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Link Posted: 12/16/2011 1:48:42 PM EDT


Do some reading genius:  

Ehrman, Bart D. (February 2011). "8. Forgeries, Lies, Deceptions, and the Writings of the New Testament. Modern Forgeries, Lies, and Deceptions. The Death Sentence of Jesus Christ."  (EPUB). Forged: Writing in the Name of God—Why the Bible’s Authors Are Not Who We Think They Are. (First Edition. EPub ed.). New York: HarperCollins e-books. p. 285. ISBN 978-0-06-207863-6. Retrieved 2 September 2011. "This does not mean, as is now being claimed with alarming regularity, that Jesus never existed. He certainly existed, as virtually every competent scholar of antiquity, Christian or non-Christian, agrees, based on clear and certain evidence. But as with the vast majority of all persons who lived and died in the first century, he does not appear in the records of the Roman people."

I'd like to see the "clear and certain evidence". I just haven't seen any, that's all I'm saying.

If you really want to see it, then do some research.  Scholars clearly think that the evidence exists.  However, you won't because you really don't care and were just trying to play gotcha.  

Christ's existence or nonexistence has no bearing on my life. I agree that I don't really care and wouldn't invest more than 5 minutes going in to the matter. Even if Jesus existed, he wasn't divine, he was a schizophrenic who heard voices from men in the sky. If a man who could really perform miracles ( even as paltry as they were) existed, I would think that more than 4 people would put down some records of him. Also I would think the records would be made at the time of his life and not 30-40 years after.
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 1:49:08 PM EDT






The thing about the atheist display is that it features characters/things that actually existed.

Right. Jesus never existed.


Actually, you're right.  There is no non-Biblical evidence of Jesus ever existing.  No archeological or historical evidence.  None.

I'd like to be proven wrong on this one.  Present some objectively verifiable evidence that isn't from a book of stories and I'll eat my words.

Cornelius Tacitus

Was born years after the supposed life of Jesus

Wow, nothing short of a Polaroid of Jesus throwing a peace sign will please this guy.

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 1:49:10 PM EDT



This hogwash has no place on a firearms board. That goes for both sides.

This is the hogwash forum

Irrelevant. It is trolling, and nothing more. Both sides.

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 1:49:29 PM EDT
Attempting to give a shit about irritating atheist attention whores. Attempt failed. Shit not given.
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 1:50:01 PM EDT
Those aren't athiests.  They are anti-christians.
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 1:50:04 PM EDT
Athiests are only slightly less annoying than liberals.  Not because they don't believe in God, but because they absolutely can't stand that I do.  It's demonstrated here daily and maybe even hourly.

We don't "hate" your faith.  If anything, we feel sorry for you for wasting your life believing in Bronze Age ideas.

I still support your right to do so, though!

To quote the United Negro College Fund:  "A mind is a terrible thing to waste."
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 1:51:27 PM EDT





Do some reading genius:  

Ehrman, Bart D. (February 2011). "8. Forgeries, Lies, Deceptions, and the Writings of the New Testament. Modern Forgeries, Lies, and Deceptions. The Death Sentence of Jesus Christ."  (EPUB). Forged: Writing in the Name of God—Why the Bible’s Authors Are Not Who We Think They Are. (First Edition. EPub ed.). New York: HarperCollins e-books. p. 285. ISBN 978-0-06-207863-6. Retrieved 2 September 2011. "This does not mean, as is now being claimed with alarming regularity, that Jesus never existed. He certainly existed, as virtually every competent scholar of antiquity, Christian or non-Christian, agrees, based on clear and certain evidence. But as with the vast majority of all persons who lived and died in the first century, he does not appear in the records of the Roman people."

I'd like to see the "clear and certain evidence". I just haven't seen any, that's all I'm saying.

If you really want to see it, then do some research.  Scholars clearly think that the evidence exists.  However, you won't because you really don't care and were just trying to play gotcha.  

Christ's existence or nonexistence has no bearing on my life. I agree that I don't really care and wouldn't invest more than 5 minutes going in to the matter. Even if Jesus existed, he wasn't divine, he was a schizophrenic who heard voices from men in the sky. If a man who could really perform miracles ( even as paltry as they were) existed, I would think that more than 4 people would put down some records of him. Also I would think the records would be made at the time of his life and not 30-40 years after.

