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Posted: 12/12/2010 2:48:28 PM EDT
Watching the DVDs and just finished the series. I was trying to avoid spoilers, but it seems that no one discusses it anymore anyway.

What was the general consensus about how the series ended?
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 2:49:06 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 2:49:07 PM EDT
sucked ass
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 2:57:54 PM EDT
bag of dicks
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 2:59:58 PM EDT
It deviated fromwhere I wanted it to go in S3, what with all the "Final Five" who's a Cylon drama, so I'm not sure how they could have ended it satisfactorily. I was underwhelmed by the last hour, but confused too; it seems like they just left too much unexplained, like what the frack was up with Starbuck.

I never bought Tigh and Tyrol as Cylons. I seriously doubt that was planned from the start. Ruined their characters for me.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:03:09 PM EDT


It deviated fromwhere I wanted it to go in S3, what with all the "Final Five" who's a Cylon drama, so I'm not sure how they could have ended it satisfactorily. I was underwhelmed by the last hour, but confused too; it seems like they just left too much unexplained, like what the frack was up with Starbuck.

I never bought Tigh and Tyrol as Cylons. I seriously doubt that was planned from the start. Ruined their characters for me.

IIRC moore just threw darts at characters on a board and where they landed was cylons.

Tigh being a Cylon really pissed me off though.  Way out of character along with Tyrol.  Of course they wrote themselves into a corner with Starbuck so just make her mystical... Bleh...

They had so much to work with and just let it go to waste.  

Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:03:26 PM EDT
From what I gathered Starbuck was some sort of angel/demigoddess, after her death.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:06:36 PM EDT
I loved the series and watched every episode  but as the series drew to an end I was reminded of how insanely stupid the original series wound down.  It was deja vu all over again.  I felt victimized for the second time.  I felt so sickened, I don't even want to buy the DVDs now.  It was like the script writers had a mind melt down and the actors and director just wanted to take the money and run.  I'm loosing interest in the spinoff because I know I'm going to be disappointed a third time.  The script writers are already showing a lack of quality work.  Its like a soap opera that got mentally nuked.  What ever happened to the SYFY Friday everyone couldn't wait to watch.  It's dead.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:08:44 PM EDT
More proof that Ronald D. Moore can create an AMAZING, gripping, and meaningful story and yet somehow can't come up with a satisfying way to bring it to a conclusion to save his life.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:09:03 PM EDT
I'll cut and paste a thread I made about BSG once I had finished the series:

I missed the entire bandwagon with this show. I had only heard about it in passing and missed its original run of aired episodes entirely. Thanks to a buddy of mine, I have finally watched the entire series from Season 1 through 4.5, including the "Razor" mini-movie thing they did. It took me about 2 or so solid months but I finished the show with the series finale a few hours ago. I would have posted about the show sooner but didn't want to have anything ruined for me with spoilers.

Without delving into a ridiculously-long analysis of the show with my thoughts, I'd rather just list a quick highlight of things I loved about the show and things that pissed me off

1. The series finale was awesome, until the final 30 seconds. The whole "Starbuck was an angel" and "God solves everything" solution to all the plotlines was a frakking joke. Talk about a deus ex machina for ending the plot

2. The revelation of Ellen Tigh as the final Cylon was such a letdown. They built it up so much through season after season, only to have it quickly revealed with her waking up in the resurrection chamber. Even before that it was pretty much revealed when Saul is wading through the water on "fake" Earth.

3. The series ending of all the surviving colonists being the ancient ancestors to modern Earth was fucking terrible.

4. Tory getting her neck snapped by Tyrol was fucking awesome, I hated that bitch.

5. I was very disappointed that Baltar didn't have his neck snapped as well.

6. The whole thing with Anders turning into a hybrid-type thing.....

7. The one-year jump from Season 2 to 3 with New Caprica and everyone marrying and shit was stupid. It seemed that the writers realized that and tried to turn things back to before as fast as they could.

