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Link Posted: 4/25/2019 12:17:39 PM EDT
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Start with the part about $100k yr pensions.
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Which part is fantasy?
Start with the part about $100k yr pensions.
My dad worked for the FDNY starting in 1968 and had one. Almost every guy who left my job for one of the higher paying county PDs in my old area gets/will be getting a $100k+/year pension. I know plenty of guys with rank where I worked who get $100K+ pensions.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 12:23:40 PM EDT
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My dad worked for the FDNY starting in 1968 and had one. Almost every guy who left my job for one of the higher paying county PDs in my old area gets/will be getting a $100k+/year pension. I know some guys with rank where I worked who get a $100K+ pension.
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Government jobs are pretty much the only sector where that is possible, because of the power to tax.  You won't find that in the private sector, and if you do, it won't be as lucrative.  My father's military retirement is fairly nice.  It's over $100k per year with cost of living raises, and his healthcare is completely paid for.  He did put in around 30 years, retired at 49 or 50, I can't remember.  He turned 80 this past March.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 12:29:15 PM EDT
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Yeah they fucked us. That's why I enjoy seeing them working past retirement age for insurance. I hope everything hurts all the time, and you'll be getting the cheap funeral.
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We are going to continue to stick it to you. We are going in dry then break it off. You can continue to work and pay my SS and Medicare while I camp out in the Keys for the winters. I will think of you everytime I see my $2800 SS check deposited while surfing the internet from my motor home. I will give thanks when my medical Bill's get covered by Medicare thanks to the fruit of your labor.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 12:29:32 PM EDT
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The government is "us".
Ask yourself, "When did we stop paying attention, and let this happen?"
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Boomers really?

A single B-52 training flight, SR71 mission, an hour of Carrier Op's and a single day of the 15 years  of war on Terrorism have spent more than I've ever probably made in my lifetime....let alone submitted in taxes.

Hell, just to pay the salary of one United States senator for a year.....

Or even a corrupt FBI official.

This Fucking .gov and it's out of control spending on shit has squandered this nations wealth.
The government is "us".
Ask yourself, "When did we stop paying attention, and let this happen?"
I hear you and believe me I've been paying attention for a long time. Hell, I was trained as a lobbiest by a recently retired senior United States Senator. That said, I'm allowed to (peacefully) vote for one congressman every two years and two senators once every six years in our "representative government". Those three are almost ALWAYS in the minority of any major fiscal legislation. A single motherfucker can torpedo any possibility of success ( Yeah I'm talking to you McShitsain) It's bread and circuses bull shit at this point. Hell, we don't even pretend any more to follow the law and submit and pass budgets in this country.
Fundamentally transform America?
Mission accomplished.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 12:30:19 PM EDT
My dad worked for the FDNY starting in 1968 and had one. Almost every guy who left my job for one of the higher paying county PDs in my old area gets/will be getting a $100k+/year pension. I know some guys with rank where I worked who get a $100K+ pension.
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Government jobs are pretty much the only sector where that is possible, because of the power to tax.
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Yep, but they're not "fantasy" as was posted.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 12:31:36 PM EDT
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But it won't run out of money and 2090 is a long time off.

"But that wouldn't leave Social Security bankrupt and unable to pay any benefits. Even if Congress does nothing to shore up the system by 2034, Social Security will be able to pay out 79 percent of promised benefits until 2090. The last time Social Security nearly depleted its reserves was in the early 1980s, when Congress shored up the program by gradually increasing the full retirement age from 65 to 67 and started to tax benefits based on income levels."

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The social security "trust fund" is an accounting fiction. It is literally meaningless.

SS is just another tax that is put with all other general gov revenue, and benefits are paid out from that same pool.

The SS and Medicare outlays are growing faster than GDP, which means we either need to (a) increase taxes greatly to pay for it, (b) borrow more money, (c) lower real benefits, or (d) a mix of all of the above.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 12:32:40 PM EDT
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Is this nations wealth static or fluid? is it a zero sum game, or can new wealth be created?

If new wealth can be created, then nothing has been squandered.
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That really isn't relevant to what this nation has done over the last 50 years or so.

The problem isn't that we've consumed our wealth and no more can be created, it's that we've already allocated far too much wealth that hasn't been created yet.

