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Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:39:21 AM EDT
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So the producers are saying black people enslaved black people?
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It was black white supremacy, not black on black enslavement. Get with the program. Sheesh.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:53:47 AM EDT
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Looking forward to her next Netflix series....

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Link Posted: 5/14/2023 12:01:33 PM EDT
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I was under the impression that the pyramids were built using paid labor.
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That or UFOs, bruh.

Link Posted: 5/14/2023 12:04:03 PM EDT
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Looking forward to her next Netflix series....

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Link Posted: 5/14/2023 12:05:05 PM EDT
If they were as smart as they claim to be, they'd know it's a crock.  The most self-absorbed demographic.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 12:05:57 PM EDT
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They should have just set the production money on fire in the parking lot and saved all the trouble.
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where's the fun in that? how could they scream racism if they'd have done that?
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 12:10:42 PM EDT
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I think the bud light thing has open some people's eyes and are starting to distance themselves, just a bit, from the full court press of the wokeness train. Not a lot, but you can see people not as willing to potentially take the wrath that bud light is. No one wants to be cancelled by the consumers.

Everyone is taking notice, and a bit nervous as this has never happened before. Conservatives fight back, and stick with it for more than a week...Never....If we could only do that with other things. We would not have to picket, or protest, or burn down cities or kill anyone, and we could force change almost immediately.

WE ARE THE CONSUMERS IN A CONSUMER ECONOMY, which means we are the economy. And as my old boss always said, those who have the gold, make the rules. And we are now finally learning this fact, and so is everyone else.

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There's also the "can't win" hypocrisy associated with it.

If only a transgendered asian woman with one leg can play a transgendered asian woman with one leg, how can Cleopatra be played by anyone who is not of Macedonian decent, or at least a modern Egyptian with Macedonian heritage? Are there no actresses with such heritage available? Are they being overlooked due to the current trend of "blackwashing?"

I think people are sick of the inherent contradictions in the rhetoric, and most actors just want to go back to being actors again.

Link Posted: 5/14/2023 7:41:20 PM EDT
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These made for streaming movies shouldn't be taken seriously. no one will remember them soon. they're just quick cash grabs. Soon, AI will generate every show or movie you could imagine. The writers are already on strike demanding AI not be used to replace them
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Link Posted: 5/14/2023 7:43:53 PM EDT
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Looking forward to her next Netflix series....

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BTW, I'd love to see her docs from a doctor saying she has propecia....I'm leaning towards years of "over processed" hair.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 7:44:50 PM EDT
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How many babies are about to get named Cleopatra?
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Cleopatrius Daiquiri's III
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 7:53:32 PM EDT
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Nope.  The Earps and Holiday will be black but the Cowboys will all be white as Drago in Rocky IV.
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I'm waiting for the remake of Tombstone.

Black Earps, black Doc Holiday, black Curly Bill, black Johnny Ringo, etc, etc
Nope.  The Earps and Holiday will be black but the Cowboys will all be white as Drago in Rocky IV.

Good point.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 7:54:48 PM EDT
The next switcharoo they do should be making a movie about Malcolm X or Martin Luther King and have the actor be Brad Pitt or someone who looks similar to him. Then, a movie about Shaka Zulu where the entire tribe is White.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 7:55:40 PM EDT
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OK, I laughed. But, it's probably true.
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Looking forward to her next Netflix series....


OK, I laughed. But, it's probably true.

If Little Orphan Annie can be black, anyone can be. Although how they did Annie without a Daddy Warbucks I’ll never figure.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 7:57:34 PM EDT
I think they make shit so they can get woke globalist points and cry victim.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 8:16:36 PM EDT
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Cleopatrius Daiquiri's III
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How many babies are about to get named Cleopatra?

Cleopatrius Daiquiri's III

Link Posted: 5/14/2023 10:04:29 PM EDT
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How many babies are about to get named Cleopatra?
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Not a single one.  Many will pronounced that way, but none will be spelled that way.  I can't even imagine the different spellings that will be used.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 10:04:37 PM EDT
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BTW, I'd love to see her docs from a doctor saying she has propecia....I'm leaning towards years of "over processed" hair.
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Looking forward to her next Netflix series....



BTW, I'd love to see her docs from a doctor saying she has propecia....I'm leaning towards years of "over processed" hair.

It's well known that constant crazy weaves and products and colors, fuck up black women's hair
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 10:21:52 PM EDT
Mark Anthony Chinese?
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 10:22:29 PM EDT
Gile on the Nile
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 10:32:20 PM EDT
I'm watching Conan.

No way that ms Cleo garbage is top 10 like Netflix claims.
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 10:52:14 PM EDT
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I'm watching Conan.

No way that ms Cleo garbage is top 10 like Netflix claims.
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Wait, you're not saying that like Twitter suppressed conservative issues from trending, and the New York Times excludes conservative books from their "best seller list," Netflix is falsely promoting a black movie, are you?
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:04:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:19:10 PM EDT
The goal with all of this is when you do an internet search and you do not know the year the movie came out. You will get the woke version first
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:36:41 PM EDT
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Seriously who gives a fuck now?

They race swap black people into every role imaginable.

