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Link Posted: 8/9/2019 8:30:53 PM EDT
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I have noticed a trend of former spec ops types thinking of every other gun owner as plebs and themselves as special.  It seems Dan is one of those types.
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I think it's a SEAL thing.

All of the 18x series gents I work with/am friends with are no compromise 2a guys.
Link Posted: 8/9/2019 8:33:54 PM EDT
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You are being excedelingly hyperbolic.

out of everyone who's thrown their hat in the gun control ring, his is the only one I'd trust to implement a red flag law, the protections and due process to protect gun owners is the kind such a law needs, multiple witnesses, and or compelling preponderance of evidence, consequences for liars and false reports, representation and due process.
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It's not how he'd implement it, or me, or you.

It's how your worst enemy would implement it.

Because thats what will happen.
Link Posted: 8/9/2019 8:36:15 PM EDT
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You are being excedelingly hyperbolic.

out of everyone who’s thrown their hat in the gun control ring, his is the only one I’d trust to implement a red flag law, the protections and due process to protect gun owners is the kind such a law needs, multiple witnesses, and or compelling preponderance of evidence, consequences for liars and false reports, representation and due process.
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I cannot agree less, nor disagree more.  I trust no one, not a single other person, with that kind of power.  And by the time you add in all of those safeguards it becomes non effective.
Link Posted: 8/9/2019 8:42:40 PM EDT
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ha ha fuck him
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going with this.
Link Posted: 8/9/2019 8:44:40 PM EDT

I was fan.  I was hoping he would say his statement was taken out of context or some shit, but the sentence he says at 49:50 is so fucked up, he should stop claiming veteran status....

"We monopolize the use of force as a govt to prevent injustices done against each other..."

Can someone please slap this fucker with a pocket Constitution!  Explain to him that that is NOT the role of Govt before he strips someone of their right to due process!


Last time I checked, the Govt was supposed to be comprised of ordinary citizens that are equally subject to the law. I guess his mental health is faltering.  Someone should take his guns away.
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If only...
Link Posted: 8/9/2019 8:45:23 PM EDT
Words yo:

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 1:55:33 AM EDT
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NO government deserves a monopoly on the use of force. That only fully enables abuse of power. What does this turd thinks he is...an Afghani warlord? A Somali General?
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Link Posted: 8/10/2019 3:03:02 AM EDT

I was fan.  I was hoping he would say his statement was taken out of context or some shit, but the sentence he says at 49:50 is so fucked up, he should stop claiming veteran status....

"We monopolize the use of force as a govt to prevent injustices done against each other..."

Can someone please slap this fucker with a pocket Constitution!  Explain to him that that is NOT the role of Govt before he strips someone of their right to due process!


Last time I checked, the Govt was supposed to be comprised of ordinary citizens that are equally subject to the law.  I guess his mental health is faltering.  Someone should take his guns away.
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and you just know he always had these opinions, it must have boiled his blood having to pretend that he cared about the common folk. Then he saw an opportunity to tell the truth thinking that the peasants would be behind him. He's worse than the most liberal of liberal politicians, because he's supposed to be one of us. It's his fucking words that will be blasted on the media to suggest that we also agree with gun control.
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 3:07:50 AM EDT
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NO government deserves a monopoly on the use of force. That only fully enables abuse of power. What does this turd thinks he is...an Afghani warlord? A Somali General?
The TAPS Act is some gestapo/Chinese social credit score shit.

Everyone should send emails to Trump in opposition to this garbage.
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 3:29:37 AM EDT
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Monopolization of the use of force by government is a conservative principle?

Where in the fuck is he getting this shit?
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History. Reality.

Authoritarian GOPe IS the std. for Conservatism, and always has been.
The entrenched, and rising stars follow the line, or get hamstrung locally.

The GOP as it exists, is as "Progressive" as the left, and has been for a long, long time.
Crenshaw is just another politician, and in the practice of selling lies in trade for $$$ and power.

