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Link Posted: 5/14/2023 7:56:16 AM EDT
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Trying to claim what was never theirs to start with
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Ahhh...what is looting Alex.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 8:01:16 AM EDT
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How many babies are about to get named Cleopatra?
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They'll spell it differently, like "K'leeohpatra" or "Kli'Uh Patruh" or some such shit.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 8:12:23 AM EDT
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I was under the impression that the pyramids were built using paid labor.
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Jews were used to build mud brick cities, not pyramids.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 8:13:27 AM EDT
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You have my gratitude.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 8:14:54 AM EDT
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They should have just set the production money on fire in the parking lot and saved all the trouble.
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Call it an art peice and film it on am iPhone cheap, heck I might actually watch that
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 9:12:49 AM EDT
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After the whole "Cuties" thing, it amazes me how/why/who still subscribes to Netflix
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Same with Dear White People and that Obama fiasco. Can we all just get together and let Netflix go the way if Bud Light?
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 9:21:25 AM EDT
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Surprised it wasn't protected by critics
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Probably a bridge too far

There really isn’t any question on Cleopatras race historically and even many liberal history  Professors are criticizing this movie from what I hear.
Only the most fringe elements of the left think having a black Cleopatra is ok.

Any serious student of this era laughs at the concept of a black Cleopatra.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 9:24:35 AM EDT
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I agree.  There is in fact conclusive evidence what her race was.  She was Macedonian so would look like a woman from Greece.  

Link Posted: 5/14/2023 9:24:37 AM EDT
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Looking forward to her next Netflix series....

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Link Posted: 5/14/2023 9:27:06 AM EDT
Not even art and history is safe from theft and looting
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 9:28:02 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 9:31:31 AM EDT
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After the whole "Cuties" thing, it amazes me how/why/who still subscribes to Netflix
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I dropped it again, got tired of this sort of nonsense from them. They're not getting any cheaper, either.

What can you expect from a company that hired the 0bamas other than garbage?

Cleopatra was of Greek/Macedonian descent, from Ptolemy. Not from sub-Saharan Africa. Everybody but Netflix knows it.

Oh, and the loons that think everything and everybody in history was African. Vikings, Romans, Greeks, etc.

Loons are gonna act loony.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 9:31:37 AM EDT
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Probably a bridge too far

There really isn’t any question on Cleopatras race historically and even many liberal history  Professors are criticizing this movie from what I hear.
Only the most fringe elements of the left think having a black Cleopatra is ok.

Any serious student of this era laughs at the concept of a black Cleopatra.
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The problem is that ignorant folks will watch this and think that Cleopatra really was black. I so tired of people changing history to fit their narrative.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 9:33:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 9:34:54 AM EDT
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They'll spell it differently, like "K'leeohpatra" or "Kli'Uh Patruh" or some such shit.
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Right, there will HAVE to be an apostrophe in there somewhere. I think it's a rule.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 9:35:20 AM EDT
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Probably a bridge too far

There really isn’t any question on Cleopatras race historically and even many liberal history  Professors are criticizing this movie from what I hear.
Only the most fringe elements of the left think having a black Cleopatra is ok.

Any serious student of this era laughs at the concept of a black Cleopatra.
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Surprised it wasn't protected by critics

Probably a bridge too far

There really isn’t any question on Cleopatras race historically and even many liberal history  Professors are criticizing this movie from what I hear.
Only the most fringe elements of the left think having a black Cleopatra is ok.

Any serious student of this era laughs at the concept of a black Cleopatra.

Seriously who gives a fuck now?

They race swap black people into every role imaginable.

Why the fuck is cleopatra off the table but Ann Boleyn isn’t?
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 9:35:51 AM EDT
See the first post
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 9:35:59 AM EDT
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Modern formula: make an absolute shit movie but use mostly black actors so when it flops you can blame racism.

Funny how racism didn't stop Coming to America, Bad Boys I/II, Friday, Harlem Nights, Boomerang, literally any movie with Denzel, or countless others from being highly successful.  It turns out, moviegoers love black actors when there's not some preachy racism undertone or other bullshit agenda.
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Literally race-baiting.

It's hilarious the reactions, and I think a few other posters are right - "they" are starting to notice it. It might be a little longer before they really start taking it seriously, but it needs to happen eventually.

And it's what I love about capitalism - it's inherently 'democratic'. If we don't like products that are pandered to us, we don't buy them.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 9:36:01 AM EDT
We still have cucks on this forum who give money to Netflix. Guessing their part of the 1% who liked it.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 9:36:02 AM EDT
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The pyramids were, probably, built using volunteer labor because it was a religious duty to do so.

Slaves were used to free Egyptians for such labors.
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But...They Wuz Kwanz!!!

And my ancestors were enslaved to build the pyramids. The kangz and kweenz owe my happy ass some reparations.

I was under the impression that the pyramids were built using paid labor.

The pyramids were, probably, built using volunteer labor because it was a religious duty to do so.

Slaves were used to free Egyptians for such labors.
If I remember my Bible correctly the Israelites were the ones who made the bricks, which when one considers the process was a lot more unpleasant than building a pyramid.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 9:36:55 AM EDT
This is the same problem with that Hamilton play. Ignorant young people see this stuff and actually believe the historical figures were black, when they weren’t.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 9:38:33 AM EDT
They make literal historical Viking black women who talk about how horrible Christianity is “while at the they were all converting from their violent pagan beliefs to Christianity”.

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Link Posted: 5/14/2023 9:49:57 AM EDT
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Seriously who gives a fuck now?

They race swap black people into every role imaginable.

