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Link Posted: 12/19/2012 1:06:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 1:19:14 PM EDT
Contacted.  We all need to keep writing, calling whatever it takes.  Again, gun grabbing liberals seek to punish law abiding citizens for a crime committed by a crazed lunatic criminal.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 1:21:00 PM EDT

He is the Speaker and if he receives hundreds of thousands of emails I believe it will matter.  And if not, is it really that much of a burden to spend a few minutes sending an email or making a call?

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 1:21:56 PM EDT
I don't believe Harry Reid will even allow a gun control bill to be heard, and it surely won't be passed in the House.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 1:23:58 PM EDT
First time in my life. Done.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 1:28:30 PM EDT
Called and spoke to a rep, then sent a lengthy email.doubt it helps much but I will continue to try!
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 1:30:40 PM EDT
Instead of whining about being doomed, we can do something constructive.

If you aren't a resident of his district, contact him with this link:

Out of district residents

If you are in Ohio's 8th district, use this link:

Ohio 8th district residents

You can contact the Republican Party here:


Below is my message:


Dear Rep. Boehner,

I have voted Republican every election of my adult life.

If the Republican party allows any sort of gun or magazine ban to pass, I am DONE with the Republican party.  We had a worthless "assault weapon" ban for ten years, which accomplished nothing.  If the party allows any part of that back, I will never forgive them.  You have the House.  You can protect our rights if you wish.

If the Republican party wants to do something constructive, I suggest subsidizing armed security in every school in the country.

Please write back immediately.



sent john boehner & my rep eric cantor hand written letters 2 days ago!
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 1:37:04 PM EDT
Sent this to Boehner:

Congressman Boehner
I live in St Louis Missouri. I'm also a veteran of United States Marine Corps infantry and served in Mogadishu Somalia, and currently a police officer in St Louis. I'm also a father of 3 little girls under the age of 3. The recent shooting in Connecticut was horrible, and tragic. But a knee jerk reactionary attempt at gun control is not the solution to this problem. This was a mental health issue where a person who was already prohibited from possessing a firearm illegally stole them and used them to murder those innocent children and their teachers. A better solution to the problem is one suggested by the St Louis County Police Chief Tim Fitch where teachers and school administrators (who chose to do so) can legally carry firearms in schools to protect our children. As a police officer I can get to places very, very quickly when the need arises. But it appears that in this case, the gunman killed everyone involved, including himself in under 3 minutes. There is an old saying that is painfully true in this circumstance, "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away."
My heart aches for those who lost their lives in the horrible attack last week. But gun bans have been proven not to work. The Israeli's have had armed teachers and counselors for their schools for several years now and they dont have similar shootings, even though they are surrounded by countries who wish for nothing more than their extinction. I can think of no better tribute to those who lost their lives last week than an honest, sincere effort to ensure that this never happens again. Working on modifying the HIPAA laws so that psychiatrists and doctors who treat the mentally ill and those who have attempted suicide can report their patients to the FBI or another suitable LE agency for the purposes of identifying them and ensuring they are unable to legally obtain guns is the first step. Allowing the teachers that want to obtain the proper and necessary training and certification to carry a firearm in the school in order to protect our children is the second step.
Banning guns because they were used in this heinous crime will do nothing except penalize the law abiding gun owners of the US. It's already illegally for the mentally ill to possess firearms, and it's already illegal to murder other human beings, but that didnt stop Adam Lanza for violating both of those laws and committing this horrific act.

I have voted Republican every election of my adult life.

If the Republican party allows any sort of gun or magazine ban to pass, I am DONE with the Republican party. I will donate my time, money and efforts to getting Representatives and Senators elected in the primary that represent me and my beliefs, regardless of party affiliation. If the Republican party allows any part of the failed assault weapons ban back, I will never forgive them. You have the House. You can protect our rights if you wish.

Thank you

And variations of it to my Senators, and Soon to be Rep.
Sent a very condensed version to the GOP website linked in the OP.....

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 1:39:25 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 1:41:01 PM EDT
I contacted him about the budget and also to speak out against any new firearms legislation.