Why the fuck is cleopatra off the table but Ann Boleyn isn’t?
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Surprised it wasn't protected by critics

Probably a bridge too far

There really isn’t any question on Cleopatras race historically and even many liberal history  Professors are criticizing this movie from what I hear.
Only the most fringe elements of the left think having a black Cleopatra is ok.

Any serious student of this era laughs at the concept of a black Cleopatra.

Seriously who gives a fuck now?

They race swap black people into every role imaginable.

Why the fuck is cleopatra off the table but Ann Boleyn isn’t?

Okay, next you'll try to tell me that Julius Caesar wasn't really black either.

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Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:41:34 PM EDT
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Trying to claim what was never theirs to start with
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Kind of a trend in that culture…..
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:43:01 PM EDT
Bud Light should step in and fix it
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:45:22 PM EDT
Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:47:30 PM EDT
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Gile on the Nile
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Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:50:25 PM EDT
It's the Bud Light commercial all over again, lol.

Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:52:46 PM EDT
I watched it. Not impressed.

In fact I’d award it 3/5ths of 1 star.

Link Posted: 5/14/2023 11:54:30 PM EDT
I clicked on it thinking i would like it not knowing the background of the slant. One minute into it I went to a cooking show.
Link Posted: 5/15/2023 12:55:39 AM EDT
I wonder what Alexander the Great would have felt about this representation of Cleopatra.
Link Posted: 5/15/2023 1:08:03 AM EDT
I love how the activists try to get past their crappy, boring shows by calling them "docudramas", like peons just can't understand the content like the real elites who make them and are therefore really not qualified to comment or rate them.  More, if the content were even remotely factual and informative, nerdy people would probably give them a better rating just for the education value.

The correct term for this crap is propagandrama, and it's boring, and no one likes it.
Link Posted: 5/15/2023 1:09:53 AM EDT
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These made for streaming movies shouldn't be taken seriously. no one will remember them soon. they're just quick cash grabs. Soon, AI will generate every show or movie you could imagine. The writers are already on strike demanding AI not be used to replace them
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I'm hoping it's eventually like the old kids show with the witch that had the machine that made books.
You put in a few things and it spit out a story incorporating the things you put into the machine .
Link Posted: 5/15/2023 1:34:01 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/15/2023 2:08:29 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/15/2023 2:23:13 AM EDT
The name alone tells me it's garbage, lol.
Link Posted: 5/15/2023 2:33:57 AM EDT
It will likely win big during awards season.
Link Posted: 5/15/2023 2:52:58 AM EDT
Along with the Bud Lite BS, and all the gay and trannies, and the overly portraying the 13% of the population in most newer movies way out of proportion to the ethnic make up of this country.
I feel that marketing personnel people are truly out of touch with reality.
They seem to believe that catering to a very small minority of the consumer base is an effective campaign that's good for their businesses.
It must be due to the liberal indoctrination they received in college.
Link Posted: 5/15/2023 8:47:07 AM EDT
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I watched it. Not impressed.

In fact I’d award it 3/5ths of 1 star.

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I see what you did there.
Link Posted: 5/15/2023 8:47:54 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/15/2023 9:17:02 AM EDT
There was a black dynasty that briefly ruled Egypt. They could have done a story about them instead of doing a revisionist story about Cleopatra.
Link Posted: 5/15/2023 9:18:47 AM EDT
people should just watch the old HBO Rome series instead. that shit was peak historical(ish) tv
Link Posted: 5/15/2023 9:20:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 5/15/2023 9:23:06 AM EDT
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Modern formula: make an absolute shit movie but use mostly black actors so when it flops you can blame racism.

Funny how racism didn't stop Coming to America, Bad Boys I/II, Friday, Harlem Nights, Boomerang, literally any movie with Denzel, or countless others from being highly successful.  It turns out, moviegoers love black actors when there's not some preachy racism undertone or other bullshit agenda.
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Or when history isn't being re-written...
Link Posted: 5/15/2023 9:24:53 AM EDT
GI Jane
Link Posted: 5/15/2023 9:34:28 AM EDT
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13% on the tomatometer  
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Link Posted: 5/15/2023 9:34:47 AM EDT
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I think people are sick of the inherent contradictions in the rhetoric, and most actors just want to go back to being actors again.
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I hope that's true. It seems too many love to hear their own voice on things like politics, gun control, etc. Time will tell.
Link Posted: 5/15/2023 9:37:18 AM EDT
People just jealous they waz quwanz and shit
Link Posted: 5/15/2023 10:55:20 AM EDT
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Anybody that watched Hamiltion and thinks Washington was black would be the same idiot that thinks Cleopatra was black. Which apparently is practically nobody.

I almost wish you were right though, I would rather the idiots believed our founding fathers were black than trying to cancel them all. We need the words of Jefferson, Madison, and Washington more than ever.

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This is the same problem with that Hamilton play. Ignorant young people see this stuff and actually believe the historical figures were black, when they weren’t.

Anybody that watched Hamiltion and thinks Washington was black would be the same idiot that thinks Cleopatra was black. Which apparently is practically nobody.

I almost wish you were right though, I would rather the idiots believed our founding fathers were black than trying to cancel them all. We need the words of Jefferson, Madison, and Washington more than ever.

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