Debt, unfunded liabilities, asset valuations, P/E ratios, interest rates, all combined with incredibly short-sighted spending priorities. We haven't gotten much value out of all the future capital we've pulled into the present.

It's probably unfair to blame the boomers for all of it, but unless there's a huge economic boom from some technological breakthrough that changes everything, boomers aren't going to be able to spend all that capital they've pulled into the present from the future without beggaring their own kids and grandkids.

There's going to be a dislocation at some point, the marketplace has been trying to make the correction for decades and government keeps kicking the can down the road.

Market arguments are sound but they aren't going to magically erase a century of malinvestment and moral hazard from government intervention in the marketplace.

We're very likely to monetize much of the debt and liabilities.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 12:35:39 PM EDT
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Did I use the time traveling machine to stick a pin through his pappy's rubber?


---------------Clinton-- Bush -- Perot
18-24--46--33--21 -- born from 68 to 74 -- Gen X
25-29--41--36--23 -- born from 63 to 67 -- Boomer/Gen X
30-49--41--38--21 -- born from 43 to 62 -- mostly Boomer
50-64--43--39--18 -- born from 28 to 42 -- Silent Gen
65 & over--50--39--11 -- born prior to 1928  -- Greatest gen and prior.

Boomers cast the LEAST votes for Clinton, and someone above mentioned not voting for Perot, and surprise! they did.
You're also seeing the start of weaponized youth vote (Rock The Vote)

Four years later...

---------------Clinton-- Dole -- Perot
18-24--55--35--11 --  born from 72 to 78 -- all Gen X
25-29--54--36--10 --  born from 67 to 71 -- all Gen X
30-49--50--41---9 --   born from 47 to 66 -- mostly Boomer
50-64--47--45---8 --   born from 32 to 46 -- mostly Silent
65 & over--50--44---6 --   born prior to 1932  -- Silent/Greatest gen and prior.

Percentage wise, Gen Xers loved them some Clinton.

Roper goes back to 1976
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 12:37:16 PM EDT
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There are far more 30 year old Millennials on public assistance today than there were 30 year old Baby Boomers on public assistance in 1976, and those enrolled in public assistance programs take much more per person than they did in 1976.  
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So you're saying Baby Boomers help elect people who created more welfare programs?
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 12:39:55 PM EDT
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The single biggest employment sector in 1900 in the US was agriculture.  Today, it takes less than 2% of the labor force to enable everyone to be fat.  We moved to manufacturing, which reached it's peak during WWII, and for a period of a few decades Americans enjoyed stable employment.  Most people didn't really change jobs all that much, and what was considered "middle-class" was substantially poorer than what we consider middle-class today.  The average house was less than half the size of homes today, most families had 1 car, if they had a car.  A nice middle-class home had 1 main bathroom, and perhaps another small bathroom off the master.  You can still see these old middle-class homes, just ride through the poorer neighborhoods of larger towns.  But in even mid century there were still homes without indoor bathrooms in certain parts of the country.

People worked for one employer, and there were defined benefit plans (pensions).  So a person could work for 20 or 30 years and retire with a modest income guaranteed for life.   Which really wasn't that much longer after a typical retirement.

The Boomers came in on the tail end of all that.  Starting in the 80's employers moved away from the more expensive defined benefit plans, and replaced them with portable 401k's, which were defined contribution plans.  Salaries rose, and job stability diminished.  After WWII manufacturing jobs declined.  Technology and automation reduced the demand, and value of human labor.  That trends been going on for decades.  In the 80's and 90's we saw office automation reduce the need for many white collar jobs as well, and that trend continues.

Today most people are employed in the service sector.  None of this was the Boomers fault.

Social Security and medicare were flawed programs from the start.  No one is going to fix them until they have to.  Our political system is broken.  Lobbyist and Bureaucrats draft the laws, elected representative spend most of their time trying to raise campaign funding for reelection.  Our Republic is broken.  ...and no one is working to fix it.   Not the Boomers, not GenX, not the millennials, or GenZ who are starting to come of age.

