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Link Posted: 1/10/2019 3:45:03 AM EDT
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Maybe he figured out the American Dream is a trap?
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Link Posted: 1/10/2019 3:59:47 AM EDT
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Cajones means crates. You’re thinking of conejos.
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He's got bunnies?

Pan fry the little bastards with a white wine-sour cream reduction. Unless you meant cojones, that is. (Although rabbit testicles can also probably be pan-fried...)
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 4:03:42 AM EDT
My cousin did. Wasn’t married and no kids. He quit his steady construction job, sold his house and left with little savings. Drove to New Jersey and then followed the coast down to Florida, living in his car. A year later he had turned up in Alaska working doing logging work. Last we heard he was in Montana but no one is sure where he is now. How does someone seemingly stable choose to become a homeless wanderer, and why?
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With no obligations, I’ve heard of people doing similar things.  Get tired of all the bullshit and just wander working odd jobs.  I had a college professor that was also a government consultant and said fuck it.  Last I heard, he was working roofing jobs in Colorado with a PhD in chemistry.  He left a tenured position at my undergrad university.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 4:04:37 AM EDT
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He's got bunnies?

Pan fry the little bastards with a white wine-sour cream reduction. Unless you meant cojones, that is. (Although rabbit testicles can also probably be pan-fried...)
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Eso es el chiste, Capitán Obvio.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 4:08:43 AM EDT
I’ve known a few from work. One of them posts to FB lately and has some interesting adventures.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 4:09:37 AM EDT
I fantasize about stuff like that, but don't have the balls to do it.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 4:21:39 AM EDT
It's amazing how fast life wastes away when living in the "grind". This seems especially true to me as a single person, grinding away with the same shit everyday, 15 years have flown by and nothing has happened, same shit over and over and over and over and over.

Not exactly the same as walking away and living in a bus but I have just up and moved to a new place with no contacts no prospects no job a couple times. I get sick of a place and I leave it. I certainly can see why a person would do it.

I am doing it again with no prospects, no job and very little money(though my new place is paid for), at nearly 50 years old it is very scary starting over again but it has to be done. The alternative is to rot away in a place I don't want to be, repeating the same day over and over, miserable with my fucking savings account and my fucking traffic and my fucking "career" and my fucking fuckheads that I have to see everyday.

Nomadic life is interesting if nothing else, when a person gets sick of it they can settle.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 4:22:31 AM EDT
First and foremost, don't believe the hype.

Very few can live isolated in a car or truck for long without human contact and a hot shower and a decent bed.

Plenty of people on Youtube glamorizing the lifestyle but they aren't honest about the stress and what they really struggle with..

Spend three weeks living in your car after a hurricane in 90 degree heat and your brain goes off grid.

Try that in 20 degree winters and learn the truth about being "free ".

Running fresh water, bathrooms and a decent bed don't come easy.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 4:29:58 AM EDT
He sounds like Dr. David Banner.
Is Jack McGee looking for him?
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 4:33:51 AM EDT
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Eso es el chiste, Capitán Obvio.
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He's got bunnies?

Pan fry the little bastards with a white wine-sour cream reduction. Unless you meant cojones, that is. (Although rabbit testicles can also probably be pan-fried...)
Eso es el chiste, Capitán Obvio.
Huh. I thought this was going to be one of those "Auto-correct makes fools of us all" moments. I'll just go watch Wapner while my brother Charlie bitches about rosebushes.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 4:37:02 AM EDT
Friend of a friend quit his pizzaria job in Austin, and rode away on his bike...to Sao Paolo, Brazil over a couple years.  Smart guy, just crazy.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 4:37:12 AM EDT
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It's amazing how fast life wastes away when living in the "grind". This seems especially true to me as a single person, grinding away with the same shit everyday, 15 years have flown by and nothing has happened, same shit over and over and over and over and over.

