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Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:25:39 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:27:04 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:29:07 PM EDT
Well, they do say life imitates art.

Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:29:39 PM EDT
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Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:29:52 PM EDT
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Quoted:What was the deal with Veri Doctores?  He posted badselfeater in a post in 2011, years before the domain was registered.

He has the following image on his youtube page:

Looks like an amalgamation of the above album cover.

Apologies to Mr Teeth if I am tracking down Mr Teeth, and not the meaning of the puzzle/clues.
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The other night when I searched...just did a basic search on youtube for badselfeater, the Veri posts didn't come up. I would suspect the person edited the post to add badselfeater within the last few days.
The only thing that came up on youtube a few days ago was a guy missing some teeth, some chick with some elaborate explanation..."Jesus is coming type", and an older dude with a beard who has all sorts of weird vids on youtube.

Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:31:01 PM EDT
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Excellent post! The story of Shadraq, Mishak and Abednego explains the three people in front of the supreme court not bowing.
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Crap new photo on fb

New pic

Going to chime in here.  Our culture's unfortunately Biblical illiteracy being what it is, most people here and on Reddit are missing a lot of the symbolism:

First, the reference to Matt  25:44 is from Jesus's parable of the sheep and the goats.  The parable centers around judgment on the last day, with the sheep being His followers and the goats the followers of the devil.  The sheep are judged positively by Christ to have cared for the poor, sick, needy, etc.  The goats are judged negatively to have ignored the needs of others and been selfish. That the text reference is most prominent when the bill is folded to reveal a goat head (Baphomet) is telling.  This symbolism centers chiefly around greed vs generosity.

Second, the fire at the base of the Statute of Liberty is a symbol of the fiery furnance in the great statue built by Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon.  Nebuchadnezzar demanded everyone bow to the statue, and everyone but Daniel's three friends Shadraq, Mishak, and Abednego bowed.  They refused to bow because they would not worship a false god.  The statue was a symbol of Nebuchadnezzar and his reign, and therefore constituted the state putting itself in God's place and demanding worship.  Inside the statue was a fiery furnance into which Nebuchadnezzar threw the three men.  They all survived without so much as a singe due to God's miraculous protection.
The reference to Isaiah 3:12 is from a chapter where God declares judgment on Judah and its capital cit Jerusalem because of their greed, in which the elites used their power to steal from and further impoverish the lowly.  

To the right of the dragon are two pictures that have been shown to trace back to archaeological sites at the ancient city of Laodicea in modern-day Turkey.  In the book of Revelation, Jesus gives a message to each of the seven churches of Asia Minor (modern day Turkey).  Some of the messages contain both positive and negative statements about the church. but the message to Laodicea is all negative.  The church at Laodicea was condemned for its materialism and greed, and putting its faith and hope in its wealth rather than in God (Revelation 3:14-22):

“And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: ‘The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation.

“‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see. Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’”

Laodicea is also a church that is neither cold (unbelieving) nor hot (on fire to serve God).  Many Christians today argue that Laodicea is in some way an apt description of the current church in the United States, which is materially wealth but spiritually vacuous.

On the lower right side is a snake climbing the steps of the Tower of Babel.  The Tower of Babel is the first mention in the Bible of what is later identified as Babylon (see above about the fiery furnace).  Babylon throughout the Bible becomes the sort of ultimate symbol of the evil, corrupt, and greedy system of the fallen world.   Particularly, in Biblical typology Babylon represents a state demanding worship from its subjects, the worship that should only be given to God.  In Revelation, the final judgment of the world at the end of time is characterized by the wealthy, powerful, and greedy Whore of Babylon/City of Babylon being reduced to an ash heap.  Also, next to the dragon is a cup of wine.  In Revelation, the whore of Babylon makes the world drink from the cup of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, which is symbolic of false worship and immorality.  

On the left of the dragon is the reference to the Supreme Court, especially the Roe v. Wade decision (the initials of the SCOTUS justices who voted for Roe V. Wade are on the left above the Supreme Court building, while the initials of the two who voted against are on the right).  At the top of the steps of the Supreme Court building is the Golden Calf.  When Moses was up on Mt. Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments from God, Israel asks Aaron the high priest to make it a new god/idol to worship, since Moses is gone and they think he won't ever return.  Aaron takes their gold and casts the Golden Calf.  Israel worships the Golden Calf, saying it is the god who brought them out of Egypt.  