Then why did you say you want to see the clear and certain evidence?  Why not just go away and leave all of us uneducated, ignorant, fairy tale believing fools to our own devices?

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 1:52:07 PM EDT
No religion bitterly clings to their beliefs quite like Atheists...


Since they cannot present what they believe (they believe in nothing), they are left only with insulting the beliefs of others.

Really classy.

Why didn't they include Allah and Muhammed in the satire? Afraid of taking on a group that will actually do more than just pray for them?

Newsletter subscription incoming
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 1:52:16 PM EDT

This hogwash has no place on a firearms board. That goes for both sides.

This is the hogwash forum  

Damn....and I forgot my hog.

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 1:53:14 PM EDT

This hogwash has no place on a firearms board. That goes for both sides.

This is the hogwash forum  

Damn....and I forgot my hog.

It's for the best. It would just get dirtier here.

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 1:53:32 PM EDT


This hogwash has no place on a firearms board. That goes for both sides.

This is the hogwash forum

Irrelevant. It is trolling, and nothing more. Both sides.

You should notify a mod, or maybe site staff. Oh wait....

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 1:55:14 PM EDT

I really mean that.

ETA And Aimless I will be enjoying a glass of ice cold raw milk on Christmas

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 1:55:59 PM EDT



Who cares, just one more thing condemning them to the eternal fires of hell.

Happy they are going to hell.  That is real Christian like.

Who's to say I am not a devout Satanist?

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 1:56:32 PM EDT

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 1:56:33 PM EDT
The only reason I would argue with Christians is that they vote. If a preacher can convince them that there's a magical man in the sky who will solve all your problems if you believe in him, what else might these people believe? If the government tells you that some country hates us and is planning to attack us, and never provide any evidence, would these people support war? Christians affect my life every day when they argue against stem cell research because of what their 2000 year old magic book says. It irreparably harms my life when 80% of the people in my country lack critical thinking skills and do not understand the concept of evidence, let alone asking for it.

On edit: Watch the video above and tell me that Christianity isn't plagiarized from earlier religions.
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 1:57:26 PM EDT
The thing about the atheist display is that it features characters/things that actually existed.

<squalls of laughter>

No.  Remember.  Atheism is religion.  

If some people claim there is a teapot orbiting the sun between mercury and venus,
and I don't believe there is,
and you don't believe there is,
are we in a religion together?


Saying what I don't believe is a religion is so that, intellectually, I'm no better off than they are.  ...An "I've got my beliefs and you've got yours", thing, and because "My beliefs are religion, yours are too."  And from the perceived leveling of the playing field, they commence to prove their beliefs are real and true with this book they carry around and fight each with over about its interpretation.

It's bizzare.  I mean more-and-more people are feeling OK about seeing how bizzare this behavior is and talking about it.  30 years ago, a man was a wise man saying their religious words.  Now, it paints them as kooks in many circles (Saying things the atheists don't make them say, by the way.)  Their...I don't know the right word...fear is showing as animosity.  

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 1:58:13 PM EDT



I really mean that.

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 1:59:36 PM EDT
WHAT no FSM???
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:00:20 PM EDT


WHAT no FSM???

Flying Sex Monster?

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:01:49 PM EDT



WHAT no FSM???

Flying Sex Monster?


I could get behind that.

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:03:35 PM EDT




WHAT no FSM???

Flying Sex Monster?


I could get behind that.


Or it could get behind you... You just never know..

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:05:05 PM EDT

WHAT no FSM???

Flying Sex Monster?



For that you will be struck by lightning and converted.

In other news we need to stop hunting pirates, pirates fight global warming.

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:05:45 PM EDT
The thing about the atheist display is that it features characters/things that actually existed.

Not this fucking Troll again....
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:06:30 PM EDT


The only reason I would argue with Christians is that they vote. If a preacher can convince them that there's a magical man in the sky who will solve all your problems if you believe in him, what else might these people believe? If the government tells you that some country hates us and is planning to attack us, and never provide any evidence, would these people support war? Christians affect my life every day when they argue against stem cell research because of what their 2000 year old magic book says. It irreparably harms my life when 80% of the people in my country lack critical thinking skills and do not understand the concept of evidence, let alone asking for it.

On edit: Watch the video above and tell me that Christianity isn't plagiarized from earlier religions
. I'm a bratty teenager.



The religion of liberalism has had a far more negative impact on our lives than any Christian boogeyman.
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:07:30 PM EDT




WHAT no FSM???

