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Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:05:47 AM EDT
No LEO should be allowed to own, carry, or otherwise possess anything that is illegal for Joe citizen to. No exemptions period.

In places like NYC, Shitcago, and CA, cops would be nothing more than meter maids with rape whistles.
In Texas cops could only CCW. In VA they if they want to walk around OCing their pistol and AR15, have at it.

If you're worried about this rule having an adverse affected on LEO saftey, repeal your shit gun control laws.

I really, REALLY like this post.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:06:26 AM EDT
Many police officers have died because of people who think like you.

This.  Events of the last few decades have shown that police have to be ready to respond to virtually anything.  Beslan, Mumbai, Columbine, VT, the list goes on.

How many is "many?"
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:06:43 AM EDT





You own a plate carrier, pants with cargo pockets and an AR OP?

Do these guys? And I bet they could handle their shit.



The only people killed by those two Hollywood Shootout were themselves. No police officer or citizen died only the perps despite 1,750 rounds traded back and forth.

None of the injuries incurred during the hour long shootout was life threatening, Los Angeles Police Chief Willie Williams said.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:07:43 AM EDT
Times change. So does equipment, training and the need (both percieved and real). It's nice to have the high speed gear when you need it. It is overused sometimes, but it's better to have it and not need it right?

OH, and to the retards that think "the good old days" were better... That's fine, we can play 1950's cop... But, you give me back talk and I'll split your wig. Miranda? fuck you. Terry rule? fuck you. Do what I say or I beat you down. You wanna do what? File a complaint? sure come on back to the office and I'll file your complaint. You may need a trip to the hospital after, but we'll get it done for you.

Sometimes you guys are real winners.

That's interesting that you (and many others in these threads) are so quick to go with "if you want us to be more like the good old days I'll be happy to bust your teeth in".  If only there were a term for a false dichotomy like that.

I have old school cops in my family. You think the "good old days" were like Mayberry, you are a fucking fool.

(Goes back and rereads what I wrote)  Nope nothing in there about the world being all gumdrops and rainbows.

I'll summarize my two sentance post for you: It's scary how many officers reply to "You shouldn't dress like ninjas" with "Okay, but I get to make you eat your teeth."

Yea because that exactly what they all said.

Drama much?

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:07:43 AM EDT

Many police officers have died because of people who think like you.

And many places in the world people's freedoms are suppressed by people who think like you.

Lol. Ok buddy.

He must have you confused with someone else.

They are perfectly legal to have in your car here.  It's just the use of them that's illegal.  
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:08:03 AM EDT
You own a plate carrier, pants with cargo pockets and an AR OP?

Do these guys? And I bet they could handle their shit.

Resevior Cops
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:10:04 AM EDT
No LEO should be allowed to own, carry, or otherwise possess anything that is illegal for Joe citizen to. No exemptions period.

In places like NYC, Shitcago, and CA, cops would be nothing more than meter maids with rape whistles.
In Texas cops could only CCW. In VA they if they want to walk around OCing their pistol and AR15, have at it.

If you're worried about this rule having an adverse affected on LEO saftey, repeal your shit gun control laws.

I really, REALLY like this post.

That is actually a great idea.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:12:45 AM EDT
Many police officers have died because of people who think like you.

This.  Events of the last few decades have shown that police have to be ready to respond to virtually anything.  Beslan, Mumbai, Columbine, VT, the list goes on.

BEslan, not in the US, so there is no comparison.
Mumbai, not in the US, again, specious and not comparable.
Columbine, they stood around outside.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:13:14 AM EDT
Yea because that exactly what they all said.

Drama much?

Is it third grade reading comprehension day today?  I said many.  Many =/= all.

If you need me to go back through the first couple of pages for examples I will.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:15:26 AM EDT

It's not their gear...it's the attitude behind it.


I have to agree with that

Dress them up like Military and some will feel the need to act the part
BUT those ones also seem to view the Public as the enemy.

An officer should be dressed as an officer


and not as Military unless they are specifically part of a full-time SWAT team

You know....I didn't know who Sheriff Jack Carter was so I googled him to find out his department, region of the country, etc,.

Here's what wiki has to say about him:

Jack Carter is a fictional character

Therefore I am not impressed by your argument.

