:47:19 AM EDT
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I used to think Alex Jones probably had a handler in the background feeding him info with just enough wrong tidbits now and again to perpetuate the "crazy conspiracy theorist" image. I never listened to him really and made fun of him because it seemed like he was mostly there so msm could use his antics to discredit other people who researched things and keep the normies from reading up themselves.

Maybe that's all true, but he's definitely being used as a political pawn RN and this default judgement should piss people off.
NPR had a whole segment on fighting right wing disinfo yesterday where they were giggling about the Alex Jones trial...I'm not sure some on arfcom are aware of what's actually going here. This judgement and headline are a huge win for the left/swamp/commies, whatever you wanna call them. Hate the guy all you want, but this isn't good justice. This is scary shit. They're using civil courts to eliminate threats to their narrative and policies, and it's working.

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The arrogance of the msm laughing at him should tell you everything you need to know. It's yet more dismissal to make everyone think he's just a crazy nut. Zero credit is given, and it is certainly due. People don't see that a big deal this, nor are they paying it much attention. Johnny Depp and Amber Heard on the other hand... They were all over that.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 10:48:54 AM EDT
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This is a quality rant
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Yes, it most certainly is.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 10:52:25 AM EDT
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He's a nut
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I don't think that's fair. He's an entertainer/actor, just like every other political commentator, and the one thing I can't fault him on is his showmanship. He knows what his audience wants and always delivers. I would argue He's among the best in the news media. The ninnies on the five certainly don't have the energy that he does.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 10:52:35 AM EDT
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Never listened to AJ before.  I liked the rapid burst tx style.  I could watch more / quicker.

Hey, Do we have any falsified shooting sprees documented?

Whats the deal with this shit?

Whats Alex jones net worth?

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Jones never said the shooting didn’t happen. He said it was a false flag attack and also said it didn’t happen as claimed.  

Like this Garland texas shooting:  

FBI agent tells guy to “tear up texas” and filmed him immediately before attack

Operation Northwoods is the most famous planned false flag attack. Proposed by the department of defense and authorized by the joint chiefs of staff.

If Kennedy hadn’t vetoed the plan our government would’ve killed its own citizens through a false flag terrorist attack.  Do you feel our government is more moral or less moral since Kennedy was president?

Wtc bombing in 1993. Another fbi coordinated event.

Gulf of Tonkin bay incident.  

Then there’s the straight up lies.  Congress being told Iraqi soldiers were tossing babies from incubators in Kuwait.  Weapons of mass destruction.  

All done for a purpose.  To deceive the American public into accepting their agenda.  Ban guns, start wars, more funding for fbi/cia.  

That’s just off the top of my head.

Jones should’ve been more careful with his words.  Less speculation from off the cuff.

But millions of dollars and being banned from every platform while he himself is defamed and his words twisted and deformed so many times it becomes accepted by the general public as truth?  Nah.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 10:54:11 AM EDT
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Who are the usual trolls.
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Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:07:15 AM EDT

Where’s the proof of what you lied about him saying?

Still waiting bud!

FYI a cnn or msnbc article that doesn’t directly quote him doesn’t count.  Their interpretation doesn’t count.  

Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:13:42 AM EDT
Jones is a media personality that made his living pandering to people that have a poor understanding of the world. They tend to have a working lifespan about as long as the attention span of of a goldfish. And he is well past his expiration date.  

There will be another one along shortly.

Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:15:54 AM EDT
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Where’s the proof of what you lied about him saying?

Still waiting bud!

FYI a cnn or msnbc article that doesn’t directly quote him doesn’t count.  Their interpretation doesn’t count.  

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throwaway 20'er account - dude do YOUR OWN homework.

It is ALL in the Court Filings & is IN the records.  

Alex Jones made wild assed baseless claims & got his ass beat in court because of it.  Deal with it!

I'm sure you doubt the Moon Landings actually happened, or that it would even be possible as you certainly believe the Earth is Flat.  

No Star 20'ers   , making me actually appreciate the 13'ers.

Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:19:07 AM EDT
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throwaway 20'er account - dude do YOUR OWN homework.

It is ALL in the Court Filings & is IN the records.  

Alex Jones made wild assed baseless claims & got his ass beat in court because of it.  Deal with it!

I'm sure you doubt the Moon Landings actually happened, or that it would even be possible as you certainly believe the Earth is Flat.  

No Star 20'ers   , making me actually appreciate the 13'ers.

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Where’s the proof of what you lied about him saying?

Still waiting bud!

FYI a cnn or msnbc article that doesn’t directly quote him doesn’t count.  Their interpretation doesn’t count.  

throwaway 20'er account - dude do YOUR OWN homework.

It is ALL in the Court Filings & is IN the records.  