No one is doing shit.
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The first well articulated post in this thread.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 12:40:29 PM EDT
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dorobuta: Is this nations wealth static or fluid? is it a zero sum game, or can new wealth be created?
If new wealth can be created, then nothing has been squandered.
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dorobuta: Is this nations wealth static or fluid? is it a zero sum game, or can new wealth be created?
If new wealth can be created, then nothing has been squandered.
You're misunderstanding rate and stock.  The margin has been squandered, and the wealth creation rate has been suppressed.

4v50: Bubba is a boomer (born 1946) and the politicians of Congress (many were Greatest Generation) passed legislation for NAFTA and other free trade.  Greatest Generation Alan Greenspan fought against the regulation of derivatives proposed by the CFTC.   The repeal of Glass-Stegall by Congress was Greatest Generation.  
Bubba also sold military technology to the Chinese.  Hitlery was just keeping up with the family tradition of $$$ for secrets.
American people are responsible because they failed to hold the politicians responsible.  They keep reelecting the same azzwholes into office.
The American electorate lacks the ability or integrity to create a government willing to declare and prosecute a "real war", or anything else.

piccolo: There is a younger guy at work that accused me of that once and I often see him at crew change and tell him "Still working this tour just to make sure you stay at the bottom of the pile."
He's a dumbass and is going to remain at the entry level job he has but he blames me for it so I just run with it.
Every time I say that to him he really gets pissed off and his blood pressure goes through the roof.
Dumbasses vote.

BillofRights: I want everybody to take a step back and consider the bitterness, anger and envy displayed in this thread.    It’s only going to get worse, as inflation eats away at our hopes and dreams.

Inflation caused by overspending of Every generation.  Millennials might have a case, if they were voting en mass for fiscal austerity.  
But they aren’t.  If anything, they’re even lazier and more Libtarded than previous generations, when considered as a whole.  
No, the problem isn’t generational.  It’s between Conservatives and Liberals.   And fiscal conservatives have been outvoted since FDR.

I’ve seen a lot of class envy displayed lately.   It’s going to get much worse, even within our ranks.    Plan accordingly.
The Dependent and Disability Pension Act was passed in 1890 making the 51st Congress the first Billion Dollar Congress.  If we weren't getting into all these wars, our bills would be much lower.

Whatever legitimate complaints my generation has against my parent's generation, my children's generation will have them worse against us.  But for many there will be no child generation.  White people are not having enough children.  You can't lower your birth rates, abort 23 million of your children, and let a population of 82.8 million mostly adult aliens live in your midst without causing some serious problems for the future.

Link Posted: 4/25/2019 12:41:58 PM EDT
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We are going to continue to stick it to you. We are going in dry then break it off. You can continue to work and pay my SS and Medicare while I camp out in the Keys for the winters. I will think of you everytime I see my $2800 SS check deposited while surfing the internet from my motor home. I will give thanks when my medical Bill's get covered by Medicare thanks to the fruit of your labor.
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Yeah they fucked us. That's why I enjoy seeing them working past retirement age for insurance. I hope everything hurts all the time, and you'll be getting the cheap funeral.
We are going to continue to stick it to you. We are going in dry then break it off. You can continue to work and pay my SS and Medicare while I camp out in the Keys for the winters. I will think of you everytime I see my $2800 SS check deposited while surfing the internet from my motor home. I will give thanks when my medical Bill's get covered by Medicare thanks to the fruit of your labor.
Damn, that's harsh. You're going to make a few people cry.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 12:43:36 PM EDT
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LOL from the exact page you linked -
"2052, extended 20 years from last year's estimate of 2032, with 91 percent of benefits still payable."

So just by going by your article in 2052 they will be able to pay out 91% and that is if no changes are even made. BTW in 2090 it will still be able to pay out 79% of each dollar and that is if no changes are made. You going to be alive in 2090?
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lol lol lol

The SS trust fund, from the standpoint of the government, is an accounting fiction.

Just look at what the trust fund is, and follow a path of logic for what needs to happen when the assets in this 'trust fund' are redeemed.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 12:48:49 PM EDT
Yes, I personally went out and spent 2.8 billion of your tax dollars on hookers and blow.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 12:54:01 PM EDT
We are going to continue to stick it to you. We are going in dry then break it off. You can continue to work and pay my SS and Medicare while I camp out in the Keys for the winters. I will think of you everytime I see my $2800 SS check deposited while surfing the internet from my motor home. I will give thanks when my medical Bill's get covered by Medicare thanks to the fruit of your labor.

