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Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:06:40 PM EDT
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No it is not true unless we are operating on the assumption that this is owner's wishes. Jesus.
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So the police call a stock holders meeting together in order to cite someone for tresspassing at walmart?

Where the fuck do we come up with this shit.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:07:17 PM EDT
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It's funny how easy it is to make libs lose their shit. It's like they spend their entire life teetering on the edge of hysterics.
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Word. I sincerely believe Leftists are ALL like Ginger Boy, just waiting to come out.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:09:24 PM EDT
Employee is this same kid 4.5 years later?

Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:09:48 PM EDT
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That's true.

Now add the white knights for dumbasses here and how this nation ended up in the mess it's in becomes more clear.
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Just some dumb fuck who thinks the shop should bake that cake, arguing with a dumber fuck who works in a vape shop.

The American electorate, folks.
That's true.

Now add the white knights for dumbasses here and how this nation ended up in the mess it's in becomes more clear.
Look at you guys in your ivory tower.  So impressive.  *click* used for a bunch of you guys.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:10:20 PM EDT
At first I was like ,  but then I was

That was a grown man having a full blown tantrum like a child because somone was wearing a t-shirt he didn’t like.

I feel for the company owners.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:10:53 PM EDT
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Let's review GA Trespassing laws shall we?

§ 16-7-21. Criminal trespass

(a)  A person commits the offense of criminal trespass when he or she intentionally damages any property of another without consent of that other person and the damage thereto is $500.00 or less or knowingly and maliciously interferes with the possession or use of the property of another person without consent of that person.

(b)  A person commits the offense of criminal trespass when he or she knowingly and without authority:

(1)  Enters upon the land or premises of another person or into any part of any vehicle, railroad car, aircraft, or watercraft of another person for an unlawful purpose;

(2)  Enters upon the land or premises of another person or into any part of any vehicle, railroad car, aircraft, or watercraft of another person after receiving, prior to such entry, notice from the owner, rightful occupant, or, upon proper identification, an authorized representative of the owner or rightful occupant that such entry is forbidden; or

(3)  Remains upon the land or premises of another person or within the vehicle, railroad car, aircraft, or watercraft of another person after receiving notice from the owner, rightful occupant, or, upon proper identification, an authorized representative of the owner or rightful occupant to depart.

(c)  For the purposes of subsection (b) of this Code section, permission to enter or invitation to enter given by a minor who is or is not present on or in the property of the minor's parent or guardian is not sufficient to allow lawful entry of another person upon the land, premises, vehicle, railroad car, aircraft, or watercraft owned or rightfully occupied by such minor's parent or guardian if such parent or guardian has previously given notice that such entry is forbidden or notice to depart.

(d)  A person who commits the offense of criminal trespass shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

(e)  A person commits the offense of criminal trespass when he or she intentionally defaces, mutilates, or defiles any grave marker, monument, or memorial to one or more deceased persons who served in the military service of this state, the United States of America or any of the states thereof, or the Confederate States of America or any of the states thereof, or a monument, plaque, marker, or memorial which is dedicated to, honors, or recounts the military service of any past or present military personnel of this state, the United States of America or any of the states thereof, or the Confederate States of America or any of the states thereof if such grave marker, monument, memorial, plaque, or marker is privately owned or located on land which is privately owned.
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Just some dumb fuck who thinks the shop should bake that cake, arguing with a dumber fuck who works in a vape shop.

The American electorate, folks.
That's true.

Now add the white knights for dumbasses here and how this nation ended up in the mess it's in becomes more clear.
No it is not true unless we are operating on the assumption that this is owner's wishes. Jesus.
Let's review GA Trespassing laws shall we?

§ 16-7-21. Criminal trespass

(a)  A person commits the offense of criminal trespass when he or she intentionally damages any property of another without consent of that other person and the damage thereto is $500.00 or less or knowingly and maliciously interferes with the possession or use of the property of another person without consent of that person.