Is this one better

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:16:38 AM EDT
You own a plate carrier, pants with cargo pockets and an AR OP?

Do these guys? And I bet they could handle their shit.

Somehow these guys look more menacing than the ninjaclowns in your original post.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:17:13 AM EDT
Many police officers have died because of people who think like you.

This.  Events of the last few decades have shown that police have to be ready to respond to virtually anything.  Beslan, Mumbai, Columbine, VT, the list goes on.

BEslan, not in the US, so there is no comparison.
Mumbai, not in the US, again, specious and not comparable.
Columbine, they stood around outside.


So nothing like Beslan or Mumbai can happen in the US? Naive.

Columbine was 13 years ago. Out of date tactics and to think it can't happen again is retarded (especially given VT or even the Colorado movie theater shootings).

Really not sure what your comments have to do with anything really.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:17:21 AM EDT




Many police officers have died because of people who think like you.

This.  Events of the last few decades have shown that police have to be ready to respond to virtually anything.  Beslan, Mumbai, Columbine, VT, the list goes on.

BEslan, not in the US, so there is no comparison.

Mumbai, not in the US, again, specious and not comparable.

Columbine, they stood around outside.

How insightful of you.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:19:11 AM EDT


Not sure what it has to do with anything however.

Your argument that "an officer should look like an officer" makes no sense. Especially given the picture posted earlier in this thread of cops on bikes with mounted machine guns.

It's that sort of backward thinking that results in "officers with rifles are scary" and "uniforms shouldn't have pockets" and other such horseshit.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:20:23 AM EDT

I've always thought this one is airsofters. The guy with chevrons is really skinny and it looks too staged.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:21:40 AM EDT
Lawmen of just a generation or two ago did just fine without drop leg holsters, ninja masks and trying to be black-clad tier-one "coperators". The threats to the public and to them were just as lethal, probably just as common too. Why aren't the experienced and retired lawmen smacking this generation back to reality for playing commando dress-up? Is this trend doing damage to the public's perception of them? I believe it is.

You can still get 'em with a head shot.  Looks like they would wear the darth vader masks with built in voice shifter and intercom.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:22:38 AM EDT
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:23:48 AM EDT
Yea because that exactly what they all said.

Drama much?

Is it third grade reading comprehension day today?  I said many.  Many =/= all.

If you need me to go back through the first couple of pages for examples I will.

Your so full of shit. No one stated it as you try to make it seem.

Read TN Vs Garner.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:24:26 AM EDT

Lawmen of just a generation or two ago did just fine without drop leg holsters, ninja masks and trying to be black-clad tier-one "coperators". The threats to the public and to them were just as lethal, probably just as common too. Why aren't the experienced and retired lawmen smacking this generation back to reality for playing commando dress-up? Is this trend doing damage to the public's perception of them? I believe it is.

Those old school officer friendly cops would have smacked your teeth down your throat in a second if you gave them any back talk, then made up some reason to arrest you, smacked you around with a phone book until you signed a confession and laughed about it in the bar at the end of their shift.  

Oh and google up some old New York State Police photos, like a lot of late 19th Century and early 20th Century police they wore basically Army Cavalrymen's uniforms. There used to be plenty of police departments with Thompson submachineguns and various .30 type light machineguns.

And go to a carbine class sometime. you'll see suburban dads with their carbines wearing the same gear those cops are wearing.

My dad dressed like those old school guys when he was a Deputy Sheriff in the late 70s and early 80s and his patrol rifle was a Thompson.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:24:48 AM EDT
Times change. So does equipment, training and the need (both percieved and real). It's nice to have the high speed gear when you need it. It is overused sometimes, but it's better to have it and not need it right?

OH, and to the retards that think "the good old days" were better... That's fine, we can play 1950's cop... But, you give me back talk and I'll split your wig. Miranda? fuck you. Terry rule? fuck you. Do what I say or I beat you down. You wanna do what? File a complaint? sure come on back to the office and I'll file your complaint. You may need a trip to the hospital after, but we'll get it done for you.

Sometimes you guys are real winners.

That's interesting that you (and many others in these threads) are so quick to go with "if you want us to be more like the good old days I'll be happy to bust your teeth in".  If only there were a term for a false dichotomy like that.

I have old school cops in my family. You think the "good old days" were like Mayberry, you are a fucking fool.