The Bible in Exodus 32 says of that worship, "the people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play."  This is taken to be a reference to the sexual immorality and licentiousness that was common in pagan temple worship at that time.  Usually, the temple worship involved orgies, temple prostitutes, etc.  

Next, their is the dragon itself.  In Revelation, the dragon gives power to the beast (the well-known 666 beast).  The dragon is a symbol of Satan himself.  Note how the dragon is essentially trampling the cross in the picture.  

As well, the reference, "We kill God all day everyday."  In the Bible in Genesis 1, it says God made man in His own image.  This forms the main basis for Jewish and Christian ethics:  Because man is made in God's image, injustice towards another man is in some sense a kind of treason against God.  Particularly, the murder of another innocent person is seen by Christians as an attempt to kill God in effigy.  You will often hear pastors, particularly of the conservative Reformed tradition, refer to abortion in exactly these terms.  That this reference on the badselfeater bill occurs on the same side as the Roe V. Wade reference must indicate abortion, which happens all day every day in this country, as killing God in effigy.kilO

Next, the reference to Leviticus and harvesting the edges of the field and the gleanings:  In ancient Israel, landowners were to leave the edges of their fields and the gleanings the leftover parts they missed after the harvest) for the poor.  The poor would then be allowed, free of charge, to glean the fields and harvest the parts at the edges.  It was their ancient system of support for the very poor, who may not have owned land and therefore in an agricultural society had little wealth and little access to food.  MrTeeth's reference here is again a reference to greed, because harvesting to the edges of the field and removing the gleanings would constitute greed in not taking care of others.

Finally, the most recent picture, which refers to someone as "servants of the state for your good."  This is an intentional twisting of Romans 13, in which the state is refered to as a servant of God for your good.  That is to say, insomuch as the state correctly punishes evil doers and protects the innocent, it is serving God for the good of the public.  If the state becomes the servant of the state itself, rather than the servant of God, then the state is essentially setting itself in the place of God, which again ties in with the refrences to Babylon as the state being worshipped.

Most people are missing all this symbolism because, as said, most people today are utterly Biblically ignorant.

ETA: Whoever made these bills, this is not someone who just took a couple texts using BibleGateway,com and threw them in there, but someone who knows his or her Bible and Christian history well enough to make a rather deep use of Biblical and historic Christian symbolism.

Excellent post! The story of Shadraq, Mishak and Abednego explains the three people in front of the supreme court not bowing.

Most excellent post! Best post so far in 93 pages!

I posted some similar things many pages ago but nobody commented on them. But this post is much more comprehensive .
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:34:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:35:24 PM EDT
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No, he isn't....but several posters on here have acted like it's some sort of "the devil is coming" type reaction to this all.
I guess I should elaborate and say that the first day this thread was up, the only mention of badselfeater on youtube was by people who were "Jesus is coming" about it. A few here sort of jumped on that band wagon.
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While I agree, this guy isn't giving a date for the rapture.

No, he isn't....but several posters on here have acted like it's some sort of "the devil is coming" type reaction to this all.
I guess I should elaborate and say that the first day this thread was up, the only mention of badselfeater on youtube was by people who were "Jesus is coming" about it. A few here sort of jumped on that band wagon.

Jesus IS coming!

No. I don't know exactly when. But I am waiting and watching.
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:37:16 PM EDT
I hope it's for the new TOOL record.
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:37:28 PM EDT
Welcome, newcomers!
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:38:52 PM EDT
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No. That was the point.
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"Zombies"? No, just socialist union workers going to work.

There's a difference

No. That was the point.

Who were the three dudes with giant heads?

It’s already strange that the Swiss have long bragged that their country has never been invaded for 500 years due to the position beyond the Swiss Alps: this new tunnel opens that up…at a time that all of Europe is being invaded by Muslim migrants
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:39:24 PM EDT
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So did anyone ever figure out the significance of this picture?

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It's better with the music playing in the background.
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:39:44 PM EDT

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Let's say this is a huge document dump. What information could be so damning that the government (beast) would die?

Please someone, help me wrap my head around this.
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Good question.