(b)  A person commits the offense of criminal trespass when he or she knowingly and without authority:

(1)  Enters upon the land or premises of another person or into any part of any vehicle, railroad car, aircraft, or watercraft of another person for an unlawful purpose;

(2)  Enters upon the land or premises of another person or into any part of any vehicle, railroad car, aircraft, or watercraft of another person after receiving, prior to such entry, notice from the owner, rightful occupant, or, upon proper identification, an authorized representative of the owner or rightful occupant that such entry is forbidden; or

(3)  Remains upon the land or premises of another person or within the vehicle, railroad car, aircraft, or watercraft of another person after receiving notice from the owner, rightful occupant, or, upon proper identification, an authorized representative of the owner or rightful occupant to depart.

(c)  For the purposes of subsection (b) of this Code section, permission to enter or invitation to enter given by a minor who is or is not present on or in the property of the minor's parent or guardian is not sufficient to allow lawful entry of another person upon the land, premises, vehicle, railroad car, aircraft, or watercraft owned or rightfully occupied by such minor's parent or guardian if such parent or guardian has previously given notice that such entry is forbidden or notice to depart.

(d)  A person who commits the offense of criminal trespass shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

(e)  A person commits the offense of criminal trespass when he or she intentionally defaces, mutilates, or defiles any grave marker, monument, or memorial to one or more deceased persons who served in the military service of this state, the United States of America or any of the states thereof, or the Confederate States of America or any of the states thereof, or a monument, plaque, marker, or memorial which is dedicated to, honors, or recounts the military service of any past or present military personnel of this state, the United States of America or any of the states thereof, or the Confederate States of America or any of the states thereof if such grave marker, monument, memorial, plaque, or marker is privately owned or located on land which is privately owned.
Gee guy, I know this already.  I was responding to the bake a cake assertion which you seemed to double down on.  It is not the same i.e. not a true analogy if the store owner doesn't want people barred from service for wearing a Trump shirt.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:12:10 PM EDT
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Look at you guys in your ivory tower.  So impressive.  *click* used for a bunch of you guys.
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Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:12:29 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:13:18 PM EDT
Bake that cake, bitch.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:14:50 PM EDT
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Trump shirt wearer is trespassing.

Entitled prick thinks he can force a private business to sell him things. lol.

Ginger boy is meltdown central.

Couple of real winners.
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not really, liberals don't play by those rules why should he.  He gave them a taste of their own medicine
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:14:55 PM EDT
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Gee guy, I know this already.  I was responding to the bake a cake assertion which you seemed to double down on.  It is not the same i.e. not a true analogy if the store owner doesn't want people barred from service for wearing a Trump shirt.
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I haven't been talking anywhere in this thread about baking cakes.  The poster I responded to was (probably as an analogy I assume).  I've been talking about trespassing.

Reading is fundamental.  Clearly you aren't reading my posts.  It's hard to have a conversation with someone if they don't read what you actually say.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:15:15 PM EDT
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Employee is this same kid 4.5 years later?

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I love it when the kid lets out his inner billy goat.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:15:32 PM EDT
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Kind of surprised the vape guy is employed maybe it's his stepdad's store
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"Working" at a vape shop, is being very loose with the term "employed".
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:16:14 PM EDT
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Let's review Texas state law on Trespassing shall we?

Texas Penal Code - PENAL § 30.05. Criminal Trespass

(a) A person commits an offense if the person enters or remains on or in property of another, including residential land, agricultural land, a recreational vehicle park, a building, or an aircraft or other vehicle, without effective consent and the person:

(1) had notice that the entry was forbidden; ?or

(2) received notice to depart but failed to do so.

(b) For purposes of this section:

(1) “Entry” means the intrusion of the entire body.

(2) “Notice” means:

(A) oral or written communication by the owner or someone with apparent authority to act for the owner;
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You, and the other guy, seem to be ignoring the next important step, which is swearing out the trespass warning. That requires a cop to show up while the trespasser is still there and the cop to warn the trespasser to leave and to not return. There's nothing to cite until that happens. Also, if there is a manager or the owner is on site, the clerk can't do shit except ask the proper authority to handle it.

This is Georgia though, and my point is that too many people are trying to apply their own State's laws here, which is dumb.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:16:54 PM EDT
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not really, liberals don't play by those rules why should he.  He gave them a taste of their own medicine
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Trump shirt wearer is trespassing.

Entitled prick thinks he can force a private business to sell him things. lol.

Ginger boy is meltdown central.