(Goes back and rereads what I wrote)  Nope nothing in there about the world being all gumdrops and rainbows.

I'll summarize my two sentance post for you: It's scary how many officers reply to "You shouldn't dress like ninjas" with "Okay, but I get to make you eat your teeth."

Your summary was not necessary. I gots me some book lernin...  I'm not saying that coppers from that era were incapable of communitcation or that they instantly reverted to heavy handed tactics. Quite the contrary in most cases. HOWEVER, what I am saying is that back in that era there was no cell phone video,  people did not record interactions with the police. Your everyday beat copper did not have to face threats like today. If there were instances of gang crime or the like, they responded with Thompsons and BARs. You shoot your mouth off, you get a crack. There was no Miranda and the like. One did what the cops said or "else". If you think that was not the norm.. you are mistaken.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:26:14 AM EDT
I don't think I've ever seen a coperator in the wild except on dress up days, I mean SRT/ERT/SWAT training days.  (Heh, coperator.  Nice.)

Besides what's the big deal with equipping a guy for the task at hand?  

You own a plate carrier, pants with cargo pockets and an AR OP?

Do these guys? And I bet they could handle their shit.

Somehow these guys look more menacing than the ninjaclowns in your original post.

My thought as well.  I can almost see and hear one of them gnawing on toothpick and asking "Is there problem here . . . Boy?"
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:26:36 AM EDT



Times change. So does equipment, training and the need (both percieved and real). It's nice to have the high speed gear when you need it. It is overused sometimes, but it's better to have it and not need it right?

OH, and to the retards that think "the good old days" were better... That's fine, we can play 1950's cop... But, you give me back talk and I'll split your wig. Miranda? fuck you. Terry rule? fuck you. Do what I say or I beat you down. You wanna do what? File a complaint? sure come on back to the office and I'll file your complaint. You may need a trip to the hospital after, but we'll get it done for you.

Sometimes you guys are real winners.

That's interesting that you (and many others in these threads) are so quick to go with "if you want us to be more like the good old days I'll be happy to bust your teeth in". If only there were a term for a false dichotomy like that.

So you are content to keep believing that the old time cops in wool coats, sam brownes and a shiney shield were all Officer O'Malley the friendly nieghborhood flat foot, fine believe it it's not true. I come from a family full of Bull Irish Beat Cops. Grandad would tell stories of knocking hell outta "Mondays" for being in the wrong neighborhood or on the wrong street, or feeding some "Smartass" his teeth. So would my Uncles. An IA compliant then would mean the Desk Sgt would have you bum rushed outta the station after some attention by the boys in the house.

Bitch about "lack of oversight" now back then there was no fucking oversight.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:26:48 AM EDT
The only people killed by those two Hollywood Shootout were themselves. No police officer or citizen died only the perps despite 1,750 rounds traded back and forth.

None of the injuries incurred during the hour long shootout was life threatening, Los Angeles Police Chief Willie Williams said.

That was sheer luck


When I was a kid, Officer Friendly stopped and harassed kids driving in town for trumped up bullshit reasons just like today.

The kids may feel like they're getting picked on, but they're usually going BS stuff that draws attention to them in an unfavorable way.
They're juveniles. They don't have the thought processes of an adult and don't recognize the consequences of their actions as readily as an adult, but they feel like they're picked on

Lot of needless bling on that uniform that can be grabbed, and the uniform itself if its like our old ones runs a couple hundred per uniform before you even start putting anything on it.
the more modern uniforms are more utilitarian and useful for the intended job
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:28:56 AM EDT


Not sure what it has to do with anything however.

Your argument that "an officer should look like an officer" makes no sense. Especially given the picture posted earlier in this thread of cops on bikes with mounted machine guns.

It's that sort of backward thinking that results in "officers with rifles are scary" and "uniforms shouldn't have pockets" and other such horseshit.

An officer should look like a PEACE officer not like a member of a Military division.

The real issue is some play dress and forget they are Public Servants.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:29:25 AM EDT
Yea because that exactly what they all said.

Drama much?

Is it third grade reading comprehension day today?  I said many.  Many =/= all.

If you need me to go back through the first couple of pages for examples I will.

Your so full of shit. No one stated it as you try to make it seem.

