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Posted: 1/23/2018 9:31:08 AM EDT
A litmus test for scientific literacy.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 9:33:42 AM EDT
I ain't no monkey, and my dog ain't no wolf.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 9:35:28 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 9:37:41 AM EDT
DNA testing seems to bear it out.

We share no DNA with reptiles yet we do share DNA with primates. We share less DNA with other mammals than we do with primates.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 9:40:13 AM EDT
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Because their design still works.
Domesticated dogs were bred to achieve desired traits. My brainless lab is a man made creation that could never survive in the wild.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 9:41:49 AM EDT
Do you believe man was created in the image of God?

If you reject that notion than some sort of substitute explanation must be substituted

or you can have a coke
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 9:42:38 AM EDT
I believe in the Bible and I do think that the theory of evolution is sound. I don't understand why many people that believe in one don't believe ion the other because they're not necessarily mutually excludable. Just the fact that fossils have been found lends credence to evolution. Also, the Bible isn't necessarily literal, especially since it is inspired by God through man's imperfect and ancient mind at the time. Exodus states that the earth was created in 6 days. I don't think that means six 24 hour earth days that we have now. I think that means days as what one day means to God, which was before there was an earth that revolved around the sun in 24 hours. So, a day to God might be 100,000 million years to man. The point is, the Bible doesn't get down into the weeds about the creation of the earth because it was never intended to. Because the details are not important for God's purposes, those details are not given. So, there is nothing about the Bible that denies evolution.

As another example, in Revelations in the end of times John describes the vision he received about the wars that will take place which included flying machines that looked like scorpions which sounds like an ancient man seeing an attack helicopter like a Bell Cobra or a Hughes AH 64 Apache, and describing it the only way he can from his ancient perspective.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 9:47:15 AM EDT
The theory is sound.

We are able to affect it in fruits and veggies at a faster rate. It makes sense that things change over time. Humans are even different from what they were several hundred years ago. Size and whatnot.

Now, did God create us in a blink, then we started changing per the natural order? Or did we evolve over a long time from guppies? That is the hard question. But anyone who denies any kind of evolution with examples like in this video, is an idiot. It is obvious that plants and animals change over time into different forms.

Foods That Originally Looked Totally Different
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 9:51:25 AM EDT
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I believe in the Bible and I do think that the theory of evolution is sound. I don't understand why many people that believe in one don't believe ion the other because they're not necessarily mutually excludable. Just the fact that fossils have been found lends credence to evolution. Also, the Bible isn't necessarily literal, especially since it is inspired by God through man's imperfect and ancient mind at the time. Exodus states that the earth was created in 6 days. I don't think that means six 24 hour earth days that we have now. I think that means days as what one day means to God, which was before there was an earth that revolved around the sun in 24 hours. So, a day to God might be 100,000 million years to man. The point is, the Bible doesn't get down into the weeds about the creation of the earth because it was never intended to. Because the details are not important for God's purposes, those details are not given. So, there is nothing about the Bible that denies evolution.

As another example, in Revelations in the end of times John describes the vision he received about the wars that will take place which included flying machines that looked like scorpions which sounds like an ancient man seeing an attack helicopter like a Bell Cobra or a Hughes AH 64 Apache, and describing it the only way he can from his ancient perspective.
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Fossils lead credence to evolution?  What about the fossilized trees that go through layers and layers of fossils?  It can happen, though, through the Flood.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 9:52:20 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 9:52:20 AM EDT
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Now, did God create us in a blink, then we started changing per the natural order? Or did we evolve over a long time from guppies? That is the hard question. But anyone who denies any kind of evolution with examples like in this video, is an idiot. It is obvious that plants and animals change over time into different forms.
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What if God created man via the process described by scientists as "evolution?"  A day to God can be as long or as short as He wants it to be.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 9:55:36 AM EDT
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Do you believe man was created in the image of God?

If you reject that notion than some sort of substitute explanation must be substituted

or you can have a coke
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How do you know that man is STILL in the image of God?  God could easily be omnipotent plankton, or electrically active chemical soup in another dimension.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 9:57:29 AM EDT
In all my years here I can't recall us ever having a debate about evolution vs creationism.
Really glad we are having this important and fresh dialogue
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 9:58:02 AM EDT
I consider myself a Christian (even though I'm probably closer to being agnostic), and most definitely believe in evolution.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 9:58:52 AM EDT
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DNA testing seems to bear it out.

