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Link Posted: 3/7/2011 1:25:02 PM EDT
I can only imagine wanting to spend $1000 on CZ if you are concerned with keeping up appearances. You could spend $1000-$3000 and get a very decent rock from a pawn shop or on eBay; it might be smaller, but it's a diamond.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 1:28:20 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 1:29:38 PM EDT
I wonder how many anti-diamond posters have very nice vehicles or safe queen guns & accessories worth many thousands of dollars. For all their bluster of "it's a tool, you get what you pay for, etc." How much did the car depreciate last year?
I bought a modest but nice stone from a jeweler that's a family friend. Wife didn't demand a diamond; suggested a plain band. I gave it because I wanted to - it's a nice thing to think of someone besides yourself and give them presents.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Vehicles, guns and accessories serve a purpose beyond sitting on a finger and making friends go "Oooooh, he DOES love you." I used my vehicle AND my gun today.

My Glocks put holes in paper fine. So does my Les Baer. One is arguably "as good as the other" for social purposes, yet I paid more for the Baer because I liked it. A bare bones Geo Metro (remember those) will get you to work as well as a BMW, but some people pay more for the luxury that others think is a waste.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 1:31:48 PM EDT
5-10K? your nuts.
I shopped around and got a 1CT (TW distributed in 1/3's) absolutley brilliant ring for under a grand. Nearly blinds you from across the room and the wife unit has received many compliments.

Is the diamond market a scam? Yeah.
Investments? Its jewelery, consider it an investment in your relationship. Jeez, cars, houses, and now jewelery are considered "investment material" for the average person. Just buy it, put it on her finger, and yall be happy.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 1:34:36 PM EDT
I wonder how many anti-diamond posters have very nice vehicles or safe queen guns & accessories worth many thousands of dollars. For all their bluster of "it's a tool, you get what you pay for, etc." How much did the car depreciate last year?
I bought a modest but nice stone from a jeweler that's a family friend. Wife didn't demand a diamond; suggested a plain band. I gave it because I wanted to - it's a nice thing to think of someone besides yourself and give them presents.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Vehicles, guns and accessories serve a purpose beyond sitting on a finger and making friends go "Oooooh, he DOES love you." I used my vehicle AND my gun today.

My Glocks put holes in paper fine. So does my Les Baer. One is arguably "as good as the other" for social purposes, yet I paid more for the Baer because I liked it. A bare bones Geo Metro (remember those) will get you to work as well as a BMW, but some people pay more for the luxury that others think is a waste.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

Question: if Glock began manufacturing pistols in Smeryna, Georgia would you pay a massive premium for an identical pistol that was made at the original plant in Austria?  Because that is a much better analogy between synthetic and natural stones than comparing a glock with a tuned 1911.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 1:38:29 PM EDT
Engagement ring was a diamond.
Anniversary band was Lab grown stones...her idea.
She wanted stuff done to the house and we can always swap out the stones.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 1:39:10 PM EDT
5-10K? your nuts.

What about his nuts?
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 1:46:26 PM EDT
I bought my wife a nice ring as a symbol of my love and affection for her.  She'll wear it every day, for the rest of her life, and someday it will be passed down in our family to our children.  I saw no problem paying a decent chunk of change for something that will have that kind of longevity and will become a family heirloom.

In your profession do you see many couples fight over who gets to keep the ring?
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 1:51:13 PM EDT

Are either of you Irish?

If so these are cool and not very pricey.


IMO, that would be for a wedding ring, not engagement. Unless she is insistent on the CZ, I would go with a diamond that you can afford. If you do the CZ route, don't go too big or it will be obvious that it is fake.

It can be used as both. You just turn it around to point a different direction when you get married.

Link Posted: 3/7/2011 2:00:40 PM EDT

I highly recommend http://www.diamondnexuslabs.com/

They make and sell man made diamonds.  I bought a beautiful 3/4 carrot diamond and white gold ring from them for $450

My fiancee loves it  and the 300+ people she has shown it to tell her how beautiful it is.

Don't waste your money buying a "real" diamond.

Is it not a body-centered cubic arrangement of carbon atoms? If it is, then it's a diamond - it just wasn't dug up out of the ground...