Couple of real winners.
not really, liberals don't play by those rules why should he.  He gave them a taste of their own medicine
Pretty much.  Why we insist losing at all costs is beyond me.  They will never hold themselves to their own standards.  We do, and constantly lose.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:17:49 PM EDT
Don't forget, this meme template exists.  
Attachment Attached File
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:17:56 PM EDT
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piece of shit in the TRUMP shirt is trespassing. He feels entitled to force to store to do business with him.

He's probably conservative, but he's still a POS snowflake.
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You don't like Trump either, eh?
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:19:17 PM EDT
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I haven't been talking anywhere in this thread about baking cakes.  I've been talking about trespassing.

Reading is fundamental.  Clearly you aren't reading my posts.  It's hard to have a conversation with someone if they don't read what you actually say.
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The guy wasn't trespassing, he was in a public business trying to buy a product.  The insane clerk assaulted him on video.  No Georgia LEO would ticket him
for trespassing.  The clerk would be the one in trouble. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:19:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:19:46 PM EDT
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So the police call a stock holders meeting together in order to cite someone for tresspassing at walmart?

Where the fuck do we come up with this shit.
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No it is not true unless we are operating on the assumption that this is owner's wishes. Jesus.

So the police call a stock holders meeting together in order to cite someone for tresspassing at walmart?

Where the fuck do we come up with this shit.
We?  You seemed to have come up with that retarded post all on your own.  You can't even spell trespassing so I wouldn't guess you know anything about it.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:21:36 PM EDT
The clerk asked him to leave, instead he stood around filming a YouTube video. The clerk should have simply called 911. The guy leaves or he goes to jail. He can take it up with the owner later.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:22:45 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:23:29 PM EDT
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Do my bidding
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That was the best part, dude was like, whats one last button I can push ............yep that will do it
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:24:38 PM EDT
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Trump shirt wearer is trespassing.

Entitled prick thinks he can force a private business to sell him things. lol.

Ginger boy is meltdown central.

Couple of real winners.
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Uh just because a lunatic employee screams GTFO over a shirt doesn't mean he is trespassing.....  Sorry your girl lost.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:26:09 PM EDT
It’s fun to watch these threads turn into a bunch of jailhouse lawyers arguing!
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:27:07 PM EDT
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You, and the other guy, seem to be ignoring the next important step, which is swearing out the trespass warning. That requires a cop to show up while the trespasser is still there and the cop to warn the trespasser to leave and to not return. There's nothing to cite until that happens. Also, if there is a manager or the owner is on site, the clerk can't do shit except ask the proper authority to handle it.

This is Georgia though, and my point is that too many people are trying to apply their own State's laws here, which is dumb.
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Please point out where that is in TX state law.  I will help you......it isn't.

According to TX state law, all that is required to make a trespassing case is for someone in authority to tell someone else to leave.  If the person leaves after being told to, no trespassing occurred.  If the person refuses to leave (as your hero did in this case), then BY TX STATE LAW, Trump shirt did commit trespassing (if it had happened in TX).

In many cases, the clerk or manager just wants the person to leave.  If the person leaves once LE shows up, then normally they are happy with that and that's where it ends.  However, if the person in authority still wants to pursue it, then a law violation did still occur.

As far as your manager on site comment, no shit.  I assume everyone here would agree with that.  In this case the clerk was speaking for the manager/owner at the time of this incident.  But, it seems pretty logical to believe that the retard clerk was speaking for the manager/owner because if said manager/owner was present on site at the time, a rational use of logic would indicate that the manager/owner would step in once he/she saw there was an issue.  But, from the video, that didn't happen.  So, dumbass clerk was speaking for the manager/owner at that time.  You don't have to like it...you just have to accept it BECAUSE THAT'S HOW THE LAW WORKS IN TX AND GA.  We can research other states if you like.

The lesson here for managers/owners, make sure you trust the person who will be speaking for you/representing you in your absence.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:27:56 PM EDT
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I haven't been talking anywhere in this thread about baking cakes.  The poster I responded to was (probably as an analogy I assume).  I've been talking about trespassing.

