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Link Posted: 2/18/2020 11:22:58 PM EDT
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Obama had a hand in it before he ever took office.
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The government started saying checking credit for mortgages was racist, and would buy shit mortgages from banks via Fannie and Freddy. Then they paid Wall Street banks to mix this crap debt in with AAA debt so sell it off to investors.

Massive moral hazard on all sides. Banks got paid for originating mortgages. Fannie and Freddie execs got rich by hitting business quotas. Wall Street banks got rich from fees securitizing stinky crap mortgages, camouflaging it with AAA debt, and selling it to investors around the world who thought they were buying American mortgage debt vetted by the American banking industry.

Then the bad creditors the government said was racist to not lend to started defaulting and it all started collapsing.
Obama had a hand in it before he ever took office.
ACORN? Small-time compared to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Link Posted: 2/18/2020 11:26:00 PM EDT
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ACORN? Small-time compared to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
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The government started saying checking credit for mortgages was racist, and would buy shit mortgages from banks via Fannie and Freddy. Then they paid Wall Street banks to mix this crap debt in with AAA debt so sell it off to investors.

Massive moral hazard on all sides. Banks got paid for originating mortgages. Fannie and Freddie execs got rich by hitting business quotas. Wall Street banks got rich from fees securitizing stinky crap mortgages, camouflaging it with AAA debt, and selling it to investors around the world who thought they were buying American mortgage debt vetted by the American banking industry.

Then the bad creditors the government said was racist to not lend to started defaulting and it all started collapsing.
Obama had a hand in it before he ever took office.
ACORN? Small-time compared to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
He played an important role in getting Fannie involved via ACORN. He helped train the ACORN people and funded them.
Not disagreeing with your overall assessment, just adding additional info.
The Ignorati on GD want to claim he had nothing to do with it because he wasn't in office at the time.
Link Posted: 2/18/2020 11:29:26 PM EDT
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I don’t remember the evil bankers forcing folks to sign mortgages  at gunpoint.

Money was easy to get and people who had no business borrowing money borrowed way to much.
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No but the government id pretty much did that to the lenders...
Link Posted: 2/18/2020 11:32:59 PM EDT
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No but the government id pretty much did that to the lenders...
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I don't remember the evil bankers forcing folks to sign mortgages  at gunpoint.

Money was easy to get and people who had no business borrowing money borrowed way to much.
No but the government id pretty much did that to the lenders...
And the banks went along with it, because the government bought those crappy loans up via Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which were run by Democrat Party hacks and who had arranged the compensation packages of themselves the top executives for doing so.

So now banks didn't have to assume the risk of lending money to crappy lenders. They were now incentivized to make as many loans as possible, in order to collect the origination fees.
Link Posted: 2/18/2020 11:34:01 PM EDT
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thanks obama? no. thanks bush. im not an obama fan but the whole process started with W. some of it had to do with pumping the economy after 911, some of it had to do with making loans to 'disadvantages peoples'. but it all happened during W's term in office. and bush started the process of 'lets fix too big to fail'. so obama inherited the problem. there is prolly criticism about how he dealt with the fallout, but the problem came right out of W's term.
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Thanks Obunghole.
thanks obama? no. thanks bush. im not an obama fan but the whole process started with W. some of it had to do with pumping the economy after 911, some of it had to do with making loans to 'disadvantages peoples'. but it all happened during W's term in office. and bush started the process of 'lets fix too big to fail'. so obama inherited the problem. there is prolly criticism about how he dealt with the fallout, but the problem came right out of W's term.
Not really.  The Clinton's were who got the ball really rolling.  As someone else mentioned, Carter actually signed the Community Reinvestment Act into law.  It was during the Clinton administration that it was used to essentially force banks to lend to people, mostly minoriies, that could not qualify for a regular mortgage.  Banks that were FDIC insured were required to offer a certain percentage of loans to underserved communities, regardless if it was a sound financial decision.

Essentially it all boils down to racism.  Clinton was pandering to minority voters.