I shopped around that Web site for a while, as I like the idea of a real "lab grown" diamond. The site felt "off," so I did a quick google search on these guys.  It appears that they might be just CZ with fancy, crooked marketing.  Granted, the link below is to one of their "diamond simulant" competitors:


Diamond "simulant"? I don't want to buy a stone from the Blade Runner prop house. Anyone have any information on REAL lab-grown diamonds?  
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 2:16:03 PM EDT
Here is the question I ask myself with any large purchase, what can I get for it if I should decide to sell it?

For instance, if you pay $200k for a house, in a year how much would you like to be able to sell it for? If it were a diamond you would get $20,000 if you could find a buyer. Would you buy that house in that scenario?
How about a car, if you paid $20K for a car how much would you sell it for in a year, how about $2,000, if it were a diamond and if you could find someone to buy it that is what it would be worth.

How about this, say you pay $1k for a Kimber 1911, in a year you can sell it for $100, would you do that?

This formula is based on the various articles about the Diamond market and the Debeers cartel.
Retail is 100% markup from wholesale. If you are selling a diamond you might get 20-30% or wholesale, if you could find a buyer.

If it were my girl I would look at an Emerald or a Ruby in a platnum setting. At least the Emerald or Ruby might be worth something.
My mother in law passed away a couple of years ago, my wife recently tried to sell off her mothers jewlery. Some of the rings like a diamond coctail ring, the buyers just did not want. They were really interested in the metals, gold and siver, not so much the stones.
I bought my wife a nice antique style diamond ring from a pawn shop, I paid $150, my wife had it appraised at $1,500.
As many of the articles state, the diamond business is a scam, you are paying lots of money for a polished rock that has no real value and you can't sell it for anywhere near what you paid for it. The diamond market is the new version of the Emperiors clothes.

Good luck.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 2:17:47 PM EDT
I can tell how many single guys there are in here.  

Easiest thing OP, take her jewelry window shopping.  Find out what really wows her, and go looking for a lower price.  I got the exact sapphire ring she wanted for half off at jewelry store clearance.

Engagement was funny too.. We were walking the dogs, and I popped the question, and look over, and my min-pin was taking a shit.

Then we both went to a pawn shop and picked out her wedding set, she wears the original engagement ring on her right hand.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 2:21:56 PM EDT


So what you all are saying is:  Bend over and buy something that has NO purpose, NO value, and does NOTHING besides assuage the womenfolk?  

Sorry, but I'd rather not and invest that money so it can do something productive instead of devaluing itself.

Buy fake gemstones for fake marriages.

Do you consider a lab-produced diamond "fake"?

I don't.

It is EXACTLY the same, almost impossible to detect as different unless there's a serial number on it or they do some pretty complicated testing. The chemical composition, everything is the same. It's just where it was made. It's like getting water by combining pure hydrogen and pure oxygen together in a lab rather than scooping it out of the river... it IS water.
Now, CZ, etc, those are what I would consider "fake" diamonds. Because they aren't diamonds.

They have a handheld tool that tests heat conductivity. They can tell pretty easily... Get the diamond dude. Dont be an idiot... 99.99% of girls want a diamond. Get the best one YOU CAN AFFORD (no need to go into massive debt) and if she loves you she will love it...

Preytell, how does the thermal conductivity of a diamond from the ground differ from a diamond from a lab?
It doesn't. Lab diamonds are exactly identical to earth diamonds but for one exception; lab diamonds have no imperfections.
+1 A diamond is a diamond no matter who made it.

Since you two wont do your research, here you go.
Its a multi billion dolalr industry.. do you really think they would not find a way? My explination was off but im no physisist

Christopher M. Welbourn1, Martin Cooper1, Paul M. Spear1
1Physics Department, De Beers DTC Research Centre, Belmont Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 6JW, United Kingdom

Two instruments have been developed at De Beers DTC Research Centre, Maidenhead, to distinguish synthetic diamonds from natural diamonds. The DiamondSure™ enables the rapid examination of large numbers of polished diamonds, both loose and set in jewelry. Automatically and with high sensitivity, this instrument detects the presence of the 415 nm optical absorption line, which is found in the vast majority of natural diamonds but not in synthetic diamonds. Those stones in which this line is detected are "passed" by the instrument, and those in which it is not detected are "referred for further tests." The DiamondView™ produces a fluorescence image of the surface of a polished diamond, from which the growth structure of the stone may be determined. On the basis of this fluorescence pattern—which is quite different for natural as compared to synthetic diamonds—the trained operator can positively identify whether a diamond is natural or synthetic.

So suck it!!!

