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Link Posted: 6/11/2010 10:16:24 PM EDT
OP must have nine lives to keep surviving shit like this...

I don't know why people haven't learned to recognize his screenname and automatically think "Oh, it's just this asshole again."

I like how he was discussing her teeth earlier in the thread, but once he got caught lying tried to pass it off as "Uh, I meant they look similar."

What a dickhead!!!

it's not like this is the first time he's gotten his ass reamed either.  he just keeps bouncing back...

Can you imagine how sucktastic his real life must be if he has to resort to this kinda stuff for fun?

Link Posted: 6/11/2010 10:18:57 PM EDT
OP must have nine lives to keep surviving shit like this...

I don't know why people haven't learned to recognize his screenname and automatically think "Oh, it's just this asshole again."

I like how he was discussing her teeth earlier in the thread, but once he got caught lying tried to pass it off as "Uh, I meant they look similar."

What a dickhead!!!

it's not like this is the first time he's gotten his ass reamed either.  he just keeps bouncing back...

Can you imagine how sucktastic his real life must be if he has to resort to this kinda stuff for fun?

it can't be that bad, he's banging models right and left
Link Posted: 6/11/2010 10:19:28 PM EDT


OP has about 30 threads in 2 days about women, pussy, cheating, marriage, having kids, and about twenty other bullshit threads.

And they are all a figment of his imagination but he got nailed to the wall in this thread because he stole pics off of the internet to pass of as the girl in this thread.
A member knows the girl and smacked his little pee pee, he hasn't came back to answer but he is posting in other threads so time will tell

The situation is real, although I probably won't do anything.

Please explain the picture, ar jedi says it aint so, what's your side of the story?

Ar-jedi is right that pic is from flickr. I didn't want to post her real face but they look similar. Compromise to satisfy the pic-mongers.

Hmm, ok...well fuck you then.
Link Posted: 6/11/2010 10:20:46 PM EDT



Can you imagine how sucktastic his real life must be if he has to resort to this kinda stuff for fun?

it can't be that bad, he's banging models right and left

Well, girls that look similar to models.

Link Posted: 6/11/2010 10:21:05 PM EDT
OP must have nine lives to keep surviving shit like this...

I don't know why people haven't learned to recognize his screenname and automatically think "Oh, it's just this asshole again."

I like how he was discussing her teeth earlier in the thread, but once he got caught lying tried to pass it off as "Uh, I meant they look similar."

What a dickhead!!!

it's not like this is the first time he's gotten his ass reamed either.  he just keeps bouncing back...

Can you imagine how sucktastic his real life must be if he has to resort to this kinda stuff for fun?

it can't be that bad, he's banging models right and left

Unfortunately, they're this kind of models:

Link Posted: 6/11/2010 10:22:46 PM EDT
Go for it. Take pictures. Post here. Profit.
Link Posted: 6/11/2010 10:23:20 PM EDT
OP must have nine lives to keep surviving shit like this...

I don't know why people haven't learned to recognize his screenname and automatically think "Oh, it's just this asshole again."

I like how he was discussing her teeth earlier in the thread, but once he got caught lying tried to pass it off as "Uh, I meant they look similar."

What a dickhead!!!

One of the first threads I ever read on arfcom was the Mudfish/housekeeper thread.  It was funny at first when he started tripping over his dick, then it just became sad.

it's not like this is the first time he's gotten his ass reamed either.  he just keeps bouncing back...

Can you imagine how sucktastic his real life must be if he has to resort to this kinda stuff for fun?

One of the first threads i read on arfcom was the Mudfish/housekeeper thread.  It was funny at first when he started stepping on his dick, then it just became sad.
Link Posted: 6/11/2010 10:23:40 PM EDT


Can you imagine how sucktastic his real life must be if he has to resort to this kinda stuff for fun?

it can't be that bad, he's banging models right and left

Well, girls that look similar to models.


pish posh, same thing

Link Posted: 6/12/2010 12:32:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 12:49:34 AM EDT
Dude, I want to call you something that earned me a 72 hour vacation but I won't.