This was not an overnight deal, it just seemed like it because the general public was not paying attention.  In the early 2000s people were starting to realize that something was up.  W was in office when it started getting bad, but he was not the one who started it.

It had a huge far reaching effect on many facets of our economy.

I'm not saying W didn't make things worse, but essentially anything he did was an effort to put a bandaid the gaping axe wound.
Link Posted: 2/18/2020 11:39:05 PM EDT

In order to multiply the original mortgage bond investment 20-fold, don't you need people betting against the mortgage holders at some point?  And, if they are right, where does the money come from?

I need this explained like I'm 5 years old.

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You are right.

Where does the money come from to bet against the mortgage holders?  Hedge fund investors.

Where does the money come from to pay out the insurance policies taken on the investments? The insurance company selling those policies, AIG.  But they couldn’t cover it.  So ultimately the tax payers in the form of the bailout.
Link Posted: 2/18/2020 11:41:08 PM EDT
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The Federal Reserve was part of the problem.  They jacked up interest rates wayyyy too fast - - the prime went from 1% to 5% in about 18 months.  
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The people who have the power to hold the guilty to account were in and of themselves, the once who needed to be held accountable.

The market has always and will always take the legal framework to it's extreme logical conclusion.  If it's legal and possible to make subprime loans or sell exotic derivatives at a profit, then you can bet your ass that someone is going to do it.

The 2008 crisis is 100% on our government for failing in their regulatory responsibilities.  You can blame any single private or corporate entity you want for the crisis but had it not been them, it would have been someone else.
The Federal Reserve was part of the problem.  They jacked up interest rates wayyyy too fast - - the prime went from 1% to 5% in about 18 months.  
Something that you have to keep in mind was that alot of people did not realize that there was a problem yet.  Houses were selling like crazy, at rapidly rising prices.  New home construction had also gone bonkers.  I think the Fed Res was trying to slow the fast rate of growth, as generally that fast of a growth rate leads to an even faster fall.
Link Posted: 2/18/2020 11:50:46 PM EDT
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Honestly, the movie explains it fairly well.
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Link Posted: 2/18/2020 11:57:30 PM EDT
It was like an old poker joke I heard.

A dude walks into a saloon in Deadwuld and sits down and joins a game of five card draw poker.

The other players say it's house rules, table stakes. He says "Okay."

He plays for about thirty minutes, with nothing special happening.

He then draws three aces. He takes two cards and draws another ace and a king.  He bets big.

The hand is called.

He shows his hand and reaches for the pot saying "Four aces."

Another player says "Wait a second, I've got a lollspolluzah."

Spreading out his cards he has the two and six of diamonds, the jack of hearts, the king of spades, and the four of clubs. "See, a lollspolluzah."

The dude says "That's garbage. I have four aces."

The dealer says "See that sigh? It clearly states a lollspolluzah beats four aces. House rules. Remember?"

The dude is upset, but keeps playing.  Half an hour later what does he get... the two and six of diamonds, the jack of hearts, the king of spades, and the four of clubs. A perfect lollspolluzah.

The dude bets everything, all his money, the ranch, the house, the cattle, his hat, and his daughter's virginity.

The hand is called, and he shows his hand and reaches for the pot.

Another player says "Hold up there. That's garbage. My pair of three's beats it."

The dude is outraged shouting "See that sigh? It clearly states a lollspolluzah beats four aces. House rules. Remember?"

The dealer says "Did you read the fine print? Only one lollspolluzah per night."

The banks and CDO managers are the dealer and players. The folks who bought CDOs, CDSs, MBS, and all the derivatives were the dude.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 12:09:17 AM EDT
I added the recommended documentaries to my watch list.  I purchased my home in April 2005.  Even at that time my realtor was telling me that house prices were on the high side and there would most likely be a correction.  Being in the midwest housing prices went up but didn't go crazy like the coasts.  I was smart and didn't overextend myself.  I paid extra towards my loan.  Refinanced it in 2011 for 15 years without PMI because I paid extra and had 20% equity in my house.