Looks pretty handheld to me.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 2:24:35 PM EDT
In the end it's a personal choice. I couldn't look myself in the mirror if bought my bride a lab produced gem for an engagement ring. Does that make me shallow?
I don't think so, but if others think so, so be it.

Well how do you look yourself in the mirror knowing that the diamond you put on her finger might be worth 10% of what you paid for it. The diamond business is the very defination of a 'fool and his money  are soon parted'.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 2:28:32 PM EDT
Diamonds are the biggest scam people have ever duped themselves into. Little different than goddamn pencil lead

I think emeralds, rubies and sapphires have way more class.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 2:30:30 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 2:33:45 PM EDT
Get the diamond just shop smart.If you go CZ and lie you are starting off bad and the shitstorm wont be nice when she finds out!Emeralds and Tanzanite are nice for engagement rings.If you plan on staying married DONT start it with a lie!There have been threads here on diamonds so do a little research and start shopping!Diamonds in a three dot sight probably wont make her happy but it was a cool idea at the time!
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 2:40:03 PM EDT
From Wikipedia:

Gem-quality diamonds grown in a lab can be chemically, physically and optically identical to naturally occurring ones, although they can be distinguished by spectroscopy in infrared, ultraviolet, or X-ray wavelengths. The DiamondView tester from De Beers uses UV fluorescence to detect trace impurities of nitrogen, nickel or other metals in HPHT or CVD diamonds.

The mined diamond industry is evaluating marketing and distribution countermeasures to the appearance of synthetic diamonds on the gem market. The three largest distributors of mined diamonds have made public statements about selling their diamonds with full disclosure of the individual diamond history, and have implemented measures to laser-inscribe serial numbers on their gemstones.

ZOMG! Our inferior diamonds we dig out of the ground are SOOOOOOOOO much more valuable than your created diamonds! If you love your woman, you would never get her a flawless diamond!

I dont think any one is saying the natural diamonds are more perfect they are just made differently and take millions of years to form. its a symbol of a lasting love.. But buy what you want.. its your money.,

Besides. I think the big draw to synthetics are for commercial applicatrions.. Are small synthetics that much more cost effective?
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 2:44:16 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 2:44:53 PM EDT
I would do a plain band or much smaller diamond before I did CZ for an engagement ring.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile


I agree with the above and the rest of the posters.

Yes, diamonds are priced waaaaaay beyond any intrinsic usefulness.  But that's just the way it is.  She will be disappointed if she doesn't get a real diamond.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 3:05:17 PM EDT
This place is hilarious.  If you are marrying her for better or worse, 'til death do you part, buy her a real fucking diamond ring.  
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 3:13:26 PM EDT



I would do a plain band or much smaller diamond before I did CZ for an engagement ring.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile


I agree with the above and the rest of the posters.

Yes, diamonds are priced waaaaaay beyond any intrinsic usefulness.  But that's just the way it is.  She will  be disappointed if she doesn't get a real diamond.

So she loves an inanimate object more than you?

Link Posted: 3/7/2011 3:31:17 PM EDT
Technically diamonds are not forever. Cz are. If you think I'm wrong go buy a cheap diamond and hold it over a blow torch haha.

Posted Via AR15.Com Mobile

You dont know what your talking about..

Melting point of CZ is  2750 C..  Diamond melting point is 3550 C... What kind of blow torch do you have that hits  3550 C?.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 4:20:13 PM EDT
From Wikipedia:

Gem-quality diamonds grown in a lab can be chemically, physically and optically identical to naturally occurring ones, although they can be distinguished by spectroscopy in infrared, ultraviolet, or X-ray wavelengths. The DiamondView tester from De Beers uses UV fluorescence to detect trace impurities of nitrogen, nickel or other metals in HPHT or CVD diamonds.

The mined diamond industry is evaluating marketing and distribution countermeasures to the appearance of synthetic diamonds on the gem market. The three largest distributors of mined diamonds have made public statements about selling their diamonds with full disclosure of the individual diamond history, and have implemented measures to laser-inscribe serial numbers on their gemstones.

ZOMG! Our inferior diamonds we dig out of the ground are SOOOOOOOOO much more valuable than your created diamonds! If you love your woman, you would never get her a flawless diamond!

I dont think any one is saying the natural diamonds are more perfect they are just made differently and take millions of years to form. its a symbol of a lasting love.. But buy what you want.. its your money.,

Besides. I think the big draw to synthetics are for commercial applicatrions.. Are small synthetics that much more cost effective?