If you had to ask an Internet site whether or not to bang this decent looking 20 year old, leave your current girlfriend. This shouldn't even be a question. Taking the "High road" to you is just not "foing"? Seriously tge hgh road would have never been considering it to the point to raise attention online.

How would your girlfriend like to be pointed toward this thread? Would she apprciate you takingthe high road? I bet she wouldn't see it that way.


The fact that you even have to ask this question speaks volumes about your character, or lack thereof.



You should know better if you are in your thirties.  Obviously the GF is worthwhile if you've stuck around for 9 months.


how about you just stop being a douche and not fuck her at all ?

Yeah I suppose I'll take the high road

Link Posted: 6/12/2010 2:50:24 AM EDT


Beingsafe...creating a new username right now.

I had this same thought, none of his threads or any post he makes will be taken serious, some people have believed his BS in the past but a few of us never did.

Now the people that did believe his shit never will and a new SN for the OP is almost certain now

Link Posted: 6/12/2010 2:59:51 AM EDT
I have been with my wife since 91 and we have been married since 96.
I have never even contemplated the thought of cheating on her with another women.
Not even when I traveling playing ball, won a trips to Vegas and Tahoe with work, or go to Miami for meetings.

Get a Clue
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 4:07:00 AM EDT
Five pages of bullshit. All this time you could be banging the stink out of that scratchy snizz. And fuck it, make your GF watch.
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 4:36:12 AM EDT



Okay here is another pic - having fun with the hula hoops


hey do me a favor, say hi to Katie from Robert C –– we were in a lot of the same MBA classes at UPenn Wharton together.  she hung at my place on Lancaster (Old Quaker Building) a lot, she'll remember that and criss-cut vinegar fries from the New Deck Tavern on Samson Street at 3am...



I remember when the deck on the New Deck was built.  My buddy was the foreman and wound up marrying the New Deck owners' daughter.

Haven't been there in 20-ish years....

Link Posted: 6/12/2010 4:41:17 AM EDT


Get both.

And post pics

Link Posted: 6/12/2010 5:13:07 AM EDT
Man there are a lot of cute Katies on flickr.

and yet you are forever stuck in a long term relationship with Jill.

Katie thought your "apology" was so weak that there is no way you have a real girlfriend ––
otherwise you'd certainly know how to make a sincere apology.

Link Posted: 6/12/2010 6:17:14 AM EDT

Okay this thread has taken on a life of its own.

I'll make it up to you, I'll post a REAL pic of the girl in question. Would that make it better?
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 6:23:48 AM EDT


Okay this thread has taken on a life of its own.

I'll make it up to you, I'll post a REAL pic of the girl in question. Would that make it better?

Short of writing ARFCOM in purple sharpie on her tits and posting pics, no one will believe you.

Link Posted: 6/12/2010 6:23:55 AM EDT
Could you ask your GF if she is interested in a little 3 way action?

OH YES!!!!
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 6:29:56 AM EDT
Okay here is another pic - having fun with the hula hoops

hey do me a favor, say hi to Katie from Robert C –– we were in a lot of the same MBA classes at UPenn Wharton together.  she hung at my place on Lancaster (Old Quaker Building) a lot, she'll remember that and criss-cut vinegar fries from the New Deck Tavern on Samson Street at 3am...

hey beingsafe,

here is an update for you...

i just got email back from Katie and she has no fucking idea who you are.

HOLEEEEE FUCK.  Someone just got owned!  In before page 50!!!  I love ARFCOM!!!

she said you stole that photo from a modeling shoot that she did for Carlos Benjamin.


now she is freaked the fuck out.  she wants to know if she needs to call the authorities.  

please explain yourself before there is an ARFCOM witch hunt for your ass.


Link Posted: 6/12/2010 6:50:19 AM EDT

Link Posted: 6/12/2010 7:05:37 AM EDT

OP has about 30 threads in 2 days about women, pussy, cheating, marriage, having kids, and about twenty other bullshit threads.