Screen name checks out.   Everybody else get back to work.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 12:54:35 PM EDT
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Joe_Pennsy: https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/how-groups-voted-1992
---------------Clinton-- Bush -- Perot
30-49--41--38--21 -- born from 43 to 62 -- mostly Boomer

Boomers cast the LEAST votes for Clinton, and someone above mentioned not voting for Perot, and surprise! they did.

Four years later...
---------------Clinton-- Dole -- Perot
30-49--50--41---9 --   born from 47 to 66 -- mostly Boomer
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Joe_Pennsy: https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/how-groups-voted-1992
---------------Clinton-- Bush -- Perot
30-49--41--38--21 -- born from 43 to 62 -- mostly Boomer

Boomers cast the LEAST votes for Clinton, and someone above mentioned not voting for Perot, and surprise! they did.

Four years later...
---------------Clinton-- Dole -- Perot
30-49--50--41---9 --   born from 47 to 66 -- mostly Boomer
Hi Joe, I said:"I wish they had elected Ross Perot."  Your numbers show 21% of Boomers voted for Perot the first time, and 9% the second time.  I repeat myself, that I wish they had elected Perot.

Joe_Pennsy:Percentage wise, Gen Xers loved them some Clinton.
It's gross isn't it... but the dude the played his saxophone on MTV!  Well, just imagine what my children's generation will say about my generation voting for Obama.  Well deserved hate incoming in 15 years.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 12:55:37 PM EDT
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Yes, I personally went out and spent 2.8 billion of your tax dollars on hookers and blow.
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How many trips in your Miata did it take to haul all that cocaine?
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 12:58:29 PM EDT
Oh look, another Boomer hate thread.  
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:00:15 PM EDT
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Maybe but they sure fucked it with laws pertaining to feelings
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This indeed.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:06:09 PM EDT
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You're misunderstanding rate and stock.  The margin has been squandered, and the wealth creation rate has been suppressed.

The American electorate lacks the ability or integrity to create a government willing to declare and prosecute a "real war", or anything else.

Dumbasses vote.

The Dependent and Disability Pension Act was passed in 1890 making the 51st Congress the first Billion Dollar Congress.  If we weren't getting into all these wars, our bills would be much lower.

Whatever legitimate complaints my generation has against my parent's generation, my children's generation will have them worse against us.  But for many there will be no child generation.  White people are not having enough children.  You can't lower your birth rates, abort 23 million of your children, and let a population of 82.8 million mostly adult aliens live in your midst without causing some serious problems for the future.

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Politicians discourage homogeneous reproduction because of “climate change” and encourage third world immigration because of “muh birthrates”... so which is it, do we have too many people or not enough? Or do they simply want a population replacement with lower expectations and an easier to manipulate peasant class?

Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:06:51 PM EDT
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Boomers have raped and pillaged this country
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1st post nails it again
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:12:32 PM EDT
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And yet if you had put that money in traditional diversified investments over the long haul you could pay yourself 1000% more than you saved.  8% return over 30 years.  Why do we let .gov have our money again?
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LOL from the exact page you linked -
"2052, extended 20 years from last year's estimate of 2032, with 91 percent of benefits still payable."

So just by going by your article in 2052 they will be able to pay out 91% and that is if no changes are even made. BTW in 2090 it will still be able to pay out 79% of each dollar and that is if no changes are made. You going to be alive in 2090?
And yet if you had put that money in traditional diversified investments over the long haul you could pay yourself 1000% more than you saved.  8% return over 30 years.  Why do we let .gov have our money again?
I agree but at this point I have been paying in for 24 years, refund it and then we can talk.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:13:21 PM EDT
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LBJ, and the rest of Congress that voted in the Great Society, Not Boomers, FDR, and Congress that voted in Social Security, Not Boomers. President Nixon and the Congress that took us off the Gold Standard and let the dollar free float......not Boomers.
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‘Real’ deficit spending didn’t start till Regan/Bush & they were WAY before boomers.

Given LBJ was by far the worst president in recent history.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:13:34 PM EDT
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Do those Estimates account for inflation / Cost Of Living adjustments?
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Don't  know... we'll just have to see if the majority of Boomers stop working and paying into the system first.
It's coming. SS will pay out more than it takes in within a year or two, the first time it's had this happen in nearly 40 years. This is also not likely to be corrected and by current estimates the trust fund's reserves will be entirely depeleted by 2035.