8. There were so many times in that show where someone needed to be shot and killed and it never happened. Man that pissed me off so many times. The stupidest one was when the mutiny is going down and Adama is about to be executed. He is rescued and instead of killing his would-be executioners, he says "LOL I need allies let's work together" and bam they all start to work for him again. WTF.

9. Colonel Tigh was my favorite character on the show because of how much he wanted to kill Cylons and how ruthless he was. When I found out he was one of the Final Five.....well....
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:09:28 PM EDT
I think the perfect series finale would have been the season 4.0 last episode, Revelations

From wiki:

In the final scene of the episode, the Fleet jubilantly arrives at Earth. Adama announces to the Fleet that their journey is finally over. A party of humans and Cylons travels down to the surface, but are speechless when they arrive in the radioactive ruins of a developed city.

In fact this is how the series now ends, in my mind. Like the three Star Wars prequels, season 4.5 simply doesn't exist for me
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:09:42 PM EDT
It was OK........I guess

You knew where they were going , just not 'when' .
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:11:34 PM EDT
I'll cut and paste a thread I made about BSG once I had finished the series:

9. Colonel Tigh was my favorite character on the show because of how much he wanted to kill Cylons and how ruthless he was. When I found out he was one of the Final Five.....well....

I never understood that one either. Especially him serving alongside Adama (the elder) in their younger days and being friends in since their 20s and 30s, yet he's actually been a Cylon who's been an old man for thousands of years.

Does. Not. Compute.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:13:06 PM EDT
Ignore everything after Adama is sitting on the hill 'talking' to Laura. It should have ended there IMO.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:14:35 PM EDT


Watching the DVDs and just finished the series.

I'm so sorry for you.

Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:15:05 PM EDT
I'll cut and paste a thread I made about BSG once I had finished the series:

I missed the entire bandwagon with this show. I had only heard about it in passing and missed its original run of aired episodes entirely. Thanks to a buddy of mine, I have finally watched the entire series from Season 1 through 4.5, including the "Razor" mini-movie thing they did. It took me about 2 or so solid months but I finished the show with the series finale a few hours ago. I would have posted about the show sooner but didn't want to have anything ruined for me with spoilers.

Without delving into a ridiculously-long analysis of the show with my thoughts, I'd rather just list a quick highlight of things I loved about the show and things that pissed me off

1. The series finale was awesome, until the final 30 seconds. The whole "Starbuck was an angel" and "God solves everything" solution to all the plotlines was a frakking joke. Talk about a deus ex machina for ending the plot

2. The revelation of Ellen Tigh as the final Cylon was such a letdown. They built it up so much through season after season, only to have it quickly revealed with her waking up in the resurrection chamber. Even before that it was pretty much revealed when Saul is wading through the water on "fake" Earth.

3. The series ending of all the surviving colonists being the ancient ancestors to modern Earth was fucking terrible.

4. Tory getting her neck snapped by Tyrol was fucking awesome, I hated that bitch.

5. I was very disappointed that Baltar didn't have his neck snapped as well.

6. The whole thing with Anders turning into a hybrid-type thing.....

7. The one-year jump from Season 2 to 3 with New Caprica and everyone marrying and shit was stupid. It seemed that the writers realized that and tried to turn things back to before as fast as they could.

8. There were so many times in that show where someone needed to be shot and killed and it never happened. Man that pissed me off so many times. The stupidest one was when the mutiny is going down and Adama is about to be executed. He is rescued and instead of killing his would-be executioners, he says "LOL I need allies let's work together" and bam they all start to work for him again. WTF.

9. Colonel Tigh was my favorite character on the show because of how much he wanted to kill Cylons and how ruthless he was. When I found out he was one of the Final Five.....well....

It was obvious after season 3 that they never really had a clue where they were going with the whole series much less the individual characters.  In the end that is what killed it.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:16:49 PM EDT
I loved the series and watched every episode  but as the series drew to an end I was reminded of how insanely stupid the original series wound down.  It was deja vu all over again.  I felt victimized for the second time.  I felt so sickened, I don't even want to buy the DVDs now.