Read TN Vs Garner.

That's fine, we can play 1950's cop... But, you give me back talk and I'll split your wig.

Yup.  Nobody.  And let's not forget that the multitude of guys reminding us that's what would happen to you back then.  nudge, nudge.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:29:40 AM EDT
The OP thinks SWAT teams are something new. I can remember that there were SWAT teams in the 1970s. They even had a TV show called SWAT.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:31:50 AM EDT
Besides what's the big deal with equipping a guy for the task at hand?  

Nothing other than it's the police and GD is rife with irrational police hatred.

If someone here lost a loved one in a bank holdup because Officer Friendly was dousing the area with buckshot the same people would be screaming that the cops should have used an AR with an optic to drop the mutt.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:32:07 AM EDT
If my dad wanted a full Kevlar kit from his department, he could get it. If my dad wanted night vision from his department, he could get it. If he wanted an AR, all he has to do is sign on the dotted line.

But he's only given 50 rounds of ammunition a year to qualify with and carry.

Somehow I think priorities are getting screwed up.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:33:41 AM EDT
Yea because that exactly what they all said.

Drama much?

Is it third grade reading comprehension day today?  I said many.  Many =/= all.

If you need me to go back through the first couple of pages for examples I will.

Your so full of shit. No one stated it as you try to make it seem.

Read TN Vs Garner.

That's fine, we can play 1950's cop... But, you give me back talk and I'll split your wig.

Yup.  Nobody.  And let's not forget that the multitude of guys reminding us that's what would happen to you back then.  nudge, nudge.

You think that it wouldn't have?   Maybe you need reading comprehension. It is not a false dichotomy. It is the truth.

Quit trying to be intellectual and show us all how smart you think you are.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:34:44 AM EDT
You own a plate carrier, pants with cargo pockets and an AR OP?

Do these guys? And I bet they could handle their shit.

They wouldn't survive one year on the job.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:35:25 AM EDT
I don't think I've ever seen a coperator in the wild except on dress up days, I mean SRT/ERT/SWAT training days.  (Heh, coperator.  Nice.)

Besides what's the big deal with equipping a guy for the task at hand?  

You own a plate carrier, pants with cargo pockets and an AR OP?

Do these guys? And I bet they could handle their shit.

Somehow these guys look more menacing than the ninjaclowns in your original post.

My thought as well.  I can almost see and hear one of them gnawing on toothpick and asking "Is there problem here . . . Boy?"


Sounds like my hometown in Alabama 35 years ago.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:35:29 AM EDT

An officer should look like a PEACE officer not like a member of a Military division.

The real issue is some play dress and forget they are Public Servants.

First sentence: Why? Because you say so? Fuck that. Let me guess....you are against facial hair too?

Second: You do realize that killing badguys quickly and effectively is part of a police officer's responsibility and that activity is part of serving the public right? Yes, they have a whole myriad of other tasks that don't involve force. But when that force is needed it should be delivered quickly, effectively and without remorse.

Giving them the tools to do that only makes sense.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:35:49 AM EDT
I guess dudes like to play dress-up, too.  

Yep, go to any shooting range, organized shoot or ARFCOM get together.

Plenty of 'Gear Queers' there.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:35:50 AM EDT



I don't think I've ever seen a coperator in the wild except on dress up days, I mean SRT/ERT/SWAT training days.  (Heh, coperator.  Nice.)

Besides what's the big deal with equipping a guy for the task at hand?  




You own a plate carrier, pants with cargo pockets and an AR OP?

Do these guys? And I bet they could handle their shit.


Somehow these guys look more menacing than the ninjaclowns in your original post.

My thought as well.  I can almost see and hear one of them gnawing on toothpick and asking "Is there problem here . . . Boy?"


Sounds like my hometown in Alabama 35 years ago.

We haven't changed much.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:36:16 AM EDT

Times change. So does equipment, training and the need (both percieved and real). It's nice to have the high speed gear when you need it. It is overused sometimes, but it's better to have it and not need it right?

OH, and to the retards that think "the good old days" were better... That's fine, we can play 1950's cop... But, you give me back talk and I'll split your wig. Miranda? fuck you. Terry rule? fuck you. Do what I say or I beat you down. You wanna do what? File a complaint? sure come on back to the office and I'll file your complaint. You may need a trip to the hospital after, but we'll get it done for you.