"Social Security has problems, but running out of cash isn't one of them

The big question a lot of folks (especially millennials) are probably asking about Social Security, given its many problems, is this: When, exactly, will the program run out of cash?

Believe it or not, the honest answer, assuming no changes to the way Social Security is funded, is never."
You and the fool would be wrong.


The combined funds reserves are projected to become depleted in 2035, one year later than projected last year, with 80 percent of scheduled benefits payable at that time
LOL from the exact page you linked -
"2052, extended 20 years from last year's estimate of 2032, with 91 percent of benefits still payable."

So just by going by your article in 2052 they will be able to pay out 91% and that is if no changes are even made. BTW in 2090 it will still be able to pay out 79% of each dollar and that is if no changes are made. You going to be alive in 2090?
Do those Estimates account for inflation / Cost Of Living adjustments?
You would need to ask the SS dept that.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:14:38 PM EDT
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If my family debt rises to a point where the payments exceed our income, can I call up my creditors and say "I will be lowering my payment by 21%."?    We still have income, why would they not agree to that?  
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"Social Security has problems, but running out of cash isn't one of them

The big question a lot of folks (especially millennials) are probably asking about Social Security, given its many problems, is this: When, exactly, will the program run out of cash?

Believe it or not, the honest answer, assuming no changes to the way Social Security is funded, is never."
If my family debt rises to a point where the payments exceed our income, can I call up my creditors and say "I will be lowering my payment by 21%."?    We still have income, why would they not agree to that?  
You can take that up with .gov
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:16:55 PM EDT
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ETA: Crying bitches...........life is what you make it.
Always has been.
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20’s & 30’s this country was in WAY worse shape than now.

Be glad we’re on the upturn now!
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:16:56 PM EDT
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I agree but at this point I have been paying in for 24 years, refund it and then we can talk.
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LOL from the exact page you linked -
"2052, extended 20 years from last year's estimate of 2032, with 91 percent of benefits still payable."

So just by going by your article in 2052 they will be able to pay out 91% and that is if no changes are even made. BTW in 2090 it will still be able to pay out 79% of each dollar and that is if no changes are made. You going to be alive in 2090?
And yet if you had put that money in traditional diversified investments over the long haul you could pay yourself 1000% more than you saved.  8% return over 30 years.  Why do we let .gov have our money again?
I agree but at this point I have been paying in for 24 years, refund it and then we can talk.
What other tax's do you feel owed a refund on before you would end them?
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:17:22 PM EDT
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There are far more 30 year old Millennials on public assistance today than there were 30 year old Baby Boomers on public assistance in 1976, and those enrolled in public assistance programs take much more per person than they did in 1976.  
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And that is the main issue with America's current financial shortcomings, well that and war spending.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:19:58 PM EDT
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My dad worked for the FDNY starting in 1968 and had one. Almost every guy who left my job for one of the higher paying county PDs in my old area gets/will be getting a $100k+/year pension. I know plenty of guys with rank where I worked who get $100K+ pensions.
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Which part is fantasy?
Start with the part about $100k yr pensions.
My dad worked for the FDNY starting in 1968 and had one. Almost every guy who left my job for one of the higher paying county PDs in my old area gets/will be getting a $100k+/year pension. I know plenty of guys with rank where I worked who get $100K+ pensions.
Mine will be around 24-27k a year less, at least it comes with medical

I demand reparations.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:20:53 PM EDT
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Yep, but they're not "fantasy" as was posted.
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My dad worked for the FDNY starting in 1968 and had one. Almost every guy who left my job for one of the higher paying county PDs in my old area gets/will be getting a $100k+/year pension. I know some guys with rank where I worked who get a $100K+ pension.
Government jobs are pretty much the only sector where that is possible, because of the power to tax.
Yep, but they're not "fantasy" as was posted.
The are also plentiful.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:24:02 PM EDT
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We could be brothers.
You get it, I get it, and a lot of other successful people here get it.