Not exactly the same as walking away and living in a bus but I have just up and moved to a new place with no contacts no prospects no job a couple times. I get sick of a place and I leave it. I certainly can see why a person would do it.

I am doing it again with no prospects, no job and very little money(though my new place is paid for), at nearly 50 years old it is very scary starting over again but it has to be done. The alternative is to rot away in a place I don't want to be, repeating the same day over and over, miserable with my fucking savings account and my fucking traffic and my fucking "career" and my fucking fuckheads that I have to see everyday.

Nomadic life is interesting if nothing else, when a person gets sick of it they can settle.
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I had wanted to take a year off in between undergrad and med school and bum around the west with my dog hunting and living out of my truck. After I graduated and was faced with the opportunity to do so, I decided not to as I just couldn’t see myself bouncing place to place.  I think it’s a fantasy for a lot of people, but when faced with the op it’s a hard no.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 5:16:45 AM EDT
I'm sorta doing that..6 months to hike the Pacific crest trail. Next year 6months on the Appalachian trail. Year after that maybe continental divide trail...perhaps Camino De Santiago ( the French way) bum around Europe for awhile..hike Peru, Nepal, New Zealand, Patagonia...
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 5:20:22 AM EDT
Quite a few did that who I knew when I was young...…..they figured what did they have to lose by just putting the key in the ignition and go wherever the winds took them out of the Detroit ghettos.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 5:22:22 AM EDT
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It's amazing how fast life wastes away when living in the "grind". This seems especially true to me as a single person, grinding away with the same shit everyday, 15 years have flown by and nothing has happened, same shit over and over and over and over and over.

Not exactly the same as walking away and living in a bus but I have just up and moved to a new place with no contacts no prospects no job a couple times. I get sick of a place and I leave it. I certainly can see why a person would do it.

I am doing it again with no prospects, no job and very little money(though my new place is paid for), at nearly 50 years old it is very scary starting over again but it has to be done. The alternative is to rot away in a place I don't want to be, repeating the same day over and over, miserable with my fucking savings account and my fucking traffic and my fucking "career" and my fucking fuckheads that I have to see everyday.

Nomadic life is interesting if nothing else, when a person gets sick of it they can settle.
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Well don't head for the PNW, at least your rain is warm.
ETA: oops, I thought you were in FL., but still.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 5:23:05 AM EDT
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I'm sorta doing that..6 months to hike the Pacific crest trail. Next year 6months on the Appalachian trail. Year after that maybe continental divide trail...perhaps Camino De Santiago ( the French way) bum around Europe for awhile..hike Peru, Nepal, New Zealand, Patagonia...
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If you are doubting yourself at all, just do it.  I think about my plans all the time and regret following through on my dream.  I had everything planned out, but decided to put it off, I figured I would do it after med school.  Never did do it, this year I was finally in a financial place to make the trip and I had to put my dog down.  I know it’s not the same situation, but take the opportunity when you can.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 6:37:45 AM EDT
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Well don't head for the PNW, at least your rain is warm.
ETA: oops, I thought you were in FL., but still.
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It's amazing how fast life wastes away when living in the "grind". This seems especially true to me as a single person, grinding away with the same shit everyday, 15 years have flown by and nothing has happened, same shit over and over and over and over and over.

Not exactly the same as walking away and living in a bus but I have just up and moved to a new place with no contacts no prospects no job a couple times. I get sick of a place and I leave it. I certainly can see why a person would do it.

I am doing it again with no prospects, no job and very little money(though my new place is paid for), at nearly 50 years old it is very scary starting over again but it has to be done. The alternative is to rot away in a place I don't want to be, repeating the same day over and over, miserable with my fucking savings account and my fucking traffic and my fucking "career" and my fucking fuckheads that I have to see everyday.