"Conservative" is just GOPe old school packaging.
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 3:30:10 AM EDT
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ARFGD isn't going to like anyone talking gun policy that doesn't walk around all day in a modified Weaver Stance. I think that's ok. I happen to believe we should implement ObamaCarry...everyone MUST own and carry a gun or face tax penalties. You can't board a plane without a handgun. The country would get very polite overnight. We may even see an increase in turn-signal use and a decrease in littering. Everybody wins.
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There'd be one hell of an adjustment period, hit after that it'd be pretty smooth.
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 3:44:11 AM EDT
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I always find it refreshingly face-palm when everyone assumes that because someone has endured BUD/s or SF or Ranger training, that they are now somehow sainted with common sense.

He's a statist that happened to be in good enough physical and mental condition to withstand harsh training.

There's millions more just like him.
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What someone did while wearing a military uniform in a shit hole foreign country has nothing to do with what they do while wearing a suit in DC. Being awesome at one doesn't make you awesome at the other.
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 4:01:10 AM EDT
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You are being excedelingly hyperbolic.

out of everyone who's thrown their hat in the gun control ring, his is the only one I'd trust to implement a red flag law, the protections and due process to protect gun owners is the kind such a law needs, multiple witnesses, and or compelling preponderance of evidence, consequences for liars and false reports, representation and due process.
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Even if you trust him for some reason, are you going to trust whoever comes after him?

Seriously, fuck that guy.
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 7:41:38 AM EDT
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The TAPS Act is some gestapo/Chinese social credit score shit.

Everyone should send emails to Trump in opposition to this garbage.
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Link Posted: 8/10/2019 7:59:05 AM EDT
Dude was touting the same BS and getting lots of love from the leftist.

We are watching corruption of an individual and his unquestioning base.

He brings constituents in by being “tough” on some issues. Lull them into a false since of security. Then lead the constituents away from their party.  It’s how these people operate.

I also noticed his most recent plug for his gun control on FB was a facemessage bullshit.  You can’t see replies. I wonder why....
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 8:08:16 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 8/10/2019 8:10:23 AM EDT
I’m not advocating that he should be inundated with these, but it would be somewhat funny:

Link Posted: 8/10/2019 8:13:05 AM EDT
Statists goina state.
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 8:18:14 AM EDT
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It's not how he'd implement it, or me, or you.

It's how your worst enemy would implement it.

Because thats what will happen.
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This.  The bad still outweighs all possible good.  The worst possible abuses of red flag laws are way worse than the most positive results.

Dan Crenshaw and any other person who votes to pass this lose a ton of credibility.
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 8:43:58 AM EDT
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Link Posted: 8/10/2019 8:52:26 AM EDT
The 2nd Amendment protects all of the other Amendments. Those who would abuse us need us disarmed in order to create their utopian vision of a cradle to grave govt controlled system. It is really that simple.
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 9:35:44 AM EDT
He was just on Louder with Crowder. Have not seen it yet.

Link Posted: 8/10/2019 10:13:47 AM EDT
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He was just on Louder with Crowder. Have not seen it yet.

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Yeah, that's kind of what kicked off this thread.
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 10:22:35 AM EDT
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Yeah, that's kind of what kicked off this thread.
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Derp. Your right. I thought this was the thread from a few days ago when everyone was mad at him.
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 10:29:54 AM EDT
I firmly believe that the GOP uses popular politicians to go out and float unpopular ideas.
"Hey Dan, you're pretty popular. We want you to go out and say you support XXX and get the peoples reaction as to whether it will be supported or not. Don't worry, if it's unpopular and you get some flak over it we'll make sure you get some extra party money come reelection time. Plus you can always later say that you don't support it as written because it doesn't protect people rights, LOL."
It was Dan's turn in the barrel
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 10:37:06 AM EDT
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You are being excedelingly hyperbolic.

out of everyone who’s thrown their hat in the gun control ring, his is the only one I’d trust to implement a red flag law, the protections and due process to protect gun owners is the kind such a law needs, multiple witnesses, and or compelling preponderance of evidence, consequences for liars and false reports, representation and due process.
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are you fucking high?  Really? Come on?!!
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 10:41:16 AM EDT
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You are being excedelingly hyperbolic.

out of everyone who's thrown their hat in the gun control ring, his is the only one I'd trust to implement a red flag law, the protections and due process to protect gun owners is the kind such a law needs, multiple witnesses, and or compelling preponderance of evidence, consequences for liars and false reports, representation and due process.
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Link Posted: 8/10/2019 10:45:53 AM EDT
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 12:08:10 PM EDT
He posted another Instagram video today basically saying that if we don’t have a conversation about this the Democrats will set what they want.