I think many people played their part in the crisis and more people should have been held accountable.   It wouldn't have stopped it but a historically larger percentage of people that were upside down that could afford payments  said fuck it and walked away.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 12:11:52 AM EDT
Didn't it start with some pseudo-racist bullshit to do with "the American dream" of home ownership and that minorities were a low percentage of homeowners?

The government basically strongarmed banks into giving mortgages to people who normally couldn't qualify due to bad credit, shitty jobs, and inability to pay their bills?

So...the banks, knowing what was going to happen...basically gave shitty subprime mortgages (many which were referred to as "toxic mortgages";' which were in essence,
horrible adjustable rate mortgages which started low in monthly payments, but in a few short years their rates went up high enough to help the bank recoup the costs of
massive forclosures which were *going* to occur.

So..for a short period of time; hey---more minority home ownership.   Then...the bottom fell out.  Which of course, the Democrats---having created this crisis--then conveniently
blamed on the banks for trying not to lose a metric shit-ton of money/resources from backing these stupid, super-risky house notes.

Something to that effect.  Maybe only 70% accurate.   I don't give a fuck...I pay my bills and I don't sign up for stupid shit, because I actually read what I sign.

Much like fucking idiots and their student loans.

(Graduates with a degree in Gender Studies and owes $350,000 for a worthless undergrad degree).

WAAAAAAAAH!  Not fair I have to spend the next 30 years paying off my student loans!  Governmetn should do that!   Raise taxes on the rich!
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 12:15:10 AM EDT
Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Dems of financial and housing crisis; meltdown
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 12:44:41 AM EDT
It's about to happen again and nobody seems to be at the wheel.

China manufacturing and shipping shut down entirely is going to have grave implications on the American supply chain of nearly everything you can imagine. The tidal wave has already started deep in the ocean and heading our way.

99% of Americans live way, way above their means. When business cannot business anymore and what products do still exist, including food at 100% more cost, we are in for a fucking shit storm of epic proportions.

Note this point and call me a dumbass later... or not.

The markets are all completely fake as fuck right now but logic doesn't seem to exist anymore. All people see is "Mah account gots mo money' and don't care.

Gloom and  doom out!
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 12:58:22 AM EDT
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Honestly, the movie explains it fairly well.
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Honestly, the movie explains it fairly well.
which one are we talking about?
Yep, Obama and cohorts made banks issue loans to people with no credit who didn’t have a chance in hell of fulfilling their loans, saying it was racist to deny people based on their ability to pay the loan back.  On top of that, you had banks issue loans with no money down, which had variable rates, low at the onset, and would spike higher as interest rates moved, ensuring they would not be able to pay the newer higher rates and would likewise default.

On a basic level, these loans were packaged together and sold as an investment.  Different packages had different amounts of risk, based on the credit ratings of the borrowers.

They kept selling and leveraging these as assets, when they knew they were worthless.

Eventually, one company saw that they were sitting in a house of cards, and their “assets” were about to implode since they were worthless.  They dumped, and dumped hard, causing a stampede for the doors to get out as everyone else saw their balance sheet wasnt worth shit and the value of the packages tanked.  More sellers than buyers...
Thanks Obunghole.
you guys do know this happened well before Obama's time right?

Thank "white picket fence" Clinton for starting it and Dubba for being too fucking stupid to see the shit storm that was coming.

edit ErikInAZ now i see you point. Thought you were talking policy changes. Still wouldn't put as much blame on him as I would Clinton and Dubba though. At the end of the day the .gov should have told them to fuck off, not "oh hell yeah, lets force the banks to do this woot woot!"
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 1:03:21 AM EDT
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It's about to happen again and nobody seems to be at the wheel.

China manufacturing and shipping shut down entirely is going to have grave implications on the American supply chain of nearly everything you can imagine. The tidal wave has already started deep in the ocean and heading our way.