Nomadic life is interesting if nothing else, when a person gets sick of it they can settle.
Well don't head for the PNW, at least your rain is warm.
ETA: oops, I thought you were in FL., but still.
Corpus Christi, TX probably has the same weather as Florida. I bought a place in southern AZ, a little bit colder in the winter but also a little more comfortable in the summer.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 6:44:32 AM EDT
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Chris McCandless wasn't wrong and he was just a college student. If you haven't read Into the Wild, do it now. Or at least watch the movie.
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I believe he is the fellow who starved to death in the Alaskan bush?
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 6:48:12 AM EDT
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's just another word for nothing left to lose.   - Janice Joplin Kris Kristofferson
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's just another word for nothing left to lose.   - Janice Joplin Kris Kristofferson
There, fixed it.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 6:51:12 AM EDT
I did it in my 30s. Traded my successful life and bitchy wife for a 5 gallon bucket and a fishing pole.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 6:56:23 AM EDT
I want to try living out of the Jeep for a month one summer, at least once my oldest gets at least 13-14 years old.  I think it would be a blast, and it would be the perfect bonding experience for us.  I could do it again once my other two reach the age, it would make the perfect scrapbook memories to look back on.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 6:57:33 AM EDT
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thats my retirement plan, sell the house buy a small RV and just wonder
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Same here!
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 6:59:22 AM EDT
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thats my retirement plan, sell the house buy a small RV and just wonder
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The good news is that you can wonder while parked in the Walmart parking lot.

I think about breaking loose from time to time. i'm pretty tied (psychologically) to a steady paycheck, though.  Now trying to focus on saving as much as possible so I can retire (10+ yrs out, but I'm pretty far behind), so not really in my game plan.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 7:52:19 AM EDT
Brother drove semi trucks long for years but now does it local. Back in the 80s he mentioned how people from many walks of life walked a way and now drove truck.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 8:05:21 AM EDT
Sure, if I was financially set beforehand as a crutch against starvation.  I'm old enough to know I have some limitations.

Some folks can pull that kind of thing off if they have the will, the back and a good face.  I have the first two, but the face, no.  Some folks have the face. What I mean by that is they have a face that folks instantly like. It is not good looks, exactly. Never had a lot of trouble attracting mates or potentials.  It is more a likeable charisma that others instantly take a liking too.  The kind of face that walks up and someone would instantly hire if work is sorely needed. I have a brother that is gifted in that arena.  He is a good man, of good scruples, but if he had a crooked heart, he could be a king among thieves.  I, on the other hand, would have to present my graduation certifications from from the best medical school in the nation before someone would allow me to put a bandaid on a scratch.  Luck, liking or nepotism has never shined on me, financially. I always had to pay full retail, in advance, to advance.

I'm not hitting the Yellow Brick Road with empty pockets.

I do have wanderlust, though. I don't need a lot. An example was building a teardrop camper several years ago. In a camping sense, i've always been the tent sort. Always loved looking out at the daybreak through a tent fly or from under a hammock's tarp, but I got a wild hair and built the micro camper for me an the ex a few years ago.  Comfy mattress and climate control, DVD and computer for entertainment. Tight as a drum.  We'd drag the little booger to this state park or the campground every chance we got. Cooked outside under a popup, enjoy a fire, hike or just leave the damn thing and ramble in the tow vehicle if we chose to nab a steak somewhere or a proper hotel if we chose.  No bathing options inside the little rig, but we leveled it up at places that did have showers a short walk away. I absolutely loved that kind of travel. Every new place you meet new folks to share a fire with and see new areas. A small RV with a motorcycle piggy backed would be my speed now.  RV as living quarters, bike for exploring new temporary digs.  Hell yes, I'd do that if I could right now. Post divorce, all I've been affording myself is annual trips to Wyoming and local fishing, but if I did not need to work, I'd burn the road six month of the year. The balance back staying with loved ones and taking care of my place. Financially stable wanderlust is the best wanderlust.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 8:18:23 AM EDT
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thats my retirement plan, sell the house buy a small RV and just wonder
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Me too.

Just since you used the word “wonder”, it reminded me of this vid.