Government plans to kill off most of the world's population to preserve the environment might be damning enough. The challenge is convincing people the data is real, and that they are the target.
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:41:57 PM EDT
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  Good question.

Government plans to kill off most of the world's population to preserve the environment might be damning enough. The challenge is convincing people the data is real, and that they are the target.
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Let's say this is a huge document dump. What information could be so damning that the government (beast) would die?

Please someone, help me wrap my head around this.

  Good question.

Government plans to kill off most of the world's population to preserve the environment might be damning enough. The challenge is convincing people the data is real, and that they are the target.

No way that would bring on a shitstorm.
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:42:05 PM EDT
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Let's say this is a huge document dump. What information could be so damning that the government (beast) would die?

Please someone, help me wrap my head around this.
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Well, let's start with proof .gov paid Iran ransom? Proof that the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation are "pay to play" domestic terrorists? Proof the world could do WTF they wanted with the blessing from FHRC and funded by American taxpayers? Proof of all organizations listed as being involved?

Could be VERY interesting.
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:42:39 PM EDT
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Let's say this is a huge document dump. What information could be so damning that the government (beast) would die?

Please someone, help me wrap my head around this.
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Someone mentioned the hacked superbug, or whatever

Guccifer 2.0?
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:45:19 PM EDT
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Well, they do say life imitates art.

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So Hillary takes her last breath when the timer expires?
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:46:46 PM EDT
I wonder if the supercollider could be reprogrammed to put off some fireworks. Sorry. Carry on.

Today fhrc lost her shoe, a la the swing, it couldnt be scripted any better than that. Truly cray.
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:47:27 PM EDT
I like this thread.

Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:48:16 PM EDT
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Well, let's start with proof .gov paid Iran random? Proof that the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation are "pay to play" domestic terrorists? Proof the world could do WTF they wanted with the blessing from FHRC and funded by American taxpayers? Proof of all organizations listed as being involved?

Could be VERY interesting.
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Let's say this is a huge document dump. What information could be so damning that the government (beast) would die?

Please someone, help me wrap my head around this.

Well, let's start with proof .gov paid Iran random? Proof that the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation are "pay to play" domestic terrorists? Proof the world could do WTF they wanted with the blessing from FHRC and funded by American taxpayers? Proof of all organizations listed as being involved?

Could be VERY interesting.

Tie that into the JFK, MLK, and McKinley stuff?
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:52:16 PM EDT
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Tie that into the JFK, MLK, and McKinley stuff?
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Let's say this is a huge document dump. What information could be so damning that the government (beast) would die?

Please someone, help me wrap my head around this.

Well, let's start with proof .gov paid Iran random? Proof that the Clintons and the Clinton Foundation are "pay to play" domestic terrorists? Proof the world could do WTF they wanted with the blessing from FHRC and funded by American taxpayers? Proof of all organizations listed as being involved?

Could be VERY interesting.

Tie that into the JFK, MLK, and McKinley stuff?

Mckinley was the 25th, Trump might be (or will be) the 45, along with the bullet hole on the bill
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:52:53 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:54:31 PM EDT

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As was mentioned a while back, one of our Mods found one, looked at it, and just went on his way. Didn't think twice about it. Maybe that is what is happening with the vast majority of people.

I will say, however, that from what I've seen, their hasn't been a confirmed finding of a bill in some time.
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He's watching... But I don't see that as an issue.

It makes perfect sense, ARFcom has been the single biggest contributor to pulling this apart. As we continue to pull the strings, it absolutely makes them turn there eye to us.

I'm thinking we, and a handful of other sites are their intended target. Why haven't there been any more bills reported found?

As was mentioned a while back, one of our Mods found one, looked at it, and just went on his way. Didn't think twice about it. Maybe that is what is happening with the vast majority of people.

I will say, however, that from what I've seen, their hasn't been a confirmed finding of a bill in some time.

Last weekend we were in Atlanta for dragoncon. Didn't see one, but if i had found one I would have either thought it just another piece of promo out of the hundreds that were around, or somebody has lost some of their gaming stuff, and would have never thought about posting it on the internet.

The question isn't "Why have no others been found?"

The question is "How many have been found, and never reported, or were thought to just be the fake religious dollars that are always everywhere and ignored."

Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:55:07 PM EDT

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Well, they do say life imitates art.

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Link Posted: 9/11/2016 2:56:27 PM EDT

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heh, iswydt.  

Mr Teeth isn't one person though - he's multiple.

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Mark my words - I said this before, this is a hacker group.

You're all looking too deeply into things. The red door for example. It wasn't so much that it was a red door, or where it was, as much as it was recognizable as a back door.

You don't understand, we are trying to find Mrteeth and.....extract.... information ahead of time.
heh, iswydt.  

Mr Teeth isn't one person though - he's multiple.

Could be 32 people. The name could be a hint.

Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:01:26 PM EDT
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It makes perfect sense, ARFcom has been the single biggest contributor to pulling this apart. As we continue to pull the strings, it absolutely makes them turn there eye to us.
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He's watching... But I don't see that as an issue.

It makes perfect sense, ARFcom has been the single biggest contributor to pulling this apart. As we continue to pull the strings, it absolutely makes them turn there eye to us.

I've told about a dozen people and pointed them to the site. I find it fascinating the way it's played out so far and hope they have some actual proof of the corruption we all know to be true. The truth is you don't know what you don't know and those bills have a ton if references to events that lack detail.
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:03:33 PM EDT
These are a piece of performance art.

Whoever created them intentionally made a bunch of crazy conspiracy theory imagery, and then distributed them places they knew people would find them readily and was monitoring the message boards across several different websites and collecting quotes and snippets and theories he finds the most amusing.

This will be put up in an art gallery somewhere in Los Angeles, San Francisco, or New York where a bunch of smug liberals will get together and laugh at all the crazy right wing theories these bills are generating.

This is some edgy Banksy level bullshit
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:05:08 PM EDT
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With the peephole near the ground??
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I'm curious about the keyhole on the red door - one is upwards, one downwards. Any possibility the door is pictured upside down?

With the peephole near the ground??

Follow the yellow brick road!
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:06:16 PM EDT

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These are a piece of performance art.

Whoever created them intentionally made a bunch of crazy conspiracy theory imagery, and then distributed them places they knew people would find them readily and was monitoring the message boards across several different websites and collecting quotes and snippets and theories he finds the most amusing.

This will be put up in an art gallery somewhere in Los Angeles, San Francisco, or New York where a bunch of smug liberals will get together and laugh at all the crazy right wing theories these bills are generating.

This is some edgy Banksy level bullshit
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Whatever it is, I've enjoyed it.  They'll ridicule us anyway, so who cares anymore?

Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:07:07 PM EDT

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These are a piece of performance art.

Whoever created them intentionally made a bunch of crazy conspiracy theory imagery, and then distributed them places they knew people would find them readily and was monitoring the message boards across several different websites and collecting quotes and snippets and theories he finds the most amusing.

This will be put up in an art gallery somewhere in Los Angeles, San Francisco, or New York where a bunch of smug liberals will get together and laugh at all the crazy right wing theories these bills are generating.

This is some edgy Banksy level bullshit
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Wow! How did you find that out?
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:07:39 PM EDT
So where can one buy one of these bills?  I found one on ebay for $100+.....no way I'm paying that much.  But would like a few.
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:08:53 PM EDT
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  Wow! How did you find that out?
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These are a piece of performance art.

Whoever created them intentionally made a bunch of crazy conspiracy theory imagery, and then distributed them places they knew people would find them readily and was monitoring the message boards across several different websites and collecting quotes and snippets and theories he finds the most amusing.

This will be put up in an art gallery somewhere in Los Angeles, San Francisco, or New York where a bunch of smug liberals will get together and laugh at all the crazy right wing theories these bills are generating.

This is some edgy Banksy level bullshit

  Wow! How did you find that out?

I used to date a chick who did this kind of thing, but on a much smaller scale.