“You have to trust us to create more laws that can trample your rights; because if we don’t do it the Democrats will.”
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 12:28:09 PM EDT
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 12:30:03 PM EDT
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You are being excedelingly hyperbolic.

out of everyone who’s thrown their hat in the gun control ring, his is the only one I’d trust to implement a red flag law, the protections and due process to protect gun owners is the kind such a law needs, multiple witnesses, and or compelling preponderance of evidence, consequences for liars and false reports, representation and due process.
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I trust no one in our government.
I trust no man to only infringe a little more on our rights.

I want my #%^^$ cake back! ALL OF IT!
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 12:32:35 PM EDT
Didn’t take him long at all to reject the people who voted for him and become party of the RINO political machine.
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 12:33:44 PM EDT
He’s going down and he knows it.
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 12:34:33 PM EDT
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He posted another Instagram video today basically saying that if we don't have a conversation about this the Democrats will set what they want.

"You have to trust us to create more laws that can trample your rights; because if we don't do it the Democrats will."
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How about you go out there and ,oh I don't know, Dan, maybe FIGHT the fucking commies

like you fought the Jihadis?  Isn't that what you campaigned on doing.

For Pete's sake what he is saying is, we have to surrender on our own terms to the Taliban

before there is even a fight, because otherwise there might be a fight.
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 12:39:09 PM EDT
Damn, he went full commie. And I liked the guy
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 1:31:07 PM EDT
I emailed and called my representative (Gohmert) that he should not vote for any red flag laws or the TAPS ACT. Fuck Crenshaw....
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 1:41:23 PM EDT
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Eat a bag of dicks Crenshaw
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This!! FDC
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 3:59:31 PM EDT

So basically he's sorry, but not sorry and he stands by his "conversation"
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 6:49:35 PM EDT
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So basically he's sorry, but not sorry and he stands by his "conversation"
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Pretty much. " I shit the bed but you guys are tough.  And I meant it"
Link Posted: 8/10/2019 7:08:25 PM EDT
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Monopolization of the use of force by government is a conservative principle?

Where in the fuck is he getting this shit?
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Shit has a specific origin.
Link Posted: 8/11/2019 8:47:59 AM EDT
I didn’t say i’d Like it, but if we are going to get fucked, do you want Dan’s or pelosi’s version? Yeah I hear you option C, neither, great and if that’s off the table what would the best course of action be?

What’s that? Reduce the amount of damage done?

No you’d rather option D? Refuse everything and get fucked by the tide?

By all means tell dan fuck no, tell them all fuck no, but don’t throw away the key on Someone because he’s playing smart, planing ahead floating options trying to influence all out comes. whereas you rabid fools aren’t, now  chew me out some more before going back to your reactionary 1D chess or engage your brains.

Mean while I’m going to tell my reps to vote no, to stall it for as long as possible, but if they can’t stop it, then do as much damage control as possible.
Link Posted: 8/11/2019 9:07:36 AM EDT
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He posted another Instagram video today basically saying that if we don’t have a conversation about this the Democrats will set what they want.

“You have to trust us to create more laws that can trample your rights; because if we don’t do it the Democrats will.”
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Also, "I can't put up a fight against this. None of us can. Only the Democrats make the rules and we have to give them (a) something or (b) everything."

I refuse to even entertain such a cowardly position or any coward who utters it. In fact, it enrages me just thinking about it.

Fuck Crenshaw and all who are like him.

Fuck. Him.
Link Posted: 8/11/2019 9:14:40 AM EDT
He's been bought and paid for.  Fuck him.
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