Link Posted: 1/10/2019 8:20:11 AM EDT
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I believe he is the fellow who starved to death in the Alaskan bush?
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Chris McCandless wasn't wrong and he was just a college student. If you haven't read Into the Wild, do it now. Or at least watch the movie.
I believe he is the fellow who starved to death in the Alaskan bush?
Yeah, he was. A serious lack of judgement and ability to plan for circumstances did him in.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 8:24:17 AM EDT
Did it many times in my 20’s. Had skills to make decent money relatively quick and then travel.

Could be retried now (in my 30’s) if i hadn’t done it.

Still don’t like to have too much stuff.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 8:45:16 AM EDT
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A man searching for meaning to life. Not finding it in his pond, so looking for a different pond, perhaps where he fits in or where there is meaning to him.

Samurai would do Mushin Shugyo if I recall the name. They needed to test their mettle, so would go on an adventure seeking other warriors or other schools and challenge others in combat.  Partially to test their skills, and to stroke their egos. And to learn new skills. Possibly to stave off boredom if I were to guess; if you're a hammer, you're going to look for a nail, even if you don't realize you're hammer yet.

The Mexican version is machismo where you go out and act tough.

The cousin isn't a samurai so he cant challenge other fighters.  He's a modern aged man, so his self-challenge is to survive on his own wits, untethered from whatever gerbil wheel that previously imprisoned him.

Often men get restless.  We are wired to face death and laugh, to slaughter wild beasts and drag their carcasses back to the tribe, to spear lions for sport, and to best other men in single hand to hand combat.  That doesn't work in modern human social behavior.  Young boys show signs of this as they are quick to fight and want to wrestle or play cowboys and Indians.  This is role playing and training for their future roles as warriors.

This doesn't fit our modern society though.  Instead of lions and loin clothes, men wear choking ties and wrestle inanimate and obsequious negotiation tables. Oh how  he yearns for taming a wild beast or feeling the warmth of the red blood as it oozes from the ribcage as he plunges his knife into the side of the beast. Almost dinner time.  Restless at work? Bored? Stressed out and dont know why? Because we weren't wired that way.  We are living out the role of another beast, a mindless drone, not that of a man!

I firmly believe, while not a conclusive causal factor, that much of the crime committed these days is done as an outlet from the repressed man-nature inside trying to burst out.  Looking for adventure, looking for blood, looking for the adrenaline dump that our bodies are naturally designed to provide at the moment of fight or flight, when the wild beast is bearing down on us.  Because we have repressed this man, and taken away all the hunting, and defending of the tribe, it's no wonder that man is so restless and crime so rampant.

I'd say you're cousin is fine.  While perhaps internally wrestling with finding his own "Truths",  he is at least on his search.  Instead of worry, I'd see how to support.
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Excellent post.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 8:46:32 AM EDT
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A man searching for meaning to life. Not finding it in his pond, so looking for a different pond, perhaps where he fits in or where there is meaning to him.

Samurai would do Mushin Shugyo if I recall the name. They needed to test their mettle, so would go on an adventure seeking other warriors or other schools and challenge others in combat.  Partially to test their skills, and to stroke their egos. And to learn new skills. Possibly to stave off boredom if I were to guess; if you're a hammer, you're going to look for a nail, even if you don't realize you're hammer yet.

The Mexican version is machismo where you go out and act tough.

The cousin isn't a samurai so he cant challenge other fighters.  He's a modern aged man, so his self-challenge is to survive on his own wits, untethered from whatever gerbil wheel that previously imprisoned him.

Often men get restless.  We are wired to face death and laugh, to slaughter wild beasts and drag their carcasses back to the tribe, to spear lions for sport, and to best other men in single hand to hand combat.  That doesn't work in modern human social behavior.  Young boys show signs of this as they are quick to fight and want to wrestle or play cowboys and Indians.  This is role playing and training for their future roles as warriors.