Had a dream about her when I got off of work this morning.
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:09:06 PM EDT
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So where can one buy one of these bills?  I found one on ebay for $100+.....no way I'm paying that much.  But would like a few.
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If you scroll back about 87 pages, someone on here is/was getting some made for like $10
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:09:57 PM EDT
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I concur, thank you for taking the time to explain for everyone.  And like another post and I said, the entire thing is very Schaeffer-esque
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Crap new photo on fb

New pic

Going to chime in here.  Our culture's unfortunately Biblical illiteracy being what it is, most people here and on Reddit are missing a lot of the symbolism:

First, the reference to Matt  25:44 is from Jesus's parable of the sheep and the goats.  The parable centers around judgment on the last day, with the sheep being His followers and the goats the followers of the devil.  The sheep are judged positively by Christ to have cared for the poor, sick, needy, etc.  The goats are judged negatively to have ignored the needs of others and been selfish. That the text reference is most prominent when the bill is folded to reveal a goat head (Baphomet) is telling.  This symbolism centers chiefly around greed vs generosity.

Second, the fire at the base of the Statute of Liberty is a symbol of the fiery furnance in the great statue built by Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon.  Nebuchadnezzar demanded everyone bow to the statue, and everyone but Daniel's three friends Shadraq, Mishak, and Abednego bowed.  They refused to bow because they would not worship a false god.  The statue was a symbol of Nebuchadnezzar and his reign, and therefore constituted the state putting itself in God's place and demanding worship.  Inside the statue was a fiery furnance into which Nebuchadnezzar threw the three men.  They all survived without so much as a singe due to God's miraculous protection.
The reference to Isaiah 3:12 is from a chapter where God declares judgment on Judah and its capital cit Jerusalem because of their greed, in which the elites used their power to steal from and further impoverish the lowly.  

To the right of the dragon are two pictures that have been shown to trace back to archaeological sites at the ancient city of Laodicea in modern-day Turkey.  In the book of Revelation, Jesus gives a message to each of the seven churches of Asia Minor (modern day Turkey).  Some of the messages contain both positive and negative statements about the church. but the message to Laodicea is all negative.  The church at Laodicea was condemned for its materialism and greed, and putting its faith and hope in its wealth rather than in God (Revelation 3:14-22):

"And to the angel of the church in Laodicea write: ‘The words of the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of God's creation.

“‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see. Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.’”"

Laodicea is also a church that is neither cold (unbelieving) nor hot (on fire to serve God).  Many Christians today argue that Laodicea is in some way an apt description of the current church in the United States, which is materially wealth but spiritually vacuous.

On the lower right side is a snake climbing the steps of the Tower of Babel.  The Tower of Babel is the first mention in the Bible of what is later identified as Babylon (see above about the fiery furnace).  Babylon throughout the Bible becomes the sort of ultimate symbol of the evil, corrupt, and greedy system of the fallen world.   Particularly, in Biblical typology Babylon represents a state demanding worship from its subjects, the worship that should only be given to God.  In Revelation, the final judgment of the world at the end of time is characterized by the wealthy, powerful, and greedy Whore of Babylon/City of Babylon being reduced to an ash heap.  Also, next to the dragon is a cup of wine.  In Revelation, the whore of Babylon makes the world drink from the cup of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, which is symbolic of false worship and immorality.  

On the left of the dragon is the reference to the Supreme Court, especially the Roe v. Wade decision (the initials of the SCOTUS justices who voted for Roe V. Wade are on the left above the Supreme Court building, while the initials of the two who voted against are on the right).  At the top of the steps of the Supreme Court building is the Golden Calf.  When Moses was up on Mt. Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments from God, Israel asks Aaron the high priest to make it a new god/idol to worship, since Moses is gone and they think he won't ever return.  Aaron takes their gold and casts the Golden Calf.  Israel worships the Golden Calf, saying it is the god who brought them out of Egypt.  

The Bible in Exodus 32 says of that worship, "the people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play."  This is taken to be a reference to the sexual immorality and licentiousness that was common in pagan temple worship at that time.  Usually, the temple worship involved orgies, temple prostitutes, etc.  

Next, their is the dragon itself.  In Revelation, the dragon gives power to the beast (the well-known 666 beast).  The dragon is a symbol of Satan himself.  Note how the dragon is essentially trampling the cross in the picture.  