Why the fuck is cleopatra off the table but Ann Boleyn isn’t?
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Apparently enough people do give a fuck.   And who said Ann Boleyn was not an issue being portrayed by a black actor?  

Most likely the reaction is due to the Egyptians and Greeks who are not woke on this subject matter and are proud of their history.  They have been very vocal on this which is bleeding over into others

Ann Boleyn is English and since the English are politically correct now a days that is why you did not hear as big an outcry from them.

The Greeks and Egyptians are fierce in the defense of their history.  

And I have also found even liberal ancient history professors are also not as woke on their specialty area and will deride anyone who tries to inject modern wokeness or interpretation into that era of history.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 9:53:14 AM EDT
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This is the same problem with that Hamilton play. Ignorant young people see this stuff and actually believe the historical figures were black, when they weren’t.
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Anybody that watched Hamiltion and thinks Washington was black would be the same idiot that thinks Cleopatra was black. Which apparently is practically nobody.

I almost wish you were right though, I would rather the idiots believed our founding fathers were black than trying to cancel them all. We need the words of Jefferson, Madison, and Washington more than ever.

Link Posted: 5/14/2023 10:00:39 AM EDT
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They'll spell it differently, like "K'leeohpatra" or "Kli'Uh Patruh" or some such shit.
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How many babies are about to get named Cleopatra?

They'll spell it differently, like "K'leeohpatra" or "Kli'Uh Patruh" or some such shit.

Or keep it spelled Cleopatra but pronounce it Clay-OP-uh-tray
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 10:03:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 10:05:59 AM EDT
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Jews were used to build mud brick cities, not pyramids.
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You mean Israelites?
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 10:08:51 AM EDT
I’m waiting for the remake of Tombstone.

Black Earps, black Doc Holiday, black Curly Bill, black Johnny Ringo, etc, etc
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 10:11:56 AM EDT
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I'm waiting for the remake of Tombstone.

Black Earps, black Doc Holiday, black Curly Bill, black Johnny Ringo, etc, etc
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Nope.  The Earps and Holiday will be black but the Cowboys will all be white as Drago in Rocky IV.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 10:15:19 AM EDT
My wife tried to get me to watch the first episode...I think not.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 10:31:03 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 10:36:33 AM EDT
Now do the new little mermaid.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 10:39:37 AM EDT
Is not liking that flaming pile of shit racist?
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 10:50:19 AM EDT
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Yeah I call bull fucking shit to that.  The Ptolemy dynasty was more inbred than the fucking Habsburgs. She(and her entire family before her) was Greek.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 10:57:27 AM EDT
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But...They Wuz Kwanz!!!

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They wuz Greek!
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 10:58:33 AM EDT
Is Will going door to door slapping people for their votes?
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:02:16 AM EDT
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If I remember my Bible correctly the Israelites were the ones who made the bricks, which when one considers the process was a lot more unpleasant than building a pyramid.
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But...They Wuz Kwanz!!!

And my ancestors were enslaved to build the pyramids. The kangz and kweenz owe my happy ass some reparations.

I was under the impression that the pyramids were built using paid labor.

The pyramids were, probably, built using volunteer labor because it was a religious duty to do so.

Slaves were used to free Egyptians for such labors.
If I remember my Bible correctly the Israelites were the ones who made the bricks, which when one considers the process was a lot more unpleasant than building a pyramid.

The bible mentioned the pyramids and making blocks?
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:03:24 AM EDT
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I think the bud light thing has open some people's eyes and are starting to distance themselves, just a bit, from the full court press of the wokeness train. Not a lot, but you can see people not as willing to potentially take the wrath that bud light is. No one wants to be cancelled by the consumers.

Everyone is taking notice, and a bit nervous as this has never happened before. Conservatives fight back, and stick with it for more than a week...Never....If we could only do that with other things. We would not have to picket, or protest, or burn down cities or kill anyone, and we could force change almost immediately.

WE ARE THE CONSUMERS IN A CONSUMER ECONOMY, which means we are the economy. And as my old boss always said, those who have the gold, make the rules. And we are now finally learning this fact, and so is everyone else.

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It’s not Bud Light. It’s constant bombardment of black washing everything you observe in society since St Floyd of Fentanyl’s Summer of Love. People have had enough, you just don’t see it on Social Media because they’re afraid of being canceled.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:04:23 AM EDT
Now do Peter Pan and Tinker Bell.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:12:50 AM EDT
sex racism rearing its ugly head.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:15:01 AM EDT
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Yeah I call bull fucking shit to that.  The Ptolemy dynasty was more inbred than the fucking Habsburgs. She(and her entire family before her) was Greek.
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Actually the inbreeding was not as bad as people think.   Not all of the generations of Ptolemy did it every generation

And reading the surviving documents from the era historians cannot find any evidence that the inbreeding lead to any genetic issues like the Habsburgs

And the ancient writers would have mentioned any genetic issues if they existed especially the Romans who did not like Cleopatra.  

Many ancient writers were like the modern National Inquirer they could never pass up a scandalous story or a physical defect in a person.  Those type of stories attracted readers like today.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:17:49 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:20:12 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:20:50 AM EDT
Imdb used to say it was a fictional docudrama. Now it says documentary with no mention that it's fictional. Interesting change considering it is in fact a fictional docudrama
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:24:57 AM EDT
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Surprised it wasn't protected by critics
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Black Panther was. It had a 100% rating on Rotten Tomatoes for quite some time.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:27:32 AM EDT
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The bible mentioned the pyramids and making blocks?
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Exodus 5:6-8
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:33:10 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:34:06 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:34:20 AM EDT
It has a rating of 1.1 at the IMDb.  I believe that's the lowest I've ever seen there.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:37:07 AM EDT
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