But there are lots of losers here, just looking for excuses.  
Funny thing is, the anger and envy displayed here, is just a drop in the bucket compared to the hordes of Morlocks on the street.
Here on Arfcom, we are generally educated and conservative.  The average American isn't.
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When this country was being built, we used to celebrate ambition and achievement.  As this country is being destroyed, we now wallow in excuses and envy.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:24:38 PM EDT
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The social security "trust fund" is an accounting fiction. It is literally meaningless.

SS is just another tax that is put with all other general gov revenue, and benefits are paid out from that same pool.

The SS and Medicare outlays are growing faster than GDP, which means we either need to (a) increase taxes greatly to pay for it, (b) borrow more money, (c) lower real benefits, or (d) a mix of all of the above.
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But it won't run out of money and 2090 is a long time off.

"But that wouldn't leave Social Security bankrupt and unable to pay any benefits. Even if Congress does nothing to shore up the system by 2034, Social Security will be able to pay out 79 percent of promised benefits until 2090. The last time Social Security nearly depleted its reserves was in the early 1980s, when Congress shored up the program by gradually increasing the full retirement age from 65 to 67 and started to tax benefits based on income levels."

The social security "trust fund" is an accounting fiction. It is literally meaningless.

SS is just another tax that is put with all other general gov revenue, and benefits are paid out from that same pool.

The SS and Medicare outlays are growing faster than GDP, which means we either need to (a) increase taxes greatly to pay for it, (b) borrow more money, (c) lower real benefits, or (d) a mix of all of the above.
See my quotes on the subject in this thread, one is even from the SS dept themselves. Even if NO changes are made then they still can pay 75% in 2090. That's a long time off and changes are inevitable long before then. Also, just back in the 80's SS was in worse shape than now but folks seem to forget that.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:25:49 PM EDT
Just go to DC and walk the National mall


the MLK memorial. made of white limestone

the boomers had no respect for space or future generations in any way shape or form.

I was told from 15-25 -
go be a teacher the boomers will retire in droves
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guess what the fuckers never retired!! they mismanaged their $$ so bad they need to work until 80
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:26:54 PM EDT
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lol lol lol

The SS trust fund, from the standpoint of the government, is an accounting fiction.

Just look at what the trust fund is, and follow a path of logic for what needs to happen when the assets in this 'trust fund' are redeemed.
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LOL from the exact page you linked -
"2052, extended 20 years from last year's estimate of 2032, with 91 percent of benefits still payable."

So just by going by your article in 2052 they will be able to pay out 91% and that is if no changes are even made. BTW in 2090 it will still be able to pay out 79% of each dollar and that is if no changes are made. You going to be alive in 2090?
lol lol lol

The SS trust fund, from the standpoint of the government, is an accounting fiction.

Just look at what the trust fund is, and follow a path of logic for what needs to happen when the assets in this 'trust fund' are redeemed.
Would you like some stats from other sources such as fool, fox news, Forbes, or market watch? I can provide them.

The sky is not falling.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:29:01 PM EDT
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We are going to continue to stick it to you. We are going in dry then break it off. You can continue to work and pay my SS and Medicare while I camp out in the Keys for the winters. I will think of you everytime I see my $2800 SS check deposited while surfing the internet from my motor home. I will give thanks when my medical Bill's get covered by Medicare thanks to the fruit of your labor.
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Yeah they fucked us. That's why I enjoy seeing them working past retirement age for insurance. I hope everything hurts all the time, and you'll be getting the cheap funeral.
We are going to continue to stick it to you. We are going in dry then break it off. You can continue to work and pay my SS and Medicare while I camp out in the Keys for the winters. I will think of you everytime I see my $2800 SS check deposited while surfing the internet from my motor home. I will give thanks when my medical Bill's get covered by Medicare thanks to the fruit of your labor.
Our National Creed is “Fuck You, I Gots Mine.”

The younger people reading this would do well to understand it.  
The losers blaming the Boomer generation, and the gloating Boomers are both childishly optimistic.   1. Every Generation is guided by Self Interest.  It’s human nature.  Today’s Millennials will happily steal from their unborn grandchildren to pay for stuff today.  2. The Boomer Generation will be dead soon, and the Gen X’rs better have a plan to pay their own way.   Demographics and Economics are going to cause a sea change in how we treat our elderly.   Death panels, assisted suicide, reduced SS and Medical benefits will be inevitable.   The insolent incels in this thread will vote with the Bernouts and the immigrants, to redistribute the wealth from those Privilaged few.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:29:57 PM EDT
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20's & 30's this country was in WAY worse shape than now.