As well, the reference, "We kill God all day everyday."  In the Bible in Genesis 1, it says God made man in His own image.  This forms the main basis for Jewish and Christian ethics:  Because man is made in God's image, injustice towards another man is in some sense a kind of treason against God.  Particularly, the murder of another innocent person is seen by Christians as an attempt to kill God in effigy.  You will often hear pastors, particularly of the conservative Reformed tradition, refer to abortion in exactly these terms.  That this reference on the badselfeater bill occurs on the same side as the Roe V. Wade reference must indicate abortion, which happens all day every day in this country, as killing God in effigy.

Next, the reference to Leviticus and harvesting the edges of the field and the gleanings:  In ancient Israel, landowners were to leave the edges of their fields and the gleanings the leftover parts they missed after the harvest) for the poor.  The poor would then be allowed, free of charge, to glean the fields and harvest the parts at the edges.  It was their ancient system of support for the very poor, who may not have owned land and therefore in an agricultural society had little wealth and little access to food.  MrTeeth's reference here is again a reference to greed, because harvesting to the edges of the field and removing the gleanings would constitute greed in not taking care of others.

Finally, the most recent picture, which refers to someone as "servants of the state for your good."  This is an intentional twisting of Romans 13, in which the state is refered to as a servant of God for your good.  That is to say, insomuch as the state correctly punishes evil doers and protects the innocent, it is serving God for the good of the public.  If the state becomes the servant of the state itself, rather than the servant of God, then the state is essentially setting itself in the place of God, which again ties in with the refrences to Babylon as the state being worshipped.

Most people are missing all this symbolism because, as said, most people today are utterly Biblically ignorant.

ETA: Whoever made these bills, this is not someone who just took a couple texts using BibleGateway,com and threw them in there, but someone who knows his or her Bible and Christian history well enough to make a rather deep use of Biblical and historic Christian symbolism.

Excellent post! The story of Shadraq, Mishak and Abednego explains the three people in front of the supreme court not bowing.

This is the second time I have read your post and it's amazing the additional insight that I have learned from your post. Thank you!

I concur, thank you for taking the time to explain for everyone.  And like another post and I said, the entire thing is very Schaeffer-esque

The whole Romans 13 thing about the state taking the place of God absolutely reeks of Francis Schaeffef. He made this exact point on Romans 13 in his magnus opus How Should We then Live, as well as in his later work The Christian Manifesto. He made it in speeches about Roe v. Wade too. His point was that if there is no higher divine law above the state that the state is bound to follow, and if there is therefore no room for Christian civil disobedience, then the state has de facto become God. A couple quotes from Schaeffer:

"We must realize that the Reformation world view leads in the direction of government freedom. But the humanist world view with inevitable certainty leads in the direction of statism. This is so because humanists, having no god, must put something at the center, and it is inevitably society, government, or the state. "

And another:

"...if there is no place for disobeying the government, that government has been put in the place of the living God. In such a case, the government has been made a false god. If there is no place for disobeying a human government, what government has been made GOD."
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:09:57 PM EDT

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I used to date a chick who did this kind of thing, but on a much smaller scale.

Had a dream about her when I got off of work this morning.
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These are a piece of performance art.

Whoever created them intentionally made a bunch of crazy conspiracy theory imagery, and then distributed them places they knew people would find them readily and was monitoring the message boards across several different websites and collecting quotes and snippets and theories he finds the most amusing.

This will be put up in an art gallery somewhere in Los Angeles, San Francisco, or New York where a bunch of smug liberals will get together and laugh at all the crazy right wing theories these bills are generating.

This is some edgy Banksy level bullshit

  Wow! How did you find that out?

I used to date a chick who did this kind of thing, but on a much smaller scale.

Had a dream about her when I got off of work this morning.

So, like us, you have no idea.
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:11:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:12:08 PM EDT
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Anyone else worried about going outside and finding one of these bills conspicuously placed on your vehicle?
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*Creepy bum type guy lurking...*

"God loves us...

Especially "us" *wink*" ...
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:13:13 PM EDT
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  So, like us, you have no idea.
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These are a piece of performance art.

Whoever created them intentionally made a bunch of crazy conspiracy theory imagery, and then distributed them places they knew people would find them readily and was monitoring the message boards across several different websites and collecting quotes and snippets and theories he finds the most amusing.

This will be put up in an art gallery somewhere in Los Angeles, San Francisco, or New York where a bunch of smug liberals will get together and laugh at all the crazy right wing theories these bills are generating.