You know what's funny?  Diamonds weren't a symbol of lasting love until the diamond industry did a long term advertising campaign in the 30s saying they were a symbol of lasting love.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 4:22:33 PM EDT
So what you all are saying is:  Bend over and buy something that has NO purpose, NO value, and does NOTHING besides assuage the womenfolk?  

Sorry, but I'd rather not and invest that money so it can do something productive instead of devaluing itself.

Buy fake gemstones for fake marriages.

Do you consider a lab-produced diamond "fake"?

I don't.

It is EXACTLY the same, almost impossible to detect as different unless there's a serial number on it or they do some pretty complicated testing. The chemical composition, everything is the same. It's just where it was made. It's like getting water by combining pure hydrogen and pure oxygen together in a lab rather than scooping it out of the river... it IS water.

Now, CZ, etc, those are what I would consider "fake" diamonds. Because they aren't diamonds.

I would not buy anything but a true diamond of the best quality I could afford for a union that is supposed to last last a lifetime. That's what I did. In 1995 that happened to be about $2800 for me.

It's not about face value, or durability, or political correctness. It's about putting a piece of you heart and soul on her finger. The whole thing may go south in a few years, but at least you will have started right.

Just my opinion.

I could do that with something I machined by hand.  Why should I drop ridiculous amounts of cash on something utterly useless?

If that is your opinion on the matter, and you have a bride who agrees, then go with it!
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 4:24:43 PM EDT

I highly recommend http://www.diamondnexuslabs.com/

They make and sell man made diamonds.  I bought a beautiful 3/4 carrot diamond and white gold ring from them for $450

My fiancee loves it  and the 300+ people she has shown it to tell her how beautiful it is.

Don't waste your money buying a "real" diamond.

Is it not a body-centered cubic arrangement of carbon atoms? If it is, then it's a diamond - it just wasn't dug up out of the ground...

Just curious - your Mrs Zhukov is ok with this reasoning?  - I bet you bought her a diamond engagement ring though, didn't you?
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 4:25:27 PM EDT
From Wikipedia:

Gem-quality diamonds grown in a lab can be chemically, physically and optically identical to naturally occurring ones, although they can be distinguished by spectroscopy in infrared, ultraviolet, or X-ray wavelengths. The DiamondView tester from De Beers uses UV fluorescence to detect trace impurities of nitrogen, nickel or other metals in HPHT or CVD diamonds.

The mined diamond industry is evaluating marketing and distribution countermeasures to the appearance of synthetic diamonds on the gem market. The three largest distributors of mined diamonds have made public statements about selling their diamonds with full disclosure of the individual diamond history, and have implemented measures to laser-inscribe serial numbers on their gemstones.

ZOMG! Our inferior diamonds we dig out of the ground are SOOOOOOOOO much more valuable than your created diamonds! If you love your woman, you would never get her a flawless diamond!

I dont think any one is saying the natural diamonds are more perfect they are just made differently and take millions of years to form. its a symbol of a lasting love.. But buy what you want.. its your money.,

Besides. I think the big draw to synthetics are for commercial applicatrions.. Are small synthetics that much more cost effective?

You know what's funny?  Diamonds weren't a symbol of lasting love until the diamond industry did a long term advertising campaign in the 30s saying they were a symbol of lasting love.

Yes, but they were on and off used for engagement rings, that just picked it up a notch.  Like it or not, it is pretty much universal now.
What bothers me more is the two month's salary thing - which has now apparently become the three month's salary thing.  People actually fall for that, and it become accepted wisdom.  Worse yet, women expect it.  That is just insane.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 4:26:16 PM EDT
I will never understand the ring thing here.

1K for a fake diamond?

I doubt I paid much more than that for my wife's real one.

The Gold on my wife's ring is likely worth more than the diamond now with overvalue of the stuff.

Link Posted: 3/7/2011 4:27:49 PM EDT
You can't win.

You're a sucker if you get a diamond, and a loser if you get cubic zirconium.