Interesting. I usually record TV shows to my hard drive then delete them after I watch, to save space. I was watching BSG on DVD, but as the last episode was dragging on, I found myself thinking that if I had recorded it, as soon as the credits rolled I would have hit the DELETE button. The show is pretty much dead to me now, unlike shows I buy the DVDs for so I can watch them over and over again.

Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:18:56 PM EDT
it was crap and I guess they are still among us and they are the aliens in real life... give me a break... and why wouldn't they save one or two of the ship just in case. GOD Don't get me started on this. Years of my life wasted on an angle and a bunch of gibberish
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:19:05 PM EDT
Honestly, the way I would have ended the series... instead of arriving 200,000 years ago and being the ancestors of modern man, or arriving in 1980 (barf) how about Earth really IS the 13th colony and they arrive around, say, 2300 or 2400 or 2500 and find Earth-bound humanity a spacefaring people who are a damn sight more technologically advanced than the 12 Colonies ever were, with a lot of territory under their sphere of influence, but totally unawares that they're not completely alone in the universe.

Have a lot of tension and drama over these unknown ships from an unknown place arriving bearing other men, and possibly carrying the biggest shitstorm in history behind them, the holy-shit factor involved in this, and have kind of a "Texas joins the United States then both go to war against Mexico" allegory in that after the necessary drama, humanity takes the Colonials in, but the total breakdown in relations with the Cylons results in a total refusal of Terran humans to accept them, with the series ending in an apocalyptic battle between the Colonials alongside the Terran humans, and the entire Cylon fleet that's been tailing them, ending in victory but foreshadowing the possibility of an unending war between the 13th Colony and the Cylons at some unknown point in the future, and it's the 12 Colonies' fault...
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:19:38 PM EDT
I'll cut and paste a thread I made about BSG once I had finished the series:

I missed the entire bandwagon with this show. I had only heard about it in passing and missed its original run of aired episodes entirely. Thanks to a buddy of mine, I have finally watched the entire series from Season 1 through 4.5, including the "Razor" mini-movie thing they did. It took me about 2 or so solid months but I finished the show with the series finale a few hours ago. I would have posted about the show sooner but didn't want to have anything ruined for me with spoilers.

Without delving into a ridiculously-long analysis of the show with my thoughts, I'd rather just list a quick highlight of things I loved about the show and things that pissed me off

1. The series finale was awesome, until the final 30 seconds. The whole "Starbuck was an angel" and "God solves everything" solution to all the plotlines was a frakking joke. Talk about a deus ex machina for ending the plot

2. The revelation of Ellen Tigh as the final Cylon was such a letdown. They built it up so much through season after season, only to have it quickly revealed with her waking up in the resurrection chamber. Even before that it was pretty much revealed when Saul is wading through the water on "fake" Earth.

3. The series ending of all the surviving colonists being the ancient ancestors to modern Earth was fucking terrible.

4. Tory getting her neck snapped by Tyrol was fucking awesome, I hated that bitch.

5. I was very disappointed that Baltar didn't have his neck snapped as well.

6. The whole thing with Anders turning into a hybrid-type thing.....

7. The one-year jump from Season 2 to 3 with New Caprica and everyone marrying and shit was stupid. It seemed that the writers realized that and tried to turn things back to before as fast as they could.

8. There were so many times in that show where someone needed to be shot and killed and it never happened. Man that pissed me off so many times. The stupidest one was when the mutiny is going down and Adama is about to be executed. He is rescued and instead of killing his would-be executioners, he says "LOL I need allies let's work together" and bam they all start to work for him again. WTF.

9. Colonel Tigh was my favorite character on the show because of how much he wanted to kill Cylons and how ruthless he was. When I found out he was one of the Final Five.....well....

It was obvious after season 3 that they never really had a clue where they were going with the whole series much less the individual characters.  In the end that is what killed it.

Yep. They all of a sudden land on New Caprica and everyone is happy and married. Lee Adama turns into a fatass and other random shit goes on. Then they are saved and everything reverts back to as it was before, for the most part.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:21:00 PM EDT


It was obvious after season 3 that they never really had a clue where they were going with the whole series much less the individual characters.  In the end that is what killed it.