Alex Jones made wild assed baseless claims & got his ass beat in court because of it.  Deal with it!

I'm sure you doubt the Moon Landings actually happened, or that it would even be possible as you certainly believe the Earth is Flat.  

No Star 20'ers   , making me actually appreciate the 13'ers.


Flat earth is actually pretty cool. I heard some guy talk about it and I've thought about it differently since I heard him.

He pointed out flat earthers do not trust modern science or the government so they devise experiments to prove the world is flat. However, in doing so (many of these experiments were done hundreds of years ago, btw) they come across data which obviously supports a spherical earth.

So there's really no harm to them, they will do experiments and eventually reach the same conclusion.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:20:22 AM EDT
The dude is a bit nuts but he has certainly been right about too many things that seemed insane at the time.  

He has no filter and he gets a lot wrong but he isn’t afraid where others are.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:21:36 AM EDT
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Lol. These threads are great! The same 3 or 4 jackasses that think they're the smartest ones in the room show up like clockwork.
They need to be mocked mercilessly.
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Yeah, I am seeing a lot that are on my ignore list.

What a great feature.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:24:17 AM EDT
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Flat earth is actually pretty cool. I heard some guy talk about it and I've thought about it differently since I heard him.

He pointed out flat earthers do not trust modern science or the government so they devise experiments to prove the world is flat. However, in doing so (many of these experiments were done hundreds of years ago, btw) they come across data which obviously supports a spherical earth.

So there's really no harm to them, they will do experiments and eventually reach the same conclusion.
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Probably not.

It's fair and reasonable for a younger person to question everything in the damn world. Beyond that it's appropriate and healthy. When a 50 year-old dude builds a giant estes rocket to hit the roof of the sky, it's indicative of a larger issue. Like maybe that guy is dumber than shit.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:25:08 AM EDT
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"Just meant to have a chilling effect on Knowingly False & Deliberately Irresponsible Defaming broadcasts about innocent people speech to financially benefit himself" is what you meant to say?


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Your constant moral outrage is deafening.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:26:13 AM EDT
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Probably not.

It's fair and reasonable for a younger person to question everything in the damn world. Beyond that it's appropriate and healthy. When a 50 year-old dude builds a giant estes rocket to hit the roof of the sky, it's indicative of a larger issue. Like maybe that guy is dumber than shit.
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Flat earth is actually pretty cool. I heard some guy talk about it and I've thought about it differently since I heard him.

He pointed out flat earthers do not trust modern science or the government so they devise experiments to prove the world is flat. However, in doing so (many of these experiments were done hundreds of years ago, btw) they come across data which obviously supports a spherical earth.

So there's really no harm to them, they will do experiments and eventually reach the same conclusion.

Probably not.

It's fair and reasonable for a younger person to question everything in the damn world. Beyond that it's appropriate and healthy. When a 50 year-old dude builds a giant estes rocket to hit the roof of the sky, it's indicative of a larger issue. Like maybe that guy is dumber than shit.

Eh I'm certainly not going to waste any time on that nonsense. I can see the curvature of the earth when I fly.

But it doesn't bother me at all if flat earthers want to launch rockets and do laser experiments.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:28:40 AM EDT
Been listening to him for 20 years or so. He's so far ahead of the curve on a lot of stuff, most simps will write him off as nuts. And more correct than any of the msm outfits. He was the loudmouth guy who didn't give a fuck what you thought of him before Trump.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:30:55 AM EDT
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Jones never said the shooting didn't happen. He said it was a false flag attack and also said it didn't happen as claimed.  

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"...Sandy Hook is a synthetic completely fake with actors, in my view, manufactured. I couldn't believe it at first. I knew they had actors there, clearly, but I thought they killed some real kids. And it just shows how bold they are, that they clearly used actors. I mean they even ended up using photos of kids killed in mass shootings here in a fake mass shooting in Turkey -- so yeah, or Pakistan. The sky is now the limit..."
- Alex Jones, January 13, 2015

Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:35:41 AM EDT
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Your constant moral outrage is deafening.
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"Just meant to have a chilling effect on Knowingly False & Deliberately Irresponsible Defaming broadcasts about innocent people speech to financially benefit himself" is what you meant to say?


Your constant moral outrage is deafening.

Sadly, just another Typical ARFCOM 20'er response these days ...  

But don't you worry about me 20'er.

I'll be around for a L-O-N-G time to keep bringing actual facts & reality into your warm little world of Made Up Bull Shit.

Or as it is called these days "Shitting in the Thread" (A.K.A. not marching to the 'Tard Army lock step ... )  

Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:38:16 AM EDT
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Eh I'm certainly not going to waste any time on that nonsense. I can see the curvature of the earth when I fly.