Personally, I'd favor a man made yellow diamond. A heck of a lot cheaper than the dug up kind, but you have not seen a beautiful stone until you've seen a perfectly clear canary diamond. It's quite stunning.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 4:29:12 PM EDT
I have also read that there are good quality cz's that no one would ever be able to tell apart from a real diamond

Except by the jeweler she brings it to when she wants to find out how much it really cost. I recently heard my friend's gf having this conversation with her friends. They were all talking about which place they should bring their ring to so they can find out how much the guy really spent.
It's also went south due to no fault of the husband. There have been jewelers who have switched rocks in rings they have performed "maintenance or cleaning" on. Then years later the wife has it at some other place to find out it's a CZ. Awkward for the hubby. The one case I'm remembering, the husband actually had the documents of purchase to show it was originally real. I believe somebody went to the clink for that one.

I'm talking about girls who just got engaged. No sooner did they get the ring and they were out having it checked out by a jeweler.
Can you imagine marrying some broad who would have the fucking audacity to go have the ring you bought her appraised? I'd be livid and hurt (well, not actually. I'm a picky bastard who wouldn't have picked a bitch like that in the first place).
I reckon I'd just ask for it back and tell her to have better luck digging that gold somewhere else. Pisses me off just thinking about it.
That'd be like having them put their mouth on a vacuum gauge before proposing.

Had my friend show his gf this thread. She says basically every chick she knows who's married or engaged ran right out and got it appraised right after getting the rock and not for insurance.

Link Posted: 3/7/2011 4:31:46 PM EDT

Those are NOT diamonds. They're cubic zirconium, possibly "plated" with diamond deposits. Rip off. If you're going to get cubic zirconium, don't get robbed. That's the whole point of going with cubic zirconium... to not get robbed.

ETA: If you want genuine synthetic white diamonds, I believe this is the only legitimate source: http://www.apollodiamond.com/

You can get red and yellow diamonds from Gemesis: http://www.gemesis.com/
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 4:33:54 PM EDT









So what you all are saying is:  Bend over and buy something that has NO purpose, NO value, and does NOTHING besides assuage the womenfolk?  

Sorry, but I'd rather not and invest that money so it can do something productive instead of devaluing itself.

Buy fake gemstones for fake marriages.

Do you consider a lab-produced diamond "fake"?

I don't.

It is EXACTLY the same, almost impossible to detect as different unless there's a serial number on it or they do some pretty complicated testing. The chemical composition, everything is the same. It's just where it was made. It's like getting water by combining pure hydrogen and pure oxygen together in a lab rather than scooping it out of the river... it IS water.

Now, CZ, etc, those are what I would consider "fake" diamonds. Because they aren't diamonds.

They have a handheld tool that tests heat conductivity. They can tell pretty easily... Get the diamond dude. Dont be an idiot... 99.99% of girls want a diamond. Get the best one YOU CAN AFFORD (no need to go into massive debt) and if she loves you she will love it...

Preytell, how does the thermal conductivity of a diamond from the ground differ from a diamond from a lab?
It doesn't. Lab diamonds are exactly identical to earth diamonds but for one exception; lab diamonds have no imperfections.

+1 A diamond is a diamond no matter who made it.


Since you two wont do your research, here you go.

Its a multi billion dolalr industry.. do you really think they would not find a way? My explination was off but im no physisist

Christopher M. Welbourn1, Martin Cooper1, Paul M. Spear1

1Physics Department, De Beers DTC Research Centre, Belmont Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 6JW, United Kingdom


Two instruments have been developed at De Beers DTC Research Centre, Maidenhead, to distinguish synthetic diamonds from natural diamonds. The DiamondSure™ enables the rapid examination of large numbers of polished diamonds, both loose and set in jewelry. Automatically and with high sensitivity, this instrument detects the presence of the 415 nm optical absorption line, which is found in the vast majority of natural diamonds but not in synthetic diamonds. Those stones in which this line is detected are "passed" by the instrument, and those in which it is not detected are "referred for further tests." The DiamondView™ produces a fluorescence image of the surface of a polished diamond, from which the growth structure of the stone may be determined. On the basis of this fluorescence pattern—which is quite different for natural as compared to synthetic diamonds—the trained operator can positively identify whether a diamond is natural or synthetic.

So suck it!!!


Looks pretty handheld to me.

It doesn't seem to test heat conductivity, but is rather looking for faults in the diamonds...which artificial diamonds don't have.

Link Posted: 3/7/2011 4:34:22 PM EDT


Moissanite ring. Stone looks good with a lower than diamond price.


No one will know unless you tell.