Watch the DVD series 1 with the director / writer commentary turned on.

These guys spend most of the time sucking each others dicks bragging about how they have no plan for any of the characters and are just making shit up.  They are all fucking proud of how smart they are and also spend a good part of the time ripping on the B5 writers because that show was planned out ahead of time.  They are laughing and shit about how cool they are because they have no fucking clue what they are writing.

Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:21:05 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:24:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:24:06 PM EDT
...I thought the ending was ok.  Hell, I can't really remember it seems like ages ago.  Was that in 09 or 08?
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:24:37 PM EDT
The Luddite stuff at the end was unbelievable. Who would walk away from all that tech? The first time you had to shit in the woods, everyone would have headed back to the ships. Not to mention the first time you got hungry. And clothes, what the fuck are you going to wear after your trousers wear out. I love technology and would have rebelled if they told me to give it all up and live in the mud.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:26:48 PM EDT
AFAIK, it ended at either the moment Gaeta's leg "stopped hurting anymore", or when Cavil ate a bullet.

The rest was unnecessary, IMO.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:28:49 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:30:23 PM EDT
1. The series finale was awesome, until the final 30 seconds. The whole "Starbuck was an angel" and "God solves everything" solution to all the plotlines was a frakking joke. Talk about a deus ex machina for ending the plot

2. The revelation of Ellen Tigh as the final Cylon was such a letdown. They built it up so much through season after season, only to have it quickly revealed with her waking up in the resurrection chamber. Even before that it was pretty much revealed when Saul is wading through the water on "fake" Earth.

Pretty much my thoughts on the final episode, the rest of it just kicked ass.

I'm really disappointed by Caprica..........they fcked that all up.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:31:13 PM EDT
I didn't mind the ending, what I didn't like were the mindless filler episodes that didn't take you anywhere.

At least it didn't end with Adama, Starbuck, Apollo and The President sitting around a table at a diner in New Jersey listening to "Don't Stop Believing" with Six walking in the door and..........
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:32:07 PM EDT

Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:33:21 PM EDT
Colonel Tigh was my favorite character on the show because of how much he wanted to kill Cylons and how ruthless he was. When I found out he was one of the Final Five.....well....

He was my favorite too. My father is a similar functional alcoholic, and the character was played perfectly.

If I ever see Moore in person, I will tell him "I hate you".

Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:36:45 PM EDT


AFAIK, it ended at either the moment Gaeta's leg "stopped hurting anymore", or when Cavil ate a bullet.

The rest was unnecessary, IMO.

He was another character that I felt got shafted.  Gaeta was an interesting character trying to find his place... till the writers fucked him over.

Baltar, when I originally watched the beginning and season 1 I thought was dumb, but as I watched it more, I appreciated what he thought was his insanity constantly talking to 6.  Season 2.5+ was a waste of the sheer hilarity that Baltar was becoming.

Baltar, another character that was wasted on dumbass writing.

Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:38:19 PM EDT
Colonel Tigh was my favorite character on the show because of how much he wanted to kill Cylons and how ruthless he was. When I found out he was one of the Final Five.....well....

He was my favorite too. My father is a similar functional alcoholic, and the character was played perfectly.

If I ever see Moore in person, I will tell him "I hate you".

It could have been played out better.  The whole "this has been done before, so let's see how it goes again" crap from the "maker" was stupid.  So we're actually going to fly all of our technology into the sun and start over from the Stone Age?   ok......
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:39:02 PM EDT
The last 25 minutes of the final episode ruined the series.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:40:54 PM EDT
Honestly, the way I would have ended the series... instead of arriving 200,000 years ago and being the ancestors of modern man, or arriving in 1980 (barf) how about Earth really IS the 13th colony and they arrive around, say, 2300 or 2400 or 2500 and find Earth-bound humanity a spacefaring people who are a damn sight more technologically advanced than the 12 Colonies ever were, with a lot of territory under their sphere of influence, but totally unawares that they're not completely alone in the universe.