I got a canned response regarding the budget.  A second email is in order for the AWB issue alone.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 1:41:07 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 1:48:40 PM EDT
Thanks for the link and done
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 1:52:20 PM EDT
ost bump
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 1:54:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:02:44 PM EDT
Mr Speaker,
I'm writing today to tell you that I am a Republican voter in Maryland, and I do not support any new firearm laws at the federal level. Responding to the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary in a knee-jerk manner by restricting the rights of law-abiding citizens would leave me no choice but to find another political party that respects my rights.

Short and simple.

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:10:36 PM EDT
Mr. Speaker,
I am concerned over the current media furvor and Democrat led effort to reinstitute the failed Assault Weapons and magazine bans of the 90s.  Those laws did nothing to reduce crime or violence when they were in force, and their sunset has not increased crime or violence.  
We are all shocked and saddened by recent events in Connecticut and elsewhere, but those bad laws would have done nothing to stop these events.  As the Supreme Court affirmed, the right to bear arms is an individual liberty enjoyed by each citizen of this country - individually.  This is a civil rights issue and I urge you to preserve my rights and the rights of my fellow citizens.
There are millions of these firearms in private hands, the hands of good, law abiding citizens, and a mere handful are ever used for any unlawful purpose.
The cause of the tradgedy is not guns, but behavior.  Focus your efforts there.
You and the Republicans in the House are the last line of defense against a pending ban and destruction of my civil liberties.  I urge you to hold the line against this attack.
If you do not hold the line, if you fail, if you do not offer an alternative choice to the policies of the Democrats, then there is no reason to vote for you or any Republican ever again.
There are millions in this country who share my view.
Thank you for your time.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:19:56 PM EDT

I've already contacted my own, and for what its worth...the White House.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:21:22 PM EDT
Dear Mr. Speaker,

I write to you as a concerned conservative.  For as long as I have had the ability to vote, I have consistently voted for the Republican party, and plan to do so for the foreseeable future.

However, if Congress decides to erode our 2nd amendment right, and punish the vast majority of law abiding Americans who do no wrong just to fulfill an emotional contract with the people of Connecticut, I will feel abandoned by the party I have devoted all of my adult life to.

If a criminal is determined to murder an individual, committing one of the worst crimes known...he will not be swayed by a lesser law stating that he can't use a gun.  Criminals don't care about the law, that is why they are criminals.  Any gun restricting legislation only removes the law abiding citizen's right to exercise their 2nd amendment rights.

The shooter in Connecticut was already a prohibited individual, deemed to not be of sound mind.  He was already prohibited by law from owning a gun, yet he obtained one.

It is obvious our current laws would have prevented this, but the lack of enforcement of those laws is what led to this tragedy.

Thank you Mr. Speaker, and Merry Christmas.

Darrick Yezak
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:21:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:23:46 PM EDT
Dear Mr. Speaker,

I write to you as a concerned conservative.  For as long as I have had the ability to vote, I have consistently voted for the Republican party, and plan to do so for the foreseeable future.

However, if Congress decides to erode our 2nd amendment right, and punish the vast majority of law abiding Americans who do no wrong just to fulfill an emotional contract with the people of Connecticut, I will feel abandoned by the party I have devoted all of my adult life to.

If a criminal is determined to murder an individual, committing one of the worst crimes known...he will not be swayed by a lesser law stating that he can't use a gun.  Criminals don't care about the law, that is why they are criminals.  Any gun restricting legislation only removes the law abiding citizen's right to exercise their 2nd amendment rights.

The shooter in Connecticut was already a prohibited individual, deemed to not be of sound mind.  He was already prohibited by law from owning a gun, yet he obtained one.

It is obvious our current laws would have prevented this, but the lack of enforcement of those laws is what led to this tragedy.

Thank you Mr. Speaker, and Merry Christmas.

Darrick Yezak

I'm taking this one step further and contacting both of my Senators as well as my Congressman...  I implore you to do the same.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:25:37 PM EDT
Just sent it out to the GOP, sent the others out yesterday. lets keep fighting and keep the pressure on.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:27:11 PM EDT
Dear Mr. Speaker,

I write to you as a concerned conservative.  For as long as I have had the ability to vote, I have consistently voted for the Republican party, and plan to do so for the foreseeable future.