Link Posted: 3/7/2011 4:35:22 PM EDT
From Wikipedia:

Gem-quality diamonds grown in a lab can be chemically, physically and optically identical to naturally occurring ones, although they can be distinguished by spectroscopy in infrared, ultraviolet, or X-ray wavelengths. The DiamondView tester from De Beers uses UV fluorescence to detect trace impurities of nitrogen, nickel or other metals in HPHT or CVD diamonds.

The mined diamond industry is evaluating marketing and distribution countermeasures to the appearance of synthetic diamonds on the gem market. The three largest distributors of mined diamonds have made public statements about selling their diamonds with full disclosure of the individual diamond history, and have implemented measures to laser-inscribe serial numbers on their gemstones.

ZOMG! Our inferior diamonds we dig out of the ground are SOOOOOOOOO much more valuable than your created diamonds! If you love your woman, you would never get her a flawless diamond!

I dont think any one is saying the natural diamonds are more perfect they are just made differently and take millions of years to form. its a symbol of a lasting love.. But buy what you want.. its your money.,

Besides. I think the big draw to synthetics are for commercial applicatrions.. Are small synthetics that much more cost effective?

You know what's funny?  Diamonds weren't a symbol of lasting love until the diamond industry did a long term advertising campaign in the 30s saying they were a symbol of lasting love.

They may as well have picked pencil lead; at least it is the thermodynamically stable form.  It actually is "forever."
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 4:35:59 PM EDT


Buy a diamond ring you can afford, don't be stupid:

They ALL want a diamond ring, WHATEVER they say.

Bullshit, not every one is the same.

My wife didn't want, and still doesn't want a diamond. I got her an Amethyst ring, moderately priced, but she loves it and still wears it 20 years later.

She doesn't give a rat's ass about diamonds or their retarded inflated price and the cartels they fund. That's the truth, and she'd be the first to agree.

She's far from the only woman to feel this way, it's a shame so many men can't do better than a shallow princess.

Link Posted: 3/7/2011 4:38:48 PM EDT
Buy a diamond ring you can afford, don't be stupid:

They ALL want a diamond ring, WHATEVER they say.

ding ding ding.  first post.

my wife wears a $6000 ring. i know a thing or two about diamonds and i got mine wholesale from a friend.  a similar one, same cut, same clarity, goes for  $25,000 at a place like Kay jewelers.  stay away from those places and you can get something VERY nice, for a shit ton less.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 4:41:27 PM EDT

Buy a diamond ring you can afford, don't be stupid:

They ALL want a diamond ring, WHATEVER they say.

Bullshit, not every one is the same.

My wife didn't want, and still doesn't want a diamond. I got her an Amethyst ring, moderately priced, but she loves it and still wears it 20 years later.

She doesn't give a rat's ass about diamonds or their retarded inflated price and the cartels they fund. That's the truth, and she'd be the first to agree.

She's far from the only woman to feel this way, it's a shame so many men can't do better than a shallow princess.


That, and they can't differentiate reality from marketing.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 4:43:24 PM EDT

Moissanite ring. Stone looks good with a lower than diamond price.


No one will know unless you tell.

Nope. Moissanite has a significantly higher refractive index than diamond, is birefringent, and has a greenish tint. It looks "different," though virtually no one will be able to identify it as Moissanite except a jeweler and those in the know.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 4:49:50 PM EDT
Seriously? Are you out of your fucking mind? Get it together man!
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 4:55:06 PM EDT



So what you all are saying is:  Bend over and buy something that has NO purpose, NO value, and does NOTHING besides assuage the womenfolk?  

Sorry, but I'd rather not and invest that money so it can do something productive instead of devaluing itself.

Buy fake gemstones for fake marriages.

Do you consider a lab-produced diamond "fake"?

I don't.

It is EXACTLY the same, almost impossible to detect as different unless there's a serial number on it or they do some pretty complicated testing. The chemical composition, everything is the same. It's just where it was made. It's like getting water by combining pure hydrogen and pure oxygen together in a lab rather than scooping it out of the river... it IS water.
Now, CZ, etc, those are what I would consider "fake" diamonds. Because they aren't diamonds.

They have a handheld tool that tests heat conductivity. They can tell pretty easily... Get the diamond dude. Dont be an idiot... 99.99% of girls want a diamond. Get the best one YOU CAN AFFORD (no need to go into massive debt) and if she loves you she will love it...