Reading is fundamental.  Clearly you aren't reading my posts.  It's hard to have a conversation with someone if they don't read what you actually say.
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Gee guy, I know this already.  I was responding to the bake a cake assertion which you seemed to double down on.  It is not the same i.e. not a true analogy if the store owner doesn't want people barred from service for wearing a Trump shirt.
I haven't been talking anywhere in this thread about baking cakes.  The poster I responded to was (probably as an analogy I assume).  I've been talking about trespassing.

Reading is fundamental.  Clearly you aren't reading my posts.  It's hard to have a conversation with someone if they don't read what you actually say.
lol you quoted his post and said that is true and went on about white knighting.  Maybe you should take your own advice and take better care of what you're quoting.  As to trespassing, any cop who was worth a shit and not lazy would be able to solve this without citing the customer or putting him on trespass notice if the owner confirmed the clerk was not acting in good faith.  Given the nature of this incident, if you're citing the guy or giving notice without at least attempting to contact him or the manager, you're a shitty cop.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:28:47 PM EDT
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I don't think Trump voter is a protected class.
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But I can make someone bake me a gay cake, amirite?
I don't think Trump voter is a protected class.
Not directly, no.

But people are apparently protected based on their sexual preferences and the employee is obviously an extremist hate filled heterophobe who was discriminating on the false assumption that all Trump voters are straight.

And he called the customer a racist which is hate speech when directed against Whites. See, liberals claim that all Whites are racist unless they are liberals, and therefore calling a White person a racist is racist hate speech.

And you can't discriminate against national origin. The customer is clearly an American and the employee is apparently part of a genocidal hate group known as the anti-Americans who want to exterminate all Americans.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:29:17 PM EDT
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If you saw more than one asshole, you are part of the problem.
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This.  The false equivalency in GD is mind boggling.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:31:40 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:31:56 PM EDT
That is some funny shit.

Liberals truly are mentally ill
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:33:01 PM EDT
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Trump shirt wearer is trespassing.

Entitled prick thinks he can force a private business to sell him things. lol.

Ginger boy is meltdown central.

Couple of real winners.
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Cashier cannot kick out customers, the manager/owner can.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:33:19 PM EDT
The shop is still open tonight.  Should I call and ask if they have any maga merchandise for sale?
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:33:20 PM EDT
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Employee is this same kid 4.5 years later?

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Please tell me this REALLY IS the same person..

Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:33:40 PM EDT
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The company's Facebook page is getting blasted

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Imagine being the owner and logging in to facebook right about now, just as your weekend starts.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:33:44 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:33:50 PM EDT
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Cashier cannot kick out customers, the manager/owner can.
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lol here we go again.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:34:22 PM EDT
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lol you quoted his post and said that is true and went on about white knighting.  Maybe you should take your own advice and take better care of what you're quoting.  As to trespassing, any cop who was worth a shit and not lazy would be able to solve this without citing the customer or putting him on trespass notice if the owner confirmed the clerk was not acting in good faith.  If you're citing the guy or giving notice without at least attempting to contact him or the manager, you're a shitty cop.  Let me guess, you're a nevertrumper?
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Gee guy, I know this already.  I was responding to the bake a cake assertion which you seemed to double down on.  It is not the same i.e. not a true analogy if the store owner doesn't want people barred from service for wearing a Trump shirt.
I haven't been talking anywhere in this thread about baking cakes.  The poster I responded to was (probably as an analogy I assume).  I've been talking about trespassing.

Reading is fundamental.  Clearly you aren't reading my posts.  It's hard to have a conversation with someone if they don't read what you actually say.
lol you quoted his post and said that is true and went on about white knighting.  Maybe you should take your own advice and take better care of what you're quoting.  As to trespassing, any cop who was worth a shit and not lazy would be able to solve this without citing the customer or putting him on trespass notice if the owner confirmed the clerk was not acting in good faith.  If you're citing the guy or giving notice without at least attempting to contact him or the manager, you're a shitty cop.  Let me guess, you're a nevertrumper?
Most likely this whole display of human stupidity would be resolved by Trump shirt leaving.  Case closed.  On to more important things.  If they both wanted to pursue it (and both are clearly morons) then two citations resolves it for the time being.

Please post links to me being a nevertrumper.  Feel free to pull from any portion of this site.  You know that whole ASSuming thing?  I'm up for awhile tonight.  I'll wait.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:37:51 PM EDT
Ginger should have sold the man what he wanted and then he would have left.  First rule of business, don’t get mad at your pocket book.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:38:09 PM EDT
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Cashier cannot kick out customers, the manager/owner can.
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Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:38:12 PM EDT
The google review page for the store is being slammed.

Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:39:12 PM EDT
"Uhhh...  Gotta business card?"
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:39:42 PM EDT
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Ginger should have sold the man what he wanted and then he would have left.  First rule of business, don’t get mad at your pocket book.
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That's why businesses should stay out of politics if they want to remain in business.  And, make sure you hire employees who understand that.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:40:25 PM EDT
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According to the SCOTUS. but that's not me.

Doesn't mean you aren't trespassing when you are asked to leave private property.

I never understood this mentality.

I always think of my own home. If someone is there and I want them to leave, they better fucking leave... regardless of circumstances - I can be acting like the biggest asshole ever and be completely wrong, but if it's my house and I ask them to leave - you fucking leave.

That's the way it has to work. It's not a power trip, I don't agree with screeching ginger, but that's how it is. If I was in someone else's home and they asked me to leave, even if they were wrong and completely offensive, etc etc etc, I would just immediately leave - it's their house.
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But I can make someone bake me a gay cake, amirite?
According to the SCOTUS. but that's not me.

Doesn't mean you aren't trespassing when you are asked to leave private property.

I never understood this mentality.

I always think of my own home. If someone is there and I want them to leave, they better fucking leave... regardless of circumstances - I can be acting like the biggest asshole ever and be completely wrong, but if it's my house and I ask them to leave - you fucking leave.

That's the way it has to work. It's not a power trip, I don't agree with screeching ginger, but that's how it is. If I was in someone else's home and they asked me to leave, even if they were wrong and completely offensive, etc etc etc, I would just immediately leave - it's their house.
Your analogy would be correct however, apples to apples would be your Gardner is mowing your lawn. You are out of town. A disgruntled ex employee of the Gardner comes on your property and argues with your Gardner.

Your Gardner tells his ex employee to get the fuck off his lawn, he’s working.

Neither parties own your property so can they kick one another off your land?
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:41:41 PM EDT
Full grown child.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:42:36 PM EDT
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Most likely this whole display of human stupidity would be resolved by Trump shirt leaving.  Case closed.  On to more important things.  If they both wanted to pursue it (and both are clearly morons) then two citations resolves it for the time being.

Please post links to me being a nevertrumper.  Feel free to pull from any portion of this site.  You know that whole ASSuming thing?
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Gee guy, I know this already.  I was responding to the bake a cake assertion which you seemed to double down on.  It is not the same i.e. not a true analogy if the store owner doesn't want people barred from service for wearing a Trump shirt.
I haven't been talking anywhere in this thread about baking cakes.  The poster I responded to was (probably as an analogy I assume).  I've been talking about trespassing.

Reading is fundamental.  Clearly you aren't reading my posts.  It's hard to have a conversation with someone if they don't read what you actually say.
lol you quoted his post and said that is true and went on about white knighting.  Maybe you should take your own advice and take better care of what you're quoting.  As to trespassing, any cop who was worth a shit and not lazy would be able to solve this without citing the customer or putting him on trespass notice if the owner confirmed the clerk was not acting in good faith.  If you're citing the guy or giving notice without at least attempting to contact him or the manager, you're a shitty cop.  Let me guess, you're a nevertrumper?
Most likely this whole display of human stupidity would be resolved by Trump shirt leaving.  Case closed.  On to more important things.  If they both wanted to pursue it (and both are clearly morons) then two citations resolves it for the time being.

Please post links to me being a nevertrumper.  Feel free to pull from any portion of this site.  You know that whole ASSuming thing?
It was a question due to them outing themselves in every thread about anything involving Trump with intellectual dishonesty and cognitive dissonance. It would be much easier and better police work if the cop showed some initiative and solved it right there given time and opportunity.
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:42:42 PM EDT
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:44:14 PM EDT
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The google review page for the store is being slammed.

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HIT! @Beltfed308    
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:44:36 PM EDT
Clerk should hook up with Trigglypuff.

"Take your Trump shirt outta my safe space" REEEEEEEEEE
Link Posted: 12/28/2018 11:45:53 PM EDT
"Do my bidding"

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