Flying Sex Monster?




For that you will be struck by lightning and converted.

In other news we need to stop hunting pirates, pirates fight global warming.


I will not be given stripper factories or a beer volcano

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:08:17 PM EDT
I don't really see a problem with this(if gov buildings are going to have religious displays they should let all religions participate), but I also don't see why they feel the need to do this.

Atheism isn't a religion.   I'm told that athiests have no beliefs or taditions or holidays (at least based on athiesm), so why put up anything at all?  C'mon we all know people who do stuff like this, do stuff like this to be jerks.

My World Religion professor and the textbook we used in the class disagree with you.

Atheists don't believe there is a deity, it doesn't mean they have no beliefs.  They just don't have traditional views on religion.

Their views on religion are basically that it can be evil because some people use religion as an excuse to do terrible things.  So they put up displays like this to express their views on religion.
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:09:35 PM EDT
No religion bitterly clings to their beliefs quite like Atheists...

Examples such as this aren't about promoting atheism - they are about attacking Christianity.

If it was just about atheism, they would simply ignore God and references to Him.

They are a prime example of man's rebellion against God.

Ironically, they are showing why man needs a savior.  
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:09:50 PM EDT




I don't really see a problem with this(if gov buildings are going to have religious displays they should let all religions participate), but I also don't see why they feel the need to do this.

Atheism isn't a religion.   I'm told that athiests have no beliefs or taditions or holidays (at least based on athiesm), so why put up anything at all?  C'mon we all know people who do stuff like this, do stuff like this to be jerks.

My World Religion professor and the textbook we used in the class disagree with you.

Atheists don't believe there is a deity, it doesn't mean they have no beliefs.  They just don't have traditional views on religion.

Their views on religion are basically that it can be evil because some people use religion as an excuse to do terrible things. So they put up displays like this to express their views on religion.
Well to be fair that is true.

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:19:23 PM EDT
would have been much better had it been neanderthals
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:24:16 PM EDT


Those aren't athiests.  They are anti-christians.

They're both.


And yeah, it pisses me off too. They make the rest of us look bad.
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:26:22 PM EDT
No religion bitterly clings to their beliefs quite like Atheists...


Since they cannot present what they believe (they believe in nothing), they are left only with insulting the beliefs of others.

Really classy.

Why didn't they include Allah and Muhammed in the satire? Afraid of taking on a group that will actually do more than just pray for them?

I suspect it is because the atheists in question live somewhere that is predominantly christian, and that is what they have to deal with.

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:30:02 PM EDT




No religion bitterly clings to their beliefs quite like Atheists...


Since they cannot present what they believe (they believe in nothing), they are left only with insulting the beliefs of others.

Really classy.

Why didn't they include Allah and Muhammed in the satire? Afraid of taking on a group that will actually do more than just pray for them?

I suspect it is because the atheists in question live somewhere that is predominantly christian, and that is what they have to deal with.

I've lived in the Bible belt for quite some time, and I've never felt compelled to do this. It causes more harm than good.

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:33:04 PM EDT

No religion bitterly clings to their beliefs quite like Atheists...


Since they cannot present what they believe (they believe in nothing), they are left only with insulting the beliefs of others.

Really classy.

Why didn't they include Allah and Muhammed in the satire? Afraid of taking on a group that will actually do more than just pray for them?

I suspect it is because the atheists in question live somewhere that is predominantly christian, and that is what they have to deal with.

I've lived in the Bible belt for quite some time, and I've never felt compelled to do this. It causes more harm than good.  

I didn't mean it compels atheists to do it, or that it is helpful; just that if an atheist in the US is looking for a fight, he is a lot more likely to find a christian to fight with than a muslim.
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:33:16 PM EDT
That's a very mature thing for them to do.  Maybe they'll grow up to the point where they call us all poopyheads next.  But I doubt it.
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:37:45 PM EDT


No religion bitterly clings to their beliefs quite like Atheists...


I am an atheist and I know a lot of atheists. I honestly can't recall the last time any of us have had a discussion about our beliefs/lack thereof. It's a non-issue.

Some people (like the jackasses who put on this display) just get off on the attention. Fuck them.

Yep. Other than here, it rarely comes up in my life.
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:38:08 PM EDT
Athiests are only slightly less annoying than liberals.  Not because they don't believe in God, but because they absolutely can't stand that I do.  It's demonstrated here daily and maybe even hourly.