Be glad we're on the upturn now!
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ETA: Crying bitches...........life is what you make it.
Always has been.

20's & 30's this country was in WAY worse shape than now.

Be glad we're on the upturn now!
My dad was born in the late 30's and me in late 70's, my quality of life and wealth building has been so much better than his.

Hell I remember the 80's as a young child and folks had it rough compared to today. Guess what you didn't see back then, all the mansions, new cars, 1k smart phones, and crying snowflakes.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:31:11 PM EDT
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What other tax's do you feel owed a refund on before you would end them?
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LOL from the exact page you linked -
"2052, extended 20 years from last year's estimate of 2032, with 91 percent of benefits still payable."

So just by going by your article in 2052 they will be able to pay out 91% and that is if no changes are even made. BTW in 2090 it will still be able to pay out 79% of each dollar and that is if no changes are made. You going to be alive in 2090?
And yet if you had put that money in traditional diversified investments over the long haul you could pay yourself 1000% more than you saved.  8% return over 30 years.  Why do we let .gov have our money again?
I agree but at this point I have been paying in for 24 years, refund it and then we can talk.
What other tax's do you feel owed a refund on before you would end them?
Any that have an account number where I can log in and see my pay in and future returns. Oh yeah, SS is the only one.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:35:01 PM EDT
This is the only Boomer that "ruins everything."  

Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:37:45 PM EDT
Generations of congressmen without the spine to balance the budget.   Next generation aint looking so good either.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:39:33 PM EDT
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No, The Greatest Generation did.

Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, Johnson, all elected by The Greatest Generation.
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^^ Perceptive of you, Steve! ^^

I am not going to be complimentary toward my Father's generation. I'm telling a hard truth you all the Millennials need to understand.
And yes, the majority of the Greatest Gen & the Silent Gen that followed would have been very angry if you claimed their entitlement programs were an "unfair government program."

These guys, who grew up in the Depression, then went off to war because they had to. They came back and built the Interstate Highway System, the St Lawrence Seaway, the suburbs, licked polio, and made other medical advances. They were, in fact, the men that built the modern America you live in. They stopped Hitler and Tojo, and later, they stopped Stalin and Khrushchev. They knew what Socialism was, and they did not, for an instant, consider FDR's Social Security a socialist program. That is your definition, not the definition of the men who were tempered by war and the hard and bitter peace afterward.

The corporate men of the 50's dressed alike, marched in step, seldom questioned authority, did as they were told, worked always, and were very materialistic. We grew up with these guys as Fathers. They told us they way things were and that settled it. NO BODY was going to take their entitlement programs away. They were damn sure they earned it.

Don't conjure any farcical illusions that as a wet-behind-the-ears Boomer congressman you could have fought one fucking penny out of their hands. Wasn't going to happen. So don't blame the Boomers because you don't have any god-damned idea what the Congress was like then, dominated as it was by hard-line FDR luvin' workin' man, union-loving Democrats. The table-pounding hard ass types, not the candy-ass Liberals of the modern Democrat party.

You want to dump social security now? Go right ahead and try. IDGAF, because I don't think it will be there for my late boomer ass anyway, so I invite you to try.  You candy ass is going to come up hard against reality.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:40:13 PM EDT
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20’s & 30’s this country was in WAY worse shape than now.

Be glad we’re on the upturn now!
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ETA: Crying bitches...........life is what you make it.
Always has been.

20’s & 30’s this country was in WAY worse shape than now.

Be glad we’re on the upturn now!
Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:43:33 PM EDT
Meh, there are proportionally just as many dirtbags/net takers from the boomer generation as there are in gen X, and millenials. I'm in the older range of millenials, and there are plenty of whiny entitled folks in my generation to go around.
But hey- since an ignorant communist bartender was elected to the house from NY, we're all fucked anyway.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:48:18 PM EDT
We are simply following the natural progression of a Republic.