This is some edgy Banksy level bullshit

  Wow! How did you find that out?

I used to date a chick who did this kind of thing, but on a much smaller scale.

Had a dream about her when I got off of work this morning.

  So, like us, you have no idea.

There are probably a handful of people, look at everyone who is leading the discussions on these things as being the culprits.  Someone seemingly finds some amazing new details about this mysterious new bill.

The great thing about this, is that this is evolving like a biological entity on the Internet right before us.

The hype and hysteria behind the bills is feeding Into their mystery, just like the snake eating its own tail.

They will either out themselves by releasing some new information that's just way too insider to be believable, or when the web link takes you to some modern museum of art gallery, I'm going to bet is in San Francisco. They just finished some huge renovations there.

I'm gonna come up with a title for them, let's see how close it is.

Eating fear, the culture of paranoia.
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:16:15 PM EDT

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So where can one buy one of these bills?  I found one on ebay for $100+.....no way I'm paying that much.  But would like a few.
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Saw those posted too. YEah that's a little steep.

Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:17:05 PM EDT

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There are probably a handful of people, look at everyone who is leading the discussions on these things as being the culprits.  Someone seemingly finds some amazing new details about this mysterious new bill.

The great thing about this, is that this is evolving like a biological entity on the Internet right before us.

The hype and hysteria behind the bills is feeding Into their mystery, just like the snake eating its own tail.

They will either out themselves by releasing some new information that's just way too insider to be believable, or when the web link takes you to some modern museum of art gallery, I'm going to bet is in San Francisco. They just finished some huge renovations there.

I'm gonna come up with a title for them, let's see how close it is.

Eating fear, the culture of paranoia.
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This will be put up in an art gallery somewhere in Los Angeles, San Francisco, or New York where a bunch of smug liberals will get together and laugh at all the

  Wow! How did you find that out?

I used to date a chick who did this kind of thing, but on a much smaller scale.

Had a dream about her when I got off of work this morning.

  So, like us, you have no idea.

There are probably a handful of people, look at everyone who is leading the discussions on these things as being the culprits.  Someone seemingly finds some amazing new details about this mysterious new bill.

The great thing about this, is that this is evolving like a biological entity on the Internet right before us.

The hype and hysteria behind the bills is feeding Into their mystery, just like the snake eating its own tail.

They will either out themselves by releasing some new information that's just way too insider to be believable, or when the web link takes you to some modern museum of art gallery, I'm going to bet is in San Francisco. They just finished some huge renovations there.

I'm gonna come up with a title for them, let's see how close it is.

Eating fear, the culture of paranoia.
Maybe OP is in on it.


That would be cool, actually.
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:19:08 PM EDT
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I like this thread.http://i.imgur.com/Uw1mZhK.jpg
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Its been driving me fucking nuts. All throughout the thread.

I posted the same gif waaay back near the beginning.
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:22:30 PM EDT
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The whole Romans 13 thing about the state taking the place of God absolutely reeks of Francis Schaeffef. He made this exact point on Romans 13 in his magnus opus How Should We then Live, as well as in his later work The Christian Manifesto. He made it in speeches about Roe v. Wade too. His point was that if there is no higher divine law above the state that the state is bound to follow, and if there is therefore no room for Christian civil disobedience, then the state has de facto become God. A couple quotes from Schaeffer:

"We must realize that the Reformation world view leads in the direction of government freedom. But the humanist world view with inevitable certainty leads in the direction of statism. This is so because humanists, having no god, must put something at the center, and it is inevitably society, government, or the state. "

And another:

"...if there is no place for disobeying the government, that government has been put in the place of the living God. In such a case, the government has been made a false god. If there is no place for disobeying a human government, what government has been made GOD."
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No wonder liberals hate religion so much and want to purge it from our government and society.
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:22:46 PM EDT
I can't keep up anymore. LoL

But here's some Oroborous

Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:24:41 PM EDT
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These are a piece of performance art.

Whoever created them intentionally made a bunch of crazy conspiracy theory imagery, and then distributed them places they knew people would find them readily and was monitoring the message boards across several different websites and collecting quotes and snippets and theories he finds the most amusing.

This will be put up in an art gallery somewhere in Los Angeles, San Francisco, or New York where a bunch of smug liberals will get together and laugh at all the crazy right wing theories these bills are generating.