And they are all a figment of his imagination but he got nailed to the wall in this thread because he stole pics off of the internet to pass of as the girl in this thread.
A member knows the girl and smacked his little pee pee, he hasn't came back to answer but he is posting in other threads so time will tell

The situation is real, although I probably won't do anything.

The first rule when you are digging yourself deeper into a hole is quit digging. Putz.

Link Posted: 6/12/2010 7:39:52 AM EDT
I'll make it up to you, I'll post a REAL pic of the girl in question. Would that make it better?

the problem with credibility is that once you have lost it, it takes a lot of work to restore it.
and you don't have it in you to put in the honest hard work to get to the point that people trust you again.
this is probably representative of other "real life" relationship issues that you have as well.

you can either proceed through life with honesty and integrity, or alternatively you are going to suffer a lot of call-outs which you will invariably be on the losing end of.   this will not go well for you in the long term –– ponzi schemes of lie upon lie ultimately crash, and in the end you'll have no friends much less a girlfriend or wife.

ARFCOM doesn't delete accounts –– log off and don't log back in.


Link Posted: 6/12/2010 7:42:32 AM EDT
I'll make it up to you, I'll post a REAL pic of the girl in question. Would that make it better?

ARFCOM doesn't delete accounts –– log off and don't log back in.


They don't delete accounts?

Link Posted: 6/12/2010 7:44:18 AM EDT

Okay this thread has taken on a life of its own.

I'll make it up to you, I'll post a REAL pic of the girl in question. Would that make it better?

Link Posted: 6/12/2010 8:08:54 AM EDT


Okay this thread has taken on a life of its own.

I'll make it up to you, I'll post a REAL pic of the girl in question. Would that make it better?

Yeah sure, go dredge up another photo from your googling escapades to pull off as the "chick your gonna bang"

Link Posted: 6/12/2010 8:19:08 AM EDT

Okay this thread has taken on a life of its own.

I'll make it up to you, I'll post a REAL pic of the girl in question. Would that make it better?

You should probably wait at least a couple of months to do this. That way maybe there will be a few new posters on Arfcom that won't know about your continual stream of bullshit.

Link Posted: 6/12/2010 8:25:05 AM EDT

Okay this thread has taken on a life of its own.

I'll make it up to you, I'll post a REAL pic of the girl in question. Would that make it better?

You should probably wait at least a couple of months to do this. That way maybe there will be a few new posters on Arfcom that won't know about your continual stream of bullshit.

That's harsh.
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 8:46:21 AM EDT
When does the part come where you fake your death?
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 8:49:50 AM EDT
EDIT: Just saw that you got fucking owned. Please do yourself and us a favor and don't ever post again.

If you would rather be fucking her, break up with your GF before you do it. You don't deserve your GF anyway. But won't you look the fool if you've misinterpreted the whole thing or if it was a trap.

Link Posted: 6/12/2010 9:32:09 AM EDT
These trolls that are FOS are like snapping turtles in a culvert, pull one out and another moves in within 2 days
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 9:42:01 AM EDT
These trolls that are FOS are like snapping turtles in a culvert, pull one out and another moves in within 2 days

What trolling? It's all true, dude. In fact, something happened last night that was high drama, but I'm not going to post it here because of all the non-believers.
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 9:47:43 AM EDT
thread blows.
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 9:55:02 AM EDT



These trolls that are FOS are like snapping turtles in a culvert, pull one out and another moves in within 2 days

What trolling? It's all true, dude. In fact, something happened last night that was high drama, but I'm not going to post it here because of all the non-believers.

Or you couldn't google a pic to throw in with the new drama, using an unknown pic of a model was funny though, you never dreamed that a member here would actually know the Girl.

I will admit, this thread made me LMAO

Link Posted: 6/12/2010 9:57:40 AM EDT

These trolls that are FOS are like snapping turtles in a culvert, pull one out and another moves in within 2 days

What trolling? It's all true, dude. In fact, something happened last night that was high drama, but I'm not going to post it here because of all the non-believers.