We share no DNA with reptiles yet we do share DNA with primates. We share less DNA with other mammals than we do with primates.
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We share plenty of dna with reptiles.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 9:58:58 AM EDT
Evolution is pretty obvious if you pay attention to the world around you or read a book.

Doesn’t however cover creation, just picks up after “something” was already here, alive.

So in gd fashion, get both
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:00:09 AM EDT
Ultimately, the theory of evolution and the assertion of creation both depend upon the answer to a single question: How did it begin?
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:01:01 AM EDT
I do believe that man was created in God’s image.

I do not believe that means physical appearance
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:01:02 AM EDT
This is a novel idea for a thread and will go well.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:01:34 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:02:06 AM EDT
It's not perfect, but it is a sound approximation of perfect.

Capable of extremely useful predictions, and that's what theories are for.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:02:20 AM EDT
evolution is somehow controlled . if it is truly random in the mutations there would at times be unfilled niches. There are none. anyrepeated  random event will occasionally roll a zero.
best I can tell that has not happened

there is something  that allows for the mutations to develop a certain way.beyond simple selection
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:02:52 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:03:00 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:03:23 AM EDT
I only pee sitting down when there is a good thread in the GD and I do not want to spill my urine on the wall.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:05:08 AM EDT
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Wolves chose to be domesticated.
Over time bored folks discovered they could breed selected traits into subsequent generations of wolves
Eventually we got dogs. Then the bored folks went for broke and came up with little dogs, big dogs, long dogs, and wrinkly dogs

But it all started when the wolves figured out that being fed was easier than hunting.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:05:38 AM EDT
This post will certainly not involve argument, it's all very clear.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:06:02 AM EDT
This thread already has all of the typical evolution vs creation tropes going on.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:07:50 AM EDT
God is a euphemism for evolution used to avoid mentioning XX vs XY drives and mating strategies.  Nu-male Christianity and leftist after the fact rape reports are different skins on the same strategy.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:08:54 AM EDT
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Do you believe man was created in the image of God?

If you reject that notion than some sort of substitute explanation must be substituted

or you can have a coke
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There you have it. If God could not have created a fully formed man in His image and woman as recorded in Genesis, but needed some mechanism such as evolution, then He is not perfect or Almighty and is not worthy of our worship.

ETA, are our new bodies promised the believers after death going to evolve, or are they going to be whole and complete out of the gate?
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:08:59 AM EDT
In this thread we see who knows the difference between an event and a process.

Abriogenesis is not a part of evolution
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:11:20 AM EDT
Living things change over time in response to their environment.

Whether it's God or whatever doing it, it happens.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:15:07 AM EDT
You could fill a very large library with the evidence for evolution with no duplicate copies.

As for creation, there's still just a couple of story and magic books to explain how that works.

I'm going with the evidence based theory.

That doesn't mean I don't believe there could be a god.   But my concept of god is one that is smart enough that he doesn't have to meddle with natural processes.  Instead, he's smart enough to create the conditions that give birth to a natural process that created us...and a whole lot more.

My version of god was smart enough to create the cosmic egg that hatched billions of years ago and progressed under its own natural laws to EVOLVE into the universe we see around us, which includes our own EVOLUTION which has of course followed those natural laws including, of course, chemistry and the principle of natural selection.

Your god may be able to do this:

But my version of god did such good work many billions of years ago that he's been on vacation ever since.  He's still watching his creation evolve.  But he doesn't have to do much in the way of "divine intervention" these days.  (not that I don't wish he wouldn't make a few "edits" to the current situation.)
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:15:48 AM EDT
Evolution occurred.  You may want to argue about how life was introduced...at this point, if you want to say God put it here, you can't be proven wrong.  But once it was here, it evolved from previous forms to present forms.  You may want to argue that God guided this process according to His will and you can't be proven wrong, but the process was there.  It's used in all our biological sciences and those sciences work.  It can be proven without a doubt that life began at least hundreds of millions of years ago.  It can be proven without a doubt that the Earth is billions of years old and the universe even older.  It can be proven without a doubt that the vast majority of species that ever lived are dead now and most died millions of years ago.  It can be proven without a doubt that humans are more recent than those other species.  It can also be proven that many of those species are closely related and share common features.

So, if you don't want to believe that evolution occurred, you're left with the scenario that God has been using the Earth as some sort of giant product testing lab, where he created species then killed them off, using similar designs, over hundreds of millions of years, for no apparent reason, until he came up with humans.

It makes more sense to me that an all-powerful God, if such a being exists, would allow things to unfold according to circumstances He set in motion initially, with the knowledge that it was going to happen exactly as He wanted it to.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:17:55 AM EDT
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I ain't no monkey, and my dog ain't no wolf.
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Branches, and changes...

Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:19:31 AM EDT
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How do you know that man is STILL in the image of God?  God could easily be omnipotent plankton, or electrically active chemical soup in another dimension.
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Do you believe man was created in the image of God?

If you reject that notion than some sort of substitute explanation must be substituted

or you can have a coke
How do you know that man is STILL in the image of God?  God could easily be omnipotent plankton, or electrically active chemical soup in another dimension.
Who says, and can prove, that this "God" even has an image?

Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:21:32 AM EDT
This is an argument i’ve been involved in before and have no desire to get involved in again on here, but one thing I have to point out, you cannot as a Christian who believes in the Bible believe in anything other than biblical creation.

I’ve already read several replies from “Christians” that say maybe it could have been evolution.  These Christians need to read their bibles.  It is not biblically possible for evolution and the Bible to both be true.  Pick a side and quit trying to ride the fence.

There was NO death before the fall of man.  (Adam and eve sinning).  The first question there is always well what about plants, didn’t they die before Adam and Eve sinned?  To God life is defined by blood.  If you don’t have blood then you don’t have life in God’s eyes.  God does not consider plants to have life in the same way as man and animals do.  No person or animal died prior to the sin of man.  Evolution is therefore impossible biblically.

Secondly, just as a drive by attack on my secularist friends here.  You people cannot seem to differentiate between adaptation and evolution.  YES we see species changing.  Yes we see a bird or a frog changing their attributes.  Do you know what they are at the end of those changes?  A bird or a frog that looks a little different.  Science has extrapolated those observable changes to create the belief system that one species can change into a different species.  There is ZERO observable and repeatable evidence of one species changing into another species.  In the last big debate I got involved with here somebody posted a big video from a professor to prove me wrong.  It showed whale skeletons that had changed over millions of years supposedly.  At the beginning of that video it was a whale skeleton, and at the end of that video it was a whale skeleton, it had just adapated, not evolved.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:23:35 AM EDT
Serious question.  If it was actually proven or able to be proven, why is it still called a theory?  Wouldn't it be called the Law of Evolution instead?
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:27:12 AM EDT
We used to have one of these threads every Thursday. Haven't seen one in a while. In for the lolz.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:28:31 AM EDT
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Serious question.  If it was actually proven or able to be proven, why is it still called a theory?  Wouldn't it be called the Law of Evolution instead?
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That isn't how scientific nomenclature works.

Things about the theory can still change given new evidence. It is INCREDIBLY unlikely for it to be ENTIRELY disproven, but we still don't understand every intricacy of Evolution, therefore it isn't a law.

Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:33:01 AM EDT
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To God life is defined by blood.  If you don’t have blood then you don’t have life in God’s eyes.  God does not consider plants to have life in the same way as man and animals do.
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What Bible verse supports this?
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:35:03 AM EDT
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DNA testing seems to bear it out.

We share no DNA with reptiles yet we do share DNA with primates. We share less DNA with other mammals than we do with primates.
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We actually share a LOT of DNA with reptiles. From what I remember in my college genetics class we share 99.9999% of our DNA with other humans, 99% with chimpanzees, 98% with other primates, at least 70% with most other animals (from ants to blue whales), and 50% with the current selectively bred variety of Dessert Bananas.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:35:48 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:36:48 AM EDT
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I ain't no monkey, and my dog ain't no wolf.
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Technically you are closer to an ape than to a monkey.

Evolution fits the available evidence well, and nobody has yet come anywhere near presenting an alternative that fits the evidence better.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:36:56 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:39:07 AM EDT

In the beginning, we were all fish. Okay? Swimming around in the water. And then one day a couple of fish had a retard baby, and the retard baby was different, so it got to live. So retard fish goes on to make more retard babies, and then one day, a retard baby fish crawled out of the ocean with its mutant fish hands and it had butt sex with a squirrel or something and made this retard frog-squirrel, and then that had a retard baby which was a monkey-fish-frog and then this monkey-fish-frog had butt sex with that monkey, and that monkey had a mutant retard baby that screwed another monkey... and that made you.
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Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:40:00 AM EDT
Its about as scientifically sound as the theory of general relativity, germ theory, theory of Heliocentrism, atomic theory, etc
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:40:36 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:42:26 AM EDT
I don't believe in people that don't believe in evolution.
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:44:07 AM EDT
Link Posted: 1/23/2018 10:44:12 AM EDT
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What Bible verse supports this?
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Leviticus 17:11
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