99% of Americans live way, way above their means. When business cannot business anymore and what products do still exist, including food at 100% more cost, we are in for a fucking shit storm of epic proportions.

Note this point and call me a dumbass later... or not.

The markets are all completely fake as fuck right now but logic doesn't seem to exist anymore. All people see is "Mah account gots mo money' and don't care.

Gloom and  doom out!
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Very well written for a drunk 12 year old.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 1:07:16 AM EDT
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Gov had everything to do with it, they were the ones who initially pushed the practices of loaning to people who couldn't pay.  Banks saw an opportunity to make money and ran with it.  They knew it wasn't gonna last.  Mortgages got packaged up and sold off and everyone was playing musical chairs and hoping they weren't holding the bag when the bottom fell out.
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had an uncle who was a mortgage writer during most of it before getting out not long before the crash. Point blanked told us it was a house of cards. .gov loved it because they were "fighting racism", banks loved it because they were making money but knew the shit was coming.

Thankfully talked my parents out of a of a house they had no fucking way they could pay for.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 1:11:12 AM EDT
Holy fuck is there a lot of dumbfuckery in this thread.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 1:12:12 AM EDT
There's nothing to explain. (0.) There was a housing bubble and risky mortgages were handed out willy nilly. There existed financial instruments with confusing names invented by mathematicians that allowed individuals and institutions to 1.) hide the riskiness of those mortgages and 2.) build highly leveraged positions on said mortgages. (0.) was always going to crash, (1.) and (2.) made the crash spectacular.

People blame big banks, predatory loans, etc., but I blame the morons who thought they could take out three mortgages simultaneously because "housing always goes up."
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 1:22:35 AM EDT
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Holy fuck is there a lot of dumbfuckery in this thread.
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If by dumbfuckery you mean blaming every politician since Carter without a single mention of the retards who actually took out said mortgages then... yeah.

Link Posted: 2/19/2020 4:28:46 AM EDT
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Gov had everything to do with it, they were the ones who initially pushed the practices of loaning to people who couldn't pay.  Banks saw an opportunity to make money and ran with it.  They knew it wasn't gonna last.  Mortgages got packaged up and sold off and everyone was playing musical chairs and hoping they weren't holding the bag when the bottom fell out.
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Wasn't the whole thing with shaky loans because the government started pressuring lenders to lend to people with shoddy credit with some promise of being recouped?
The govt had very little to do with it.  Mortgage brokers were chasing fees, the banks were chasing fees, the people buying the CDO's were chasing yield.  Nonconforming and Subprime loans offered higher yields and fees.  It was a shit show. The bankers got greedy and it blew up in their face.  They did not learn a damn thing because the govt. bailed their ass out.
Gov had everything to do with it, they were the ones who initially pushed the practices of loaning to people who couldn't pay.  Banks saw an opportunity to make money and ran with it.  They knew it wasn't gonna last.  Mortgages got packaged up and sold off and everyone was playing musical chairs and hoping they weren't holding the bag when the bottom fell out.
Dude I worked for Chase.  The govt was not forcing us to make shit loans.  The CRA was not the reason for the housing clusterfuck.   Moody’s had more to do with it than just about anyone else.  They rated MBS AAA that were absolute shit.  We sold that shit to anybody and everybody.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 4:35:52 AM EDT
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Honestly, the movie explains it fairly well.
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yes it does.  matter of fact it nailed it on most accounts.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 10:10:35 AM EDT
I strongly recommend watching the documentary The Bubble. So far it's the best I've seen. The Big Short and Too Big to Fail leave to much out and give a false understanding of the collapse.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 11:29:30 AM EDT
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I don’t remember the evil bankers forcing folks to sign mortgages  at gunpoint.