Or you couldn't google a pic to throw in with the new drama, using an unknown pic of a model was funny though, you never dreamed that a member here would actually know the Girl.
I will admit, this thread made me LMAO

Glad you found it amusing.
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 10:12:36 AM EDT
EDIT: Just saw that you got fucking owned. Please do yourself and us a favor and don't ever post again.

If you would rather be fucking her, break up with your GF before you do it. You don't deserve your GF anyway. But won't you look the fool if you've misinterpreted the whole thing or if it was a trap.  

stop posting?  this isn't even a speed bump for this guy...
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 10:13:12 AM EDT
These trolls that are FOS are like snapping turtles in a culvert, pull one out and another moves in within 2 days

What trolling? It's all true, dude. In fact, something happened last night that was high drama, but I'm not going to post it here because of all the non-believers.

post it up, man.  you can't be worried about your reputation.
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 10:14:47 AM EDT
So you are a pathological liar.... When does this guy get the ban? I really hope its soon!

Link Posted: 6/12/2010 10:16:04 AM EDT
So you are a pathological liar.... When does this guy get the ban? I really hope its soon!

See what I mean? Non-believers.
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 10:28:01 AM EDT
So you are a pathological liar.... When does this guy get the ban? I really hope its soon!

See what I mean? Non-believers.

ignore that guy, you're creating a legend
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 10:29:40 AM EDT
So you are a pathological liar.... When does this guy get the ban? I really hope its soon!

See what I mean? Non-believers.

What does it matter if I believe you? You have already proved yourself to be a liar. Thats like me saying "here is my wife look guys I love her" and its a picture of Lady gaga...  
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 11:22:20 AM EDT

Okay this thread has taken on a life of its own.

I'll make it up to you, I'll post a REAL pic of the girl in question. Would that make it better?

You should probably wait at least a couple of months to do this. That way maybe there will be a few new posters on Arfcom that won't know about your continual stream of bullshit.

That's harsh.

No, it isn't. You're a fucking tool.
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 11:29:50 AM EDT
Dude...I'd hit that til I broke it.  Ravage...maybe thats the appropriate word.

Link Posted: 6/12/2010 11:31:32 AM EDT
Get both.

This.  You only live once...
Check your mirrors, now don't drive angry...not bad for a quadraped.

Link Posted: 6/12/2010 12:12:11 PM EDT
struggling so hard to be cool since Jan 2010
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 12:14:11 PM EDT
When does the part come where you fake your death?

Does it have to be faked?

Link Posted: 6/12/2010 12:20:06 PM EDT

That's all we need to know this thread is complete bullshit. Just like all his other threads.

http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=1&f=5&t=1052492 (At least we know he lives with his mom)
http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=1&f=5&t=1050534 (This one made me LOL)
http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=1&f=5&t=1030637 (LMAO)
http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=1&f=5&t=1034580 (You also like flirting with 18 year old pawn shop girls? I thought you said you were 30? pedo much?)
http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=1&f=5&t=1034627 (So you broke up?)
http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=1&f=5&t=1031947 (More Bullshit)
http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=1&f=5&t=1031539 (So did you buy that $275,000 house?)
http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=1&f=5&t=1028548 (GFs sister also a meth addict? OH SHIT LOL)
http://www.ar15.com/forums/topic.html?b=1&f=5&t=1026748 (shit I didn't know you were also an artist!!)

Too many to quote...
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 12:24:15 PM EDT
So you are a pathological liar.... When does this guy get the ban? I really hope its soon!

See what I mean? Non-believers.

Anything else you post couldn't be any worse than what you already have. What have ya got to loose man? C'mon post it up, we need some more laughs.
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 12:30:28 PM EDT
I guess this title thread was appropriate "Bad situation on the horizon"
Link Posted: 6/12/2010 12:53:58 PM EDT
how did a non paying member make a poll?
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