We don't "hate" your faith.  If anything, we feel sorry for you for wasting your life believing in Bronze Age ideas.

I still support your right to do so, though!

To quote the United Negro College Fund:  "A mind is a terrible thing to waste."

You further my point. .      

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:38:22 PM EDT





No religion bitterly clings to their beliefs quite like Atheists...


I am an atheist and I know a lot of atheists. I honestly can't recall the last time any of us have had a discussion about our beliefs/lack thereof. It's a non-issue.

Some people (like the jackasses who put on this display) just get off on the attention. Fuck them.


Yep. Other than here, it rarely comes up in my life.


Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:39:46 PM EDT
No religion bitterly clings to their beliefs quite like Atheists...

That's one of the more nonsensical statements I've seen on this forum.
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:40:23 PM EDT
I see the attacks on Christianity are allowed to continue.. As usual..
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:40:42 PM EDT
I'm really starting to wonder about the correlation between Paul Bots and Athiests.  They seem to be cut from the same cloth.
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:42:20 PM EDT


I'm really starting to wonder about the correlation between Paul Bots and Athiests.  They seem to be cut from the same cloth.

That would be a bit ironic (but possibly true, nonetheless), considering that Ron Paul isn't an Atheist.

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:44:47 PM EDT
I see the attacks on Christianity are allowed to continue.. As usual..

It's cool, there is a thread attacking Atheism as well.  GD is equal opportunity and pretty much attacks everyone.
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:46:58 PM EDT


No religion bitterly clings to their beliefs quite like Atheists...

And yet they claim to have no faith.

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:51:07 PM EDT

No religion bitterly clings to their beliefs quite like Atheists...

And yet they claim to have no faith.

Depends which definition of faith you are going by.
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:51:50 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:53:33 PM EDT
Why would atheists try to make historically inaccurate displays that are analogies to nativity scenes?  As if Darwin and Einstein were ever standing around together with an African baby...  I thought one of the benefits of atheism was being free of idols and their worship/praise.  What's the point of looking at a statue of Darwin or Einstein or an African baby rather than reading Darwin or Einstein or adopting/donating to the care of an African baby?  I thought atheists were intellectually beyond the need for symbols or metaphors to emotionally represent logical concepts.

Darwin didn't discover and hold an African baby as a catalyst for his discoveries, fossils and birds would be more appropriate.  Also, Darwin believed in a single deity as the ultimate lawgiver, so he wasn't opposed to religion, just to omnipotent creation of static species.  Einstein's subscription to Spinozism was certainly not atheistic, and if humans came from Africa, then religion likely did also...  is atheism widespread and common in Africa?

ETA:  Nevermind, agree with above, anti-christians, not really atheists
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:54:26 PM EDT
Atheism is moot.
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:54:52 PM EDT

The thing about the atheist display is that it features characters/things that actually existed.

Right. Jesus never existed.

Actually, you're right.  There is no non-Biblical evidence of Jesus ever existing.  No archeological or historical evidence.  None.

I'd like to be proven wrong on this one.  Present some objectively verifiable evidence that isn't from a book of stories and I'll eat my words.

Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:55:59 PM EDT
Why would atheists try to make historically inaccurate displays that are analogies to nativity scenes?  As if Darwin and Einstein were ever standing around together with an African baby...  I thought one of the benefits of atheism was being free of idols and their worship/praise.  What's the point of looking at a statue of Darwin or Einstein or an African baby rather than reading Darwin or Einstein or adopting/donating to the care of an African baby?  I thought atheists were intellectually beyond the need for symbols or metaphors to emotionally represent logical concepts.

Darwin didn't discover and hold an African baby as a catalyst for his discoveries, fossils and birds would be more appropriate.  Also, Darwin believed in a single deity as the ultimate lawgiver, so he wasn't opposed to religion, just to omnipotent creation of static species.  Einstein's subscription to Spinozism was certainly not atheistic, and if humans came from Africa, then religion likely did also...  is atheism widespread and common in Africa?

It's a joke, dude.

They win because you people are getting upset and over-thinking it.
Link Posted: 12/16/2011 2:56:37 PM EDT


The religion of liberalism has had a far more negative impact on our lives than any Christian boogeyman.

Translation : Anyone who disagrees with me is a liberal/communist/ Obama supporter/ etc...
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