Money was easy to get and people who had no business borrowing money borrowed way to much.
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There were a bunch of good people invested HEAVILY in Real Estate through their 401K’s. I am glad I wasn’t. Personally know folks who lost over half their life savings a few years from retirement. Thanks to the policies of the swamp. Same ones that drank that Kool Aid keep voting for swamp critters though.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 11:42:50 AM EDT
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Wasn't the whole thing with shaky loans because the government started pressuring lenders to lend to people with shoddy credit with some promise of being recouped?
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Bingo!  Feds puts lots of pressure on banks to lend to anyone.  Anyone.  People couldn't keep up.  Foreclosures hit.  Oversupply of available housing skyrocketed.  Prices fell.  People who couldn't pay were upside down.

I worked as a short sale processor for a couple of years.  I got banks to write off millions of dollars in non-taxable debt.  I didn't make enough to feed myself.

I think it was in W's admin that the "put everyone in their own home"  mentality hit.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 5:30:01 PM EDT
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Dude I worked for Chase.  The govt was not forcing us to make shit loans.  The CRA was not the reason for the housing clusterfuck.   Moody's had more to do with it than just about anyone else.  They rated MBS AAA that were absolute shit.  We sold that shit to anybody and everybody.  
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A fact that had it's own scene in "The Big Short".
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 5:37:10 PM EDT
Bundled derivatives.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 5:46:44 PM EDT
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Dude I worked for Chase.  The govt was not forcing us to make shit loans.  The CRA was not the reason for the housing clusterfuck.   Moody’s had more to do with it than just about anyone else.  They rated MBS AAA that were absolute shit.  We sold that shit to anybody and everybody.  
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Eh, it is partly because of “fair lending” a lot of those bundles contained interest only mortgages to first time and low income buyers whose rates adjusted up (only kind of mortgage they could get) when interest climbed. They were high risk and destined to default.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 5:50:06 PM EDT
The lower level middlemen were the mortgage brokers. They were the used car salesmen at the time.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 5:51:51 PM EDT
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which one are we talking about?
you guys do know this happened well before Obama's time right?

Thank "white picket fence" Clinton for starting it and Dubba for being too fucking stupid to see the shit storm that was coming.

edit ErikInAZ now i see you point. Thought you were talking policy changes. Still wouldn't put as much blame on him as I would Clinton and Dubba though. At the end of the day the .gov should have told them to fuck off, not "oh hell yeah, lets force the banks to do this woot woot!"
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Honestly, the movie explains it fairly well.
which one are we talking about?
Yep, Obama and cohorts made banks issue loans to people with no credit who didn’t have a chance in hell of fulfilling their loans, saying it was racist to deny people based on their ability to pay the loan back.  On top of that, you had banks issue loans with no money down, which had variable rates, low at the onset, and would spike higher as interest rates moved, ensuring they would not be able to pay the newer higher rates and would likewise default.

On a basic level, these loans were packaged together and sold as an investment.  Different packages had different amounts of risk, based on the credit ratings of the borrowers.

They kept selling and leveraging these as assets, when they knew they were worthless.

Eventually, one company saw that they were sitting in a house of cards, and their “assets” were about to implode since they were worthless.  They dumped, and dumped hard, causing a stampede for the doors to get out as everyone else saw their balance sheet wasnt worth shit and the value of the packages tanked.  More sellers than buyers...
Thanks Obunghole.
you guys do know this happened well before Obama's time right?

Thank "white picket fence" Clinton for starting it and Dubba for being too fucking stupid to see the shit storm that was coming.

edit ErikInAZ now i see you point. Thought you were talking policy changes. Still wouldn't put as much blame on him as I would Clinton and Dubba though. At the end of the day the .gov should have told them to fuck off, not "oh hell yeah, lets force the banks to do this woot woot!"
Obama played a role before he ever got into office.
You could argue he was a significant factor in Fannie getting involved.
Once Fannie was in, it was downhill from there.
Obama and the Housing Crash
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 6:17:25 PM EDT
Don't forget  Barney Frank and Jaimie Gorelock's role.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 6:25:59 PM EDT
Mortgage securities were solid when default rates were under one half of one percent.  That's where they were for 60 or 70 years.  No one really thought that default rate would ever change substantially.