This is some edgy Banksy level bullshit
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Probably the best bet.
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:26:16 PM EDT
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No wonder liberals hate religion so much and want to purge it from our government and society.
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The whole Romans 13 thing about the state taking the place of God absolutely reeks of Francis Schaeffef. He made this exact point on Romans 13 in his magnus opus How Should We then Live, as well as in his later work The Christian Manifesto. He made it in speeches about Roe v. Wade too. His point was that if there is no higher divine law above the state that the state is bound to follow, and if there is therefore no room for Christian civil disobedience, then the state has de facto become God. A couple quotes from Schaeffer:

"We must realize that the Reformation world view leads in the direction of government freedom. But the humanist world view with inevitable certainty leads in the direction of statism. This is so because humanists, having no god, must put something at the center, and it is inevitably society, government, or the state. "

And another:

"...if there is no place for disobeying the government, that government has been put in the place of the living God. In such a case, the government has been made a false god. If there is no place for disobeying a human government, what government has been made GOD."

No wonder liberals hate religion so much and want to purge it from our government and society.

And communists create a Cult of personality e.g. Mao, Carl Marx, Lennin, Stalin, Castro, Che, all the Kims in best Korea, Chavez etc etc etc
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:26:31 PM EDT
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These are a piece of performance art.

Whoever created them intentionally made a bunch of crazy conspiracy theory imagery, and then distributed them places they knew people would find them readily and was monitoring the message boards across several different websites and collecting quotes and snippets and theories he finds the most amusing.

This will be put up in an art gallery somewhere in Los Angeles, San Francisco, or New York where a bunch of smug liberals will get together and laugh at all the crazy right wing theories these bills are generating.

This is some edgy Banksy level bullshit
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I keep meaning to ask you, what is your avatar from?
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:27:08 PM EDT
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embrace the suck

spent a coons age exploring owls, ourboros, illuminati icons and pat boone today

guess what shepard fairey's current gallery show on the bad brains is called?
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Exhibition Dates: July 23, 2016 – August 20, 2016
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:28:00 PM EDT
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I keep meaning to ask you, what is your avatar from?
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These are a piece of performance art.

Whoever created them intentionally made a bunch of crazy conspiracy theory imagery, and then distributed them places they knew people would find them readily and was monitoring the message boards across several different websites and collecting quotes and snippets and theories he finds the most amusing.

This will be put up in an art gallery somewhere in Los Angeles, San Francisco, or New York where a bunch of smug liberals will get together and laugh at all the crazy right wing theories these bills are generating.

This is some edgy Banksy level bullshit

I keep meaning to ask you, what is your avatar from?

Album cover.

Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:31:37 PM EDT
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Someone seemingly finds some amazing new details about this mysterious new bill.


They will either out themselves by releasing some new information that's just way too insider to be believable


I'm gonna come up with a title for them, let's see how close it is.

Eating fear, the culture of paranoia.
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These are a piece of performance art.

Whoever created them intentionally made a bunch of crazy conspiracy theory imagery, and then distributed them places they knew people would find them readily and was monitoring the message boards across several different websites and collecting quotes and snippets and theories he finds the most amusing.

This will be put up in an art gallery somewhere in Los Angeles, San Francisco, or New York where a bunch of smug liberals will get together and laugh at all the crazy right wing theories these bills are generating.

This is some edgy Banksy level bullshit

  Wow! How did you find that out?

I used to date a chick who did this kind of thing, but on a much smaller scale.

Had a dream about her when I got off of work this morning.

  So, like us, you have no idea.

Someone seemingly finds some amazing new details about this mysterious new bill.


They will either out themselves by releasing some new information that's just way too insider to be believable


I'm gonna come up with a title for them, let's see how close it is.

Eating fear, the culture of paranoia.

I've already called one out... went strangely silent.  It's not hard to see who *might* be playing us vs. playing along with us.  I could be wrong, but I like my chances.
Link Posted: 9/11/2016 3:31:40 PM EDT

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Let's say this is a huge document dump. What information could be so damning that the government (beast) would die?

Please someone, help me wrap my head around this.
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It wold have to do ncriminate enough that they would turn on one another to meet the hype.
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