Have a lot of tension and drama over these unknown ships from an unknown place arriving bearing other men, and possibly carrying the biggest shitstorm in history behind them, the holy-shit factor involved in this, and have kind of a "Texas joins the United States then both go to war against Mexico" allegory in that after the necessary drama, humanity takes the Colonials in, but the total breakdown in relations with the Cylons results in a total refusal of Terran humans to accept them, with the series ending in an apocalyptic battle between the Colonials alongside the Terran humans, and the entire Cylon fleet that's been tailing them, ending in victory but foreshadowing the possibility of an unending war between the 13th Colony and the Cylons at some unknown point in the future, and it's the 12 Colonies' fault...

Now THAT would have been an ending! too bad you wern't writing it.... AS it was, a major dissapointment.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:43:15 PM EDT
Honestly, the way I would have ended the series... instead of arriving 200,000 years ago and being the ancestors of modern man, or arriving in 1980 (barf) how about Earth really IS the 13th colony and they arrive around, say, 2300 or 2400 or 2500 and find Earth-bound humanity a spacefaring people who are a damn sight more technologically advanced than the 12 Colonies ever were, with a lot of territory under their sphere of influence, but totally unawares that they're not completely alone in the universe.

Have a lot of tension and drama over these unknown ships from an unknown place arriving bearing other men, and possibly carrying the biggest shitstorm in history behind them, the holy-shit factor involved in this, and have kind of a "Texas joins the United States then both go to war against Mexico" allegory in that after the necessary drama, humanity takes the Colonials in, but the total breakdown in relations with the Cylons results in a total refusal of Terran humans to accept them, with the series ending in an apocalyptic battle between the Colonials alongside the Terran humans, and the entire Cylon fleet that's been tailing them, ending in victory but foreshadowing the possibility of an unending war between the 13th Colony and the Cylons at some unknown point in the future, and it's the 12 Colonies' fault...

That would have been great
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:46:41 PM EDT
I agree B5 was the model on how a great series should be done.  A consistent story line for a series is as vital as the story line for a book.  It makes it or breaks it.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:51:33 PM EDT
Frack!  Bang!

Sucked shit...
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:53:41 PM EDT
Honestly, the way I would have ended the series... instead of arriving 200,000 years ago and being the ancestors of modern man, or arriving in 1980 (barf) how about Earth really IS the 13th colony and they arrive around, say, 2300 or 2400 or 2500 and find Earth-bound humanity a spacefaring people who are a damn sight more technologically advanced than the 12 Colonies ever were, with a lot of territory under their sphere of influence, but totally unawares that they're not completely alone in the universe.

Have a lot of tension and drama over these unknown ships from an unknown place arriving bearing other men, and possibly carrying the biggest shitstorm in history behind them, the holy-shit factor involved in this, and have kind of a "Texas joins the United States then both go to war against Mexico" allegory in that after the necessary drama, humanity takes the Colonials in, but the total breakdown in relations with the Cylons results in a total refusal of Terran humans to accept them, with the series ending in an apocalyptic battle between the Colonials alongside the Terran humans, and the entire Cylon fleet that's been tailing them, ending in victory but foreshadowing the possibility of an unending war between the 13th Colony and the Cylons at some unknown point in the future, and it's the 12 Colonies' fault...

I think I just got a chub...

Naw, how about instead, we jump to a prequel that takes place 50 years earlier.  Make it a homocentric mafia soap opera, with quasi-religious overtones with a 9/11ish flavor.

HA.  NOBODY would be dumb enough to produce something THAT stupid.

Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:56:30 PM EDT
I liked the ending episodes, for the most part.  4/5, with a 6/5 for Bill Adama's final scene and the last exchange between Baltar and Caprica Six.  (Not the "Other" versions, the two on old Earth.)  Ignore the whiny bitches, they can't find a hose to wash all the sand out of their vaginas.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:57:15 PM EDT

Naw, how about instead, we jump to a prequel that takes place 50 years earlier.  Make it a homocentric mafia soap opera, with quasi-religious overtones with a 9/11ish flavor.

HA.  NOBODY would be dumb enough to produce something THAT stupid.