However, if Congress decides to erode our 2nd amendment right, and punish the vast majority of law abiding Americans who do no wrong just to fulfill an emotional contract with the people of Connecticut, I will feel abandoned by the party I have devoted all of my adult life to.

If a criminal is determined to murder an individual, committing one of the worst crimes known...he will not be swayed by a lesser law stating that he can't use a gun.  Criminals don't care about the law, that is why they are criminals.  Any gun restricting legislation only removes the law abiding citizen's right to exercise their 2nd amendment rights.

The shooter in Connecticut was already a prohibited individual, deemed to not be of sound mind.  He was already prohibited by law from owning a gun, yet he obtained one.

It is obvious our current laws would have prevented this, but the lack of enforcement of those laws is what led to this tragedy.

Thank you Mr. Speaker, and Merry Christmas.

Darrick Yezak

I'm taking this one step further and contacting both of my Senators as well as my Congressman...  I implore you to do the same.

All 4 letters sent.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:27:11 PM EDT
Thank you for the out of district link. I have sent all my local and federal reps, and think this will be a good addition to my campaign of letter writing.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:28:48 PM EDT
Kotex sent.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:31:29 PM EDT
Ive hit everone here in Ohio.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:32:12 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:34:48 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:36:13 PM EDT
I sent letters to both my Senators and one to Boehner, hope it helps
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:36:52 PM EDT

Great thread. Thanks.

Folks, please take a minute. It really does help.

Worth repeating.

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:37:54 PM EDT
sent to
John Boehner
Sen McCaskill
Sen Blunt
Rep Graves
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:39:42 PM EDT
Honorable Speaker,

Please remind your colleagues of the limits on Government power as reinforced by the recent Heller decision. The purpose of the 2nd amendment is ultimately to prevent Tyranny, not hunting or sport, or even self-protection. The 2nd amendment is the final check and great equalizer for a nation of free people. The people are not supposed to fear their government, and I fear what they would do if the 2nd amendment were to no longer be a relevant concern for the leaders such as yourself. Please continue to lead with steadfast commitment to the founding father's foresight in this manner, and well done regarding the tough negotiations involving tax policy. You have my support, please act to maintain it despite the emotional and irrational calls for certain firearm and magazine bans which are a road to disarmament, nothing more.


Barack Obama
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:44:02 PM EDT

And another helpful post here ...


I have been looking at all example letters that are being emailed to Congress members and I just want to offer some information I gained will working in Washington during the summer of 2010.  

The debt ceiling battle was going down during the 10 weeks I was working on the hill.  I wasn't in an Congress members office but my job was to work with interns who were and so I basically talked to them all day.  There were a ton of people contacting their representatives all summer, especially after Obama did a press conference asking people to do so.  There are just too many letters, emails, and phone calls coming in all day every day for them to even begin to read them all.

The interns job was to fill out a form that looked like a big sticky pad.  On it were a bunch of boxes they would check which was meant to make organization and counting later much easier.  They read the email or letter very quickly to get where the person stands on the issue.  They mark it down for or against and put it into a pile.  All forms of contact were counted equally and they were all recorded the same way.

So when contacting your representatives, multiple contacts matter.  Make the intern reading the email understand where you stand on the issue very concisely so they can move onto the next one.

I usually do this:

Subject: Protect the 2nd Amendment

Body: I am a Republican.  Do not support any new gun laws. I will donate money to your primary opponent if you do.

You can add in filler to make it flow better but that is all they need to know.  Quantity over length is best.  Call multiple times.  Email multiple times.  Contact members who do not represent you if you like.

That simple.


Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:44:54 PM EDT


Instead of whining about being doomed, we can do something constructive.

If you aren't a resident of his district, contact him with this link:

Out of district residents

If you are in Ohio's 8th district, use this link:

Ohio 8th district residents

You can contact the Republican Party here:


Below is my message:


Dear Rep. Boehner,

I have voted Republican every election of my adult life.

If the Republican party allows any sort of gun or magazine ban to pass, I am DONE with the Republican party. We had a worthless "assault weapon" ban for ten years, which accomplished nothing. If the party allows any part of that back, I will never forgive them. You have the House. You can protect our rights if you wish.

If the Republican party wants to do something constructive, I suggest subsidizing armed security in every school in the country.

Please write back immediately.