Sometimes you guys are real winners.

That's interesting that you (and many others in these threads) are so quick to go with "if you want us to be more like the good old days I'll be happy to bust your teeth in". If only there were a term for a false dichotomy like that.

So you are content to keep believing that the old time cops in wool coats, sam brownes and a shiney shield were all Officer O'Malley the friendly nieghborhood flat foot, fine believe it it's not true. I come from a family full of Bull Irish Beat Cops. Grandad would tell stories of knocking hell outta "Mondays" for being in the wrong neighborhood or on the wrong street, or feeding some "Smartass" his teeth. So would my Uncles. An IA compliant then would mean the Desk Sgt would have you bum rushed outta the station after some attention by the boys in the house.

Bitch about "lack of oversight" now back then there was no fucking oversight.

Who's post did you read to come to this conclusion?

It's absolutely amaizing that so many folks on this board are unable to disconnect the desire to have officers that don't get their fashion sense from a Judge Dredd comic from respecting the citizens' civil rights.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:36:46 AM EDT
If my dad wanted a full Kevlar kit from his department, he could get it. If my dad wanted night vision from his department, he could get it. If he wanted an AR, all he has to do is sign on the dotted line.

But he's only given 50 rounds of ammunition a year to qualify with and carry.

Somehow I think priorities are getting screwed up.

Yep. It's a shame that training isn't as high of priority as gear.

In a perfect, non-GD retardfest world, they would have both.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:37:00 AM EDT
Armed citizens of just a generation or two ago did just fine without drop leg holsters, ninja masks and trying to be black-clad tier-one "coperators". The threats to the public and to them were just as lethal, probably just as common too. Why aren't the experienced and retired gun owners smacking this generation back to reality for playing commando dress-up? Is this trend doing damage to the public's perception of them? I believe it is.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:37:39 AM EDT




You own a plate carrier, pants with cargo pockets and an AR OP?

Do these guys? And I bet they could handle their shit.


They wouldn't survive one year on the job.

Because IA and the Brass would slow roast their nuts for their style of policing.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:39:57 AM EDT
You think that it wouldn't have?   Maybe you need reading comprehension. It is not a false dichotomy. It is the truth.

Quit trying to be intellectual and show us all how smart you think you are.

I have never once had the position that in the past you would get tuned up by the officers.

The false dichotomy is saying that if we either have to accept police departments becoming more militarized or civil rights violations.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:40:30 AM EDT

I don't think I've ever seen a coperator in the wild except on dress up days, I mean SRT/ERT/SWAT training days.  (Heh, coperator.  Nice.)

Besides what's the big deal with equipping a guy for the task at hand?  

You own a plate carrier, pants with cargo pockets and an AR OP?

Do these guys? And I bet they could handle their shit.

Somehow these guys look more menacing than the ninjaclowns in your original post.

My thought as well.  I can almost see and hear one of them gnawing on toothpick and asking "Is there problem here . . . Boy?"


Sounds like my hometown in Alabama 35 years ago.

We haven't changed much.

I was raised in Jacksonville. The cops were in all honesty good guys. My dad was military and drank booze with the chief. Pretty much if you were a square citizen, you had nothing to worry about.

If you liked trouble, they would give it to you, old school style. My brother was a trouble maker. He got a ride out in the country and back home.  He settled down. It was just verbal. It was understood the next time wouldn't be.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:40:30 AM EDT
Many police officers have died because of people who think like you.


Militarizing the police is always a bad idea

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:42:05 AM EDT





Times change. So does equipment, training and the need (both percieved and real). It's nice to have the high speed gear when you need it. It is overused sometimes, but it's better to have it and not need it right?

OH, and to the retards that think "the good old days" were better... That's fine, we can play 1950's cop... But, you give me back talk and I'll split your wig. Miranda? fuck you. Terry rule? fuck you. Do what I say or I beat you down. You wanna do what? File a complaint? sure come on back to the office and I'll file your complaint. You may need a trip to the hospital after, but we'll get it done for you.

Sometimes you guys are real winners.

That's interesting that you (and many others in these threads) are so quick to go with "if you want us to be more like the good old days I'll be happy to bust your teeth in". If only there were a term for a false dichotomy like that.