The robot chick is pretty hot though. Made it worth watching an episode or two.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:57:55 PM EDT
Honestly, the way I would have ended the series... instead of arriving 200,000 years ago and being the ancestors of modern man, or arriving in 1980 (barf) how about Earth really IS the 13th colony and they arrive around, say, 2300 or 2400 or 2500 and find Earth-bound humanity a spacefaring people who are a damn sight more technologically advanced than the 12 Colonies ever were, with a lot of territory under their sphere of influence, but totally unawares that they're not completely alone in the universe.

Have a lot of tension and drama over these unknown ships from an unknown place arriving bearing other men, and possibly carrying the biggest shitstorm in history behind them, the holy-shit factor involved in this, and have kind of a "Texas joins the United States then both go to war against Mexico" allegory in that after the necessary drama, humanity takes the Colonials in, but the total breakdown in relations with the Cylons results in a total refusal of Terran humans to accept them, with the series ending in an apocalyptic battle between the Colonials alongside the Terran humans, and the entire Cylon fleet that's been tailing them, ending in victory but foreshadowing the possibility of an unending war between the 13th Colony and the Cylons at some unknown point in the future, and it's the 12 Colonies' fault...

Your hired.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 3:59:58 PM EDT
Honestly, the way I would have ended the series... instead of arriving 200,000 years ago and being the ancestors of modern man, or arriving in 1980 (barf) how about Earth really IS the 13th colony and they arrive around, say, 2300 or 2400 or 2500 and find Earth-bound humanity a spacefaring people who are a damn sight more technologically advanced than the 12 Colonies ever were, with a lot of territory under their sphere of influence, but totally unawares that they're not completely alone in the universe.

Have a lot of tension and drama over these unknown ships from an unknown place arriving bearing other men, and possibly carrying the biggest shitstorm in history behind them, the holy-shit factor involved in this, and have kind of a "Texas joins the United States then both go to war against Mexico" allegory in that after the necessary drama, humanity takes the Colonials in, but the total breakdown in relations with the Cylons results in a total refusal of Terran humans to accept them, with the series ending in an apocalyptic battle between the Colonials alongside the Terran humans, and the entire Cylon fleet that's been tailing them, ending in victory but foreshadowing the possibility of an unending war between the 13th Colony and the Cylons at some unknown point in the future, and it's the 12 Colonies' fault...

Your hired.

So...you wanted the Galactica to meet the Enterprise? :D
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 4:07:02 PM EDT




Honestly, the way I would have ended the series... instead of arriving 200,000 years ago and being the ancestors of modern man, or arriving in 1980 (barf) how about Earth really IS the 13th colony and they arrive around, say, 2300 or 2400 or 2500 and find Earth-bound humanity a spacefaring people who are a damn sight more technologically advanced than the 12 Colonies ever were, with a lot of territory under their sphere of influence, but totally unawares that they're not completely alone in the universe.

Have a lot of tension and drama over these unknown ships from an unknown place arriving bearing other men, and possibly carrying the biggest shitstorm in history behind them, the holy-shit factor involved in this, and have kind of a "Texas joins the United States then both go to war against Mexico" allegory in that after the necessary drama, humanity takes the Colonials in, but the total breakdown in relations with the Cylons results in a total refusal of Terran humans to accept them, with the series ending in an apocalyptic battle between the Colonials alongside the Terran humans, and the entire Cylon fleet that's been tailing them, ending in victory but foreshadowing the possibility of an unending war between the 13th Colony and the Cylons at some unknown point in the future, and it's the 12 Colonies' fault...

Your hired.

So...you wanted the Galactica to meet the Enterprise? :D

Link Posted: 12/12/2010 4:09:36 PM EDT
Honestly, the way I would have ended the series... instead of arriving 200,000 years ago and being the ancestors of modern man, or arriving in 1980 (barf) how about Earth really IS the 13th colony and they arrive around, say, 2300 or 2400 or 2500 and find Earth-bound humanity a spacefaring people who are a damn sight more technologically advanced than the 12 Colonies ever were, with a lot of territory under their sphere of influence, but totally unawares that they're not completely alone in the universe.