Preytell, how does the thermal conductivity of a diamond from the ground differ from a diamond from a lab?
It doesn't. Lab diamonds are exactly identical to earth diamonds but for one exception; lab diamonds have no imperfections.
+1 A diamond is a diamond no matter who made it.

Since you two wont do your research, here you go.
Its a multi billion dolalr industry.. do you really think they would not find a way? My explination was off but im no physisist

Christopher M. Welbourn1, Martin Cooper1, Paul M. Spear1
1Physics Department, De Beers DTC Research Centre, Belmont Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 6JW, United Kingdom

Two instruments have been developed at De Beers DTC Research Centre, Maidenhead, to distinguish synthetic diamonds from natural diamonds. The DiamondSure™ enables the rapid examination of large numbers of polished diamonds, both loose and set in jewelry. Automatically and with high sensitivity, this instrument detects the presence of the 415 nm optical absorption line, which is found in the vast majority of natural diamonds but not in synthetic diamonds. Those stones in which this line is detected are "passed" by the instrument, and those in which it is not detected are "referred for further tests." The DiamondView™ produces a fluorescence image of the surface of a polished diamond, from which the growth structure of the stone may be determined. On the basis of this fluorescence pattern—which is quite different for natural as compared to synthetic diamonds—the trained operator can positively identify whether a diamond is natural or synthetic.

So suck it!!!

Looks pretty handheld to me.

It doesn't seem to test heat conductivity, but is rather looking for faults in the diamonds...which artificial diamonds don't have.

I admitted i fucked up the explination ( its how my jewler explained it to me) but your logic of a diamond is a diamond was incorrect completley.. they can tell and tell very easily, which was my point.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 4:58:04 PM EDT
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 4:58:54 PM EDT
CZ - spend the rest of the money on silver coins.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 5:04:53 PM EDT
Diamond is nice, CZ kind of looks fake, Moissanite looks real but is more expensive than CZ.  I would consider Moissanite if you want fake.

ETA: Since now we're arguing about testing fake diamonds, Moissanite has two refractions (diamond has one).  Viewing from the front they look the same but a trained eye can detect Moissanite at the right angle.  The extra refraction actually makes it more brilliant than a diamond, IMO.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 5:12:13 PM EDT
Diamonds are pedestrian and boring anyway.  There are all sorts of much more interesting stones.  We wound up with a custom-cut synthetic alexandrite in a palladium setting. It changes from red to purplish to green depending on the ambient lighting, and it is absolutely unique.  The whole thing cost about $600.  

welcome to 1975...........you bought her mood ring.

Chemistry/mineralogy/history fail.

A mood ring is a glass ampule containing organic liquid crystals, which change state and thus color  based on temperature.  An alexandrite is an inorganic crystal with specific impurities which change the apparent color of the gem based upon the spectrum of the ambient light.  Natural alexendrites are highly prized, going for tens of thousands of dollars per carat.  The stone I commissioned, had it been natural alexandrite, would be worth literally hundreds of thousands of dollars.  The primary difference between the natural and synthetic, besides cost obviously, is that the synthetic is of a much higher quality than ANY available natural stones of that size.

Enjoy your boring industrial abrasive.

Don't get out much do ya?
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 5:21:45 PM EDT
I have also read that there are good quality cz's that no one would ever be able to tell apart from a real diamond

Except by the jeweler she brings it to when she wants to find out how much it really cost. I recently heard my friend's gf having this conversation with her friends. They were all talking about which place they should bring their ring to so they can find out how much the guy really spent.
It's also went south due to no fault of the husband. There have been jewelers who have switched rocks in rings they have performed "maintenance or cleaning" on. Then years later the wife has it at some other place to find out it's a CZ. Awkward for the hubby. The one case I'm remembering, the husband actually had the documents of purchase to show it was originally real. I believe somebody went to the clink for that one.

I'm talking about girls who just got engaged. No sooner did they get the ring and they were out having it checked out by a jeweler.
Can you imagine marrying some broad who would have the fucking audacity to go have the ring you bought her appraised? I'd be livid and hurt (well, not actually. I'm a picky bastard who wouldn't have picked a bitch like that in the first place).
I reckon I'd just ask for it back and tell her to have better luck digging that gold somewhere else. Pisses me off just thinking about it.
That'd be like having them put their mouth on a vacuum gauge before proposing.

Had my friend show his gf this thread. She says basically every chick she knows who's married or engaged ran right out and got it appraised right after getting the rock and not for insurance.