The .gov forced banks to make bad loans through the community reinvestment act, accusing banks of "redlining" black zip codes and being racist because they don't give loans to people in poor zip codes.

This erodes the mortgage market.  The banks and securities companies saw this, so they created a complex house of cards where they could continue to sell mortgage securities as if the default rate was 0.04 percent and escape the risk, passing it on to others who would not realize that risk until long after the banks initiating the bad loans had gotten their money.

When the mortgage default rate hit 5 percent, in other words increased by a factor of more than 10, the house of cards collapsed.

Schumer and that gay congressman from Boston were the primary drivers, calling anyone who opposed the CRA racists.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 6:29:22 PM EDT
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A fifth grader can debunk your theory.
The housing market crashed in December of 2008.
Obama was inaugurated on January 20th 2009.
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Obama was in the Senate and definitely sided with those calling GWB a racist for not enforcing the CRA.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 8:11:44 PM EDT
Another story:

Another huge problem was appraisals.  At that time we called appraisers to do all of our appraisals.  The phone call would go something like this.  "Hey appraiser we need xyz address appraised"  "What do you need it to appraise for?"  "$300,000" "Ok"  and miracles of miracles the house would appraise for $300,000.  That shit would end you up in the Fed Pen now days.  Now the appraiser has to be contacted thru a 3rd party.

We did mortgage loans for people that were upside down before the ink was dry on the paperwork.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 8:13:44 PM EDT
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Honestly, the movie explains it fairly well.
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What movie?
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 8:14:41 PM EDT
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What movie?
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Honestly, the movie explains it fairly well.
What movie?
The Big Short
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 8:16:07 PM EDT
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A fifth grader can debunk your theory.
The housing market crashed in December of 2008.
Obama was inaugurated on January 20th 2009.
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Obama was involved in it back in the 90s as a community organizer.
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 8:20:28 PM EDT
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Yep, Obama and cohorts made banks issue loans to people with no credit who didn’t have a chance in hell of fulfilling their loans, saying it was racist to deny people based on their ability to pay the loan back.  On top of that, you had banks issue loans with no money down, which had variable rates, low at the onset, and would spike higher as interest rates moved, ensuring they would not be able to pay the newer higher rates and would likewise default.

On a basic level, these loans were packaged together and sold as an investment.  Different packages had different amounts of risk, based on the credit ratings of the borrowers.

They kept selling and leveraging these as assets, when they knew they were worthless.

Eventually, one company saw that they were sitting in a house of cards, and their “assets” were about to implode since they were worthless.  They dumped, and dumped hard, causing a stampede for the doors to get out as everyone else saw their balance sheet wasnt worth shit and the value of the packages tanked.  More sellers than buyers...
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Fixed it for you: No credit AND no down payment. They had zero vested interested in the property.  Just walk away because they could without any repercussions. Gimme for free things and stuff even though I am not fiscally mature or morally sound
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 8:24:09 PM EDT
Bloomberg Is Right About the 2008 Financial Crash

It was brought about by a flawed attempt to use credit markets to broaden access to housing.

By Christopher Caldwell

He was accused of defending redlining — the practice, illegal since the Fair Housing Act of 1968, of systematically denying credit to black neighborhoods. In an interview at Georgetown University in 2008, flagged this week in a story by The Associated Press, Mr. Bloomberg blamed that year’s mortgage crisis and financial crash on congressional legislation that pressured banks “to make loans to everyone.”