This doesn't fit our modern society though.  Instead of lions and loin clothes, men wear choking ties and wrestle inanimate and obsequious negotiation tables. Oh how  he yearns for taming a wild beast or feeling the warmth of the red blood as it oozes from the ribcage as he plunges his knife into the side of the beast. Almost dinner time.  Restless at work? Bored? Stressed out and dont know why? Because we weren't wired that way.  We are living out the role of another beast, a mindless drone, not that of a man!

I firmly believe, while not a conclusive causal factor, that much of the crime committed these days is done as an outlet from the repressed man-nature inside trying to burst out.  Looking for adventure, looking for blood, looking for the adrenaline dump that our bodies are naturally designed to provide at the moment of fight or flight, when the wild beast is bearing down on us.  Because we have repressed this man, and taken away all the hunting, and defending of the tribe, it's no wonder that man is so restless and crime so rampant.

I'd say you're cousin is fine.  While perhaps internally wrestling with finding his own "Truths",  he is at least on his search.  Instead of worry, I'd see how to support.
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Excellent post!  This place really needs a like button...
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 8:53:38 AM EDT
I have a couple books and dvds on proneke, some involve more hunting or something but he is in them so I bought them as well.  While he did have stuff flown in to him it is interesting to see what all he built and how he survived with minimal contact with people.  I liked that at the end he could go visit his cabin if he wished to but was sad to see it swallowed up as a national park or whatever.  Should still be there to go see I think.  Guess it is time to dig out the dvds and watch em again.

McCandless is good book and movie.  Pick on him all you want, he had a plan and he executed it.  He was happy working for a day's wages where many people could barely live on what he was so happy to be earning.  It is good to research him and realize that yeah he ate the wrong berries but there was also a way across the river not far from where he was that hunters used, they had made a trolley or something but I have not read the book for a while and forget.

On the youtube people, I like watching folks "fulltiming" on youtube.  It is amazing to see some of them messing with hundreds of thousands of dollars when it comes to trade ins and all sorts of stuff.  Then a year or so later many of them go back to a house or buy a house and give up fulltiming.

I thank my parents that I have been to europe and seen some history.  These days as a middle aged guy there is plenty to go visit in this country.  I work my job but if you get something that gets reasonable mileage and you can crash in it then a vacation from work lets you do some traveling and what not.

By no means do I expect to drop out 100% or anything, but I also don't expect to have the regular old truck and camper either.  Campers are expensive to buy and care for usually and I just like sleeping in the vehicle cause I consider it a hard sided tent.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 9:07:39 AM EDT
A couple of years ago the wife and I quit our jobs, sold everything, bought land on a tiny island in Bocas Del Toro, Panama and moved there with our dogs with no plan. Both of us in our thirties at the time. Does that count? We were seven miles from town...by boat, in the Caribbean.

It didn't go so swell
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 9:14:05 AM EDT
A previous neighbor of mines 18-19 yo son grabbed a ruck and just started walking. Not driven by anger or resentment as he kept good communication with his family. Young man was just lost, he was exploring different religions and philosophies for a time prior to leaving.

We both kind of laughed that he' make it a day or two. I moved soon after but last I heard he made it from Central Texas to Washington state.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 9:16:40 AM EDT
Also had two college friends do it. They bought a school bus and hit the road. Bus blew up in Vegas so they traded a homeless guy the bus for his car and hauled ass back.

One of them died of an overdose in prison several years later.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 9:18:11 AM EDT
If so many of you are so miserable that this sounds appealing what are you going to do about it?
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 9:19:34 AM EDT
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Chris McCandless wasn't wrong and he was just a college student. If you haven't read Into the Wild, do it now. Or at least watch the movie.
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I don’t need any more temptation..
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 9:19:41 AM EDT
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That Guy Was AWESOME.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 9:20:54 AM EDT
I sis it in 2004 after I came home from Iraq.
Left for a year.