I called all four ( congressman, both senators and the speaker) yesterday.

I told my congressman that I really respected what he is doing and to not get discouraged in these terrible times. I did encourage him to get ready for a long fight for our 2 amendment rights. I do believe that they do need to hear some encouragement to do the right thing and it is a good time to wish them Merry CHRISTmas.

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:46:42 PM EDT
Done.  Also done yesterday.  And the day before.  And I wrote one for my pal yesterday.  And I'm going to write one for him now.  And for my grand parents.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:46:58 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:49:12 PM EDT
I don't believe Harry Reid will even allow a gun control bill to be heard, and it surely won't be passed in the House.

I'm not sure of that at all — Reid and his cronies are marxist scum.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:53:25 PM EDT
Done, thanks for the link OP.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 2:58:44 PM EDT
Sent this to Speaker Boehner and my representative Chris Gibson.  I don't see any point in ending it to Senators Schumer or Gillibrand.

As with all others, my heart goes out to the families who lost loved ones in the Sandy Hook School Shooting.  In addition, I am repulsed that some of our elected officials are using this tragedy as a springboard for more proposed gun bans.  

This was not a gun law failure, it was a mental health failure.  Punishing all the law abiding gun owners (over 90 million people according to ATF/FBI) for the actions of a mentally disturbed youth is not the answer.  

I urge you in the strongest possible way to protect our civil rights and not vote them away in the name of compromise.  

Thank you.  

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 3:01:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 3:05:17 PM EDT
Mr Speaker,

I am very concerned with the recent news coverage suggesting additional gun legislation.  I have been a republican voter my entire adult life.  I am becoming increasingly disenfranchised with the Republican Party's departure from the true conservative values that have built this nation.  Should the Republican party continue to compromise the values that brought them to power, they will lose my vote for good.  

Specific to the popular topic of additional Assault Weapons Bans / Magazine bans / Transfer bans:   NIJ studies showed the last AWB had 0 effect on crime. None at all.  The left is using a tragedy to further their goal of disarming American citizens and destroying the second amendment.  I find it troubling that so many in Washington can not understand the simple phrase: "shall not be infringed."

We (America's conservative base) have been watching you and your associates in Washington.  We are NOT happy with the way you have presented yourself, our ideals, or the Republican party.  Moving forward with ANY legislation further limiting gun rights (or compromising any additional conservative values) will have consequences the next time we go to the polls.

Kindest regards,
UGA Grad

slight changes also made and this was sent to my state reps.

I sent this one
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 3:07:14 PM EDT
did both bump
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 3:13:40 PM EDT
I don't believe Harry Reid will even allow a gun control bill to be heard, and it surely won't be passed in the House.

I'm not sure of that at all — Reid and his cronies are marxist scum.

You bet your ass that he would let it come up for a vote.

Our approach with Reid has to be to offer him alternatives to bring up for vicious argument on the senate floor in order to simply run down the clock.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 3:29:35 PM EDT
Come on guys keep it going to him and Reid.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 3:30:07 PM EDT
Come on guys keep it going to him and Reid.

Don't send letters to Reid if you're not in NV.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 3:32:05 PM EDT
done.  I sent one to him and the GOP. Everyone bitching should also do it then at least you can say you tried also
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 3:36:03 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 3:36:23 PM EDT
The 1994 assault weapons ban accomplished nothing. By and large, these weapons are not used in crimes due to expense and impracticality. Due to technological advancements, these firearms have become the standard for many types of hunting, firearms competition, police use and home defense. To ban them would gut the original intent of the second amendment, and make law abiding citizens less safe.

I urge you to reject any attempt to pass a new assault weapons ban.

Link Posted: 12/19/2012 3:42:40 PM EDT

And sent missives to the Gov, Lt. Gov, the TX Attorney General and my reps.
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 3:44:07 PM EDT
I messaged the speaker, congratulated him on his succinct speech today and encouraged him to show such resolve in the face of the upcoming assault on the 2A. I also wrote to my state reps.

I wrote a fair amount but each letter had the line "The President tells you that the majority of gun owners will support restrictions on the AR15, which is the most popular sporting rifle in the USA. He is demonstrably incorrect."
Link Posted: 12/19/2012 3:45:02 PM EDT
In district, DONE!
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