Community organizers and fair-housing advocates accused him this week of embracing a “myth” that blames minorities for bankers’ misdeeds. But that accusation is unfair. True, Mr. Bloomberg goes easy on bankers: Complex derivatives, swaps, “tranching” and opaque offshore deals play no role in his account. But blaming minorities is the last thing he is doing. He is blaming Congress. Certainly there were many elements that brought on the finance crisis, but Mr. Bloomberg correctly identifies the major one: a flawed attempt to use credit markets to broaden access to housing. Studies bear that out.
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Rosario Dawson, Alleged Girlfriend of the Fiercely Heterosexual Cory Booker, Comes Out as LGBTQ
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 8:25:22 PM EDT
the sellers "labeled" the bonds by risk & they paid accordingly.

but the managers did not always keep them the labels pure yo the product

2nd like in Hileah fl. you had a developer build a 2,600 home suburb  sell the homes for 50K apiece the bank did no credit or employment check at all

no shit.  they had school bus drivers say they were paid 100K a year be approved & sold a 500K house

then the shoddy suburbs began to collapse  at8 years old dur to crappy construction crappy materials , ect.

so bam 2600 homes worth 0 dollars but folks owe 500K apiece for them.  the developer took his moneyt & ran off to South America
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 8:26:51 PM EDT
More from the NYT:

Bill Clinton, elected president in 1992, made this mission his own. Starting in the summer of 1994, he crusaded against the dearth of private housing credit in poor, black, urban neighborhoods. It was he who, without strong evidence, made the incendiary accusation of “redlining.”

Mr. Clinton enlisted and empowered community organizers, using the Community Reinvestment Act, a nearly forgotten piece of legislation from 1977 that gave community groups a way to stymie banks by accusing them of discrimination. He brokered deals. In the quarter-century after 1992, $850 billion in loans was steered through these community groups. The banks took the precaution of showering gifts and grants on the community groups directly, too. After 1993, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, which would later attract controversy for its role in helping elect Barack Obama president, received $13.5 million from Bank of America, $9.5 million from JPMorgan Chase and $8.1 million from Citibank.

By the time Mr. Clinton left office, the Department of Housing and Urban Development required that low-income loans make up 50 percent of the G.S.E.’s portfolio. Republicans never objected. They seemed to assume that, as long as the costs of fair housing came in the form of a risk distributed across society, with no increase in any line item in the federal budget, then they must be unimportant. Jack Kemp campaigned for vice president in 1996 calling for “a new civil rights agenda based upon expanding access to credit and capital.” As part of its program of “compassionate conservatism,” George W. Bush’s administration raised the G.S.E.s’ quota for low-income loans to 56 percent.

That brought an astonishing deterioration in the quality of housing assets. By 2007, high-risk mortgages made up 22 percent of the G.S.E.s’ portfolio, up tenfold from a decade before. The economists Atif Mian and Amir Sufi discovered that, between 2002 and 2005, income and mortgage credit growth were “negatively correlated.” The less likely you were to pay off a mortgage, the more likely you were to get one.

The G.S.E.s’ underwriting standards became those of the whole industry. By 2006, 46 percent of new homeowners were making no down payment at all on their houses, and banks had trillions of dollars in loans on their books that would never have been made, absent government pressure. No well-informed accountant thought these loans could survive an economic downturn, and they did not. The politicization of poor people’s mortgages in a single country — the promise to make loans to everyone, as Mr. Bloomberg put it — brought the world to the brink of economic disaster.
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Link Posted: 2/19/2020 8:31:00 PM EDT
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Fixed it for you: No credit AND no down payment. They had zero vested interested in the property.  Just walk away because they could without any repercussions. Gimme for free things and stuff even though I am not fiscally mature or morally sound
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You talking about the guys that got paid million dollar commissions with taxpayer bailout money for bankrupting their companies?
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 8:41:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 2/19/2020 8:51:46 PM EDT
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As in the whole market?
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This is pretty fascinating.  I missed being affected by it (was in germany at the time).

Any guesses on what the next bubble will be?
Index fund crash.
As in the whole market?
Five big tech companies -- Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Google and Facebook -- now account for almost 20 percent of the S&P 500. People in index funds aren't anywhere near as diversified as they think they are.

Auto market is getting really screwy too. Wall Street Journal reporting today about the growing practice of dealerships telling customers who are hardcore upside down on their current vehicle their best option is to buy the new vehicle they want, and then let their previous one get repossessed afterwards. That way they already have their new car/loan when their credit rating takes the hit.

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