But it doesn't bother me at all if flat earthers want to launch rockets and do laser experiments.
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Flat earth is actually pretty cool. I heard some guy talk about it and I've thought about it differently since I heard him.

He pointed out flat earthers do not trust modern science or the government so they devise experiments to prove the world is flat. However, in doing so (many of these experiments were done hundreds of years ago, btw) they come across data which obviously supports a spherical earth.

So there's really no harm to them, they will do experiments and eventually reach the same conclusion.

Probably not.

It's fair and reasonable for a younger person to question everything in the damn world. Beyond that it's appropriate and healthy. When a 50 year-old dude builds a giant estes rocket to hit the roof of the sky, it's indicative of a larger issue. Like maybe that guy is dumber than shit.

Eh I'm certainly not going to waste any time on that nonsense. I can see the curvature of the earth when I fly.

But it doesn't bother me at all if flat earthers want to launch rockets and do laser experiments.

I don't know what 50 yr old building rockets is being referenced, but I remember that stunt driver one with the steam powered stuff lol.
If a 50 yr old guy is building an actual rocket capable of launching a human into sub orbital space, he can't be that unintelligent though lol.

I heard a podcast once about the more recent origins of the flat earther movement and a convention in Australia I think where only 2 people showed up lol. Suffice it to say, the conclusion they came to was that it's a 100% intelligence agency operation, which seems pretty likely.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:39:15 AM EDT
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Yeah, I am seeing a lot that are on my ignore list.

What a great feature.
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Lol. These threads are great! The same 3 or 4 jackasses that think they're the smartest ones in the room show up like clockwork.
They need to be mocked mercilessly.

Yeah, I am seeing a lot that are on my ignore list.

What a great feature.

Posting an average of 38 times a day (with a membership someone else paid for) and no other account activity ...

Nothing Suspicious about that account at all...

Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:41:41 AM EDT
Dude is a piece of shit. If you think he is a great man, you got some serious issues with character and integrity.

Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:41:42 AM EDT
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Alex Jones is a madman, but he's not crazy. He is a deeply flawed human being, but he is not stupid.

And he is absolutely correct about the greatest threat to liberty that America and the West have faced since America's birth: the elite establishment is using information warfare on a massive scale in order to perpetuate the Great Reset, which when you boil it down to its essence entails the introduction of an transnational, authoritarian, neo-feudalist fascistic regime. He is not wrong about that, and it is happening NOW, right before our eyes.

Shoot the messenger if you'd like, hate Jones if you'd like, but if you're too fucking stupid and too fucking brainwashed to understand that this is happening, then get the fuck out of the way. You're part of the problem.
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This guy gets it.

It’s not about the man, it’s about the message.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:42:22 AM EDT
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Sadly, just another Typical ARFCOM 20'er response these days ...  

But don't you worry about me 20'er.

I'll be around for a L-O-N-G time to keep bringing actual facts & reality into your warm little world of Made Up Bull Shit.

Or as it is called these days "Shitting in the Thread" (A.K.A. not marching to the 'Tard Army lock step ... )  

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Who decided its your job to determine what people want to believe? Why can't you let people discuss a topic they want to without the need to "correct" them? People on the Left are constantly trying to control what people believe. Why don't you like freedom?
You don't set policy here so stop trying to correct everyone.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:43:26 AM EDT
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Yeah, I am seeing a lot that are on my ignore list.

What a great feature.
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I was in another Trump/UA/whatever 'thing' they're all about and it was like 3-5 replies in a row from "ignored user". I was dying
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:48:42 AM EDT
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I was in another Trump/UA/whatever 'thing' they're all about and it was like 3-5 replies in a row from "ignored user". I was dying
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A great test is to guess what they have to say without reading. If you don't want to read it, just keep scrolling, they'll inevitably be quoted and your prediction will come true. Works 99% of the time.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:51:00 AM EDT
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Posting an average of 38 times a day (with a membership someone else paid for) and no other account activity ...

Nothing Suspicious about that account at all...

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Sounds like a conspiracy theory,  maybe he should file a defamation suit against you?

Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:54:41 AM EDT
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That’s a pretty accurate depiction of what most of us think about your posts.
Link Posted: 8/6/2022 11:55:19 AM EDT
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I was in another Trump/UA/whatever 'thing' they're all about and it was like 3-5 replies in a row from "ignored user". I was dying
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It's the same 10%.

The drawer of forgotten toys who are still living in the out of touch Republican Party of 2005 where John McCain is a Maverick, George W is our brilliant leader, Liz Cheney knows her stuff, the War in Iraq and Afghanistan were still excellent geopolitical moves and uses of resources (we just needed to stay there longer and spend more)

Oh and they coincidently just happen to overlap with leftist on a large number of issues and whatever the media's current thing is.

Just a yappy minority though LOL

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