Yeah I can believe that.

Link Posted: 3/7/2011 5:25:34 PM EDT

My girlfriend and I have been talking alot about getting married. I think I will give her a ring soon. I am debating between a diamond and a CZ. Either way, I will be sure to have the stone put in a nice setting. I have read so much that says the diamond market is nothing but a huge scam, and diamonds are a terrible investment. I have also read that there are good quality cz's that no one would ever be able to tell apart from a real diamond. I can spend $1000 on a nice CZ engagement ring and use the rest of the money for more important things, or I can spend $5-10k on a diamond. Thoughts??

My girlfriend is fine with a CZ btw.

Buy a CZ, tell her its a diamond


not brutal enough.

Link Posted: 3/7/2011 5:29:17 PM EDT











So what you all are saying is:  Bend over and buy something that has NO purpose, NO value, and does NOTHING besides assuage the womenfolk?  

Sorry, but I'd rather not and invest that money so it can do something productive instead of devaluing itself.

Buy fake gemstones for fake marriages.

Do you consider a lab-produced diamond "fake"?

I don't.

It is EXACTLY the same, almost impossible to detect as different unless there's a serial number on it or they do some pretty complicated testing. The chemical composition, everything is the same. It's just where it was made. It's like getting water by combining pure hydrogen and pure oxygen together in a lab rather than scooping it out of the river... it IS water.

Now, CZ, etc, those are what I would consider "fake" diamonds. Because they aren't diamonds.

They have a handheld tool that tests heat conductivity. They can tell pretty easily... Get the diamond dude. Dont be an idiot... 99.99% of girls want a diamond. Get the best one YOU CAN AFFORD (no need to go into massive debt) and if she loves you she will love it...

Preytell, how does the thermal conductivity of a diamond from the ground differ from a diamond from a lab?
It doesn't. Lab diamonds are exactly identical to earth diamonds but for one exception; lab diamonds have no imperfections.

+1 A diamond is a diamond no matter who made it.


Since you two wont do your research, here you go.

Its a multi billion dolalr industry.. do you really think they would not find a way? My explination was off but im no physisist

Christopher M. Welbourn1, Martin Cooper1, Paul M. Spear1

1Physics Department, De Beers DTC Research Centre, Belmont Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 6JW, United Kingdom


Two instruments have been developed at De Beers DTC Research Centre, Maidenhead, to distinguish synthetic diamonds from natural diamonds. The DiamondSure™ enables the rapid examination of large numbers of polished diamonds, both loose and set in jewelry. Automatically and with high sensitivity, this instrument detects the presence of the 415 nm optical absorption line, which is found in the vast majority of natural diamonds but not in synthetic diamonds. Those stones in which this line is detected are "passed" by the instrument, and those in which it is not detected are "referred for further tests." The DiamondView™ produces a fluorescence image of the surface of a polished diamond, from which the growth structure of the stone may be determined. On the basis of this fluorescence pattern—which is quite different for natural as compared to synthetic diamonds—the trained operator can positively identify whether a diamond is natural or synthetic.

So suck it!!!


Looks pretty handheld to me.

It doesn't seem to test heat conductivity, but is rather looking for faults in the diamonds...which artificial diamonds don't have.


I admitted i fucked up the explination ( its how my jewler explained it to me) but your logic of a diamond is a diamond was incorrect completley.. they can tell and tell very easily, which was my point.
They can tell because mined diamonds are not flawless, which artificial diamonds are. That's it. Chemically, they're the same.

Link Posted: 3/7/2011 5:29:21 PM EDT
It's a trap.  Buy her a small diamond.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 5:39:53 PM EDT
My girlfriend and I have been talking alot about getting married. I think I will give her a ring soon. I am debating between a diamond and a CZ. Either way, I will be sure to have the stone put in a nice setting. I have read so much that says the diamond market is nothing but a huge scam, and diamonds are a terrible investment. I have also read that there are good quality cz's that no one would ever be able to tell apart from a real diamond. I can spend $1000 on a nice CZ engagement ring and use the rest of the money for more important things, or I can spend $5-10k on a diamond. Thoughts??

Just go together and choose a a genuine gemstone ring that you can afford that she likes. Forget the Cubic.
Link Posted: 3/7/2011 5:41:13 PM EDT

it's a shame so many men can't do better than a shallow princess.

Insulting other men's wives. Stay classy.
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