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Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:53:06 PM EDT
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LBJ, and the rest of Congress that voted in the Great Society, Not Boomers, FDR, and Congress that voted in Social Security, Not Boomers. President Nixon and the Congress that took us off the Gold Standard and let the dollar free float......not Boomers.
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Yep. Democrat policies caused the rot, not Boomers that played by the rules and went to work.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 1:56:48 PM EDT
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Would you like some stats from other sources such as fool, fox news, Forbes, or market watch? I can provide them.

The sky is not falling.
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It's clear that you don't even understand what you are trying to argue. It's like arguing music with a deaf person. That you keep bringing up sources which include the fictitious SS trust fund only show that you are google searching articles that you don't even understand.

SS & Medicare are eating up the budget. In order to fund them at what they were promised large tax increases are needed, or benefits will have to shrink massively. We aren't even properly funding our current expenditures, never mind future ones.

Link Posted: 4/25/2019 2:00:45 PM EDT
SS + Medicare is going to go from ~7% of GDP today to ~12% of GDP in the 2030s.

We are already running a deficit of ~4% of GDP during an economic boom. fixing this delta is going to require a massive ~9% of GDP tax increase, or if we don't increase taxes that much, basically cutting SS + Medicaid benefits in half.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 2:15:44 PM EDT
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The single biggest employment sector in 1900 in the US was agriculture.  Today, it takes less than 2% of the labor force to enable everyone to be fat.  We moved to manufacturing, which reached it's peak during WWII, and for a period of a few decades Americans enjoyed stable employment.  Most people didn't really change jobs all that much, and what was considered "middle-class" was substantially poorer than what we consider middle-class today.  The average house was less than half the size of homes today, most families had 1 car, if they had a car.  A nice middle-class home had 1 main bathroom, and perhaps another small bathroom off the master.  You can still see these old middle-class homes, just ride through the poorer neighborhoods of larger towns.  But in even mid century there were still homes without indoor bathrooms in certain parts of the country.

People worked for one employer, and there were defined benefit plans (pensions).  So a person could work for 20 or 30 years and retire with a modest income guaranteed for life.   Which really wasn't that much longer after a typical retirement.

The Boomers came in on the tail end of all that.  Starting in the 80's employers moved away from the more expensive defined benefit plans, and replaced them with portable 401k's, which were defined contribution plans.  Salaries rose, and job stability diminished.  After WWII manufacturing jobs declined.  Technology and automation reduced the demand, and value of human labor.  That trends been going on for decades.  In the 80's and 90's we saw office automation reduce the need for many white collar jobs as well, and that trend continues.

Today most people are employed in the service sector.  None of this was the Boomers fault.

Social Security and medicare were flawed programs from the start.  No one is going to fix them until they have to.  Our political system is broken.  Lobbyist and Bureaucrats draft the laws, elected representative spend most of their time trying to raise campaign funding for reelection.  Our Republic is broken.  ...and no one is working to fix it.   Not the Boomers, not GenX, not the millennials, or GenZ who are starting to come of age.

No one is doing shit.
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This is, overall, an excellent summation.  Especially the last part.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 2:35:00 PM EDT
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ETA: Crying bitches...........life is what you make it.
Always has been.

20's & 30's this country was in WAY worse shape than now.

Be glad we're on the upturn now!
So if you could press a button and travel to 1920 as a working- or middle-class guy, you would leave 2019 behind and never look back?
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 2:37:24 PM EDT
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It's clear that you don't even understand what you are trying to argue. It's like arguing music with a deaf person. That you keep bringing up sources which include the fictitious SS trust fund only show that you are google searching articles that you don't even understand.

SS & Medicare are eating up the budget. In order to fund them at what they were promised large tax increases are needed, or benefits will have to shrink massively. We aren't even properly funding our current expenditures, never mind future ones.

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Monday, yawn.
Link Posted: 4/25/2019 2:40:59 PM EDT
The first BBoomers could not vote until 1968.  Only 1/2 could vote by ‘72.

The Greatest Generation elected all the pols who raped us by spending SS payments and birthing the largest welfare program in history.  The Greatest Generation, who worship FDR and his socialism, elected the libs who gave away the farm to buy votes.

The last of the BBoomers couldn’t start voting until 1983.

The mistake BBoomers made was raising an ingrate generation who raised yet another bunch of ingrates.

The BBoomer haters are snowflakes who resent that mommy and daddy didn’t give them everything they wanted and now realize they will have to work past age 45.

Fuck the haters.
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