So you are content to keep believing that the old time cops in wool coats, sam brownes and a shiney shield were all Officer O'Malley the friendly nieghborhood flat foot, fine believe it it's not true. I come from a family full of Bull Irish Beat Cops. Grandad would tell stories of knocking hell outta "Mondays" for being in the wrong neighborhood or on the wrong street, or feeding some "Smartass" his teeth. So would my Uncles. An IA compliant then would mean the Desk Sgt would have you bum rushed outta the station after some attention by the boys in the house.

Bitch about "lack of oversight" now back then there was no fucking oversight.

Who's post did you read to come to this conclusion?

It's absolutely amaizing that so many folks on this board are unable to disconnect the desire to have officers that don't get their fashion sense from a Judge Dredd comic from respecting the citizens' civil rights.

Oh you're right, I forgot. This is GD where a Tactical Call out should consist of One Uniform and one Detective knocking on the door and making contact and talking the guy into cuffs.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:42:31 AM EDT
Many police officers have died because of people who think like you.


Militarizing the police is always a bad idea

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:44:17 AM EDT


I was raised in Jacksonville. The cops were in all honesty good guys. My dad was military and drank booze with the chief. Pretty much if you were a square citizen, you had nothing to worry about.

If you liked trouble, they would give it to you, old school style. My brother was a trouble maker. He got a ride out in the country and back home.  He settled down. It was just verbal. It was understood the next time wouldn't be.

Yep. It is still that way in a few parts out in BFE. Most of the guys I work with are great guys. I know guys in nearly every dept. withint 100 miles of here, and all of them are great guys.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:44:45 AM EDT




Many police officers have died because of people who think like you.


Militarizing the police is always a bad idea


I'd like to see what the general accepted definition of "militarization" is here on ARF.

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:46:22 AM EDT

An officer should look like a PEACE officer not like a member of a Military division.

The real issue is some play dress and forget they are Public Servants.

First sentence: Why? Because you say so? Fuck that.

Second: You do realize that killing badguys quickly and effectively is part of a police officer's responsibility and that activity is part of serving the public right? Yes, they have a whole myriad of other tasks that don't involve force. But when that force is needed it should be delivered quickly, effectively and without remorse.

Giving them the tools to do that only makes sense.

First: Because it would Vastly improve the public's view and remove much of the US and Them mentality.

Second: Did I ever say They should not have effective equipment?
The Officers I have seen around here wear a vest under their shirt so what
does it batter if it is a Mil type shirt or a Peace office looking shirt?.

As far as weapons which one has more "stopping power" 12 Ga Slug or .223
As far as rifles swap out the Black plastic and put on Wood or wood grain Plastic.
(remember Public Perception, after all a police officer is a PUBLIC Servant)

Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:46:41 AM EDT
Yea because that exactly what they all said.

Drama much?

Is it third grade reading comprehension day today?  I said many.  Many =/= all.

If you need me to go back through the first couple of pages for examples I will.

Your so full of shit. No one stated it as you try to make it seem.

Read TN Vs Garner.

That's fine, we can play 1950's cop... But, you give me back talk and I'll split your wig.

Yup.  Nobody.  And let's not forget that the multitude of guys reminding us that's what would happen to you back then.  nudge, nudge.

Many now multitude.
What are you a 13 year old girl?
I nominate you for the Drama Queen of the year award.

Again you know what was being referenced and you get all OMG they're threatening to knock my teeth out!!!


Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:46:41 AM EDT

You own a plate carrier, pants with cargo pockets and an AR OP?

Do these guys? And I bet they could handle their shit.

They wouldn't survive one year on the job.

Because IA and the Brass would slow roast their nuts for their style of policing.

Not only IA / Brass.. the courts. They would crucify them.
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:46:45 AM EDT
I don't see the problem.  These aren't "beat" cops.  The cops in my town look like "regular" cops.  The SWAT team doesn't, they have a different mission.  

In my world and how I interact with "the man," motorcycle cops scare me.  
Link Posted: 10/1/2012 6:48:18 AM EDT


First: Because it would Vastly improve the public's view and remove much of the US and Them mentality.

Wrong and wrong.

The us vs them mentality was at is height in the 'good old days'.

The public likes to feel safe. They feel more safe when we have badass toys.

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