I am better now
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 9:24:16 AM EDT
A former employee where I used to work. Packed what he could take in his car and left. He was reported missing by his kids and they emptied his apartment and came by work and collected his stuff. He was found about a year later in Arizona. Living in his car.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 9:27:23 AM EDT
If I understood the possibilities then that I know now I would be far away and a totally different person.
When I was young I thought the only way through life was go to school, get a degree, get married, have 2.3 kids, retire and sit on the front porch swing.
If I was 18 again I would like to just wander around the world making it up as I go along.
But I ain't 18 any more.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 9:28:31 AM EDT
My grandma's brother just up and moved to Montana back in the 50's and changed his name when he got there.  Apparently when he packed up the car there must not have been enough room left for his wife and kids.  
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 9:30:58 AM EDT
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My cousin was working for the power company for two years after high school.

Hated it and was tired of the small town.

Saved all of his money for the next year (lived with his dad) and went on a 6 mo trip to Europe.

Well... It turned into a 2 year trip around the world. He has seen places I could never dream of.

He would use up his money traveling to a new place and getting a hostel somewhere, then get a job and save up until he had enough to go to the next place.

He has a YouTube channel too where he documented his entire trip.

Just moved back a month or so ago.

He is already saving up for his next trip.

I've got to admit, it takes some serious balls to go out on your own with no backup plan. I'm proud of him.
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My brother did pretty much the same thing.

He had a great time. Got a new job now.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 9:34:02 AM EDT
I know of a guy that packed his stuff and drove off to Florida to live in his car. He didn’t even quit his job, just decided to disappear.

From what I understand, several hours into the drive, he changed his mind and turned around.

Link Posted: 1/10/2019 9:34:40 AM EDT
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Chris McCandless wasn't wrong and he was just a college student. If you haven't read Into the Wild, do it now. Or at least watch the movie.
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Saw the movie and really liked it. However, living in a broken but in the Alaskan wilderness doesn't appeal to me.
Sleeping on the beach in a tropical paradise is more my style.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 9:38:49 AM EDT
my brother in law does this, but he stays at a place for 2-3 yrs then packs his back pack and moves on
he leaves anything he acquired , just gets up and goes, he has been to hawaii, then to maryland, colorado, NJ, now in miami

when he gets to a place, mostly by train, he lives a hobo life until he can get a job and get enough money for an apartment
lives and works there for a time, then just leaves and goes somewhere else.

sounds like he is having a good time, but it must be a tough way to go thru life
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 9:40:25 AM EDT
Been there and done it.

Highly recommended that everyone try it once.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 9:46:10 AM EDT
My dads parents sold everything in their late 60's and took off in a smaller motorhome. This was way before cellphones and he would hear from them every few months.

They did this for 10 plus years untill my grandma passed and grampa used his remaing funds to buy a mobilehome close to my parents to live out his life.

He had some great stories about their time on the road.

Growing up I would ask about them and my dad would laugh and just say they were blowing his inheritance.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 9:47:46 AM EDT
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If so many of you are so miserable that this sounds appealing what are you going to do about it?
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Go. Not so hard core as the OPs example in my case, I don't require that level of mobility and have a rough plan. Get sick of this place move to the next.
I did it 15 years ago and 10 years before that and will do it again in a year or two(about 6-7 years past due).
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 9:52:13 AM EDT
Some days I think about quitting my job, selling my house and driving around in my truck/ towing my raft and fishing Wyoming, Montana and Idaho on the daily.
Link Posted: 1/10/2019 9:53:51 AM EDT
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Maybe he figured out the American Dream is a trap?
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A trap for him.

I love having a wife, kids, 2 car garage, 8-5 job. It’s not an unique adventure, but it’s still an adventure if you want it to be. Some dudes are loners and prefer that to having kids and a family. Nothing wrong with that at all. I prefer reliving the discovery and wonder through my little kid’s experiences. To me going and seeing things is a quarter of the fun; sharing those things with your wife and/or kids, that’s the good stuff!!!
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