Have a lot of tension and drama over these unknown ships from an unknown place arriving bearing other men, and possibly carrying the biggest shitstorm in history behind them, the holy-shit factor involved in this, and have kind of a "Texas joins the United States then both go to war against Mexico" allegory in that after the necessary drama, humanity takes the Colonials in, but the total breakdown in relations with the Cylons results in a total refusal of Terran humans to accept them, with the series ending in an apocalyptic battle between the Colonials alongside the Terran humans, and the entire Cylon fleet that's been tailing them, ending in victory but foreshadowing the possibility of an unending war between the 13th Colony and the Cylons at some unknown point in the future, and it's the 12 Colonies' fault...

Your hired.

So...you wanted the Galactica to meet the Enterprise? :D

Funny, but no.

I actually think that would have tied in really well with the established cornerstones of the series as well as offering commentary on us as a people. Perhaps a realistic take on the future, where instead of an all-encompassing benevolent Federation, humanity is instead divided into a series of vastly different superstates each after their own agendas. Maybe on the verge of hostilities with each other... bring in the Reagan commentary on a unifying threat from outside, the possibility of events being guided (or not) by a higher power. The people of the 13th Colony left for other shores because they were sick of the troubles of their brothers, and yet the remnant of the 12 Colonies arrives now, after many millennia of separation... and brings their troubles with them. Maybe they help the 13th Colony's people achieve a unity in the face of a common foe, but at the same time do they also bring an apocalypse in the form of a looming Cylon threat of unknown size and scope somewhere out there, that otherwise may have never even encountered Earth?

I mean hell, that could branch into a whole other follow-up series, it opens so many dramatic avenues to explore. And even if not, it closes the series with a final ultimate tension and then cathartic end as our heroes are finally safe and finally have a new home. But it's not all smiles and roses, as perhaps one of the main characters could muse at the end if they've just survived the apocalypse and found safety, but at what price, and would it even last? In their quest to survive, will they have caused the eventual destruction of the 13th Colony as well?

Just so much you could do, so many questions you could answer while simultaneously opening the door to far more... and why I was so disappointed at the unimaginative luddite ending that the series actually had.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 4:10:31 PM EDT
I think the perfect series finale would have been the season 4.0 last episode, Revelations

From wiki:

In the final scene of the episode, the Fleet jubilantly arrives at Earth. Adama announces to the Fleet that their journey is finally over. A party of humans and Cylons travels down to the surface, but are speechless when they arrive in the radioactive ruins of a developed city.

In fact this is how the series now ends, in my mind. Like the three Star Wars prequels, season 4.5 simply doesn't exist for me

I agree. It would have been considered one of the best series finales ever. The final shot showing their reactions to the ruined Earth was epic.

The "real" series ending was pointless nonsense and felt like a cheesy tacked-on "happy" ending. They never should have come back for the final episodes after the writer's strike.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 4:21:32 PM EDT
Baah ; the "ruined earth' was Charlto Heston Planet of the Apes Redux. BSG deserved better.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 4:22:10 PM EDT
I liked the ending.
The characters realized that the cycles of history and future history are deterministic because of human nature, and did the only thing they could think of to break the cycle.
Nevertheless, tens of thousands of years later, the new human race is on the verge of making the same mistakes.
There's no telling whether the earth they settled on was the second earth or the fiftieth.
Life perpetuating itself and unwinding like a fractal.
This seems fits well with the real cosmology of the universe, which probably operates in cycles of boom and crunch.

I should add I just finished watching the show for the first time about a week ago.

Link Posted: 12/12/2010 4:22:58 PM EDT
Just stop watching after the second season. It starts great, but goes down hill FAST and ends up sucking donkey balls.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 4:24:36 PM EDT
I LOVED BSG.  Until the end of the last episode.  I have not rewatched a single episode of BSG since that last one aired.  I couldn't bring myself to even try to like Caprica, either.  Why?  I knew it would all amount to pure stupidity.  It would make zero sense.  And they had sex with proto-humans.  Yeah, that makes sense.
Link Posted: 12/12/2010 4:27:33 PM EDT
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